The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 12, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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MR. J. L. STELLE will continue
the buiintis under to linn name of
Stelle .V Seeley.
Popular, reliable and withlu (your reach.
Jve taken over 100 tint premium tn
lb ja-it llfty year.
Other makes of MaSO. Four makes ft
Organs iu beautiful now tloslRii. St our
itoi-u before baying. We baft tiu gooda,
Cur prion "to Ksfbi BwyUtlUI " tbt
Jnusic una.
184 Wyoming Ave.. Srranton. Ka.
Happenings or e Day That Will Interest Hyde
Park. Reidin.
Punch Cigars
B. & Co.,
Imprint.'. en E cri DlMT
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
Sfr t I V 1 I S I'.
a . WU uvvuw
Howard P. Oed iea, ol M:atroe. ijva:
Sunday here with relatives.
Mis Florence BaawoetJ, ol rtttston. U
jeud'.ci i i with (nend :a Soramou,
Mm Kate H .::. of ':':-.": : v.itta
hr sister, Mr, Duvid B -aadeuburv, ia
Miss L;i McrU e. and Ua:u. L'rm-. of
F::t; a. i - r5: w-.-es : . Straa
ton friend.
Miss Margaret EiJerlme, of Soraatoo.
is visiuag aer aca:. Mm. scawarM. of
Butler sireec Pittsc .a,
Mia A leiauie G Scott, of Philadelphia,
is visuia her ooaaia, Mrs. France B.
Swan, of Clay avenae.
Reese U"a:i',a. who has bwc conSaed
to tne house by .ckae fcr the past two
week, is able to be oat
BtT. W. H. Conrad, of Philadeipkia. oc-ca;l-i
the pa pi: a; th, Peau av-aue Bap
tist chorea ye-steriay morning and even
ing. Clark Bliss, of Scraitou, Is fitting the
window and doors of the Pittston hos
pital wt:h patented xojden stvrm protec
tors. Mr. Frederic i .wji, f A Uti ave
nn. ta. returned from a two weelcV visit
at PhiUdeipoia, waere he was the guest
of Mr. Ira Bwaaett.
Miss Mame Barligame and Mrs. M. R.
Walter, of eVraatoo, attended the thirty
fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr.
aad Mrs. ijrurge saxe. of Wyoming street.
Wet:; Pittston, Friday.
Mm. Jcsepbme WalaVoa, of Spruce
street, was ca..i to Philadelphia on Sat
nrday cn acrouat of an accident wmch
her son tieorsre sustained whiiaat one of
the denial colleges ia that city.
Robert M nieiL the actor, and his com
pany of ro'irtreu players showed their ap
preciation of a good Sunday towa by stop
Mag off here sa.-.irday night en roate for
Albany. They will lav this morning.
Announcement is made that Miss Minnie
Me.lon. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Edward
Mellon, of Frinlclin avenue, wil, be mar
ried on Mar-h 31 to City Edi or James
O'Connor, of tue Tiuth, at fit. Peter's
P. H. Mcrnasey. chief of the National
Trainmen's association, and R, E Wilkin
aoc, who holds a like office with the N"
tlonal Railway Conductors' association,
have bu in the city unee Hat orday night.
Both are from lialesburg. 111.
X'nder this Btadtag short IttSMl at InteriHt
will be p'u,l,.v.i !) acompsriwd, for pnb
liration. r.y th': writer' name Tun Tribi.s k
will not Ui held rs&or.HiWe for opinions her
eitreaspd .
Dr Bent v Corrscts th Troth.
Editor of ThicTriscii.
Will you plesse give me space to correct
the impression given by tfte reporter in
hatorday s Truth of my remark at the
rne-ting of the board of hen th on Friday
last npon the rceit state sanitary con
vention. The Truth reror'-r mnst have
n.nur,dertood me or misconstrued my
meaning. What I M ay this: "That
the convention was enference between
the state bod of health And the local
boards IfemoghOwt the tat for mntnal
benefit and nnderntanding. That It was
largely for the lenefl-, of the local noarls
recently orgar,izel nndr the act of assem
bly of )W3, bo roughs the right to
organize boards of health. That the ground
gone over was largely BOTtrwd by the rules
and regulations BOBUtMd m the fnnnnal
of the BerratoD Ixiard of health, which is
one of th ablest hoards i.i the state, having
ten organized In 1ST!. That this conven
tion was a great success, marking an era
of decided Improvement In sanitary condl
tlons throughout the commonwealth."
k-spectfully yours,
Jamkh K Ilitsii.rY.
s - i
Books by Exprsss.
Any pemon ordering ten or more books
at one time may have tbem sent by ex
press prepiid.
Tlie Church Whore the Services Were
Held Was So Crowded That It Was
Impossible to Obtain Admission.
Funeral ot Mrs. Burgtrhoff Satur
day Morning Socials and Recep
tions and Many Shorter Paragraphs.
(The West Sids offles of III Hi'KAMMJI
Tiuitrra ti looatad at fjs ttoatb halo av.-
Hue, where illn,'rlptnv a tferlltsinsuK
and eonanmitu'atiou will rscsne pruuipt
The largest funeral that has
Iven seen en tins side In a l;iu till)
was that of Byron II. Wade, ex chief
of polloa, wbiob ooonntd yaotti
dav aftornoon at 8 o'elook l.eig tie
fete llut bOQI lit umiv frltodi bogan
to Hi tin' r at the faiudy heme ea BOQtb
Smniier iiveiuie. where a luiet serviee
wa held The rtUiatU were then
taktn to the Blnoion Mathoitttt B"ii
ropalohnrah VVhau tiu oortafa r
rl Tad the ohtirah wai filled lo tbt doers
iul IDtraUOt was aft 'i'wsr I impossi
ble, l'h paster of the ohOFOtt, lv-v, 1,
t' Floyd, D.D., praaobad tbatttoaral
sermeti Aftr readlug the twentv
tturd PaalOQ he eh." Ins text a fol -lews
"lu my Father's DOOM tlune
are tuatiy inainiens. if it wer not 10 1
would have to) I von. tO I i( 1 go to pie
para a plaoa for von I will eoaie ajratOt"
ih tributes weie of eXipusite
ill sun Anion,; than were me fol-
I lowiDJ A beauaftil star ot lilies
Mil evergreens pienteil by
I th Beraaton mambara of Ostantngo
chapter. t. E S , a large casket bo
I ijuet, by the fatally, a pillow by the
l et.r Wllliaatoo lodge, No, B9S, Kie
and Accepted Masons, a star by Mr
r'" 'k :t:itdd a:ul a casket boqaat by
Mi lierth Jetikiu Peter Williams
or lodge, NO S9S, Free and Accepted
Haaona, wa lu attandaaoe, over ISO
strong. The rituil at PoNtl Hill
cemetery were raolttd by C U Van
Hi'.skirk, past master of the attending
.odge, and he alo ipolM iu eulogistic
term on the deptrted soldier and
liau Tne pall bearers wer T. F.
Well. F.verett Warren, B. C Siuler
MM, treorge Miteball, Fraak Peumau
aud Frank Uarker.
Funsral cf Mr. B.i-irhifT
The many frien Is of Mrs. Henry
Bur.'erhotT, who died on Thurslay,
gataerjJ at the family home ou North
Lincoln avenue Saturday tuoruiug to
gai ou the remain for the last time.
The cortege moved to St. JohrTt
(.termati Catholic church on South
Main avenue, where a solem i high
mu of requiem tM celebrated by
Rev FatUer Frtckar. Daring the
services a quirt,..; aang several
beautiful aelectious. rue floral oflf r
.ngs were numer m and beautifu .
Amoug thtm were "Gatea Ajar." In
scribed "Mamma, ' pr-seoted by the
caillrea; a pillow inscribed "Sister,"
"Sea! of Justice." by Mra C
D. Wegmau, of New York
city, a cross from the members
of the Hook and Lidder company and
a "cross and crescent" from the em
ploy of Wegmaa & Bargerhoff.
Among the out-of-town persons were Annie Bee, of Philadelphia, an 1
Mr and Mrs C D. Wegman, of New
Ti ork city. The flwer beareri wer:
L. H. Stark, John J. Hughes, Peter
Weiasa, H. F Ferber. Morris VValsn
ani Joan J. Thomas Tnoie who acted
aa pall bearer were Charles Scbautar,
Louia Forgan, O'to Altemui, Josiab
Saaff. George Shaffer an 1 John Miller
Interment was ma le in St. Joan's Crer
man Catholic cemetery.
Relohsrt'a Market,
8fl and S.1 I.aekawanna avenue. Kvery
day from 0 a. tn. to 10 a. m. Round steak,
lie; sirloin steak, 14c.; standing rib roast,
10c.; chuck roast, he : boiling meat, 4c.;
fresh pork, ItCI pork nausiige, lliic.
FEBRUARY 12, 1894.
Tonrohoioe of three beaatlfa
(riotoreBt,TdtphoneOirV' "l)c
liveriiiR ChriBtmai ricscnu"
and "Maideas Swinging." Bend
by mail or mftssoiiffer or bring
coupons like this of three differ
ent dates, with 10 cents, sUiuips
or coin, lo
Cor. Peun Ave. and Spruce St.
An Evening Party.
The home of Mi. May Daviei on
Everett avenue, waa a icaneof brilliant
, splendor on Saturday evsuing, th
occasion being a select party in her
honor. Tne fair young hostess re
eaived from 9 until So'clock, and many
gu-ta wer present. Th rooms were
tastefully decorated and were shown
to good advantage. Durin th even
log game wr p. ay 1 and nianoseiac
tiona were rendered by Miss Davids
and Mu Hatti BbarktU. A male
qnsrtette aang. At a few minutes lie
fore midnight an excellent supper was
served and th party rliiperd. Among
thoae preacnt from Providanca ware.
Misse Eleanor be Pngh, May Evan
Hannah Edwsrl. Mainte Jones, Haiti
Shark-Is and Crad Morn, Looll Kline,
and Edraa William. Proa this side
Misses Eizzie Meredith. Jeie Owens,
Ada ('.right, Sarah MoTJ n,My iJavies,
and Will Collins, Robert Beavers,
David Haander. fiaorge Lowry, Ar'hur
Mrdith. Emerson Owen and Fred
A Sudden Death
Luke Holly, aged ilyeir. residing
at WO North Lincoln arton, dltd very
addanly at his home at 1 o clock on
Sator lay afternoon. Bo was takari ill
on Wednesday, but no eriotis result
were feared until Friday evening. A
postmortem examination w nada by
)t I.indabnrv. ssaisted hy lir Daw
son and Bnrtob Hatnrday evonlng,
which ibowtd that death resnlteil from
slrnngnlated hernia. Mr. Holly came
to this country nleven years ago and
leave a widow and five children )
was a member of lodge 100, American
ProtsMtMt MtOOlatiOO, Ancient Order
of Britons, and the Oxford Mine A: i
denul fund The funeral will take
place tomorrow from tho family rem
dance at 0)90 p rn
Ills nkull Krn'turd
John Parry, n resident of North
Bromley avenue, emplovad ss a dilnai
at the Oxford shaft, met with a serious
Ocid tflt on Saturday at 2 o'clock. I'nrry
bad primed a hole, llfbtod a flint and
retired to a place of safety, to nwalt
the explosion. Trior w is a delay and
thinking the fne wn qnanohad, re
turned to examine It, A ho became
within range the Mail went off, and
large pieces of rock were hurled against
him, the force of which badly bruised
ntid manglod Mm. He wa removed to
the Mo Taylor liotpitaL where he
'ill UM in a critical condition.
Mr Jane William BurUd.
Th funeral of Mrs. .fan William,
of Wanhburn street, took plnce on
Kaiurday afternoon at ij o'clock. Rev.
1). P. Jonea, pastor of tho Tabernacle
Cnngragational church, omolnted, and
-P ike in eulogistic term on the exeal
lent qualities of t ie deceased. The
iloral offerings were of exquisite de
sign, and included a star and creacent
The pall bearer wer William Rich
ards, John X Divici, Daniel J. Bran I,
D. W Morgan, William Jones and El
ward Davi
Qhoiter t'arairraph.
Jam R Hughe, eon of John R.
Hugh, of South Rebecca avenue, hn
been elootod editor In chief of the Buck
nell Unirersity Mirror, a college jour
u ol.
Harry Storm, a member of the Wil
fred Clarko Comedy company, who has
been visiting at hia hoiui on North
Lincoln avenue, return I to join hi
company at Philadelphia today.
RT D P. Jones, pastor of tho Tab
eraaole church for the past seven years,
closed hla ministry yesterday This
evem g the church will give Mr and
Mr Jones u farewell matting, They
will leave the city iu n few day for
Colnmbua, o.
Court Young Mbiou No. ltd, Aneiunt
Order of Foresters, of America, will
give an entertain meiit and hop at
near' hall on Wednesday evening.
Tilt Welsh Philharmonic society held
un interesting matting Saturday even
ing in three room on Booth Main
uveuuo. A continuation on tli dl
OMaion, RttoWtd, That Electricity 1
the Motive Power of the Solar System,
whs held. The philosophical OQMttOn,
"The Conversion of Heat," w i Intro
dnoad by IX 0 Powtll, and a dltonttlon
oil the question followed.
Proftuot Georgt Howell will gift an
address this evening before tbt Hyde
Park Literary and delisting society iu
thtlr room ou Booth Main avenue.
The inbjtot will be, "Should Young
Men do to Oolltgtl Tbt public ia In
filed lo attend
Fiuiik BtOrtI, of Nmticok', spent
Sunday with hie family ou Ltfayttta
Ask your grocer and butcher for
Cart's heme made ml 00 m 'at ' '
- wmm
Kv, Retfar l. n, Aniiounuiiiitnt-i
from Now Until Batttl Sun, lav.
R v Roger Isratl anaonuotd dur
ing yceterday morn i n n' servion that
all candidate for OOUflrmttion th Srit
Bnnday after Baitar will be given pre
paratory laotnroa follow Adult.
Friday. 7 43 p.m ; boya, Tuesilay, 4
p. m , girls, Friday, I p m
Offerings will bo given on Oood Fri
day for the conversion of the .lows, and
on Lister for parish purposes. Tbt
latter may be dcsixaated for any
special object by being placed in an
envelop with the particular marked
tharton, Offering! at awry Ltnttn ser
vice If placed III th aim lu x will he
mod for the poor or any specilic pur
pose. ThrOOgbont Lent services will be
held a follow Sunday, lUit Ja. m.
7.80 p m . Hondaya, Tueadty, Wtd
ntadayt, I'bnrtdaya, Fridays and Sat
aadayt, 10 a m and op. m,, excepting
Wednesday evening, whtn the vesper
service will be hld nt 7 IS p. iu. Dur
iug H dy week th hours are announced
to be th jame, tZOtptlng Goo I Friday,
when services will be held at 10 30 n.
tu. from Vi to II p. m aud at 7 45 p. in.
Communion will be celebrate I every
Buoday at 8 a ui . fourth Sunday in
Leut, 10.30am.; Mauudy-Thursday, 8
Hid 10 a.m , Saturday, Feb. tu, St.
Matthias' Day, 10 h in,, aud ill private
whersvor necessary.
Baptism will b administerel Easter
Ere, a 10 a. m., or at any other ervice
if arrangements are previously made
with the clergv.
Court Appoint Elsctlon OttOer and
Nam Polling Placai.
Court on Saturday handed down a
number of orders with regard to the
appointment of election officers and
' fixing of polling place. H. T. Brad-
shaw was made judge of election of
th Third district of the Fifth ward to
fill the vacancy caused by the removal
of James Leysbon.
C. C. Donovan and Lonis Fallot were
appointed overseers of tho Firt district
and George Frable and John Metzgar
ovreer of th Second district of the
Twelfth ward. J. C.Vaugban and John
P Mahon are appointed overseers of
the Firat district, and Gsorge Sohwam
ley and O-torge J. Duhigg overseers of
th Second district of the Sixth ward
The borough of Taylor wa dividtd
Into two elettion district as follow:
All north of the former Lackawanna
and Old Forgo township line ahall be
tbt , Second district. In tiie Firtt dia
triot the pol ing plac shall be at John
E. Owen', near the Odd Follows' hall
and John W. Keese isapnoiutel judge,
and George Powell and Daniel Gilvary
inspectors of election. In tho Second
district the polling place shall bt at
Wl,er's ring on Main street, un I Wil
liam L Hopkins and John Shield are
appointed inspector.
The polling place in the East district
of Lackawanna township waa changed
from th IMUvi school home, now
burned, to the poll-hons to be erectod
on Delaware, Lackawanna 6c Westorn
land right of the main roid leading to
Taylor, near the Round wood Dtfid
R Mirk appointed judge and Kiohard
Lewis i and Michael Hogan inspector of
Tbt Tribune correspondent can ay
nothing more In regard to the letter
p ibllshed In John Moll it ta nam
I nuriday morning than to reiterate his
article of Monday morning lain. It
may have been detrimental tO Mr
M ffatt' slf Kiiatainn'l cause to publish
how much the BOOOnOOtBtnt of hla
candidacy for the off) :n of tax oollector
tiokltd the rill bill titl of all whi hoard
it but th TrlbOOt calla DDOO itacorro
sp indenta to publish fact not fancies
Toe writer and. all other Correspondent
are untitled that none of them will be
retained if the authority of their
article cannot bt depended upon.
If, I tusLoinary for corriHpundontH
when sp'-aking of the movements nf
any prominent man to mention the
feelingx of the public In regard toll
and that the probabilities ,, fur In
movement, being enccsssful There
fore, Mr t dot! th writer Of the
article e great, injustice when hn lay
that lh reader are being muled by
erroneous ItattmtnM, A for hia
itatttntnti ngardlog Ifr.Janti Young,
the respected leader of tin, reform or
RapnbHaan mortnitnt in thi barodgb.
it : ri be Halil that Mr. Young is too
digOlfltd and broad minded to take
notice of Mr. Moffatt' lll-plaotd
tburts. In concluding it ran be said
that no tatiiient. regarding Mr.
M(ITlt' candidacy hn bn writ tan
iu the eolomoi tbateaonot bevriiied
wen though ItlnoladM tb poisllnl
Itltf of 'I'll 1 1 aonclmln
tho Trtbone'i oomepoadtat'f defense,
and no mutter how much mure Mr.
Molfatt publlHhea no notion will b
taken of It.
There are no voter within the bor
ough limits who should work morn as
idiounly for th lOCOttl of the llepub
llcan ticket than thoae wun live In the
North Park portion of the sixth ward
where thfy are treated by the present
administration morn llko priaoner
unable to cacapt than like respectable
Mlllo llnxee K('llsl Vl)'.
Beat made. I'lay any dttlrtd number of
tune, (iniitiichl & Sons., manufacturer,
1080 Chestnut street, 1'htludelpbla. Won
derful Drrhestrial organs, only to and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and unproved with new tunes.
Dk. 0, (X Lauuach, dentist, Has and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvemuuts. Eight yeurs in
Happening of a Day That Will Interest
Many Tribune Headers.
Ha Was a Well Known Charnctor in
the Twelfth Ward John Flaherty's
Burbor Shop Burglarized Funeral
nl Mrs. Richard Zulcer Prolossor
Culli Aiinry Over Publlthtd Stale
men! Timt His Daughter Eloped.
Mtobael J. tdahon, of Protptet art
nue, one nf tlie oldett and best known
men iu the Twelfth ward, died Hitur
day night at 10 o'clock Mr Malum
hud been ailing for lateral yeart He
Wa troubled with Mini pulmonary
complaint thnl blfflid all medical skill
and finally prodUttd death Mr Ma
hou wa u remarkable oberaotof mid
notwithstanding the ill bitndnrtd,
h worked at hi traitt as inaion erban
vr It waa poavlbln lo Itnd employ
mailt. Ho riprtisnttd the Twnirth
ward III select council somn yeaia ago
and inud himself fatnoui btOaOM of
th lilt lm hud with I P, M ittel,
i 'tprtltllt ut Ivo (rout III Seventeen tie
Bo aortmooloui wert tht decisions iu
ilttil, that th iiK.iit was traoiftrrtd to
the COItrt. Mi. Malum was also tax
collector lu th ward before It wa ill
vldd, He 1 survived hy bli wife and
four children. The fiiusral will take
place tomorrow afternoon.
Funeral ef Mr ule.r.
The funeral of Mm. Riobard ' lle
ger, of Aider street, to ik plant ytei
day afternoon. Tlie nrvics were
very largely attended. Thorn were
representative:, of throe OrgenllltlOM
ple-ent. They were snclulio With
which Mr ',iilger wa OOOOtOttd, aud
tinned out aa a murk of svinputby
The lOOlatiOf repieentd wer the
Fortbildungs vereln, th Saenger
ruiide and th Krleger Vtrtln,
and th pall and llowr beutwrs
went leleeted from tlmm: These
were Louis Hedrich, August Jabs.
Charles J, Rtil, John Sls, OiHttve
Bohnlti and William Uaumgartntr.
Flower war snnt from the lady mem
bers of the Saengen mule, from tho
Blnlgknt, John Snyder, Jacob Holf
maliter, Mr Obarlti Cuby uud from
the lters an I tirothr ot the lUud
woman. Itsv. Mr Welter conduct!
the aerriota, and th iutermsut was iu
Foret Hill comtery.
Profeor Gi th I Anirry.
Profestor Jacob Guth, laadtl an I di
rector of tho band that bear hia uiime,
was a much tzoittd man ou Saturday.
The cause was a newapaper item that
appeared last week stating that hie
daughter, it mis of IU, had been mar
ried in Bingiiumton lomt weak agn
Mr. Unth called at the oftic of the
paper printing the itm, but could
elicit no information. He then wrote
a letter to Binghaiutoo addressed to
the clergv man who it i aHgd per
formed the cwrvmony. Mi Gutb de
nied the truth of tht ilateineut pab
llihed. Barbtr Shop Burglarized.
The barber shop of John Flaherty,
situated at Pittaton avenue and Cuerry
street, wa burglariz-d early yeiterday
morning, and the fact waa not dis
covered until some time yesterday.
The burglar left no clue as to their
identity. Everything portable wa
taken ; razors, strop, hone and a pair
of opera glasse Mr. Flaherty esti
mates hi loss at $7o
Shorter Paragraph.
A child of .Mr, and Mrs. Michael
O liar, of ProtptOt auenu i fell against
the stove on Siturday and received a
gash in the head thnt required Dr.
Mnnlen to pat in live stitches.
Mrs Rudolph O 'orge, of New York,
sister of Richard Zulegur, attended the
funeral of her sister In-law yesterday.
Mrs. Ptntly, wife of Conductor
Pently of the street rail way, is leriouily
John Rip, of Maple street, son of
Mr. and Mr. Michael Riap, is danger
ously ill,
Patrick Cook Fatally Injured In th Pine
M u Shaft.
11. i- .. ,,.
i Ulrica i ook oi mnu iiann w so
everely injured in the Pine Brook
shaft on Saturday that he did a few
hour later at the Mines Taylor hoi
The accident was caused by the run
ning away of a trip of c'r which
knocked Cook down and cut both of
his logsnir. He leave a wife and six
Mr Cook wa 19 years of age Hi
funeral will take place Tuemlav morn
ing from his residence on Mineral
street. A high mass of requiem will
bt eelebiated at8tPettr'i cathedral al
0 a.m Interment will Ih mnde In
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery,
. - -
Th. Rat
droves' ptiot. is, 485 8pruot trttt e
A Trip Through Hie Colom
bian Exposition.
72 leaves, printed on one side
only. Showing all the plaoee of
Interest on main ifrouuds ami
Midway Plaisanoe. Bite, r;
Umbossod paper cover or inn
Twtii Cn tiprins nnd 2,r CENTS Inkes
rmhnsss I onvttr.
Tw.) Counn nrd 40 CENTS Inkr
ninth nnviT.
Add '. otntt fur poategt If ordertd b mail
The Scranton Tribune.
Eooki I Book I Bookal
During the coming week wo shall offer
to the subscribers of Tun Tiubunk rare
bargain in book.
We have n large lino of bright and imp
ular volumes, elegantly bound, that we
intend togivu to the patrons of thn paper
al ah mi oiiu-fourth of the usual price.
i ne loiiowmg iihi win give you an idea
ol the luiliiceiiinut ami the unusual op
port unities to iiocuro valuable addition lo
your library.
Iteutllar rI I Ihuile H
prita Price.
The World's Fair (New) f.M t ,M5
Pictorial History of tliellreal
civil War son .80
Pilgrims' Progress (lllusi'od) 8,10 .Ml
Bar lb, Sea and 8k jr ,V5
Miuveloiis Wooden 2.78 .Ki
l.lfe nnd Works of Spin gi-oii 1,60 .flu
Pictorial LUtorjrol tbt Dibit 8.70 ,n.
Miiheiini oi Sondtfl 2.75 .h.'i
Prom Pole to Pole 2.7J ,KI
Pletorlal History of tbt Urn
ttaatatti nisi
BoltOM of I He :;.7:,
1 00
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
i.itenf Barnaul i.wi
Indian Hon ura , I i
bsephu on
Bhapo'i Pbotoarapba 1,60
'nliiliiliiln. Hn, Naviiiilnr
Ileal UqlUOM iStunlny'a
H ibtttt i ilotlonary In oat
hair Itushia .1
4) 1
tin prtttntatbm of two of tbtt
Conpou, rJubacrlbtr of THE TRIO
I'NK iniiv nut aha hhu hwiti In ii.u
! tbOVt lint.
Riminoton Typtwrlttn and Bdlaon
Pbonograpbi for ala nnd nut, opyiug Pbonograpbi ranted for
un evening' enttrtaloment Ttltpbont
1848, Kdw. Qunittr, Jr., 4.1.. Hpiuoo
New Bityola,
a new bloycli worth 871 win boaeld for
885, Tn maeblat i gnarantttd and la'a
rare bargain, Machine nay bo mm at the
'liilaiiui .
I. 1
A New
COR One Week, commenc
' ing Monday, February
5, we will have a CHINA
when we will sell Cups and
Saucers for less than
Their value. Remember
this sale will be for one
week ONLY, as we posi
tively will not sell a cup at
the sale price after next
116 Wyoming Avenue.
lA 14 XA XA V U U U vL
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing?
Do You Want Cloth 33 for Almost Nothing?
DRICES on brand'tiew Suits and Over
coats in our windows will convince
you that we are about giving them away.
5 The ' 1 1 Nl INK New 5
JJJ Haven S
Z ESTAB. 1866. r
New Vork wareroom n.. E
si ptfth n nu
B 8oledealerln tht , tlon B
- Offloa ilm Adamavnu S
I Is I s.
Martin 6c Delany
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue.
The Ureal SfarvelofDeutal Boienoe
A reoenl disooverj and the sole
propert) oi
Henwcod k Wardell,
31G Lackawanna Avo.
nun hknwoou t mm i
a ftr having Uven tttth utrattad at
' ' t i lalalti mathod i pre.
noantt n tuilrtlj raatort in tvon
Peulaft j, s, y,luN
k the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn
8ylvania The highttt grade of Pianos and Organs. The
low:',l irt','-s obtainable anywhere an') tlie rnos4 liberal
torms ever offered to purchasers are some of the
leading inducements. Look at the list
8ohmer Pianos,
Everett Pianos,
Vose & Sons' Pianos,
Melilin Pianos,
Popular Pease Pianos
Estey Organs.
Story & Clark Organs.
Chicago Coli age Organs.
Palace Organs,
Al4 all kind of Muv -,' ' . -
Ibe Holiday are herr;, and this i the place to buy PtaaOl for a Cbritmai
i'rciieiit J'rice are lower thau any other ruuair; store in Scranton. Special
Attention Ituneuiber uhviy when yr.n utart Ollt to earcb for a Piano or Or
gan that Cbriltopbtr ColambM poititi with hi right hand to the exact plaoe
you want to go, Now here It la:
s. w . . , rA
SPRING . . .
Styles of
Have arrived.
Best quality and
lowest prices.
220 Lacka. Avenue.
Special for This Com
ing Week.
Men's fork Sile Lace Sboet,
Goodyear Welt. 4 gtedt, ".A
to be .H'
Men' Cork Sole Lace Shoe,
hand nwedwelt,f'i grade, to v-' HQ
be QOtVO
Ladlee' Dengola, Ki.l Batton,
Patented Tin. Groodrear
welt, Oontnon araai last. all C')
- J2.89
4..'0 trade, to be
Ladltt' Pine Kid Bnttes,eork
ole. band turn.t'otitnton
Besae laat. only a few pair ftQ )
Of tlinn. j.'i trade, to be.. . Oi.i'
Ladlee1 Dell Dongola Botton,
doobltaolta, Oontnon sne
only, grade olotW 'it at I J
UleMe' Strslshl Qoal ii.itton,
'rin lieid, lilt 1 1 to '-1. f.' fj I ( ft
gradt will Mil at o m I
Bojri' Sthool Shot, l ntton nnd
lace, liiH 11 to 9; $ i U will n
aellal VlC
Skirt, Balloon
Skx'M'.iim .black
and tau. Cost to
make, $iti. Now
Wo wittigive you
the choiee of 40
Jsckets, all this
eotteon'a make.
Not one in rho
lot that cost k3
than to Kt0
and WRAPS, 16
will puj you ti
see tins oflhring
of Tailor-made
Arcade Shoe Store.
W Vi)IIM. hi
a v
L Scranton, Pa.
4 tVf
Scientific Eye Testing Free
We need room for new Spring
Slock. Visit us,
8c Co.
railor 0 K MakerS
an.i Parrttra,
".(is: B' 'wt ci : sr..
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Sperlullst en tile l-'.ye. Iteiutuillle :in.l
Nervousness relieve I. Liitust and Improved
Htyle ot By Gl unil BptOtacl nt the
owMi PftOta Hunt Artltlulal Byt inaortud
tor f .
S05 SPRUCE ST., op. Pott Offlct.
vovit of tiicR roiroNs, pr
B MMlaW t The Tribune fHpe. cor-
ess nor Pemn nvttnu nnd Sprtion treet,
S e-ntlUeta tbt buKtfr to nil the prlr-
aat tit'if ta si I (b mi ! i i 1 1 i. ofi'erff
5j 1. 1 1 tlUt rl but lu (in 1'u i tr btiokte
JJ uniting: our i tMulci it. The otVera nid
2 by Tin Trlbiiun inuuitirt'iJicut. uro
g ItH folloWR'
B Ifl ( IM S mui sTour OoUpOQI for
jg uny Vol UDIt In tbt t . luuiluts S-
rlt-H. Ovvt- 100 ttiUs toHclrvt from.
S aMiTS tml FOUl OoOpOOl for n 10
jj vtilnino net of Dloketii coiuploto
30 OBMTI nml Four OupoiiH for
nny book 1 n tlu Kut;by 8erii.
US OKNTI untl Four Coiipom for
nny book In tho Oxford Series.