THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MOHNINtt. FEBRUARY IB. 1894. UIIIIIIIIKIII1IIIIIIIIIII1HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU E CONFLICT IS Pipe Valves Fittings 8 'the hopes of the democrats O" - One Week from Tomorrow Will Oocur the Battle 01 tin Billots, E THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. S BlilllliilllllllllllllllillllllllllllHIIIR Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna 1 bey Will Nol Be HoaliieU, as thu Hoo ple Do Nol W.uii ,i Cli.tiio S.-lfrt and Oomman Councilman to Bo l ' li 1 in Ibe Even Numboi i il Wards end School Oontrolleri In the Odd Numbered w.uds. THE JT8 for.a Am. Laundry A B WARM AM. Grand Display Laces and mbi oideries .vr HEARS & 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers. Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY 127 Wyoming Avo. CUV .NOTES. One week (rOU tomorrow will be tiectlon l.iv, mill viuit lurfaoe Indloa llOM WOUld lend thti obtAfverltn believe tbat tlie Campaign ll taUie Mil uninter esting, some Vim y o:u nest work la being done .n many of too wardi o( tiu olty, The Democratic itateemen o! theoltj think tiiev -of ah opportunity ol . uu getting control ol kbtoity nounoili anil tri miking an IntofMtIng flli t in nil of tho doubtful warde, They nre work tiiit quietly, however, without muoh of tin' liurtli Which usual l) marks their campaigning, There is unall bopc for the inooou of their lohcme. loe people arc oou f I Dead that (bay now bate th muni elpal uiioblnery working unoother ami mora economically than ever before ml nre not nnxtooi for u change. Ever) aroircMivo Berantonleu reallate the lium hin now arrived when Soraaton mint make many permanent Improvcmenta if aim would kt al fomi with bet growth Id population and Importance. Nt'fclM wisk UOVtRNMKiT At tblt Important1 jr io.i u naadi a continuance of tnowite, r.uiservativo govarnuteul ii baa aaperlauead for aavaral year. Taxpayer! generally realie tl'i fact, aud will be loatli to make a ermine, especially as tin can dUale presented ty th Republicans ABOUT WELL KNOWN PERSONS lecturer N. H. H rooks, of Wnnder- laod. in onu of tile uioit genial of Ululi. Saturday was hit ihirty-'dftii birthday and in' waa treated to aaurpriaa that for it time dkaurbed his equipoise of temperament When tbo ourteln was wrung (Idwii on thu opening fu.iliuo of tbe Bltemoon performance Mr. Ilr . took hit position nt tii f Midgut! to deliver ble uanal Bator lay Itotnrt to tin' children, llefora bo bail fiuisbed the ourtaln waa inddenly raited ami i i us Homer, one ol the m 'mbere of Ihe Wninl-i l in I Stock company, in the nam ol Mr. unii tire. GreorgeDavia and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome, pre anted Mr, Brooki with anatlaaand iliotlonary, Poronoethc lecturer waa aliunel deprived of the power of speech and alter battlly expreealng iiin tbauki roibed from tho etnge with hht ImoIh under hit aim. Attorney ft, J, Bamtih t iIjv.ihhk' his leisure hours to tile uountruation of a drama that will be tiio I next ton Hon The sconn is loontcil in the coal regloni with a contention imtwenii capital ami labor aatbt itroug feainro The drama win p hums nuuv novel featurea am) admit ol ruainttu r proilnction of ic.nti in an I about n Coll 111 I II 0 Dhputy Bherifl William Oralg wan on laturday the recipient of many congratulatloni on ih dcolalon of In ternal ftwenue Collector Herring t.i appoint blm tlepuly collector of thin dlatrlot Mr. Oralg will attnmathe dutiee of ble office ou March 1, Uotil thai time tiu win continue to perform th tittle of deputy iberltf PrOthonotnry PryOf is a very enter litiiiK litlker. i ! . uiareluuJ of itorlee, aneodotee ami remlnitceuuee wbiob ho relatet in Inimitable atrle, llnortlje, while o ie of tne busiest in the county, is nltO one of th moat pop ular. William iwrrv, whooo clever toting in I'ne Ruing denotation" at tiie ca.iemv oi .uueic ou r riiinv nun nut tor potUleni in tu couotile and on the urday evening, waa ao much nppre TkeQineiil ef eeatml SbeeU3 'bis evemaj. Coeai on s-,urd 'anted a new trial ia tne caaa uf J jLa Jeruiya BgMiaat R A. tack. The BeiailtUU rl.-.ic a,-..l I.aJd-r .ampaoy w... b . . - !;.& iaa;a. bail at Turner ball this evenia. The furniture f..r use la tbe new inter rnr.l revenue nas arrived and is L--luf anpaoiced and set up. Electric Chi lod. No. U'j, Bertteini Eutual A:d aeeeetaiiin,Wltl bold it annual bail: Mneie ba.i on laoevmlagof Pebvti, On -itarday tbe c-.urt made an order t. rectinK chat Domootea Li jpp. an lnar priauoer at tbe illiuutv be removed Vj ibe Hilisijf! Boate The Central riepi.i-iiu eite wfll meet tLis evening, at time ofltcers wid be Botninar.'d. Tbe eteeCaM will take place at tbe rtrst meeting m March The mambers of the -Scran -on Checker Club bene ctw;lmrl itbe P.ttaton p.ayer to a game, and utter have accepted The game wdi i- played la Ptttetoa next V'eilne.:ay .,r Ti. iriday evatlaf oliovl boardaan men of high itanding tu the ward! hi which they have been nominated; uhu who have builneai qnalltkatione, intelllgeac, ami uuiiuc:io:ed uitettrlty. e'.ect uud common conncUmen are to ls elected in all the even numbered and eehool coutrollers in tlie odd ntUtt bared wardi in tbo Tenth and Six teenth warda th.e HepubUoU Cudi- dnfee for eeleot counoil hove no oppo- sitiou. The Teutu ward candidate is Cturle F Waguer. clerk of the county eontmltcioaere. 'i'ue people of the ?:xree:i:d ward pay a ursceful tribute t.i the past eervloee of Captain William Kellow by returmui himwitbont oppo- sition. THOSE WHO H WE TO TORT. In the beoond wnH Wadd M Finn, tbe well koowu Kepublicm aul M ::;iu. is Oppoeod by Jam J. Flvnu. a Democrat. In the Fourth ward W, J. Tliouuui. who at present occupies a seat in the common council wauls to l promoted to the sel Ll f..l ... L .. ..V. . . II , . uim -.'L iidiis. ins oiryjuvill is iu,m ener. I'emocra;. in the sixth ward Patrick G ldeu present seieot conaoilman, is a candi -date ou tbe Cltlaen'i ticket. His right to a re-election is con tee ted by M K Clark, wao received the Democratic nomination, Fred Dorr, tbo Kepublics.n caudi -date in tho Kightb. is battling with Edward J Walsti. Democrat. In the Twelfth ward tho Democrat hive the battle to tbetxtaelveei James.) Manly, ri:e present iocuuibent. and John F. Kearney are the warrior. QcorgO F, Kellow, Kepublicin. is itivin P. F. i Mc'-'inii. the present selectman, an in ! testing In tbe Fourteenth ward j with good promieee of sacceis. Michael (J. Barn. Democrat, and Jolin Ciwley. In lepeadint. are atrnsf rlinsf for the ealect council in the P.ibteent n wird, j and in tiie Twentieth Tbom is Mcl trail, bu.d a regular j rmocrat, i. waging a hopehm bittlo agaiQit A r uonneii. tne present em cient leleetman from tliat war J THI OKMCn OOOtCIL, f For the ofHce of comrain council El war! F Wenzel, Republican candidate in tbe Tenth ward, and Daniel Bottle, Democratic sandl late in the Twentieth ward, are unopposed. The other candidate are- Second ward, M, '' Morrte, Repaollotn, and A L Frar.'; is. Democrat, Fourth ward, .-siBson '1 homes, it pub.ican. iind .William II Rao, Democrat; .sixth i ward. John F. Itio., D.-mocrat, ilcbaei J Uuane, Cltixen'a party. , L;ihtb ward. F B. dlry, Repnbn I can. and Morn hch wartxkopf, Inde pendent Deniicrat. Twelfth ward, ' Morris Sweeney. Democrat, and Henry ' W. Ceflev I"er.ny!vnia Demo'-racy . - Fourteenth ward, H. U Kriegbnttm, Repnblicaa, and P. J, tfeolle, I) i r it: Sixtentn war I, Attorney J, W. t f'rowinir. RepnbHcan, prent conncil- man, and iarl" I? BobAit.DemoOTat; M M Williams. It i itn. i by aorantonlana, i one or tne moat entertaining actors oif the i that can b Imagined, lie u u itrong j believer in the idea that the public want to lituifh uud than he no one i can--- more good, genuine, heart y j laughter, but he duet not tiuvo to ro I eort to coarai or low tactics to do ao. ; As Martlu McSiisyne, Mr Barry gives j one i f the most oharaoterll ttooi of n prosperous, good-benrted Irishman that is to bo found upon tho American etnge. Hi oompany ie en Joying h lenten rest tbls week, a prac tice lie bus followed evsr since be first became well known to tbe amusement world with his late partner, Fay i ii FIVE DIVORCES GRANTED. Mr. Ida M.. Comb Beenrec of Them from the Coutt. Mr Ida Eugenie MoOomb was on Baturday freed by the oonrt from the V t'ound her to Eiitor John MoComb. of Hilton Facie There married Wfm ww nAt tt r a . . f i V . , I . Mr- Xt.'l '. ll'" .... ,u., I..,- .......... I ..... ...... I I,... most cruelly and offered great Indig -nltiee to her. For that reason the div-orc-' was granted A'sieatiue Etrbaoh waa granted div orce lr im Mr M iry K F.rbach bee uiso she had been unfaithful to him. The Erbacbs hay been separated (or aom j time. Mrs. Krhach now making lur home in New Jersey. Nellie Jacijues wis grunted n divorce from Wilirel Jacqnee for dosertton. and for the lame reason the bond, In name only, which joined Joseph Li Milburu and Sarah MUburn together waa dissipated. John . Jiin- s was also granted a divorce from Eliltbotb Jones for desertion. Iu the cage of Lizzie Price ugainet Ellswortn Price an alias subpena iu divoice was leeueda VIEWcRS APPOINTED Br COURT. Th y Will Assent the OOOt cf Siwers tJ Be C)ulrucld Court on Saturday appointed C. Carman, Timotby Jone aul Daniel '1. Kelly Viewer! of the proposed sewer system for Webster, Taylor and Proi peetavennee, Mulberry street, Buenzil and Bcbultl courts 'Ihey will meet on March h Attorney C. II. Soper. Attorney P. W Stokes and Frank Moeiler were ap pointed viewers of the Ueln sewer in the Thirteenth district, and Attorney ,1 I -i riiL;, Frank . I Dicker! and W. II Iierhy viewers of tho sewere In Si let, Mineral, Carbon uud (iordon streete PLEASANT BIRTHDAY PARTY. Was Tendered Mite If ay be at H.u "Franklin Avenue Hmnt. At Lake Artel Dee Coosooem lea eonv peny f Berantwi bas sbao forij tnen at . Riffbtaenth ward. work barveating ice, aod the lake it now i p:j,jr:ari, present conncilman. an I Ja scene of bus activity, r be ice j tin ! f ,, ,.rnocrat Nineteenth ward ty carloads of it . being diiir this city. Sr.omon lioldsmitli. of ilsinith s hawar, ha jost return--1 after a long t r in Ne.w Yor: city ar.u sat tlwt the de preciation of pr.res if 'lry good in Man instance 1 so great that fifty and anient y five cent will In. y a m ic i n- one dollar did a year ago. THE MAYOR'S SUNDAY COURT. A Horael Woman Who Wa Turuak and R'iie.t'1 Arrest Mr. Haggerty, M years old, arid homeless, was drunk an 1 creating n disturbance en ' dsr a7euue early yesterday morning. When .-pecml oflicer Phillip attempted totstkenor in custody, she screamed and refused to acu impany him. Tne om;sr proved ,-: to the emergency and trana ported her to the municipal building in a dray. She wa full of rooeotanoe when brought bnfON Mayor ( onnl I yesterday morning and was fined 'J k0 Anthony Dacey. H year old, of the South Side, was so helplessly intoii catud on Lackawanna nvenuo that it reijulred the united efforts of two oftl cere to goide him to the station house, lie pleuded ' hi ft OtTeoeo" utid tbe mayor dlicherged him with a reprl mend, e WONDERLAND'S STOCK COMPANY. Tbe Flrtt Week of Manager Davit' Ven ture Very Suooeetful. The lirst week of Manager Davis' stock conipnny at Wonderland wn very successful. If his cotnpnuy con tinues to do aa good work as that wbioh characterized tbe performance lest week, tbe patrons of Wonderland will be given many enjoyable treats. An excelleut comedy, entitled "Ko tuatice and iieality," will !" produced ou Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and on Thursday, Fridny mid Saturday a dramatization of Dickens' novel "Oliver Twist'' will be presented. There will be matinee every day except today and Thursday. Ik von want tbe later styles and finish iu photography, yon can get It at lirtfllnV, Wyoming avenue. Wo are introducing Dew uuvelties constantly. shinned to ' '' vacn('y cause I by resignation of ' I County Auditor John Kink, August F ranz. Republican, ami P J Mickey, Democrat M)J no Of ' MTflOU In fonr of the eleven wards in which members of tho boir 1 of control am to elected, tr.e Republican candidate! are nUlppOied, In tho Plfth ISd Fifteenth war Is 'ieorge li. Cirson and John II Williiitus are given a re election sj a reward for past service, and iii tbe Ninths, ward, VVil Item .1 Welsh will succeed QfOfgC ii Thompson without, a Itruggle, i rank H Darker will succeed II W. Kingsbury In Ihe Seventeenth ward. In Ihoiirst ward QfOfff Mitchell, who has been an ofli dent member of the board for year, bus a ipiasi imposi tion in the hope of ex Select Council - an Qeofgc Archibald, it Ii gener ally Conceded that GeOrge! candidacy itajoke. Menry J. O'Malley.the )mo cratin mem tier from the MtAOOrntlo Third ward, le asked to earn hi right lo return by defeating Thomas Connor, iiolepi.ndeiit John llnvtiiney hit been nominated by the Democrats of tlie BaVIUtb to succeed himself, but he is opposed hy James J I'adden. imlepend flit Benjamin P. Moore. Itspuhlinan.hae ropreseuted the Klovunth ward for sev eral years and Is a candidate for re election, ills opponent Is Charles J Conrad, Democrat. IN THE OTtUfa WAIUH Charles S. Jacob who now repre sents the Thirtueuth ward Is the lie publican candidate and Is opposed by Attorney '1 houia t, Wells, Democrat. Barmen Note wants to be returned from the Nineteenth ward a a Demo i rat but Jacob Muutz, Republican, is likely to Interfere with his praisewor thy nmhitlon. In the Twenty first ward tbero ore three candidate, W. S. LaugsUfT. GUI' zens' candldato, K. J. Leonard, Demo crat, and David J. BfTRO, l'-ople party, Mr. Laugstaff bus represented the ward wltii much nbllity for sev eral years and will undoubted ba reelected. A birthday party was tendered In Mis Dell Maybe at her home, VII Franklin avenue, Saturday evening. Those present wore (tertle Long, Lidia 'atnjiliell, Uertie Cnmpheli, li, i uniiii'll, Kilty ( ampbell, iAIay U id mail. M iry l)en, Anna .Mayer, I '! Mayer, Dorn tlrigge, Vergie dtigge, Mary Scotl Norma ' Atln, I'eisr ' lodman, Wni- tef Mayaie, RuftU Jdohnrd, llopie Mc Clercn, Vivian MoClaren. Fred Lttner, Jerome Scott, Stevn Myhe, John Bleter, Harry Rttful, of Wilke llarre lu geiend District pursues oc of a EnBlisb, You Know. ThgueziotypeetUroves', iii Spruce. Hepnhlh ne P'Snllltlon of Ihe stHiiilnig committee of Ihe Itepnlilli itiiH of the second tacglelntlve dletrlot, n conven t loii will lie h"ld Iii the nrliit ration room nt the court house, i-liv of Scrnntou on Tuesday, Feb. IB. IHWI. nl, 'i o'clock p. in., for Ihe piiriee of electing "lie ilekgate Lu represent said Mm elate conven tion to ln In lil nl. lliirnshnrK, rl , on Weiiiiesdar. Majrte, latti VlgHaooeoom nltteee will bold prtumrteeoe Mnmrday, Feb, in, b twera tne bourn of 4 and Tp. m. w. s Mm, i ah, Ohalrman A. J. Km. ti, Secretary. BcranteD, Pa , Jan. ML 1181, Furanton'a Butlnee Inlnrette Til TfMBVgS Will soon publish a cam fully compiled sad classified list of tho lending Wnoleeale, Imiiklng, inanufaolur lii' Hhd profeanliiiinl Intereeta of Hermilon slid vicinity. 'I he edition will be bound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with pliotogrnvure view of our public, build inn", hilsllie bloi Us, strmits, etc. togelher with Dortrnlt! of leading citizens. No slimlnr work has ever glveu an eqttOl re proiientallon of Scraniou a many Indn i trie. It will le' an Invaluable exposition of our bntiue resources. Sent to I pernons onteide the city, copies of this handsome work will alt.rnct BOWOOmcn and be an uneiiinlled nivvrtlvein"iit of the city. The clrcu -I latum Is on a plan that cannot fall of good . results to those concerned ns well nithe city atlsiire. Representative of Tub Tiuiu nk will call upon HgOU wiiohn namK are tiKaiimn lu tbii edition and explain It nature more fully. Tboso desiring views of their residences' In this edition will please leave notice at the office. , , Mt.lliutiK'ii new Turkish bntb. Ilvery thlng new. WHI ' Spruce Ntreet, opposite Court House. Vary Stylish. Tbo new process photos at Groves. NOTES OF THE GUARD Grille Writes Euh'ridiuiuilly ou Military Mailers. REGIMENTAL ORDERS ISSUED Court Martial to Be Convened Pro motions That Have Been Made. Shoes lor tins Non-Conimln'iioned Officers Captain Fellows lo Retire. Oflii it', I nt. i I. lined it Montrose. New Hoard ol Otlicei ; Oi ( ,iniod. Colonel Ripple leaned Ihe followln order the past week BiAOQOAJiTini lira ukuimcnt. Im IHTnV, BU liKIUAOC N.U I' Si liANioi, I'll . I'ub 5, IVil ) Regimental 1 ndm no, I. a regimental i ioiii t mei iial is hereby ordered to convene at regimental bead' nnrrtere for ih tiiai of Private Walter Hobu, Oonpan) H, Thirteenth reglment( n i i'.. ami such where may come before li Bald oourt will ooavene Friday evening, February 88, 1884, t I o'ciuck, nini have nermleeion lu sit evening! ii Detail for oonrt: LleutenanoColonel H. a. Coarsen i nfJloer of the oourt, Lien' leueiit JettieeM Dakford, judge advocate. By ordei "t i loboxnti Bin v H, RirfMii SV, s. Mu i in, Adjutant Piivate Hohn is to he courtmartialed for uou 'attendance at company drill. Tho follnwlng promotion liuve been made the neat week Company A Bergennt Hurt Thayer, to Plrat Ber geanl Bamuel imuhh to Second! Her gi ant Qee to Third Sergeant; Corporal A. It. Livingstone to Pourth Sergeant, and Corporal t Ieorge Llco to Plfth Sergeant. Tho following were ap pointed corporals A Weineehank, I . K. Ilartmau uud Llo Schluipff. The following promotione were mu i ' In Oompany i Tbomai Qlllman to I'lrst Sergeant, Corporals John Hughes and L. Keel to Third ami Fourth Ser- gionte respectively, and tne following private were promoted to corporals A. It Foot!, and Hooert Ward. Bern cs: Cnrlyle wa made oompany clerk SIIOKS I OU THI NO flOttft The noti-coinmitsioued staff can dis pel all lent' of going barefooted tbll winter. Order! have been received at regimental hendaunrten to Mho: th-i nou-commisiloned staff. For the por poso of taking measurement! every nOUeommiRllOn of the stuff should be present ut headii'iarters tonight. Tho proceedings, Boding! and sen tence Qxed in the court martini of Cor poral William C. Hawker, Company L, Thirteenth regiment, bava been approved by Brigadier Qeneral J. P. B, Crobin. Captain BogOOe D. Fellows, Com pany F", will resign ble commission im mediately aftvr tne ring Inepeoiion This will be u lerloUl loss to tun com piny and tO tho i-giiuniit All efforts lo urge Captain Fellows to alter his determination have proved futile. The nonoommteeioned officer's schools for February have been poorly attended, and the knowledge of guard duty, not of a "very superior" charac ter, with but. ii few exceptions. The adjutant has made ii note of absentees und also of in nt Union tbe attend ance in the liiture is more general and the general knowledge mure perfect, the examining board will have a heap of work on their hands, as Regimental order, No. 0 will sureiy be enforced this year. BNTUtTATNKD T U0KTR08B, Adjutant Millar, accompanied by Dr. l rke, went to .Montrose last Wei' dny evening to conduct a non oouimis sioned ofiicers' scnool in Cotupanv (1. After the school the officers of Com pany i. bandsoinely entertained the adjutant and the doctor. Company ( has handsome and commodious i fli 'e and company rooms added to ttieir armory, but nre seriously bandioepped hy n cramped drill room. Company li will hold its own at tbeeomlcg inspec tion. Majors Mattes nnd Whitney will hold a preliminary inspection of the several companies in their respective battalions this week, beginning this evening with Companiei A and G, Those who uro wagering that Com pnny A will be don up by Company D this year, do not want to underesti mate Captain Stillwell's ability to keep his compuuy in first place. It is to be admitted, however, that Captain Darn nrd uud his tigers are not after the gore of lompany a . The next mm commissioned ofiicers school will be postponed from March I to March B ou aceount of the spring Inipeotlon From a patriotic standpoint, ought not the Thirteenth celebrate Washing ton' birthday either by a street parade or entertainment of some kind? Sontlneli on post nr required to memorlll paragraphs 808 ami 808 of tho "Manual of Gourd Duty." Look it up, boye, and be sure not to be "wrong' about it when "Wright'' asks you about it on Inep totton. The nllirers of the Thirteenth regi mOUt met last Monday evening and or ganlzed a board OfofaOOreOf theThlr- leentb regiment by electing Adjutant Miller Moratory and Adjutant Mattes treasurer Four laws were adopted. ami committee! on state of the regi ment, music committee, Bounce com inittee and armory couimitlee were elecled. 'I he board will meet the tirst Monday In laniian , April, July nnd i hdober In each year. g f(j AMUSEMENT NOTES. All that contributes to hold the close attention of Ml audience for hours, to amuse it, to thrill it. toexoitc and to please it in every way by ingenuity of plot uud skill in acting, m iybesoeu and beerd In the great melodremi, "The Silver King," which OOBM to tho Academy tomorrow evening. It is H play that never grow oi l, beoattM it is full of the vital interests of hum in life which strike bom i to each beholder. Ul'iMAH W. K I i . I Th dlntlngiiieheiljtragedlan. Thomas W. Keens, supported tiy a carefully se- b'cted oompany, wdi ii the attraction at the Academy of Music Wndn-sduy evening. on which occasion Mr. K nine will be seen in hit fcmiUt e.linrncter nation of ''Rtohnrd lie Mr, Keeue deserve success by right of his long apprenticeship, hi gradual advance ment, hi endless dramatic achieve ments and a must .'I tuns, brilliant talent i.i BILLS MAIUK The announcement . . mad that i harming Agues Birodot) iu her crea tion of ' I, a Hells M ule" wi.l be with ue ugnin on Tiiuraday eviuiing ut the Academy. Mils BerudOU Is no tlrauger and tho enjoyable uerformeUCI given on her last epSMfeBOe is long rrmum hi red with plCMUre. A BURGLAR Al PINti BROOK. William li'atsold'e Cellar InvaUeU anil Treaervee Htolen. After a i -aeon of insctivily the burg lar has again served notice of hia plea ence In the city On Saturday night IU entrance wus forced Into the cellar of the house of William F'assold ut Capouse avenue uud New street, und a large number Of bottlfh of conned good! owned by Mr. Paaeold uud a tenant named John Snyder v..-ro carried away The intruder burned a number of match" an 1 eel fife to pieces of DOWC piper in oi ler to locale the preserves An entrance into tho cellar was gained iiy forcing open an onteide door. There is no clue to the burglar. FRANK PAVOIUSKY KULLASED. el Thsnke. To iii" Bdltoi ef Tin; Taiai i lake.thli method of tendering my sin 1 1 hi thanks lo the friend! who expressed for me such kindly sympathy la my recent bereavement, cnuseil by the end ilea III of lev son, BamUel Moore. I wish nlso to particularly thank the members of ih, iu isi inn Endeavor eooictyfof the Penn avenne Baptist church, my sua uisss mateeaod m fnllcw aaeoolntM m thi Delaware, Laukapreane and Western ibopa, where be wn employed, for the kimlly offices which they performed ICl. I UlUIII MoliKK. Monk and Ladder Ball. Tkeaanaal boil of tbeBeranton Book and Ladder company In nlwnvt a social event or more than nrdlnnrv Interest. The c iiiipauy will hold It seventh annual ball ui. Tttrner hall tin evening, und tho who attend era assured an enjoyable time, a llrst-class orchestra will furnish music. . Anheuaer llutrli Beer, l.nllle Lohmau'a, ilV i hurme ob READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. RESCUE MISSION WORK TEA AND COFFEE Tin Second Year of Ihe InUtOUOO Celebrated at Hisrs03 Roouis. Court by Us Acilon Conilemned lile Commitment to Jail The case of Frank 1'avolosky, the Ki-yeurold PrlCCborg boy who ws Committed to the county jail on F'eb. j by Justice of the Pence Lloyd for obtaining pound of tobacco from thHtorof H ltosenleldt, was brought to tho attention of the court Saturday. As soon h the fact with regard to tlie persecution of the boy were made known the court orlered bis release on hi own recugniz.tticj in the sum of $100. KIND WORD OF FRIEN0S. L'urkoiidafe Leader. There is mi mure Interacting pave of the Si ha n ton TatattRi nowadays teat that m which the cditoriul opinions of tbe paper are expressed A new haiol Is guiding the con duct and exprcadng tea eeotunents of that Journal and doing them m such a way that The Tumi m: la not eeoonfl to an) um; per iu Peaneylvanla. The new editor. Latvy S. Richard, Is a yoaog man of remarkable talent with the pen nnd wide knowledge ol bLttory and current affdre, and his selection tor the highest ettcels reason for extending ci ngratulsttont to Tin: Tntnt "tou it ex- cell.-nt iud;nient. Aeroellea Truth The Truth never cares to meddie With th affair-, of it local rott temporaries, so far b they concern business ur editorial direction, nevertheless it take-piea-ure in (alieltetlng the new editor of tho ti n . los Tunas L. Lily S. Kiebard. upon the well deserved trihutes tu bis Industry and ability which bavl appeared of Iste in several leading newi. papers. It would bl diffi:ult to find one mere eevnectly devoted to jooraallem than Mr. Richard, and he ful y merits all th" kind things that have been said of him. I: Will Feign Ahead. SCroato Beeord Tiir. TnUVHn staff has undergone some rhaugee. 'Air. Kiebard. formerly aisselate ed itor, ie now editor-in-chief, with Mr. E. T Sweet ee his eeaootatoi Mr. Rlchardta awall equipped, well-trained writer wAoee articles Sre always bright and timely, and he has a good eeeoad In Mr. Bweet Between ith el them there la no retain why lui. Thibvm hliuuld not conttetM to forge ahead. We Wish them w hat they desire so w.'ll complete suc cess in their journalistic Work. From Former Ataodatie 'Ai'v. K T.i "uily rim. The PlttCtea, I'eiina . llaiotte says ' It will he most agreeable news t.i the in in l'itt s ton Mends el i.tvy a. BlCharde, who for two vara waa a valued member of the Utrette Stag, to earn thai he has Won mad I maua Ingtdltot of the Bcrantea Trihnee, with fall charge if lh editorial tn 1 news depart meat! The Times seconds the cotigratulilions. Mr. Hi hard head Is nUay full ef tiraint and hll hauda full of woik. nnd tic combination ts a sure winner. Hie nisnv fr ends In Trej an i ieaeit with the saeoees he is aehtavtag, ni predict stIU greater promotion for him in tee Hi Id of Journalism - - IN THE bHADOWS. (The following is one of the best poems Of the lata 1I. 3, 'I Poyle, of Wilkes Hut re. I I Htnnd in the silence thai ileal h has made. By the side of tnv loved one tomb, And fondlf fancy, her pbeUtom shade Is blent with the shadows that fall nun fade Oft Ihe gisgion grave, where wr mom ulng laid All the pride of hit eaily bloom The llowert nnd buds that m death I daik davs a wreathed 00 her robe of rest Seem siiilngiiig to hie li ,nii her shroud of clav. And nod hi n wistful and moaning way. As though thro thou fol ins nbe would fain convey A ngu to my Haonii oreett, The authem'il winds that nronml mu sing. Aie surely her spirit voice For they movelikctue breather nu angel's iv inn, As It used to dO,WbeO (was wont to ilng Thro' nrv raptured soul, nnd went caroling To hid tne iu love lejoieo. The Milken iMVee, with their rustling sound, Strew softly the moss KOhed i lav , And sliver grasses arrav the ground. A tho' e'en the enitli ihe bad meelly gowned. To welcome my steps lo her lonely mound To her homo in the shadows grey. I is sweel to draw llnis n balm foi woe. From the shadow land a dole so dread, Ami to i eel i )! faooy'e enlivening glow, Like dlstnnl sun its li ahlues on snow. Itlends with our sorrows, to kiadlv throw It sheen o'er the dint of trie dead. ( h shrouds' and sorrows' und stllluess deep ' I thauk ye, that after all Ye yield mo my lovo iu tbo winds that creep, In tbe fragrant leaves that around tin heap, lu the in. i ms Hint wnkoti and buds that Ihe shadows ihnl fade and full. REPORTS HIGHLY ENCOURAGING George Graff, of Dr. Parkhurst's Ma dison Avenue Mi3sion, Makes a .Short Address on tho Work -The Large Number ol Pprsons Rescued from Ruin Show How Well the Work Progreeeee Here. The tn und annlvertury of the .Scran ton Itetcue Mission was celebrated lust evening at the million rooms. No. Ill Fruukiiu avenue A number of the executive coin toil tee. winch include some of the lies', known Mcrantou H pie, und Superintendent GeOrgC P.Ben born were present, uud from their re maiks was gathered the information L'iveu belOW, which will give mucii sat iifactlou to all who have helped t bit doMrving work nnd encourage othen to lei.d their ntaiitance in the future. The preliminary exercites included cotigreuatiiiiiat alugiug au l anthems by the mhsiou choir, made up of minion converts, live men and us many women, 'ieorge Graff, formerly lUpirintOU dent at the mlielOO, but at ireaent at tubed to Qev, I)r Perkunrit'i Kew York tfediaon Bquare Cburcb home, delivered mi interesting address, tell In; of his work iu the inttropolis and encouraging the Mcrantou people to support tbe mUllon here. TftlafAJBBI Williams' BKfOKT. A. U Wlllinmi, tho ttaaHUier, deliv ered Ihe report for the following ex ecutive commit!; J. A. LlCling, preeident; Mis Francis T. ii, secre try I.utber Keller, vice preoidoflt , A. B. Williams, treaiuter, Cel. B. H Hippie, Lr. J. B DWO, W. J. Hand, W, ft Peck, W. D Kennedy, Mrs. J L. Btellennd A. W Uicksou. Up to this date MM moetlngi buve been held, with en attendance ol 81 BM, nearly equal to tbe pnpulaHon of the city. Of tbls i. umber IU uuve been converted and i-iH hsre atked for pray ers. Lodgings for 2,000 have BOOB given snd BOO sitk-les of clothing have beau given sway. These figures, whicu show that the mission has accomplished lore couversioat per week au 1 broagut forth a reijuest tor prayer from on out of every bundrei iu attend su ce, speak for themselves. Many friends of the mission bev j during the past ytsr furnished ciott iog. Some sent no name with the i picksgei, but ns far us known tuey ere .i follows W. h Davis, . L. I L . Dalerille, Pa.. Mrs J bcrnnton; Mre. B ii. Weston. Mrs. Horn. Mrs. Kver hardt. Mrs. Moir, H. A Coanen. Mrs. Fuller. Mn. Lixon Torry, Mrs. Seven son, Mr. Davis. Mrs C E Western. Mist LiisuoD aud the King's Dsnghters of Providence, Ry, Bicbard Hiorne. Tbedirhura in-n's for tne past y?ar amouutei tof5.Sdl.SS, while tbe re ceipt were lest tins sum by 3G 40, t follows Cash contributions, sJj?. Mill's meetings, fjll', and the haiance from the churches, etc, THE AIM OF THE MISSION. The object of the mission is to reac by the gospel all classes of people, and the written testimonies ol those re deemed show bow well tbe work tm prospered. Tbtse testimonials come from rescued drunkard!, young man who were faft going to ruin aud others, a portion of whom nre now em ployed in Scranton is follows: Oce miner, ii moulders, 1 railroel BtetiM foreman, 1 t-levabr men, I railroad brakemeu, 3 enjiceers. 1 plumber, 1 csnv.isser, 1 laborer, 2 carpe-'er. cook, .' tenmsters, painter., i r otv. even women ttm cco.v.;.i,; . are living in Scrsntoti. Two of tin converts married during the past you Bnd have homes. When one of the cinrertt has lived for a year a consist ent Christian life, tbe anniversary is celebrated at the missio.1 by Ipecial music, 1 ght refreshmeuls and a social nine . Beedleston dt W ten's and Ballantmet Alet are the best. II J. W aLsh, ajeLt, a Lackawanna aveuta We would like to call you iittentiou to our Tea and Coffee Dupartunu:. You may not know it, but it is nott'J tlie less ii fact, that we handle uud nl Wayi have iu stock the finest grades of both Tea and Coffee that can be had In this or any other city. We have neon doing nusinsss direct with one tea importer tin I one enffee importer lor the past twelve years, und our dif-I'-rent grudes do not vary a particle ear iu and year out. Wo now have such u trade ou Coffee that enables us to have fresh roaita as often II twice esch week, which in itself i quite an idvintnge, as ooffM is never so good as when fresh roasted. Here h a li"t of our Routed Coffees and the piesetit prices. When tiie O 'rket drop we go down with it evry time. It. I Ini -'ava and UeoiU,, IU Tlos Kelokerhecker Ai aluan sioi ha Mandhaltta'ilavai.,, ,, cild 'ioveriiUiitiil .lav B . b Head ,,,, l"aii''y Mtracalbu ea'Oos Peborri Ooldeti Hlo 1 holes ala.'aca.ha I ' .vtlai ii. Rio ... Urouitd hto irouiid Hie, res 70e $it 83a .isi Ms Mc tn, 'lie iris IMe grudes of FormoM And in Teas we have live the I '.', v.'u.o vari.lia ------ . vi iiivni 'Ajjorj.7. Al.'JV (Xilonv S M Pired Japan, OrMo Japon.koyune CBpowder and Yonng Uyaon. Etch variety is giadaJ u, follow!; Ritrs Pona raaey ''ho'ee frtme '.abdam. ):' Ms 16. y ': i XHi. tie 1 0. Each and all of lb above ur pure sound Teas, the different- being, of ..une, in s'.rength an l flavor, irlnci ! pally the Utter. We have maintained, end will maintain ejcii grade fully up to the etenderd end vou cn nlweyi I get exactly tbe same tea if you will learn wtat ralte yon Wit end then stick to it. We take more priJe m tbe quality of our ten and coffee ttsn la ei i ot'jrr departtnent end it is gratify ing to t.fcur at we do ultiiott daily the ! comment of cust'jmeri,. "Tte Tea and Coffee we get here w better than any we get anywhere we go F . heeij nver be afraid to eend to u lor either tu or coffee i'ou will AL u AYH get a better urticletf eilue.r foi j the Bmnunt we charge you than you can get eieewbera. If 303 nave lay I doubt regarding th 'correct uesi t'f these joet drop us a postai ; card stat. ng tne Kind of tea or coffee . and tbe price you have been payiug and we w:i; be pleased to eend you a Maple and see if w cannot give you something considerably oetter for 'tbe seine 0: lest money. Ve would like to ! try it. THE Scranton Cash Store, F. P. PEICE, Agt. Dr. Hill Son Albany DENTISTS fet tetii. su-. bast set ' fee eoia ctps ad teeth w:ltict : u ra..e . c-r. :. kid .v'1!1' w',,'k- c. fa prices aii reternne-e i'ON ALGlA. fur . xtra.:.:.; tsofth w.tho: Iuc. Ndetber. No gu. us KB 1 lT KATtOXAt BAMK. Huntington s HOME BAKERY. Somethins New In pbototat UroVM', S5 Spruce street. We hae a lare assort- ir.ent ol PLAIN ADD FAUCI CUBS, MATERIAL AND 1CE CRM " WATER ICE5 LABOR AT Leave your orfjer a: PRICES WASHINGTON AVE,, Ikl TO SUIT THE HARD or 413 LACKA. AVE. KM Plumbing T I N TIMES i H NO BOYS Ihwl Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Best Sets of Teeth, $S.oo Including the paluleas ixtrnctinj (if teeth by au entirely now prw ceo. S. C. Snyder, n.D.s. mo ttiujuM, AVii NO, 126 PERN Make a note of it Eureka Laundry Co. HENRY BATTIN & CO,, Cor. Lindtn St. ind Adams Ava 126 Penn Ave v ei at Room Mjotvua All kinds Of Lauudry work cuarautoed xn tbebeit v i This Is Inventory Week. Small lots, in all departments, to close out cheap. Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15 PER CENT REDUCTION. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers