THE sr'R ANTON' TRIBUNE Tl'ESD AY MOHNTNG. TOUiFARV 18, 189-1. ONE CENT A Word. H'ni.(. nil I nuh mi that MUeh, rept Sltnationt 'antnl,ih(ch are tnnftti Special Notices. 'IMIK A.N Nll. STOCKHOLDERS' Ml. 11 i 1 log or the llarmnuv Building and l.uni sst'O ill It'll No. :.' will be. held this eveuiug a.11. My. in. al 3( Luck' wanna nv. .loilN BO EPF Prta. MEAL TU'lvlTS CAN BE HAD T 141. .l oorntr Borneo street and PraokUu eve nue. Twenty uiriil tickets lor It-AO. lloml table i 1 .ii Reji estate. Situations Wanted. ANTED BltUATJ 'N BY A UIBL IN uiwytrt one to keeptn order Aaewst Call. U 'ANTED -A VOUNU LADY WISHES to road to ladv or gentleman u WW Lours eueidnv. Address II. carrot Tribune office ( UrANTRD-Sl i UATION AH COACHMAN' or garduer Addrtt II A.. Tribune office. . . QlTCATIoN Wan I'LL) as COACHMAN ohotlaf: had two years' eiperieno hi carriage painting. u. t. Tribune ylTVATIOJi WANTED BY A MARRIED 3 man, us coachman nr gardener; willing i i i uNfuli understands gresBHoasework; i ighl year' refsrene from last employer Aaawii WILLIAM, oil1 Marlon treei cnTvnoN w ast i: I in i'ITP'i: c'p k? lawyer or phyalcUn, to kaepoflioeliu order uttJ answer calls; run '"uriioh good reference M1S8 MARY A. JKPFREYS, 4ui Putnam street, Boranton, Ps, LXlIt SALE S'NilLE Hol'SE, OnS QPINCY avenue; vury desirable location Anply l F. RFANOLD, or WlLLARD. WARREN A KNAPP, CC.SluWlLL BUY MODERN NEW s ROOM O llOll XC hill'.':' i lllf II 1 I'll. ror. nor Madison avenue and Delaware street a pi) II Wilt i.l i s 1.4UU WILL 111 or M Im nn easy StTStl Y VERS DESIRABLE LOT tvehui Apply IlAtfKY LEK3. FINANCIAL ANH I'UMlVltHGIAL Blocks uml Ponds NlW YoliK, Peb. I'. Tun feature or tui' speculation at the siock exchange to dav was the heavlnteobf of tits (imagers uml trunk lino issues. Total sales wore 1 11, iU shares. Tim tollnwlnv complete table showing ths ' day tluetllatiotis in active slocks is suiinllod anil roviaed telly ly LaBar A Collar, stock c i ri'ATioM c rn ATI. i man, can ink" WAN I'ED A WOM N would lino to not mil In- th" ihiv waanlny or naiiintnifi or wtlltaktf waaulntf ho?no. Ail draat, MARY DOIJNKU.Y, Kcrnntoii I'l-tMili.'o. j nv A VOL' NO MAN IN I'l'N UtKD8 0K l trocar ) Mora, or soma bniluaai nara ii eonldwork up. Houia axparlanwi Hood rot. r e'ue. will work ehaap AddreH I' 0 DOS I Hon I roia, I'h t DHE88MAKEH WHO IS tNT Ul lA . dapandaat noon baraall tot lupport .'U'.'l hko law angaaTaoituta logooul by Iba waak i raaaonabla rataa. Addraaa Drawmakar, Trio ucc i irtl la. tnTl'ATION WANTED MY A stkono i Houiau who i- willing to do any kind oi bcatawork; win tk boula waahlnr or Iron . laaorcoont by tbaday. Carolina Kltna. No ili i 'film aranua. Scrautom U' ANTED - POSITION BY A r'IKST cluas atatiouary fojlnaer: tho lsat o ratarauca ruruia&ad. Addraaa . B. Hail. : I'llulou atraad BtnKbamton, N. v S WAN TED-BY A vol' Nil Cora of hoiiie or drivo tauv or any lunt worn praiarraa, niua vaara a xperianoa in dry Kooda atora. addraaa, Iwtf Waahlnnton anu.Hcranton. ClTt'ATlON WANTED BY A STRONll young wonajt w bo bi wUllug to do any kitnl of homework. Will take noma waahlnjt oriroBlng or go ool by tba toy. AddwaaJ, U West Silo. , VjlTT ATlnN WASTE" BY A YOVNC1 girl to take cara of ehUdraa Call or ad i'ivs K. u.. loll Bcranton tret. Bcranton. StfCAilOS WANTED BY A YOCNU nuurriad man: nine vo.irs axpariaiica in tba butcher buaiuaai; am wllllnf to take .ha aooil ftaployiiient. J. W. Arnulit. M oalo. Pa, SJlTL ATlUN WAN I'KD-BY A YOf NU girl to do iight bonaawork or m nurse g.ri. AJilresi 1.. L.. ll'i North Filmoraiave. Bcranton, l':i (AN with AFTERNOONS AND EVES .il m to apare would write op amall eat of books, do bUlbur, oopytng, adoreaalns or nther work In tut use. tgutck and accurate. J J. K.. 'l Spruce street. rit. Sl ri. ATION WANTED BY A YOUNG i slrt to Uo aaeond work, ixparience and iiooil refareni AUdreaa Vt. M.H., tWRaJl . I Ali-i STENOORAPHER WANTS a Ij position ill office or will work at home. Reference Addreai A. P.. 41B Miflln arenua, IIH im a 111 m NK BOHi I ioV4 i JIA4 biokcie,- l'.'l Wyoiulnir iiveiiue: Open lii-'ii 1111;. est. Am. Cot. ou Am Sueur Mil ;! A T'. A S. t 1 1 ij Can So, tja fen. N.J ;i , Chic. , N, W Iii.m. t'.. B. g 71$J Cblc, Oaa Mi, l'.. C, V, St. 1,. . amu Col . Hook. Vai T i. a 11 i l. w P.U.f Erie U, E, Co Lake Shore L. N Manhattan Mi Pao Nat. Lead N. Y. , N. B N, Y. Ceutral N . Y .. 0. & W.... N. Y..S. A! W.... u. s, c. Co Not th Am Nortli PM, pf Omaha Pae, Mali Ueailing Koi'k Nlaml U. T St. I'aul T..I'. 1 Texai Pac LJ&lon I'ac Wabaao, pf W. Union W. ,v l r W. L. E. pf . '.K . lis . Soli ,IWM ,I9 . Hj 1(2 . IMS . liVsj ' ' . 7K Is 11 l-4 111 111 HAla 11L 1-1"4 M ) WM I A, lihl 118 ifii m t mj 14 M um 4''S Low Ckav est. Ing, Ml nM lllj lllu .r4 jj Ha Hi lIC IU.A, 141a U- K IVS!4 .iiS ;; la.4 l.'js Wi -M tw Ui im u&m 4.. 