3 THE SCRATfTON TliTBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. KmRUARY 13. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT EARLY SPRING DRESS GOODS We are almost dally In receipl of Early Spring Dress Textures. These early arrivals mostly Nov elties and Mixed Suitings are of the very newest and latest, ln- rllkled are: Mixed Cheviot Suitings, English Checks, Two-tone Novelty Striped Cheviot Suitings, Checked Casimir Suitings China and Japan PRINTED : SILKS We have now on sale an as sortment of beautiful designs and exquisite combinations for Spring and Summer Dresses, The result of careful selections and designs that are con trolled exclusively by us for this city, at prices which we are sure will command atten tion. HERMSDORF Black Hosiery You will find our line of Ho siery, (Moves and Underwear complete as usual. We are offering some very choice things in Misses' and Children's Hosiery at very attractive prices. MATTERS AT OLD FORGE. & Breezy Batch of Looallettes from a Liva Correspondent. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Old Forus, Pa. , Feb. 12 Wallace Ormston mad a trip to the Elaotric Citr today. Richard Joyce ig visiting friends in Wilka-Hnrre. Jacob Krons of Scranton, alwav3 a welcome visitor, hai been spending thrne daya with us, making the Aco hotel, Sibley, conducted by John Ric oby, his home. He says that thougn times are slack he has no reason to complain, as people will bay his watches and jewelry. Having been so many years on the road be is known wherever be goes. William Surpolas is a very genial gentleman, and will attract many others besides Jhis own countrymen to his house, the Sweetville inn. Barber town. He hss an excellent acquaint ance with the English language, and has become thoroughly Americanized. J. D. Williams, in his way, is a phil anthropist, ho has started what is most unique in this valley, a temperance house, at Rendham, where from 7 a.m. to 9 p. m. anyone an got a good meal at a moderate price. He desrves to be mentioned for his plnck and forsiglit, and he, with his worthy and estimable wife, should meet with success in this praiseworthy venture. The Pennsylvania Coal mines havo Mint down until farther orders. Many Old Fojge residents are employed there, and this, we are sorry to gay, adds to the distress that is already too palpable. The snow came in earnest just be fore noon, and at this time of writing it i deep enough for good sleighing. New features and improvements for the recepiion of his guests are made by C. J. Fallon, Old B'orge Hotel, and none who go there will return disap pointed. Liberal, generous an l court eous, he will enhance his already good reputation and and pnMic standin:;. Robert Trotter, of Jfnnyn, won the three mains at the Sibley, stakes $75; one of our Wtll-DOWn yonni HMO, Willie Rsy, landed B3 on the event by bettintr on the ri.:ht side. With Urn exception of P. Jenkins, tlies gen tlemen are prepared to make a match with any one in Lackawanna county for $73 or $100, and fiht either five or nine mains. Mrs. Morgan J. Harris, of Taylor, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas, at Barbtrtown. WERE THIRSTY ROBBERS. TJnkn own Tbiflvee Sioure Whiskey Stoma In a D. mid H. Htallon. Special to the Scranton Tribune. The Ontario and Western ticket and freight offices were broken Into Sunday night, A case con tainiug whiskey was opened and a few bottles taken. A number of boxes and packages were ex amined, but nothing else seems to be missing. There is no clue to the robbers. Mrs. M. BOHAIimMKMtt, Beaver Dam, Wis., writes: "We havo used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil in our family for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Rheumatism. It cures every time." Dyspepsia, and Indorsation In their worst forms am cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and mu down, or if you need a tonio to regain flesh and lout appetite, strength ami vigor, t ok.- P. P. P., and you will be etrong and healthy. tor shattered couetitutious and lost manhood P. P. P. (Priokly Ash. Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood puriller in the world. For sale by all diuggiste. THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS TOiitor town correspondents orTUB Turn Dm: should sign tuoir names hi full 1 1 o:ioli newsletter, not for publication out to guard tfiiiust dccoution.J FROM BUSY JERMYN. Gonoral News Not-s Gathered by an Enleipiising R'-porter. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Jkkuyn, Pa., Feb 12 A musicals in aid of the Christi in 1'. ideavor chapel at Simpson will be hold at the resi dence of J, D. Stockor Friday evening. The town council are still grptiliniz with the hydrant question. A special meeting will be bald tomorrow even ing to consider the matter. In the end wo shall have to pay the Jermyu Wstor company's bill. By his courteous ways and quiet de meanor J. F. Nicholson, Republican candidate for burgess, is making friend and votes. His election to the chief office of the borough is certain. The suit of Thomas Rich against the Delaware and Hudson Canal compauy will bn called for trial April 2. Ten persons were baptised on Satur day evening, and were received iuto the First Baptist church on Sunday H, P, Woodward, of the Green Ri lge Monitor, called on Jermyu frienls yes terdiy. Should G A. Gtrowipsak In Scr. ni ton between now and election day he would be sure of a large mi uiber of hearers from this plac . The old soldiers have not forgotten the address delivered here at the time of the seven county reunion, and it will be a plea sure for them to vote for one who will oppose the policy of the present ad ministration, which seems to be against any man who fought for his country. Truly, the south is in the saddle. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. John Mellon, jr., spent Sunday In Scranton, Next Thursday evening a tei will be given ut the residence of W. 0 Hills The proceeds will be for the Ladies' Home Missionary socity. Archbishop Coxe, of Nnnticoke, de livered a very impressive sermon in St. James' Episcopal church last even ing. C. J. Metzgar and L. Lindley, of Scranton; O. J. Payne, of Pleasant Mount, and T. V. Powderly, jr., of Carbondale, circulated among Jermyu business houses yesterday. Rushbrook lod'ge, 851), I. 0 0. F., is growing very fast. In January ten wer initiated and nine have been re ceived this month. The degree teams are doing lino word. A regular meeting of the D. and H Keg Fund association was held Satur day evening. Orders were drawn in favor of a number of the sick members and other business transacted. Ihis association is doing much good, being very strong financially ; much interest is taken by the members. William H Lutey is the secretary and George Pen dred presidrnt. The Citizen s band talk of buying the Salvation Army barracks on Second street. Hie property is to be sold to atisfy the claims of numerous cred itors. The Jermyn Press is informed that a be made this summer to utilize the cof fin factory building for some other in dustry. A factory would be a blessing to onr town and however small would be helped financially, but with seven ty per cent, of the mills and factories In this country closed, 2,000,005 people depending of them out of work, free trade stareingus in the face it docs not look very encouraging. John Roberts, of Hard street, who has been very 111, being unconscious for a number of deys, is improving slowly. H. A. mllman has been appointed executor of the estate of the late Joseph Lepp. A disgraceful hzht took placa near the Delaware and Hudson depot Satur day night, several of the participants beiug badly used up. All Free. Those who havo used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who bavo not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your nnme nnd address to II. h,. liucklou & ( o., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Free, as well as u copy ot Uuiclo to Health ami Mou-ohold Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews ilros. Drugstore. FRESH FROM FOREST CITY. Topics of the Town Entertainingly Re:crdPd by a Wide -awake Wrltir. Special to the Scranto,i Tribune. Fordst City, Pa., Feb. 12 Valon tine Dny Wednesday. The political pot is so cool that wo have exefflent sleighing. La grippo has got its grip on a num ber of Forest City people, Next legal holiday, Washington's birthday, a week from Thursday. Gard & Bell, blacksmiths, have placed into position a neat and artis tically painted sign on the side of their shop. Miss Anna Rennsalaor nnd Mrs. Abrahams, of Scranton, have been spending the past few days pleasantly at Ihe home of John McLaughlin, The Hillside colliery will b i idle un til Thursday and many of the boys employed in the breaker and mine are improving the Opportunity by attend ing school. John L iruski, a Polander resident of Forsst City, died in the Carbondale hospital Thursday. Mrs. Dr. Q E. Taylor had the mis form no Siturduy wuilo mixing a prep nration in which alcohol was used, to be quite severely burue I about the neck and hands. Miss Minnie Cowlei, of Cirhon late, is the guest of her aunts, Mrs. II Box and Mrs. T. J. M ixey. W. T. Davies has added a stock of confectionery goods to his shoe trade. Z. C. Bell, of Curbondale. was in town Saturday with his fast trotter. John E. Free, formerly of this place, but for the past few months has had charge of placing into position a large electric