THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE -WEDN lESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14. 1694. LIVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS Thk Sen ANTON TlllBCNK'S Pit tut on do partmout is In chnri;.' of .1. M. Fnliy, to whom news items aud compliuuts may bo referred. JUDGES RENDER THEIR OPINION. The Citizens' Nomination Papers Are Adjudged Imperfect and Are Or dered to Be Remedied Forthwith. Th several contests over th nomi nation papaia and oartificatM of naml nations Med on behalf of the various eandidataa in tnis plana wtfa dtetdad t- the nourl yaatardar innrning LiifttiT opinions wero tiled in MOO MM, la the Ninth ward BOBtMl M twtwn Msrs. Sweeney and Corcoran, on the one aide, Mint M ssr. Donnelly and XUXamsvs, on the other, both tui tions ol.iimitu to Or the renlar Prmio .rstie canons nominee for the rfll.-es of school director and conn c.lmen. the certiticatts of notui nntlon of both were rejected and de dared fold ih nomination paper ol Donnelly and IfeNamara were allowed to staud, but IbOM of Sweeney an 1 Corcoran were thrown ont the ;ftiivit WMnot signed bv tive qnIt tied elector. Tht Uepul'hcau uoiuin i tiou ps;rs for this and the other wards in which they wvr Bled by a general nomination piper signed by eictor throughout the whole borough were likewise declerci Illegal end tokL The ivrtiiWat of noininitioa filled by M. N Donnelly, as paeeldiag orticr of the horoujh DeBooratio oonvantio i, containing at lem;lU the several war I nomination of the IV.11 vr its was fikewiee rr jcte 1 a to these nomi i:i tions. This, howevsr. does not afleot the Deaocratio ward nounu, whirh w-r separately certitie I. in pro per form, to the MWt commisiimrj bv the svTeral ward caucuses held by the IViiiXTScr The oitiaene' nomination papers Sled on be:ii; of Tjouias M,o:;ey for burgess, William Drury for tsx col lector, etc . wer adjudged t be ira perfnc: in not having i rJewdtOt ligMM' names th;r respective r.-s deJMea T:iiriy-:s hours were given m which to amn 1 thsse defects Th. paptM tiil on behalf of th- Ke-pubiicv-i, L j:s Beibel, for burgess, and for the Republican ward officers, were deci le to be good a to Mr. Seibel and bit fellow candidate for toroah ofBeea, bat not icooJ to ti-.e several wir i ..tiicd for arnica it purport to certify nominations. This leews tu Republicans without anv Ma I :ite for ward ofice ia nearly a.l . : uih. v-ry f tat warli ' .v.- d'.e-i separate eouiiuauou papers or or..doa:s of notniauioo. FUGITIVE REISa SU-JMJ5 Moosic mini to the Stark vein, it dis tance of 400 feet, aud pitotiinir at 85 degrees to the foot. It is expected that it will be completed by the first of Juno. ON THE BRE ZY HILLS. A Budirst of O ip from Susqushauna'a County Sent v ttttrrM lo fas Strtraston IWbaaa MoNTitosu. 1'a., Fell. l!i Attorney It. v. Se.irle, of Buaquehanna, wai professionally engaged lisro on Mon day. H. Q Vnne. of Kranlcliii, was slink hands with his friaudl hero on Mon day. Frank Morris entered upon his duty M a partner in S, J. Spai.c's drug store on Monday, Mrs. S. t). Bheaitl and son ll irry re- tur ied from Birouardville on Monday, Twelve inches of MOW fell hvN dtn - lui Monday night, rheodora Binilh, of Dlmook, was the li st ol Matthew MoKeoby on Tues day. 1j 11 llritlli and family will occupy A. H Qill'l bOQMaftat April I. Dauial Bwokbamntar will take tip hie residence in !l.ids:eid aft t April I (Totwithttanding tiie haaTy fall ul snow on Hon lav nifhl t bo tr un on th Lackawanna and Montrose made the trip on time on Tooaday morning if ti'o wind t'ums to blow hard a lie-up is sur ' on beta roa Is. ii B, Bmitb, tha tailor, It In Carbon dale. Lathrop A Oo. men are off this we.k 9n aooonm ol no work. T 0 Aden has relumed from Vor moot Feb. 91 it th time Ml for tha ban ijuet in honor ot li A. lir IW, AS FRIEND MEETS FRIEND. There Is the Same Greeting in All Countries. Hi.' First lalntatlon i- loverlebly en Inquiry Abool lleuitii-i lie Denfer ol Closed Doer end Windows The One Onto fei Neuralgia. "Bow do yon dot" i kha phratoall near kha world In every language th first gnaUnii Inquina abon t the iisalth. Wlntei witll closed doors and win doWt, coal stoves and lu-donr Ufa on lungers html th, bruits a lial condition of the blood and a lowering lone to the nervous syetciii. "Tha ni"st certain Indication of adly -nourished norveH,'' says Dr. S. Walr Mltobell, "li nenralgia." Nothing toi's llrad, ightng mirves of irritation like appropriate narr food, iv fine's oalary ooinp ittn l beet meets this used. Neuralgia, iliriiin.i :.aa him. liaea : . it :iii:j?-i faaaatte 2 N.-.iiaff 2rs X! i 3p :i A:'ioa William Re; I be IttUan who so c.-v?r f jatwitted Detective Whalen week aio, msn-tnn of waica ftrs: ap pear ; ia The Tribune at th time, ie livtfad bimsetf up to the nathoriti-s Monday to answer waataTBr cr.ares that m:ht be bronzo: agaiust Stranz? to relate, the wilr WU wa tafortasd by Mr. Whal-tn e w.a not waated by tde anthor- :t:es. and was therefore allowejel to go hi way in paee. Tae strongest part cf the whole tracaaottoa and one wbica hu Ml many persons t'aiaklnj. i nrhe did Reisa resort to the' rtue b wri: : -TS.-.7 iil .-. :i hnx ever s.aee if he waa ina joiat of any wrong doing. It is a fact byon 1 eontradittioa that th story a Srst published in The Tribune was trui ia evsry pirticnlar cotw.tasteniiag tn allege i denial given to the Associated Prs by Ir. spector Williams, of NaW York city CtJatef Police Siai.og na in hie pos session a letter suaed by the Italian :onnsei at PbiUdtlpaia, whica soee on k) nay that Fsriinar 1 lagratti, of Sonth Mala (tree;, Pittston. claims to be th victim of several tallani pr secntion ani rqatmg him Ka'.ia, to give him the noeary po'.ic -j pro tection. From tht it would appesr Iagrutti eausid the waoie trou'olo and knows more than he really cares to tn Bur.UIac'. AMMa Sal vs. Th best .vs ia thi world for "nt Brnisee, 8orv t;icr Halt Kbcnm. Pover Eorm, Tttr. Mappwl Hand, Cniiblams, Corns and all Hkia Eruption, andpost tiveiy cur Pila, or M pay rwjnired. It is guaranteed to jrlv-i prfet satisfaction at money rfandd. Prtc V, cnt pxr box. For ael by y. ... iiroa. M m - , the crrizmg " a column. PrcessfUncrs Ias.iti'.1 i ompsl Cora nlMiontr to gOSjalai Thsm Prfeellngi wr begun yssUr lay to compel the conntr tormiisionr, by mandamus, to reoi;nizi tht Citizens candidates of Pituton a party nomi -r.e'-s and to (five thsrn a sspsrate col nmn, Jnst as the Uipnblicans anl Jjemocrat havs The allegations contained in their petition are toat on the previom alM tion, viz: the spring of I'M. they polled a vote large enough to untitle thm to party reeognition . they having held a convention at whinti were nomi nated candidates, whoie namsa wnro rgnlariy certified by the convention's prrsiding offlosr and sscretary to tht commissioner, the latter refused to sc. cord them a separate column, com pelling theal to Ale nomination psViera for their candidates. Hencs these pro ceedings. Kf.mahkkii by It. :. Joiner, of Allen, I'. 0 , Hillsdale Co , Mich. : "Nothing gave my rheumatism such quick relief as iJr Thorn.' Electric. Oil- believe It Infullihlo for rheumatics." PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. tttoin of a Day's Aotlvltlsa In th Twin Plttatons One week from today the agony will be over. "Kube Stacy," a comedy drama of merit, will be the attraction at Music hall tomorrow evonlng. The Lehigh Valley railroad pay car isexpeuted in this vicinity todny. Letter carriers will have amount of extra work today ''Valentine I)ay." John D. (Jreen left yesterday for Superior, Wis., after u two weeks' visit to hie family and friends here. Rev. J. H Drittain will speak this evening at the Luzirne Avenue Baptist church on the text, "If the righteous scarcely be saved, whero shall th un godly and the sinner appear I" All in vited. The high wind of Monday night blew down a tall post in front of McCanna's hotel, on South Mahi street, which in falling, struck ode of tbe large plate glaea windows, breaking it, in niece. The Hillside Ooal-and Iron company have commeueed sinking a slop in their in compliance with u and the otdtnane at the etty of ncranton.1, W t Oonnoll, mayor ol said city, do hereby give aottoe thai an eteo tiou will bo bold at um plan of holitln t thn mnalolpal eleetton m ai.i eity on Tneedar, the isremitalb day oj Pebraary blng the third Tneaday o( Febmary, ISAM, for the pur rve ,. obtanuna lh assat ot th electors ot said city to an nierease of Utdehte Inea thereof by tii' issm' ol bond In the amount ot HSO.OflU for the twrpo ol boildtog bridge over the Laekawanna river at Linden street andover Roartai brook from Bpruca street to Front iti'esl it provid A in oVdtnaao otaaid dty, UeofeoauMn eonnetl No. u, IW8, sotttld, An ordtnaae providing tor Increasing lh city debt lor Ihopnrpoa ol btulding bridges an snttmittini: tiie u-.wtion of sui ii inrresse : of tlie eioctvrs thereof.' approved jaaaar) . t4. is repaired by law. the following informa tion la sJIvm to ele tors Kirst liie mno u: of the last assessed valuation of taxauio props: ty tu -aid city is Sll.KH.9WX Second Ttie am mnr of the existiu.; debt of aaid city i fio.sM.Ts. Thirt-rhe amount of the proposed iu .rca. I f deb: is f: ',000. - Poartn- rh nrnpisMil Innrnaiir nf debt is l unit IMS 1 19 Q per OMt ol I I ci;y' valua : a wa xclnsiv ol oaeopatlona Fifth -Tha porpos lor trhieo the Indented aS I to b-1 Is 0 irel a:- hreialefore stated. Annexed hvreto settle city eotttrotlef s otti eui tatment of laojbtedDeand resouree of the eiry. also copy of city ordinance. a :-ai my hand and th- el of the city of Scrauton, this day of Jitimary. A. U . InH. W. L CON NELL, alayor. BcatAnroar, Pa., Dec to 14. OsWIoa Of tuk ciry COBTatOLUM. : ileuiMut of the ludehte inea aud resour ce of the eity of Scrauton at the close of bus;:.e.Decuit'er JU, 1W: 11. snt D Ptur. CoaavBdatad loan (asraad series' due Uv U UH i percent tT).i II) cm im-HoVE-uENT Lots, uto inmoawi Due July I. 3'H. and annually to year ISM at rate of $1. 'SJO -ga.SUO 00 DaeJaly L :4T. laid annually to year ia. a: rate of tiiOi l!O,0lJ n0 Due fnty 1. H07, and annually to year KM at rat of toSOH 35,000 w rtmOtSQ LOAN, INS). 4 FEU CENT. Du July L lJ SI5.000 O) Due July t, llHil 15.ISW nn Due July 1, r. IfsM JU tTSKiraii atnuuo loas. ivj. i peu cent. Due Feb. 1. ISM. No. 1 to 15 inclu sive. S 15,000 aJ Due F-b. 1. Itsjlj. tfo. 1 to IK Inclu sive 20,000 to Due Feb. 1, 1jij6. No. M to inclu sive 25,iX 0U Due Feb. L atto No. Si t.. 'JO in.slu- sive tsn.otiC ix) BTOSICtVAI LXPHOVt-IENT LOAN, lsDI. It, PEK CENT. Du D".-. L lHDl I toOOO ll Lri- ll:. 1. tl) il.llil 00 Due Deo. 1 lull a.ijno SO DUe De:. I, 1M Z1.0UJ HO RE. KVtlTI'.N Loan xt.Rlf. 1, !'.. tVs P" E T. Due June L latja, No. l to m laata-r-. 3 3 i.iaiO (sj D ie Jnne 1. 1 No to lis, Inclu- stre wn u Doe Jane 1. Illli No. tV to US) inclu sive "Jt,m Ot Dn-s Junn 1. ItiS, No. Wl to Iff lncl clualve .) fO Total t'&.t 00 - i.ur LaUMai t'npai.l warrants Jti, m f 2,i 30 Contract and other ac cunTe subject to v jiuUaents SIM-) V lUMMSI ToUl Indebtedness of clt7, 47 7 5 aaaovnoaa or citv. Cash in (feneral city fund 1117,173 71 Cash In interest and tanking land 24,7.. 1) D"llno lent and Other ""nn nttiinated ' collectible K k0n " tlt.!i2 f7 IIRS. N .'U.K. Nt Indebt'dnnss of city. N0MM 7s In addition U. the above Hta"d atS la ity purchased bonds of He isu of UM, per aeat to Ik aaaeant of tit,tt for the ineflt of its -Initlnr fund Htteiniit of th sniourit of laot prnoSOdHlg w-mt 1 valuation of tbe taxable property of tbecitv of gerattten, Pannayrraoati itniuK th- iHVirnent for year Istfl: Oueepatlons i.(i,tiii Heal estate and twrsonal i7 Wil ,s.v, Total tllWHI TbpropOd b)ereof debt, amonatsto l.'.'fr ' for tha pnrpoe of building biddges se per ordinano attachsd. and is equal to i -.: .;. ; p. r ..i,t of the .-it v valuation IS!tl t'f hurt v.; of ff -itpatio'.a fHXD J. wTDMAYBiL City Controller. CostsfoawaALTa ot PaaevTLTAMia, i I '.I TV Of I.' KAWS VNS, Cirr or Hi ha ktom. I On Ui fifteenth aar efeaanary, A li, 14, per. nnlly (.pi.eftr.-d O'-fore me the llble rlber, the May r of thetityof Btrranton, rraa i Widrnayer. who Jhelni dnlr, dotb d p'rtw inidsay, that a i" nis OnniroTlarof In City . f Hi laii'on, nn'l Hint to the l,.-t of hl knosrssoge i nd t-i leftae fursaolng tatantn t. of the nnaaeef or tbe City of geranton jalnftj uorrael atei raa,aad tnat the oth r foragoiasj statement l-i ale, eorreot Hworii aiirl sriWritcd before in'i tiie flf- CONNHl.L. Mnyor te. ntb day '.f Jairiary, IHW3 W. 1 FII.K Of oMM'rN 0OVMCIL NO. U, Hal AN OH. INANCK. Providing for nereastag the city dent for the pnrp .ee of bulklinK brl'lKen an'l mibmlt ting tbe gasatlOB of naB iti'Taasn to a vote of the slC tors thereof HaOTIOS I. Bo it ordained by the Hle.-t and Cornnon Oonaeiis 'f the City of Beran ton Hlld it te hereby oidn lied by Hie nllthollly r.f tin, Knme, That for tbe purpose T aog strnotlog a bridgi oyer tic lAokaivanna river at Linden atreel, and a bridge OVOT Roar IhK br..k fr'.tn Hprnre atreet to I' rout Mli.e.t, together with the purcliaie of mii- h right Ol way aa may be neceaaary for the heat ftp proachea to aaid brlilifiei, un ltOrS of u nit) nent tiy ina laaue ot cdty nontolntn nmotint of two hundred and flft v I Iptiuhji n ! dr.lbira la hereby aiitborl."d, inhfaoti never ilieleaa. to the consent of the ob-etora of the city of Hcrntiton, aa herein provided. goo, 2. --The natation of exRVBtjng to tim abov protieead lucre" of the city debt -1 : be submitted to a vote of the electora of the tlty of Mcranton, at the next eiiauuiK Hneriil election ,o.currltiK not ler.H than forty daya after tlieaHHtii;e of thin ordinance. Bao, 3. After the paeaago of tbia ordlnanea and at l-ast thirty (lnyn before mild election the Mayor abnll puhliab a notice of the elec tion hereby authorised, in three dally newa pnpora ol the city and the ntatement required to be published ill audi notice ahull be fin nlalied by the City Ointroller. Hec. 4 if the electors shall airrpe to In creHHtt the Indeliledneaa of the city for tbo pur poaesof building BUob said brideHiind procur ing the rltdit tf wav. there ahall be npproprl nted and set apurt for the Linden eireet bridue and purchualnK the rljrht of way theret , the sum of one hundred and twenty -flvi thousand dollars, snrl for the Spruce street brldre the equal sum of one hundred and twenty-Ave thuiiNund dollara. Approved January 4, 1HV4. W. L. CON NELL. Major. I lam, lumbago and ktdnay trnnblra, due to poor blool, yields to Paino'l celery Minpoand when nothing lso Uives relief Mrs, 1, Van Zlla, of 808 Liberty St., of raters. in, N. .1,, wlmse portrait is above, writes ns follows "I enoloae yon one of niv piotnres that yon utty show it to ufferiog hu manlty an I tell what Paina'i oalary compound is doing for me. I am still naing it and it i doing a Rreat work in my fnuiily. 1 have recominsonded the remedy to several sulTerers. "Am takiuc it for neuralgia, with great benefit. l'aine's cslery OOntpouod is tho one trne ipeoiflo (or all diseases rtaolting from an impaired uerv.uis system or impoverished blood. Try it. TOPICS AT THROOP. Prist Paragraph! tn Rferencs to Citl zr. of That Locality. S) 9cml fo the ScrmiUm Tribune. THROOP, Ph., Feb. 13. Tho funeral of Freddie Fihringer, who died on Suudsy last after a weelt'e illuess, took jrlace on Tuesday last. Intormont in the Fricebtirii cemetery. Qnorga R Meade is able to attend to his duties at tho Ltellmau company store. Robert Kennedy, of this place, spsnt .Sunday in Wyoming with his parents Frank Fahriu(?er spent Sunday in Scranton. Miss Ell Harner spent Sunday with her parents iu Soranton. Mrs. Georiie Kramer is confined to ber borne with the grip. James Habott, accompanied by his brother, arrived here from Alabama on Saturday last. George Haverly an assumed the posi tion of cabinet-maker at the Bellman ic Co. seore. J M. McDonald is determined to bo a speaker of many languages. hag commenced with the German and spaks it quite fluently. Mlsi MaLt.'ie Stenhonson, of i'rovi- dence on S iiulty last , Miss Jane Ann atm Miss Mary Ellen Williams attended services at the Bap tist Church of I'rovidence on Suuday evening. Hi iusa a iti.onii bifTKiis tnkinr; after eating will relieve tuy feelitiK nf woipht or overfulness of stomach. Sold everywhere. When Tinby was sick, we gum her f'astnrta. When Kiie wna a hlld, nlic cried for I adorla. When ale heramo Misa, she ohmg to i aet'.rla. When she had ( blldren, jaMaVthi n l ustorta, MOO IC POWDER CO Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth BU'a HCIl ANTON, PA, MINING grid BLASTING What Are Necessities? "The learned is happy nature to explore, 1 he fool is happy that he knows no more."--?v No. 1. 4 : 0 (f MONKEY. ''I've i(it evorythini.: I 'noed.' 1 just had breakfast " my No. 2. MISSING LINK. Il II v tAmM ..f o-,,.(..,,.,.. a ... l,uuu,.u ... mI mid n change of c lollies. "When 1 wanttOBCbOOl 1 larnel readiu', riten and rathmatlo, and that's nil I 'need ' "My 'pinion is that education is no K'J0'1 only fer praannarg as' lawyers ''People like inedon't wan't no education w. i. nil right, anyhow. I kuhs they's only a few of us left, far nowaday. laborin' people and all think tti-v will bo more eucksessful if they learu a little ever day "They Bay that ignorant paopla won't stand eny show at all in soci'ty in a few years from now, "1 Wonder if that WILL be the nana'! 1 No. 3. Bltraragant luxury for one may bean absolute necessity fur another, H de j euda on what you aim at. What Would au ape cure about opportunities to improve bis mind? Tha word man means to think, which is tho opposite from BBAgf. Thus We cau not classify No. 'i, as he does a ud does nut think like a man. We must call him the "missing link." if 'ou are a man you think, it you think yen are constantly oomiug in oontaot with questions. If you supply yourself with the corn et answers tu these questions yuu berouM. a success iu life aud you buuor yourselt aud your family. This is true, no matter what your calling. If yuu answer your questions you must do it riyht when the question c,.me6 up so It will is: a pleasure, and you cannot forget it. This is true educatiuu. If yuu au bwer your questions when they cuinu up aud uiihwer them correctly you mutt Lave the bpKt Kncyclopedia in print rixht iu yuur home. The whole world are agruixl that the Ency cloe Iia Hritanuica is the best iu print. THE TRIBUNE edition of this groat "nitmaiir" is brought duwu tudateatid anpplied on tenn- which could not be expected from people engaged in the book busi ness; but our pride Is to supply the best newspaper iu this part of the state, and we Sustain the enormous SXptnaeand perforin th rat amount of labor necessary tu giV these tonus to our friends simply to broaden aud deepen the interest in education aud to extend our acquaintance among the childreu uf today who are tu be the men and women u thu future. MAN. In one of the ablest i.ver deliversd by th "Or and OiJ Man" he bowed o?Lcluiviy that location ia not a laxnry but a prime, neceesitytj the I liyoriug man of today, II says: "you wtit amuieruent. but that doi i ' 1 i sxelnd inipr ofamoot Jjo you atippote whr. meu in stidy that they dislike It? Sa - Ubor, no doubt. hut it u 10 aiavjiaUJ th "I ' ' !ot:g that it is torgOttM in the dsllht ' carries In its performaooe, and no ptsyp! ml b-tter than tbe ararkin rluiu " It ym let yoor children follow their own in?. -. t:iey will ask questions, and if yos pr-v, lb Ineattl ol atuwarrj( you will encouts; tbn. and canie delight arid oUagar in research Soa they wnl nave a natural habit of learuiug a :.". eacii day, and learning will then be recreation V. them So that all ihey require is au Encyel-jpdi in toe bcius to secure the moat practiea. educative I Uladstoue further bays that it is now poas; Ue to go stisigbt into the very heart, the very eanctisry of to temple o) leeming, and become acunaiitel with tbe Post works that men have produced "It is not to be supposed that workingujei:, on coming home from labor, aae to study Baolid and works oT that c.aracter and it is not to be desired except in case ot very special gifts but wbt is to Isj doeired is thit s'rme effort should be made by : meu of all classes and prrasps by none more tiiaii t.y tbe laboring class, to mt ourselves above t& level of what is purely frivolous, and to ndeav.r to find our amusement in making otirseives ac quainted with tb.rigs of real interest and beamy.' All tbe recorded wisdom oi aii great r:te:.part and preent, it contained in the Eacycloi'eiia Brit annic, to that every shade of tesie can ud it lik ing, whether it be encb subject as Enclid or the commonest topic? cf everyday life whether to iearn now to measure the distance to Mars ur how to tia a equare knot in a rope What a blessing that in thi one library tbe la boring in m can oommind the wisdom of the world. In his speech on the occasion of the distribatina of the prizes at tbe Nonconformist Scbool at Mill Hill he ccinpared the advantages of today with tie advantage of the ancient: "AU "they have achieved is before yoa. Their great experiences are at your service and command. "You have this enormous advantage under tho peculiar condition of this tge." Agnin he says: "Believe me when 1 tell yon ttat tbe thrift of time will rrpay yon ia after life with an usury of profit beyond yonr most sangnine Jrcnuu. and that the waste of it will mike yon dwindle alik in intellectual and moral nature be neath your darkest reckonings Get knowledge, a'.i you cau." If this great library was to coat $5.00 per volume, the price of the original, without the supplemented mnttar t.Vift man of TTKiderata mean3 mierht haaitate. but $1 98 nr v.-ilnma ani no to dita. mikas it a matter worth your attention and considerable effort and sacrifice to attain. ANNUAL CLEARING SA A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Lb Thousand Bemnantii of Dry Qooda. I'loaks and Pur Gaped daring sale nt less than 'si of material, Ev i i y noh of counter room covered with the greatest bargain! ever shovi n. I.udlss' Kelt Hata, this season's styles (Oo. o.ich. Doya' Winter Waists 100 each. Muffs 300. each. Cloak's ... $1.50 each. HOSUtttY, UNDER WfEAR and NOTIONS r QUABTKB OF VALUR COMB, IT WILL PA? Vol'. Great Clearing Sale. POWDER A. B Made at thn UOOSIO nud HUMIi DAIal WORKJ, I.nniln .V Hari'l I'owdor Co 'n ORANGE GUN POWDER Mm trie llal.lerlm, I'limn for n x tl " ' liilf lilasts, gaMy I' and RcpaiinoChruili al Co. 'a HIkIi F.xplosives AHTOIIE HARTMAH tiOii South Washington Avenue, Coiilrsrtor mill ImlliW ..f roiir.rntn riiiKlnir. Oeneref Dloaka, Potato, gnnef and '"ni IIIiik, Wt I'mIIuis ilrln l 1 1 Onliiit in iv hit left at Thompaoa Pratt, win am Co, Muln ami Kyumi Btf, Of at S. riint.m Htovii Woric.. Aim. i ...... i fJlataraa Klall Wlrn TttnMlsand i .ii i.i. Klagnlng Tor usavaa vraliia THE Thatcher IS THE BEST, (let prices nnd sen tiie furnnrn anil be con vinced. A full lip of IIKAT BBS, Appallo and Untme JJtor Bangaa, CONLAN'S HARDWARE L IMTTMTON, F. BROWN'S BEE HIVE PITTSTON, PA. Spring Ginghams. Wc have placed on gale our line of ( iingham . lor lli- coming spring and Bummer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Tru es than tver bbfc-rOi are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty taco with a fresh, Imr.M compbirlOuY Vor it. use Puitonl's Powder. Ill 1 1 1 H NIIOK in., l.i.'V rpllnl.l.iM'0.onO. iii si ai an sum in I Hi' wORI D. " i suar sarrsl ''ii We rarasa. ThtoUuilM' Hoi 1.1 Prnh iinnaoln Rlrl mil loo l ilrllroml In.' nvwliri In Ihs I S , ,m nM'.'Ipl of i itn, II mill v 'mri, ir 1'iwlal Nulii fur 1140, Kilnnls rfi wn Hu' lun'l" ,1 In nil o I ill .1 nr gMOi Vi'' MMN IU I1"''1 oiiritilvrN, lli.'ri'foiti wr jinir aN lhJw,nfsi aaa leear. iin.l II miy iiiiii I lim niuiniii ii will i.'fiinit Inn BMIS) nd aaothef iir. Opr aw. V ' IKi I I "'"vWT Dexter Shoe Co., nininn Hi'lisr, . I, It. & ML M H anil Imlf Srtiil your Htfi 111,' iff Viin- IHiKtlnlr.l I Kin IliUllil FREE i FEDERAL ST., no . ni. .HASH. cfci iff 1 1" Psafs, MT. l'LKASAN T AT RBVAIb IVnl or lln ( mailt v f'ir iloinnstlf 0.Bd of all UvaM I" any l"rt of tbo olty Ht loW.'Ht iiri.m. Orilnr lnft at mv oftlco. Ml. I IH. M Villi I Ml At I'M I". Knar room, Brtt gOOT, Third National Hniilc. or aunt hy mall or tuanbOaa to tlia inluo, will rraoivii prompt attention r (.. 1 i eonlraots will 1.x madti for thn salo sua Beavwr oc pimi w iss 1 1 WM. T. SMITH. PUZZLE,'! , i i i ' I THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Ynlmlde MaSottvnnlrot tha Pair mnr BASH WHKN VOU KNOW mow SOO IN PBltSBS Wil l. Hi: DI8TMB1 tKU TO THOBB lotJ Till: IT.I I in rill BBURTK81 81'ACB t TIMR i on sua hy ILL NEW! COMPANIES STATIONERS IND AT TOY siiiitis, on sr. si fO ADDRESS I POM HECEIPT OF PRICE, SB CI N i s. itv COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. US ami til SOUTH BUTAWI BTRBBT, BALTIMORE, BID MANHOOD RESTORED! 'NERVaSEKDS. Ui. ..i l rAl rai-i'Jv faar aaUad tu rura allniiaui ill- ,..,. .iii'h ai. W....H Mommy. Low of Uislii Wn, 1 o.." Il Msnlim.. NMilly lOililwlmis. X"Mmn-W'f?LJL lnl)..i,,,.i.-a1.M.lUyvr.'ri c ,'.-min mo or innaooi . n nuni '"Jlar HT AEnsSrMIIat .aiininll.iH or lnMiiltv I 'an ds on rlml n vom punkf I. PrB,n. SICIH. Mi mall MWialdT Willi ii .'ol'" " r,B I1rfP c"t b.l.Vf... m"i. 5fi5r hw uh lirMflft. ajCftrlvM IjIFORE AND AFTtll USING nn "ii" i Aniiross MSUVB aBBDCM ssasonw sw, issmiu. Fur Snln in Sorunton, Ph., by H. G. SAN DKliaoN.'Drijfist. cnr. Waliln(fton hikI Bwuoa itfaata. idRHiwMMrM'' Maf a i, i auvi D aO i S2 '14 RESTORE LOST YI60R ius N. . I, .. .., . Will braes Toil on n a wovk Si d mlh W HIT KM ill'AHANi KK to I'tiro Hoitoui Debility, l.nn of Siul Poi m ithfiix, tiiTolunlurv RuiiitieiM friirasny raiiso If nuglocud. tucb IroulUit Itad U ' "iministlnii or iuainly, por i "i in noui. t k.x,., f,)r ss. will, er, sr. timer wa bIto a wrltlou aiMlaat- o in our or H'Iulj ma noury. aoao.a FKAL Ml. IU' IN 1. OO Clmlaud, OUlu. Vora.i.. hv JOHN II. PHEI.P!i Pliariuaclst. cor. Wyouiiuu Ave. aud Spruco St., I Scranton, Pa.