I BKAR IN MINI) T HAT Z NKXT TUESDAY TOUR DUTY MUST TAKE YOU TO v .ai.. -. . .... ' uaaas. X (Erilnmc. j IMDUSTBIAX rENNsvi.VA- HI A XPCWWMY m. tk:tiomt to do nv Di: iV to w.vun srtt.Gltou, EIGHT PAGES--56 COLUMNS, SCR ANTON. PA.. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY PROGRE Hum SIT 1KB HIT EJUS Ttffi mm i w oiniwi uwro lB)lnul!JyE HARRISON ON HARD TIMES treat Speech of the Ex President at Mill-ipolls. REMINISCENCES OF OTHER DAYS He Attributes the Present Depres sion to the Democratic W.ir on a Protective Taritt m a Speech Be fore the Indiana Lincoln League. The Republican Theory Favors Legislation That Will Provide Com. i:rts tor the Worklngman. Soldiers' Orphan Schools commission. On the motion to nuke permanent the Injunction restrstninf then from act ing in tii matter or selsetlng a ilta fr tbs Sol. tiers' Orpbaa tidaetriel Nbool Counsel foe Captain. Sklo&st eon tended that ths tonrl iiil no iorlsdtc lion in the question of in till to a stat in the legislature. up.n which hinged bis rlht to ummhciahtp on the oommlssion, sod thai the boost of rep rsasntetteec only doi)I i dstermins the title to hit MMt therein, and tutlhoi', thai thu ioi of 1893 oootluoed thsoom mltstotl at tlien e instituted, thus con firming Captain skinner's i ..-m wool ! in the selection of a site for the new i institution Tbootbertldt oontendod that when Captain Bkluner seoepted and quoit' I fled at r mted States pension t;nt at I Pittsburg, he vacated his aeat hsu I member of the tsatslatore, and also us a niembst of the commission, Doot lion aral reserved. THE BARCELONA'S VOYAGE. Inpi. TOE lndiai publicai bobtbbI iug M.r BDlAMAFOUS, lad. Feb 14. iau Lincolu leagot of Ke icau clubs held its aunuai caution here today. re elect log BtatOOS ri. u.rr, el Midi sou. presided, and R K Maosneld, of M uucte. secretary TOa reports showed over 900 clnbs la active operation, lu the .vaaitig a uisaa tucetiu; was held, tt Which i President Harrison uia.le a speo i. He said Mr President sud Fellow CtttBOBS There are some poop HI WOO to;.! tti: au ei-preeiden; should bo a political dea(- uiu'.e. :uufi::er I do uo: accapl IBS passage theory A ssaa woo Bas 0oa SonofM by bis fellow atueus with toe highest BtTU l .ace iu the gcveruoieu: c -is'a: uot :o have Twenty one Days in an Almost Con tinuous Gale the Steamer Is Tossed About Like Cork. THE WOO L MEN ARE L Fiinit'.it Fl.t for a Hutlog Bt'foro ibo Bmate GonolUee, THEY HOPE FOR A SMALL DUTY Senator Bl ue, ot Ohio, and 1 wo or I hi oo Others Saul to Kivor a Small Duty on Wool 1 he FlnsnCB Corn-milti-e Will Lndeami to Hotramu a rorlfl Bill Which All Domocrattc I actions Will Support. W tBRIMa l"N. Pot TUT. wool man urn prapario link ' a Bnal effort to got a log btfON the senate til oommlttao. and bogin to in le intereet la tS.'se -.h ue toatOOOOaCO the pins Wlll) and happiness of the peOQSS or lit jiory ot :iie OOOktfl thau he bad before he took tbe office. l7oaM ba was 00 elceptlocally dall mac. he mut iu tbe cvmac: with jrea: ai'rs aud atith ktrea: mea have acquired aa enlarged under standing of tajee pnaotpaas tOal euter into the administration of the govern ment. riie prjsec: eonditua ft oar country it not one of pr sperity We wrr.. recent. y prosperous and the recent prosperity ar enjoyed was ao; due to any rnal but to a great pciicy tbt had been adopted aud pat iu;o law ac t '.onz aaaiatsiaaal The ;reent OaMOm whica .Te ec.'oy is not d ie to any man, but, as I tc: :k. to ta- im ui-n-;nt tarest of a revere, of the oid po -.:y and the mst:tati:n of a new one. Ap psaBBO DM0CR-vrc tvw i ? the T.-.r.irr I am aot one of the sx:n: Undmarits. bat my mind ess :y rnns baci to a time when Thorns A. Hsndnck and Joseph E. JlcL'ccaid w-re reprvsentatiT Indiana bm.-:rat. i hare hea.-j my esteemed and lamented friend. Hr. tWlTtnaalil, ex pooai the Democratic viw of tee tariff. U; said that it was tbe accpted pnaeiple of tSe IVmocran.' parry that the STpsnsea of the Toreramsnt sft'oaol be ranl by BaUTaz Fob. U - At noou to-dy tne steamer Bareelons. Captain (.'amp boll, arrive ! from St. .lolius, N. F. The running from there was rough and considerable ice wis met with, large patches of it extending along ttie Nova Scotia c .st The steamer's from Liverpool to St Johns OOBOpltd 91 days an I the captain says it was a GOBtiuBBtion of gl-s. in fact hurricanes of winds and heavy seas from the time of leaving port until anchor was dropped Sets of enormous height swept over tbe suip, tdTBOOlog like might v cliffs, Her deck was swept continutlly. one sea taking the stcotfd mate aim at over tne side. He cautit a hue and miui Bgod to save himself Tba oaptain aoi ta'ned an injure to the N'o. cook ing coul l be done from th- titu tha vessel left p?rt until she got within 300 miles ot this coast, uud it was uupos sible to pass leteeu decks attunes Tne alleways were waist deep in water Life Lues had to be carried all tnrough her to enable the men to work One sea broke over her. staving in the life bottsan l breaking one com pletely. carrying off the akyiight of the engine room and the cooks' ventilator, and narly .takin; tbe funnel in its cour. Then tba stearins gear broke, the steel wire snap ping like pack thread. This was quick y repaired and the ship es caped tnjarv which might have arisen from h-r being uncontrollable. As the day s wore on with no decrease in tb 'tonn. tna fnel became scarce a., l tne .' . - - - . . . , n. i i hm: ni-lt IhaA .a lA.inz i-. I Viu'm'Jin u-gau io BC. low uu hi r.-r'T j:tt:a. ttT sccat-t isp's '. :p r. :tu articles and ia saca a way as to sire in-ai-ntai prc-ection to tbe American maau lacrarer and the laborer. Tha: waa th old l mccm-i- i:-"r.n. If it were apphed now. if the Alison bid h4btc l ,c:r-. ttti to these line it woo d nc: have b-a SO hirtfol becau'o the present necessitwaof the govarnment arc sa'.-h. th '3U id f jr sch a large sum to mt our anneal xpecditare.bat if this sam wr b.jW to be collected by cutomi dntien imp. od by men who bait no theoneo to exploit and who were sin cereiy friendly tc the American manufac tnrer and laborer, we might get along pretty w! appiansp;. but tn-re has come a oew Gcspei. and a new erned has br. aiiopted by tne Lmorratit party, and it seeau to b now the theory that all pro tection is BSMBtHBtaOBOl and that it is better to reiort ' xceptional. "itraordi- the cargo was taken for fnel. eTou wsstt wis burned. Threa bun lrd miles off th New Fouadland coast, tha struck ice an 1 padbajl thronn large qnsntitiesi of n-vy sheets which extended nearly to tee shore. During the storm tha cargo shifted and a number of packages were smashed to atoms. SKiN GRAF T IN S. Frtsodt of Jirm th Hulic Will Coa tribnt Towardi a Nsw Cor.rim Pottsville. Pa.. Feb. H Jeremiah Haling, of Schnlykill Haven, who trire m-.nt.hs atro had th .tin trir,r,MH from Mi right l-giu a railroad acci ' dent at QraatOO, has not vet recovered 007, aad eras odiooa msh si ot direct I fvoa but lBjnriao aad bla cat bu baf- in ernal ti taan to driva tbe necwuarv revenue from importation. Applause. TUB OVEP.yrs tTaR T.vXEB. 7T -t U oBr BgaBOtftool about he war tar.ff ami fte i ir tax -a. Th;y wf;re rr.eroj la it: -i.r-ma; tOOy sesrened oot vty soorce of rrr.u. foreign and mv-r-naL The tax-g.r.hrr .aid his claim npor. every man and upon all property. Bot so toon aa the government bM xtr. .vrd it 'if from th.- stress of the war Rnpnolican r,r.srr--" : t. v.r or r moving those war taxes. I well r'mftmbr while I wss In the senate tb passage of a bill repealing the law MspoftBKitaaBB datie on patent ro- di Cinsi, prfainery. and aocb like BftiSiBt. It left r'rr.aiLirig of tttt iBtBTMl tax only the iutioa oo whiskey, beer and tobar.rf.. And now ti7 those who btv so of'-n and v, VigoCOtBW dBBOWBBBf war taxes, w are invitil so use MM methods of fax that hav been ge'i. erally nsed in tim- ,l war. What is the explanation of this- is It that du'Kn can not so laid a to raisi the ner..r7 reveuuesf Not at all: it is that there are thoso who ere. not willing that even the Ir.rtdentsl protoottBB that revolts from the collection of rim NfOaBa necsnary to snp jrt the government abotl go to the ta n-tit of tn. American mannfaotnrer tad labotOf. Applause. 