plant for Simpson & Welkins, at Wyoming, visited friends in this place Sunday. Rev. G. A. Cure, of tho Asbnry M. E. cbnrcb, Soranton, preached two very able sermons in the M. E. church at this plnce yesterday. John Cunningham and Frank Cun ningham, jr., spent a few pleasant hours in Herrlck Saturday. F. J, Osgood is circulating among New York atate friends this week. John Simpson, of Carbondale, enjoyed a ride to this place yesterday over the "beautiful snow." One of Forest City's prominent busi ness men, who has been married but a short time, was seen busily engaged Saturday evening in the back part of his store room sewing oarpet rags. Good for A . Misi Celia Lsuning spent Sunday in Susquehanna. Tub Tribune leads in this place. The Hillside Coal and Iron comptny will pay their employes their monthly wages tomorrow. The Scranton Republican corres pondent for this place states in today's items that you should subscribe for the Republican for the latest news. As said very truthfully, the Republican readers are aware of the fact that it is late news so late that it is uearly lale, Tllli Triiiune has the largest circulation of any daily paper which conies to towu. an 1 if you wish to learn of tho events which are happening lailv in Forest City, subscribe for The Truiune. PKICEBU ; POINTS. An Error Corrected A Sluggish Board of Health Personal N tee. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pltlt'icBl ltd, Pa., Feb. 12. In justice to our borough and also to its dispenser of law, we would like to correct a state ment that appeared in TllK TRIBUNE of last Saturday. The article referred to is the boy Frank Pavolosky being ouimitted to tho county jail by Justice of the Peace Lloyd, of Priceburg. Now the r acts arc, there is no justice named Lloyd in Priceburg. Our squire's name is Logan and anybody not reading the article throughout would perhaps be confounded in the names of the two eatlemen and read Logan instend of Lloyd, thinking it was a misprint. Our justice would most likely discharge the boy. John (Hlgnllon, whom we aro happy to report as having entirely recovered from his recent serious Illness, was the welcome guest of his parents in Scranton on Sunday. An old country ta party will be hell at the home of W. W. Williams, of .Main etreot, on Monday, Feb. 19. P. F. Knight, a young and progres sive business man of Providence, called on friends ber4 1 m Saturday. MihS Nellie Mut'all, ot Honosdalo, is visiting friends In town. E. T. Mernam, T, M. Early nnd D. II. Williams, of Scranton, registered it tan C nt ml on Satnrday. This is an age of progress and every patriotic citizen ought to do sum 'thing towards the welfare of the country. Although Priceburg may bo behind in some things, we aro right in it when it comes to increasing the population. For our siz thore is no town in the county can toe the mark with us in this re-pect. The following tells the story: Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. J. Bil beimer, on Friday, a girl; to Mr. and Mr. John A. Murphy, of Main street, a girl; to Mr. and Mrs Hiram Smith, a boy. There has also been an increase in tho family of Mr. Samuel Norris. How is that lor progressiveuegs The electric cars are all blockaded tip this section. Pay day at Storrs mines tomorrow, Tuesday. A large retriever dog was killed ny the electric cars opposite Jermyn s store on Friday last, anl to the credit of the board of health, if any such board exists in the borough, the car cass remained on our Main street until Monday afternoon, when it w is re moved. It is time our high constable woke up. PICK. 0 A Pt CKVILLE. Numerous Items from a Llva Town T.raely Prt-pared Special to the Scranton Tribune. PeCKVILLE, Ph., Feb. 12 Mr. and Mrs. John Whitic and children are visiting the former's parents at Hszle- ton. Our newly organized Cornet band made their first appearance in public last Friday evening and serenaded some of our business places rendering excellent music. C. S. D ud has purchased the Hol couib property on Hickory street. Miss Maggie Davies. of Forest City, spent Sunday witn friends in town, Mrs. B. T. Reese and daughter Bessie are visiting friends In Oneonta. Richard Protheroe, of Hyde Park, visited with Mr. aud Mrs. William Grisodale yesterday. Our genial druggist,W. W. Watkins, is tne first to make a start to have the electric wires put into his drug Btoro to be lightod up with electricity. W. J. Diseinan, of Hickory street, and Miss Annie Ho wells, ot the Ridge Road, were married yesterday morning, after which they left to spend a fow days with friends in New York City. The Ladios' Aid society, which was to meet next Wednesday, has beau postponed until the 21st inst, Miss Mina Finch, who has been visit ing with friends at B.dinoute, returnsd home last Saturday. Where the Line Is Drawn. Washington Mar. "Are yon h! ill wurkiyg for tho dry goods Brm?" uski d ouo very young mnn of an other. "No. I nm not working for them. I am now in their employ. My salary has been raised from 7 a week to $10." A Jok that Nvr Dies. ChtCQffO lutrr-t hean . "Yes, he's a good man; but I saw him stoop to a very small thing nt the church social." "What was that?" "Fish an oyster out cf his soup.'' Has Fhl:h In the Method. Syracuse JmtriutK Mrs. Chatter Do you believe that rums enn be effocted by laying on of the hands! Hre, Clatter Most certainly. I cured my boy of smoking in just that way. 4 lit THE NEAT of Sick Headache is in the stomach and tho bowels. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta cure it perfectly. They r(u ttite iie stomach and bowels mildly, gently, naturally. With ihrso tiny Pel lets, the smallest made und the 'ii nil' ' to bike, there's a peculiar strengthening and tonic effect on the lining membranes of tho in testines, so thet their help butt. They pre vent, relieve, and permanently euro Bilious ness, Indigestion, Constipation, Hick or Bil lons Headaches, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, mid every liver, stomach, und bowel dis order. They're nuoronfesa to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. Ono of the most, difficult discuses to deal with is Catarrh. Perhaps tho only medicine thnt will cure it, root and branch, is Dr. Rage's Catarrh Ilemody. So small is tho chance of failure t.hut the makers guarantee it in the worst cases. READ TM. - - rr i ne new oner made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. 2lra. Sarah Trexler ot Philadelphia, "Bad Spells" with the Heart Dizzy, Faint, in Despair Hood's Saraapartlla Cured. "1 havo suffered very much during the pant lew years from Heart Trouble rhysiclans said 1 might live B number of years, might die any dnj. I could usually tell when the worst attacks were coming on by feeling a sharp pain In the heart, then violent thumping, shortness of breath, followed by a coldness oom lng all over me, then im.zinkss, kaintniebs, and then, unless I could lie down at once I would fall wherever I was. I never (hired to ho left alone for 1 had to have help at once aud that applied Willi vigor, I could not do any work, even to sweeping, ami had to he careful of the least excitement. 1 pot very muck dis couraged at tho outlook and thought There Was No Hope Of ever finding anything to help me. One day a friend asked, 1 Why don't you try Hood's Sarsa parllla? i thought it over and decided to try It, and I thank God for It too. Since I began tak ing it, three years ago, I have had hut one 1 had spell 'and that was due to carelessness on my part, and from that I quickly recovered. I can not tell you how much better 1 feel and leav thankful 1 am. f feel as If I would like to tell every person in the world ubout it. 1 can and do now do all mv houseivurk, even to washing." Mas. BARAB 'flitXLEK, 80U Latimer Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hood's s Cures " I know Mrs. Sarah Trexler from having pur. chased Hood's Sarsaparilla for a long time, and havo every reason to believe that tho above statement Is true." K. Si V. P. Shock ley, Pharmacists, r4i u. Thompson St., Philadelphia Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic, gi-utlo and effective. Try a box. 25 cents. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Hotel Waverly European Plnn. Firnt class Bar nttnehed. Depot lor lici'Kuor & Bngel'S Titunbiuiwr Beer, I. E Cor, 15th and Filbert Sts,, Pliiladi Mot desirable for residents of N fi. Penn! lylvunia. All oonvenionoee tor travelers to and from Broad Street Btatinn and tho Twelfth and Market Street xtatlon. l)o liriible for visiting Sorantonlana and im r Vie in tho Anthrucito Ke,:iou. T- J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Russian Ly H Circular Cap s. ''! Inchon, 4.W Klcctric Seal Circular Cl pes. U In S.KS Astrakhan Circular Capes. 21 in 0.1W Wool a Circular i up s, 24 in H.IM stono Morton circular Capes, In nwio Brown Marten tilronla - Capes, '.'i in 4o.uu Otter Circular Capes, 21 la W.U0 Seal Sacque3 Seal Baeqnss, ns inc'os long yi."een Seal JaekotB, lis Inches 100.00 Scud Jackets, 21 inches lonir 110.00 Astrakhan Jackets, 01 iaohes ""u ns.oo Circular Capes Senl Circular Capo, :) Inches long, w th; Butterfly Capo J8.1.00 Ottor Circular Cape, ;ti inchw lotiK.wlth Butterfly Cnp io:,.nn Sable Circular Cape, 80 InottM long HS 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, IKI Inches long M 00 Electric Seal Circular Cape, 80 In. long.. 20 00 Ory Crlnnnor Circular Cape, tW In. long 110 00 ill dozen American Bcal Muffs nt...,Jl 25 ouch 1 lot i f children's sets at OHc. each 1 lot of i "inii Robes, plush linud SJ onch Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. T s only Practical Furrier In the city. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Fpsclalist, And Ins Napelated itall of BnaUah and der man 1 uyblciiius.ttro now purmuuontly locatod Temple Court Building 31 1 BPItUC ST. SCRANTON Where inuy may bo consulted daily and bUNDAY. Tim Doctor 1h a graduata ot tho Unlvorsity cr Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of piiysioloirv nod SUrger at tho Medlco Chlr urKicnl College, of Philadelphia. Ho Is also an honorary member of tho Medico chirur flcal Association, nnd waa physician Biid Burgeon Mi chlet of tho most noted American jml German hospitals, comes highly Indorsed bv the leading professors of Philadelphia anil hew York. His many years of hospital experienos ou Bhles this eminent phyHician nnd surgeon to correctly diagnose nod treat all defnnnities anil disentias with tho most flattering success, and his huh standing in tho state will not all w him to accept any Incurable caso i lls I MilMloon KUkTOKKD. WEAKNKHS or YOUNG HEN CURRD, II you tpivo oeen given tip oy your physi cian cull upon the ductor and tie examined BponreO Ihe worst casesof Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old Soros. I aturrh, l'llos, Female Weakness, Affectinns of the Ear, Eyo, Noso and Throat, Asthm.'i, Deafness, Tumors, Can cels and Cripples of evory description. Con enltation In English and Herman Prae, which Shsll he considered sacrod and strictly cutitl dentinl. ' trice Hours: OA, M. to O 1'. M. Daily, Snmlay, I) a.m. to p in. THE Upholstery Department OF William : Sissenberger Opposite Baptist Church, Penn Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets.Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. 1C THE LENTEN SEASON All khulA Freth 1 Uli received tluily 1'unry SlUOked llulibut. nontleu ('nil, Yarmouth Hlnutcrs, Salt Mackerel. I'oekawav. Chesapeake Hay, Maurice ttiver (uvu ami Blue l'oint OYSTERS Soft Shell Clama, Shrimps, Scallops, fto, W. H. PIERCE. PENN AVE this TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CKGANIZED 1SDH CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. PA MI'EIj H IN ES.irrealdont w. w. Watson, vice lwaant. a. ii. Williams, Cashier, DIllKCTOn. RAMiiEi, Hinks, JAatCS M Evrmi.UtT, litviNo a. KiM'ii. Pianos A Kinlkv, Joseph J. JBBMTV, SI. B, Ki mi m u.. t'UAS, 1'. JlACTHKWS. JolIN T. 1'UIITIH. W. W. W ATSON. I PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This i "i.i, Invites the patronage of business men and llnus generally. Third National Bank of Scranton. Okganized 1872. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - This linnk offers to depositors every facility warranted by their balances, busi ness Blul responsibility. Special adtentton given to business ao OOlinta, interest paid oil Hum deposits. WILLIAM rONNKI.L, Tiesldent. liEO. H. I'ATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM II. 1-KI K, laalilsr. DIBBOTOB& William Conned, (lonriro IT. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Archbuld, Hanry Ilvlln, Jr., William T. Smith, I other Keller. HOW TO MAKE MONEY 'There arc hundreds of young men and youug women In this, country who have splendid ability, but tbey have never been, wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSE, BUSINESS COURSE SHORTHAND COURSE, p g . NEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. Carpetings ! Now arriving. We are ready to show many patterns in all grades of Carpets enough to suit all tastes which we offer at the lowest prices ever known in the history of the carpet trade. Under the head of BARGAINS We offer what's left from the January Sale, consisting of certain patterns of Carpets that have been dropped, odd pieces, short lengths and some slightly soiled, together with a few Rugs, Some Oil Cloths Linoleums and Mattings KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RIGHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Euilding. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios woulo. be to neglect tho best opportunity yet offered. The ad dition of the "Wanamaker" su it s makes it more valua ble. Head new announcement on page 7. NOT MANY Days left of our Odds, Ends and Remnant S;ile. but still a few choice things, maybe just your selection, are here. We Are House Furnishers That statement will never become threadbare; and we don't have simply a spatter ing of everything only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Crockery, Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frigerators, Lamps, Clocks, &c. Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses. 1