THE SCHANTON TMBITNE-WEDNESDAY MORN.NG. FEBRUARY 14. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. ail kind vast fjtoi aweA, i, i,t Situation! Mimf. .f,unVn ore tnlrrttd FRKB. Situations Wanted. SCRCBBINl hOL'sE CLEAN 7 ANTKII v in .orati) bousshoid word bj the day. Address, MKS W ATM NS. .T ' lu,' uic av OlTUATToN WAN'FEn-BY A YOUNB O nun with fair education. ot afraid ol vTork;een furnish Brsl elan referenc Au- dris, It. II.. tliiHotlli'o. Vul'Nw MAN vnXH CIOOD B-KEH I BMCB, would like a neattion In store 01 office; nol afraid of uh work- .(.hires. 0 M , Tribune ofto 117 ANTKTJ sil'l'ATInN R A OIKL IN law yer'e office to keepdu order Anowei Call TMUil'N Office. Ur ANTED A YOUNG LADY WISHKS to rend to uidy 01 gciitlcmnn few h -.urs tuo i day. Address It. cere o( Tribe nl off toe Special Notice. UUO. tal-l. 1TCKKTH CAN HE II Al AT 141. ruur spruce street am! l-niuulin ave Twenty tickets fur B-'t-'itl. Hood board. He. t !. nOH sale BINQLB lioi'si-:, (UQUINOY "AMl'.P WlUATIVJI AH COAl HMAA guniuoi Awircw it a. irrnui oik SJirt'ATU'N WANTED AS COACHMAN i? or hustler: had two yean' expertaaoe In carriage painti'ig. I'- T-i Tribune Olfl'AT.ON WANTED J' A MARRIED 9 iu in coe) au or gardener; willing fKi useful, understands i-rcon-BOl eWOrt; eigh' gears' lefBreuoe from lael employers., WILLIAM. U1U Marlon strwt. OITITATION WANTED IX OFFICE UF O lawrwot physician, to k poff ilinordi r und answer ealls; run i'uriii-li o I r fore-ma. Miss BABY A. JEFFREYS. 4ll( I'titusm sir,.,'!. S.-rul.toli, I'a. kJ ITl'ATlUB WAKTBD a woman , aid like to get out by the day washing -,r tflnalltuir. or Wll t ike w;ls!U'ig none. All avenue; t-i v lit Hlralil. liM'jtt ii.ti. Aonly (1 V. ItEYNOl.liS, i,l Wll. 1. AltU WAIIIifON a, KNAPP. W WILL BOY ktODBRN NEW B BOOM house, nil I PfOiroB 4 01 tonus niiHy; cor- iii-r .iiaaitioii uveinio hum iieiowiiro Mrooi. .vp ply HARRY LBK8 yl.iin WILL BUY very DESIRABLE LOT 'Ic1 cornel Madison i.vtitlllii and lKilaw.ira ttroet. Ti'riu easy Apl'll HARRY LXB& w s: S1 en dr,,,. HARi UOHKBUliI, Scrutitou PostoInOv. QV A YOUNU MAN IN VH OOODSOR 1) k-roeevv store, or .'!Ue lumuesf. w here lie rookf work ttp. Bonn xi) irlence ijopd rwM HIM will work vbWP. Address IV O box ... Montrose Va " DSiSttMAKEtl WHO BUT' RELY . drpodat neon hrrMll tor support woW like t w MgaMB aW t 1 10 oat b) ttie wool, it reasonable rates. Address l'remiker, 'fnb- qu OAca. CJiTUATION WASTED BY a dTRONQ 3 w'.'iuau who B wUUbij to do My kind ot hcu work: will take home waabiag or bfCJI bm or co out by tba day. OrollM KUuo, No. iTf cdr avoiuie. gcraatoa. r ANTED - PtWlTlOS BY A KlKi' rufervnea tWraAbld. AaWtM A B Hall, I Clinton stre-'t. Bmgtiauitou, N Y 'ITCATION WANTED BY A YOUWU ma::. 'au take euro it Horses or ariv team, or any luht work I'Mterreu. inus i tllt, r yean exwrienoe in dry '.sis store, nana 1310 Wa.-hiuctou aveui:o. Sorautou. IITVATIOM WANTED BY A stkunu vouui woman wto ts wtiuug to no au kind of hoiBowurk Will take home wasnnu or ironlnu or go otu by the dav Address J. 0 . W i st Side. ITVATION WANTED BY A Ol M irirl to take care of crulo.ron. tan or au- d.-e-s K. C. 101J Scranton 9trwt. !M;rantJU. rCAi I'lS WANTED -BY A 101 Ml married man: nine years' -xpeneui.v in the bateher business: am wilhni; to take any od employment. J W. Arnoia. M osie. Pa. I ublic Sale. V DMINI8 TRATOH sale OF IIRALK8 .A tale By vlrtuoof anorder oflkuOrpbana Court ot Laokawantui count) to me dirootoili i will on Hatnrdayi tie- tontb iu ol ktaroli, Hit, at 10 o'clock ui the IbranooDi al th Arbl tiaitoii Ko.mii, Coorl Hopao, City of B rauton, expoM to public aido the real eatalc at Ibc estate of lr II A. Cole, ileceatied -.llual.-, ly Uui aud balna la th Townahlp ul Madliou CpUUty of Lm kiiwuniia mill state of Pauaayl vi nia, the ili st ),h-i e hotiiido.i mid daapnbod as follows, to wit: hi-KlnuuiK at a u -rtier umile for Tbomal Waiirua. on juhii. road taadlni from tkaoor naratiaar Dooatof Ulltoti Otark. ueccaaad, to the Hornbakari' nottlatnanti thoiioa south tiity ilegreap akai alnug the line uf ikld w..i trui ton and uoadtajl i.ds u, cornar mad,- for Mild Waltrtis mid lloriihaker; theiu-u south forty daaraai wacta)oag mi la Borubakai lattd four i ods to stone corner: tkattoo north tirty dagfaak Wait ton and OUC hall' rods to said pUUUo road, thou -e north forty d, igraaa OHIt along -iid tOta f-'Ur rod-, to the plate of Ito KiUnTllitl containing ,-Uhty two r.sls of land, be the afttua more oi Iohs, all cleared, with au untln,sln-d framt house and outbouaa Ibarooni The second plaM thereof hounded and do s irlpM as follows, to wit: Baftnulng at the houkb corner of Id known as the paraunagti lot corner made in toe ditch ol road; theno along paraonagv lot north iltti decrees wail twenty nine lodst a stone ten,-,, and