f ;the scranton tribune -Monday morning. February 12. i94. LIVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS 1 Thk Sc-ranton Truiunk' Pittaton de partment is in cliari;, of I. at. lAihy, to Whom news items aud complaints may be refi-rred. THINGS OBSERVED AND NOTED. The filing Of ol'j 'clioiH to th vnri otis pirlv an.l nomination paptrS dur ing the pust week caused a decided Sensation in this plao.. The lack of a thorough knowledge of the law uov- srning Uitt drafting and filing of the paptra may bo aaid to ba dun to the oomplioitions whioh hsts arisen, u tiiuei like the. present wli n vry voter wants to be an ofllca holder and the disrupted state into which the sev eral parttaa have been plnagad the slt natton, p ditieally, ii a moat oompll oa ted one. Tha daolalon of tbaoQort, Whioh It la exnrotad will be handed down tins vreok, is twaltad with inter est. Should the court sustain t ie 00 JfOtlOttl the nised titer.' will be uo end of trouble and tha uatur.sl mfereii U nanv votes will ba lost through th in liffsrsnot of th voters who will not take trouble to write In the nan 'S of tboaa for Whom he otherwise would have cast ins billot a a a A email boy. not more than 8 raan of aye, night have been seen during the paat week in the vicinity of 1'ine street hopelessly intOXlOSUj Th sit! lit was a most pitable on and c tiled forth many sxprvtsiont of sympathy for the lunoceut little victim The person who w.is raapooaibla for the dia traaatng speotscls, if known, abonld be made to feel the punishment his in famy doaarvaa, U is a duty the pir anta of the unfortunate lad owe to s -elatr and th--protection of onr noral and s tela) welfare As Ions aa sucS tra:isirssio:is of law aa I I viety are allowadtogo nnpnutabad just so ion, will tue stability of our goYrnnant bs ia peril. a a a Wooid it not be a -tood idea to have plao.'il over each. lire al irm bos a sui ill sijiu deiiti ktlttg th loc.iti u of tit various Iters, ineb as are to b seeu In ail the cities wh-re the electric alarm system is In use1! It would prov quite an lonoVOtioo orar the pressat rrauie meut aui cue we feel wjulj be greatly appreciated by our people. A correspon lent reviewing ths OOtt iitiou of tue poor man trutufully says "The poor man, whether ue toil on the surface of this earth or delva m the deepest dsptus of la BtinsS, is prC our free government, entitled to ex- j press his views and to carry tuein into j eti-ct, 3nd he ouly is deserving of con ttmpt who Culls him base. A man's wortu as a citizen m this fre9 republic should ba measured not by his lineage, his birth, or his money bag, bat by his 1 honesty, his independence and his meutal and moral makeup. " To have witebed Actor ilaatell Sat urday evening enacting the role of the hFP7 tfroom over his pan iing mar riage with the beautiful Lucille would ! not have suggested to his admirers j that tha actor, like the rest of hu- ' maoity, has his nps and downs in this world, a speamng of his arrest for ! contempt of eonrr. to a reporter, Mr i Mantell said it was all a mistake and that he would be ia N'-jw York today to I answer the charges preferred by his ' wife, from waotu he is separated. He baa paid h.s w.f tae alimony required of him, ami was undar tha impression j that tn case waa to be held in abey ance antil he would be playing ia N'ew York in March. Mr. Mantell firtaer aaid that fw a week was too much to pay for his wifes support daring sach a had season, and he intended to mas-; aa effort to have it reduced. OUR NEW CONEY ISUNO. Scheme to Convm Evsrhart'i Island into an Amanmnat Plact. A party of Weat :iide capitalists coa teoip.ats purchasing Ereruart's Islaad. in tae snsijaehanna river, near Pitts ton. It wili be the Coney isl ind of Pittaton, or at least it is the naro .se of the projectors of tne