The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Tint Scranton Tribune's Pittutou de
Mrttoent U in ehaNa of J. ML Fahy, to
Whom -. - v.- m . aud complaints may bo
Several Hearing EI.M in tho Matter cf
Cout"tnd Komtn.vion,
The honring to the objections filed to
the nomination napan and coiti Unites
of the DamoenRrra and EUpabliean can
didates for bnrgMI and the minor of
fice attracted a large gathering of por
tions from this place to WiH-es-Barre
vestorday. The hearing began at 10
o'clock in the miin court room before
Jndgai Rio, Woodward ami Lynch.
Attorneys W.H. McCartney and James
L. ili rris appaarod as counsel for the
Ninth ward Democrats, and T. D
Shen appeared on behalf of M. N. Don
nelly and John McNamara, oandldate
for council aud school director respect
ively. In the matter of the objaotloni filed
against L. Siebel and the other R
pnbMoan candidates, W. II McCirt
ney appeared for Mr. S dbel.und J AIM
L. Morris and T. 0. Sbaa appeared for
o sustain th objections. As to th
.ertificates of nomination, tile I by M
NT. Donnelly on behalf of Thomas Ms
iimey, ir was practically conoadad that
these were tiled without authority.
Tha first hearing was bad upon the
contest in the Ninth ward, it was
th'own on behalf of Mr. Sweeney and
Mr. Corcoran that the convention which
bad nominated them had been regularly
called by th" borough chairman and
held at the usual plaee On the other
side Mr. Donnelly aud Mr McNamara
put in testimony to prov- that the con
vention held by their adherents at Tam
many hall was the regular convention.
After the hearing which lasted over
two hours, the ju dc-s took the papers
and reserved their decision.
As to the objections to the nomina
tion papers and certificate of nomina
tion filed on behalf of L. ireibel and the
other Republican ward candidates,
General McCartney explained that the
two fold character of the one paper
filed was due to the fact that Chairmau
Smith, of the Republic m borough com
mittee, claimed that ho had been mis
led br Clerk Robinsou, of the commis
sioners' office as to the time within
which the certificate might be
tiled, stating that Mr. Smith
was led to believe that fif
teen days prior to election
would be time enough to file the cer
titicate. When Mr Smith came to file
the certificate, General McCartney
continnd. he was informed by Chief
Clerk Xorris that the time for the filing
of certificates of nomination had gone
by. Thereupon Mr. Smith, npon Mr.
Norris' adrioe, had nomination papers
made out and tiled. Subsequently
npon explaining to the commiisioners
and their attorney the manner in
which he had bean led into the postpon
ing of the filins of the certificate
Mr. Smith was permitted to attach to
their nomination papers a certificate of
nomination, Mr. Smith's evidence was
in support of this statement and Clerk
Robinson testified that he bad no recol
lection of having made any snch state
ment to Mr. Smith, but said that he
had adtniued making snch a statement
when questioned by the commissioners
because Mr. Smith stated positively he
bad while he himself had no positlv
recollection on the subject.
The court wok all the papers and re
served its decision which, it is ex
"lected, will be handed down today.
T e Importance of keeping the liver and
kidneys in good condition cannot be
overestimated. Hood's S-arsapanlla is a
gr-at remedy for r-.-gulating and invigora
ting these organs
Hood's P'.lli act easily, vet promptly
and effectively, on the liver and bowels.
Breezy Notes of Intert.t frcm Our Spec
ial ".'-:-. p r. ' :.' .
A veritable blizzard struck this place
yesterday. The scow t ell fast and furi
ous, greatly to the disgust of pedestri
ans. It began early In the morning
and by nightfall had covered the
ground to a depth of six inches. As
thi night wore on a heavy hail storm
et in and gave no sign of abatement
at a late hour.
Among the deeds recorded at Wilkos
Barre yesterday were the following:
Elizabeth Tench to George II. Tench,
property in Went Pittston; R-becci
Knnkle to Jacob Woehole, prop-rty in
West Pittston for 255; N'ew York and
Pittston Coal company to school dis
trict of Pittston township, property in
aatd township for $1.
In Ibaeataol Janus Stevens vs. R
J. Hallock & Co, and J. B. Cirpanter,
of this place, the i-onrt ordered rale for
judgment for want of infficient am
davit made atnolnte nnless a snfflciint
supplemental iffl lavit of defense stat
ing the facts connected with the ex
cntion of the bond shall be filed within
five days.
James Horan, of this place, through
his attorney, T. D Shea, hhs begun an
action for $10,000 against William
Mnnday, of Parsonage street. As Mon
day was found to be insolvent, the
court directed an attachment for the
amount to be lauad against Munday'a
license bond, which bears the signa
tures of Thomas Mall n-y and John YV.
Williams. Tne unit it brought in tha
nature of a eivil action, it will bs re
called that Horan some months ago
brought suit against Mnnday, et al,
on n charge of felonious assault an 1
battery with intent to kill. Horan al
legod that the accused had assaulted
him, then pat a large dog on him, and
be waa so badly injured that he had to
keep to the bouse for week". Mnnday
Was acquitted of the criminal charge,
t his son John was convicted.
At a meeting of the Parish board of
ihe A. O. A held in their bull Sunday
t was decided to hold a monster
parade March 17, St. Patrick's Day. and
E. J. Burke was chosen by acclama
tion grand marshull with full power to
appoint aids.
Bcecham's pills arc foi
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills 25c. At
ugstprcs.or write B.F.Allen
o.,365 Canal St., New York.
Abont 2 o'clock yesterday morning a
man whose name it was impossible to
i-ani had his both lege out olY in the
vicinity of the Heidelberg shaft by a
train of cars on which it is supposed
he wus riding or attempting to board.
William Lyons, of Piue atreot, who is
employed us watchman at the shaft,
as-isted in caring for the unfortunate
man's needs.
The mauy friends of Mrs. Jehu M.
Law, of Luzerne avenue, will lie
pained to learn that she wus stricken
again with a stroke of paralysis on
Sunday last. This wakes the second
troke a within fortnight, and her con
dition is quite critical.
Miss OofgroYO, of Wilkes-lUrre, was
the guest of her cousin, Miss Alioo
Losgrove, of South Main street, yester
Miles Gibbons, of the Star drng
store, was a visitor in Scrauton yester
day. The members of the Thistle Cornet
band will 111 et at their rooms this
evening at 7 lit) o'clock to elect officers
for the ensuing year. All aotive and
Honorary members are requested to at
Among the Plttatonlani that went to
Wilkea-Sarre yesterday to listen to the
argument offered in the several party
contests were Theodore Hart, of the
Gazette; Edward Barret, Patrick A.
Sweeney, 'Squire Gtbbona, Thomas
Maloiiey, M. -V. Douuelly, Thomas Cor
coran, William Drurv, John EL Miillin,
Hon. 1". Harvey, John MeN'aiuera,
Charles F Boban, Tuouias Cody, Rob
ert Smiles, Thomas Miles, John Dump
ey, Patrick Bagen, Thomas. Riley,
Erastus Gage, John P. Morris, Louis
Seibel, Chairman Charles Smith, John
Foster, W. H. Yoong, Patrick Battle.
EucUlen' Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for (aits
Brnleea, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klieuin, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Kruptious, and posi
tively cures Files, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or mouey refuuded. Price S!5 cents per
box. tor sale by Matthews Uroa.
An Interesting Record of Pasting- Events
Crlply Prepaid
fecial to the Sirimton Tribune.
MOOSIC, Pa.. Feb. 12. Miss Kittie
Johnson and Miss Lottie Dean, of
Penobeoot, spent Snuday with Miss
Bessie Hinds, of Miuooka avenue.
The Misses Belle and Grace Bond, of
Scrauton, spent Sunday at the home of
Miss Rose Warner, of South Main
Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Martin,
of South Main street, a son.
Miss Mamie Hinds, of Minooku av,
uue, returned home Saturday after
spending the past month with her sis
ter, Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Eist Buf
falo. Miss Mamie McDonald, of Pittston,
has returned home after spending the
past few days with her cousin, MUs
Agnes McDouald.
Mrs. Anna Richmond, of Peekville.
spent Sunday at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. George Pearl, of Main street.
Miss Dmkie Greene is confined to
her home on Maiu atreet by the
Mount Joy, of Plymouth, spent Sun
lay at the borne of Peter Weir on
South Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pearl, of Main
street, were called to tne Electric City
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. Rob
ert McMillin, of Avoca, called on
friends in tovn Monday.
Cold-Plood.d Calculation.
Iniliaiiup ilia Journal.
Elderly Matron My deur, ynu are mak
ing a serious mistake in wedding a man
juts because he tried to commit suicide on
account of your former refusal of him.
Sued love is too warm to last.
Sweet Young Thin;; But think how
loving he will be while it does last. And
then, after I get tired of him, he'll prob
ably try it again and maybe I'll have a
chance to marry some one else if he suc
ceeds. Remarked by R. C. Joiner, of Allen, P.
O, Hillsdale Oo Mich. : "Nothing gave
my rheumatism such qniclc relief aa Dr
Thoma-' Electric Oil believe it infallible
for rheumatics."
En'lrely Impr-ibable.
Pit ilarielpMn Record.
Editor "No, sir; your novel won't do
at all. It's too improbable." Author
"How so:'' Editor "Weil, In on- chap
ter, in speaking of Wires, the politician,
you say: 'As be passed Uarvey's saloon,
Wires observed his rival.' No politielan
ever passes a saloon."
His Fncs Hit Fortune.
Detroit free Pretg.
8he What a strong face that man has.
He Yes, it carries bin everywhere.
Burdock Blood BmXM taking after
eating will relieve fny feeling of weight
or overfulness of stomach. Sold everywhere.
vThon V.iby nai Rlrlr, we jravi her rvtnrta.
When slie wo a ( hild, nhe cried f or ( 'a :tirla.
When Rhe ber.ame Miss, she clnnc to Castorla,
When sho had Children, the gavo then L'ustorla,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Mo"&
Jiadeattlm MOOSIC nnd RUSH
Lnfllin & Unnd Powder GVn
Electric Batteries, l'uso for explod
ing blasts, hafoty Fuse and
RepaunoChcmical Co.'sHigh Explosives
IS THE BEST. Get prices and
ee the furnace and be con
vinced. A full line of 11 MAT
ERS, Appello and Gauze Door
Hard Working Business Man
Makes This Appeal.
He Receives a Clear, a Truthful, and
a Most Valuable Ansufcr, Which
Is of Interest to All.
"Is there any remedy for oxtrenn
emaciation? I there any way by which
a thin, weak porson cau be made ll.shy
and strong?"
These Interesting questions wore re
cently addressed to a leading medical
journal by a hard-working business
Ulan. His health had become greatly
run down by reason of over-application,
long hours mid other excesses
which tend to reduce the weight. The
OonsefjQenoe was he found himself a
sufferer from Indigestion, dyspepsia,
a ml Faulty SSaimllntlOO, followed later
by catarrh of tlio bowels. The food lie
alo did not give a tenth pint of the
nourishment it ought to have given.
His blood bsoams thin, bit ll-sh wasted
away until ho was reduced to a m -ro
shadow of his former self. The fact
was, ho was dying from shuor starva
tion. The editor of the medical journal
Ixicauie interested in this case ami
gave it I'Hruest attention The result
was tbot ho forwarded some sound ad
vice to fie sufferer, He told him some
thing which, if it wero generally
known, would save an Immense
amount of lioknSSS, weakness and suf
tering, What the editor said was this
"We advise you," ho wrote, "to take
a pro-digestod food, that is.a food cap
able of being absorbed by the system
directly as it is swallowod, thus Im
pacting nourishment to the body in
spite of the stomach. This will givo
vour stomach n rest nnd enable it to
recuperate. It will also prevent the
accumulation of undigested food, which
causes the constipation and other dis
tressing symptoms of which you com
plain. It will build up your system as
nothing else em I.. It will increase
your weight, givo you new strength
and make a well man of yon. Now,
slier is only one food of this kind. It
is known as Paskola, the flesh forming
food. It is a great scientific prepara
tion something totally different from
anything ever beforo introduced. Its
effects are remarkable. Paskola is now
reoogniied as a perfect substitute for
cod liver oil and all other old-fashioned
remedies, It is easy and ideas
ant to take. It is grateful to the most
delicate stomach. From what we have
seen of its effects we are confident that
it will not only give yon relief but in
crease your weight in a very short
Tha business man followed this ad
vice. Today he is in splendid health.
All his old ailments have departed, his
former strength has returned, and in
stead Of weighing 110 pounds ho tips
the scales at 1 Id He n-v. r wearies of
telling about what Paskola has done
for him and bis friends repeat the
This is but one instance of what
Paskola hat done for thin, weak, de
bilitated poople. Thousands of others
might be mi)tloned. Certain it is that
al a fl 'lb-former and remedy for dis
tressiug stomach troubles it is unsur
passed. Loss of il sh is a sign of dis
ease. Half the ailmsnts of the human
race spring from disorders of the atom
ach. The way to relieve all symptoms
tending to these conditions is to take a
perfectly pro-digested food. Paskola
is the only food known to medical
science that thoroughly conforms to
this high standard.
A pamphlet giving full particulars
respecting Paskola will bo sent on ap
plication to the Pre-Digostod Food Cu. ,
168 Dnano street. N. Y. City.
- vTKiOCMMlK ill
4 Tfi7ir
a well
Man of
lWFf V"3 a i
A il A I
vmiii ir i v i
tiik 1.1.1
am ro moti
i , -1 . . in :t iiivs. run- nil
NervniKt ONtmrw, Kuillitft Mffnory,
Prti"nK, Hi. t'pl'wsnpn-, Niifhtlv KiiiIii
Mum, ftr,, cam-ii'iI Ky nl ulnim-d, irtven vlt;or a ml nfp
to ftnranun "i irm, adqnlokly wi rarely- n-Ktorc
I .rwi Mnnhfind in old r nuntf. BMity earned In
V ' i I'm " I.IM ;i p.-h k uriv Mix f, -f.-s.fN with n
n rill n maniMtff t tNN Wf miHry WOTWMds i-oh't
I" t nriv linutln'-lplnl lr-urirlt tv you ny iritul vi
imitation, Inni-t on hnvifiit imiaIMi n on mother H
ht iiri- not i(f(t it, wt w iu Htiq it. by dim upon rMtn
of in ire. I'rirnjil-N-t in Mi'dli'il cm i-lopei fr-c. ftOorftl
Or h' ill U .-il I. ill f ii , Propt., ( hlfajjo. III., ornnra-ff-iiU.
SOLD lv Matlhawi Brat., Wbotaalt and Rnnil
DrtlffUll, SCKANTUN, PA.( and other Lead-
RuBOfSS Freeklts, Pimples
Liver Mole, ttlsdihnadt,
Kilnkn.n ...I T. i mwl ft,.
stores the skin lo its c.rlgt- -ry.
iiri insioi'.Ni, prmuoing ajati M '
clear and hfnliliir ooro-WW!. 9frWt
plezlnn. Rupcrlnrtosllfien
ireinratloris and ju rd itiy linrmloss. At nil
arugglsts, or mailed forSOi ls. BeuU lor Clrrjulsr.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP l ImrtT Inmmruitik
.V. n puTlfflliK ''"P, utlPqilftVil f .r It." Inlltt, ni. I wllhmit .
rlv-l fur lb nnriwrf. AlMeMIr MN nuil dtllinlj im.11.
awl. AidrawiMi, Prion 25 Cenh.
G. C. BITTNER . CO., Tot.eDO, O.
Kor sain liy MattbSWS Bros .MnrRfinllros.iinu'
Moitf.-in ,V Cn.
Esoossro er THS HieHtet Mtm-.t AiiTMoniti.e
HAjf vno j- nrn nri e
eswK v ww
IVIIAlril will ..... A
wiimliirfiil Imon in nnrriTcn
fri'Mi'ld, HnroThriml,
nn,i. it.i, llronrhlll.,
TllA 1 PFVKU. .Iir.,.,
li'inmlliilr rrtlf. A n end Innl
. . n nil uy, i ... . ... ,ij i'f i.
In pnpket. rtlT lo line nn Hint In.llrai ioti nf r.i'.f
nnllniirri tin I IT,-. I. I V ,.,. 1 (rr,.
Hittlnfni tliin triiiirnnti-xj nr innnoy rel iimlnil li in-
0 . i.. 1'rlel fr;-- nt llnmuhM. llrniKliTcil ll.
0) laiuti. B. D. WtuU, Sir., Urto Riirn, BE, U. S.
MENTHOL ''''"V1"''"' ""'I f''t for
IiheiniMiiii BnreiLBurns, ttuu. U'ondrrru
eilr f.irlMI.HH. I'rlpr.aa rle. nl llrnu-n a u
Btifj f"'r I'T ""01 T".iilil. Adilri-KBinnlinv,. DALlTl
Fur miln liv MuttlinwH llniK. . Moriiiin llrim siid
Mnriin A Co.
Every Woman
Botnetlmes roods a rdi
t 1 .LI.. . . ,
i i bdii nioniijiy reguiatuijj
miL CN ninlicino.
Are prompt, wifo nnd or rtnln In remit, Tim BeOQ'
tiMitUr. reel'si iiiivcr dUuppnlnt. Siintauywliuu
I LOS, i-uui Mudlclno Co , Cleruluud, U.
Bold h .JOHN B, PHttiM I'hnrmanUt
corner WyumiiiK avenuo mid BpTMs stroot
lornntuu, 1'a.
r t i
What Are Necessities?
"The learned is happy nature to explore,
The fool is happy that he knows no more."-?
No. I.
'd'vo ifnt evorytliiui;
1 'need. '
1 just Lad uiy
No. 2.
"My idee of 'NKi Kv irv' is to have, plenty to eat
nnd a change of clothes.
"When 1 wont toHctiool I lamed readin', riten and
rethmatio, and that'eall 1 'need.'
"My 'pinion is that edjrercitiou is no good only far
preachers an' lawyers.
''People like ne don't wan't no edi;ercation we're
all riu'lit, imyhow. 1 guess tliey's only a few of us
left, fer nowadays laborin' people and all think they
will bu more Buckseasful if they learn a little ever
"They say that ignorant people won't stand eny
show at all in sooi'ty in a few yoars from now,
"1 wouder it that will be the case?"
No. 3.
Kxtravagaiit luxury for one may bo nu ubsulute necessity for another. It de
pends on wlmt you aiui tit.
What would an ajio care about opportunities to improve bis mind?
Ihe word man means to think, which is the opposite from BlAM, wo can
not classify No. -J, as he doo not look liku a BIABT a ad does not think '.to a man.
We must call him the "missing liuk." If you are a man you thiok. If you think
you aro constantly coming in coutact with questions. If you supply yourself with
the corri-ct answers to these questions you bei-oiue a hucoss iu life and you honor
yourself nud your facily. This is true, no matter what your calling.
If you answer yoar questions you must doit right When the question comes up
so it will be a pleasure, and yon cannot forget it. This is true education. If you an
SWer your questions whou they como up aud answer thou corrocily you must have
the best 1'ucyclopedia in print right iu your home.
The whole world are agreed that the Ency dope lia Britanuica is the best in print.
THE TBIBUNE edition of tbisgrsat "Stniiam" .is brought down to date and
supplied on terms which could not be expectodfrom people engaged iu the book busi
ness; but our pride is to supply the best newspaper in thil part of the state, and wa
ustain tlio enormous expensi- and perform the vast amount of labor necessary to give
these terms toour fhonds simply to broaden and deepen the interest iu education and
to extend our acquaintance among the children of today who aro to be the men and
women of tho future.
In one of tha ablest speeches ever delivered by
the "Grand Old Mm" he giiowad cmchliivcly that
education is not a luxury but a prime necessity to
the Uboriug man of today.
Hsys: "You want amn-ement. but that does
not exclude improvement. Do vou suppose when
iron sos men iu study that they dislike it V No.
There is labor, no doubt. but it is so associated with
interest ell along that it h forgotten in the delight
which it carries in its performance, and no people
know that better than the working classes."
If you let your children follow their own im
pulses, tbey will ask questions, and if you provide
the means of answering you will encourage them
and ci.uij delight and uleasure in research. 9ooa
they will have a natural habit of learniug a little
each day, and learning will then be recreation to
them. So that all they require is an Encyclopedia
in the home te secure the most practical education.
Gladstone further says that it is now possi ble to
go straight into the very heart, the very sanctuary
of the temple of learning, and become acquainted
with the best works thst men have produced.
"It is not to be supposed that workingmen on
coming home from labor, are to study Euclid 'and
works of that ctiaracter and it is not to be desired
except in case o! very special gifts but what is to
be desired is that some effort should be made by
men of all classes, and perhaps by none more than
by the laboring class, to lift ourselves above the
level of what is purely frivolous, and to endeavor
to find our tijiiusemeut in making ourselves ac
quainted with things of real interest and bfanty."
All the recorded wisdom of all great wntere.past
and present, is contained in the Encyclopedia Brit
annica, so that every ehade of taste can find Hi lik
Ing, whether it be buch subject as Euclid or the
commonest topics of everyday nfe whether to learn
how to measure the distance to Mars or how to tie
a square knot iu a rope.
What a blessing that in this one library the la
boring mm cau command the wisdom of the world.
In his speech on the occasion of the distribati iii
of the prizes at the Nonconformist School at Mill
Hill he ctmparod the advantages of today with the
advantages of the ancients : "All they have
acnieveu is ueiore you. Their great
are at yi ur service and command.
"Ycu have this enormous advantage
pecuusr condition or this age.
Again he says: "Believe me when I tell vou that
the thrift of time will repay you in after "life witb
an usury of profit beyond your most sanguine
dreamt, and that the waste of it will nuke ron
tiniiiuiD nuai; iu lUWUPtlURJ IUOr.ll nHlUte t'C
neath your darkest reckonings,
you cau."
uider the
Uet knowledge, all
If this great library was to co3t $5.00 per volume, the price of the original, without the supplemsnted
matter, the man of moderate mean3 might Imitate, but $1 98 par volum.3 and up to date, makss it a matter
worth your attention and considerable effort and sacrifice to attain.
SA. j.j
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Itemnanta of Dry QoodB. clonks and Pur Capes during
sale at less than cost of material.
Everj Inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
1 ..i
Lnilies' Felt Hats, this aeason's etylos
Bovn' Winter Waists
10c. o.ich.
10c each.
30c. each.
$1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
For Delicacy,
For purity, anil for improvement of thocom
pleilon, nothing cquuls I'ozsoni's I'owdur.
Dm HHflr, e0,.lne'p, n:p1al. (ll.DOO.OOfl.
".I itoltnr Hiivett i Jt it dtilliir eiintrtt." ,
ThliLadlai' Solid French Doiil um But
ton llool uollvrrM Iron inywbtrV IB U6 U.S., M
laoMpt oIOMB, Money Order,
or I'ikIiiI Nolo lor It JO.
Kiiimi tvaty wv Um boots
mdl In all retail lores fur
1140, Wf make this boot
omooivto, taoiiwia wo aaf
uii(ei Iho HI, ntih unit iriir,
anil If afrj- one l not anilntli',1
nn will reninil me inonev
1 n. ' i : Opera
Ton or Common rlontie,
wliltlm 0. I. B. I I Si
X al.. ., I i U ,,n.l I . . '
I lit a
I'.llsroN. MASH.
8jHC4il tinn fo Ittnltr.
Dexter Shoe Co.,
Cnslof tlin twat qunllty fur ilomost In usp.snil
of nil si.-.-i. ilidlvoroil In 11117 part u( tlio city
t InwcHt price.
OraaH loft t my ofTlen,
Ronr room, flrat flour, Thir.I Nntlunut Hank,
or noiH by mull or tolopliono to tlio mine, will
roeelvti prompt nttontion.
Kpti'iul contiaetH will bu in i.l . for tbo salt)
mi dollvury of I -. . . t OoaL
i FE j
Valaabla us a Souvenir of the Fslr.
Thla vtadtHW i ii 1 RVapa
an if. .1 in r ii i r mil nrrioui Ml
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