- 0 XE WEEK from today, re member, is eleetiou day. Make arrapownnnts tn toko A .it; t 1 G ? ! work tor Grow TOMORROW being the day dedicated to good St. Val entine, he assured that THE TRIBUNE will have feat urea you'll waul to read. EIGHT PAGES-ot; COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA.. TUESDAY MORNING. KKIUtUAItV 18, 1S!M. TWO CENTS A COPY. EIERf HEW STIBI . i 1 DEW BOMB SHOWS THE 1EE1 IF BURY MG A L THE ELEBTMM CAUSES Another Anarchist CnttM Excitement iu Pavisiau Hotel. OVER TWENTY PERSONS WOUNDED Edeon Breton, an Anarchist, Aged Twenty-threa Years, Throw a Bomb Into a Crowded Cafe -It Ex plodes with Terrific Force, Wound ing Number of People -The Mis creant Under Arrest. l'.vuis, Feb. 19 EDEON" BRETON, --'3 years old, threw a bomb iu the c.if n of tbe Hotel Teviuinus. it tiu St. Lazsre railway station this eveniug. 'Hie bomb exploded iu the middle of the room tad wounded twenty person;'. An instrumental coucert began in the cafe, which is on the ground tl or of the hotel, at $ o'clock. Shortly before 9 o'elook, a pale, thiu young EMU, .with a light pointed beard, paid for a drink which be had taken at a table iu the middle of the room an 1 Carted to leave. When uear the door he turned suddenly, drew a bomb from bis coat, aud threw it toward a group of parsons who had sat uext to him. Tbe bomb struck an electric light fix -ture, tlieu fell on a marble table an I exploded. The great hotel and station were rocked by thesboeK. Tne mirrors, windows and doors were blown to atoms. Tbe ceiling and ttior were reut, and toe walls were cracked. A dense, offensive smoke filled the cafe for four minutes, and In the obscurity the bomb thrower escape !. When the einoke cleared awav, five persons were mercantile taxes when it w is iu evi dence ttiut thuy sold their goods al well as msnntaotnred them. Tbt decision is that they en be so nsieaied wh-m the company maintain! a store separate from the manufacturing establishment Wliere the goods are told The opinion was delivered by Justice Williams in the c.aso of the common wealth, by Ueorgo I) LCre iry, citv treasurer, ngiiust Thorn t Potter ft Co. , appellants, tin nppeal from 0 ui -moi pleas court, No. 1, of Philadel phia county. GUILTY OK MURDER. A Vardlct iu the QavpeataV Case K- U. i hat Kvoiing. Mir; inrrOWK, Pa.,;tVb 18, The jnry in the Carpenter case reached a verdict at 3 o'clock this ttvoiunn of guilty of murder in the ftr.it decree. The evi deuce daring the lust two diys of the trial was so overwhelming that, at its OODOl Olton, counsel for the defense elected not to address the jury. A motion for judgment was made bv the commonwealth, pending the ills POM of which a notion of non-trial was made bjf the dnftnw, based on al leged Irregularity iu tilling the jury wi'eel in December, union exceptions to portion of Judge Lynns charge to "the jury. This motion wilt b argued before the judge iu chambers on March ATTEMPTS TO AID DA GAMA. A SUBSTITUTE Many Insurgent Sympathizers rested at Rio The Presi dental Election, At- Montkvikix), Feb. It. A dispatch dated at Rio di Janeiro on F-0. 7 reached this city by mail yesterday. It said : "Attemots have been made on land recently to hel(i tha insurgent tljet, but they have collapsed, as the nam of the plotters were betrayed to tha government, and tha leaders of the conspiracy were arrested. Among tha two of fonnil - . ff - trnnnit.i.l nn.l Hl'fn hud slight injuries. The bomb hd i PfWOWft are tweuty offloers, an tilled with hnlliri and ranah bit luera of iron, which had riddled the furni ture and walls and indicted most of the wounds, A POLICEMAN SHOT. After leaving th cafe the bomb thrower started down the street on a run. Three policemen had just pasaed in an omnibus when tbe explosion oc curred. They were going on duty aud jumped to the street tin moment they saw the fugitive. Tiie yondV man turned on tnem as they called to him to atop, and tired five shots. Police man Poisson fell, badly wounded Ml Dlg'JL, However, C'KIUUU.'I lUB mail an i, wnu me neip oi ronce man Barbea and a waiter named lis aier. overpowered and arrested tha bomb-"hrower. They took him to the police station in the Rue De Moacou, where, after some hesitation he his name and age. The prefect of po