The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Valves
I Fittings I
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
tan nitmrntn nnninnii
fiiididatfi for Burgess of Dunraore Gives
His Views on Muuiciul Halters.
"1 ME
rC8 IVnn Ave
A 6 W4RM4N.
Very Choice Line of
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers.
Window Shade
Thinks II Unwise, However, to Pl.ico
Any Considerable Burden on the
Public .it This Time His Views
wilh Ro&.ird to Sowers John G.
McAskio Gives History ot Past
Sewer Agitation.
The question of sewers is one of the
ehtef Issuei in the ntuntoipal oempalau
now heiug waged In Dunnore In con
irquenoe it Thibcki reporter onlled
Ui iU Timothy Hurke, the Keinibllcan
ciindi Lite for Imnrsss, .'sterdiiv. for
mi expression ol hi views regarding
th i md other Improvement!,
Mr. Burke km found In Mi ooa"
nfilos iii iho Burt Untitling on Wash
Ingion Hvonue end ulnd lo state his
position on tlu burning iiueetloo of
M tt Md OthM public imiHoVKiiumts.
"Yoo can put m down as favoring
anything thai will tend to Improve
mii I advance the borough' interests
long legitimate lines,'' replied Mr
; . "i do not think tho present u
tli.' proper tuue, however, to nuke any
.a enilveoutlnj Owing lo tbBgrsal
financial deprsesiQU etiiiiug mil the
nnsettitd condition of the oosl trade,
upon wbioh tin" greater portion of our
ition depend for a livelihood,
work .ml money ars su.iros Hud II
wool i not. in mv opinion, bs proper
now to Increase the burdens ot our tm
M er In .ui leotion, however. where
the property no', ten want Improve
ments sod ate willing to pay for thou,
i oannot see why theyihonld be domed
the right
We hud no more Intention of sewer
i inu the other portions 0( DnnfAOrs
then of Imcling R IBWIt system in
the in. on. hnl h. him ot our politicians
who, like dyiog men, grain ai straw,
In their desperation started a cry that
thii giant inonopily with . capituiof
$10 OOo wai golug to gobble up all t.u
territory in Dnnmore mid levy mi as
Dorbltani rata upon tb p f r the
Iirivilfj. of oonneotlng With tluir eye
to III
"lemnnt nn bOW Wl eoitld, if we
were innlin d, iiwar Dnnmor To do
ho won1. 1 t ike at I i $160,000) While
our e ipltal is hut $10, (Mi I
"Another thing) we wi uld not think
of hull Una a nw r where the neoDle
did not want it, for tiioy could not tie
j compelled to eminent nut the money
put IntO OOnttrUOtlOO Would be thrown
aWay, and ! know that tho parties who
obtained the ohirter are not in apoiU
tiou to do anything of the kind."
Thirty Bit Iliiiulrnl M ni I'uip'.oytd in
Pablls Parki
t'ity llnniiieer I'hillipi rstunied from
I', niver Falls Friday evening from
villi t. the worki of the Pno Bridie
oompan) where he went to Inspect the
new bridge for Parker etreet On his
: way home hnMtippd oil at 1'it ttttuitr
To aTillBUNI reporter Mr Phillip
mud esterdav "The uuuiber of idle
i men in Pittsburg is ippnlllng. in two
I public parkl alone there were ll.tiOO
I mel Who were lven temporary em
ployment. They make application,
mni if on Investigation tbey ere toond
deiervlug, they ire given two weeka
employment mid privileged to make a
re application. Ail the city and county
offloeri me donating one aay'i pay per
month, while the bniineu men are
alao railing into Una and doing like-
School OMtroUen Who Braved Last Nljlit's
Pay Rolls for Ollicers, Teacliers, Sub
slitutes, and Janitors Paiiod Upon
Favorably A Very Important Re
port trom tlio High School Commit
tee -Siiph'inontary Report ot En
gineer John W Snyder.
uoi s sor U'PROVg utacTioM.
"Tbi police of Inaetloa punned dur
in,; the pas: two vein by borough of
Hculi ihouid be ooadeaed, and mob
doain-the-maoger contest an oc
curred during the put year over the
selection of legal MfUet to tiiebr
oub can not be epjuoved by anyone
baring the Intereiti of te borou0-u at
"The failure to elect abaroagttlS'
lieitor last ver miy bj th meeni of
injuring the borongb treaanry owing
to certain alleged illett acta, whtoh
under proper idvlee oenld have been
avoided. 1 think the condition of our
Itreetl should b improved, aud the
gronnd In froutof our borough building
which is a diagraoe) put in order. I
also favor all niubt hithts In some por
tions of t(:e borough, We do not ueed
these iu the Su:li wrd, but in soma
sections I look upon such as necessary.
"i.ur tire facilities uaei to bs lm
proved greatly if Lnanraoci rats are to i the Laokawan
b kept wiiere thjy Hre. Insurance
companies are laoreiuiog rates gensr'
ally all over the country, particularly
where tire facilities are poor, aulas a
taxpayer I feel that ws ca i better af
ford to put o;:r bands in our pockets
aud establish yoo 1 tire faciliti', Which
would be a permanent bn?li;, thin
pay th" amount such would coit ovsr
to the lusurance companies In increase I
rates Whether elected or n : I ihoutd
has to impress this upon the minds of
our people and the sooner action is
tekau on the matter t'ae better it will
be for all.
Lackawanna County H id an Average
ol Filly-two Prisoners at Cistern
Penitentiary During 1893.
sew-r queitlon I will
Wyoming Ave.
(.'arl A. tiaskia wiU present Thr- Silver
K:u v. tbe Academy of ktnste this hvsl
Coart will aot coavene again antd Feb.
Igj when it will luees to count election re
turns. There will be a regular msetin? of the
cractoii t'ressclnbs at the r Friday
There w:ii be a literary and muJical en
tertainment at tlii'ireen I'.id'e library
next Wednesday evening
Mrs Catharine Berka an '.id resident of
thiacity iliwi yestr.lay h; tier home on
Mineral street a, the advanced aeofnl
The Berantea bate iiiii aeaociatton ha'
aaked tb conr". lo nmenl Its charter .i
that the capital st oc ..m je lucreastii to ! it for the reason
IVSjO. itrMOt ciiartrs t
'As to tue sew-r QUlllion I Will sy
i that personally I want the benefit of a
s-wer. but I wuld uijit streuumsly
oppose the forcing of sewers upon thoi
; not wishing theiu Tttie, however, i
j know cannot b a jn1, for tue law does
not allow it, and ail talk to the on
I trary is only buncombe and gotten np
I to throw ilait in the peopte'e eyes for
political effect and the purnoie of ob-
tainf.ins vots tin ler ralte pretens-s.
The borough cannot bnild ewer, as I
inderstsn 1 the law, e.T3ept a m i prity
of property boilers petition for the
same, and a corporation, even iboul 1
councils grant it tin right to bull I a
sewer, could not compel people to con
nect with su::h I) fewer and pay fur DM
of situs against their will
' As to tue much talked of sewer cor
poration, its aims and oojaotl, you can
obtain better inform ition from Jo'in
1 McAekie or .Units Yomg than I
can give, as I have no interot in it
whatever. The first I heard of this
matter wse about a year ao when II
a. Zimmerman wan trying to organic
euoti a company, but 1 bslisvo nbmdoned
tnat Ibe stats di I nnt
e .vsrais r lUtDIQlei,
l, tokawann i county haia large num
ber of boarders nt the bic; boarding
house, known as the Kistern pauttin
tiary, whioh Warden Oauldy conducts
i for the state at PhlladelpQla.
It 0 '"ts the county l- oentl u dav for
the board of every man it sends to the
j penitentiary for the good of the OO m-
j mnnity. VTeeterday the county com
! mlisionen received the bill for the
board of these prisoners. It amounts to
j.: 110 10. which shown that there has
o.'en an average of oJ Lsokawanna
county pris men In tue penitentiary
during the yr The county is cred
ited witn $1,581.31 for labor performed
by these prieotiers, making the actual
i amount to ne p u I l,8Ts T;.
it costs 0S.7d to maintain a prisoner
a year ami m oniv two instanoel nave
i men earii-d more than
leads the
Thoin i
Ryan, who has bti in lese than ii year,
arned goo 80 liis botrd amounts to
(48.06 Am niuts earned Uy noun of
the prisoners who have been in for tli"
I full year are: William H Kent. $54. 0';
i lianiei M irgsn, $'i 88; C lerlei ll igle,
57 Stephen l- Alya,f47 bo; Tbom-
i s I)urnit'. jol i0; James Kirrett,
157.80; Alexander Corrle, 15780; lUr
mon Kimble, )7 hj. Paul Hydo,57.80,
Frank Oripoo, the Dnnmore murder
i er, has cist the county g3!i 40 liUOl he
has been In the penitentiary. He lias
: earned 84 cents.
I their hoard. Wallace Snow
I IU Mth w-O it.: j Ulm m-Al k
i ifci f V,W L" lll UCVUIf.
The Xcranton Kogiiieerin' clnb hss so- I I elieve this is all I have to ssy upon
r n'-d and :.t -ii nu comf i ah quarters these matter
He Suss H: A censer, R-.ffeb Moras, o,
for $2 0'JQ U images
AnitODiO hIXUlO yesterday bejn
an totion through Attorneys Kiwis
aud Taylor to recover , 000 damage
frotu liiifaeii Uoraaoo for malloioni
prosecution and fals't imprisonment.
in N'cv. 1- last Morasco swore out a
warrant before .lusli:e of the peace
Ifunley, of Archbald, charging U-z-zulo
with the theft of a monkey
wrench, The accused was arretted
and after an imprisonment of forty
hours duration was given hearing be
fore the justice, who hel l htm ill bail
for his appearance at court.
On Jan 8 the grand jury, nfter
listfnirii to the testimony ot Morasco,
decided that he bad not mate out a
prima fade case ni;ainst K-zznlo and
the bill was returned ignoramus
RegtulO says that nsidi from th In
dignities be suffered by resson of Ins
srrest and imprisonment his reputation
was injured by the Obargl of theft
made against mm.
.a the second 8 COS of the Prios building on
wiisciugton avenue.
After today the e einty c .ro-nnsioners
will tw nnable t , pay commonwealth oottl
until Feh. r,n account of tb prss of
buslnoss n.cident to tin: coming election
To j I. vies' Ail o '.v of 4ibe'tlreen
Bidga baptist akneb wid giv a s!,dow
f.-citl at the residence of .). W. (iirney,
of Wasbingtun avenu.-. next Tujrsday
i ity F.ngimeer I'lu'.iipi atatl yesterday
that in tb event. .f the w being a pilael
tne bridges, moneyed mm of the dtV
would atgaatM company, apply for a
charter and erect toil bridges.
Kxreptions were yealerday Had with
i'rotbonntary I'ry .r M the !Mrt. Ol Um
referee ia thi m of . W Msrwell A:
Co. egaiaat W. Oibeon Jones ami others, of !. ,s ., .r m. I.
The Central RepuhUean dub Intended
lo bold meeting last, night and nominate
i racers, but owing to the storm n qUOVUtt
was not present and th dominations were
postponed nntil the second Monday in
Wasebi unless ssiecial meeting is rl9d In
th'; meantime.
Work oa Kimiving tin Old S'rua'.ur
The work of removing the old l arker
street bridge was begun yesterday by
Street Commissioner Kirst and he 01
jieots to get lufflolenl lumber out of
the roof to mske a fool bridge
City Knglueer Phillips arrived from
the inspection of the iron work of tue
new bridge at Itrnv-r Falls on Friday
mid informed a iBltUNI reporter ye -terday
that the company will b ready
to begin sbiptii)g in lour or five davs,
Corcoran & DoBOhttC, who wr
Awarded the contract for building the
abutuitnts, went Up yesturdnv to make
arrangements for beginning work, but
it is probable that the Itorm will de
feat their calculations, dty Eoilnoer
lJhllllps is determined that the deluvs
incident to the const ruet ion of the
Ltckiwatinn riven no bridge shall not
be repeated in the construction of the
Parker street bridge.
- s -
Tmk members ofTJniOU lodge, No. 80!)
K and A. M , will meet at Masonic hull
Tuesday, Feb. II, at 1 o'clock eharp, tont
teud the funeral of lirother Jtwrd
hooreoi. The members of sister lodges
nre cordially luviled to attend.
By order of the W. M.
Bradleston & Woerz'a and Bullantlno'a
lAckawauua avenue.
Alee are the best. K. J. WaLeu, agent, tW
Somathlnir New
lu photos at (droves', M0 Spruce strodt.
Hi: It Nf r a nig TBA DIP.
"Jlr. liurke, ars yon in faVor of fres
coal1 dO yon think it Woul i affect this
eommuuityt" askd the reporter
"N'o, sir, i um not In faVOt oT free
coal or free trade. Tahiti.: ; eduff
off bltnrninoui coal brings it Inl i di
root competition with the entailer liati
of anthrtcit", which i um told are
from 30 to 80 pr cent, of the emlri
output, and InfrJttl the sales of this
class Tbtl tilV cts the operator, mi l
whar, affects t ie operator Is bound to
iffei I Ih4 miner Md tbl laborer, imd
M i: ulfects this class of Womuon
naturally ffcts all with whom th"y
have dealing!, and tli ri the whole
community is Injured,
"i have livid uader free trade hod
protection and know the condition of
laboring men and tiie way they live
under both system), and I run say
that tiiore Is 'a gfeat gulf fixed b"
twonii ' Laboring men tbemnlvei
know it ton, nod I t!nnk tbny will s ly
so very emphatically by their vote fur
( ir.iw nxt l ues lay "
The reporter then Bought. Attorney
Jobtt Q McAskio to obtain liis views
with regard to the nswer and wiut. had
been gone m the past towards having
one constructed
"About four years IgC we starts I a
movement to get sewers in our district
of the Sixth word of Diinmiire," he
said, in response to a reporter's ltt0J
"The property owueri inburlbcd
ft, HUD, which Was psld to the clly of
HCfMOtOn for thl pr.vllsge of sewering
the district into the Ninth newer dis
trict svsiem of BcrantOQ, We preseute I
a petition to the borough council and a
sower district was established ami
viewers appointed. The council ndvr
Used for bids and Mist was the U(t of
tba i fl'ort so far as tue borough Oil) ligll
are eoneerned,
"A yegf ago Mr , miuermati in idl u
effort to get a company up to construct
a suwer system in t II district UOdtt a
pipe line charter, but, (earing it would
not be regit, gave ,t up. After the
legislature amended the corporation act
and provided for granting charters to
sewerage companies, I mOBtiOnid the
matter to severs! people in the district
and suggested that we form such u
com pan v for tbu purpose of sewsring
our district, sud proposed that we in
vite nil the residents to com i In and
subscribe for stock IB proportion to the
properly held by them, j was encour
aged by them to do so, sud Obarter
was obtained with a cspital of $l0,huo.
It Is Claimed by U. W. W-lllngton and Hi Tlernnn
Attorney il. F. Akvrly began nn ac
tion in ejectment yesterday for i W.
Widiiu oi against John to
recover possession of a lot of land in
the Fifteenth ward of this chy
1 he land fronts on Sixth av.oine and
is 84 (eel wids and 1 00 feel deep. Mr.
Mi I lemaU is now lu possession, but
th- ,.1,0,0, (T iKi.i tl.,,i lm la (I... ., ,
' owner.
fternnd Til.tri, I H-pnlilii ana.
pursnnnre of a resolution of
itaodlng committee of me RepoBlloaoi of
the Second Legislative dletrlot) a oonven
lion will lm bold lu the arbitration room
nt the court bOOSS. eiiy of BcraOtOB, on
Tnaeday, Feb. Ill ISHI, at VS n'clork p. in.,
for the purpose of Ml.Ttiin; one deP-gntn to
represent said ill itrir' nt I he tate conven
tion to lie held nt I UrrNburi', Pa., on
Wedneeday. Mav .'.i, isui viglUnce conv
mltteet will hold primariee on Saturday.
Feb, o, b tweii the hours of 4 and T p in.
w. s. .Mi i.i in, Obairuaa,
y. J, KotB. Heeretary,
J i taiiton, I'll , Jan. lit, 1S1M.
Twelve members of Iho board of
control braved the elements laeteven
lag and attended the reaulir meeting
of that orgaali itloa Those preeent
were Von Storob, Uahon, Divanusy,
Wormier, Thompioo, v7atrom. Moon-,
Jenulngi, Bobriefer, Ooir and W, Q
O'Miilley. Mr Wutrous presided mid
the moetlng Miljonriuid at M.;m The
pay rolls for .lay mid night school
leuchiiis, substitutes an I janitors for
the month ot January wr.i mud mid
Ordered paid, The question of u lenre
at No. Be wai referred to iho building
committee, mid the flnanoe committee
recommended Hie exoneration of N
Halltend, tux collector in the Sixteenth
Tim high school oommlttee made I'm
following report whioh was adopted
Bl BANVOM, Pa . Fell. Ill, I80L
lu accordance with reioiutloni ol the
board adopted May 87, 1898, and January
B 1894. your committee his prorei'ded
won llic work of i. tiviigi honing the mine
supports lu Iho I'og mid I lark Veins under
No. i school property. Acting under the
advice of ICdmnnd A. iimii. the engineer
lu charge of the work, whose report lo
the commit tee was tnbmittedto the board
Nov. 87, a shaft SIX feet Hjtiifo and
about i hii iy fool deep has been sofili npou
the property to tbu big Vein.
Belore carrying out the recommends
t mas of the engineer, as to trie best and
moit economical method ol Hiipponiug iho
roof, the committee deemed u .. i.
to consult auotber engineer, Tins was
also the wish of Mr. Berth liis maps arid
report were therefore submitted toJ, P.
Snyder, chief engineer of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western coal departs
ment, who has rendered u report which is
hereto attached,
Tim report continuing the recommenda
tions of Mr. Kuril, the officials of the
Laokawanua'Iron mni steri company have
i u notified and the work is being
prosecuted under iho direction of our eu-
glneer, Superintendent w. Penn Morgan,
of that company, having charge of the
men and directing the operations In per
son, Ae many men aa cau be advantage
onsiy employed wl i bo tueJ and the work
Will be pushed forward to aa early com
Ai outlined in the engineers report, the
plan is to clout) several large openings' in
the Big vein by dry walls with material
touiui iii h' mines and than to tin the
opening! m..t these walls at lur as prac
ticable, too finishing touches to be of
culm flushed iu With water, thus making
it solid to the roof.
Theatrate between the surface and the
r. o; of the Clark vein being about nw to
i7o in perpendicular thickness, it will not
necessitate a complete lilliugup. Dry ar
tificial pillars e5 certain point! will anaw at
every purpose.
Your committee would further recom
mend the employment of Mr. Fred P,
smith, of tim smith Heating mm Venti
lating company, of Hostou, Masa., ne the
supei vismg engineer of tue Beating and
ventilation of me new high school under
ibe follow ing proposition or guarantee:
"Wo propose to draw the building and
working plans and specifications, together
with ml required details necessary for
public competition Upon the entire plant
for the beatiog and ventilation and the
sanitary system of the proposed new
high school, ot which Little & O'Connor
nre the architects, To furnish all neees
Bury superintendence of th construction
of the building With reference to the heat
ing unit ventilation ol the Mime aud ot the
introduction of the an nratiis nnd system,
and to give bondi satisfactory to the com
mittee In the Hum ol lo.UUO that the plans
Hint so Tine itious when coinaietou will se
cure me warranted ro-uits, an I warrant
ed results to be according to the
un on highest staudar.i of ventilation, to
lm on a basis ot not less than thirty cubic
feet per pupil pur minute. To furnish the
nboveanl to perform all the necessary
services from nsuin equal to ten per cent,
upon the c ntract price based upon the
Mo 1 1 1 plaoi md ipeciflcattoni, plus car
fares from Now York.
W o also agree that the price of any man
ufartured articles which we Control shall
bt named In the ipeclflcations, ami shall
be leee than the wboleaale price ot any
similar articles, such articles being the
fit ti h ami wind governors."
The following report from Engineer
John F. Snyder, of the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western rallrosd
coinpanv, accompanied and was sup
plementary to Mr. Thompson's report:
In nc cordiinco with the request of your
board, 1 have made my examination of Die
wo) kings as shown by the m ips and ten
Hons u.sdo from lurveyi by Kdtnuod
llartl in the llig vein, the I 'lm k Vain and
the No. '2. Diinniore vein, under the slfe of
the proposed high MhOOl building. Also,
have read Ins report, fo your committee.
The plan of supporting or protecting the
sin face against the falls lu the adjoining
workings ns outlined In hie report,
in the llig vein with dry walls
mid lining in behind t hem with culm by
Hushing with water is entirely practical
mid will b i the Oblenoet mid m ill eff "
n e whv to remove i he danger in t hat vein
The plan of bulldlngdry wails in t bi llai k
vein mni pricking all the open spare behind
them With refuse from the mine out
lined on Ibe map to me by Mr Bartl, Will.
1n my Judguieut, remove al danger in that
vein. The facing of the pillars with the
refuse of the Dine in the liuninoro vein is
ft -proper precaution' to prevent their icab
ing oft' iind would not , t uunh, although
I aiuuiid not aatlcipate any danger to the
foundatlobi from th workings in that
SubJc.s HI iv IK Seen at
Buiinsat OIB-.
Owing to a fortunate oolnoldenoe Tin:
TMOinTN Is enabled to plaoi bsfore ita
subscilbeit an exceptional cUsno to
procure some of the ti isst works of
modern art nt prioel witnlu easy resell
of me ordloary imrs- fi i ,s no d U i
I i Binrp the functions of the local
dealer in art goolg; but reOOgnlltng
tuut newipaper readers, the country
over, nrs deinmling b tt-r iilustra
tious than are poetlblo iu the ordinary
prod notion of the ddiy paper, it li
pleased to announce that arr tugemuuts
have been made by which first class
Hoof etchings, ot reumrksblo elegance,
may be secured by TBIBDNI readurs at
lOmethlng nsar tb-ir first oust.
Fifty-six B)ecimiu lUbjeotf, varying
in sins' from lull inchei to 30x34
inches, and Htrictly first class lu every
detail of execution, m ty bssieu tolay
at Ttlg TRIBONB butlnefl olll;s. I'ar
tlCUlars us to prices will be explained
nponpirioualilnijulry i it bilng tin ln
teutlon to make a general off m- of these
magnlfloent etoblngi only In theevsut
that there is a general call for them.
i e mi
.lodge it, W. Arubbald is in Bunbnry
ibis week preeiding for Judge Davidge
over the Northumberland county
courts. Judge Arcnbal I s splendid ju
dlolal qualitiei are reoogoisid nil over
the state and be frequently receives in
vitations to bold court in different ju
dicial districts of the commonwealth.
Major Everett Warren went to Will
lamepori yeeterJay where he w is the
guest of the Young Uen'i Republican
Traffic Uncertain and the Cabmen
Reip a Ricii HarvesL
Street Railroad Linos Nearly Block
adedSuburban Residents Mode In
Stagos Cabmen Got Many Parol.
Dynamos Burned Out at Prov
idenco Telegraph Wires Worked
Well The Slorrn a General One.
The street railway lines got the worst
end of yesterday and Isst night's
storm, which brought the electric
traffld almost ton ataud still. Kurbur
banltes Were chewing the cud of wrath
if their iniree strings were too slack foi
cab hire, while the omnipresent cabby
chuckled to himself and "g'lsniged'' to
bis Bag in true domooteo style aud
hoveled the dollars into his pocket.
Early In the evening the dynamos In
I the new power bouse on the PrOVi
I denceroad burned out und the current
' had to be supplied for the entire sys
1 tern from the old power bonus at Duu
I more. A weak current was the conse
I iunic. wblcl), coupled with aim Nit an
entire absence of iUIUltatlOOl thr ing .
the rails, mads the motormsu's life an
extremely unhappy one
The bfige electric sweeper was put
into use, but helped mutters only
slightly, s Ibemiotv came down on lu
fAVING closed out out Boot 9
anil Shoes, w: will thib week
oiler wiiut CEOCKEEY we hav
00 liiuid us folloWH:
Profeiaor l'misi Protheroi stariol
yesterday for Cambria, Wis., where be
will act us conductor at uu eisteddfod
Ptrantnn'i HiislneSa Intereate
'In; li.iio.t Will soon publish a cure
fuilv Compiled and clHHifled list of the
if.a'Jiiig wboleealei banking, nanofaotur
lug end ptofeeiional lateieats of Hcranton
and vicinity. ThesdltlOB win im bound
hi bonk form, esftatlfully Illustrated with
photogravure vc or our public build
nigs.biislmiss blocks str'ts, etc. together
with portrait of leading cltiteai. No
similar work hns ever given nu eqMlfl
proieotation of Hcranton'i many indus
tries. It win be an Invaluable exposition
ot our boclneai rwoarcee. Hoot to
parsons ouleidu the city, copies of
this linluUoliie work will attraol
newcomers und be nu OOVqUllled
advertisement of the eitv. 'H, circu
Istlon Is on u plan that CUBUOi fad of good
result! to i boeeooDosi in. i ns wrii aa the city
stiaiire. Elepreaeutattvsa of Tmb Tkraum
will "all upon TUOCI WBOU mmrs
aru hkhiiikii lu thai edition and cxplulu
its nature nu fuiiy.
Those desiring vlewsof their residences '
in Ibis edition will please leave notice nt
the office.
' ' ' s
Kep Up with Ihl Tlmsa.
don't cilug to the imperfect things. I lo
you use cereal funis 01 your breakfast
inbl- Then you need crenni Itorden's
Peerless llraud Bvapursted ('ream Is de
cidedly superior in richness and flavor to
urdiuury milk or cream.
IIoBbioi i
thing DOW,
t'oiirt House.
new Turklah imtb. Every
Oil Bpruce street, opposite
Vsry Stylish.
Tho now proceu photos at Qrcvee.
The DleagreoaUe Weather Interfered
Oentlderably With th Attendance
The seventh iinntial ball of theSermi
foil Hook nnd Ladder coniisuy waj
held at Turner hall last night, and at
traded about lOOoonplej to that well
known ahrloi of Terptloboro.
On account of the very unpleasant
weather, Iho attendance win smaller
thnti it usually is ut theHe balls, lull
those who weie present enjoyed them
selves thoroughly The bsll was in
charge of the following!
Master of ceremonies, i'rimk Kob
ling; chief of Boer, Jamil Moir. Jr.,
floor committee, Barry May. itoiri
Armslroiig. John J. I'eiislor, J, J, Mar
tip, Ales. Dunn, Jr ; rieeetloD coin
mtttse, it Rilph, Q i' KellOw, A
Btetnbiuiir, Jos. klandenipaeher, A.
ROM; Oommlttee Of arrangements, A I
b n uenue, Harry May, u w. kteder,
J. J. Martin, John J, I'eusttr; door
leader, li Danlelii prompter, u. V
lUudsoiue souvenir programmes
were prsHsuted to the ladies The mu
sic for dancing was furnished by Hayes
Druthers' orchestra.
Kngllth, You Know
ThetUtllOtypI at llroves', IU Spruce.
Anlieuaer Buech Beer.
X.tuls i.clutuii.'. .to J-iu ucs -jU
Jovixl Pbillp Scbnell, the West Side
hotel keep -r, ia atrougly opposed to the
proposed bridges, but then bis hotel is
within a block of the eiilrsnce of the
liUskuWiiuna avnue bridge. Mr
Bohnell sava we ought to have better
Htreets. inoiiiimeuls to the men who
erected the Swetlaul utreet bri igj and
a lot of other things of mors or lss
importance, but just When the utility
of another bridge to the Welt .Side
(.oiiio.i in be cannot see.
C. Wi MeKlnney, the general mana
ger of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel
Company, is acknowledged tobione of
the best informed and most practical
steel men iu the United States, lie
was born In Scrsnton and lias a great
love for the city. When his btuiuess
interests were transferred frouiSptr
row Point, Ml , to this city, be was
heartily glad to return uermanentlv to
his boyhood's how. He lives quietly
at bis home ou Washington uvenus
and is rarely sceti In public places, Mr.
McKinney is a lirm believer in public
improvements, und the project to build
bridges has no more loyal supporter
than he.
Amuaiug Perf ir:nau. i Given by the
S'.oca Company at W . :-i .u i
Notwlthlt Hiding the storm 11 goo I
llBsd audience was in attemUncs at
WomterUnd last night to witness the
first rendition in this city of ' B ul tncs
and Ueality." The play is of the fare :
com-dy style and involves tus esca
pades of two gay young men, who in
gratiato themselves into thl quiet
household of two bachelor bratusrs.
Out of the many narrow ec ipei from
detection comes finally a happy ending.
The frequent applame at isst night's
performance an 1 the mirth of the uuli
nee were good criterious as to the
incuts of the play, and showed the
public's appreolation of Wonderlands
venture iu organizing a stock o imp my .
Tho piece will be rendered tonight and
omorrow night, wltb a mittaee each
Little Uary Sweel Will Be Brought Be
fore the Court Friday.
Mrs. Bstalla Sweet, through Attor
ney U. 0, Newcomb, yeeterday pdi
tioned tue court for a writ of habeas
corpul to compel Mrs Alfred K
Walker, the matron of the Home for
the friendless to pro I use Mary Sweet,
tin 111-year-old adoptel daughter of
Mrs. Sweet, and show bv what right
the child is restrained of her liberty.
A writ was granted by Judge Gun
Iter, and the matter will come up al l
o'clock this morning in obambers for a
hearing Mrs Sweet is a colored lady,
I'lio girl is also colored, and b is been
in the keeping of Mrs. Swsst since elie
was IS years of age.
i ei .
Arbitrators Aakfd lo faee Upon the
Before Arbitrators l'red V, Kleit.
11. L. Taylor and J W. Browning tes
timony was taken yesterday in the sr
nitration room in tho case of James
I'lynn against (' S. Jacobs Plynn has
a small COBl braker near the Notch and
in October fiirnishe' Jacobs witli
twelve tons of coal. 1., says that (he
i osl was ordered from him by Jacobs
thtottgh M 0 t'arr
Jacobs denies knowing anything
about I'lynn in the case. He clsims
that be ordered the coal from Cur
limb t the Impression that t'arr was one
of the operators of the colliery. Be
told him to render his bill lor the coal
and it would be paid.
Booka bv Kxpraia.
Any person ordering ten or more books
at one time may have them sent by ex-
pi eae prcpstu
tracks almost us r ipidlv aa cleared ill
TraniportatloQ bocm uncertain short
ly after 1 o'clock, at Wblob time an
manner of conveyances gsthered up
loadsof travellera sud tratiaporte'l them
at a cost of from 10 cents to 28 cents
per heud, according to th diitaucei
At D o'clock the Dunmore suburban
line could be operated only as ter
ae Ibe county jail, aud no Nay
Aug cars were running for any dis
tance A few cars were Worked over
the Provldonoi rout- until midnight,
i out their going and coining was so u-i
certain that no pssieugers took th
risk of being blockaded. The il V
Turk and South Side lines were equal
ly unfortunate
I However, what was sauce for the
' goose did not apply to the gander
the liveryman mil coachman. Heigh
: bells jmgled merrily over the favorite
I driveways and many a young man and
I his fair companion made music out of
other less forttlliale people's woee
family turnouts, too, were out galore ,
everybody, in fact, who owned any
kind ot uu equine quadruped took ad
l vantage of the excellent sleighing
I Tliey ran no chancss of th fick'e tem
j perature thawing oil the snow before
I'he Helaware, Lsckawanua a- i
j Western trains were lunniug ou
schedule lime, ultboufh slixiit delay-
occurred ou tho rocuo lue other
steam roids were lottunate.
The Western Union operator in
charge last night said that all the tines
were working well and that tue storm
whs a general one, prevailing all along
to the coast.
Priti'sbl Inatruclion.
11 athington Shir
"So your wife has b en to the coking
school, ' said one man to auotber.
' Ye, and I'm glad of it."
An iucrednlous lok came over the fact
of the first ipeaker,
"Ihd it Improve yonr dinner': " baaked
"No. It couvijeed her that s'u doesu ;
know bow to cook, nno she bus qjit try
ing.'' -4S
An Uncci y lerable Avrian.
( MCflfS Rtcord.
Colonel Beverly ot Kentucky) Do you
know i olonel Har:y li . Oldsidea of oaab
State1 I've just beard that bt s chscgeu
bis came
Colonel Fcntherby also of Kentnc'.;i -Ye,
sum- one told buu his initials spelled
the chemical symbol for watnb.
Dinner Sets, worth $10, for
Toilet Bete, worth 18.78, for.
Toilet Sets, worth IS 70, for
C ups and Saucers, net w
lireaktwht Plates, worth
bjwis, worth 1-is , fjr
ii'-iwle, worth 10c., for
Bowie, worth -c , for ..
1'lutlers, vrorttj :, for
Mitlers, worth 70 for
. .99
Thaae prices will cloae out tLis
htoi k very quick, if you waut any
of it, you Lutl better come soon.
5 Scranton Cash Store,
F. P PRICE, Agt.
H i &'.i - Be
sin- I am eo worried sbont my sum.
She Is at the point ot dentil.
He I that vour wealthy mil:'
She -Yes.
He -Never mind, dearest You have ixv
love, which! a greater than ever.
Dr. Hill Son
Pet teetb, Sfi-W: txsst set, $v for fold raps
ar teeth without plates, called crown and
btidn work. cll for prices and refere'eees.
Tn.S ALOIA. tot i itra. taetb sritLout
pain. N u SttMC No gus-
COXRAII the nrst. to show Spri
have a larg
ment of
e assort-
Make a note of it
Foa males only, (.'onrad's hats.
Bui i new hat now, the styles
tied, Com sd has tlietn.
nre let
126 Penn Ave.
Best Seisol Teeth, $8.00
InchldlliK (he painless extracting
Bl teeth by mi entirely new prv
S. C. Snyder, D.D. S.
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until mid
night. Eureka Laundry Co.
Ccr. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
tot n. Rouaa -wt aa
All hinds of Laundry work puarnnteed
ibe best.
This Is
Small lots, in all departments, to
close out cheap.
Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15