The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 14, 1894, Image 1

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    Willi uierry ijttlrp and chterfal Jtlt
1 he cares of life let's vanish;
And, though we toil, may luticv's quest
Kid gloom and sadnt ss vanish.
Hence iu these page, If forsooth,
With routine Intertwines
Some upt qiiatralu or verte uncouth?
They'll be our valentine.
"8 TEH8E 1
'I have I warn
The Roof of the Gaylord Mine at Plymouth
Gives Way.
A Section of the Rock and Coal Falls
Suddenly at the Firing of a Shot.
The Men Are Thought to Be In One
Gangway A Rescuing Party Hard
at Work Heartrending Scenes at
he Mouth of the Shaft.
Wilkbb-Babbb, Feb. 13.
r N EXTENSIVE cave-in occurred
M lit the Gaylord mine of the
U Kingston Coal company at Ply
LTu Bmm tins morning A large
uiiuibeTof miner and laborers were at
work under a section of the roof which
was for some time pst nas b-en con
sidered very weak. After a shot had
been tired and without any warning
whatever the roof, consisting of rook
ami coal, fell into the mino with a
heavy crash.
As far as can be estimated the cave
in carried about thirty acres of land.
It is not known as ye whether any of
the men were killed outright by the
falling debris, but it is known that
thirteen of them are bemtnel In in one
of the gangways.
The first rescue party went into the
mine at 0 o'clock and others have been
working heroic-ally during the entire
day. A number of mine foremen and
their a3istant9, led by John 13. Davis,
superintendent of the Gaylord work
ings, who have been in the mine all the
afternoon, came out at f o'clock and
report that all, the outlets in the
mine are closed, also the rock tunnel
and all the entrances. The cavein ia
now rported to hav taken place in
what is known as the 5-foot vein, 7 foot
vein and Bennett veins. The cave-iu
covers an area of about a mil, it hav
ing extended since noon tod y, and af
fects the central portion of the town of
A few cracks can be seen on th snr
faee, but this has not become aif-eted
as yet. The rescuing party was
obliged to retraat on account of the
further caving in of tho mine. The
crashing of the immense rock as they
came down, tha rolling and the rurab
liug of the many falls and tho rush and
roar of the wind by the concussion
forced th men to retreat to the sur
face. Men of all classes who are fa
miliar with mine working are at the
scene of the disaster aud their willing
hearts and strong arms are ready to go
into the mine whetiever the word ia
given to aid in rescuing the entombed
tiinberinm if snch in poisihle.
The thirteen timber men who went
into the mine aud now are imprisoned
there, wera warned yesterday that there
was danger ahead, but they were of
the opinion that the danger was not
sufficient for them to stay out. They
said, however, to the hoisting engineer
as they went nownlthe pit, "should
anything occur yon will fiud us in the
Big Brauch in the Bennett vein." This,
however, is also closed, and there is no
way to reach them.
Tho section of the mine in which the
men are imprisoned is a portion of the
Baltimore vein, which at this point is
very thick, and they were engaged in
placing large timbers M as to prop and
support the roof.
The names of the unfortunate men
who are imprisoned are as follows:
Thomas Ptcton, mine foreman; Thomas
Jones, James Ords, Daniel Morgan,
Thomas Leyshon, Richard Davis,
Thomas Cole, Peter F, McLaughlin,
Michael Walsh, Johu, Morris, John
Arne, James Kingdoo, Thomas Cole.
All the men were married except
Thomas Leyshon, who is a single man,
aud Daniel Morgan, who is a widower.
The scene a out the iniue late to
night is heartrending and from the
present outlook there will be at least
eleven widow and plenty of orphans to
suffer the loss of their only support.
The officials are hard at work to devise
some plan or means f rescue, an 1 in
order to get at the men they will have
to penetrate through 400 feet of solid
coal and rock. It is believed by the
superintendent and others that the
imprisoned men are on the "big plan-"
in the Bennett vein, which ia about 700
feet from the foot nf the shaft.
It will be several days aud the most
heroic work must be done before the
men can be reuched and there fate as
certained. The work of digging their way
through the coal from the foot of the
shaft to reach the entombed men be
gan this evening It is not known bow
long it will take, and it is possible that
they will never be reached or found.
jnd Muller were, patients of Dr.
Kreinien aid they died vi ry suddenly.
Kreruien is locked up charged with
forging a will in Forre's name which
iruve to nremien's wife au estate of
tft.000. Muller was a witness to the
alleged will and it is stated knew it
was a forgery. Muller suddenly be
came ill and idied withiu forty-eight
It is said that Kremien had a dozen
dogs and that he experimented upon
tlim with rations poisons to note the
effects Ten of the animals had died
up to the time of his arrest ten days
He is Held Responsible for the Death of
Jennie Tyler.
Special to Ine Snrnnton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Pa., Feb. 13 -The
jury impannelled by Coroner Denuisou
to lnveatigate the death of 1 year-old
Jennie Tyler, of Monroe township com
pl ted their work today.
The verdict of a jury is that death
was caused by peritonitis from a crimi
nal operation performed on Jan. 15 by
Dr. Banks at 107 South Main afreet,
WilkeB-Barre, and that Cory Fisher
was an accessory.
o i -
Senator Gray Spends Three Honrs Extolling
the President.
The Member from Delaware Grows
Eloquent A Discussion of the
House Bill Requiring Railroad Com
panies to Establish Town Sites.
The House Listens to Hawaiian Cor
respondenceMr. B'and Will Give
the Forty Talkers a Show.
The Eminent Pianist Passes Away
After a Long Illness A Career1
Filled with Interest.
C'ario, Feb. 13 -Hans Von Bulow,
the distingui hed German pianist, is
dead. Von Bulow was born Jan. 8,
1330, at Dresden: he studied under
R chard Wagner and Liszt and was, in
1850, musical chi'f of the theaters of
Saint Gall and Zurich. In 1851 Von
Hnrlow settled in Berlin aud was
named, in 1858, Pianist of the Prince
Royal. In 1864, at the invitation of
Wagner, Von Bulow wnt to Munich
where he became, in 107, director of
tue New Royal School for music and
and master of the etiapsl of the court.
Von Bulow visited the United States
for the fir't time in 1875 and returned
again in 1380 aud 1301, playing suceess
ml engagements, ull marked by his
unique and ecoentric personality.
He married Cosima Liszt, a natural
laughter of the great' musician Liszt.
They separated and Mrs. Von Bulow
married Wagner. The courtship of
Wagner began before Mrs. Vou Bulow
obtained a divorce, and whon the
couple eloped the husband did not pur
sue them, vowing vengeance. On th
contrary, he helped to arrange nutters
for a divorce, and even carried his
complacency so far as to attend Cos-
iinu'x marriage to Wagner. It was a
regular romance and Mrs Wagner and
Von Bulow were ever afterward great
Von Bulow had to be watched on ac
count of his eccentricities. Ho said
anything that came to his mind, and
one of his tours in this conn ry.had to
he shortened on account of his mental
peculiarities. The strain of pliiying
ml v was too much.
He conl 1 not speak English wall
and was asmail, bald-headed man with
a light mustache and keen eyes. He
seemed to be all nervous energy. No
one ever knew when about to engage
him in conversation whether he would
break out into vehement vituperation
or pleasant remarks
Tt Will Be Discussed at a Mbetinit of
UnlUd Workors.
Altoona, Pa., Fob. 13 Today, the
fourth annual sonveutiou of the dele
gation district. No. 2, United Work
ers of Amsrioa, met in this
city, and the convention will
likely last for two days. The dele
gates represent 10,000 miners. Today
was taken up by hearing reports of of
fleers and the appointment of com
mittees. The wage question is one of the
principal features under discussion
A Baltimore Doctor Charged with Mur
der Gave Poison to Canines.
Baltimore, Feb. 18. A sensational
feature in the now celebrated Dr.
Kremien case developed this afternoon
when Professor P. B. Wilson, the
chemist, who has been analyzing the
contents ot the stomaeh of John Forre,
alias Hanbuch, discovered unmistak
able evideuoes of poison. Today's dis
covery mav result in the expunging of
Karl Henry Muller s body to deterrn
ine if he did not dief poison. Forre
Fanatlolsm Supposed to Have
CauBid the Crime.
Teu. City, Ind., Feb. 13 William
Hartman, a farmer living about six
miles northeast of here, killed his wife
and oldest son yesterday morning.
The family was eating breakfast when
the atrocious crime was committed
Hartman, in the pivsenoe of his fiv
children, stamped his wife to death
Her left breast was torn off, her collar
bone broken, and sho was terribly
mangled about the abdomen. Her left
eye was cut out with a poouet knife
While this was going on the oldes
boy, aged 11 years, tried to defend his
mother, and he suffered the samo fate
at the hands of his enraged father
The coroner and his deputy found the
hoy lying across his mother, his arms
around her neck His body was alsi
terribly mangled, his nose and face be
ing mashed, showing how he had been
stamped to death.
Alter Hartman committed the horri
ble crime he went into the summer
kitchen and laid himself on the floor
and in this position he was found by
neighbors, who had great difficulty in
getting control of him. All indications
point to religious excitement as having
caused tho family trouwjle.
After Shooting Ula Wife and Child
Dust row Surrenders to the Polio.
St. Louis, Mo , Feb. 18. Dr. Dust
row, ot l rii (south compton avenue
w.ilked into the Keservoir pollen
station shortly after 5 oclock thi
evening, and surrendered himself
stating that he had accidentally shot
his wife. He rafnsed to make any
further statement. Dustrow was
loeked np, and an officer was sent
investigate the eff lir.
It was learned that the doctor had
shot both his wife and 5-yesr-old boy
Both were shot in the bead and the
child killed, but the wife is still alive.
The Muncy Novelty company, limited
is in the hands of the sheriff. Judirmeu
aggregating 164,000 have been outerod by
the 1 il l.ens Hani; or Muncy.
Among the appoiultneuts as fourth class
postmasters yesterday wero the following
i'ennsylvanla, V. O. Dustmen, Auburn
Four Corners, vice C. E. voss, removed.
The suits entered by the Charleroi Plate
Ohms company against six or its employ
for riot, etc, and tho counter charges by
me men, iiavo uecn iiinicabiy ad lusted
Indications point to an eaily resumption
or wors ;n ine gias plant.
The Reading Rolling Mill company h
poBted notices of a reduction of from 10 to
26 per cent. Puddlers will be reduced
from 8 to HLB0, Laborers from 81.10
$1. Puddle helpers 24 rents a beat aud roll
changers one-imir. 'ihe new scale tuk
effect Feb. 17.
John Richards, about 40 years of age,
Philadelphia, who has been an inmate
the hospital for the iusane at Norristown
since load, escaped from that institution
yesterday and was found this afternoo
frozen to neatn in an nuthouse at W
Point schoolhouse, eight miles away.
near Cross, an unknown man wns
found near the Ponce Indian Agency
frozen stiff. Near Stillwater a man
was frozeu to death uudor his house,
and south of Cleveland a family of
three persons perished. Two Touakawa
Indians are reported to have been found
dead iu a house. Near AnadatKa three
Indian children who were caught out
in the storm perished. It is certain
that at least thirty lives were lost dur
ing the great storm of Sunday. Many
isolated homesteads, where the families
are poorly prepared for the wiuter.can
not be heard from for days and possibly
The number of dead cattle will reach
the thousands. The temperature did
not reach as low as on Jan. 21!, but the
wind aud sleet were so bad that people
caught out could make no resistance.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 13.
THE resolution reported from the
committee on foreign relations
declaring it unwise and inex
nedient to censider further the
rojeot of annexing Hawaiian terrl-
ory was again under consideration In
he senate today, and was the subjot
an interesting debute, senator
Gray, of Delaware, spoke for about
three hours, in continuation of
the speech which he began on
Monday. He supported ths reso
ution and commended warmly the po
sition of President Cleveland, to whom
le said) the country shonld be grate-
ful for his wisdom and courage in dar-
ug to do the right '.thing, If ever the
American people were to start out on a
areer of empire and colonization Mr.
Gray hoped that it would be with head
erect and without the breath of bus
icion and dishonor, intrigue or low
Senator Teller, of Colorado, askod
Im whether the whole matter might
bo considered as remitted by the oresi-
ent to congress, and upon being told
that that was Mr. Gray's understand-
ng, expressed the hope that the sena
tor from Delaware spoke by authority
f the president. The resolution went
over without action and will be taken
up again tomorrow, when Senators
Daniel, of Virginia, and White, of Cal-
fornia. are to speak upon it.
1 lie bouse bill requiring railroad
ompamea in the territories to have
stations at town sites established by
the interior department was then taken
no and discussed until the senate went
nto executive session, adjourning at
10 p. m
The Hawaiian corresnondence vestor
lay afternoon transmitted bv the pros-
t -nt. to congress wis laM before the
house, read at length, and referred to
the committee on foreign affairs. The
Bland seigniorage bill was taken up
and an effort made to terminate general
lebate this afternoon, but tue pronosi
tion was met by numerous objections.
Later iu the day Mr Bland gave no
tice that he would make another effort
to close debate at A o'clock tomorrow
afternoon. Chairmau Hatch stated
that he had on his list the names of
more than forth members who desired
to speak on the bill.
Messrs. Klllgore (Dim , Tex.), Bell
Dera., Tex.). Bankhead (Dem., Ala ),
Denson (Dem.. Ala.) and Culberson
Uein., Tex.) spoke iu favor of the bill,
ind Messrs. Johnson (Rep., N. D ).
Coombs (D-mu., N. Y.) aud Warner
Dem., N. Y ) made arguments against
At 1 55 p.m. the house adjourned,
Father, Mother and Four Childmn Are
Found Daad
Connelton, Ind., Feb. 13 William
Irtmann, wife and four children, liv
ing near McAllister s school house, this
county, were murdered some lime last
night. A near neighbor was tho first
to discover the crime, having called at
the Artmaun home about noon on busi
ness. Coroner Labbard was summoned
and held an inquest over the six dead
No cause is assigned for the deed, as
the Artmann family were peaceful and
well liked by neighbors for miles
Purpose of the Nsw Jockey Club Organ-
laid YenUr.tav.
New Yoke, Feb, 13 Tho horse own
ore who appointed the committee of
which James n. Keens Was chairman
to organize the new jockey club, met
this afternoon in the lioffm tn house
and received the final report of the
committee. Chairman Keens in mak
ing the report, reviewed the work of
the committee aud stated what the
new jockey club hopod to acsoinplish.
He said all of the racing associations
had promised to join with the new
club except the Coney island Jockey
He saul that tho object or the new
jockey club was to correct abuses that
had crept into racing. It was organ'
Izo 1 at the requost of the racing men
and breeders. There had been no mo
tive, he said, of personal aggrandize
ment on the part of promoters. Their
only obioct had been the elevation of
They had thought that if they could
orgnnizs a club of fifty or seventy-five
prominent men they could prevent hos
tile legislation, limy had hoped to
have favorable laws passed in New
Jersey but at the present timo the fu
ture of racing looks dubious eveu in
the state of New York.
He Is Enthusiastically Received by the
Republican Clubs at Co
lumbus, Ohio.
War Between Brazilian Insurgents and Gov
ernment Troops Is On.
A Desperate Battle Between tho In
surgents and Government Forces
Takes Place at the Chief Strategic
Point of Rio De Janeiro's Defense.
The Insurgents Loose Two Hun
dred Men The Rebels Have Ad
vanced a step The Engagement
Lasts Six Hours. I
Bukxos Ayhes, Feb. 13.
n DVICES have been received from
M Rio reporting that a combat bt
U tween the insurgents and the
government forces at Nictheroy
has occurred. It lasted bix hours and
the fighting was most desperate. The
insurgents lost !00 men. The govern
ment loss is unknown.
Admiral Saldauha da Gama, the
rebel commander, who was wounded
iu the neck and arm by Mannlicher
bullets during the battle of Armscao
on Friday last, is in a critical condi
tion. It was at first supposed that the
admiral's wounds were insignificant.
Nictheroy is the chief stategic point
of Rio's defense against tho rebels
toward the sea, aud the efforts of the
insurgent sea forces have been princi
pally directed at it. It has for some
time been foretold that a supretu ef
fort would be mado to take Rio by a
combined movemeut of the rebel land
and sea forces.
The reported engagement at Rio, iu
connection with the reported advance
of insurgent forces on Santas, may be
the fulfilling of this design.
If the reported battle at Nictheroy
be true, the rebels have evidently ad
vanced a step '.'since the engagement
Friday at Armacao Ponta de Areia, in
the vicinity of Nictheroy.
to investigate tho legality of the Hon
duras Lottery company in its relations
with the postal service, the postmaster
general this afternoon issued what are
known as "fraud'' orders against Paul
Conrad, president of the National Hon
duras Lottery company; the Graham
piintery, and L. Graham & Sons.
The postoffica iuspeotor for the dis
trict will bo instructed to take the mat
ter before the United States court and
tho district attorney in order to have
the parties prosecuted for violating the
lottery law, and the department will
also take steps to prosecute them.
m - -MOST
He Departtd In Jealous Ras and Fre-
ttnded to Have Died.
PiTTSBUKu, Feb. 13 After being
supposed dead for three years, James
Sweeney has returned to his home in
this city. One night in May, 1801,
Sweeny, overcome by jealousy for his
young wife, left home iu a rage. Sov
eral days later some writing was found
along the Ohio river, which led to the
conclusion that he had committed sui
He was mourned by his bride as
dead. Last night he cams back and
they have been happily reunited.
Tha Blazing Fluid Baptizes tha Driver,
Who Puriahea.
Siiamokin, Feb. 13. Thomas Grib-
bnns died today, the victim of a strange
and terrible accident. He was driving
a wagon tilled with kerosene oil cans
One of them upset, saturating the
A little later the oil ignited and in a
moment the cans bearan to blow up,
illazlng oil was scattered in all direc
lions, and Gribbens was horribly
The Pennsylvania Railroad Systematic
ally Robbtd for Years.
Ha.lkton, Pa., Fob. 13. It is esti
mated that $20,000 worth of goods has
been stolen on the Sunbury and Wilkes
Barre branch Of the Pennsylvania rail
road, within several years
The officials believe that one gang of
thieves has captured this valuable
booty and eight detectives have been
set to work to oatch them.
Several Persona Frozen to Death Thou
sande of Cattle Periab.
Guthrie, O. T., Feb. 13 The worst
of i ne great blizzard seems to be over
here and business is again resumed
Besides two families reported frozen
Columbus, O. , Feb. 13. Governor
McKinley was nominated over an
over again in the convention of Re
publican clubs of Ohio here today for
nresidsnt of the United States, and
wheu he appeared in response to an
invitation and addressed the club, the
delegates wildly cheer d him This
evening ut the Lincoln banquet, given
under the auspices of the league of
clubs, he responded to the toast, "Oar
Country." Confining his remarks to
the tariff and criticising the Democracy
and concluding:
"The people want a change and they
want it bad. They want it sooner than
they ever dreamed they would want it;
they are tired of thoir contract before
the period ot its legal termination,
They are tired of this tariff tinkering,
bond-issuing, debt-increasing, treas
ury-depleting, business-paralyzing,
wage-reducing, queen-restoring admin
istration. They disapprove of every
part of this programme. They would
not stand it twenty-lour hours if they
had an opportunity to cancel the agency
hot ween themselves and the gentlemen
n charge of the government. It is a
case of a landlord with a b id tenant
hose lease ban time yet to run, witii
no provision for forfeiture.
'This country will not, however.
have long to wait too long, I fear, for
many interests until item cunm-uice
the work of ousting In November
next the peopie will have a chance to
deal with the house of representatives.
Free trade nominations will give way
to a protection majority. British p il-
ioy will be dethroned anil genuine
Americanism enthroned, and the final
work will be completed in November,
'06, in the restoration of the Republi
can party, which, through pique and
passion and prejudice, was hurled from
power in 18U.
Results of the Games In the State Pool
Philadelphia, Feb. 18 Tonight's
games in the state championship pool
tournament were between Jerome
Keogh, of Scran ton, and Clarence
Summers, of Milton, and El Dough
erty and Jim Tate, of this city. Tin
games resulted as follows: Keogh, 150;
Summers, 87 Scratches, Keogh, u
Summers, 5.
Second game Dougherty, 150; Tate,
The Effects of the Blizzard Along the
Atlantic Coant
New York, Feb. 13 The snow
storm of yesterday and today was char
acterized at the office of the local
weather bureau as the sevorest of its
kind that visited this city since tho
memorable blizzard of 1388. The tem
perature did not fall below 99 degrees.
Several fishing schooners wore caught
in the fierce storm off the coast last
night and it is feared that disaster has
come to nt least one of them, the New
Loudon Emma.
The Greatest Plant of Its Kind in New
England Completely De
Bath, Me.,
buildings of
by the fire
But Wa Mot R-qieatBd to Resign
ReadiiiK Presidency.
Philadelphia, Feb. 13. In the suit
brought by Isaac .1 Rice to oust the
Reading receivers, John Liowoerweisu.
one of the receivers, made a statement
concerning McLeod's resignation oi the
presidency, iu which he said it was on
Mr. Drexels advice, nut not his re-
piest. Mr, Drexel was influenced by
the outside criticism or Mr. McLisod s
management. Recoiver raxaon stated
that the settlement of Prince & C'o.'s
laim of $180,000 for expenses iu the
McLeod stock trans iction, was made in
erder to facilitate the schsme of reor
ganization which the receivers had
hoped to put into effect.
lho liidgeexpressed regret that Kead-
ng was foroed to surrender the lease
of such a valuable propsrty as Lehigh
Valley owing to a lack of funds . He
saidReadiug was only embarrassed not
usolver.t, and that its ludebteduoes ib
being paid dollar by dollar.
The Husband of the Late Annie Pixley
In This Country.
Philadelphia, Feb 13. Robert Fui-
ford, husliaiul of the late well known
actress, Annie Pixley, came here today
from New York aud made arrange
meuls witii his lawers to have his
wife's will offered for probate tomor
row. Mr. i ulioid naa uotuing to adit
to the statement he has already made
in refutation of the charges brought
against him by the family of his late
wife. He says that when they make
specific charges against, or take legal
actum to prevent biin from inheriting
the property loft by his wife, he will
then answer them.
Mr. Fulford did say in explanation
of the charge that he infiueuced his
wife to put her property m his name,
that it always has been in his name
aud never iu hers.
- sv
Italians in That Vicinity Devour
Cats and Doge,
New (:,tle, Pa.. Feb. 18 - Italians
in the settlements near Ellwood City
are said to be starving. Dogs and cats
are being eaten ami tue lences are
being torn down for fuel.
They are now endeavoring to get
help from the poor authorities, but are
meeting with little success, as the
treasuries have been emptied for the
relief of American citizens.
Andrew Itaub, nged 74, a retired busl
ness man, at Dallas, I.uzeruo county
John B. Lamont, father ot Secretary of
war L,aniout, at aicurr.wvine, in. i ..aged
At Norfolk. Va.. C G Rainsav. uresi
dent of the Norfolk Natioual bank, aged
Sir Harry Vernoy. who married tho sis
tor of Florence .Nightingale, at buck ham
shire, Eng., aged 93.
Mrs. Charlotte A. Holding, ago I
years, of Northville, Mich.,grauddaugliter
or urnedict Arnold.
Suddenly at Washington, ). C. I'rofes
sor Albert Herbert, of Maryland, 70 years
old, an applicant ror omoe.
Archibald McKellar. a prominent Can
adiiui pontici n and ex-cabinet minister,
at Hamilton, unt., agon
Major H. C. Semplo, lawyer, at Mont
gomery, Ala., several years a Democratic
national committeeman from Alabama.
James H. Soott, one of the most valued
and public spirited citizens of Allegheny
county, died at bis home on Kluge avenue
Allegheny, at o.M yesterday afternoon
Feb. 13.-Most of the
the Bath Iron works left
of two weeks ago were
burned early this morning. This great
plant is now practically destroyed. In
the machine shop was probably
the fin' st ship building machinery in
New England, embracing all the mod
ern improvements. The loss is placed
at about $140,000. Tne fire started
about S a. m. from the smokestack in
the engine house. A driving snow
storm ptevuiled aud the flames spread
rapidly. The steamer Frank Jones was
saved by a shift in the wind, after be
ing badly scorched.
The two upper shops where the iron
worn was done, as also the carpenter
shop and wood working building, to
gether with their contents, are burned.
Each of these buildings were three
stories in height. The works are but
about one thousand feet from the Maine
Central depot, which at one time
it was thought would go. The
firm was getting out the wood and
irou work for a new steamer
At 3 30 the fire wns under control.
Treasurer Hyde of the iron works says
that the 1 1 rm will not rebuild, but will
probably locate in New London, Ot.
All the buildings along the water front
are burned. The office was not burned
hut was badly damaged. The north
ern parts of the works were saved, but
in a more or less dumaged condition.
Tbe buildings burned comprise the
greater portion of the works,
Railway Employes Blame Him for the
Northern Pacific- Agreement,
Milwaukee, Feb. 13. Grand Chief
Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers, was denounced last
night at a meeting of the Railway
union. The speakers condemned in
unqualified terms the agreement of the
receivers of the Northern Pacific and
the representatives of the employes.
The chairman of the meeting, who is
president of one of the local snb divi
sions of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers, said that tho grand of
ficers of the brotherhoods of railway
men were anally responsible with the
receivers that the just demands of tho
12.000 omploycs of the Northern 1'acihc
road had received no consideration.
Tuesday and
(February 13 and 14)
We will offer all Odds and
Ends accumulated in our
During our Reduction Sale
the past week.
Short lengths Table Dam
ask, from l'to 4 yards,
at prices which make
them intrinsic value to
the purchaser.
Napkins, in both sizes 56
and some patterns of
which we have but half
dozen, will be offered at
very low figures.
Damask and Huckabock
10c, 18c, 23c.
Having no more of the
Cherub Quilts, we will offer
the Marion 11-4 at the
same price 95c.
810 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Peculiar Doouments That Recommend
Murder and Arson.
London, Feb. 18 -The Pall Mall
Gazette publishes today a space story
about anarchists leaflets circulating in
London. The storv refers to matters
sevsralmonths old and is not p in ted as
news, ihe leaflets referred to implore
hiinrchists to take the blood of the
"assassins" who starve them. "Tbe
killing of one of us," thev say, "will
cost 100 of you of the bourgeosie, Foar
animates you. Most ardent hate
surges in our veins. We shall be piti
less, and shail heed, neither age nor
The leaflets nlso urge that London
be set on tiro in 100 different places
The Question ot Anothtr Strike Annates
the Uononirahela Valley.
Pittsbuko, Feb. 18 The river coal
operators and miners are again at log
gerheads on the wage question and an
other general strike iu the Mouongahe la
valley is believed to bo imlnent. The
recent erder ror a reduction m wages
from 2i cents per bushel to 'J eents per
bushel .for mining in the Fourth pool
has been objected to by the miners.
Already many of the mines are idle
and there is a likelihood of others clos
A delegate convention will bo held
in Monongahela City tomorrow to dis
cuss the situation and determine
whether the 'i cent rate will be ac
cepted. It is believed that the dele
gates will make a determined stand for
the "J cent. rste.
A Fraud Order Ie Isaued Against Paul
Conrad of tho Honduras.
Wahhinoton. Feb. 13 As a result
of the report recoived at tho postofiice
department today from lnspoctor Dice,
who was instructed by the department
Maltese Cross
Commander Oouuis V. Jltillau will be
ordered to command tho Marlon when she
goes to Bering sen,
S. B. Turner, successor of Sir. O'Fnrrall,
in the iseventu irginia district, was
sworn iu the house.
It is hiatal? probublo that the postago
stamp contract will be giveu to the bureau
of engraving and printing.
Secretary Carlisle believes be can savo
1850,000 per year by getting rid of ."Uead
timbei" treasury employes.
Tho bill of Congressman W . A. Stone, of
Pennsylvania, providlug for consular in-
epection of lmigrants, was rcpurted to the
Tho treasury balance at Washington
veetordnv was fi.ii, oi'.i,'. i.iu, or wnicti kh,-
!..". id was iu gold. A little more thHii
f:i,00U OUtl is yet uupaid on account of the
bond issue.
Postmasters Carr, of Philadelphia, and
DaytOD, of rsow iorW. are in Washington
to urge before the committee direct ap
propriations to post otlices the gross re
ceipts of which exceed ?oll0,l)00.
Justice Bradley, of the District of Col
umbia supremo court, ret used to man
damus Secretary Carlisle up in the appllca
tion of one Kik 'r. of Chicago, whose ir
regular bid for .W,UOU,00l) worth of bonds
was thrown out.
Tho following pensions were issued to
dav: Pennsylvania: Original William
H. VomL KuKiiles. Luzerne: Thomas F
Quigloy, Miner's Mills, Luzerne. Original
widows, etc. Blariah K. au liuBkii'k,
Nay Aug, Lackawauna.
A Creek Indian woman, aged 120, the
oldest, person living in the Indian territory
was caught iu the blizzard while return
ing from a visit to her daughter aud frozen
to death.
Attorneys Wado and Heron, of Chicago,
yesterday tiled iu the ofllce of the clerk of
tho criminal court a document containing
the grounds on which a new trial is asked
for iu the case of Patrick Eugene I'reuder-
gast, charged with tho murder of tho late
Carter II. Harrison.
William O. Himick, ngent of the Mer
chants' Dispatch, at Buffalo, shot ami
killed himself yesterday moruiug. Mr
Dlmlok WM a well known citizen and
prominent, in railroad circles. Ho had been
inffei ing with t li" grip for a week or more,
aud it is believed lho disease had madehlm
temporarily iusane.
And Oak tanned Leathor Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davie3.
ling i
except Saturday.
Wamiinoton. Fob. 13. Fonvimt
tor UVifiiivffd: h'tir eastern
ftnMiflwMiia, nit, fttttowtd by
cioiuii, I'aciciwe fcinrts. tur
icesfei n VnilM'rimi". (me rufi fair, Jul
lowed by flMfWUfo0 coMilim', u'tnds
shifting tu northeast.
We Examine Eyes
Free of oharge, 1 f a doctor is
needed you arc promptly told
so. We also guarantee a per
fect lit.
AT COST for one week only.