lice, M. Laurent, chief secretary to M Dubost, minister of the interior, and several other higb officials were sum moned to tha station, and the examin ation of the prisoner was begnn. Police Commisaary Gavrel taking the evi dence. Meantime the sound of the explosion, the smoke and tbe cri-s of tha wonn led had attracted a great crowd to tbe hotel terminng. Doctors Serene, Bonenfe and Thysun offered their ser vices. They obtained bandages and drngs from a nearby apothecary, and dressed the wounds of tbe injured, eome of whom had been carried to rcoma in the hotel, others to the drug tores in the neighborhood. At 11 o'clock only an incomplete list of tbe injured could be obtained. It was aa follows: Mr. Borde, both legs pierced by bullets and pieces of iron: Mme. Leblanc, of 21 Rue d'Amsterdam, ihinbone fractured; Mme. Lehlanc's brother, ear split and body brnisaa; un identified man, wounded in the intes tines by a flying pic of marble; Dinn, Vnnheit, Roqu t, Foubert, Raymond and Lanstan. cut or torn by fragments of marble or glass. A WALKING ARSENAL. Th United Press correspondent was admitted to the Rn : Moscon police office shortly after the arrest. Breton sat handcuffed between two policemen. He showed the effects of his hasty flight and tnssle with the police. Otherwise he looked calm and comfort able. The removal of his ontsid coat had revesled a collarleis flannel ihirt and the general garb of a w,rk ingman. In his pockets the police had fonnd a pair of braB knnrkles, a dag ger, a Swodish knife, a 6-chHmhen.d revolver, a gold half louis, two frane pieces, eleven sous and a small silver locket containing a lock of brown hair tied with n ribbon At first he refused to talk, telling the police that it was their business to find nnt who ho was. After giving his name and nga be again t.ecime silent. Eventually he added that ho was a cabinet Dakar and had jnat arrived in Peris from Marsail. les this morning. "Yes, nm an an archist," he exclaimed irately in re spouse to reiterated questions, "and the mora of the bourgeoisie I killed, tbe better it wool 1 please me," - -- DEATH OF A BREWER. William Hilts Instantly Killed by Fall ing from a High window. New Yohk, Feb. 18. William A. Miles, the brewer, heud of the firm nf William A. Milea & Co., No. r,0 Christie street, was instantly killed at 10 o'clock tide morning by falling from tharoom of the drying room of the brewery into the yard. Mr. Milea fell about fifty feet. His heud was terribly crushed and almost every bone in his body was broken. No one witnesaed the accident anil consequently uo one knnwa how it occurred. Mr. Miles was 55 years of ago and had been in the brewing businesR for many years aud wus a very wealtbv man. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Tha Supreme Court Rondsra an Opinion Relating to Mercantile Tax. Philadelphia, Feb. 13. The supreme court this morning handed down nn important opinion dealing with a ques tion of mercantile taxes. In brief tbe issue raised was whether a manufac turing company could be assessed for Reports of insurgent movements in the sonth are contradictory. It is reit erattd that the insurgents are still pushing across the Sin I'sulo frontier. Although the large army long e.vp'Cted to reinforce the insurgent tiVt has not appeared. Admiral Da Gama has gained receutlv. Many ineu have joined the fltet and abundsnt supplies have reached him from the near-by country. It is aaid that on Monday some seventy men enter ed the insurgent naval service. Tae government is about to transfer troops to Rio Janeiro from Nictneroy an 1 strengthen its forces in tbe south, nota bly in San Paulo, but there is no sign of its taking the oltmsive. It war ship are atill at Bahia. Com mander Nieineyer, of the cruiser Nic tneroy, has resigned. The insurgent d--et Las ceased interfering with for gave i eign merchantmen, and a small amount of commurce is carried on "President Peixoto will not be a can didate for tbe presidency in the elec tions to be held on March 1, when not only president and vice president, but also senators and deputies will be cho sen. Tbe insurgents protest against the election, as thy say the constitu tion forbids holding it at a time when martial law is operative in any part of the country." HE SHAVES THE PAV ROLL. A Banker at Bitter Diasaanta Wags Account of Railroadsra. New Ca tle, Pa., Feb. 1. The Pittsburg and Western railroad is sev eral months in arrears in the payment of wages. The employes are rejoicing in th it they have discovered how at a small cost they can secure their nnney as fast as it is due them. J. H. Camp bell, a banker of Butler, Pa., is en gaged in buying up the time of tbe railroad employee at a slight discount. Last week Mr. Campbell bought up $12,000 in orders. He then sought an interview with the officials' of the road and presented bis claims at their face valne. The Pittsburg and Western people flatly refniel to pay Mr Campbell his money. The gentleman lost no time in issning nn attachment 00 certain property of th Pittsbnrg and Western company. II irdly hud he done so than the railroad (.fficials proluced the money demanded by the Butler hanker. Mr. Campbell again pur chased orders amounting to $fi.000. The railroad officials ngain demurred, bnt when threatened, paid over the ah. If is estimated that over 8800,000 is dn the employes, and Mr. Campbell is en leavonng to pOTOnMC- all tbe orders. On hie first deal Mr. Campbell cleared OTarf $000. The railroad company de clines to p'-nnit th employes to go to Butler on pases, but the men are piv ing their fare and fl icking to Mr Campbells bank in (lrovs. ' 1 SPARKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Woman snffragislH will merit in annual conclave at Waxhington this week. Spunking A boy Mnaller than himself cast young Hydney I'm sons ll.'l In court Seals are morn plenty off Cape Flattery, .stale oi Washington, tnnii lor many years Attorney General Olnty is after the judge who recently naturalized a China man. Ki-Attorney Unnnral Charles .I.M.UwInn n noted Maryland politician, i dymg nt Haiti more. Consnl (Isneral lle. just arrived, says th Turks drive Americans out of tbe country upon tlm : -i.t.-st pretext. The big liriet New York sailed from Now York foi Newport News to be overhauled in dock, preparatory tn tbe spring sensou. A alx-tou cylinder full upon and crushed i v tho llfo of Machinist.). W. jeering, at Mine islnud Navy Yard, Cal. Contrnctora won a long suit for $'J:i,770 agalnat the Knoxville, Southern and Marl ettu and North QtOtgUI inilraud, uud the road must lie sold. Plotting to blow up Jl.ogan county (111.) jail with dyunmlto to free tbnir luver. Ida Shellei- aud Ooorgiu Williams were ar rested just In time. Senator Hoar wns the guest of honor at the annual banquet or the Lincoln associa tion at Jersey City lust uight. He spoke to the toast, "Abraham Lincoln." The second annual dinner of the Lincoln Assocluti iu of the Union league wns given last eveniug tn tbe League building at Philadelphia, Senator Shelby N. Culloui, of Illinois, responded to the toast, "Abra ham Lincoln," Senator Galllngor Otto a Measure Iu l'laco oi tho Wilson Bill. AIR. BOUND ON DECK IN THE HOUSE Hopeless Battle of tho Republican Members Against the Nefarious Tariff Acts Mr. Gray Has Discov ered an Uncut Jewell in President Cleveland-Vindicated by the Mes sageHawaii Receives Due Attention. WaIHIKOTON, D, C. Feb. 13. the senate today Mrs. (lelliugur (Rep,, M. 11,1 introduced aaubati tule for tlio Wilson trail!' bill aud bad it referred to the tiaaucti com mittee. The substitute is a slight variation of tbe resolution heretofore offered by him. it daolirti that, in View of the widespread industrial de pression, it is the sense of the senate that it is unwise to attempt any change iu the tariff laws. Mr llr.iv. (Dttn. EM.) In pursuance of notice heretofore given, addressed the senate on the resolution reports 1 by tbe QOmutttM on foreign relations declaring it unwise and Intxpediont at this time to consider further the ques tion of annexation of the Hawaiian ter ritory. He said that tho resolution presented a question of inter national morality. The president needed no vindication for hav ing withdrawn thi treaty of annexation, and he (Mr. Gray) would not ntte mpt any The facts as stated iu the president's message fully vindi cated him iu the course hi had pur sued, and indeed he (Mr. Gray) had not heard the presidents conduct in that respect seriously impugned or attacked. The