lane of John Evans, (ban along ssid fen, ,, south forty are- s west ttin r.ais to lot ol A. E Cuuipton; tbaooa alout: said DuBUltOB lot south lilt v it-,(tre, s east twenty blaa radl to ditch of aloreaaid toad, tbatioe alou said ditcli north forty dagraat aait tati roda to pbwj of isgm nlaji; containing one acre and one hundred Ml I ihirtv pvronw of land, DOM or less, all I Improved with one frame ilwi-lliiik; Iioiim and iraim- I aru ami outhouses IBI con, H nils pj silt: Tiieuly tti Per cent, on each plaoa I'ald down. r w out v live nor rent on tlual copflrnatioa of ..ilo and delivery of dead and the balance within six months from day of sale, to be sei-ute.l by a bond and UorWagll upon the pr, BtlaM with interest from the confirmation v. WATSON, J ANSON COLE, Attorney for Estate Aduiintstrat ir. Scranlott. Va.. Fob T, IBM, GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Statistician Rulaj'a Kstimitu ui the Ainoiiiit ol Utunlned Anthracite. FUEL FOR MANY YEARS TO COME Eekley E. Qoxe Again Named by Nhw!pah r Humor in Connection Willi the Future Maii ipoiiu nl ot Die Leliili Valley H.ulroad Milting Af- livlliat at Rlchmondalt Bright Par- a, i .iphs ot Industrial Intelligence Culled rom Many Sources. ArconliiiK to an mtiiiinte jiut niaila bv V. W Itiiley, nl (be liiireiiu of AD tbrACtta i- i d itatitttot, Hie DBRllntd coiii in rVnDiyl?AniBtvgrgatti 1,884, 000,000 tons. ll or Wblob is located in an moil of 818,000 acres According to these BgnrW,!! Hie yuarlv uveraxo were tneonttnnt at U, 000,000 torn fur, Hay. 161 JTMNi Die Ileitis will ii.n.. tievutue ptirtly Kttnot Tun Handing oonpnnj not only btwil tlie list as to aOrtagS, but Ita ominad coal is more than llonbla Hist of all tlio other coal com panlea cotiiliiiio,, the tntimatii lilacini: ttaflgaraa at 8,480,000,000 tons. The estimate follows: Tons i Ml, I SJ,4oU,UUftlKK) 8011,000,0(10 400,000,000 180,0 0,000 ;n,oi in, ouo Hiii, line, i hm i SHI, 000,00(1 V 000, 01 in 870,000,000 iiu' 74,000.(100 I'll 1 1 a lieidlito Dataware a Uudaon, D , LAW Penu, I 'oal Company Hillside ( oal & iron l.ehiijh Valley . . . LebiithA Wilkes llario 18,600 Kabigb a Lunrna NO Lablab c. N o. in I Ullaaca c. M, Co.... 4,ikh Paapiylvanta R, u. . .. 4,88 1 Aoroa, . lo-.'.nuo . 81,800 . 16,800 . 18,000 . . 7,800 !, 7-jn PUBLIC SALE of VALUABLE REAL It) I TAT I PurSttanl to au order of the the city of Scrantou, lay of February, Ishi, QXTUATIOB WAN TED -BY A YOUNG i9 gir: to do light housework or as carls fbi Address L. E.. 11") North Flluwraiare.. Scran ton. Pi Hela Wanted-Mjic. EUABLEMAN, orithans ciiut t of Lackawanna county, reuu--vKama. there w ill b- sx'ltl at public sale at ttratioii l'.s-iu iu the court house m on Saturday the Mth the fol'o-viiur dt-scribiHl real - state, late of John J O tiara, ,li aa.'d. tow:; A raluabw lot of itround situate in the city of Seiauton. county of Lackawanna and state of IVunsylvautii. kuowu and desig nated as lot No .'in square or block si and situate upon street culled and known as I'ear street upon th- town plot if th-, city of sc.antiB intended to ba duly racordad and rvatutered . suid lot hemic forty idli fact in front and forty (d, feet in rear and one hun dred and i:xty-four 1 1W) fret in depth. All improved with a double frame two story dwelling house, fruit trees and out buildunis. subject to res rvatiou of coal and minerals. Person desiring to view the promises will pl-'ase call on Mrs. Mary i iTlara. administra tiix, residing thoriou. s;,, eoauaanoH at 10 a. m. Cpodltlo&l made known at sale by Jessurs Jfc Hand. Attorneys MARY i I'lIARA. Ailminlstratrisc. it- iVT.-ll r-.n-" s:::,.n StamDsind rat t :. - .A KSSfa FINANCIAL ANLI CUMMtHUIAL M rr:i. car i pap -r Help Wanted females Ur ANTED-A 9QOD GIRL FOR UEN eral housework Apply at 49) (Juiccy Agents Wanted. SALESMAN'. 11 iJltll-A s,AI-..-5 JIA.S. day 1 weekly can be ma U- with anf goods m i Jn nr l.-nlltr will uro,; It of forfeit UI. Salary or commtsaiou as yOO frafer. The re injsof a !w hoar-' work often equals a wwk'i wane. Addrees, -Ma.ntfacTL 8 Ktt ' P B Boi Snff, B,ton. Mass. UT ASTED-TWO TOCNO MEN Of QO iD adrtrasa to ,-all on business house s;a,ly employmut for H'Xxi m-n. Aptly KATTONaC CLEAN" TOWEL COMPANY. i For Sale. f'AkM EuR SALE uR EXCHAN6L. FOB 1713 Lnfayette stceet TV'K BALE-CHOICE BUTLU1NO LOTS r in Fa- ,1-yvllle. Innuire f D3. E. T WHEAT' iN. Dentist, (.'1 Lackax mna ,-.-t.:i- TOR .-ALE MiLLINE IT AND FANCY T ioods also dnsama'clng departm ,nt. F rst e,as trade and I,'- ition. A bargain fof Inerlgbt Pirt7 Teraai easy. Apiy "Bor. n. i.. ear,: rr'.Mir.-- - is tOB SALE A PLATFORM HPBINO wa on. a-.d noum for ale r rent In-;-.:.---, fB F n'.'M ir. :HKLL. M.steow Pi ICE FOB SALE-DELIVERED IB B( KAN 1 ton at Hoc. p-r t,.n UMntn of W. H. SMITH or M. H HL FFoRO, CUrk s sum Bit. Pa. Stcoki and Bond. N'iw York. Feb. 1( Early tradtue at tbe Stock exchange was characterize,! by a ttssk-r tone for tha western ratlwiy stocks and still higher prices for tb, In dustrials, notably American Sugar. The market left off irregular Sates are gatee 171.161 shares. Th-s foil , wing complete table mowing the lav's fluctuations in aottv stocks is supplied r-Tisi-,1 daily i,v taller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Hub- Low Clos ing, est cat. lug. X city alouai ty. Ine'tir-; of w c. lXvis. Am.C-t. Oil. . Am Sugar A. T.7K F US Can. So. Mi On. N J hie. N. W o (!., b. A y Tl4 Chic. Oas M C C C. St. L... 3o4 Col. H.ick.Val. T D. k H UHt u., L.. a w IOR SALfl a AUK -. J and ntenslla. J M r'ARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD l Monro, ave. l"oK SALE i R IXCHAJIOI roR HCRAE X V,n property-A bearina orang-, grovo ir.rr.-asu.g :n r-roii- tioo ann ,alu,- y,-ari. in i-ran IS seeiinii in r iitri'ia ,,,,, c-. NEITLETON". Union. Florida E D.C. F. Erie , O. E. Co , Lake Shore L AN Manhattan Miss. Pac Nat. Lend N. Y. ft I, F. N. Y. Central... N. Y..O. W... N. Y S. a W... U. 3. C. Co North Pac North Pac. pf... i Omaha Pac. Mall Kdln Rock Island R. T St. Paul T..C. ft I Tens ft Pac Ci.i-.n I'an Wubaan, pf Lnlnn. L. F. Isfl Bf, .. I A, .. ..lia .. m ..121 .. du ::1 M MM itii est " mi imii tju VM :,iw li".V s-VK 121 '"'4 tilt liuil m M m m" &i m am Ua 15 lit 224 M8 Uh irf LH4 Qfi 1'."., 1ITV Tits, Cli-4 Bf liaM UN 121 JtK 1W bi)4 ISM M J. Un ml ' liivK Is , I7S UN , M , MM 4 V2Ki KM U" Hi I2ti m MM K2 11M 12 ttU I IV, MM HM Mm -i ITU, UN MM HM mm for Bent. LOR RENT APRIL I THE BOOMI! HOW 1 -s rup.ed by the T,-lepf,on EMBAnnv, BB peny at m, oin -e or Tlcrd Nutlonal Bank Lackawanna avnaoe a L. I., .'i. .-a.t bnilding. L rt. and K Full -r AVE T'Ok RENT- HOCSE 4"7 W iOMINO JT nna from April 1. Eleven roorna, all the m'Kh-rn Improvemnn s. rant ii par month Apply to P. H, CLEMOjfB, 422 Lackawanna avefcao L'OU KENT STORE ". I LACKAWANNA Laekawi nna l.lll: nt HM Frey, 421 preiniscs. loK KENT IN BCBB Bl ILDINfAWAHH J ingtor, avenue, a few desrahlo ofn-,-s and flats.- Iten' very ressnnab'o ,to deairablx par pen Can b , paen by apply ing to Janitor in building Ko- torns apply to CHARLES A Bl'iiR 224 North Bate aeentte, IO It KENT A LA KO K STORK ROOM Ai JT 4IB Hprtico street. Inulre at ill Wynm )ng avenue nOB KENT THREE ROOMS, FRONT OX V second Boor, over N A Balkni t s music store, 117 Wyoming av una, from April I. In. quire In the stijri-. rOB KENT TWOHTORY BB10R I'V, EX 1 ling house; modern improveiiaoiti. 'fl-i Forest court Am,ly to MAURICE COLLlNa, ag'-nt. 721 W.-Nt I,ackawunna avenue 'I'o LET For a TERM OF YEARH 1 I'urt or all of three hundred fuel of yard Ap.ay at M rrankliii Chicago Oraln and Prr.vliions. HcriA !T',!, Feb. l'l The followlnr quota lions are sunt, lied and corrected dally liv La for ft Fuller, iUn.k hrokors.121 Wyom ng ave nue. WHEAT. Opening Highest..... Lowest Cloning COK.V. Otianing Highest Is, est (;l rating OATS. opening Highest i .-.- -It..- pork Opening Highest t Lowst 'losing LAHD. Opening HIvh'Kt IWeat Closing gfioRT KIl'.S. Opening Hlghpst Lowest.... Closing Feb. M"- .Iiilv Wl MM i Ml M MH nit; IM MM MM M I U, CI M MM 7K M Wi KKi M , K MM MM ' RM r-K. 2IHi 27W 27'. TJ V7t mi 2 uj BM tKJ Mil 1220 - 121.", WHO - M lis.', - IH2 lllrj - IV) 731 7 1'l 740 HI 7lu VI') 'lift til'-'i M W M8 OKI A2", inn tvri Hill Bl.i mil km rs,m along railroad kvi nna, RENT STOHK &tU)H FL'KNHHKD hall on Ore, -n Klda- street. Very deslrs- Bh ligation and nn i , -'- U,rms Apply toF. E. NETTLETON or C rt. WOOOKCFF Pi publican building. mo 1 i Legal 1 1 ST ATE OF WILLIAM W MANN KK.V 1j Into of the city nf Serantoti. Couniy of La-kaii anna, und state of Pennsylvania, do ornand - i testamentary upon the aborg nainisl estate having lasui granted to the undersigned nil persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, anil those Indebted) thereto will please make immediate payment to the exacuf ore herein after named, or uuy of them. ISAAC S. CAKE, n Tobyhiinnn, Pa. MARY T. MANNESS HEN KY A. KNAPP, Kcrauton, Pa. Wil.I.AItlP, WAHItKN ft KNAHI", Attorneys. ESTATE OF ELVIRA MANNESS, LATE of the city of ScCanton, County of Lacka wanna and State of Pennsylvania, doceiisod Letters f adm niilratlon n -n ttm above nnmed eatate having lieon granted to the un dersigned, nil poison i having claims or do mivnds agntns. the said estate will present them 'or payment, and those Indebted theroip will pleuse make Immediate payment to MARY T. MANNESS, Administratrix, Scran ton, Pa. WIU.A1IP, Waiiuue.n ft KNAPP, Attorneys. Totals ,3K,00(l l,OM,UOO,000 You Shiver und s;iy: " I'm taking cold." urn yon shiver because your sysii'iii is weak and caixnot resist OUtSlde inlliiciiios. Scott's HMKXMnMMJIaaaHafssVHCIi'lW Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphltes will clothe your bones with solid Dash and build yon up so you won't lake cold oasily. Phy$iciaM, the wuild over, endorse it Don't be deceived by Substitutes! trtaiotl by hcutt A How no, IS Y. AU Driiftfit.taV BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Connolly So Wallace A Creat Opportunity for KID GLOVE Buyers. Fur La dies and Gentlemen. 50 Dozen PIQUE CLOVES. Four-Button Length. ENGLISH REDS AND TANS For genuine service there is nothing to equal it, and they fit perfectly. Sold by our neighbors aa a bargain at a dollar, and really so, but our price is 87c. Dti it III', i 11. AMI M IKII-IINS. ri DEAN. LMaouauNof thiu Eyu, Nism Tin out and Bni, Ml Spruce stfeati oppo. ni l tionnn A. J, ioNM.i.1., oiii.o ui Wsaliington aK-niiti. roini-r hor.i'O rtio,-l, over rnuioks's drua sUm Knawnnoa,Wi Yinost. Offlou lioursi lO.iotoUa m. MM - to( uml S.IM to T,M p, in Sunday, S to 8 p, tn. iu: w ft AliLRN, OfBoa cor, Lnok J etnunn nnd Wnaldnvtnnnireati nvei i hhI nluia storei office bourn, 10 to U a, in. mid Dtn i p. in ; a?nnlnan at rnakiino Un Wnsnliifton ava, DUO. L PREY, Practtee lluilted t, LM i-asoii of tho tlye, Ivti, Noso ami Throat; oflloe. 1J Wyoming svo Itasldonoa, (Hi Vino (ri-ut. Oil I. U UATK8, un Wnshlnatmi Avouuj. oilli-o houri. a to ii a in . I : iu I mi'l t toN p.m. lolIN I. I Tim is a viow taken liv the lls.lotun 8anttDnl,not always truitwortliy mion L 'lilu'li allay inllroad diibjeuls, hot nearly always an iuture dtiti ouo: ''It sertua to bo evidmit that ttiu cotnliiK it u ii in tliti iu iiiu-L'tuiiiit of LihlKli Vullev affairs will be Kckley E Coxe. No uiiin who has tha interest of the recoil nt hsnrt oould doslro a butter man at the head of the xroiit property. I he sijins all point to achniiie of man ,';..-! if Mr. C oie shoiil-l no ivpt a place that he o in undoubtedly have if he Hays he will accept, it will bo the greatest train to thisuouiiuiinity. lhe very near liitiiro will show that Mr. Coxe luisjoiti. . force 1 the Lehigh Val ley to iuae htm exceptionally uilvau-ta-eous terms for the shipment of his coal to tidewater, or that another Ati.l more important deal has been made." Work in nud arouml tho Ricumon- dale colliery, Bays the Forest City News, is beln as actively curried on as ever despite tho dulncis in nearbv places nnd throughout the country. In the shaft tho north gangway has been lriven abont ,00 feet, four chambers have already boon started and more will be commenced this week. The south gangway hn.i been extended to meet the slope or gecoud opening, a distance of 11,000 feet. Tho slope is o00 feet long. There are four handings on tho south KMgWay and chambers will be started this week. About eigutv men were employed on the imide last mouth, but tho force will be largely inorenaed us the work progresses. Richard Beers, who understands mining thoroughly, is the inside fore in m Outside everything is running without friction. Tha big breaker does its work in a most satis factory manner, L ist month the out put of con was .I,, tons, and these Qaarea will look email when once the number of ..,.,.. are at work that it. il expected to employ About tliirty men are now employed outside. Tbe lop vein is between six and seven fat In tliickneiis, us far as worked yet. Six teen fo'-t below is thnauond vein, and it will average eight feet. Tho coal is of a good quality, that in the top vein b"ing especially tine. KIOD lonaale will present u icouo of great activity next summer. Minor Imhstriai, Notf.s- 4v-i passenger trains hnvo been tiikcii i ff of tbe. I'itub rg aad!Lake Brie railroad to reduce ix pen see. Four Ivnnsylvatiia Ilrins rccivoil the ooniracl to bnili 1,000 itaadard hopper gondola cur", eqalpped with Weetlnghouee in brakes, lor lh" H-'lawnre, SiiHoiieliiititja nnd Sc.huvlkill line, owned by ('.uh llros Co, The order was divided as follows: Murray ItaOoogal A Co,, HUtoa, 410 cars; Carlisle Mnniifiictnring company, tiO'l cars; darkaon W loden Manufacturing com pany, Bervrtek, its cars; Lebanon atann Inctnring coinianv 17", oaT4 Tie J, -rst-y (Vnlral has iibiudnnml its freight, ticket nnd telegraph ofllco nt. Ki tu. near Wilkes-I'.atre. The station will be kept open, however, for the con vim ienro of the patrons there, The night telegraph ofBoe nt 1'enn Haven Jaootloa has alio been fltocontlnned, Theuiosiug of these rarloM pfteea is for the purpose of redoetni eipepate, The Heading will WMO MM (Quarry villi) uhil liimciiiter. A i leTOland sjcnal says tho moulders of that i iiy may irik beoMM 61 a general rednotloti of in peroent, in wages. I i ill ii unk ppopln c.lallii that the vein of oil whloti was dlatorawed near that plaee recently is woi kablH. A oorrsapondent of tim i.i.i. i- , Herald say-i (hut the ill v :siou tni iiiliina Ihn Oiilniioand Western lailioiel Will be Obanged (nun Ml'lill.'lown to Hancock .1 ii ti 1 1 1. n Bnopi niiu other necessary liiniiliiigs will Ii.- located mere. A It'iii' of th'i Stnii'lnrd Oil compaiiy nr linvn lli eii in ill , rol. y II Inst week endeavoring to buy ap land lenses whleb were Some time ago obtained by virions sj iidlcales. WKNTZ. l l . Otttoea M mid roiiiuiouivi-Mlth huililniL-: i , 711 Miullnouavoi olU-ii hours 10 to 1!!, 'i to I, i to Bondaya iiiu to t. eveninae at realdaaoo A spis-lslty made of ,llH'iin.-s of thu uye, uar, noa out throat am! k nooology. 1,-ilty ma'lo on tut of aye ami akin.Sll Wyouilng Avo I to 4 uiiu , io a ii ui. I lt. O II HI KM ' i , i ' puwm oi cyn huo nni Offlee hours: until In a m Its. nit. KINO m MULBERRY BTBEEf I'l At Ciirtiouda!" on Krtiluys nf each weak. I I Kit I !S A ItY SI HocuMa CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hous?. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. aiiiiiiiiiiifiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii:; yCADEMY OF MUSIC J. ii OUR VEOKKgOAY. FEB, 11. LEHIGH AND SUSQULHANNA DIVISION Antbraeit .'I' lllllllll'Sl I iUI ll.-u- omfoi CX': 1UU 1 ' .11.1, ' iiMi i aaiti in ki i i.i i 1 1. ii i, ism. Brranton for Pltteton fflikei Klii, 11 80 a, m., 1110, p. in Bandera u uu u n, , n BTUHQBL I J. tlatrV ii ap. atertnary Hnrceoi 'j goU medallet laity, golil medalist of On tario veterinary College. OmVu. HiimmiT i livery, Sii l)ix St.. near Ivellur'a carrlago ahop. Telephono No. 4PI. I. A H IIIU. I M ('. UAM'K - J , lice, No. 317 Sprue Pa,; lylvun n ty fKBBUra - IIA.NIJ, Attorneys ami F lors at uw, Viashinuton avo. Law uml Collection of ueo st.. oppositu l ores; House. Bcraiiton. Pa,; COUeotione a spei-liilty throughout I'emisylvuuia; raUabla oorrespond' ents iii every county. I ouusel- Cbiuniouuealth -.lUdUi vv 11. JKSSI'P, HoiiAi i: K Hand. W II Jkkspp, .In. U'lI.l.AKD. WARRBM A KMAPP, Att r noys and Counselors at Law. Ki nublicia huihlinir, Wasliington ave.. Sctanlon, Va. )ATTEKBOM a WIUCOX, Attorneys ami 1 Counts OM at Law; of COS Ii and t Library building. Bcranton, Pa HpewaUi H. rArranson. William a. Wiu ox a 1.1 UKD HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, At j torneya and Counsollors, Coiuuioiiwoaltli lailliiine Hooms IU. LUan-l "A. EN RY M SKKLY Li.v oinc-s in Ito- IHihlican iiiiilulug. I ' HANK T, OKi.LL. Attornev at Law. ltooin a. Coal Kxchniige. Scrantou. Pa. MILIUM W. LOWKY, I Att'ys, T Washing C. II VON STORl 11. itonnv . C It square. All 8 W, OA-FORD, Attorney at. Law. rooms 6,1, 64 nnd lia, Commonwealth bT'ir at Law. Trains leav Pane, ote , ut h. in. MO,, Vi U.VJ, 7.IU n, in For Atlantic city, i (J t(. ui, POT New York, Newark ami ICIlala-th, 1,10 (eznreaa) a.m,, izhii (expru., with buffet 1 parlor car;, 1,00 (oxpreM0 p, m, Sunday, '.UU ! p. ui. i''ou maim ii Cnttat Allbrtowk, Bbtblv. BM, BasToN and I'iiii.miki.i-hia, s Hi a. in . ' ULsUa,HL r..ij (asoept PaUadalpblaj p. I Sunday, t)u. ni POT OBa BltABl II. Ol i.a.n (Inovi: etc. at 1 a. In ii in . l'J.IIU u in. 1-or Reading. Lehuiion uml liai i ishui a. via 1 Allentowii, s 10 ;i. m.. 1 .;; S.OO. n.t Kundav. ZlO p. in. for i'ottavuie, khib. n . 12:p m Ketuming, leave New York, foot of Liberty sireet, North river, ut (expnasi BL, 1 11', l.lin, (express wlt'u HulTuL p:,r!or eun IU. Sundav. i.'ii a. in. Leave Phffadelphll, Ueudlng Terminal, U.00 1 1 in , 2, 00 and 4.;n p m. Sunday, 0.S7 a, u-- S Throuidi ti'-krts to all points ai lowest rate i B may he had on implication in aduitn-o to tbo m ticket agetit at 1h i stuti' u. 11 V, liALUWI.N, (Jen Pass. Atfunt II. OI.HAI'SEX, den. Suet. CURTAINS Aaeii THE EXIXZNT TRAQEDIAir, TH03. W. KEENE ted by a atrotui drasaatls '.oisany, i-r..- eutiug Bbak"t(!.B.- Kosn'; HJeterieal T.-iMje-iy. I:RICHARDIIi KlilltlllllllllHillllllliiffttttltlilllSI PBICCB Parlor, THi Orebeetra, Si: Or-'-. fnU hLi r, Brel ror Baiccny, .... : remelnaet of Bslaosy, sc ; O-lvre. eweepene Sfoudey. ir New Yoik Fro lues Markat. New Yonx, Keb. I'. k'Louu iuiei barely hteacly. Wiibat rati ly active, linn; No. a red. utorH and elevator, KkfatlVfO.1 alloiit StKeflSc. I f. o. b., ii'JJiili:iin. : iiiiunidvd red. .VlnKln.: No. 1 northern, Iivia6h;.(c. options active, cloa.-il t--iidy, M n OVeT yesterday: No 2 red February, (Ilr .Man h, IKc; May, June, CmKc July, IVic; August, OTHo.; Sopteuilnr. 'c. ; iMoenoer, no iJijhn Dull, llrm. No. 2. 41 Wc, eleva lor, 4S?.'a4:ve,; optione, dull. Hi in, .'.,, up. I'ebruarv. M March, iBMOil May 4W-: Jiy, W Oath Dull, firms old Ions, firmer February, h.'c; March, llljo. May, Me; spot pricoe, No. 2, llOc. No. U white, .tu.-!. 'v . No. t Chlcngo, 7c; No. t, 84c: No. 8 white, .; mixed western, WlaHTo. ; White do., 74.",Vo : white slate, 874:.SC. iiicr.r quiet ; family, fllal-i; extra mess, (8.U0i8..'i0. ItKKI' I! uh - I lull. llBltcRii Jixir i.'u.ei, iitichaiigud. (JutMkats-DoII, ateidy. Mmiii.KS Nominal. Alio Quiet, weak; weateru steam, f-7.N0; city, iKaic; options, Slav, J7.52W; February, 7.T(; March, l7.66; refined, imiet; continent, (8.2.1; South America, fM6 rompound, -1 -' Funic -Steady, quiet; mess, HS,f5aM.M, BuiTEH Steady, active; state, lf,u24o.: do. creumery, 17aiilc; IVnniylvauia do. 27(1; western dairy, inline; do. rrenm ery, 18a27c; do. factory, 12al0c. ; Elgins, 27c. Imitation creamery, 14alVc; rolls, 12n 10c. Two Lives fnved. Mrs. Paoebo Tboroaa, of JnnoUoo city, III., was loin liy her doulois alio had ( i sumption ami Hint there n na no hope lor her, nut two iiotoiu nr. mug s now nis i oveiy completely ruled her mid she sav it saved her life. Mr. Tics. F.gnors, l.lll Florida St., San Fisnclsro, siilfored from n dreaiirul colli, iiiiiironuliing ('oiisuiuptlon. Il led without result everything elsethnn nought one liolllo or Hi King's New Ills covery nnd hi two weeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful. It Is such results of which tliesn are examples, that prove the wonderful emracy of this modlcliin In Coughs auilllolila ! no Irian boll los at MutthnwM llios,, i'rng storo. Regular sire bOc. and ( i. -' -PhlladslphU Tallow Marksl. I nn .i-i i i in VeD, IM. Tallow waa dull nud uurhiiugiid Prices werei Prime city. In hogsliHad, -I'v'1 '''; prime coao- try, III hog' heiolii i-'.e, ito, dark, Iu hogsheads, 4Jt'.; cakes, Bo. ; greasy i- Tiik llrst trial of Dr. Wood's Norway l'ine Syrup will satisfy nny one that tbe liing-himllug virtue of tho pine tree hss uow i" n refitted Into nn effective and convenient cough medicine. Hold by all dealers on a gunrnutna of satlsfuctlon. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion inoBtuao Pozzonl'H l 'ok dtir. It producAfl u Roft and beautiful Hkln AMU EL W, EDUaB, Attonwy s I A WATRBB, Attorney at Law, J I j. La.-kawsuiia MM,, Sersntoii. Pa P, SMITH. Counsellor at Law. rooms .M, .V,. :l Comilio.iw eallll builuim.' It. PITI IIKIt. Attorney nt Law. Com , mop we I th bailolne, Brrantoo, i .-i c. comeoys. :ci gprnee at. I II KKPLooLL , Attorney Loans neeo l . tuitini on real estate s, c 1 KILL AM, I. elallu: liveuu, urlty. ios sprm Attorney at- SW, M H) . Si-ranton. 1 U AVE TOUR DKBpB AND BtOBTOAOKB written and ncltnowledued by 1 V. BB OWNINO. Attorney anil Notary Public, 29 Common ivealth Huildtng. S'. SCHOtl-ia. CllooLOl-' Till: LACKAWANNA. ran !'. or business, thoroughly trams young cluljrtia Catalogue at leanest KBV Thomas M UAMSt Wai.tkii II HlTK.l I. itW WOBCKBTErVB KINDKItUAIlTI-.N and t-chool. iU Adams avenue. 1'unili all times. Next term will open M elvod at Jsiiusrv 'Iti III N I Isis 1 C I.AUI1ACII. Surgeon . Wy,, II It, "mine ave STKATTI iN, Dentist, No, lij is,-., i osi Riohsnee hUANa IMIK KF.Prill.IC Sam. 1 c hit ion iv i il i - - ii, ion ui inev on eener torn- end I.' and pay y.-u lad ler on Investment llian any thi.r ins,.e1,ti,m Call n '1. N.CAl.LI.N IiKlf. Iliine liana I uitiling not II - ami I; 1 1ST A I IN Is 'IMIK WESTMINSTER, mm Wyaaalai I uye Itooma heated Willi hte.-itu; all lmsi em llnpi oveue-nts C M I III' M A N. Crop ' II-.OLVK'S IIO'I Id,, iff, Lackawauuii aiu- It nue, Bcranton. nates reasonable, P, BiMken, Proprietor KSTMINS TLU Mill I.I. W II M'HKNCK. M iniirer. IUteeiilh strcef, one block east of llt-ondway. at 1 iiioii Muiii--. r.eiy inre, Auierlran plan, i '(' jir da) ami upward I oiYNK IIOI'hi;. Kuiopean plan, ;go,Mi V' i a,, open nay ami niifiit liar oiled ultli thu ls-sl I' II. cnVNIV rroprletoi ( HAHTVI4 oi .! leal I' U psa I ' aeli(er ilepol I oliillleted on Mie 1 .11 t'opeiin plan. H loll Ma ll. I'roprletor I ' HAM' I'ENTKAL I II" lamest mi l hen 4 I ,-, pili. pel hotel In Alleatowu, i'a toil : and r'tlsi per day I a tm I. EMU 11 VALLEY HAILltOAU. Train leaves Boraton fur Philadelphia and New York via. U A- HiK It Bt s . YiVy 'i;)s and ll .'lj p. m via D , L. V. R. it , a.Uo, 11 u a iu., and l.:w. : in. Leave Scrantou for I'lttstori and Wiiks,- Harre vis II.. L & W. It. It.. 80g,llJ0a m, L80L 850, 8.07, n.:W p. m Leave Scralit,,n for White Haven, llnzleton. Pottsvlllo nnd all polnt3 on the 11 sv -r Meadow and I'ottsville branches, via D B H. It. It. at a a.m.. U Ul, 2.3S. 4. Ill p.m . via t) , L. & W. K. n.,s(H 12.10 a.m.. l.SU 8.90O4- Leave Scranton for 11,-f tilehem Eastoli. Mdlac, Harris bora ami all interm -diat" points via D. & II. K R , s a.m.,12.10, S;i IIM p.m.,viaD , L A W. R. It. 11.20 a. m , 1.8U I'.a'i u iu. I Leave Scrnnton for Tonkhantwck. Towandi, i-.uiiiru. una - uenova ami au lireriu-'Uia. i IKiints via I). 4 11 It R.. 1 e-i aud 11.35 p. m., via u 1.. s w K K. '.i a-Ja in.. UPS m Leave Seranloa l,,r R--best, -r. Butlalo nuara Falls, DetrMt. Chu airo and nil points west vial) A- 11 R. R. 1 2VH 1.1,11 8i l'. in . via I). L. A W. R. R. and Pittston Junction ill a 1 iu for Hull a ., only . l-iOU . n. ni.. via K A- W..R II. , 4. bl p. m lor l.llllil-a and the west via Salsman.sq. via I). H H U. R et(.iiB, in.. viaD. L. W, K II. 8, M0 a. m and C.(I7 p. m. I 'ullinan parlor mid sleeping or L. V. ehair irs on all trains between L. 11 .lunction or Wilkes Barre and New Y'ork. Philad- lphia, BulTalo and Bvapej ion llrnlge itol.LIN H Wll.ISl-R. lien Supt, East Dlv, CHAS S. LKK, lien. I'as. Air't. Phila Pi. A W N N X EM At TIER. Ass't Gen Pass Ag't, South Uetlilehem. i'a. DELAWARE AND HUD SOX RAILROAD. Commencing May SO, ls'.'J. trains will run as follows: Trait II leave Bridge street StaCon, Scranton. for Pitts- t,,,l Olles III), ,. ,,t,- sill ff 1.0! a. it i l-IO, .,'S 1,,, i, .,.! and 11 88 P m. For New York and Phila dolphin, sou a. in . 12.10. IJK, 2.;-. 110 and 1 1 'I'l p. m- I or BoUeedsle i from Dela ware. Lackawanna and wosterii depot i, J (tj, 8.80, l'l in a.m . 1100 m . , t, 17. 8 10 p. in. Kor Call oudsl" and iutern, ledlata aUtione, ,V I", 7 OH. 8JD, Ii' Ill a. in . 12.(11 ni ,117, 8 2'i.:, i 8.90 end Slop, in . from Bridge btreet Depot, in a. in.. itiTead n (I r. m. Ei exjpreea to Albany, Baretoge, the Adl n iidnck Mountains, Boston and New England points. 5.4H s in., arriv.n; at Albany II eereloge 80 p. nt, ami lea vine ttoraoton -'t.i p. m , arriving al APiiaj at 8.50 p. m,, Sara toga, IIM a in . and Boat On, 1.00 a m The only direct route between tl alfleldl and Huston "Thu Lead It I Toiirisls' Rogte of Amerlea" t" the Adirondack Mount iu re sorts, LekeeQeorgeahd C lamplaini Montreal, etc Time table, ibowlng local and tarollgD train el vi,-o beiweeii atationi on all di I una Del . were ami Hudson s stem, ma) is- obtained at all Dtdawari and lliulson tlceel offliie, II o YOUNO, .1 W BURDICK, Second Vice Preeldint Ben, Puss. Agu Are worth going u long dl itanoet o ice. No such collection tan be found nearer than New York or Philsdelpbia,iiud then It is nottcr j usueil in the matter cf HI qde iiLd exclaiive dei?ns, or riehneat, daintiue-s nnd delica') (,f ;nu!e rlal. in a word, cur Curtuio Itock tbis fall reaches our highest ideal of what is should le, and cachet fail to meet toe approval of the most rt-Qued . d aitiatic tuples. Yci all this does not mean prices. On tho contrarv.the we dow offer art submitted for ycur inspection. Of course, we' v every make, and au WDg then fwfll be found the viry choiceit cres lionsin Urossels, Irish i u. Nottingham and other Lace Ooodi; also the New fcuowtlake Swite, with hilk i-tripe in contrat:ug colors. Also full lines of S-iJk Stnpet trder. I ACADEMY OF MUSIC. - TBUBt IAT, i BB, I 11-.-: AGNES HERND0N tnJast oh er ureatiuu. Si' La Beile Marie Cr, A -OMAiVS REV-MGE. Under the msriagement o! Jjs A JES5 1 SALE OPENS TI EBDAV Taiestiw, etc., made to 1 1 yC A DH M V OF ML'blC. PRLOAT, FEB io siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiiS HILL k CONNELL SCRANTON, PA. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR DUPONT'S Ul.XlNO, HLASTlNGf AND SPORTIXt) POWDER Manufacture! nt tho Wninvallopen Mills, Lu ernc county Pa,, and at Wii luington, IH-Iaware. HEIMRY BELIN, Jr. General Atcnt for tho Wyoming District, n8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Ihlrd National Bank Building. Tbe Laughing Sucou. MR. GEORGE THATCHER AliI a Clever company o! Cemedv Ent?rta:a cn in the new Mush-ai Extrs viganza, AFRICA In thr ae-,s daborate een---rT. bsu tif ul costums. and beet desrribi'd a- act i run tSSSli Mo rva At 1 "I n rex Suit- o;iens Vc-dnediiy. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MII UPAV, 1TB. IT Tho t?iro?t Irish iVIloon, KATIE EMMETT In Con T. Mnrpky i jiluv. KILLARNEV l ndir management ot Mr Harry Williams. Great Scenes of Ireland. MISS EMMFTT B NEW BOROt "Little Bo Peep,' -A I'uneh of Shamrock -.Vn Irub Guide.' and "flntlnirllBse " Sale opens Thursday. Pa, ACtM'irS. '.Tios PORD, Ptttttoa, rs .lolIN 11 SMITH A SON; Plymouth K W Ml l.I. IO AN. WiUes-Harre. fa Agents for the Id'panno CBOB Sal Com pany a High E oioai vea, N. A. HULBERT'S Week eoaneneing HOMBAT, PBB Vi VON:F.f;:..NlTS NEW City Music Store, stock dramaticco I In two obeat tlays. wvomino af. aCRAMTO-i V II loll i'.sumi', A 111 11 I I I. lis HOlTT, I I, WIS A- I uml :;n Commonwealth Al, llltei-ts Itthillll Ml. n ItiV. Hei anion I, w i,n;it, An hit-, t, Library build iiur Wvoniiutf avenue. Heranton, BROWN, Area B, oldlutf. I'M W imliiugti Arelilteet. Price ii Ave., Heranton, MINCKLI.A ni in s iRTllN II. sVAKTH Vvlloi.KHAf.R I I' I 1 inn, i, ei, s and eranton, l a a Ilium llnnk building, MRGABOB- HKolTIKItH, Nupplies, enrewnea paper WlirellolliNS io wunlilnglon PRINTIiltrt' bags, tivlliu, ave, Boranion, IRANK P, IIRoWN A 00. WHOLI 1 aali dealers In Woodwans (Virdngo and OH Cloth, "'."O W. LnekaivAiina arenue. Ml'HKI IIAIJI'.RH OIH'lll'.;TRA J) lialla, ulnnlia, partlaa, reteptlonn. illngH and ooiieei t work furnlahed. For term I'oit Weil adilrnsHiL ,1. Iluuur, i-ouiliictor. 117 Wyoming ave , ovnr 1 1 -' I - i - miiHle ntorn ,'r.RA KIN N WINS, builders and .-outran-" torn inr.l: Corner Ollvo at. and Adams live ; eorner Aali it. and Penn live , Mt-i aiitoa XKOa. (i H. CLARK co. Seed men. Fioriiti ' . and Nuraurynien; atre US Wnxhlngton nvenue; grofin houHO,ltVJ North Main avenue; I tol M lelllpllollil 7SJ. ti-:as. UKANIi LN ION TLA Co., .Ioiuih llios. t IBM s KKi vs. JOM KUETTEL, BiJ Lackawanna avonua Bcranton, Pa,, manuf'r of Wire Bcroons. I V I ILAW A l'l.. LACKAWANNA AMD It WBRTKR I llAll.ROAl) Trains leave Ucrsnton sh toll ows; Rxpron foi Nee York and ill oplnta Heet, i Mis A 1 SHU and li..'i a. lu . 13 A' end I .VI p, l., Kapreaj for Beaton, Trenton, Philadelphia and lb,. South. MA, mki and tt.N a. ni ; 2Y and H Ail p in Waeninaiou and way itattoaa, Itto a m. Tobrnaane leeommodatlon, ii m p. m, Bxpr n i"i Btng aenitou, Oeweao, H Imlra, Quruing, iintii. Dane vitw, Mount Norr and llnlf, iUo, ill 1". U It ii- iu- und I 'U p. in., m-iking eloee eoiineeti onial Buff ale i to all pulnte lu the Waal. Northwest and Bout west. Boffato aooommonejllon, 1.00 a in BlugfeaOl ton and w ay Itatfcme, IIW p, in. Nieiioison ant wn atati one a ia p iu iilnghitinion nnd B Itnira Rapreea 0,06 p, in. BxpriM for Oeruana, ByracA o, Oswego, I 'Ilea and BlonfltU Hprlug". J.IA n m. ,md LM p. m. Uh - 1. 1 IK il tut IUO n. in and I I p. In l or Nerlhullil'rUiiil,lJiltte:i, WiiKen llaire, Plriuouth, Ploonisburg nnd llanvlllo, uiaklng cloBa i enactions at noruuraberaind for Willis BM port. arrlabui g, Bllti lOTO, Wish lugtoii mid the South. Northumberland "id Intermediate stati one, (j (lu. li.'Kia in uml I :kiimd HOT u in. Nentkoke and Intern ladleis Hattoaa 'l" and 11.(0 a. in riyiuoiith und iutei iiiodliitu atatlnna, BAUbii.1 hSffa, in Pullinan parlor nntf sleeping eoschi-H on all eipreHs trains lor detailed Information, pocket tim itaMea ete , apply to H, L. Smith, oitv tleket offlee, :i2-i La oia wanna nvenue, or depot tt oBatoflwei STF1NWAV S(1N M l KI R l'.Uv'UKIUI k lUNK H A KAi'B HT11.I .V It VUkyU am NKW YORK. ONTARIO AND Ituilroad. Si-rnnt'in Division. V BSTKRN Tlmo table In affect Nov. IK. IKU'I TruluH leave Heranton for Cartmndale: (I SO. K.IW, 11 OA a. m.. 4.AU. il lu p m. Pot- llaneoek .luiietlou nud main OObnOCti OI II OA a in . 1,10 JB, m. Tnilns leave lliineoek Jnaotton Tor iiiniii line eonneet Ion for Heranton, IKK) u.m., 03 P iu. Traiii'i leave Ciirlioiidalo for Scranton 7 21, II .IS a.m., l.lll, 'M. 0.l,i L iu. .). ('. ANDER80 Ui'le-iiil I'aswiiger Agent, New r. r u in in ' 1 I , lllatrlet PuHHi.'iigei Agent, Seiauloii sjrik WYoMINt) VALLEY KAIL i;itlE AND Vj liOAh Train leave Heranton for Nan- York and iu termedlate polnta on the Brut nnd Haw-lev and local points at il HA, V.4A a. m. and v.u p m. Train leaving at -49 il m and 0-'4 p. m. are through trains to and from H mined ala Trains loave for Wilkei Barre. it 10 a. in. und Kit p. m. PIANOS t in a at rge Maek "( ORGANS Ml SO 1 MI'IK'IIANDISK, Bl I SH :, i .m. Km JJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS ;IN OILS Mi-ndsy, Taeeday and Wednesday, Romance and Reaiity Thursday, nnd Satur:sy, OLIVER TWIST LOMI88ION, IO,aO sad aoCKNTb Opera ohaiii eaa be reeariMd. ta nnaibit. everv af. teraooB, 'r,.ni I Xi to ,.fc. for lhe's entertalnaMai Pert or inan ic ii r er j anarna i- nxeepl Mondaye and ThurwlsyK at :.-). an.! every evening at &I6 D.vra oi'unnt LWan d p m. BURNING and LUBRICATING Atlantic l ead nud l''renoli Ine. Pare Lining oil, 1 urpeutliie anil Varnlsbes Ke.ol, - mixed I'nlnta In ell colors, tilldera' Uhltlns;, I'm is ( lilt.- and Knlnimlnei Oil' Yltrol, Marble Host mi-1 YViuUow Ulan DON'T FORGET That we at "'iuarters for everything i'i the line of WATfO Bit If you have any ide.i of purchasing any kind ot a Watch, laov's, . gent's. Hold or Silver, you will mnke n irriev nils mintskelt you do not give us a call and get our Ullese, w hich you will find far below all others, especially in all the high grades of mgin, Wnlthiun and lianipden luevements If you have any doublnnnd nre at all posted on prie s give ns a call and vv will have no trouble iu convincing yon. We Htill have a large pluck to dispone of, and will offer you woo dcrlul Inducem outs, iu .lewelrv, Silvsrware, Cloi ki nnd nil othor goods which wo have in stock. . C. W. Freeman Penn Are. audbpruoe St