1 THE lii Ti 'il THE '10VK.U5MENT. It Is generally arreptel now as aright principle that oar city coijnctls.oar tonnty commlss onors, our state legislators shonld ad leg slate to create wot a for thu on employed iou may rvd in the am.. newspaper, on one pagt, nn app-nl to the dry council to appropt late money to Inaagurato a public work to give em ploy mont to the. BOOBployof), and on another, an article favoring tin: prop toad system of UWifl rodOCttoB Hint close. American mills. (Applause. The It-, (aibllcan theory has tnn all OlOBg that, it was right to ao 'egilate as to provide work, employment, comfort, to the Amerl can workltiirman. Wn believe that the national government haa a duty in this respect a. well as the city coonrtl and IBs bonrd of county comtni .sioiieraiiliii , end that duty is best discharged by ao legislating that American mills can ktSp tbeir firei going. Applause 4 REDUCING THEIR FORCE. Th Csntral of New J.rsay Ha. Dia pan. ad With Engln In.pio'ore. PniLUpsni1:' . N J., Feb. 14 The Central llanroad company to-day issued orders that engine, inspectors at round houses here anil along the line ho dispensed with. The riv ordars will compel the laying off of from three to five men at each round house be twean Jersey City and Scranton. Hereafter engineers will have to In spect their engines before leaving work and report to the round house foreman should any repairs be necessary. fled the efforts of th lee! physicians. The unfortunate man was tbfTfors takn to th Miner's Hospital Sine hl ilinvss jeveral nttin;.ts ha7 been made to r.gnft skin from several of i.i friend upon the injured leg. Tne effort wre ail failures and to day a BlOOOd trial wm made at the hospital Three of Hnling's friends permitted pieces of skin to h'i taken from different parts of their bodies. CONDEMNING UNLAWFUL PAYMENTS CnitM Bfin. (forks! of Am'iic In Rssi n st Altooqa. AJTOOBA, Fob. 14 At today e lion of !)istrict No. 2 United Mini Workers of Am'-rics, resolutions wre BOOptOd BOOOamolOg the operators for BBlBwfallr making monthly pavmer.ts, nd npjjaailng to tiie minrt to DM every lawful means to uphold th semi-monthly pay law Further appealing to the fsiory In apector t'. proooratO tOOO who are grossly violating the law OfflCBfl will lei elected tomorrow CAPTAIN SKINNER'S CASE Orphan Mora Argumsnt In th Soldi. rs School Bit Wradbl. Harrisburo, Feb. 14 Jndoo 8im onton heard arfrmnsnt this afternoon In the injunction proceedings against Captain (roorge W, Hkinner aud tba And th. End Is Not, Y.it Otwioo, Jf. Ti fob. 14. f tin RtrpobM r,an. yesterdey elected i ll nine of the an perviaor of Tioga coantv. It. is the Urnt time that the entire hoard has Ixieo Itc pohllcan in many year. . i i IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Thorns B. f'olemnii, Itonosdale, was griBtad an Increase of pension 'I he President yesterday .erit to the H.-n-ata thefodlowiiig nominations of posunai ters: )nbinylviiina I-rank Mclinniilil, Dunmoro, K1siui Warner, alontroae I rank Miko. w ho shot and killed Woe taw UOOkAf IIS, near MOtOfToiO on If OV ,!l was found trinity of murder of the s-coiid degree in the Clearfield county court. , Augtisl F Hem.. ...f Philadelphia, a Nhlrt iniiuinaiirqrer, commuted suicide by booting hlrnself with a tifln. Ileapondency caused by a failure to collect hill la aald to have been the cause. 'I he state superintendent of public In struction has advised tiie keeniiiu own of schools on Washington's birthday and the devotion of a part ol the day In approprl nn. eaeiM.es in ubaervaiuiH of it. The father of fienjaniiu F. OompbOll. who was supposed to have rommllied sul' cltle nr to have besn killed Ht Portland, .ne , nas rsDsiTso a telegram rrooi ntm, dated New York, stating that he wua all right. 'llio report of h'litburii Kaedor, the dairy and food commissioner, Im. been filed at the state department. Much of tbe report i devoted to tho nloomnrgar in law and the lack of funds to properly enforce the act. The liethleham Iron Company stock holders have voted to tncream their oapi tal stook fro.m SfWN),U(ai to IU,UO0,OUU, to tnaks contemplated improvements. The company's steel mill, which la now Idle, will be rebuilt. iMiivnoN. Fob. I I. riiiK to he. II tinaiius cm to have a faint hope that a small dOtV will bf. I iced ou the nilicle in which .hey nr. SO Vitally lofOtfStStl It is understood that great pleasure lias been hruQgbt to bear Upon CSrtalo Dsmoorotic Hiina tors, whose constituents uro largely in ttrsstsd io Wool, tO co operate with Rspoblloansio foroing the flnancscom mittOO to give