scneme, V.' ,ve it aomething on the order of Oney Island or Olen Island, fat sport and recreation. It ia hoped that the scheme will ha promulgate 1, for a place like tins is just wnat w ned. When the Wyom ing Vslley Traction company his its East -Side roid completed from Scran ton to Wilkes-Bsrre tne entire valley will ha acaess to the resort. Tbe gentlemen interested in tne scheme evidently bav long heads, for there is no doubt of I fl being a popular resort People would swarm there on an Angnstnifht from all directions, like flies aronnd a sugar barrel. Journal. Crlt xlslna- a Ynnni I.ady. "She would be pretty girl for but one thing.'' 'what's Ibatr asked Charley. Oeorge fler far is always fevered with purple and red blotches. f.nsrley On, that's essily enongh dis posed of. Dam t ths inn Way my self, bnt I rsnght on In th trouble oni day, and got, rid of it in no time. Oeorge What was it? I barley Hirnply blood ernpMons. Took short course of P. P. I'. I tell yon, It's ihe boss Mood corrector. The governor bad rheumatism so bad that yon i onld hear him ho'ler clesr across the country every time he moved. Kb tried it, and yon know what n athletic, old nf. he is now. If somebody would give Miss fMUy a pointer, she. wonlrt thank them after wards. All the. drug stores sell it. T" ssrller symptoms of dyspepsia, snch as distress sfler Mting, hesrtlmni, and occasional headach'-s, should not b ne glected. Take Hood s Harsaparilla nnd be cured. Hool'i P, lis are the hest.family cathartic and liver medicine. Ilnrriiless, reliable. Mire SCRANTON OIOCESEAN UNION. Officers Tender Thxlr RselBnatlon at Third DisMlot Msetlng. The Third district of the Hcranton Diocesesn anion, aztandlngfron I'itts ton to Naiitlcokn, HHseinhled in Fatbar Matthew hall today. Forty-one dale gates were pres'int. President Levan and Secretary James H. Fox resiitaed their positions owing to pressing business interests. The vacancies were filled by the else tlon of M. J. Walsh, of Wilkes- lUrre, as president, and J. J, QnlOO, of this place, ns secretnry. The convention was called for tlio purpose of pnssiug upon the fensibility of making life insurance a practical feuture in connection with the temper ance causa. It was dually decided to make its discretionary instead of com pulsory with tbe members. The con vention adjonrned to meet the third Sunday in April at Kingston, Pu. Burdock Bmui Hhtkus taking nfter eating will relievo rnyleeliug of woight or overfalness of stomach. Hold everywhere. PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. Little Nuggets of Nowi nnd Qosslp Just Freshly Mlntd All Pennsylvania Coal coumauv works wers idle on Saturday. Nos. 8 and 111 and Kwen and Central collieries will work this week and ull others will be tdle. Storm doors are belli;; erected nt the hospital, Electrician Bsrher was busy all day teatarday locating a break in the else trie tire. alarm rvic;. The obahga tune in the running of trains by the Vulley company is re ceived with much faror by our oltttani and business men. A train leaving here at -l o'clock in tho afternoon, under the new sch.nliile, locates tho traveler in the city at t o'clock, thereby giving a rapid service at a oonvsnlanl hour, "Tba Kace in the Moonlight," with liobert Mmitell in the loading role, at tracted a large mid cultured MQdiMOi to Music hall Saturday evening. The play is on which holds ttie undivided attention of the sndiuece throughout Keiiutlful fltghtt of dialogue, ooiubiti- ln; all the qoalltlaa of hanor and pathoi following In rapid succession, m ikes the perfornanoa n most enter talnlng ona Tne acting Of Mr Man tell w is tliwless. lie w is ablv sup ported by Mis Kathrlna JCtrrlcan aa Uarsnarlta, and Miss Bihrna as Unci la wh . by the w iv. is n in st boaatifol woman. I'he mile members of the company did their work well and Were warnly applandad. Beginnlug yoaterday a new Una table went into effect on the Lehigh Vallev railroad Tha prinolnle obangea are as follows Trim No 1 (went bound', dally fall express, will leave New York at B:80 a m, (8:10 a. m. m Sundays) Instead of 9:80, and will us Pittaton at 1 18 p in., instead of 8:53, reaching Buffalo at ! p. in This train has a oh drear, New York to Wi.k i-Barre, Pnllnau parlor ear Philadelphia to Buffalo, and dining car between N-w Y rk anil Wilkes ll.rre Train No. '2 (,at bound), daily fast lay tzprvas will lev Bniptneion Hri !gi" at s 93 . m., reaching Pittaton t 4 la p in . instead of l! 14, auj r nviug ai N w York it ;) ;ss a m Tbla train bai through sleepers from I'ai eago to New York and Philadelphia, ilao Pullnan parlor car from Buffalo to Philadelphia, and dining oat trom Wilkes IS.irre to N w Y'ork The members of the Scranton checker j club hare challenged the Pittlton (layers to a gme, an I the Utter h ive accepted. The game will be played here Wednesday or Thursday eveuiug. I'h first game played br these olnbS resulted in a tie. and the result of the second gam will Do awaited with great interest A civil serTioe elimination of sppli i cants for positions as nsll carriers or post office clerks was ooodnoted at the i Htgn school building Saturday by tbe i board of civil service sxanlnsra, John j F. Costello, president; Willism Uilles ; pis, sscretary in! Morgan E Bvuoii. : Twelve applications were receive! for I admittance to the class, but only nine t applicants underwent the elimination. I Frink Cosper Is In N'ew York, In at- ' ten lines at the poultry show. Miss Reid, of 1'itisburg, and Mijs ' Leuihine, of Wilkes-liarre. are enjoy ing tue hospitality or Misa Rear, of William street. Y'esterday was a beautiful day. The warm suns rays brought out large groups of promenaders. an I tue ser vices ta the various cn arches were well attended. It woall appear that several of the county seat papers are misinformed as to the number of times the late Dr. John T. Doyle wss married, or elsedis claim any knowledge of bis first mat rimonial venture, which occurred over tmrty years ago. Tne funeral of Eddie, the fourteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mullen, of Browntowu, occurred yes terday afternooa, and was largely at tended. Interment waa made ia Mir est street cemetery. Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo. The ben salve in the world for Cats Braises, Borss, fleers. Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, (.'happed Hands, Chilblains, Coras and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively enres files, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction cr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. INDIA AT THE M E. CHURCH. Miss fpirks Dives a Highly Instructive and In'eresting Il.utrr4 Lecture. FfCinl to IK Srrantnn Trilnuu. HomOALI, Feb. 10 Miss Fanny Sparks, a retn-nd missionary, gave an illustrated lecture in India last Friday evening that was amusing, interesting and instructive. Sue described tbe country, told of its magnitude, of its people, their customs, worship, etc. Her brilliant lecture waa further en hanced by members of the BpWOftft League doning the costumes of tbe people of India wnich weri furnished r.y Hiss Sparks, thus illustrating the lecture and making a vivid picture! Those who represnted the clsss and locality distinctions rf the p ipls were Misses L iln I!. Flench, Annie Patter son, heriha VrV. Lah Lott. May Thorpe snd Miss Dil, in contrast was Jennie Ball tad Mrs. Oeorge Robertson as christian ladies. Ifelli 'wr, M.ud Benny and liessi Brawn, at Undents, Robert CtOSSlsy was the groom nnd little Francis Bsojimin the bride. In Ooatrasj with tills little Indian girl was an American bride, Miss Sadie l. Itsy. Oeorge Shuttling wss the groom s father, nnd Bcott Hon the bride's pater nal overseer Frederick B, CroSSloy was Die Hindoo priest, and Perry A. Lslisrr and tlenrge A Smith Btt'ldlsl prieits Songs wr- sung in Hindus tsnee, and the entertainment closed With refreshments. Miss SparKs impressed her hearers very favorably, nnd Isotnrtd at Iwith services. Iti HAHITJD by I! I , iiuis'iain o-, .turn. ,Nuiiiiinr unn b.iner, lit Allen, P ) my rheiii. niism sneli (jun k relief as l)r lli'iine. I.iectrlc Oil tmlievi) It Infallib for rlKiiiiiiatlcs." Mrs C. A. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Edwards, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Dor sbinsr, Mies llertha Colvin, Leon Col viu and ( leorge Mull. A very pleasant time was had. All united in wishing Mr. nnd Mrs. sfstl ear a happy continuation of their mar ried life. CAUGHT AT CARBONDALE. An Bat attaining lludval of Itsms From a Nwy Writer ajMetol i" "i SsnMttM IVIoaaa Caiiiiondai.k, Ph., Feb It). -F. (1. Btontlugsr'left ysstsrday for Utioa, N Y., whsrsns willspsnd tbs Btbbatb, Mrs Ueuu Brooks nnd sou Donald nre upending a lew dsyM ns the guests of BoraotOO friends. 11 ('. BamdSU, Of Bllth avenue, has purobSISd u lot on River street, and sspsots to soon to erect a bone thoreott, A sou was bom this noming to Mr snd Mrs. ObarlN Vogul, or Pari Mtrset. Mrs A PaSOOe and Mrs D. Sonrr ire visiting friends in Pbllsdslphls for a few days. Mis Haydn F.vans, of BorsntOn, is thegbsstof her nother, Mrs, WillUn RlVenbnrg, Of Laurel s ton ut w M Latbrops, of the Lesdsr, is on K lew days' visit with friends in New York city Dr. Used Bartll, of HonesiUle. was snong tha visitors In this oily ysster day. Uayor lien luck returned home lust evening from a busluuss visit In New York. A P TraatWSlu, of Lincoln avenue. bus reseived a tslsgrau itnnounolng lbs snd intelligence of the death of his father, Paul I'raiitweln. who died at ins home in Soboksn, N. J, The lel tw ire and Hudson company pal I their Qrsvlty railroad employes andsbop hMdl in tins city yesterday. 1'odiy tuo steam to 1 1 employee will be paid. The new special police Imve takn the oath Of "tlice in tbs city before Mayor Bendrlek, Tbey are 1 lurry Bo .th. (.' V lllockridge and W. J. Fill ton. FRESH FROM OLD F.TRCE. Uie News 01 Die ly ReOOFded 1" an Interen linr Way SfHCiol tn th$ gwoafoa rWfteae OldForob, Pa, Feb 11. Bmsnnt Lory, who wss tho tirst tonsorlal artii to open up hero, has returned to us an I rented the spacious rooms of J ames Hnttb, where, without doubt, from lis nuso well known and generally like I, lie will rally around him many of his old-time customers and do a successful bllSUHts. Miss Nellie Pandred, one of the most popular Indies of Jermyn, is on n visit to her sister, Mrs. L. Morris, of Band ban. Mrs Oliver, of Itendhatu. was greet ed with a surprise sleighing party from Jermyn. P. F. McDonald, who has been one of tlie most obliging clerks in Jsruyu S store, severs his connection with that firm today. One of Mr. S. Friedman's sons is v.?ry sick. Officrs Rees and Price, of Rundham. are determined to enforce the ordin ance for outside pad in that por tion of Taylor borough. Evan H .wells, of Rendham, has n daughter sick. Mrs John Morris has returned home accompanied by her charming little daughter, Rachel, after a week's visit to friends in N'auticoke. Miss Maggie Peppard, of Providrnee, is visiting Mrs. Thomas, m Barber town. The Bnltbflsld inn, formerly con ducted by Jotin Banders, has ben taken by William Tapohs, who former ly conducted a hotel in Taylor. It is Contemplated by the owner to make additions and improvements to the house which are much needed. DEATH OF MISS H0BAN. An Estimable Young Lsdy of Carbon -dale Wi 1 Re Buried Today. Special to thf .Scmitfon Tribune. CaRBONDALX, Pa., Feb. 11 At 3 30 o'clock yraterday morning occurred the death of Miss Nora C. Hoban, of 37 South Church street, after a three weeks' illness Tne young lady was in her twenty-first year. The funeral will bo held Mon lay morning at U 30 o'clock in St. Rose ' hurch, whore a requiem mass will bo celebrated. Interment will be made in St. Rose cemetery. . A proa Vin i toys. For ."i-yoarold Ni d, who enjoys work ing with hammer mid saw, you might make a OOrpen tor's apron by this pat tern from (rood Honseki'dpiiig: Thrw qnarters .f n yard of bright striped tick ing, a Vx.lt of tape to match the color of the HtriS'i, nnd n yard nnd a quarter of strong (robbing will be tbe materials re- What is Ciiritorln is Dr. Huniul Pitclicr'H proMcription for Infants :i ml ( hi ll rcn. 1 1 out nins neither Opium, Morpllillfl nor other Narcotic mihstuiicci. It is a barmlesi HnhNtituto for ParegorlOi Dropo, Soothing Syrups, and Custor oil. it is Pleaiants Iti gaarantoe is thirty yonrs' uho by millions of Mot horn, ( astorlu (lest royi Worms and allayti fovorlabiieaii Cattorla prevents vomiting Sour Curds cures Dlnrrhosa anil Wind Colic. CiiNtorla relieves teetblng troublot, ouroi eonstipation and iiuiniuncy. Caotoria Boaimllatei tho food, regulates tho stomach and dowels, ivlnp; healthy and natural sleep. Casa toria is tho Children') l'auacca the Mother's J'rieud. Castoria. 111 II A SILVER WEOUING. Mr. and Mr. M zr Csteb ats Their Twenty-Flfih MurrUg. Anniversary NlHCinl to the Sri anion 1'rthune. Ot.Kvm.itN, I'a . I'V II. February 8 being tha twenty fifth ainiiyers irv of tbs insrriags of Mr. and Mrs. F. I). Metzgar, the event was celebrated by the gathering of a few of their many friends. From out of town were Rev and Mrs. James Fieldiiu, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A, Kali, Pnnk Hiker, Mrs mid Miss Perk ton, OfDsltonj Mr. ami Mrs. F. L Thomp son, Newton; Mr and Mrs. Amos White, (Jlsrk'e Summit; Mrs. Thomas Staples and Ban, Binghatnton, N Y. ; Osoar Asar and Mrs. W. C. Smithing, Olyphant; II. VV. Kerr and wife. Scrnnton. From town Mis. P, E. Sheret, mother of Mrs. F. I) Metzgsrand T, Metzger father of f.U. Mstzgar. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Brooks Mr nnd Mrs. B. J. Hall, D. W Uriflin and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hrooks, J. A. Woodward and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Northnp, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Northnp, Mr. and Mrs. H. VV. Northnp, Mr. and Mra. . Sherwood, Mr. anil mi u.l, noy's A I'll' in, quired. Tbe apron Is a perfectly straight piece nf goods, with the upper I'niners out out H" ns in form ii bib, Bind around tbe bib with the tape and put fj inch hem scroes tbe bottom, ('ui a gejid sbwd pocket from tha pieces, bind across the top, ititoh on at the left side of the apron nnd stay strong ly nt. the corners, nsit li for koldlngtooTe or nails. Cut the webbing in two pi and new one pisi u BOCh COrnOT of the bih, cross tin se straps nt the book nnd Hew the oilier etui to the lower corners lit. the waist line. Popcorn Bulls lloil liiolnnses lis for oondyi when cooked, pour over the corn, which niiisl be nicely popped and placed In n pan; stir with n IpOOO until COOl eOOttgh to work with the bands. Grease the bonds with butter, form tbs corn Into bulls, mid Iny tin m on well buttered dishes. Wlieti Hal ij- was slek, we c.ivn her f'astnrt. When she won n child, Mie cried for Cantoris. When nlie iHM'aiiie Mr., nh t-lunr to ' , i-t ia, Whuu uhu hud Childrvu, she guvu Iheui Castoria, "Osstoria is an excellent medietas for eMl dies. Hoinersbave repestsdly told we of Its good sffeot upon then- oblldrso." (in. u. c. Osoeon, Lowell, ii . . " Ossterls is tbs Ih-m ra ty for children ol which i swi sftipudnted. t nope ihoduy is not fariiistuiit ebsn mothers atllooosldsi theruui IntSfrst of Ihelr ehililrtai, ami use ChsIomu in sleud of ttiuiirloiisiimek mmtrunis which are destro) in their loved ones, by forsbsiopluni, morphine, boothin syrup uu.i other hurtful agents down their throat, then.hy staiiling them to prSmStUie graves." lilt. J. K KlNiaiKI.DK, Oonws) , ark, Castoria. " ( 'ustirhi Is no well udupi ni to. MMren dial I reooflunsod iluuuuivriorloaiiy j. . : ,, . i, know ii to inn,'1 II. A. Aiii'iikii, M. D., Ill Ho. Otfofd Bt , llrooklyu, S. Y. " Onr pbysli laiis in the eblldrsols iiepsrt nsnt havs : i highly of thair eiii runt hi their oulhlilo prSStlSS with OsitOI la, Sod although WS only huvo an.oi.tr OUI medlffal Huppiies what Is known as regular prodnotSi yst wears true to ooafess that flu merits of Ouiloriu has won us to look wilL fuvor iiiou It." USI1KU flllSnill SNII UlHI'KNSlKY, lioston, Mass Aij.sn 0. BWTS, I'm., mm CLEARING Si A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. uu Thouaanda Remnants of Dry Goods, clonks and Fur Capes (luring snie at less than cost of material. Every inch of ootutot room oovered with the greateit bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hate, this season's styles Oo. each Hoys Winter Waists 0o each. 300. each. Uotkt 11.50 esch. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. 00MB, IT WILL I'A Y YOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Tho Centaur Company, 11 Murray Struct, New York City. RELIGIOUS AWAKENING. A lirsut Chineli Rsvlvsl In Proirrsss St Sli'oudabu rit. Bptciul to the Bsmston 7V(6us4. Strouushuko. Pa , Feb, 11. A great revivi is in progrees in the Methodist Episcopal church of this place, and up to ilste Hourly 00 conversions are re ported. It is the most successful held here for npwnrils of twenty -rive years, when scores professoil conversion. A liirtfe number of young men of the town, together with h iiumlier of older people, hnvn joined the church on pro bation. The success of the meetiiiKS is almost due entirely to th uersonal work done by the pastor of th church, Rev. L. IS HotTiuan, formerly of Pbihv 'lelphia. who was sent here last full to fill the pulpit In place of Rev. A L I rban, who left the .Methodist churc i for the Episcopal church, ami is now stationed at Tuiikhaiitiuck. R-v. Hot! man's plan of campaign is to visit business men at their places of business and at an opportune time talk on the subject of religion. 1 he interest manifest,' 1 his be.n so great that the storss for over a month have been closoil esrly evenings toirivs clerks ami merchants an opportunity to attend. Beecham's pills arc few Biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid iver, dizziness, sick head iche, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused y constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent ause of all of them. Book free ; pills 25c, At Irugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Spring Ginghams. We hae placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices an.l see the fnrnnco and be con vinced. A full line o HEAT ERS, Appello ami Gauze Door Range, CONLAPS HARDWARE pi ris roN, p B RICK 11. 1 DRAIN FRONT, WIRE cu r, 1IOI. LOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COM MON B RICK Best in tho market Brandt Clay Product Co, OFFIOBi Blngbntnton, N Y FACTORY 1 Bmnlt, P nrUKIt SIIOK CO.. Itifi'p, CMBllal. )! ,(M.0(M. BUT ni.nn SHOE IN Till', woitl.lt. UA Hollar ISStfll ll S Swftff ISfSSrf, 1 TliUl.itillnii'HoMil I .. in I, l)niols lllil not ion iiiiki ili.lvnii'il in., inn h. 1.. 111 Hi.. I s Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT 4 CONNELL CO. PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Vslusbls se a Souvenir of tbs Fair. QUITE EASY WHKV TOO KNOW how $300 IX PRIZES WILL BR DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THK PUZZLE IN IHL SHORTEST. SPACE I TIME FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND Al TOT SiOKK.s. uK BENT To ANY ADDRESS I PON KBCEIPT OF PRU I . i::. ENl B, BT COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. 1V2 AND 114 feOL'TH EL TAW STREET, BALTIMORE MB AUCTION, AUCTION AT SuRDAMS 'Bargain Stores 1 ; ? Pen 11 Avenue. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING. JAN. 15 CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws. Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sijzn Red Flaer MT. PLEASANT Dexter Shoe Co., riM'i'l M of i 'twtii M I IBM nlor, or 1'nslnl Nolo for mlJOt K(iuitls) iiry rny tlm txHitn 1 ' i In nil rcliill sloros for $'.rn. Wn innki' thin Nmt MNtivMi khtnrora iMSf atiltr tint Jil, nluh' Ifid WHtfi nnd If miy (tun U not raiIsIIpi! will NINIM Ihp BOMy pih! BdOtbof I'lli j tppi.i ln or I'oninioii Hiiisf, wMHih 0, l, K, V I Ii htv I t H iitnl half iMIi Srtttl ynumitt; IlliistrntPil Ciitu logurj KREE FEOtHAL 3T ItOHTON, A1AHH. Jteuttr. LAifthnswit'Tr "" itjteeiol ttrmn t Lost MflnhoQil '1t.vi.,?"!,',v,' l-.ii M'o Nil Trl .... , ....... Ml .'V rtllM IMIAI'll t'.i, ri lilll.iu.i lUllll. Jf. With rltl.n OruUM.nin Hoi, I hv MAlTllEVVS esrsd i I wrlll.n KUS., UruavitB, i , , m.. I ., AT RBTAIti Oniilof tlm l qunllly f,,r dOHISSllS iii.nnil "f ll In flIUor.l In miy imi't of llin oily nt loWSSl iTlw. Ulili-I. Il'fl Ht NO. I I H, my rn.'i. U OMING vx KNUR, Rssr room, first floor, Third Wsttonsl Bsok, nr ml by mitll ir UltpllOftS U) US inlno. will rssslvs prompt sRsntlsa, Vpsolsl soatrssts wlu bs rosdsfof th. sils mnl ilullvi'i j nf HiirkwIiKnt r..nl WM. T. SMITH. AHTOHEHARTHAN tlUti South Wsshington Avnnue, Contrartnr nnil liulldor ,.f CinrrnlK l ln, .;, n,-, I'miuroUi HIiIih. Potato, llnttnr nml Cmil HIiih, Wi-t I Vllitn iIi iihI up Driloro my l mi m Thompson a PntV win m a Co., Mln mnl Kynoit Htrm.tn, or at Hrrauton Mots Works. ai KomniaUoni, Oistsras Flub Wii K 'I'uiiiikIh and Cnirliu. Flanging tor Uarilmi WnlltH. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion tnnatuac Pominl'a PoirJ der. It produce! a aoft and bcautlfnl skin, x ' .. i s. y v 'vj m RESTORE LOST VIGOR Ilvl.. Alt I l.ibtf. V .1 . W . 1 V.... - . . . . .. IRAN kK l nr.' ..-,. P. h l, I ., ot.ni.l ',-w.i , ,,,h.-, ... iinlMT Km'nloa. aoirT r.n. If ( retri .neb irouMo I. t I,. I, . I li.kit, IIT. 1 , p. r I, i t, ii .' Ah.,.. . 4, thh ., ,. Knrnii by John ii. PHBLFfl Pbsrasdst, eon WromlDt Jars, and Btiraes8s Scrsntiiu, la. ' manhood restored; i.trUHt NJ Al II K UMNIi noolhi . NEKVESErDK 1 1 I. . . .! At! rs ..! tsr lllrf' i tur a)1 RrilfUl sit iR' is, tion nt Mnmon, Low of Binln IVwrr, litm.,'ho. n nK.-fuiui. 1 ! llAabotHtj Nl(hU KntM.ou, NVrvt imum, flj dmiM 4 low ol pow PI IT n-i of tobMiOj opium or fttlmuUito. whirl) MM 0 lutim.Uj. i'on- RumptHti orlnHuiUy. (kn M mjtImTii rost poeni pin bo ! OT matt ptvpnitl Itll n orrlsir ntr h ni lllrn iimmnlrr lo rurr i ii 1 1 ii ins in it ll PT t r1MilRl T nf NU lf UUll ;,, , ,1 sv ilmsnrtttfl, Ask for It. tako i,'r, M:u r NVriMO, Manmc TVoipie. Onnw0.lu PorBala In Boranton. I'a., by U. C. SANOKHSON. Onvrit-t, cr w.uingtoa ATTHEWS BROS. Druggists and D1ALBR8 in BURNING and B I C LUBRICATING Vsl Ls O Atiiintio i . u.l hi,, i Pranoh too, I'mu Llnared Oil, Tiirpuiitliie and Vnrnlihoa Keady-mlted Talnta In all oolora, Ulldcra' Wk)IUfi farla White and Kalaoinlne, Oil' Vltrol, Marble Duet and Window OImi 11 POWDER CP Sl'KAM'ON, V.. MINING ami BLASTING POWDER MadS t tho MOOSIO nuil HUSU DALE WOHKS. Lnlllin A Rand Powdsr Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuses for explo l iu$ biuta, bafety Jfust and RepaunoChemicsJ Co.'s High Explosives
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers