The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 14, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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mm I ... .
ajlts Charges Agaiust E. F. Kiufribiiry Unwar
noted, Prtmalura and Uncharitable.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
a The Ladlei
Committee of the Lnter-
tairtment Turns Over tPODO to Ins
Board of Associ dad Clui-itics.
Board Returns Thanks to All Wh.t
Assisted in the Entertainment Work
Done by the Board.
Th IUndiom Proof Ktohlnir Attract
Many I'lesaed Spectator.
Miiny readers of tho auumiiieamont
in yesterday's Tltliit'NK OOMOMttng the
linmUome proof etchings on exhibition
at Tins Thiiii'm-: busines idlico cnllo I
in ackoowlfcdguisat of the Invitation
to impeet these art treasures, It was
till) nil belief that the etchings
were aomsthlng extraordinary dsstr"
ble iiinl expressions o( appreciation
vvei i" pntnerona
The Invitation Is vet open Tit
jetotilngs are of various itiea, There
ure hi Iv inbjfOtl Ml nil, inn! the
workmanship li masterly Id every lc
i. hi Aoy additional Information will
508 Term Ave.
The board of associated otiarltiei
met lailntght In the oonftttttee room
at tlu' Albright library The attend
anca Brae hi fallnteai K II Rllinto.
president ; lie v Hoger lracl, tivu-
tarv.W T Smith. Ireismei . 'I'll. oils
I J, Moore, Luther K-iier. John tiitv
I bona, T, .). Kelly, Griylord Thomas,
I John H LMIowgand K J Lynott,
llnoh line was oonsuoisii In the i i h
onsaiou of the acoueaMou publlahed by
the ooranton rim.-- rsmriling ins nana
line of the tuu l . of the" toap CrOW
Llbby" entertainment by K. Pi Kings
b.uv The meiuheraot the board wore
unanimous In their oondeninatlom of
ihe notion of the Times and stamped
the publication ot the atory ajMfttwor
ranted, prematura and onoharitahla,
l i e ladlee1 eotutnlttee of the Llbby
rntertatnmenl durlug the uieettnii ir.
entd its report, ami "i oooneotlon
therewith and In view ol the Titu'
charges nntiwt Mr. Kinssnnry, the
be ir.l pan 1 1 the fallowing resolution!
without a dissenting vote .
Maolved, that the sincere think of this
board be tendered the ladle1 rommlttea
having In charn Ihe arrange wen Is eon
uected with "Toe Rseape from Llbby' en
teroient and t, all others who In any way
ateUted in waking the entertainment
tech marked tii auei.s.1 110004 Vie' board
woiiM also nk thai public ludgetnsnt
against E F, Kiufsbeti. b suapendsd ua
til he ean be heard iron, as the informs
Itoa aocoslble to tue b Mid does not vlndi'
1 1 I 1 1 I 11 S ... Uugebary' pat a ma-
v a uuuawui tug a return ol reveiiM and expenditures..
Mt MHtus tXPMna TBBWHiTn,
Vnottiv.-ialiv the different members
of the bo ird ei pr eased themsalvej wore
forcloly than the Sentiment OOOtalned
la the above resolutions, They asserted the entertainment originated with
Mr. Kingsbury, who osm? before them
and jutfted the Idea with the utipii
lation that be should retain for his own
lenerit whatever fundi Whioh VVOnl I
ohserfully be given
mail or in pStSOn
upon. Inquiry, by
Very Choico Line of
To Ait I Pi I. hit I
1' fli Id l .'.'' fill it
II tit in- y ni !. .!. ti'if tuattl ihi-
Ami tht n, tU MN KOI Ann 0
() Homrhmr miv tn fulfil,
You'll tnki.- our fitu t&itw uiniaVi
415 LaekeV Avenue.
Wall Papers,
indow Shades,
Mattings, Ruqs, etc
iivrm f mm t h vurt tm i-t Til I 4
is faown in tae minutes of the I manner as not to interfere with
previous tuee:iah' as read last uiht
by the secretary. Aside from
the uet amount tnrtisd in by
the ladlee' ootniaittee.there is a further
am resulting It m the entertainment
i a Mr. Kmgsbnry's hands. Theboirl
knows what he is entitled to for hn ex
penses, and whit rmias inelnles his
iitn aavertismg prjdts. Tois r.miiu
inz nm w considerably lss than thi
board expected Mr Kingsbury to re
tain as his pay and profit.
TLe ladies' report, prs-ntd by Mri.
Franc-? B. Swan, president, and Mrs.
Dr. Ewrhart. treasurer, showed that
the entiru reeeipts of the Lilies' com-
! taitte was 50, of whioh sum $191
! wns for alvertisiu aul the balance for
, :::''' Trwir espnlif:r-s w-re
. J "'.leaving a baUnce of B53 03
mt, which is at the disposal of the
1 toird.
violin A. Me, nu, Arthur U. Do. in and
Allreil Harvey l'roioso l iettitl(-',
Dttu e ili in Ion'.
Considerable Interest le onVrent
amoun real estate dealers mid business
nun as to what disposition will b
tuade of the lot now owned In lh I,
M. Dates, loOStsd en the oast Hide
of Washington avenue, south ot Bpruus
It is a well Known fact that John A
Me.u purchased the property with tun
Intention of erecting a sky scraping of
fice building to diver the entire lot,
whioh extends as tar buck us Lee court.
1 his move became known to Arthur
1. Demi and Altrrd Harvey, wdio
Immediately anticipated Mr, Mean
by obtaining an option on the
portion of . the lot next to the alley
to about half the distance to Washing
ton avenue These gentlemen own the
two stone i ftioe etructiires on BpTUOS
street t'aciug the MQare, They
i obtained the option for the reason
that it a bnildiug waserooted mid cov
ered the entire Dates Int. its height
: would shut oil' the light from the rear
i offices of their two buildings,
it i now said that the intention of
j Dean nud Harvey is to construct mi of
fice building ou their option facing
, Lee court. In such ii case they will
uly bulla to such a height and in such
rentals of their presvut properties
Mr: Dean said to ti TlUBUKI reporter
that he and Mr. Harvey had the 0p
, lions, but their plana wore not sulli
I clently m itured for them to state ex
i actly what would be done.
It w.s the corner o! Spruce street
and Washfnton avenne, adjoining tho
i Dean and Harvey buildings, which
John A. Meurs recently pnrehirsod. If
Mr. Mears erects an otlije building and
the other persons interested do like
wise on two portions of the Dates
property, this city will be ablo to boast
of another and prominent addition to
its lnrge number of business buildings.
Hiss Mary Mjrau Bobbii W. A,
Resident;) in Day Hut.
She Had Nearly All of Stolen Articles
with Her Two Watches Pawned in
a 8hop in Ibis Olty- They Wuro
Recovered -The Girl Held in SI,
000 Dall lor Her Appcaranco at
Court Why She Fell.
bed I h'
Mary IforSU, the Bciltb Hide
lady who was SrrVftSd at
Barrs Monday for huviug rob
residence ol W, A. iallnghet
'27 Wyoming Ave.
John J. Carbtae hss been appoiaUd
omastr as uiyphant to succeed 'iiffl-r
T. Ree.
Tbomee W. Kecn, ttrn tragedian, will
present Bietaand III a: too Academy of
Music tbis eVnia.
The I-.awir an.! Hsdson tracks ab.ove
Carbondale w.r opened for the 2 o'clock
trmin yet-rlay afternoon.
E. E. Kf.kathn atf,rH BSfSSS the es
timate committee 'vpiiag seeking an
appropriation (or opening OxforS street.
Cart A. HieewiB prmoted "The Silver
King'" txtoroa good s.z-d SBd pieasefl
andienrij at thu .'.cad- rny -,t Mnic last
'-mnii.ionrj ' . B. 'iarrlneran 1 M. t.
Pturto ar worki-.? on tn-ir report'ia th"
( srrjonl I- r.ons-.el lction rase.
Wii. m prse, V, v.'.t: :.-.: T--.
A le-;r igr.d '1 ff.' J. ", In opposition
to the bridgo Improvements will !. print
4 if the writT w:.l attach Ml foil nam"
to the ooiamaaiUi'.n. All IsttSfe to TBS
TlSM ;k roas: ba signed by tn writer, for
Tr.e iadi-s' Anxtliary of the Bsllmad
Department of the V'oong M n '.r:Oi'i
a-s"n.o; ,a will gi ; an hVrU.nifeT.. f.'l
Chowder toBiKnt in A.w ciatioi hall M
L kwanna .a.-ense An excellent pro--grarnn.! b- -.. provided.
ji ' -
To Mayor Oinnsll
.'v fearfeej Us aeier bWsji
la 'I mfinltj nt,rt i,f 'nil
Kom hfltf i,n our If l fftftei tlr 9
Ami tKnl' till wt fcSSe to "'
Belt of Henry Col II nt Airalest CafbOfl
dali Trac'i m C. Advi ioid on L t
Attorney I. II. Dnms bai Sflereedsil
in getting tin trssptet ease (n Hnrv
Collins, anjost the CsTVOOdtlS 'i'f:
Hon company advanced on tin tllal
list for the March term.
When the i.'arbondale Traction OOBV
pany bnilt it road it ltrd the grade
of several of the streets of CarbOfldslS
nnd in cOLsequence many of the prop
erty ownen sued for (latuages.
. -.u -i were arbitrated and dam
"gealugregatirig in my thousands of
d'llaV wre aWsrdsd Sgalnsl tbS 0 011
Tiany. Appeals were taken and Mr.
Hums has had the ('oltlns case ad
vanced on the trial list to have the law
points involved paased upon.
Tho decision in the Collins cine will
rule, all the, others and a settlement of
tlietn may then b arrived without
. i ,
To Ghlf Himo'on.
If it hiirftlar it Intriltittjl nhttnUl titrUie. uour H'lr,
Or rinay In tntrmii- in ymir nnok
Aoir thr wu- ti it vulUrittt'H nre inmmy, wr trunt hrimj Mr. Uurylat tu hunk.
" ' - -
Muslu Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play nny denired number nf
tunes. Oautscbi & Hons., manufacturers,
MO (;bestnut street, Philadelphia. Woii.
derful orrheHtrial orgaus, onlybsiand I0.
Sh emlty Old music boxes esVefBlly re
paired and improved with new tunes.
. -
To J B. r -rr-t .
The poor and down-truitdi-n n Una have a
Vp mailer tlutir birth-place or r
in rharitu'H Muretlx thine ttdrgtt
A wormy anionic A, Iwutu.
Th3r Is in Mr K'.ngibury's posses
sion (0, out of which he would
have to pay an expensj account or
approximat-ly $130 This would leave
a balance of IBIM, which amount, if
coinins from his advertising recipts,
the board expected Mr. Kingsbury to
retain for service-". He was inde
fatigable in his efforts to make the
entertalnm-nt a SOCCSSS, financially
and otherwise, and notwithstanding
the Times unwarranted insinuation
his only, in the Board's beli-f, bien
tar !y iu making a detailed report.
(ne hundred and fifty-seven dollars
has been receivd by the treasurer
lief, tiie last me-ting The r-prts of
tr,- risitatioo. mploymnt an 1 cliild
saving committees, nresentel repect
ivly by memben K-lly, Fellows and
Moore, showed thst the boird is doing
grat good and the reports were ap
proved. At Preiident I'ipnle's uggtion a
plan was forrnul Itei for the distribn
tion of tickets to men, MosBao and
ebildrsfl deserving of temporary sh"l
ter. The tickets will be freely dis-
Itltritatoa among the offiosrs of the
r.rl and otners whom applieantw
for aid are likely to approach
and if fonnd worthy, sn ndofsemsnl
will be mide on the card allowing
temporary eccss by the applicant to
the f "I lowin k institution: Hoin for
the fflWBdleeS. 8t, .J'eieph's Foundling
Mom. Rsscos Mission, v lOfsnCS Mis
iiion, fl uid of Ihe BslvCroa, Friend -
less 'iri society, the Young Woman s
Christian SSaOOiistlM and Mt. Patrick's
Orphan asylum.
A report was receive 1 from the
treasurer of Ht ViOOSttt'S de Paul so
(taty showlus lha' $Sf!"j .: i has been
collected, and fflOl til expended for
charitable 00 r DOSS J
Mrs. W. I!. POfan reported :"il cases
visited by her up to dat, nearly all of
whom were d-rvmg of assistance and
whose needs bad been attended to.
To W-r-n K-il-Ml.
IV, sioiZ of ii if.' May oAeioiiness
rhe lift (Old potAwoy essr blsse,'
ll'vutf raat thy InltteacS mitjht be
.So erfdS (Ml worfds teoald lawih with
the. '
1 treed:
ies bend-
Eeadlceton & Woerz's and Balluntlno'e
Alee are tho best. E. . Walsh, agent, as
ljeckawanaa avenne.
Somethinc New
Iu photos at Uroves', 435 Spruco street.
To a Medi'.al f rlind
llm limi t a bsrOStt, Itlir. tftfUft fork,
PttpUTtUU) in r pier lender;
white ease, ttlt MOtreMn sw n ipbl
'liinliel. ni u-here ue'ri lender.
Ae Boon n Hhi Is Klaad from .bill
Hhi Out Int'i Trouble.
Mrn. (islTuey, of the West Side, a
chronic. poiltM court rounder, was
iiouxht ledore Mayor Conuoll yester
dav afternoon ou the old drunk and
disorderly charge She Is the indi vl I
mil t he I ex-Mayor Fellows said oil ht to
hare the first ride In the new patrol
wagon, as she had about paid for it iu
the police conrts.
She had only yesterday lieou re
leased from a thirty -day sentence In
the jail, and OOllSOtSu a crowd at PSOO
avenue and Mulberry street while her
husband was tryiug to induce her touo
home. She refused and started tnwurd
the iniinicipal building to have it out
with the chief, Khewas there fur
nished a recoption in n coll.
The mayor discharged Mrs. O ilf iiy
with a warning.
To the (en .mi, i Hul of Trade.
Would tiutt GrTOPH! BQfsd tt urdi,
"iiiioeiiMiis ileum lude"
Ibid (AS inert, coiiiatnie state
Willi n liieh you're now imbued.
In desuetude you surely are,
'Tim' re u model of dlntt;
Jlul ynn cannot be i...
For there' I harm in wnir i triune.
To O-nd-d-te B-rk, of Dunmore.
Timothy, you are the people's iiwn eihnlce
For lhiryesr. for three years tit i nine.
You Will hare a majority over T. J,,
That will strike the "Iling Democrats"
Kot Much Accomplished at a Very
LoeKthy Sessions.
The estimates committee was in ses
sion for more than two hours last eve
ning. All the members were present
Hnd Mr. Westpfabl presided. After
laboring through the requests and
recommendations of the head of de
partments for two hours, khs commit
tee decided to have the heads of some
of the departments attend the next
meeting of the committee.
Last night's werk in bri"f is as fol
1 ws? Item of $900 for detective ser
vice postponed, salary of assi-t ant city
solicitor re.luccrl from $1,000 to ifHUO.
the engineer corps was given $l')0 for
Instrument, repairing oi asphalt re
duce'! 400.68, ward npproprlstions
fixed the same as last, year, salary of
dsk sergeant reduced from $9V) to
$000, this will be given back , InOfSSB
ing the police force from !l to li! pa
trolmea with an additional desk ser
geant. Victor L iner and P. Miller and
Kob-rt Robinson were appointed to
confer With t'hief Fsrbsr a to lbs
ii"ceseity for the increased appropria
lions ns asked for. Secretary llriggs.
of the board Of health, will ho asked to
attend lbs natt matting. The city so
licitor will bS asker to rlvn an opinion
as to the Isgslity of appropriating
mora than $1,000 psr anoum forOon-
nsll pnrk. and t Altiright frn li
brary management, will be asked to
SSplaln why InorSSSSS In appropria
tions for books nnd salaries are naked
for at this time.
e '
To a flep'nln of lb Thirteenth
If, 11 tirrtor In n re,
.( humhl tim e
Mili proffil one In linn sir;
'but slrtss be fair
Snl epll Ifi . rr( r r
''A i 1 hiii welu 1" Mow UUfwughf sir.
Forenton'e BuslOSSS Intereste
'in; Tbibubb win sunn publish s cars
fnlly compiled end claxsllliKt Hit of the
laatflns wuolfsal", hanking, rnanufsel nr
ii.g nnd profemjpnal latsrsats of Boratttofl
and vicinity. The edition will be iKiiind
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views ol our public build.
ingSibaslnses blocks, streets, site togstbsr
with pr.rtialtu of Issdlog dtlMBt. No
ton. iler work has ever given nu equal re
presentation ol Baranton's pinny lodes.
tries. It will I." an Invaluable eip.isltloii
ol our business resources. Hunt to
per . en k.nilHldn the cllv, copies Of
this handsome wink will SttHtat
DeWOOttVSW and he nu BDfqUSllod
n'1viirtleim.nt of the city. Tho clrrii
littlon Is on a plun that MOOOt fall of I
reii nits to those coiuerni'd as well n'i the city
hi Ihiitk asprseentataves of Tm 1'mhush
will eall up. ii iiioiin wnoait HSJIBS
are hkhiiikh In this edition and explain
Its nature morn fully.
Those desiring views of their residences'
in this edition will please leave notice at
the office.
' '
( harlli i, . m u v
'ni UtSS, dSUf I' WiTawt, in my In-art
a Bssnn '"' nin "ii Unusfs,
Atnl it smile unit play about my lip,
Ae viimmi'tHnni fur th' eoUeetiirship
Is elasped within lliy fliiyers.
KoBMDl'l new Turkish bath. IJvery
thing new. fssi Mpruce iitreel, oppOtltS
Court House.
- -as.-
Very Btylleh.
Tho now process photos at Uroves.
To J hn B Em h, of Dunmore,
All honor to the snuu'y larks
Thai 01 own your nye.d head;
A blesstny on Ihe gen'rous thoughts,
Thai la jor heurf, are bred,
To Dunmore you hare been a friend,
Faithful, Strong And true;
A winh for lengthened life and peace
Is our ralentine to you.
at mi Mulberry street intt rnnrsoay,
was given a hearing before Alderman
Pallor yestei.lnv afternoon. She was
asked to give 1 1, 000 bull for her up
pssrsnos at oourt, and in default wa
committed to tbs oounty jail to uwmt
The robbery was of the most daring
character and shows that Miss Moraii
is a yotiiiir w.iiiuui of unusual deling
nnd not a little shrew. lutwa. She is If)
years of ago and h is some claim to
She was never a servant at the I lalla-
ghsr (ssldsnos, contrary to many pub
llsbed repot tt to that tffsol, Dsrly In
Deoehiber her inotbei wu employed by
Mi .. I iallai(li..r lo do S0I0S Scrubbing
mid ideal. nu; about the liousu. Tnu
daughter aoeoiupaulnd her, and in thai
way .became familiar with the lay of
tin. house. Mrs t iallagher's niece, II
blind girl, is a member of the house
hold, and with her Miss Mormi In -
Cams acquainted.
List Thursday afternoon Miss Moran
dsoidtd to visit the (iallagher rod
dSUOSi having doviaed a plan for
despoiling it. She boldly rang the door
bell and discovering that there was no
one in the In, use but the hi i ml girl,
confided to hr 11 touching story of
poverty that elicited warm huurted
The blind girl is a maiden, and,
after playing and singing at the re
quest of her visitor, she told Miss
Moraii to go to the dining room nnd
have dinner. The oilier dined with
relish and then on u pretext made an
examination of the rooms on the sscond
floor, Suo took Mr. (iallagher's alliga
tor skin traveling b kg, mi 1 in it packed
three watches and all the articled ot
jewelry she could Hud in the house.
She next attacked Mrs, (Iallagher's
wardrobe ami selected the best dresses
and most dainty articles of lingerie.
Heitig unable to lore all of them into
the bag she wrapped the balsnce in 11
newspaper, kissed th blind girl an af
fectionate adieu an I departed, aakiug
about 2ff0 worth of propirty with bar.
Sue passed down Wyoming avenue
to Spruce street with tier satchel and
parcel and boarded a car for Dunmore.
At that place she shows 1 a few of the
articles of jewelry t relatives and said
they had been given to bor Where
she spent Tnurs lay night is not known,
but on Friday she wont to Wilkes
Bsrrs and entered a home of rjUSStion
able character conducted .by Alice
Suuday Mil Phillips took her uow
boarder out driving to show tier points
of interost iu and about Wilkes llirre.
A young man from Scrauton saw and
reoogaized, Miss Moran and that le i to
her arreat Mr. Gallagher wis in
formed that the Ctrl was i:i Wilkos
Barr and Officer David K idle was di
rooted to go there and place her under
arrest. The greater part of the stolen
property she had wltn her and Offij-r
Hoche recovered it Misi Moran con
fessed that two of the stolen witches
had been pawned in this city, one by
herself nnd the other by a young man
named Anthony O'Bjyle, Tuese were
alio recovered.
At "t o'clock yesterday afternoon Hlsi
Moran and O'BoylS were arrsigned be
fore Alderman Poller, Mr. Uillighrr
was rotivincod that O'l'.oyle was inno
CSnt of liny intentional wronir doing
and the charge against him was with
drawn He assured thos present that
he had pawned th l watch in psrfect
good faith for Miss Mornn, believing
that it was her property The young
lady was asked to give $1,01)1) hail for
her appearance at court and m default
was committed to j ill,
Her mother was present at the hear -
ing hhe was OOWtU .town with gnel
and cried continually. Miss Moran was
I one time ago engaged to lie married
loa South Side young man. but htr
conduct led to the breaking oh of the
engagement She was fond fif naiely
ami admiration and was frequently
seen at the public, balls of the city.
At one of these balls she mi u young
man who resides on the West Side. He
sccoinplishcd her nun. Some time
iler die alien. I. 1 a hall at I in ner
hull mid alter It was over accompanied
one of "her gentleman friends" to 111
Lackawanna avenue, wheie she '.p un
tho night
TM PSUI 'i ll at klLIA
Fairly launched on u vicious career
she made repeated visits to that mid
otliei places on lower Lackawanna
avenue. She cloaked all kttOWlsdga'Ol
btrOOttdnOl from her mother mi l step
father, but Itecomlnu weary of her
double Hfo she determined to become a
domipiii of the half world where folly
mid unavailing regrets k hand in
hand. As a prelude to tier entrance on
her shady car"er h oommltlsd th
robbery tO obtain clothing, jewelry
nnd money.
... s -
T,. r A. i m
II u7i iiffuio nt,, and cheerful word
In.) lolly Miffs Nt all-
line SdXtOt would dreitm thy trenchant pen
h tOmStlltlSI dipped in gall.
e ,
Thev Mev IsUBiraaltrset ttrbdlda a
meat Wss Net i.nHiiv ntadn.
Luzei no itreel noieiiy owners will
bold a meeting at Callahan's ball to
morrow night to take notion with re
gS id lo the claims ot the city again!
then for grading.
The property owner claim that the
grading iissiiHimenti Were not legally
made, they being charged according to
frontage instead of by benefits.
- s .
To A. J C lh rn.
rViiiiisf Anil' an.' ' 'iccro
8h$d ruys of though! ages ago;
lint still, thro' thee, lis often said
t hai cloguencc IS not yet dead.
liniillb, You Know.
Tuuuip.isotype iitlliovos', (ft5 Hpiuco.
- as
Anhuer Kuarh Beer.
Lout Lobinan'e, H'-.'a Mpruce
FOB male only, Conrad's hats.
To O. K.
.1 song ol spring He'll mini, with glee
A blithsome, handsome sonnet.
If an appointment he should see,
He'd surely sjiring upon it.
Qiven by Mrs Fianoss B. Swan at h r
Clay Avenue RteHeaci.
Mrs. Frnncfs II. Swim, of Clay live
nue, gave her friends a delightful and
decidedly novel oiitertuiuuiiint yestur
day at her home. It was a miuioale
mattO and was participated in by sev
eral of iho most uccomplUhud mini
clans of this Olty.
Mrs Bwann was assisted in rec living
by Miss Scoit, of PbUadalphla. Missl
Busso Jsrmyn. ..Miss Alice Data, Iftsss
Margaret 10. Vanlhy and Miss Clare
EtOyilOids ass!stl iu the dining room.
The programme rendered by Profes
sor (i-o H. (.'alter, itiaiiist: Mr.
VVoolur, tenor, and Miss Julia Allxu,
the talented violinist, was a splendid
ono in every rospaot, and it was ren
darsd with that artistic liuestn which
Bcrantonlant luive learned to expect
1 1 .-in i he uhmIoIsbs,
Those prsssnt wsrs; Mr B B Jar-
mvn. Mrs BS, P. Kingsbury, Mrs
(le.irge H Hmith, Mis c c Mattes,
Mrs A 11 Ohrltty. Mrs. Alfrod Html,
Mr. Alfred Connell, Mrs H. H. Ripple,
Mrs. .1 ii in "is L Oonnsll, Mrs I' H.
l.iio)'i, Mrs. .lamei I'. Dickion, Mr.
William II Taylor. Mrs II. A Cm
nail, Mm l, F. Bvsrhart, Mrs. T.
W. Kingsbury, Mr. Jos-ihine Coons,
Mrs. T F, Plntl, Mr. Amlln Blair,
Mrs. W. .1 Hand, Mrs II. W Kings
bury. Airs Luth.r Kslh.r, Mrs Mile
1. Tiauy, Mm. QonrgS ii. Osrtsr, Mrs
Isaac Post, Mrs. Blwiu IVSS, Mrs N
Y Lsti Mm. II. PI Ware, Mrs.
Arja Williams, Mrs. William Oon
nsll, Mr. I. c Lsbsr, Mm
I). K. Taylor, Mn. P li Wool.
Mrs, T. F. Psnrnan, Mrs. Jmts Mc
iSttd, Mrs B H Piiee. Mrs. T J.Wat
kins, Mrs T. F. Hunt, Mr. J. W.
Uoolldgs, Mr, s L Rloe, Mrs. Bamnsl
BtSVSnS, Mrs Melvin Ovirbstt, M s. 0,
li. Penman, Mr. Robert M Bcrautoo,
Mrs. William C Ksltsr, Mts Warren
i. Partridge, Mis L A. Wnlre. Mrs.
DeorgeM Kill -at Mr. J, 11 PuSlpS,
Mmsi's Hell, Jenny". Barker, aor
roster, AdsntS, Jones, Kiugnbtiry, Nor
ton, OtSSel, Brooks, Matthews, Key
moor. Mattes, MoQiad. Bfclnnor, Jes
sis C'ounell, Svybolt, i!diu, Coursun,
Allen and Scott,
To a Poeelhle Sheriff.
Clintons j4afs lae p liot tnersossdi
lie ,. 7 Mt tljr m Uorawit;
Jlul If fr. J t Jill! I,' U I rli lltn-lt
Front council In- iron1 cmhui UAr-r.
. A. Comstack, a Linden Street
Property Owner Discovers a New
Form of Action for Damages.
S. A. Comstock. who owua three
frame building ou tho southerly Bide
of Linden street, betweeu Peun uud
Prankllu avenues, askud the court yes
terday, through Attorney 1 11, Hums,
to appoint viewers to ascertain what
damages he sustained by reason of
changes of the grade of Linden -ti.-.t
iu froutof his pioparty.
Mr. Comstock erected tho bnildings
about twenty years ag , after obtain
ing the grade of the street iu front I f
them from Olty Engineer Amsden. He
erected the buildings eighteen inch, i
above tho level of the stret, and al
though he has since raised the found. -
lions under each two feet thev are new
oa a level with the street.
He says that nfur his buildinge were
erected tho street commissioners, with
out uny special authority from coun
cils, at different timos raised the grade
of tho street in front of his property.
When Linden street was paved about
five years ago the grade was established
by ordinance. It raised tbo street be
fore Mr. Comstock' house one foot.
For the damage be sustained by re son
of these changes of grade Mr Corn
stock wants tho city to reimburse him.
This is Qnlike the many other claims
that have been brought against the
city for damages caused by grading
It is a question in the first p! qs if the
claim is not birred by the statute of
limitations, and tSOOnty if it is potsible
to recover from tbo city where grading
was doae without being authorized by
In view of theSb (acts Judge Cunster
decided to hear argument iu the oats
before appointing viewers. If Mr
L'ostock ii successful there are many
other property owneis who will bring
similar actions igainst the city
Chosen lovRt)resont the Second District at
the State Convention.
They Condemn tbo Altitude of the
Democratic Parly with Regard to
Iho Tariff nnd Hawaiian Affairs.
Dalagataa Who Took Part in the
Deliberations of the Convention.
Dr. A. J. Kolb Named as Alternate.
To r-ty Kd K-rn.
TTlerr's a smile on his face of ineffable
lad his -ii p has a spring fransoi edsBlof,
But u ee'e not going I" sun thai hiSwImaMs
I, .ins u ".scoop" ill (Ae mi' senti'mi nt.ll.
Orcsnleed by a Nemlter of th ProgreG
eiv Pelentan of Tine city.
Attorney M A McCinlev applied to
the court ytrdav for a charter lor
the Polish Roman Catholic Mutual
Life Insurance Association or Soranton
The purpose (or which the corpora
tion was formed Is to provide a fund
from which to pay death benefits Tltt
fund is to tie maintained by th" oollsc
lion of due and assessments from the
msmbars, The principal ilttg the
association will be Iu this Olty, ami it
will Oarry on its business through a
supreme end suboidlnnte ledges.
The officers of the RSSOCiatlon nre
Jacob Matltoskl, president; Kouslanty
siowski, vice prasident: Mllllsloui
BghytSr, aeoretarv, F. .1. Dickort, trea
surer. Tbo charter is asked for under
an ad of the legislature kppfOVSd
Airil (1, LSM,
To J hn J rm n.
Tht d itmtnt i in. in inf.. gtipi gd,"
Has vaiulM culled in yei s innc ., o.l
"ln-e. OA, pfSS "s, Ns prffhsS, sic,
I Hint class place lo rest our aoii.f."
ii s i i.
Ilry a new list new, the style's are net
tied, Conrad hn tbent.
To ii r ti n e, afSanmire.
.It btofASgftlA you air a,
'!. soft soap you win a high perch.
Hut despite your finesse and line "iinll,"
Ky Tim BefAS, you'll tic left in the hn , h.
A I I il ivs.,,1, f.f I lit. I .' . , , 1 1 I , I l r - r, r i k
of the Second Legislative district, held
i tl,e court house vcstopliiv afternoon.
Msjor Evsrett. Warren was unani
mously elected delegate to the R-publi-
mi rstate con Ventioii. which meelH In
II , i . . i til. tj.i.i.lnv M I'll t(,
n .j , --y
lomiinsli! a governor nud other state
After the credentials had tuen hand -
oil in nud recorded Attorney F. W
Plsill moved that a committee of three
be tippoiritiel to draft appro
priate rssolMiOM Tiie chair ap
pointed Mr. FlSltg, Attorney T. r.
Penman and Colonel Oeorgu Kinder
lion. Aftei a short rec-sa the following
resolutions were reported uud adopted:
We, ihe BapnbiiOBBS of the Seem I Leg
islative district of Lackawanna coantv. in
eoiivnuii'.ii assembled, reamrm our devo
tion lo the principles ot the Kepubllcau
psi ly.
rVe desire to enter a rigorous protsst
against the aetimi of the Deui.j.;rati'i lend.
. is In li": houe al Witsalngtoli iu the pab-
lags) of ths Wlleoo Mil i--. dsstr native to
the iudiiKtriea of tbi-i lection, es wil a,tbn
whole country at large, tUe very bha'i'.w
ot which has t.hul down our SjOtOriea
closed OUT mills nnd mieOI and letiOOelf
rrippled nil budnsas Intsrasta, In ibis
eclloli We believe all re in teres ted hilke,
and Laakawanaa owes it to her-, i' a one
of the leading ladnstrlal rustle of the
oommon wsaltb to spsak on Taesdsy next
win. do snoertalo or wavering tone her
condemnation of the Democratic policy of
liifainylu Hawaiian aSSire, of destruction
lo the industries, the farm product and
! In- rights of both capital and labor in the
United Mates.
We f urtiier dsirs to place on record our
hearty endorsem-nt of ibe candidacy of
(ten. D, 11. Hastinjs, of beilefoutt. for the
Itepubhcan aomination forgovornof at th
co Using stale en. vc.v.i r' r g . .
him a thoroughly (quippe'l. abie and
rtataemau-like represenut.v of me parly
and the people of ihia StStt. WS alao urge
the r . ..-i.- of Lsckawkuna oouutj, regard
less of party, to rally around ttie ottLQard
of Hon. (la usha A. (irow next Tuesday
and (bow bS then votSS that they still re
main tras to ibe principles of protection
to Amer cab labor and irpuu.tte all free
trade heresies.
Chairman Miliar annonnced that the
next business that wonld occapy the
attention of the convention would be
the selection of a delegate to the state
convention. Mr Penman uotninaU 1
Mnjor Everett Warren for ths poiition
There were uo other nominations and
Major Warren was uaanitcoailv
Dr. A. J. Kolb was chosen for alter
nata Attorney A J. Colborn was also
placed in nomination for alternate, but
declined. He said be believed in diri
ing the honors and as the Ninth ward
was honored by having one of its citi
zens choien as delegate he thought it
Would be unfair to select the alternate
from the earn; ward. He thtrefort
asked permission to withdraw his mm'
in favor of Dr. Kolb, who be said was
an nble representative of tte young
Republicans of the South Sid.
The selection of Dr Kolb completed
tbe work of the convention and it ad
journed, having been in session twenty -five
mi unite.
To th DunSBOTC Council.
Squtlching plans of improvement,
i on display a mash r Aiiatf,
For U, , diii'i tin ta-rpaufft' perktts,
leu deaf sliow any lack of no ml.
But for doing real SMSASSS
1 "di ne'er be worth two straws;
The'rc lo many of your members
Sharpening up thi it- private "sau s.r
Books by Expree.
Any person crdmng ion or more book
at one time may have them iut by ex
pi ess prepaid.
OORBAn the first to show Spring bats.
J f A.V1NG cloged out our Booti
and Shoes, we will this vxji.-k
offer what CROCKERY we lias.;
ou hand as follow:
Dinner 8ats, worth $10, for 3.75
Joilet KeU, worth i-S V '., for . 1.90
Toilet Sits, worth M 75. for .0,9
Cnps and Saucers, set worth 75s.
,or .. .30
Lreskfiist I'uu,,. worth 7c, for .fj'J
Bowls, worth lie,, lit .. .05
Bowls, worth Viz.. for .U
HnwJs, worth Bo . for .0?
Platter, worlli 1, for M
Plotters, worth V,:, for .ij
IliaM prioei arill clone out Mm
Mock Very quick. If you want auj.
ofit, von iubd bettef come gooa.
Scranton Cash Store,
F. P. PRICE, Agt.
Dr. Hill Son
!M teeth. sVUfl: baaS set. J-; tar co'iJ eapa
arid teeth erttont plates, pjule.i croarr. aot)
hhdpe arork. call for price and refere- o-
j.NAL(tIa. ettrart.,- teett HaMO
lm. He ether. Kogas.
f.VI K 1 lR-T AT10AT TtAN'K.
Best Sets of Teeth
Indndlng the painless sxtractiai
nf teeth by mi entirely new pie
S. C. Snyder, D.O.S.
iu w iioiim. ,vvi:
The new oiler
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
We have a lare assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or4l3 LACK A. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Make a note of it
- , ! Eureka Laundry Co.
HENRY KATUN k CO, ' r. i mm si. ami a.,-.
I , v 1. r HOCSB Si AliB.
126 Penn Ave.
All kinds ot Laundry work guarftntoed
t he beat.
This I
Small lots, in all departments, to
close out cheap.
Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15