this industry a hearing. The men kotOTSitod sav they do not ask unlimited time, but only seek that their authorized representa tives, the officials of the association which was in session here when the committee made its adverse decision, mav be heard They would uot, they say, consume more than a day or two. LMiX'ims FAVOR a SMat.L duty. Mr. line tlbio) is understood to have sal I that he believed a small duty ought to be kept on wool, and there are two or three other Democrat) from the northwest who, it is believed, can be indued to act favoraulv to wool At least, all the wool men feel more confident than they did, and the fact that the sub-committee is now considering the alleged groat disparity betweeu free wool aud the duty on the manufactured article leads tbe wool men to thiuk they will secure some advantage as a result of this investiga tion. It i probable that the ti-rht for a re commitment of the bill will be in augurate I by thoso senators interested in this product, and the cheerful mood in which such senators appear to be in Itc ttes tint thev have hopes of good results. It is appirent. how svar.the chances for recommitting th bill with instructions to have hearings ar? not so good as tbey w-re two weeks ago. for the reason that the tr an committee will, if such result be possi ble, conciliate all factions with in the Democratic party and report to the sauata a bill tnnt will commend itself to the united party Dissensions which now exist are expected to be wiped out. and if t this be tru there, win be littls probability of any Demo ' ats joining hands with the Republi cans to compel the finance committee to take a fresh stsrt ANARCHIST HENRY'S RECORD Ha Rsii7d Esrly Training aa a Com mnntst from Hla Father. Paris. Feb II In the extra edition tba letup admits th it. the bomb throw er a name is not F.mil Henry liretuu, but sirnplv Fwnile Henry. Potleg Com misoary Brnard siamlnsd the records at the Sorbotine and fonnd It to be tru that Henry was graduated there in the dspartBMOt of sciences, nftr winning stats scholarship Henry's father was a colonel of th" Oommtine, was condemned to death, and was forced to flee for his life II" went to Spain with his wife and died there. Ilia wife returned to Franco with her two son, i.tnile and rorttine. and mud- lo r iiome in lirevannea, BlBStOOO miles from Paris Bbs slill keeps a little gruCiry store in that, village tier neighbors say that Funic wa a QOlst, well bhaved boy when at home. He has riot been in the village, however, for several years FoTtODS, hla brother. i now rving a throe ysr term iu ,'lalrvanx prison for inciting to minder BmtlS Henry is said to have bean in America within the la.t, aix or aevon month and to have been imprisoned for a "hort tuna owing to Ilia viol.nl pOaCheS or di.orderly conduct . THE RFFORMtR IS HFTfFR Congraaamnn WlUon'a High foTSI Has N w Entirely Mulnldnd- KaMaI CllY, Mo. Feb 14 Con grsssman w L Wllsoo of Wost Vir glnl i said this m iiiilng that Im fell tnsltur thnn h tisd ainee he left Wnsh- logtoo. Ro il bow rati roly frto from fever and his physician thinks there will bo no danger in hla resuming his ou ney to Msiieo tomorrow Congressman Wilson nnd Tersnnv with llndr fsiniliee, will leave for the Cltf of Mexico on lb Santa Ke road tomorrow - FRIENDS OF BFHKMAN. relief money --.three-fourths pay while off tot and was surprised to MOOlfS an ShSWsr that when DC went out on trlks he coassd to bs a msmbsr of the tcllef aHsoi liitinti The association, just previous to WO strike, mad the usual asHaaniu mt of a lay's wages, fi .si) for braksman, re OSlYlBg Slrouse a with the lost OR. DUKSI H'lW'b CRIME. Coronal 'a Jury OhSfgSt Rim Wit1! tha Murder of Ilia Bon Bt Louis, Fab, If a verdict obsrg lug Dr. Arihui Dusstrow with the mordol of his boy wuh returned by the coroner's jury this evening. Aftsr tl)S opsrstlon psrformsd to lay opon Mra Dusstrow, when tbrss wonais wsts found lln her head, aim bsOlUN belter aud it Is believed she will recover. DuotlrOW Ml 1 1 1 talka vagiifly id' an "accident, "but his manner lias changed and II is believed U Will break down and tell the whole truth of yesterday 'a awful tragedy, lis Is hold tonight on the colonel's verdict Tomorrow a warrant for murder in tha lirst degree will lie issued. - TROUBLE AT SlEURA LEONE Q)oernmsnt v. of th. Kight n tw.oui Booltsb and French Tmopi. Park Feb w -The goYsrnrasot version of the second light between the FrsBOb and i. . !:.'! foruea in Western Afrloi near the Sisrra Leone frontier, siys that the troobls was due to the Rngllsb invading French terri tory aud attacking a village close to the French p ist of iieuty. The trench defended the village and repulsed the attacking party The government Hias received no te port from Wanna, but it is believe I that the English tried to forcibly iu vude French territory. THE CIRCUIT ARRANGED. Proceedings at the Meeting ot the Board ot Stewards of the Grand Trotting Association. BLAND BECOMES BADLY EXCITED lli: i,iii..i . ill Hot h r A;aili:u Mi. Reed, oi Maiim. A WKANuLE OVER THE OLD BILL Thu Solgnlorsgs Bill Holds the House for tlm DISCUSSionS ot t tie Day Mi Bland Bsstsd by tin Borgsant'St- Aims - He Cnoite.o the Scene of tbe Otcabiim A Dull BOBSlon In ttie Senate, Where the Railroad I own Situ Uill K DiscussuiJ. New York.. Feb. 14. A meeting of the board of stuwirds of the grand trotting circuit was held today in tbe Murray Hill hotel and dates wru ar- rangdd for th" coming season. Cleve laud made a strong ti rut to get the week beginning July ol, but ... till made the circuit so late in the year that Philadelphia and Baltimore would draw out and would clash with rieot wood, Colonid F, Iwards, of Cleveland, finally agreed to have the Cleveland date set one week ahead. East Siginaw made an application to h ive 1'ittsburg s date al the beginning of the circuit, and this was granted in case Pittsburg did not use the date Plmlico Driving park at UtUtosfswas also admitted to follow Point BSSSBS Hartford and Springli-ld botb promised to have trotting this year. The tlat-s finally arranged were as follows Pittsburg or hast Saginaw July 9 to 14; Detroit, Jnlv 16 to 21. Cleveland. Julv W to ii7 , Buffalo, J ui v Ji to Aug. u. Roches tar, Aug it to Springfield. Au.'. 21 to 2-1, Hart ford, Aug .' to 81. Fleetwi.it P irk. Snt 3 toM: Point Breeaa. Sent 11 to 14; Pimlioo. Sept. IS to 21. Thestsw- arils adj mined, to meet, in Rochester iu May at tne call of th- president. FIGHT WITH HORSE THIEVES Pitchad Battle tiwasn a Fossa ani a Rand of Outlaws. Port Worth. Tax., Feb it Nsws received here late last ingnl from An son, the county s'nt ot Jones conntv, says a battle occurred near that town between Deputy Slierill Hnbdoodwin. Sheriff J. V. Cunningham, of Taylor unity, and a bund of horse thieves, iu wblCb one of the latter was mortally wound. Meat, had been stolon, and the olfi ers traced bandits to a camp on Clear Fork Tne thieve covered them, and the Hirers rode nwav and SSOOFed the ns- sisiauc of ShnrilT Cunningham nnd bis leputiea The pirty mat iu a h nelv lane, w hen a fierce running fire ensued in winch Winchester losded with buckshot and revolvers were used, tha oflicers morlally wounding one of the thieves. 'the oflicers lost- the bandits In the dsrkneis. Six horses were recovered. and the sheriff s pOSSS are still in pot suit of the thieves, with every prob ability of overtaking them. . - 3F.ATH OF (IF N F tt Al HINCKS. Thay Are Iletsi ml nad to Raoure a Par don fer Hlrn. I'lTTHlilllui, Pa , Feb 14 The Nw York ntiarchUlH who are trying to get a pardon for Aleianlnr llarkuiau, H. C Prick's aibit'l, h ive satit an iignt tiere to try to diacover who divulged their plan to the public The New Yorker ia also under In atruotioti to keep an eye on tba pro ceodings In court against the Mansfield riolar. STRIKERS RECEIVE A BlOW An Injured Man Is Hefuead Aid from It. out As.oolntlon. PiAH'P in, Ph., Feb. 14. Lehigh Val ley strikers hereabouts have received another blow. The Lehigh Valley He. lief association, the accident insurance of which the employes of the Lehigh Valley are members, has refused pay n it-ii t of benefits to several injured men because they were lu the strike There are several injured employes at tbe hasten hospital. Cue of them, William Strouse, of Pbllllpsbnrg, who was injured a hod th ago, made tbs usual application for Ths Fust Volunteer of the ttStS War PaSSSS Awav Doston, Feb. 14 Menpral Kdwnrd W. Illucks died about II o'clock this cycl ing nt bis home n Cambridge, after a long and painful ill ness, result ing from wounds receive. I whlla light ing for hi country. Wonsial lliucks ranked among Hie bast generals of the country during the raballtoii, was brevetteil bligadiar general of the Colled State, army aud commando 1 by an net of congresa for hla bravely That. UtSBSfSl III neks was the first volnnlear of the war is vorlll"! by known porrsspOOdSUOS which passed I t ween Major USOSrSI Holiert. Auder sou and himsalf a - I HE KEARSARf.il CREW MEE. Tliey Are Kn H one Ioi New Yol U oo th City flf I'm a Colon, Feb. Ii The Pacific Mail steamer City of Para sailed for New York this afternoon Sh tins on board tl Hirers and crew of the wreaked United States steamship KsSTSSrgS. All are in good health J e SPARKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. The treasury balance today was 0187 1)71. W17. of which $IUt,7W!l,i)il was iu gold i'lns i. a lous of '." ) on the general DSISOOS for IBS day. A tiumlHu of banks nnd trust companies of New Yolk have started out. to losui money ou wheat and are offering four months Insula on easy terms, mv MU to 4 per cent , taking wheat as collateral, the same as .looks. The'seuate has SOBnrmtd t he following uumiuatious: Thoma II. Ferguson, of Maryland, envoy extraordinary mid mm i i. i plenipotentiary to Sweden, John liarrett, of Oregon minister resident and consul general to Slam; Thomas B Jars lean of North Carolina, consul general at Fthnnghal. China; J. J- Carbine, postmaster at Ulyptaaut, Fa. vVaSHIKOTOM, Feb. I I r C0KTR0VBB8Y botwssa small Ml towns lu Oklabomo territory 00 " copied the tun of the annate dur liu inir the whole of today's SSSSlon, as ii had ocoopisd half id ysstorday's session. They have bOOB variously 00- cribnd an "liiUNhrooiii towua1' ulid hs "ten I towua" and the qOSStiOB I whether the Hock Island H ulroad com pany, wlioae line runs past them shall be reqoirSd by act of congress to locate and maintain depota and stations at the one rather than al the other Ou tbs 90th Of October lb house of representatives passed a bill rsqoifiBg the railroad company to maintain sta tions and depots at all town -U estah lishod by ths fotorior dopsrtmsot and the senate railroad committee reported hack the bill favorably, hut against the vote of several 'of its inemners The bill went over without action till to morrow. The Hawaiian resolution was not taken up today, nor is it likely to be tomorrow, nolle having been given of B motion to proceed to executive busi ness i ou the Pockbam iiominution at thu close of the morning hour, which will bo fully occupied by tbe territo rial railroad bill. The aenale adjourned at 6.08 p iu A WAlta! SLKSE l.N THt BOOSE. Th seigniorage bill was tbe sole topic of consideration today in tbe house aud the only feature of special interest was a lilt betWOOO Reed, Maine and Bland. Missouri During the de livery of a speech by Mr Walker ' Rep. Ma-s. , he was subjected to almost con tinual interruption, but was assured by bis questioners that his time would be extended, which Was doll after COO siderable discussion Mr. Reed then intimated to Mr Wand that it remtinsd to be seen whether he would make anything out d the proceeling to which Mr. Bland retorted that he unlerstood the gentle man from Maine intended to break a inorum every time lie could get an opportunity. After several acrimoni ous remarks had been exchanged. Mr. Reed suggssted that Mr. Blind had better flit down, when Mr Bland hotly retorted that bs would sit down at th reiniest of th chair, but "not at your reddest. You have had that opportUU ity once, and I hope you never vviil have it again " - The chairman twice fonnd it neces sary to direct the sergeant it-arms to it Mr Bland and .Mr. Walker was finally allowed to reaiitn his speech Speeches were to day nude in favor f the seigniorage bill by Messrs Stone, i Deni , Kv HOWSf, I IvP Oala.), Bwset, (Rep, Idabo sul Raw lins, DsBL. Utah' Messrs. Walk-r. Rep. Mass and lirosius vRep., Pa.', spoke against the bill At o.dt) in the nouse adjourned BISSELL ON THI WAR PATH. He Is Drurmined to Stamp Oat the LM try riav.ra WABBIMOTON, iFeb. 14 PostofilOS lnsuctor Die, who was instructed by the postmaster general to lOVSStigAtS the cp-rations of the Honduras Na tional Lottery oompaoy in it relations with the postal service, in a report to lbs departtn oit s.iyj that the lottery companv at tort I am pi has ertctei and occupies a large two story tines building, estimated to have cost, with the printing outfit, about $60,080 The foreign name l)J whicn tiie lottery is designated, he says, is a DMIB SBBtSt ftlge Poiftmsiter Qenersl Iti.seii hss csnisd sn order to be sent to all lb post mas tcis faitnnghotit the country instruct ing thotn lo bo on the lookout and prosecute any person caught sending or n e dying mail trom the lottery com pany most Severe of this winter in this fjsin Ity. Wlille th atoriii did considerable dauiiig. il brought ior to farmers and lumbermen. Hundreds of teams aridl mu had BOOB idle for weeks on ac count of iaok of snow, whlla millions of feat of logs liav bsOO lying in the Woods The ilsigbios, bOWOTSf, furnishes work, tills the mill yards and rneans.ad goou many i.nousari'1 oouars a nay ior Vermont. ,e V 111 BFRNAttO ARRESTED. Tha Famous gaarsblst chi.r iu th aorta or Foil. I'aIiIm, Feb 14 The BBSrObistfl here Were SStOOOdsd toduy by the arrest of Paul Berusrd, one of the anarcliist chiefs who exercised SBpfomS IbUbOBOS among the various gtOBpS Bernard hsH bean several tunes soBdemaod for provoking to murder, arson and pil lage, but has always BfOBPsd convic tion Ha was th. principal dSVlSSf of lbs Sttsoh with a homo on OoOBtol tfsrtinss ds Campos, for orbloh Pallas was shot, and he it was who arrangsd the outrage at the Lyceum tftOOtSI Ifl Baroelooa. Letters from Valllaol ware found in bla po-i-e-Mou II is ataloi that those loiter. prOVe that he wan concerned 10 tbs recent outrage in the chamber of dspotiei. FINLEY'S Tuesday and Wednesday (February 13 and 14) We will offer all Odds and Endt accumulated in our LINEN DEPARTMENT D uring our Reduction Sale Hertojtari tftorts of tfie Relief Party to Render Aid to Their En tombed Brothers. Wilkes-Babri, Pa, Feb. k There is no change iu lb condition of things at the Gaylord uiiti in Plymouth up to this evening T he rsscuing party who are working to reach tbe en tombed timber men ate r.ow clear ing out the oid man way that runs alongside ot the plain wbicb is filled with culm When this can be cle.red it will give th searching squads means of entering tbe breast which divides tne Qsytord from No. 5 of tbe Delaware and Hudson colliery Other men are at work boring through pillars iu tbe mine with the hope ot finding the men, but up to 4 oclock this afternoon very little progress had been made. Some of the oldesi miners io this valley shake tbeir beads nnd say "there is verv little ehanct of findlu, ths meti alive if tbey are reached at all. " At 6 o'clock this evening th- search ing party, which had been increased to loo men, were working against great difficulties. They were obliged to qnit and hasteu to tne foot of th shaft on account of more "squeezing iu that puiliou of the mine wfaef tbey had been at work. The officials are Very reticent aud have but little to say. but it has been known by some of tne res cuing party that over fifteen acres of th inside workings of the QaytorJ foil dnring the day and tuor is hkely tC come down during the night. Tha a'nrface in th - neighborhood of tiie disaster is also beginning to crack and seams can uow b- seen fully eight inches in width. The old working of the Parristi colliery adjoining are also showing signs of wcak'ueta and a num ber of cave-ins have occurred sine this moroing in this portion of tha mine The officials of the Dsinware and Hudson L'oal Companv. who are milling coal nearby have taken every precaution to protect tueir portion of the mine so that no accidents will hip pen to them The truth of the matter l ths! the rescuing party ste having a hsrl time of it and it looks as thoOgb thev will never reach the men At the office the Kingston Qosl Co., little or no in formation can be obtained. Mine Inspector Willlami says it will be several dais Fa fore the reruing can reach the entombed men. have over 300 feet ol solid coal to through vet. sud IBM th men msv not be in the place wliere they expect to tind them. tli past week. Short lengths Table Dam ask, from lto 4 yards, at pricos which make them intrinsic value to the purchaser. Napkins, in both sizes 54 and (t some patterns of which we have but half dozen, will be offered at very low figures. THREE SPECIALS 'I i-lJ AS i, BDS LSD h V, j t Damask and Huckabock TOWELS 10c 18c, 23c. Having no more of the Cherub Quilts, we will offer the Marion 11-4 at the same price 95c 510 and 512 Lackawanna A? fHE NTT. fETH . L NBEI HTC T FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CHAS A BCHIKREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tannc-d Lsatbsf LVlutij, H. A. Kinsburv ".FNT 014 Spruce St , ScrantM. Pi I TO CURt HICCOUGHS a Novel Operation Perforated Upon a K. i i I ol N walk. Nkw Mik. N J . I'eb 14 A SBOOSSt lot operation was psrformsd tv Dr's, (lintiwiilid ToWts this ItlOl ninii upon JobD t'nrfeerry, who has been SOtTSNBg Irnm a severe attack 0( btOSOOghS fOI lha psst SlSfSO weeks Tile operation OOBSltSM ol the removal of a portion of the inferior dental branch of the inferior tnaxilllarv nerve, thus dostioy I l If tba connection of DSTVOOI enaruv betweeu th brain and the illiijiliriiairii At the close of the operation be ex pressed himself as leeli . grSStly te lieved, glthoagb the blOOOUgbt still continue lu ledn I enwrK'V. I he doc tors lire highly pleased with their work and look for his speedy recovery. MISS Ii .iliil MARRIED. Tha Daiiahtar of i ., ia ,i- . llalssll Wads Uaeraa DOOO of WasbloBlOO. WaslllNtlTON, Peb I I Mlsa Kll.- aheth Maries hal.ull, dutiKliter of lt-pressntattvi' I IrtlSSlI of l'enusrlyaiiia, was married to Ueovue DSBO of tin city at noon today at the t'hurch of tli CVjvenant. Tho onremony woa per foruied by Itsv. S J, Fisher of Pitts burg, the pastor of the Dtlzsll family. After a reception at the home of Mr Dalisell, the hrldal couple left the city fOI New York, en rout for Denver, Colorado, where tbey will rsalds. . IOCS MOVING IN VERMONT. Ths Rsvant Storm Brlaaa Jay to tbs H.arts of Lumberman. Rutland, Feb. 14 -Kcpurts of the storm juel ended show that it was the SWEDISH UITHIRANS ProoeediBSja at a Ooaveutlos ot Cboiob Rej.i tSSBtStleae at N.w Hvm N: u Hated. Oobb, Feb It - At th business scsaton of the BWSdtSb LOtB- ersB ohonhss of Now Baglsod, New York and PsBBSyiTBBlB, to day the fol lowing offioars were sloe tod Rai N s KsmeetsBs, of PnottBB, l 1 . presi dent. Kav J, V Yivall.Wilki s Bsrre. sec rotary ; Rst, 8 B Poroborg, STorth QrOSTSBOttdsIs, Mass . tressurr. and Kev ABKOStttl OlSSB, of South Mm- ehester, Oobb , statistician Tbs following newiv organised con iroosttoos war receied Into tbs con forODOS Kirat BrSBgOllCstl l.uthern. of BverStt, Mass OootBVB V lolf, of Al looos. Labor Qssssn, Psvt8ilon Mor riss iiin. Etaqoosne, i'a AoogarB, Bmitbport, Pa. a rHI WASHINGTON CRANK ggrSBtSBSd VlSI Pr.antaat 8tavan.au, Beoretavi Oarltsls aad n.nater Miiia. WASUINQTON, IV C.Keb. It JoSSOb DoslSO. the clank who wrote threat SBtBgOOntmOBtOBtlOBS to Vic President BleVOnSDO, Bscrstary Carlisle, Seaator Mills and others, will be prehahlv tornedovertc ths Baltlmors author! ties for trial, after examination before tJottBtl BtatSS COmmiSSiaOSI Mills here. The postal car l sent by htm tO Ibe vic prOSldSBl wss wntteii in that cltv. and btS tbrSStSDlDg letter from w leiae) TRIAL 01 THE RIOTERS lalVrOOSSdlBgS IB tbS Mautti.Lt Oaaa Davotit of tatsrsat Pi itsbi no. Feb. U. Th attndaiic at criminal court today was 'coinpar atively small. Tha ptOOSadtogS were wsarlsoms sod unln tersstlog, being a SontioOSBOS, bv the defence, to present testimony ou the pUBS line as that of yesterday in support of the alibi in the case of Uansfleld valley miners charged with rib I, The case will likely pi to the jury before court adjourns tomorrow. WEATHER FORECAST. I o Lewis, Reillf k Dsvies Reliable Footwear. ) Pool of evsrv Lovis. Will . lascriptloo fitted at Reilly & Davie3. lOSI everx except Saturday lima .st I ' P M. SNOW Waniiikiito. for Thuitdtiy Fob. 14. Fortcint for sestera P.nn- ,oi oaio ruin or .nine, HOi-tAra.if SNOdi or ii I'sfera Van(rni'u, SB0BI wif continun tonight and dun'niy th yrsdfer port of Tliui filay, roofer, wind thiftiny to BSTWSISSi We Examine Eyes Krw of I'lmrjio. If it doctor isi oeedod n are promptly told BO, Yi also guurantw a per iod lit. WATCHES .vr cost for one week only. I, J. KEEL ARCADE JKWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.