A THE SCRANTON TRntUNE- TT'KSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 13. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. f i in imimi DAILY ami ntlM 19 BOBA Ton. Pa., bY TDK TMiavm Pbduibim Cow ! a Nr. Ntw Yomk orriois: Taiause Huii.iuno. l ka.nk b. UiiAr. Manaqeil AAtirrcj at the feafaJlM ' flewmto SeiunJCUiu .V. Hatter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. FEBRUARY 13, I8N REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET fcOK (.oxukessmax-at-I.aHiIE, QALUSHA enow, OF SUSQUEHANNA, ELECTION FEBRUARY REMEMBER THE DATE. Some of the poltNeul rapUUnt an tarful thai tkt oitUtnt of ftmnay? mnia litti fotgtl thul Mr. ifiw'n bio majority uist be fast by then on nixt Jtautay, fob. .'. For our oira vr tn$pict ihut thts anxltty in iwK uary. Tkt ptoplt of I A In etfinwioii" tra((A or not WArfly forget a II nicA lnvdf moiilm 11 ' MltWttlfr ' Hiinisrii'mii, flU'S IllOiltt UWV MOW against the common enemy. Don't worry about the liouterntiit govern or ibip. Tnis is the people's year; mid the people will not scruple to call the candidate that they really wuut. Tiir OBJECTION ma le by thoie dh roscd to murmur u t uny proposition to incur new municipal indltrtdniiM for public iniproveuu'ut i-i tint taxes in Bontl tOO urn already too Mull. lr will tc ramStybered (bat last luramer Tin: Tlilbl ne printed ti comparative tablr ibowiog that of all the loading Penn sylvania citio. Bcranton, laid itc all thiuRs into proper neconnt, hid tiio loWeit rate of municipal taxation. There isouly 0:10 fair w.-iv to m ike com patflioni and that ii to redttBs the varioiw appraisements to a common level before computing the par osntnge collected tit tax. On th basis of full valuitioii. Scranton'e per atntage, for municipal purposes, was the lowest iM heat which la supplied for the asking by nature itself. Bat if "our expectation of cheaper eastern coal" through the action of congress id unreasonable, what ure tliese eastern fellowi making such a ridiculous nolle about? And if no harm is to be done to anybody, why do Amer ican coal pro luoeri and American coal Qarrleri raWo such a din.' Surely it cannot be out of sheer hostility to the shivering inhabitants of the sub-tropic ul western cons' WHEN Tiir: VilitR-U.irrn N-w. Dealer says that the "tiinlT Question doesn't antar Into the production of a single ton of the haril 'blaok dirt ntondi' " we fnar it aithar hides behind n tfchnicalily or is deliberately fooling its reader. U enters so far into this "production" that without the pros perity which is an Am m i,-in conse quence of protection to horns iodOS the list, excepting possibly one or two tries, the market for Industrial sizes of uiitc'h smaller oomtdnnltlea lacking many of our facilities. To say that we iiave riu-hed the limit of our tax-bearing ability when Improvement are genuinely needed is to exhibit Scran- ton In ft parsimonious and unenviable liht before tiie general public, which has come to look upon lull city as a distinguished oentef of snap, vim and all round en lei prise . mil 1 ' Wilson's omen makei:. A great ado was recently mule hy the revenue spoliator boauaeof the alleged Increase of taxation npon wlilskt V and vpiiit in bono, conltin anthracite is almoat wholly cloaed, irblle nearly one-half of the eighteen hundred and liftesn thousand Amerl cans who gain their livelihood tbrongb the inovrtuetlt id' freight cars are with out work, Remove the tariff on hi- 1 1) III i i i 1 1 4 coal, let the N0V.1 Scotimi I article be ibfpped in at prloel below ti.use with which anthracite opera tors can compote, and you'il see whether the taiitt' iliosl.ion do sti'l "enter into the hat', I c ial business," and into the railroad business, the general mrohan dise business end every other j business whioh fluctuates in wish tin- 1 luinesa of our mines that, deserves applause. All have done their beat to aaaiat in the search and sift every clue without hope of rewurd. Fur this UcrantOD sets a tinu example, and In. Cidentally reveals the spontaneous iutersst taken in a matter that alfects the public Weal ami culls for pub.10 syuiputhy u, does thucate iu hand. To 1, Child for tbs scitASTON TniBUMx: Thy strengtbfal lanoeencd mskos strong The lives that thee SBtwiOf. Karth-taught hunisiiity auiung What virtue such a-- thine ' To thee, who knotveat naught of wrong, W e 1 ling as i- lugs a vine. Ami may'ai tboo, 0 b-iu-r bleu, Tbr aib life, with spirit wild. ( leavi untoUim f of strength, ho beat Did love the little eui,dt As we (leave unto film, expies-t-J lii thee, 1 buii uudefileu, TOIRO iQ 11 U. K ,! . Taylor. I'a. WE CURE )R1 INKi NM Ss OH Tilt TOBACCO HABI I' , Np Injetttioas, Ko lneatiV3iiieiK,e no loss it time ireetoieat your own hoote, Oares after othsr m ituods tall Asli your druggist for I'llO-lt ' mis. Con saltation and trestmant free. Addi , con- Bdentiaily, ''r'HO-RE'-XOl CUKE" CO., Si- StltOll, PS. GOLDSMITH'S $ BAZMR Will exhibit during this week their first importations of high- class IMPORTED DRESS GOODS Consisting of Crepon Bouillone, Tissue Brocle, EtofFe Panache, Crepon Guire, Fantasie Traverse, Plain and Printed apanesc Silks, Figured and Striped Glace Silks and Wash Dress Novelties. SI'KCIAL OPKNINO SAI.K OF und of It'll do II rasirscvecUng one. kaebaranf, as witk vAec (he Wilson bill, fdefaut has the: 11 red aoi araatitiig u lie mini, (A,- pHblie 1 pvMfe pi- i.tt booh. t at I M, Oil" IH' MKJ- oNsefeace uad the Explain NBiTTuealaj, at the p lis, how you like the 'change." - - Willi tXICTlOM day only oue weak away, PanosylvanU expects every pro tsctiouijt to do his couiplete duty. SORAHTON ISN'T yet ready to hang out the "standing room only'' sign, when needed new budges will opeu the way to bundredaotoheap and com fortable new homes. now com cut 11. at instead of iocreas iin this tnx the lilt really reduces it amazingly, and, either stupidly or de II berate) v, opens the door to an addi tional dsfioleuuy in our annual revenues Certain to he as much as $18 7id 00J, and possibly as bigQ as $118,730,000, A Washington correspondent of the New York St)u sredits the following explanation to Frank A Flower, of Superior, Wis., and it is too clearly In portaut not to be given 111 detail Hitherto tuo tax 0:1 Whiskey has bien ',10 cents a gallon measured at the time it is stored; and the period during which it could remain in bond, tax un paid, has been live years. By the Wil son bill, the tax has been niaed nomin A ViWl for Mr Grow, to look really wll dhonhl hrt eo.onn.iliirtil Lv SAVeral . hours of earu.'st inissiunarv work ally to 1 a gallon, the bonded periol Then cannot be too much ginger In the etendtd to eig'it years; ul the ..h..i,.i MmfiMlttAnafnMtTiiesdav'a ' -t mount of shrink tg m bti.lt ins lesn protest. AT Till'. Pie Counter. I Mhohief makers have been seeking, the past wevk.to civ-ile iliseoril-eiiiniig It-pub- icau poseibilitlei far congresi next full; hut then success has n o been marked, li is the fundamental determination of nil genuine Kepnblicani jttSt OOW tO Select tile strong,! aviilnhle protectionist, onu wbnse eleotiou will be assured and Whose nsefntness thereafter will be steady and palpable. s Close observers predict thai Represent a : tive Van. of the l'irt, will be re-uomi-oated without serious show of opposition. There is no antagonism to bun 111 Hyde Park, and little, if any, iu Providence, ins re-elect ioti would keep Bcranton prominently and advantageously hotoie I the people ut the state. His abilities for legislative hustling are unsurpassed, MUSLIN At Prices Much Lowe it i siONtriCAXT tiut complalati as ' to the great cost of the bridge improve- j msnts come iu largest volume from those win have the least ressou to complain. Progress costs: but in the ead it is a paying investment. There u this consolation in th Wil son bill. It may turow the American workingman out of a job, and leave his family as a charge of charity; but it can proudly sxult that it doesn't raise the cost of his whiskey or his beer' If it 1- the belated purpose of coun cils to uiaue certain corporations give something to the public iu rsturu for the privileges they euj jyfrotu the pub lic, why not dig down to the root of the matter'.' Why not put the wires safely underground.' ii wi WKRK certain that the pole tax or linauce "is the tirst step toward un derground wires" we should b strongly tempted to unite unreservedly with the Green Bldgl item in support of the dollar tax. But why not begin to bury the wires at once'.' There w as a good cartoon in laat weeks Judge, showmz Don (irover (Quixote's broken-up appearance after his romantic encounter with the Ha waiian wind mill. It snggests the fate iu stors for Free Trader Hancock whea La shall have heard from iuduitrial Pennsylvania, lr not LO be borne in mind by each citizeu that a vote for Nay Aug park next Tuesday will not mean a vote to increase the tax rate, but simply to le galize a purchase already provided tor. It will need a practically unanimous vote, but the park ipae-ition is fortu nately one to which there is ouly oue, aud that the affirmative, side. EX-MINISTER Patrick EOAX, wiio Lad been in retirement for sums time, has become conspicuous out la St. Louis by forming part of a company which proposes to place telephones la residences and baslneai h ou-w-i at n uniform rental of $t per month. It wouldn't be a bad Idea to invito Mr, l.gau to come to Scrauton. - Mr. HaNOOI k, in each of iiis speeches, anDouures himself frankly as a bold freetrader. He admits, with delicious naivety, that the Wilson bill doesn't go fsr enough, but qualities this ssser Hon by additig that, no doubt, the long entrenched system of protection could not safely be uprooted all at once, in this rsspect the protective system dif fers abruptly from Mr Hancock's hopes, whieh will be pulled up with a thud, one week from date - . It is sow Intimated that the senate finance committee, to which the over hauling of lb Wilson hill has been mantled ia the upper chamber, will af fix a duty of fifty cents on bituminous coal, bat will deny any protection to iron, ore and wool. This concession on coal is uot granted as a matttr of prlo -ciple. but purely as an act to prevent Heinocratio disintegration, Tue de structive intention of the dominant element is revealed uniformly and un mistakably. The power to work uni form evil is tue only thing that it lacks. Those who believe in protec tion as a principle and who see, from recent occurrences, that it cannot be safely departed from, will not again make the mistake of entrusting t mil revision to those having a deadly Ua tred of piotectioa iu all its phases. The fear that trouble may dsvelop because of the spirited canvass in pro gress for the lieutenant governorship should be dismisssd by Republicans as supersensitive aud supertluotit. The psrty this year will have plenty of life and dash Its nomination! will bo bouors well worthy of brisk competi tive struggle. Hut the fair choice of au honest majority will at once receive the unwavering support of all ; and the better exercise candidates and dele gates have before conventions nomi nate, the more devotedly they will stand together in the common cause tixel at from S gallons in 40 for two mouths' bonding, to gallons in 40 for seventy-two months', Tims, under the prsent law, a 10 -gallon cusk of1 Whiskey must pay a tax of $30, Under ; the Wilson bill, at the end of 1 six years, the tax of ijl 1 gallou is j jj,-,r M,W pj. BroWn, nf Erie, Colonel to be paid, not on 40 gallons, but I Tom Stewart's present deputy in the see. (n S8 callous The tax will thus I retaryahlp of internal affaire, and the man 7 a u - , . 1 j. 1, j : who tore down the rebel Bags at Chicago, amount to $23.60 instead of $80, and 1 i,h.inB ..,,., time pr it These davs. As the recognized leaders in this line, we can assure our !Hi4.TTR la,v in'-n.lsiliat the new styles ol Nighl Gowns, Chemise, Cor- set Covers and Skirts now shown by us are unequalled for workmanship, material and cheapne33. 100 dozen Night Gowns at 49c. and 59c. tnat are trade astonishers. IS SHOWING S0ML: DRtSSY LOOKING HATS FOR SPRMG WEAR Goldsmith Brothers & Company. kitt, The latest Hurry in local poliliol has been reused by the annuuncatnent 'hat Prank H, Clem ni is an active oandidata l,,r the OOSitlon now graced by Sheriff Jnliii if. 1'ahey. linnet a comparative loss of s, ,) on each -liJ-gallon cask As the whiskey withdrawn each year amounts to 2,800,000 casks, the net loss will b jl.ToU.uiw a year. Moreover. Wbklcty now in bond osn, under the new law, remain in bond frjiu three to live years longer without plying tlXSS, and so, 111 order to secure the full benefit of tin shrinkage of 11- gallons per cask it would not surpriie -anybody to see all the whiskey now in store hold three years more and all receipts, practically, from the whiskey tax thus susp uded, makini a further deficiency of nearly ijliM.i.OOu.ouO per year for three years If to the $73,000,000 annual deficiency created iu Wilson s bill without refer ence to this astounding gap in the in ternal revenues we add the maximum amount of decrease explained above, or $118,750,000, the Democratic party will stand committed to a nmsuro which, in a time of national depression ; treas ury emptiness, and forced federal loans, pre poses deliberately to knock off $108 000,000 from the governments annual receipts under the McKiuley tariff, or almost half the running expenses of the government, inclulinir pension'. And the only straw with which it proposes to stem this fearful tid 1 of indebted lie-is is the revived war exigency of a tax on incomes, at a tune when even those incomes are threatened, if not directly interrupted, by the colossal folly of the party's tarilf schedule!. If yell are sick of this nauseating in efficiency of legislation, vote next Tuesday for Qalnsba A (irow. PHILADELPHIA HUMOR. It begins to look as if tho humorist who had been writing those diverting ' lietiiocrntic harmony'' articles for the Philadelphia Keoord has been settoi,.' 14 an outright eanm iaie r pi 'oraouoq, but 1 beet bv such formidable rivals as Charles Voorheea, 3. M. Rlshpaugb, or Tankhaauock, Giles l. Price, or Kris, and Major Sam joaob, of Bcbuylkill. The ar bttration plan between Major Brown and Colonel Price has been abandoned, ami each Will, from present appearances, be in the tight to the finish. ill Kingston's jovial J. Ilennetl Brail h lakes the liberty ol bis position as president of the Kiiicy Sassafras club to propose Abram Nesbitt for the Itepiiblican cougret-sinnal standard bearer, m opposition to .Mr. Hine. Aud yet. ooiisideriiut the matter Seriously, whv not? it Wonld take a very earnest seonring -if the Twelfth to dis cover 11 lMtt-r qualified representative of the solid and responsible business interests of that now poorly represented district, e a When in Bcranton last week Mr. Grow spoke with confidence as to the prospect, hut admited that 'Iih ou thing to fear is a light vote. The election rC-ne week from toiluv--conies at an unfamiliar period, and the result is taken bv many as so much a tnstter of course that they do not pause to consider that if thousands like themselves, nil over the rommon weslth, were to remain away from the polfi, it would rob the election of its great est significance. Kverv wage-earner aid every business man has a personal busi nes interest in next Tuesday's balloting, winch will be "eriou'ly Impaired If Air. (irow's majority be not well up iu the hundred thousands. e Ei Congressman Miller win iiouhtiess bo tho candidate of Mercer county Republi can this fall in opposition to Judge .Me haul, whom the Democrats will renomi nate. The two wi-r- pitted against each other for Judicial honors a decade ngo, but Republican defections enabled tho Democrat to win iu a district normally Republican by several bundled majority. Mr Miller is, however, nil insatiable fighter, (u fact, his love for a political ' inu-s is SUCb that many would sooner Dim in Congress, where he made a iplendld record, than nn the bench. work upon that paper's defense of free coal. At nil events there is a fresh ness, a jucinesii, n sweet and soothing abandon, about the Record a coal edit onal which we do not recollect to have been so vivid a feature of them, heretofore We have noted already the inspired irnnv of the Record's nsserfion that . "the wages of the bituminous coal I miners in Nova Scotia'are higher than I the wages of the ninari in Pennsyl vania " Even if this were tm, which it isn't, it would bo an exceedingly di v. rtin prdlcy on the part of American legislators to ihrow the Pennsylvania miners even worsi into the hole, by taking from many of them nil their chance nf employment at all. And again, we have enjoyed, as one enj ,ys armej u d' espiit, the buoyant and eager confidence of the Record that Canada wonld kindly throw all her inaikets at our feet, tin moment we should let the Whitney syndicate, which Canadians, themselves, have no snndti! liking for, get, free of duty. Into our magnificent home markets ami revel iu the profits conditioned upon the humiliation of-.mr horns producers. But we have reserved for pres"iit de lectation this crowning coruscation of Philadelphia Record humor: "Sj far as the sastern markets are concerned, auv expectation of u re luctiou of the cost of coal by the action of congress would he aluioit as unreasonable as are the fears of the carrying corporations from such action Hut to the people of the Pscific coast, who draw some of their supplies of coal from British Cilurahia and from more distant Aits Iralia, the duty of seveuly-tive tents a ton is an oppression mid an iniquity. To these people the tt eal of the coal duly would bo a genuine boon, while it could do no harm to anybody el.v. " One can imagine the delight of these Pacific coasters ss. shivering Iu the in tense coid of a temperature that never falls below sixty degrees, Kalirenlieii, they view the prospects of release from a duty on the fuel they never need to burn, and revel iu the anticipation of a I'or the lirst time in many years, cer tainly for the 11 ret time in this generation, KepunltOana Ol New ork city are pre taring to make a general contest ill tin city congress districts next fail. One of the quick results of Lemuel Qnlgg's sue cess has been the npenlng of Republican eyes to the fuel that Democrat 10 POOtrol, with lie attendant OVlll of Industrial idle ness and Virtual nntionni bankruptcy, Is'ot much of an incentive, even 111 Tammany ridden Qotbam, to the retention of Demo cratic representatives In congress. The right kind of Republican nomlnees,rlghtly supported by loyal parly leadership,,, ueht to cut the very v it als 011 1 1 d the senseles'i lloiirtioii en p emery in a city so heavily burdened is the metropolis by the pros ent business stagnation. see ' Ex Cleneral Maater Workman Powderly is deep in ttie Intricacies of Blackstode, ( hilly and Colin on Littleton, lie lakes to tie, law. it is said by visitors to Judge Smith's office, Ilka on,, who was predes tined to adorn the barrister's vocation. The long training which Mr, PoWdeMy hns hid in the formulation of special plana and his judicial and analytical turn of mind lead to the prediction that he will become a notable recruit to the bar of pro gressive and nggiensivti Lackawanna. - -e Dr T)pw Enlightens tin Britishers. From Uti fintlttnlh Century AfUdt. If the much-heralded nie.i-ire which was to repeal the alleged atrocities of the .Me- Rlttley bill and curb the repu ed rapnc it y of the tariff robhei baron ever roaches Pre sident Clevelnnd for his Signature h will uot recognize it. '. . the mean time the people, bgrrased with dottbtaand fem. losing money, or out of employment., with t he impatience nf despair or of hunger, ate clamoring for action, Every day s delay is regard,-1 ns further evidence of Incapa city for government. L'nder these crrcum stances a miracle can scarcely pass u mesnre whlob would materially niter the present kw, mid only a miracle can pre vent the return if the protectionists ko power. e a But It Will Not Cain. Defeat. irdM-fiarr Wirt-Ofaler, Repnbliuan organs like the v7llkes-Barre Itecord and BCRaMTOM Tiiiiumc, Who have been having ho much fuu among thum si lves about di-s-iHions In Ilia Dem icratlc party, have now the entertainment brought Into their own bonwhn)d, Tho ICoism In their ranks In Vew York U veiy pronounced and affirmative, Indeed. "- -- Tbt'ie Nn Mossbacki ii Beranton, 11 1 t'si Berre Ffsisa Jt Is only fair to say 1 bin the police nnd others in authority In Bcranton, bave aided the sen rib for 1 in- misalng Brbtherton boy with a degreu uf esrnestnees aud siucerity FURS! FURS! CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. French Coney Capes, 18 iiichoa deep $ sou Astrakhan Capes, " " .... 4 nu Astrakhan ('apes, " " .... .'no Atarakhan Uapes, " " .... am Dyed Opossum Ciip.'S " " .... HUO Mousey Capes. " ',,., 1'.' U0 Monkey Capes, " " .... 14011 Nat. Otter Capea, " " .... -non Nat. Otter Capes, " " .... :ij on Krtmmer Canes, " " l uu Bt-aver Capes, " " .... ih ntrtii I yiies " " I.. 1.0 Baal or Persian Capes 11 " .... t'5 i Alaska Heal Capea, " " .... :w no Alaska Seal Capes, " .... ;si UU Mink Capea. ' " .... Oil HO Hi own Marten CaDSS " " -'" 'S) CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. Astrakhan Capea, SH inches deep. Haiti.-Sea Capea, hlectrii- heal ( i"-s. " French ( lonSy ( 'ps, M Mink Capes, mrown llartea Capea " Monkey CSpSS, " , ....10 UU ... u m IS On .... u uu .... Ii" no . Ml on .... no DO YOU SELL? OR ARK Y TJ MAKING PRESENTS? d' Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, if any Btyle of Candy or Nuts, Express SVagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Doll 'uIjs, Urnmi or Toys ol' every kind. DOLLS China Dolls, Was Dolls. Patent Dolls, Jointed Dolls, any kind of doll from 25c to flD SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Hoys, Qlrla or 1 hU, in Alaple. Oak or Iron, from 25c. to 815.00. BICYCLES e have Hie goods ami out prices are right. Wholesale and retail. nu AY RON BLACK DIAMOND BILYKR EXTRA SPECI l SANDERSON'S KNG1 ISH .ir.ssiii's ENGLISH CAST M l 1.1. HORSE s;(i g TOE ALK TIKE M ICHINERY SPRING SOFT STEEL ILs; BKLLOWS HORSE MILS WILEY a RUSBELL AND WELLS BROS Bl REW l 11 ING M U HIM N WHEELS a i.t - SPRINGS 111 UN hp ki:s RIMS STKKL SKEIN'S It It. SPIKES J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO, 311- Lac ka Ave. Highest Cash Prices Paid lor Haw Furs, mk.. ., ie. i w.i v .-r su, ,,,, eom- niittws tor Snnuay Srliools. I-airs, ti-stlvats Bittenben(ier&Go.,ScrantGii Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmaker' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND W1LKES-BABRK, PA. MANT7PACTOREBS 'J? Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers. HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Repairing Furs a Specially. GKsneral Office, SCRANTON. r.v BLANK HOOKS LANK BOOKS MEMORANDUMS Ollice Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEADINU MAKES, Fine Stationery WTBT.WATERMAKand PRANK LIN FOUNTAIN PENS. All Guaranteed, Ageuta fot Crawford's Pens and Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. Reynolds Bros. Mationers anil EigriVer f.lT IjACK ANNA AVE GREAT SALE OF THE Walter's Stock of Dry Goods COMMENCES MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5 AT WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G, LLOYD 423 Lackawanna Avenue. The Fashion 308 Lacka. Avenue, AND AT THE New Stores S ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH f HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, OWERS 01 c I UKAW IWI I Ml', Old CB INTOM, PA, 1V1NO maih'. :i contract itii ABSOL'JTEI. DELIwIOUS, MI1D 8UGAII C XT IX 33 13 HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. THE STOWEiVS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY THE AAVt TT a trama laetora to turn out l . X n Inunoa between now and Chral A A me& 1 w inli toHiitioiinco totli,- nub Hathat I will uikki- . UENU1NK UHAYOS IMHTHAir , oii-tl Iroiu ,iv nmll 0110 ABSOLUTELY r'HEE Ot" CHAROE LAlfcal ITVLEa OP FRAMES rROJI 'J Ml I PWARD. WuikuiansUii' nuaiHiitueil. PralBM S" DM cent. Us thun rogulur pr. K im 1 111 ii Artiat