4 A4 I.HllJ I'.Vlg -".I -tl kiw m WMu ml 1 iG 1 iQ 11)4 ii)j s'a 'iii 1: u Ml ,nu. SI -Mh I.', OoS liit IS S -'a 1.0, 11 A, MM LjB iii i"1, GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Ntw Working Capital to Be Provide lor Heading Railroad. 111! REHABILITATION PLAN FORMED An Issuance of Five Million Coal Notes Subscribed For Float ing Debt to Be Paid - Interesting Estimate oftha Uninincd Anthracits (Uuil in lJi.nnsylvani.i Oilier Nevviy Qlaaningi oi special Intaratt in in 1tns.11 i.ii Workai s. Ml iZnnnnmi Jo Wjs bra j - A Great Opportunity lor KID GLOVE Buyers. For La dies and Gentlemen. 50 Dozen PIQUE GLOVES. Four-Button Length.. ENGLISH REDS AND TANS For gonuine service there is nothing to equal it. and they lit perfectly Sold by our neighbors as a bargain at a dollar, and really so, but our price is To Investors. milK SCRANTON Axle Works 1 have issued 175,000 f G per cent. Coupon Utjuds, loteresl paj ableBomi avnuuftlly.TbcM bunds are in run I'm- ten yeurs, from No . I, 189S, Onlj a Limited amount are offered ir sale i" Investors. '1 hese hutids arc tirst mortgage on tho entire plant of tlie company, and are issued for the Dorpoie of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the denominal ions of 11,000, 1500 and $100 each. For farther particulars address s. B. MOTT, Financial Agt. RooW ' uml '.'M ('tniiin)iiki-ullli lltiilil'', sru M. PA, ANI'r.D ni-nt t Help Wanted -Male BE T Mori .s. care this pup I tsLE MAN. I'KUM ' st inip unJ rafarenccsA. Help Wanted -Femalei. WANTED - A tilHI. EoR GENERAL hooaawork. Apple 4111 North S;xtb at TtANTEU A NEAT. HoNrf. CAPA II able (ul. tut general housework: no otheri nee.l apply. Wales U.W. Wilson Hatch. 0 Keiser av N A-NTED-A LiOOD DIRLPOR QKit era! housework Apply ut uu.i.iv Agents Wanted. U"a'teutwo"youx6 MES OP UO'D adilresH to mil on business bottaea, bteJv eu-plovinent for gouil men. Apply NATIONAL CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade bu.Uiuif. for Sale. r-oK SALE ' ' H t A V Y 'b jH AN U u'n E V two aoatod slelh eheuu ar M T. K"! Ur' Lacaawa&na Carrlaaa Worki. IU Adama aveuue. rOR SALE CHOICI RC1LDINU l.'iTS J in Kaefory vllle. Iiuiuire .f OS. E. T. W HEATi IN Dantlat, 41 tAckaaanna at an ta. pOR SALE Jail. 1. IN K tY AND PAMCY gooda. alao draaawaktog iiepar'm mt. t ratsjiaas tra.1 and locjiloa. A bargain. for tin i Utt prtv farm i aaay. ipply "Bar. gaia, rare Trtboaa ora 'e I 'uk sale -a PLATFORM SPRING J' ,vaK'n aid ii 'Uso lor sale or rent In quire of B P, .si H .ie (BELL, Moaoow, Pa ICE r'oR SALE-DELI VRRKD IN si kaN I ton at iie. per ton lii (uir- ut W II MIlThor M II HUPFORU, Clark s Horn u I Pa. POR SALE B AORB FARM, STOOTC J' n.i ataaalla, .1 II SHEFFIELD, Mottron ave. I, K SALE OR EX( HANHK FOR HCH IN i ton property--a baarlnf orang grora toeraaatag in production uiM viilue yearly in tM oraaaa aaotlon In Florida Addraa P. K. E 1 T LE TON. LuKe llele i. Florida Kor Kent. I 'OK CENT FLAT, 120 PEN N AVKNI E J' 1st. 3rd. 4th floor bnlldtna No. 314, :ii t (Vnter street App s to I'KANK LIN W'W ELL, ller. hints and Macbanio M ink. vou kent os blaih avenue! park Fcran'.on Wholaaala llarketa. ?rRA!to. Fab. I'J Phcits ago Pro- Dli't Lined aj'plea, per lb., (SaTc.: eTap- orated appiae, lOallU. per lb.; Turkish; prunes. 4Sa5e. ;Englisb currauta.-a.'Se.; layer i . ll.Tlal.9lf; muncatela, 41. .o l.Su per box: naw Valencia, ia7f. per lb. IIlans Marrowfat-;, 9.SOaS.dO per bushel: nadiuoMi lt.7MI.8i). riAS ureeu, ll.21al.30 per buUel;pbt, RjMall.eih lentols, SalUc per poaud. Potatorb tiiiaboc. per bushel. OSIOM OOaTUC per bushel. BlTTKK 'Jl'n-oC. per lb. Chik lOaliHc per lb. Ecus Treab. IT .jir.sjc.: pickled, l.".il''i'.; coolers. ISalSe. Poii.Tkv-'.'riickens, dresseJ, llaiSc.: turkeva, llSul'Jc. ilJATS nan:. !!..: larya. lO'C; akiuaed bama, 10 California bains, &3.c; thouldars, Bxct dry salted bellies, Sa.l tinokal breakfaat bacon, ll'-j'c; fresh pork loin, 1IN3.J "Wyomlog" pork Siuate. i lu. ; Wyomlnl borne madeiau safe. 3-pound pall, larded, 11c.; butcli er" snusage, SLjc, our own uiitke: fresh porlc shoulders. Do.) fresb pii' feet, 3c. : fresh pigs heads, 3c: fresh spare ribs, 3c; fresh leaf lard, 11c; fresh kidney, j. doz. ; roiitfh meat, SXc.: tongue. sc;placks, oceactt; wtiole hogs, ?ic P U -lless atl!7; short ftlt, f 18 Liac Leaf iq tiereea at yc; tu tubs. Okci in lo-pound pail. 10ke.i in 5-pound ; pails, ICjc; 1-pound pail, in ,a. par pound. Bui' Cholca nsar Qurad. imokad beef, lie. Flock Minnesota patent, per barraL UMbjIJOi Ohio and Indiana amber, at 3.71; Graham at 13.50; rye Dour, at .- to, Buckwheat Flour-!'-'..-, per cwt. PUO-rKbnd, per cwt., Uraik Rye, t:5e.; corn, i'J toCJ.; oat. Hal.'ic. pr bushel. Rva -Straw Per ton, lUali Uav-Per tou. Ilflals. Hew York Produce Mrkt. New York. Feb. 13. TLOCB Weak, offered fresly, more active. Winter wheat, low (radee, is-.' 4;.; do, fair to faaoy, I8.43ak71; do. Mtaata, S8.8laa.60; Minnesota dear, IS.fl0a9.S0: do. strnilit. ISSSaRflO; 1d patent, SS.70a4.88; low estrii. IUOeaa.40; city tuillj, do. pnfent. $4 l'J4 85. Wheat Lower with optiOM fair. es. port.n demand: No. 'i red, tore and ele vnt'.r, t,0',c Hlloivt, rtininxai r. o. b., i.'.'.r., No. 1 northern, 06o.;optlooi wore rnndurattdy active at IWalJC. lower. Mnseil steady No 2 Ted Itateb fll .; May, fti,r.: .Inly, Roe,; Angiist, BflHo.; lJ-c iiiber. Iohc. cokm Dull, lower tor, ISJje,' afloat) No, tionii. dull. Make., y,c: Mnrrh, 42H'.: UAlkV trail, ateadyi lower. February, 'M)ic. May, C1 . ; spot pnees, . elew op UiniiiK elgh' line rooms, elovts 1 ;:y water, 't ii-r inofith. 'lirl.-s T Mill- 're-t and Dlaaaoad aii 1 Daatrta. on lull suell lot It-lit. Ill rner ( loo 1 1 I LACKAWANNA i-.n film oi Henry ivenna or at the non ken: store I avenue, bj Apt 1. 1 rrey 4l Lai Law. una bramiae I'OKKK'i'i IN hi RBBOILDINU WAaH J iiikton avenue, a few doalrabla owoaa and flats- Keni v-r, r-iisiji.ab'e .to il-,ialt pur-ti-s Can lie sei li bv upplyini; to janitor in 1, oiiiing Ko- taraM apply to CBaRLEb A HI' MR. I'l North Main a Venn POR RENT A LARUE STOBF. ROOM it 1 4tmMprui e street. Inquire at II! Wyom ing avenue. i iiri RENT THREE ROOMS, FRONT ON I areond floor. oaar R A llulbeits maalo store, 117 Wyoming aviiiiie, fioui April I. In ipure In the store. POR REhT- TWO-STOBY BRICK DWEL J 1 1 use house: model n laaarovamanta. IU forest court. Apply to M AC it It K 1 OLLINB, I Lackawanna nenue. 1 1. KM OI' YEAR.--- ' aifeiit. TBI West I 'I'O LET KOR I Part or all of three him lr- faal ,,f vard Ap;Jy ut Ml Erulikllu No, a 41 ,1 8 White, 4 lower. . 1'ebruarv, May, 4.'),c. ; options, iiuiet. ; II arch, iwifc; No. 8, H5a Mc.i :o. I white, X,c.i No. 8 (Jhlcago, sW0J8. .No. 3, 850,1 No. 8 white, lite; IniEsd western, WluH', c .; Wt.i'a do, Bia4Je. ; whitu state. SVn4;2. UBir trail, llrm; family, fllnl.J ItEn I!.Mis-(iuiet at 116.50, TtWCtO Reek firm and mnclirn. ( CtMkaTm .Sternly, iinet. LaHIi (fillet, triltu Hruier; wpateui itB.itn, 7 '.; Oltr TaTKe, March l7.fiUa7.85, May, l7.50a7.86:raflDad quiet; contlDaot, 18,88; Booth Aineiiia. IS.0S1 Sompound, flxaOWo, Poai firm, qaiet; ntaa,13.75al4.38, liUlTIIi Modi rut- dfenfatM! fresh, sta ily . state dairy, 10a84(i.: do. ' reurnery, 17a 'ir.-, pannaylvaoia do. .'7 ,c. ; western dairy, 1 :i7c.: do, oraaniary, isui;7Xc. ; do. factory, ISalto 1 Elgina -7 ,. ; inlta lion i ieninery, Mal'Jc. j roll, ISalfle, ( RtBatvHtaady, mooarataly aotlva. nn 1 liiuiKed 1 nmer, moderate, demand, lea bruise, per cme, S8,S6aa western frenb, lila. I7(sjc: limed, llnlJc, . southern, l0Jal7)fU, Philadelphia Tallow Markt. rnii.ALELi'iiiA, Feb. la Tallow wa dull und unchanged Price were; Prima city, iu 1. fcuV'i.i. 1 ,.ii . prime coun try. In hog-heads ijc. do. dark, lu hogsheads,!' ' cakes, fie; greaie, 4 . room along railr oad. fcv-mie. rj'D RENT STOHE JbiaJOH H'UNISMEI) I hall on Oru-11 Ridge streut. Very ilesiru I lu location ami on reasonable, terms. Apply to r. E. NETTLETON or C. S. WLKiDltl I E. RepTlbllcan hntlrlinir NUViOO or r prompHy. Money to Loan. l.'i.Oui ML' ST HE PLACED D. W. BAOWN, All i, pi C ' t. Propoaala. o'eale!) 'proposals will' he re O reived t the OtDOt of tile city rlerk. Bcranton, Pa., until JJU o'clock p. m. W-d nesdiiv. Fell. L'l. ism. to improve Nav Anif ave line approach to the Albright arauoe lu lduu over tlie Lackawanna river. '1 he raid 1111 provetnant consist of riorapptag the Lank of aid river, and backflllliiK the lame. Tlie clU engineer estimates the i ipiapplint at 10 cubic yai lis and the Lai klllling at iind cubic y in li. Piauan l st iDeatloiis for the work isal th officii ot the city olrrt. Bidders bull win-lost, with each proposal thw sum of lifty ilotlari', cash or certlfloil check us a guar nttt M to execute a eontiaet if auarded the same. In esse the bidder to whom the con Oii'-t si all have Lean awarded oinlti toexe- ute a contract for the work within ten daya of nwatd thereof, the fifty dollars enclosed with proposal aball be furfelt-d tu the City of Bcranton. '1 h city reserve the nahttorv jed iinv and all bids. Byorilaror thecity tumuli. M. T LAVEI.Lt', city dark, n, i .n ton. p.,.. Eel. 7, lli. Two Live Saved. Mrs. I'hoebe Tlioma, of Jimrtion I'lty, III., was told by her doctor she had C0B tiiiiptiou nnd tlmt there was nohojiefor her, nut. two (Kittle Dr. King's New ills rovery completely cured her and she Hays it snrnl hit life. Mr. Thos. EgMrn, 13'J Florida St., Han Frunriico, nffeind from n dreadful cold n'pniHUliiiig oniiiiuiptioti, tried without result everything else then ootight one bottle of Dr. King' New Dis covery and iu two Waill was cured. He is naturally thankful. If 4n u results of winch these are examples, tlmt iitove tile wonderful etllcaty of this medicine iu ougbs and i 'old. Free trial' liotlles at Matthews llro,, Drug store. Regular ill! 60ft and tl. Takina- It Out in Fun. Call 090 fljicord, Nellie Why do you let your hatband poke o .iiincli fuu ot your' UeW hats' I think it's horrid. May - Why, my dear, I have to let him get romelhing lu return fur hi money. The first trial of Dr. Wood' Norway FloeByrnp will ntisry any oiie that tho Innfphaaltng virtue Ot the pine tree hu now beeu retlned into nn effective and convenient cough medicine. Sold by all , dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction! If we in to bolieve u c.irof nil v elab orate roport in tin Philadelphia Rac onl of yestetilay, usually nn exceed iiiniy trnitwortliy authority on null j eta of ii BnaUCiM uuture, the IU00MI tnl nbttbiiUaiion o( tho Raiding rail road and its ipeody axtracatlon from tin present recoiveraliip Wei praOtlO' ally aaaurad on Saturday, when ir riiiioeinioit wtra oonolndad for wiping out the floating dabt ami putting th oi utpany in eiiun tor raitoration to tho stork Holders. Tba fltat atep to tins uiiil,i a il oidad ntoti I v receivers, mid now only ..wan in:: thaianotlon ot tho court, before b-un put into affiOt, la tho issue of 13,000,000 0( colli Unit notel, baaad on the coal In h ind mid iU" coal acoounts of 1 1 oonpany us collateral, with whioh to payoff ihe 9,S00,0O0 loan o( Bpayar v Co,, and I be (3,000,000 ad vattoad by the Finance Company of 1'etiusylvuiiU on tho com pany I OOal arc milt, valiidl nt over $7,000,000 The additional jiOd.oOO neceiiary for this purpose will, it is ttudwiltpod, be taken from ttie current income of the company, Tha entire 5,000,000 lias been Mibacribed for. The note are to bear '1 per cent Interest and are to run for ten your?. '1 lie Fi nance company baacooaentad to accent thi paytneut of us advance of $3,000, 000 two million of tha 00 tl trust uote and $1,000,000 in cash. Tho bnlance of tlie kaaui will be taken by Drexel & i'o. mid Frown Broa, cv Co TheSpeyer loan will be paid off in cash at it ma turity, April 71 As the company now pay 10 per cent, interest ou this loan it will save I per cent, by tlie change, which on $3,500,000 i tnuiv lent to $100,000 annually. At tli iami time ttie receivers will provide for workinu oapltal for the company. Tba plan under oouiidaratlon i to iisue $10,000, 000 collateral trust bond. Tfia Uu of trust bonds will be based upon Kcarltlva now in ttie compiny'i pos session, or to ci lite into its possession, amonntiog in tiie asregato to 10.00:), -Oo0, or more. Ths placing of the $."i,000,000 coal trust bonds lias been upon the most favorable term. Tlie pi ico paid is par, less a amall commis sion, ami ttie receivers not only ilispoae of the floating iiiilebtediiu, but effect a great laviflgin tlie untter of inter est. As to its current bills, the com pany ii paying them a they come due. Toll ti C. Haddock ha written a renl able explanation of why the tradi mark ot Shonk. Haddock iV Co. is a frisky and defiant wooJciinck. The Lackawanna railway, very naturally, comes in for some hind raps for al ei(etl discrimination an 1 arbitrary curtail ment of riira. t Lie C.itidleuns DiV, when these agressions had iin par ticuliirly severe and tlie winter psr ticularly mild, Mr. Haddock, verv do- pondent, called upon Mr. Hbonk at hi Flymottth home and. it is to be sup posed, unbosomed himself of hi atll c tion. Thi discussion was Interrupted by the Ut) Mr, .loiiu .1 Sbonk, who rallied Mr Haddook from hia gloomi ness by telling him she had just aeon a wooilchnek come out of his hole, view hii ibadow clear and distinct in the htlgbt sunlight, and tcaniper back again. This omen of tlx weeks of cold weather Was BCC'ptld; and although, in the three month of sharp winter that ensued, the Ii icka wanna railroad, to use Mr. Had luck's worda, allowed him to operate bis two collieries only twenty leveil days, "we tliencefor ward adopted the woodob'uek'l picturo as our trade murk." The latest clniiu of .John C. Had dock, of Plymouth, againit the l)--la-wnre, Lackawanna and Western ratl rrj;id, i ti:ieil njion the ailirtton that the Lackawanna is obargtng indepnd' nt Operatori, With whom it made con tract, with 40 per cent, of the selling price of coal, while it charged Mr. Haddock, wbo refilled to make a con tract, 00 per cent, of the selling price, t 'nd-r the Pennsylvania law a com pany judged guilty of excess charges i liable for three times the sctu o dam age caused thereby, It remains to be seen whether tba court, providing it decides in Mr. Had locu s favor, will award for the lull amount claimed, In commenting upon tbti case, Mr. Had dock siys it involves the old question of freights which has agitated i lit an tliracite shippers for many years. 11 hopes toeetablish tha underlying prin olple, t bat thet s has got to be n just recognition ut an equitable relation li tween the transportation and Helling prices of coal. It is sometln 'i,' of a consolation, in this connection, to road Hint a number of western l i I umiiious shippers, to long the benefloiarlei of the gross dis crimination pratclied bv the coal oar rylng rillroad, are getting into the same boat that Mr. Haddock and Mr Cote nre in , namely , that they an pre paring to iti'ititute litigation for re dress. I'nleHS the main lines consent to a substantial reduction during thi lepressnl season, it I aald there will be trouble, in abundance. with possibly such an airing of gilevance in the court u will, like the Cox suit, ex pose naoy pi'- oI, . i,. l-l secrets of thw i rinlpottatlbO business, an 1 hIh i w the furl trade precisely how it has been systemntiuslly iuipoaed Up in, Minor txacsTRIAL Notes: Lait week fixtenii reporting l,u.ruu colllerlfl shippi d only 18,104,08 ton. Thi Delaware and Hudson Is getting nil I he empty coal cms it rah, hi shape for a big movement Of anthracite during the liex t few week. The Delaware and Hudson is increasing the gravity freight equipment i the con struction of six additional box ear. The new elect l ie line from Wilkea-P.arre to PlsinTlUe,tVta Mulvalohud Port. Bowk' ley will bu opened somu day during this week. When this is done I hern will be a direct, electric hue ftom NlBtiCOka, to Dui yea, ami tlllBOl by the Scrnntoti line to Forest Citv. Pennsylvania offtclabi deny that I 'resi dent Roberts iiitends leaving Hie compan v. The report is circulated yearly, just prior to the niiiitiiil election. Hie F.i ie ho hecureil 300 carlnads of ice at Nariuwsburg a d Is loading Hfly inorr. The grand Internal ional convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kiigiueer will bo bvld in St. Paul in Apt il. TranecoDtiaental hue urn endoavormg to liiriu a pool, and have offered tho Cans- flilu Pactflo 4 far cent, of ihe Ran Pran cltco business if It will forego its detuund for a differential. A Handsome Complexion i giv one of tlie greater-! i tun his 4 woman ran IMBSONt a oMeixxio.'s Powoua BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAL VH sii Ns y Mi s IIOKONS, nK U E, DI.AN. Diseaauaof IboEre, Noa 'I In. ml uml Eur, ool BpltWe Street, oppo silo court house. hR. A J, lONNKLL Oftfca ail Waanmgton I venue, cui ner Bprnoe Htreet. over Fi aii boi druu etoriv Resilience. 1'JU VlBSSt lull..- hours Ili.SJtolUa m, und S to anil U li to I ill p. hi Bnimay, to :i p in, UR v e. ALLEN. Onto cor, Laoka wanna and VFasblnitou asras i over Leon ardahoe tore; oflloe taoura, w to I- a. m. ami eto 4 p III ; evenings ut Icbldunru, ftldM, waalilagton ave. yli. I. FBEY, Practice limited to til if eaaoa of the Bye, Ear, Nose and Tbroat offloa, l-.' Wyoiuh.ii ave Rastdouos, QSjl vlus street Dlt I. U OATKS, 4II W mini, clou AvsllUi, initio hours, I toll am. I to II and t to s ,,., lllllces IU and .il illuir: lesiili-ilce ill MudiMonave: offico hours. 1J to I'.', 8t0 4, to I; Sundays 8.80 to 4. SVentnfM at residence. A specialty made or dlraaaes ot the eye, ear. uos and throat und aynaaology, nR. O, D, Mt)RRAY,peeialty made on die eases Of eye und skin. -1'.' WyoluiliK Ave. I Hiiro hours: t lu a in J to 4 and 7 to S p.m. R. DB KINO KUMULBERRy BTRRRi' i'l At Carbondale on Fridays of eaeh aoek. loilN L WKNTZ, M l . I ( ommonwealtb buihlm VK'll BINARY SPKOl oNs I s fjiTUROR, Vaterlnary Burgeon, Den j . tistry a specialty-, gold luedullat of Oo tai io Vetarlnarjf Polieko. ORtca Bunniar's livery. lOjDIXbt.. near Keller a eurriage shop. 'I. lepholie No. 4l:l LA I. Its. I M (' ItAN' K s Law and Colleotloo of ti flee. No, M7 Bnruce st., opjsjsito Forest Rouse, Bcranton, Pa.; collectlonaa penalty tbi uugbout Peiiiiaylvauia, reliable correspond ents iii every county. IEwal r HAiNU, Attorneys and Counsel Ion ut Law. Commonwealth bulldiiu', WushiUi'lon ave. W. U.JBISUP, Hon u r. E RAHO, w, H. JsasUP. .la. U' II. LARD, WARREN i KNAPP. Alt.: neys ami Coniiselors at Law. Republican bulldlna Washington ave.. Bcranton, Pa, MATTERS! IN Ji WlLin.V. Attorney! anJ 1 Counsellors at Law; ottCM II and I Library luiidiug. ttcruutou, Pa. RohVVt'l.I. 11 rATTlnsoa. William a. win m A I. FRED HAND WILLIAM . I. HAND, At V torneyl and Counsellors. Commonwealth building Booms 11. tsf and II - HENRY M seely Law otBcta in Re publican building PRANK'!' OKtLL, Attorney at lata; Room I ff. (.'oal Kscbange Sciuntou. Pa, MlLi'iiNW LOWttV.TAtt'ya i-"7 Wastmft C. II VON STORCH, I ton av I . 11 s.p ure. JAMEsW OAKFOHD, Attorney al Law. ti rooms KL 14 and fl& commonwealth b'l'g 87c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL H A1LK0AD OF N, J. UllllliiiiijgiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiu sis OUR I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Iiistvtiv, insurlna ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1 1 ESDAV, I T U. ia Antbraelte ci 'Iculilluess and I iisi-l illltoi I. timltauli: is ti i ii r 1 1. ii I IWM Trains leave Bcranton for pittstou. wiiki- Barre.ato., at S.1U, u.l... Il.,lu a. m. l-'.n. 2.0U, 34H, S.OU, IM, ll.UA p. i Sniidavs SOI a ui , I IO, XW, 7. Ill p. in. For Atlantic ( itv 8,1(1 a. m. For New York. Newark und Rllubetb, 8.10 (expreea) a.m.. USD (exprosa with Huitet parlor ear), 1I..'I0 (exprsMi p, m, Bunday, XUU p. in. Eon MAcrn chl'nk. Allimtown, Bbi bi i Blat, EASIoa and Phiiaih I nun. 8,1(1 in i:'.Ji) ll.ajj. i uirept Phliadelphlai p. in. Siiuday, :'. (m i. in For Loxa Hiiani h, Occam Obovk etc.. at 8, 10 a in.. 12.90 p in For Reading. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Alleiitowu, .lua. in., IS.SU, 0.00, p.m. Sunday. 100 p. iii. For PottlVllls, s In a. m . l:'.:aip. m, itoturning. leave New York, foot ot Liberty street. North river, at '..10 (express i u. m.. Lie. l.aO, 4.W (express With Unites pmloi can p. tu. Sunday. 4.8U a. in Leave Philadslpbut, Heading Terminal 8.00 a. nt., 11.00 and 4 Si p. m. Bunday, U 7 a. u.. 'i broulh tickets to all pointaal lowest may be had on application in advance to the ticket agent at tin station. II P. BALDWIS, Own. Pass Agent. J. II OLHAI'SEN, Uen, sujit. CURTAINS siiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiui.iie C :l A. H::v;ir' Qrand revival of THE LYER :-: KING ttice. ..17 Bprucast . Mcranton. Fa- SAJ I A W A'l'RES, Attorney at Law, V.'J I i. Lackawanna ane.. Bcranton. l a P. SMITH, i Oun-ellor ut Law Oflloe, I . room 64. ft&. fl Commonwealth bnlldlne ' It PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Coin v . i wra th helloing. Bnranton, Pa C. CUMEIIYB ICil Sprue st. P RRPLOGLE. Attorney Loans uuim tinted on real estate security. 40s Bpriice, K1LLAM, Attoruev-at-Latr, ijj y mini avium,-. Bcranton, n AVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTUAUWI written and acknowledged by J V. BROWNlNu, Attorney and Notary Public, m l 'ouniion wraith 1 lu i id be D pUagi s mini s cm HUULUF THE LACKAWANNA, Ben ' ton. Pa . nrep'oes 1mvs iohI kil ls for or business tle.i ou 'lily li.ons ..r ,. i hildreu Ciitklugue at reutteat, RjpT. Thomas m C4ns. tVvi.TKII II Bdci.l llr-s WORCB8TERra KIN DKlUi A UT'iA .'I and School, 41- Adam avenue Pup ii received St all times. ECexttern will open January w III SI 111- C I.AUII.M II. Suigcou Dentist, No. Hi t , Wyoming ave It ,1 sTRa! I i in. office Coal Exchange I.OANI 'I'lli'. BKPL'BLIC Bavings and Loan Asso I elation will loan ou m in- on raster teriiis and pay you better on lavesiinent than any other sssooistlon Call ou B, N. CALLkN DER, Dime itmii iiuiidum J EHIOH VALLEY RAILROAD Train leavss Bcranton ror Philadelphia and New Xork via. II i II R R ut s a.m. li 10 2.IW and 11 X, p. m via D . L. A V. R, K . 8.08, II. 0 ic in.. und 1. 0. Vi p. in. Leave Scran ton for PittstoU and Vi',k, Ban e via D.. L a. Vt. It R . I 087 1 1 ii a m , I JO, iteO, ii.u7. 8.88 p. m. I .eave Scran ton for White Haven. Hasleton, I ottevllla and all points on tin- Beaver .Me.uiow und Pottsi iilu branches, vial) ,V It. H R, at sii in., ii lu. i :;s, 4 jc ,,.m . via D . L. Si w. R. B.,8.08, 111.10a.m., 1.80. 8.10 p-m Leave Bcranton for Betaieham. Easton, liradiiig Hurrisliurif and all lateimediat points via D.4t H R. R.. sum .1- lu, li pm. vial). L. W, R. R..stis. 11.80a. m . 1.80 p m PLeavoBerantos torTunkhaandck, Tawanda, Blttlira, Ithaca, ileueva ami all inlei mediate is.iiits im D. & II It R . I '.'.. and II f, p. m. via D L. A VV R R H.Via in.. Jf in Leave Bcranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Nl agara Falls, Detroit Chioafn and all points iv.-tT.ali a it R, i: i :::,.!i i:, ii a, p bi, via D. L. A W r. R. ami Pittaton Junction 5n a. in tor Hntlao oulv . UWHp. in, via E 4 W. li R : 4.1.1 p. in. For JElmtra and the weal via Salamanca, vis D. At H it. R. ati.iop. m vlaD.. I.. Jt W. P R. P. ii. i a. m and n.l)7 p m. Pullmaii pallor slid slee,iug or Ie V. hair euis on all ti.iiiis between I, P. .Iiin.-uoii i- llke Bsrre uu.i New York. Philadelphia, Itctlalo and Suspension lilldge ROLLINH WILBUR, Uen Supt-RsstDIv 'HAS S. I.sE. Hen. Pa-s Ag t. Phila .P.. AW NONNEMACHRR.Ass't QsnPass g t South llutlilehetn. Pa. I lieautiful Beenerjr, Grand Double stage and Revolving Bceaes, A play of strong ii'art interest Interpreted by a competent cvmpaay oi draaaatfe artists. Sale open Saturday. Are worth Roiu a long distance to ee. No Mich collection ran be found uearer than New York tr Philadelphia, and then it is uoltur passed iu the matter it uniijue and exclusive designs, or llchne', daintiness and ilelicaiy of mate rial, In a word, cur Airtainatock Ibis fall reaches our higbetl ideal of what is should be. and cannot fail to meet the approval of the inot refined and artistic taites. Vet al l this does not mean high price, (in the contrurv.tbe values we now ofter are submitted for your inspection. Oi cotirte, we' re every make, and among them a ili be found the very choicest crea lions in lirussels, Irish Point. Swiss, Nottingham and other Lace Ooods: llao ihe NlW Irnowfiake Swibs, with Bilk Stripe iu cotitrastiui; color. Alio full 'lines of bilk stnps, Tapestries, etc., made to crder. ACADEMY of MUSIC. Z WEDNESDAY, I T.ii l i. S BE i m; : kOEDIAN, THOS. W. KEENE S -,"s-!'"-l by a atrong dramatia company, pre Z ssntine -tu..-sp,..,r . R,n.t-.-. I RICHARD III. PRICE? -Parlor. Sl i'.: nrehsetra, 11; ir ebes-.ra Circle and two first row bk.cui.i ""' : remainder of balci.n) . iWc ; Uallery. iL Sale opens Monday . SlHIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiS I HILL k CONNELL SCRANTON, PA. niiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiir inn km mi in sill it WW 'i 'in. w ni vnir.H, ill-are wyomlni I avs Booms heated with steam: nil uiod ei n iiiiprovemi-uts z CM I III MAN. Plop lEULKR'B HOTEL BI La. kawanns ave- t nnc, St i a it (on. Hates reasonable. P all hi i n Proprietor Ur KaTillNaTKH HOTEL W 0, BCUENCR, Msnaesr Sixteeiilh street, olio block eaat ot llioauway. at Union Buna re, New xorl Amei Iran plan, lafiOaei day and upw ind rsuYNE ROUHE, European plan; jrooJ ' i il Corn day and nikhl. Bar SUB piled witu tin btsl P II ciiVNE FroluP'tor OCR ANTON HOUHE, Deal D 1, A w VM SSUael depot Colliluclrd en the European plan. t n run Km ti Proprletol BAND CENTRAL The largest and b8l 'I r: 'Hope I hotel III AlleuloWli, Pn.latei t'J and '' .M per day Y n ion D li mini e, pi opi lator. id'.!. LWARE AND HDD SON R tILROAD Commenclna May :v. 188, trains will run as fotiowai Train leave Bridge sin-et Stat 'in. Sri aiitoii. for Pitts i nal Will.. U..r, .1, - ,ti 0? 1,3, iitiX, 4 IO O.IO, 0.1B, '.I.l.. .,n,1 II. U p. in. t'.'i New oik and delphia. 8 H)u. m . U In. J S1&, 4 In and II :.)ji iu. For Hohssdale i iron Delaware I sokawann and westi-rn depot '. 7.01. M. lo.lna.iu , L im in., II 17. VI0 p. iu. For l at i o iiiaic and intermediate statlona, MO, 7nn s;w. 10.10 h in. 1X00 m It, 1Sd,5.1iv aVindlltp in from Bridge btrest Depot, .,UU l. Ill,, . I, ,u i iii. Faat sXnress to Albeny, Saratoga, tho Adt- n lidack Mountains. Boat 'm and N-w F. .gland points. (,40 a. in . arriviut at Albatt) 18.44 Harstoga li '' p. m , ami ic ing s, rantcm at :; p in . arriving at -i at s w p. m. , Bare Ion U.i'i a, in . and Boston, 1.00 I iu Tlie only direct route between the coal Holds and Host,, u "Thf lauding Tourists li,,ut, uf America " to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, I iikes i leotgr sod I'hamplaoi. Montreal, etc Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on nil divisions Dela win,- and Hudson eyateni, ma) i btalned at all DelllWlllr and IIUlNotl lirkel nlll, n. II 0 VOUNU, .1. W Rl ' lit di 'K. Becond Vice President, tien. pass. K, DUPONT'S MININil, IiLASTlNll AND SPcdtTlNO POWDER MtiuufActrod At tho Wft p WsaUo pn Mills, Lu m nt fouuty I'm.. Uld t Wil uiiuittwtj. UclwMrsi. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming DUtriru I lit Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Ihird National Rank Building. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIRIUAI ll l; , The ('lever Berate Actress, AGNES HERNDON Jn her clartr ee'Mtioii La Belle Marie Or, ( WOKM'S REVENGE. Under the maiiaceuiei.t ol .los A mil. SALE OPENS Tl'ESDA Y. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. I It IDA') lip. t ti Tue Laughing So ce - MR. GEORGE THATCHER I Ainl Mfiever ooMpui) f Coiindy Eatertsfttn- iu the iit-v MuftlcA. Extn. VAgpUUHsaj AFRICA In thin- set, wan elaborate seem ry, bean tif nl coetnmea and best deaeribed US folioWS ACT I l l I Ai l' li UtiaU n ACT 111 . Iiwni; U'N Sale oj.c:is Wednesday. Mil II I I I i is nAVIs HolTPT, Architect Rooms .1 S6 .Hoi 18 Commonwealth b'ld'g, Scranton. l,s L WALTER, Architect, Library build li. Ing, Wyoming aveuue Scraiitoii. I.. BROWN, Arab i. Arcbtteot, Price building. VHsliiiigtou Ave.,s, i'Huton. Ms( i i i iMttOtIS HUHTON D. BWAHTS WHOLEfALI lumber, S and Dime Hank building, Bcranton, Pa Ml .HARD EE BROTHICBB, PRINTERS' suppliea, envelopes, paper bag, twltiu Warehouse. IJ0 Washinglou o. Sciantua, Pa 1'RANK P BROWN CO., WHOLE I sale dealers in WoOdSrai e, Cordage and (nl i lotb, it w. Laehawanna avenue U ACER'S ORCHESTRA ML7B1U jroji balls, picnics, parties, n pttong, wed rings ami ooiieert work furlitslied For terms mldiess R. .1. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming live , over Hulbert a iiiusie store Vv.ra Finn sons, builder siui contra 1 i tors sardei Corner olive st. and Adam tue . corner Ash st. and Penti live.. Seraiitolt. sF.:ll. J It. CLARK I'll.. Seislimeu. FlorUtS V I. and Nurserymen: store III) Washington avenue; gris-n house, LtV) North Main avenue, store telephone 7S'i UK a N D UNION TEA cii.. Jonia Bra III I M III NN. IDS Kl'ETTEL, ni Lackawanna nveuui. fl bcranton, Pa , liiauut r of Wire Screens pVELAWARE, in RAW S AND V WESTER S Kill It) 'AD Trains leave Bcranton as follows Expreea tor NSW York and all Hiiuts Mssi i .,, ,i, .. I.', s oi mid D ;'! a. in . 1X5) ami ll u, m Express t, i i.sst,,n, Trenton, Fblladelphla and the South. .'.I., sun and si a in . ami 8 .'i p in Washington and way --latioi'.s. ' in p ni Tobvhsiina SOCommodaUolli 0 hi p. iii Exui s. foi Blngharavtor1 . Oawsgo Elmlra, Coining iiuth DmivUw, Mount Hurrta and Buffalo, i ID .' I.'i n ui I IM o in . making . luee , oimePtliins at biinul., v. nl! points in the W. st Northwest and SoufllWaat, Buoam seoommodauon, 0.tii a io Blngbamtou and wy statlona i- :. p m, Nicholson and way staUoas s.44p m lllngliainton and l.linlia Kxprsaa, 801 p. in Express tor Cortbnd, lyraouaa, n.wego. I'tlea and Rl. hlb Id S.nliit. I , a in. ami 17 p m Ithaca. '.'17 and mil, pi and 1 '.'I n, In For Nurtbumbsrlaad.PltUton, y like Bat nv Plyinouth. BloomttUTg and Danville, making cloe coiinnctluiis at Notth.unbiu laud lor Wllliamspoit Hniiisbuig. Uultlu,, n e, Waw ingtoti and ttie South. Northamberlaba mid Intsrntedlate stations, 11. 8 Sn iu. and I .m and II U, p. ui Nanuook ami larermadlat itstlons, sue lnl II AH a. in Plyinouth and inb i mediate stations. SJUind BkSgTjb, m. Piilltnun pailoi und sleeping coaches oil all express trains. I or detailed tnformSt ion, pocket tinnlable. etc . apply to M. I. Smith, ultj ticket uflV . SU I ,a kawsunaav tntl, or depot ticket oMce, EW YORK ONTARIO AND WESTERN Railroad. Sri ant ui Division. Tltttl table In rfleet Nov , IM Trains leave Hcraiitoii fur ( ii bomlale: LU, s.:n, ILOBa in., 1.80, il in p iu For Hancock Junction and main Connection 11 Ifi a iu . U 10 p. iu Trains Isave niBflhttk Jnnotlon fur main lino connection lor Scranton. iil a in . .ML U III Trains leave Ciirliotidal.' for Scranton 7.S4, t 4 1 a.m., Liu. 3.14, 8 It p in. .1 0, ANDERSON, (leneval Passenger Agent. New York, T. FUTCROFT, District Passenger Aueiit, BcratttM aanactts 1 HOS ) i iRD, Pittstou. Pa .lnHN H SMITH BON: Plymouth. Pa. F. W MIT., Wilkes Hai re. Pa Agents tor the Repaiiut) Obemtoal Com psag's High Explosive N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, - sVYOBUtQ AVa;. aCRANTOJa, s I RlNlfAT . son DKt kKIt iiltni HEftfJ sen H HAN It 'll .V D Ai 'k BTULT, BAUKIt PIANOS n s tare stoei ot tirst-cit ORGANS MVB1CAI MKRCHANDlBbi mi hie, l ie, 1. 1 a HJATTHEIS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN OILS W sab . nun I i . . MONDAY, I Ett 19 WONDERLAND'S NEW STOCK DBAMATK I 0. IN TWO GREAT PLAYS, Monday, Tuesday ai d Wednesday. Romance and Reality Thin s, ia. Frldaj and Saturday, OLIVER TWIST admission, and SO CENTS. Opera obaliscnn bereeerved, by numtier, every af ternoon fr.m I :ki to ,liu. for tin- , en:ng entartalnmeal PeHorttaaceaever) afternoon except Monday ai d Thursdays at ' :' ami every ovetihigut s IV Duel open al I 8U and MM P M a) I 7 I ,1 If BURNING am) LUBRICATING pniEAND WYoMiNn VALLEY Rail li ROAD Train leave Scranton for New York and iu tsrmedlat points ou the E io and llawlev mid local lailnts at ABB, 8.4.1 a. in. sndSittp in. Train leaving at 0.4S a. in and IM p ilk are through train to and rroni liones.Dtla. Trains leave lor Wilkes BsTTSStl Ida. ui and II p. ui. Allautle I rail anil I'renrh lur, 1'iire Ltaeeejd n. 'I'm pelltllie und VaialShSS ReadysSalsed Paints in n oolor ' Ollder' Whiting, I'ai is Willie und KiiUoiiitna, ou Urol, Marble i Uu.t aud ttiuJuwUlMi DON'T FORGET Tlmt M eare headquarter ror everything in thelineol WATliliia, l( you have any Idea ot purehaslug any kind or a Who I,, hoi.' - gent',, uwd or stiver, yen w ill make a gum oils mistake I! you do not give us a call and get our prices, w inch you will tied lai below all otners, ea hilly In ell the high grades of Elgin, Waltheui ami Rsinpdcti movement. If rou have an v doubt atld am at nil posted oil pi Ices gne us a call and ws will have no trouble moons toeing ou.Westlll have large stock todisp i of, and will idler you won derlul Indueemant in .lewelrv. rUverwar-, -ks and all Other gUOliS WhWU W have U stuck C. W. Freeman PlBsi Ave. aud SprCOJ St