question rem lined whether the president was right in n t re -submitting the treaty, and it was for the sen ate to decide on the pending resolution. MINISTER STEVENS OKTT1CHKD, In his speech Mr. Gray severely criticised ex-Minister Stevens' con duct, and accused him of complicity with the revolutionists to overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy. After occu pying the floor for a little more than three hours. Mr. Gray yielded for a motion to go into executive session, on condition that ho should have the op portunity of . conclu ting his speech to morrow. He is to ) followed bv .Mr. Daniels. (D-;m . Va.,)audMr. White, (Dein., Csl ) The presidents message, transmit ting further dispatches from Mr. Willis aud n "correct version of the interview of November 14 1888, between Srcre- tary Oresham an 1 Mr, Thurston, rep resenting the provisional government at Washington," was laid before the senate and referred to tiie committee on foreign relations After the executive session, Mr. Bryce (Dun , O iio) presented the usual resolutions of regret at the news of toe death of R 'presentativs Houk, of Ohio. The resolutions were adopted, ind, as a further mark of respect, the senate at 4:1) adj inrned. nooiiDmoa in the house. After tbe consideration of a number of unimportant bills by the nouse this morning Mr Bland (Dem.,Mo), bad read a proposed amendment to the pending seigniorage bill authorizing the secretary ot the treasury to nuv coined, under tha act of July 14. 1800, ilver bullion to tbe amount of "i"i,- 130,(Ht and to issue certilicatos thereon to tie used in the payment of current expenses, lha secretsry is also author ized to issuo certificates in excess oi this amount, hut not to exceed the seigniorage. Various bills, favorably repnrtt-d Ly the committee on the Dis trict of Columbia, were tuksn up, con sidered and passed. At 2 o'clock tho District of Columbia committes hail conclu led its budness, and on motion of Mr. Breckinridge, (Detn , Ky ). the bouse went into the committee of the whole on the urgency deficiency bill. Th" total amount oar ried by the bill is 1888,888: Tu bill paad. Tha resolutions setting apart today forjtnlogitt upon the late Senator Stan ford, of California), were taken up and a number of western members made hrief ad dresses. The president's mes sage transmitting additional corres pondence in thn Hawaiian matter was laid before the home at the c inclusion of the eulogies, and the house, nt 4.15, adjourned. - BOISSON THROWS BREAD. A Parisian Anarchist Crata Exclt mnt In a Oourt of Justice. Paiiis.FbU. 12 Alt anarchist named BoisH in, one of tiie many arrested dur ing tbe recent police raids on anarchist bnttntt, was plaued on trial today mid convicted of having explosives In bis possession. The judge sentenced him to fonr months imprisonment. As tho judge concluded the prisoner, who had a large piece nf bread iu his hand, threw it at the julge. The missile struek tho judge on tbe As Bols son threw tbe bread he shouted: "You are a srowil of pig. Wo will blow you all Dpi Long live anarchy." The act of the prisoner created Tor a time great excitemtnt In the court, many of those primeut thlnkiug the piece of bread was a bomb. case for the prosecution. He announced that the two of the prisoners had plea led guilty. W. J. Steen, tbe coal operator, was the first wltntll. He Hliinatd the number uf riotura at 2:10 men, and aw nropnrty damaged, including his own. lie saw men who were working at tacked bv rioters and Abttisd, Tha men were directed iu their movements by the bliislHof a bugle. Mr. Steen posi tively Identified fOI ty-niiio of the pris oners a participant in the uets of vio leuce diiaeribnd by him. Urllllu win lams, a Bower hill minor, IdtntlfUd five of the prisoner! U having hetui in the in b that attacked th" mine prop erty where bsWorksd ObtrlsS GllleS' pie also aw the riot and identified sev eral of tbe prisoners. Court then ud jourued for dinner, I . NIAGARA HAS AN ICE BRIDGE. ECHOES FROM THE STORM teiis oi tlm Greatest Blluird oi tlm Prtteit Winter. RAILROAD TRAFFIC IS DELAYED Rata Occurrancn of ih.i l'hnoomanon In Two gnSOSeelfi Wlnlara. NUOitA Fai ls, N.Y.. Feb. 18. The rare case of an io bridge forming on tWO successive winters iu the Niagara gorge, below the falls, has again oc curred. Tho high windsof the past few days broke up the ic in the lake uud sent it down the river. It began tumbling oyer the falls yei terdav at an enormou rate ami at H o'clock last night tbe gorge was lammed so tbAt a bridge formed at the foot of Prospect p ark. The bridge is composed mainly of slush ice and is very solid. RAILWAY MAGNATES AT WAR. An Interesting Exchange of Compli ments Between Vice-President Green and Mr. Thompson. Philadelphia, Feb. 12 The annual meeting of the atockbolders of the Philadelphia and Kriu railroad com pany was held trdiiy. Secretary Van iSandt reud tbe annual report of the director which showed tht the coat of operating the road in lHtiy was Oil 5 10 against 71 2-10 par cont. In tbe preceding year. The increase in net urnings last year ofir isi)2 wasiii.- ;tl)s. and after tbe payment uf interest and other oharges the net balauce is $207.4lttl Th gross earning in lHUJ were 8, 104,871) and the operating ex penses $8,848,888 The report was unanimously adopted. lhe proceedings were enlivened try a battle of words between Second Vice President John 1. Green, of the Penn sylvania Railroad company, and Ex pert Accountant David 8. Thompeon, of the brokerage firm of L. II. Kyler oi Co. The wordy hostilities grew out ot an intimation made by Thomo son that the Pennsylvania rail road directors of the Philadelphia and Erie, they being a msjority of tbe board, would suppress any attempt to have tbe Erie's management uf the property investigated by the board. Tne intimation was preceeded bv others of a like nature, all tending to cast r flection upon t ie integrity of the Penn sylvania's treatment of the Philadel phia and Erie minority stockholders. Captain Green refuted the allegations. Mr. Thompson presented n resolutio 1 providing for the sppointme'it of n committee to investigate theslTiirs of 1 be Hblliidelpbia anil r.ne company, but uhscqtioiitly withdrew this and his submitted nnother aud more lengthy one w iich instru itod the sec retary to furnish general information concerning the property. Captain Green moved the reference of the mat ter to the hoard of directors, but to this Mr. TbQUlM objected and exclaimed that bucIi 11 reference would virtually kill the resolution. This brought Captain Oroen to his feot. "I want yon to understand, sir," said he, "that you cannot aland there nd impugn my motives with impunity. I nm an Official of the Pennsylvania. uud as such 1 no my duty a 1 see It, honestly and unswervingly, I am also lirecior of the rittSbttrg and Erie and when I sit iu th" hoard of the lat ter company my uctions are controlled by what I think are the best interests of tlnit property," Mr. 1 hompson s voice grew hoarse nud Ids luce livid as lie replisd tnat ho had not intended to reflect, upon the personal integrity of any nieinb'rof thn bonrd, some of whom lis lis I long known and esteemed Captain (Ireen's motion whs carried, DO 008 shares vot ing in favor of, and 8,010 shares against tho proposed reference. The meeting adjourned nftnr tho election of the following directors to serve for tho ensuing yesr; N. Parker Shorlrldge, W. Basel I Wilson, John P, GhrOeU, Samuel On.tllln Thompson, J. Bayard Henry. William L. Bikini, Henry I) Welsh. William J. Howard, Amos It. Little and W. II. Barnes. 8 - WYNDHAM WANTED GORE. Another Crank Xmpilnonad for Having Threatened to Kill Q-ieen Victoria. LiiNiniN, Feb. 18 A "erank" named Wyndhnm Carter was arraigned iu the BW Street police court today on tbe Ohafge nf threatening to kill i,-i Victoria because she had deprlveu bint of the lltle of Earl of W nchninbe. It wiih evident that the prisoner was crazy nnd hn was sent to nn asylum. a 11 . IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Two Freight Trains Collide in the Snow Street Car Travel Univers ally Abandoned Telegraph and Tel ephone Communication Impeded In Western Pennsylvania Passenger Trains Behind T ImOi BOBT Wa TIIE worst bin ing hern ti aiupf.nded abandoned. THE TRIAL OF THE RIOTERS. Flftv-Klgbt Men Arrulgnad at Plttaburg llii. Judge Kwlng and Mage. PtTTSBDBO, Feb 12. All of tho for eigners of the Mansfield valley seemed to be present nt the court home this morning, wither as witness's or specta tors at the trial ot the lifly eight men chnrgsd with riot Judge Ewing and Mague occupied the bench. The trial of fifty-eight, men at one time is some thing unprecedented In the history of Allegheny county. District Attorney Burleigh, assisted by Harry Gearing, bus charge of the prosecutiou. The defendants are represented by Attor neys Rownnd, Blakely, Miller and Ste bick. The jury w 01 complete I by 11 o'clock aud Mr. Burleigh opened tho Miss Alda BobioSOtt, of New Castle victim of Professor Hartshorn's alleged crimes, has MOB taken to an Insane asy lum. Attorney A. I.inbart may DC debarred in Allegheny county for securing a char ter Tor au Anarchist society at Minis fluid. Awakened at midnight by a fit of coughing, Aire. Jamb SnlilrMser, uf Pen brook, near Harrlsburg, was soon a corpse. It BBS been suggested that every paper in the land open subscription for a mon umrht tu llenrge W. Chllds, in Philadel phia. Secretary E Ige denies that the cattle on the farm attached to the West Town hoarding school are effected by tuber culosis. He say the cuttle there are all right, Andrew Itnub, aged 74 yoirs, one of the best known residents of this valley, died lit his homo iu I hillns yesterday. Deceased retired from buatness fifteen years ugo, mill loaves a large estate to his family. Among the fourth-class postmsaters np- pointed yesterday were the following from Pennsylvania: . Humime, Huntsvillc, Luzerne county, vice B. D. Huut, re moved; Hugh Muliigau, Kusli, Susque hunua county, vloe itouieo Ujbiusou, re-sigued. FOOT Wayne, lnd , . Feb 12. blizzard in yours in rag- today. All trallic is and street car travel he Pittsbnrg, Fort Wnvne and Chicago pesaanfer train No. ','. is nnow-bouud ui Convoy, Ohio. Switch engines are unable to work in tbe yards in this city, nud more trouble is feared by the officials here. At noon four cars loaded with perisha ble freight could not lie moved away from the down town station with four engines. - Bloat ut Potiavlll. POTTSmti, Pfl., Feb. 12 The big storm struck Schuylkill county before noon today and a heavy snow bus fallen. Tonight there is a heavy down -pour of sleet which is whirled about by a stro ig wind. The enow has drifted on the turnpikes nnd railroads and travel is greatly impeded. All trains are very late this evening. The snow trouble is greatest on Broad Mountain in the neighborhood of New Boston Junction and Delano aud traffic on railroads is being carried on witli great difficulty. The collieries resumed operations to day after a two and three day idleness, but few of them will be able to work tomorrow. The storm is welcomed in this region for two reasons Up to this time the chances of a good harvest of ice have been very poor and tbe open weath it has kept the collieries idle more than half tbe time. Telegraphic Coinmunica'.ion Impid'd. PlTTSBORO, Pa., Feb. 12. -Today opened clear nnd cold. By 'J o'clock a vigorous snow storm was in progress, with the wind blowing twnty-tive mile nn hour Toward a OOO the enow gave way to adowupour of alnet, wliich continued all day without ccs- , i The electric and cable oars service throng hout tho city is greatly impeded, some of the grades becoming almost impassable. Telegraph au I telephone communication throughout the west ern part of tbe stato is almost sus pended. Kansas City Trains B-hid Time. Kansas City, Feb. 12. Tne worst snow storm iu years raged all over Kansas and Missouri yesterday an I last night and to lay not a single train in the two states is on time. Tbe snow averaged from a foot to two foet on the level. I li k It winds accompanied it and at some p tints iu cuts it is twenty or thirtv feet deep. At many places the schools lire closed today. The snow was dry and the telegraph service was not injured. Heavy Fall Along th Lthigh Vallay Bond. Wll.KK.S-IUliltE. Feb. 18 A sovere snow storm has ben raging hers and throttlbonl the Wyoming valley all day. BliSSsrdsot the worst kind are reported in thn country disiriet. though no ncci lents hive as yet taken place, At Dallas. I'miknanuock, Fair view, Bear Creek, Hear Lake, Hazleton sud Bbloksbinny the snow is said to be from ix to ten inches deep. The Wi ld at ItSttf Miles Pr Hour. Clkvki.anp, 0 . Feb 12. A severe wiud and snow storm from the north west struck this city this morning, and for a time the Wind blew at B sixtv miln gait. From all along tho rail road entering In Cleveland came re ports that the BUOW and win I had greatly impeded train. . - Drifting Tlndlv at Grand Rapid. (IraND Rapids, Ifloh., Feb, 12 The win ! is blowing at thn rate nf sixlv miles nn hour here and the snow is drifting badly. The blizzard is the worst hern in years and the storm is general from Fort Wayne to tbe Straits of Mackinaw, Some damage to out buildings has already resulted. A Fatal Oolltslon at Fremont. FrBMOMT, Ohio, Feb. 12 During a blinding Snowstorm this morning two freight trains on the Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad colli led near Bello vue. Engineers Connell and BtOWCll, Fireman atollnllen nnd Brakeiuau Johnson wets killed. e a. WlllleSaaport R.calvea a Chill WtLLtilUPOOT, Pa., Feb. 12 A snowstorm o the blizzird order struck this section this morning mid snow is still fulling. Electric street cars are running In trains and then have bard work to plow through the drift. Tbe snow is eight Inches deep. A CHAPTER ON HAWAII. President Cleveland Inflict Another Patoh of Letter Uion Cengioe. Washimithn, D. C, Feb 12. The president seut to emigre tins after noon another chapter in the Hawaiian matter. Today's batch consists of copies of two letters, on from Sucre tary (Ireahaui to Minister Wiilis set ting forth an account of his interview with Minister Thurston, when be eailud to ask if the United States would use force to put the queen on the throne, the other from Minister Willis to Sec retary Oresham, giving nn account of his decimation ot the invitation to at tend the eelebration if the establish ment of the provisional government. In nis letter to Mr, Willis, Mr. Uresham says Tlinrftou called upon him in the morning and asked if force would be used, and he (Ctrtsham) de clined to unswor until the afternoon, v. beii bo asked Thurston to return. Meanwhile Mr. Oresbam called upon the president, and in the afternoon, in response to Minister Tntirstou's inqui ry, told him it was not the intention to use force nor do anything to injure the provisional government or tbe people; that if injury oamo to thin it would be through their own acts. Mr. Willis, it appears, gives BO rea son for declining tha invitation sout him. - KEOGH AGAIN VICTORIOUS. Th Scranton Champion Eslly Wins th Oain Thla Afternoon. PttUiADfLPHIA, Fb. 12 in the match game of pool this afternoon ha tween Jerome Keogb, of Scran ton, and Ohrant Eby, of Harrisborg, th former was mi easy winner, playing a remark able game. Tliu SCON wiih as follows: Keogh 18, 8, 18, 10, 8, 18, 18, 7. 15, 4, 1, 1,4. 15, 15, 11. 15, 7, 'J. 12-2'X) Khy-0, r,. 1, 8 0, 2, 0, 8, 0, 11. 12, 18. 11,0,0, 4,0, H, , L 88, hcratuuet Keogh 1, Eby 5 A NEWSPAPER COMBINE. mm Tuesday and Wednesday (February 13 and 14) We will offer all Odds and' Ends accumulated in our LINEN DEPARTMENT During our Reduction Sale the past week. Representatives of the Leading New York Journals Organize for Self Protection. Nkw YOKK, Feb. 12 Representa tive of tbe lendiug newspapers ant news associations of tbe east met in this city today aud formerly resolved to perfect sn organization for the col lection of the news of the world and its distribution among themselves and to their clients oastjartct, north and eonth. 1 here were present the representa tives of the New York Herald, tbe New, York Tribune, the New York Sun an 1 the New York Times; W. F. Baikain, of the Rochester Union and Advertiser, who is president of the New York State Associated Press; L. Clarke Davis, of the Philadelphia Ledger; Charles E Warburtou, of the Phila delphia Telegraph, H. H Oololaser, representing William M Siugerly, of tbe Philadelphia Record; Berith Wil kin, of the Washington Post, and the following nam d member of tbe New England Associated Press: President John H. Holmi, of tbe Boston Herald ; General Charles H. Taylor, of tbe Boston GHobe; Stephen O'Meara, of the Boston Journal; C. H. Clark, of 1he Hartford Courant, aud Samuel B. wi' B, of tbe Springfield Republican. Charles A. Dana presided and thers Short lengths Table Dam ask, from ito 4 yards, at pricas which make them intrinsic value V the purchaser. Napkin3, in both sizes 0 and 4, some patterns of which we have but half dozen, wiil be offered at very low figures. THREE SPECIALS (TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY), IK Damask and Huckabock TOWELS 10c, 18c, 23c. Having no more of tha was a full exchange of views about the ' CherUO QuiltS We Will offer business of news collecting and dis- mm j . . ... tribnting. It was apparent from tbe outset that th"re was a determined dis position to maintain the integrity of the newspapers of the eat at.d to in duct their business on broader bus-ni-SR iineR. The newspaper warfare which had been sn aggressively condncted by the Chicago manager of the Westtrn Associated Press was discussed in it. various bearings. The opinion wns unanimous that the time had now arrived for a combination of the newspap -r interests of the At 1 antic seaboard, the future to deleter mine whether the sob-r thought of individual members of the Western Associated Press should develop a re atrainiug influence upoa their own managers. It was resolved that a committee should be appointed representative of the entire east which should formulate a plan of combination. The Pbiladel pliians selected L Clarke Davis, of the Ledger, to represent them. John H. Holmes was chosen by the members of the New England association as their represent itive. Preeldi Hit Balkam will repr,s-rit the New York State Asssociabd Press. Berick Wilkins is the Washington rep resentative, and Captain Evan P. How ell, of the Atlanta Constitution, wns requested to represent the Southern Associated Press. By agreement among the United Press Newspapers, the New York Times was selected as tbe re pre tentative of the United Press on thi committee of six The committee organization sub sequently organized and selected John 11 Holmes U chairman aud the New York Tun s us secretary. A tne. ting of th members of this committee will be held tomorrow to consider the de tail necessary to the formation of this eastern newspaper association. e STRIKERS REFUSE TO WORK. The MoCiitche.in'i Iron Mill Started Yalerrtav with New Hand. PiTTsni mi, Feb. 18. Large crowds of iron workers stood about in the snow and sleet watching developments this morning at Lindsay e MoOutOh eon's Second Avenue mills, where an effort wa being made to start the works independent of tho organised workmen. There was no disorder of any kind, the finishing mills started and a few pn Idlers went to work, but the msjority of the old hands refused to take their jobs at the rednoed wages. The plant has been Idle ilnoe Jon and gives employment to over 400 men. the Marion 11-4 same price 95c. at the 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. lit EUTTI PERCHA 4 RM1 M'FE Cft'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS. A BCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Bel'dng, H. A. Kinqfsburv AH EXT 813 Fprnce St., Scranton, Pa. LewlSg Reilly & Davies POLITE BURGIAHS LEAVE A NOTE. and Might Said They Nnadeit ( lotbe Cell Again BOSTON, Feb. 12. Burglar entered the store of U E Fletcher ,t Co., gen tlemen'a outfitters. Boylstoo itreet,dnr- ing Thursday night, and stole about 8)700 worth of goods. They loft a note stating that they were aorrv.biit bard time forced them to the job, and hoped the linn would not feel bad if they hijuld "happen round thnt way again." m . THE TARIFF REFORMER BETTER. Wllaon'a Condition Not a Seilou aa That of tho Asa-rloan Pord. Kansas Citv. Mo., Feb. 14 Con gressman W L Wilson, chairman of the house wave and means committee, who is lying ill nt tho CoStOS House here, 1 closely confined to his room but is somewhat better today, and x perts to resume bis journey to Mexico Thursday. His condition is not regarded as se rious. WEATHER FORECAST. WslmiNiiTON. Feb. 12. Form! era Pininsjfrmiiu, hniii snous, solder, noHAeasi shijtiny lo noHAieeef pales. . 1 11 liUil Reliable Footwear. CM Fact of every description titted at Lewis, Reiliy & Davie3. Will aloe even evening at 0 SO P.M. etoepl sutur.lHy. We Examine Eyes Ftm of charge, it' a doctor ii needed you are promptly told bo, We tiiso guarantee ;v per feot lit. WATCHES AT COS T fur 0110 Week only. I J. UK, AHCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE