THE SCKA'NTOX TRIBUNE MONDAY MOKNING. PEBKTARY 12. 1891. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. I I In l. in 1. nAII.Y AMI W EflKI.V IN BORAS' row, Pa., ut thi 'i'Hiut'K POMtwiM Company. New Von ories: Tmnnxi Bcit.Dino, Kuan k h. Okay. Mamagkii. Extend at thr AMfaJk i uf ftm(PHi Pit t Mad UattT 1HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. FKBRUABY K IBM. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET IVTt COXHUKSSMAN Al" ! MWE. i. VI I SH V V GROW, OF SVSgi'fcHAXNA ELECTION FEBRUARY M THE CASE WELL STATED. "Th geaitel depfcSSSiM ll bi: c- ceased bj thi proepeets ot lbs peiseas Of llic VVllaoa bill. nlTet'ls every elss el vt'afco MBM lu AmerkM. eu.t t tieulaiiv the- linnets. Owlig h Ike ilV're;ou, coal ll u. il aasdvd lorttMM parpgsss, sua vrere i tueretor itaok nt Mel nuue ami prices SIS ruiUiuulY tow Iron for UtrMltf" -tiiictmel work, etc. I no: la deBMld Uii Am- rrkea irou ere miners me actually utl?ri;!j for the- BSCessaftss of MS. Tti tamtf ees bt mM ef other cl. ot nlnete Tee WiUou tu; aims to nwkt thhi itete of usTalTSftmsifSil oj .;hci:;,' Atten-au markets to thi ttiutri! pfedSctl Ol KftTopoM conn UVMi tbe British STOViMSS, ItestOO aesAOeaa, linn bill that is flawed itiectlj in tho interest of fornu ua Unas esQ agaieal tin laWssts of Am- e: au American miner are oi'po'ej to It, isaJ tbv ikeoAJ MipklllW their oit u.v."; by !roaj protest! agaiMl the measure leal : once to t'u;ir sella- nnol Weekiigiee, if la ike htos el Mfcik ir.;is their represeuu'.iw ,ont;nu :o fiv.r the ate ot the bt::. th'.v ihcu'.d eiectton by Uecia 00 io doc evp f;tu with them. ' '. jiiuru i';iifr. . KoSOfXTKXtef tiie overhead wire qaesUoa will reach bottom aat'.t the l r: m laid low Supposing that vo tfivtf Mr. CleveliuiJ One credit for tUo economy of u Kepuli can Honute, how is that Mr. CltTeland, today, with full sway in all depart - rucnts, can imy running upturn only by foroeil loam, and MO iluvim no better revenue pln for the future tbau mic which deliberately oreutes nothuit; but ileliciinoy uud dH-prnasion'.' ' Thu TRUTH frotn Mr. Urow i ipeeoh ut Philadelphia tail Prlda night oan not be too nnpintic iliv Inpreeied " ri'att r.'bbi'r tunff thu oun try oan ivw hafi li one that robi Atneriuan laDor of in vinp!oy uiilt lv permtttlng the pr-1 IuqI i ol the p teerty trioken Jabor or the world toiupply our honi miirk't. Tint robber brfnge Want and neery lo the iir--i b ol the on- of toll and IHU tha land with the laddeal ot all Mfl ibt8 in thli world'l pllrlniige; thai X ifi hoaoat nan begfflug: la viifi for iinploymint in ordi thai ue nay earn hii daily brea i iy hi daily toil." ' Thim is aseaanre of ohoertul ef frontery In Janei Dinton Hanoooh'i ipeeob In Qemantowo 8tur lay vu lag which lenpen rlghtiom Indlgna linn with loniethlng between pity and ooattnpt Take, for Inatanc, thli eenleuoe ''The Dtwoeretla party ll not it party ol deetr uetlTi elementa but i ;i Kknatrnotlre party, whoii duty it hai been to mM in Furthering eyery con relrahle iadnalry." DoeaMr Htnoook r :te the IntOlllgcnOi 0( fall WIUW oiti ami even of Ilia fe'.low pirtilAUl, to low aa toauipiol that they will. In tiie liht of tiie utter tnoompatoaoy of t tit Deuoeratie admlnlatratlon, be o nghl by lUOh cliittf a 'r ia ha imply turning hii lacrifidal canvaai Into a hue jiett BURY THfc WIKES. Througbonl ti dtionuiou ol the propoeitloo to tai ileotrloal p.tlei one need ha beeu almoat entirely over looked and yet it li destined eentn allytobeeonM the key t the whole perplexing problem. There uot uu Intelligent eleolrieiaa today who h Qu ietly and Brmly blive mat the reel dt'uta of our laTit oltlie will much IBget to'.er.-tte the jiYin away ol al - rate :ieai: nawe mnenieee, oowpiea wiu tue evu igte mppett uu vtraiou of buey itreeti iitto tangleeol uaaifhtly pole and atill more obaoi' wire Take any on ot the prom men: buita thoroitiiifare ol fvr ni ton and note the ipeco oftenplad by taje iuterlacid DIaminta aaJ their u;:ai:iiuic prop. U u can scarcely labor organization cliauipioued by Southern brigadiir thirty ilvo years ago; the aSiacklld labor of idKvei. And he ia today thu enemy ot the labor ot 1 1. ell lame brlgadiera. or their desceud anta, who aiui to Kt riYeii(e for that organliatlon'a forcible disruption by pariilyzliiu Northirn Industry through the luildioni in atM of a ruin -brsi Jin :x larilT bill. SCH ANTON'S MUl) ROADS. Weal Laekawauna avenue on Batnr day wn an admirable mlnlatnre ra production of the atrcut ir pioneer scr uit n. The eipreeelon "iaof mud" li literally a oorreot deiorlptloa The mod wet ill Invbet deep, if it wei in inch, and s far Ha thetyr QOttld re"li t ipread it ninny, filthy, defiling ex- pann otei roadbed, oroaelngi, ifitter and railroad tracki, blookadlng every thing it wai a regular Conemauah Hood ' f blackened naatintN, diluted just an a to ipattir eatily uvet Ibe clothing and person of pedgatrltni, over tiio ibagty hide of boreee, and over every iQuare inch of upoeed v- luclon Thli pirtlcnlar portion ol the Vet Bide may have been a ntti worae than ttm iverage uupeved Beranton thoroughfare, but there are many mnd roadi within the municipal lumtK whtoh pmh u hard for supremacy sot uce itreet, between Franklin ami Wyoming, wax In at lat one reepeol worsi it made n pretence ol hvitiii pavement, whorohl Weit LlCkawaODI avenue did not While in n phyaical enii the two thoroughfare! were pretty evenly matched for dleagreeableneii there li a moral d to the Bpruoe street itretoh of pllppiry, iloppy, qulrty and dlieaat breeding woolen block paving which aep.iratei and din tiuoi'.ul is it from all potsiblu coin petitoriia byppodiy that jar jmt u badly ofthe lontoienoe a the material rotteunoei of the pave itif u i nates on 1 temper and befoul one'l olothee lu a'leiY week we sliall have the otter extreme. RlpfMld to the pltro Ingwlndiot March and April, thi OOltiog ol intolerabik uiu.'k will meta morphoae into great cloud of land and dint, ipread with releutl thorough" ue into the eye, the DOltrlll and the luui; of pedestiians, and into the home that are eituateil uear it. All tiie tfHivia ol winter, or ko much of it a never Kta cleaned away, will be ills-a-tntnated lu the form of dUeaie pro- dnolng microbei and mlcro-organltmi, and there will be the accutomed spring time epidemic and the annual tired feeliutf. It ii an open iUetiou wbic'u Dimoeratlc Thory nd Praclloi. Mr. Dreeial HMIadcletM, A tariff that neither rie diifllcliiiit. reveuoi nor proteoti Amenean labor lu its oonipeUtlon With ihepoereii paid labor ol thi world, tbi revenue reform en claim, ii tlin only couatililtional OMthod ef adJuiiiaii a iarlfr, 1 one that raleM lumcleatreveaui an I proteoti laeor, they denonjaoc a a rooberbiron uu in Itrive io Breab ibi Bteerd 4ifeeaa Wkeai There ihoald be a genereoi rltalry be tween the te vera! election dlitricie in the manor of kiviuu lialoihi A Orow thu blgheet ptreentlga of ihe total vote oan - e 1 it Would tut ah 1 14 ixtiy FaMtfbAa l.'iiu" The Wlliou bill, ii. It u now bi'tore Hie Senate, Wiiillil, If pn'ri'il In Unit limly, de iirlvu capital of itt jUit proShl ami laiior of k. jiui efageii GOLDSMITHS 6 BAZAAR Will exhibit during this week their first class importations of high WE i I'M DRUNK I wi Hi LND I ll l l ull. u rn HABIT Nylajiciloni Nu InooaVinliusi Mo Ion unie 'Mtetni at roiir uwii oorai i'uis aflei etbir niaUuMik t.ii tk your druyfl' NOI,Con lultatloii and treatiueiit fw iiiiinn, uon Mintlally, 'HUO'RK'-NOe CUHE CO., etuatttuii I'm IMPORTED DRESS GODIS It uioar. u we, ou thi queitiou of aeed-i manicipal lmyroyimeut. to be a bad day for claaa lr L'.'ES not look a ;f the ivij earn ers of Feotuylva:.: i w-jre 10 weil pl-ed wi'h tae i rrover Cierelaai "ob ject leiaoa " ai to desire i. to be made pertaaaeor. m Uai Mead ol American labor . :3 . ' . .:a a p - Bay a wtll give to that labor the ehaaee to earn an komM wie aud oot boll over i: the esaca ct :i.ena and ruin. Fh- I m mincer ia whih Dm amia aewpap-;r af laBiget r the cnapaiga sad-thrower aa a labiticute fee ratlesad afgument we are iael led i'j impect thai Mr irow will have ratcer m:ti tiaa it . hiairid tho'H aad gHfJefity Rgmnvranvi rather plain tiveiy iafortaa a rep m tea that daria the tariff debate In Ibe nooie be wai "between the dv;i and tae lp ia." Pitrbapa ;t was out of eoorteef to the rat nawnabtd that he diaily decided to eaat cia lot wit the former through the network, while for get- is the worse, mud or du t. Either Mr BaSGOCS'a a.ry talk about hard t.mi eetog toe reau;: ot Repablicaa protection indicate that a hai either r.ot jfradiatad from Mr Claweiaad's "oejeet leiiun' or ease ia o naami l of Ida tarty'a wort that hi want to nr.-rip-neat :t on the othr fellow. "for n.j part I dr ur.t (iu I:, hi o., thu mtyit tf wmup$Un, i Hats nfwau ii,ituxt, td that amy mmopoly nhieh ua d 1 1 i to iji in. tht fi i tflktpoorhu its upponJeU Hm to dm a,.il nlvj that tht eevpss n reeafi . a ih funeral it ur 4l rrd. - Thomas b Bel Bt fWfllfstptlt. g "Ho UMM," pithi.y iy Tom Kil, "can bs 't:eid In arm or lg and be hippy ia bi oobie fflVf bawd." And no r. it. on can by i' - : . '. n gr Into thi ritaii of one of iti In In tries Wltbswt wnlinst the nerv tram ,r of bard titan tbronifhout tbe body politic. e ' WuATi.VKR ins titan iono in the pt and going Into ancie-.t hlitory. exc-pt for IrnprfMivB 'tn'ip'.m, i ail dom a profitable Journey it ii nn doabtedly trm of tho future that valu able maniclpil privilege will not he given away, BOlCM the publ.c ii given away by eoancili Patwingtyi BcaajiTos bai boon told at very tp that it ii going ibead too fait. The "forward, march" of each municipality bring into view obstrm tloniati And thoae unn':eirily timi 1 of tbe remit. lint the price of all public tuprovsment U ti e dtSOOTOfiMN of tbi kicker. Let IbtB py this penalty at tin bridge elicllon. next week ' - "Lfl i a," lay Mr. Hancock," look qnrfly at the futi free raw ma terial! are the baaii of indintrial IUO ciii and proiperity " And fn goal li tbi bnila of further reatrlclion In oar mine What mcciia and proa perlty can li bnilded hireabonti gpM a foundation of illerifi in thu inline, and of great itagnatiou among our milli and car ihopi nnd carrliri'' "Tjgei f it eas Utasg thcU tnui.rt iu 0oaa fg the iji'fatftt market in thr. u-tnhl, nnd that ioaue tht SMSi oj tht puuplt in It hatt money to ptnd It it QSC8HISI htm, uf tht luuntrirt in the world, wealth it moil rttitly dittribMled, not that there nut rich MSU hire, but that I hole n'rA nun-thank Heaven -cannot make money with their money, except by wafting thinyt that yon and I ran innrume, and ayinu their money an SMgSI, in ordi r to makt them. Thornut U Heed, at I'hitadeljjhia. Mn. BaROQOI propound this conun dram with all tbe jinntlnes of n man who fnnciei he baa launchad an argu mintative torpedo: "Did we empty the United Statu treasury in which Grover Cleveland left tvJ00,O00.0OO more thin wai niceiaary to mint tbe ruunlng expenaei of tbe govirnmentr ' ling Udder up to tall bull ling! in case of fire, the thin; woald,inmnny place, be literally bnposaibls Another point Whea the public givaa these oom ponies certain ruuts it ::atarailv espieti a cr:ato quality of service in riturj But under the over eid wire system it no5 only ha it jtreeta popuUtid with deadly "'live" w.r-H . v ..v: : - c ; rri! : ma and beait; itjnol only convert the curbing of thai street into ruler to row of booi-dy bean poles,, obitructiog travel, waiting val- ! aable ipace and forming a clumy and altogotbaf needles incident of urban I growth bat it open tiie d or to a di rect impairment of the iervic it pay I will for. Take the telegraph. Ere.-y win I itorm throw it wire into a condition of cliio Every fail of snow or hail inipa theae thin ondnstor. leaving the end to dingle and sizzle In oar public placei and to destroy by Sre tbonstod of dollar ia property each yiar.L.lcawise witn tbe telephone. The liighteit attnopheric dlslurbanca convert it BudsrtOM into a deafening and iadistlngaishabla roar. Conver- I lation become! impossible. Wirei nap and croei each other. Tan bell Is kept vibrant with false calls, and tin individual pitron accounts himself tacky, on an average of at tenet two days in SSVSS, if he can keep safely away from a receiver so nsele' an 1 n ear trumpet io offensively full of crickivng, spattering babels of sound. Of the fifteen thousand pole! in i Scrar.ton, today, not more than one in three is a necessity, even unier tin preient conditions Oflly the supine- Beas of t ie pnhnc, taeooraglng the ag grtasioni of the electrical corporations '.iiernselvee, svr permitted the placing ; at many street corners of three and ! fonr and fivipolei in groups where one would have teen Amply inffl' ierit. If lag OB th'ie pols would hive tbe ef I fed to divide tlulr ercesVive nnmber by thre. or even by two, It wool I ap ; peal etrongiy to public ayrn pathy, ri gardlSM of after aOUSScjMBOJS H'lt I eVen 6,000 poles, where there an now j 15.00. would not overcome the snr- mo'iriting AlfBealty The dollar tax would altogether evade it. vv n at pop uler mntlment will, learner or later, demand ll the burying of theae tin eiiflitly ar.d dangerous wlre altogether What the ileetrlr il OoflaBtBlaf, ai a matter of lelf-intermt, ihoutd do ii to free tbi strnts of their present nu I growing tbralldoOJ 'let ri I of thi enlarging tangie of multiplying wins and cables. Hemove the niceasity of taxing poles by doing away with the poles themielves Ooatrlbttte tin ainouutof thi tax. as a IiiisIiimk Invnit merit, to the laying of underground conduit. Take time, Ibttl shrewdly, by the forelock, nnd don't wait for thu public to achieve by force what il DOW Uilldlv euggeit. I'nderground wires must OOmi MOM day. Tbe looner they como the better for all concerned Why BOl hive them now'' If it ut eipidleol for the telegriph nnd telephone companies of this city to bunoh their wir h into cable comprl iugmany strandi, as n precautlouagilnst hi k- from itorma, it ought to bo veil more expedient for them to net aside n sinking fund for the placing of nil wlieo underground, The conduit lyetvm iscertiln to be demanded loiuo day. Why not preparo for it now'' "If PoWBlBll has declared himself for Qrow," snyi the Wilkes-Birre News Dialer, "he Is h0 friend of or ganized labor, because QfOW i an enemy of organized labor " In one lime, yes. Ue was an enemy tu thi abominable, Dj'a it pay not to pays our anpavid treets': r VMONG V r t Anisic i.t ) vers. '1 he announcement that a summer iea Son ol UgbtOpera i contemplated by the man.igeiueul uf the Fro'hiugham Theatre will be received with pleasure by mi-io eiver generally. Notwithstanding the fact that the stern followers jf theCtsSStS them" frown apon tfc" frivolities ol ruu-ic in lighter Vein, there Is no qaeel ion that Comic opera has done more towards elevat' lug a taste for high-Class BlUic than any other element. The catchy airs of the light upira almost invariab y atimnlate a long iog for something more substantial in a musical way, and aid lu meking classical th-mes popular, (.'omic opera appeals to all who have the iliehteit taste for moslc. Spirited and melodious BBmbSTSI artistic scenery; brilliant costumes uud bubbling fun combine in makioi; au eiitertaiumciit unsurpassed. The uper comiquu is the foremost lu the World of amusement. It baa come to stay, and there s-.'etus no question that the Protblngham manage -meiit will display good judgment in giving Scrantonians ampie epportunity to enjoy its delights during the 0 uuing season. The acoustic properties ol ths new house wiii be perfect. and the th 'aire will bo DrobablV the l"st equipped edltlcj for the production of "p-?ra in thi section. ProlsSOOr HetuburgM.-, who An i veil this City from Germany a few wool! eg.,, to a lertiun extn.f, nils a "long' fell want ' in Scrauton musical circles. While this city contains many taleutid mns; ciana,COBp nan, directors and performers, thre have te-en none who have made n upermlty of orchestral ai raSglOteOt, I'ro- fe,,or Hemburger thoroughly understands orchestration, and will no doubt flud COB idsrabfs work tO do in that field in Sen,,, ton. Hi arraagsmeat ol ths orchestral parte ol Brothoroe'! Man, which was receuiiy reudersd by Bt, Peter's choir, was an escellont piece of work, and gave ample evidence of his ability. . Miss Lillian A C, Hnmmett, pianist, bis (gCSfd h'-r studio in the Blab building. SOI Mn Amanoa Msits,, a pupil of Ue Kalph. has opened a studio on Wy oming avenue. see in speaking of rscjommindailons, Pro fusor Obariis it Dernas washsardto remark, the other day. that bs could pro doos botoae raoommeodatlon as acholi lieile' and that would coino from St Luke's church Mr. DtffflSO'S labors at St.. Luke's estnd"d over u perl, i t of thirty yoerJ arid during the last Kenl MVSn yeiirs he lout SXCtoalve i liergn of the omul i ai put of tbs service it would issm si though ii record Ilka tbe above wonld be more valoabls than a icoi s ol tasttnoolil! fiom is many different localti lea. no mat tPi how : .em they might be. I S S UfllS goblllitig, wifi of I'rnfn isnr urdnl liiiK, I l,e iiiudeal director (It Hi I'alrlck s i burlb on ' ho West Side, pnssn ism nn hi relleiit opiano "voice under g m l i nltlvn tiou. it Is probabls thai lima Bshilllog's voice will lie heard In Sulue of the church choirs of Bsraotop in tai near futurs. A choir h'ls been nngn,"id tn l ender I lie Lester inn le at the l'lisl l'ribytirinn obnrsb, wbsraths songrsgstloosl singing experiment is being trie I fof a lelSOIl Mr. .1 Willi i Oonant'l organ recitals al HI. Luke's church Will COStlOBS through Lout iilnl wdll In given mi Hutnrdnv aftei noons. SIS Miss Hlack, uf Ninholson, in nmoiig tlm piomlsliig young vocnllats in this SeStlOO oftheststs Mm Black is the possessor 0 a fine SOpraBC VOlCa win. ih Is being rip Idly dnvel. ..i-d on. lor IsStrBOllOB riOClVsd from Mrs. Kate Wllool, the well known vocal tel. .her, ICS UtssQsrtls M uiis, pianist, has opsaad a studio with Miss Tdile Lewis, the loSB t ion 1st, in tbe Hiuli building. ass ll is pinning to until that the "Thu teeOtb Itoglmnnt March,' CompNSd bv Miss Nellie, lluauitsh, has been well re SasVSd nnd I hat Ibe sales promlae to bs re mnneratlva it i nndsretood that mis BsanUh'S next musical effort will be In the vocal Hue, aud that tier brother, B, J. Baamlsb, SSt , the well known writer of verse, will furnish Inspiration lu thu way of a ton in nig poem. L'uual to a Prtisnt Churu. Wiikrt Ban The BCRAKTOS Tkimi .k siijs some of tbe streels in that citv are uulit for publi cation. Down here the wooden pave has oue redeemlug feature When our dairy men waul to do a churning they drive over a couple blocks of it. Consisting of Crepon Bouillone, Tissue Brocle, Etott'e Panache, Crepon Guire, Fantasie Traverse, Plain and Printed Japanese Silks, Figured and Striped Glace Silks and Wash Dress Nov elties. SPECIAL OPENING SALE OF CONRAD MUSLIsr At Prices Much Lower Than Ever Before. THE HATTER IS SHOWING SOME DRESSY LOOKING assure our Cor As the recognized leaders in this line, we can lady friends that the new styles of Night Gowns, Chemise, Isel (overs and Skirts now shown by 119 are unequalled for workmanship, material and cheapness. 00 dozen Night Gowns at 49c. riJ 59c. lat are trade astonishers. HATS FORSMEAR Goldsmith Brother & Company. Q C J? F. L. Crane's New Prices FURS! FURS! CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. I'mm h Coney rapes, b laohsi dsp. ii.,..! .1, Capes. " Astrakhan Capes, 11 " Atarukhan Capes, " " . liveJ Upossum Capes " " . Blooier cupes, Monkey Caun, " . Sat fitter C'apis, " " . Hat ottei Capes, " " . Krimuier CapMi " " Beaver Capes, " " , N ulna 'spes. rieal or rwslan Capea " Alaika eai Capsa " 11 Alaska Sesl Ciej, " . .Mmir. Capes " . 3 UU 4 UU 0 lU t Hi 1 oo II uu li ii ai oo M 00 i:u a uu u 1.0 n ii . n oo H uu DO YOU 8ELL? OR AKL YOU MAKING PRESENT8? .l Mixed ('iiuiiy, ( lear Toyi, or any style of Candy or uus, tSxjjies.s 'a(jutJ. STelodpedei, Tricycles, Doll (,'abs, Diuiui or Toj a ii et try kind. DOLLS IRON and STEEL i 'bina lJateut Dolls, Dolla, Wai Join tod Dolls Dolls. NORWAY IRON HI. ( h Dl 1JM Si L V UU K.VIlt sftc I 1 A N DEKeiO.N BMOUBH JBSCOPm JtWOtslflti CAST SI ICE L HORSE SHOKs WILLi i lOE CALK TIBS MACHINERV PROK Soli sILLi. ANVILS bKLLUWrs HOKSE NAILS KtsSKLL AMi WhLLd BRo IC111M, M ICBIKER1 U20B W HLBLS AXLES SPRINGS BCBS SPOXSB KIMS s i I. EL SKEIN s K R. SPIKEs REVI CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. incheii deep Astrakhan Capes, v. Battle s. a i ai., i F.leetri. i'al Capes, branch Couey cpns, Mnik Capes, Brown Mai ten ( 'kpo Mui.kfj' Capes, S'i0 ii i IS ou iS in 1 in I IA. I' 5u ue .'i ou ' any kind ot doll from J5c to 115 SLEDS OR SLEIOHS For Boys, (riils ot l'olla, in Maple, ak OI Imu. from -3c In $16.00. BICYCLES e liaM" Ibo floods aud our iiriies are right. Wholesale Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, Wbbleiali and retail dealer'' la Wa(OMBakaa SUPPLIES. and retail. Bluest Cash Frices Paid for Haw Furs. Repairing Furs HI: ANK BOOKS A N K HOOKS MEMORAND1 MS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages I.KAUlNll MAKES. Fine Stationery WHIT, W rVTEBMANoud FKAXK L11S KM rl PENS. au (taarantssd, Ayj nts ior Crawford's Pens nod Buck's. tlexiblc Rubber Siaiiiis. Reynolds Bros. D. WILLIAMS Sc BRO., 31a Lacks Ave. We make a SPECIALTY ot upplvln eom ruittves lot Sunday School, Fairs, Festivals THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. tCH ANTON AND WILKLS-EAREE. PA aiAXfr ACTw KEP.S Of Locomotives and Stationary Eiagines Boilers HOISTING AND PA. PUMPING MACHINERY. Generai Office. SCRAXTCK GREAT SALE OF THE Stationers and tnqr.vcrs LACKAWANNA tVlfl WATCHES DIAMONDS JEW ELRK SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD 433 Lackawanna Avenue. Walter's Stock of Dry Goods COMMENCES MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5 AT The Fashion 308 Lacka. Avenue, AND AT THE New Stores 400-402 Lacka. Ave. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH fJLHSIIKNt , J l-lfc j Mm I J 1 Sl'It ANTON, YA. V I 1 A Vtm I a ' - sM?AtI0 A01 a seatrast Wfta I 1 I J X v a U ,r,,1" fsetory to luin out LS V J 1 V J J m X, W J ll lriu' Utwueu now and Onrst DELICIOVS, MILD SUOAH OURBD AB90LU T S L V rURB L u iss UiwMlaVV HAMS. LA R D. "jjs no" EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. KSSis. P" wpplibd Tm ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers