a THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 12. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. li'mifs uf nil rrfjt .Vifiiuf (mil FREE. kinds iust that muek, rw ll'diifii. ayAIcA an ihsii teil s Situations Wanted 'lTL'ATluN WANTED AS COACHMAN O. T.. Tribute BY A MAliKlLD L 1 H ..Mi.wt:..r bad two t ears' experience IB oriace pamtlua'. ITr .vTli(' W ANTED man .1? c a bniati "i rfaracner. wniii.g to be ul understand aroo&'l OBee work eight years leferonce from last employer. Auures WILLIAM MO Msnon street TFaTIUN WAN'TEO-IN OFFICE OP o lawyer or physuiai ,'tok sipoflloel 1b order nud answei calls: cm t i.rnifb if.o 1 reference UllU BABY A. JtFr'BKVS. 104 Futimui at rati BcroBtoa, Pa. O i T i a fl ON WANTED a w 0)1 v N 5 WOUld like to get ..lit by Ih.' day washing or clesuiug. or will take washing boe Ail draw, MAKY DONNELLY. Borontoa PoetotMoe. 11Y A YtH'Sli MAN IN DKY 1.10008 OR 1) grocery Otero, Ot some business where lie .ililtf work 0li Some experience, good refer one, will work . hem'. Address P. Qi box .'-'. Moulroae. Pi A DHKS.sm a'kEi'i WHO IH INT RELY V depcudeut dooil herself for luppol t weald like few engagement t. goon! by the Week t reaooBaklo rates. Address Drsaamsksr, Trio- line Ottlee. (iTl'ATlnS VNTKI BY A BTRONO woman who i telling to do any kind of homework; will take boot washing or iron log or go out by the day. Onrolkta Khue. No i Cedar avenue, Scranton. U ANTED I'l'siUi'N BY A PtBST olaoa stationary euglneer; the beet o reference furnished. Address a. h. Hall. -Cltnton street, ItinftuuatoB, N. v tTl?ATIiN WAN rED -BY A " iri.in.ean take ere ot BONOS or drive team or any lubt work preierrsu, bib yeerse xperience Ea dry goods atora, address, i w Washington avenue. Borautou. OITCATION WANTKD BY A BTRONO t young wcmall Wko is willing to do anv kind ' kooaewofk WlU take home washing i iroalBB or go OttJ by Iba BBV. Address.'. 0.. W est Bide "sJlll Alh'N WANTKD BY A VOVNO O girl to take care of children Call or ad- dress K. C. WIS Scranton street. Boranton sj ITUATjON WANTKD BY a YOL'NO i? married uiau; nine years' experience in the butcher business am' willm to take BP I Orphans' Court Sale. KPHAN8' COURT BALK J Authi'iiy Hei kiuuu, deceased KBTATE F llv vll t .m of 'in order of the Orphans' Court nf Lacka wanna county, there will lie exposed to public salo OB tut-premises u Coilar avenue, in the citt "f bi rautou, in said count v, on Tunsdav. the .nth day or reortury, IBM, at 2 o'clock p. m., ths (Ollowlug describod real estate In wit: All that cert tin lot and UW f laud litUStaiB the bail loanship of Provldruo, now tin. Mtfi ward of the i ll y of Berutitun. Ill the county of Luzerne (BOW Lackawanna and state of PBBBSTlVBBiS, on the westerley side of Cedar street ( now aveiiuei. being Kit number thirty nine (X) in square or block DUmbarBTaCl) upon the town plot t tot town (now citv) or Scratitoti, made by I Coghlan. intetiiie.l to l e duly Nflstsrajd and recorded etc Said lot is rectangular and is twenty-six feet eight in bSS(ttr1 i inches' in width and one bundled and forty feet in depth. Coal and minerals rescued with the light to tnuie and rtlBOVS the same ns ex net aid in deed for said land from Jaines Armstrong and wife to the said Anthonv lleckmaii. datd the Itith day of March. A L. lsTf, and recorded ;n the count "f Lutara in dead book No OS, vagei. All Itnprovtd Willi a s ngi two story frame dwelhng house and out bill dliiKS thereon Teimsof sale Twenty-live i5 per cant, of bid on dav of sal and balan.'e on conflrtua tioii of sale JOHN KFKBF.K. Adumiisiratori II t BANCO. Attorney. Speclj: Notices. tabl HAL TK'KKTB CAN ner spruce sil'ee meal ti Twtatf board UK HAD AT Iti and Franklin ave acts for 33.50 Hood Hei, Estate. Olt BALI BINiU.K Hurst:, uu yClN'CY avenue; very desirable location. Aoplv ll F REYNOLDS, ,,i WlLl.AHU. V AKIiLN ii KNAFP. dftiljuil W ILL BUY MODERN NEWS-ROOM t,? house, all buprovautsBts; ssrnui as r GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES History ol the Rise ami Decliiid ol a Ftinious lion Industry. S1 plj II KKY u-:ks 11,400 WILL BUV VKUY DXilRABLI LOT - I'u'i Mt i HVttinid ana l 'ti.; v.tf j ktrvtt. Toiiu fuy Aii!y RARRY LIES. S SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG girl to i!" Ujfkt bosaework or as nurse girl. Address L. t.. Ui North Fittnoretave . ncrsBtoBt P. MAN Wil li AFTERNOONS AND EVEN mgs to MMra would writs up small set or books, do billing, copying, addressing or otnar work In that llns Quick ami accurate, j J. K. til Bpruca aireat. city lIIl'ATION WANTED BY A YOl'Sfl air to do second worn. exp-rieH'.-e ana good rararauce. Auureaa . n ii.. ? naw Sci tpl Abt BTENtHiRAPflER WANT8 A i position lii ottos or will work at noma. Reference Address A F , 1 C Mitttii avenue, Help Wanted Male. U AN TED Van WITH ONE HUNDRED dollars ui-ish. to takschsrgl of profit BUtasiBMs Inqulra, Stooting OalUry, aio Spruce street. U-AN T D RELIABLE MAN PERM nnt v sit on. St unp and reference. A . l Helo Wanted Females. UVVAWED.PW.nH7iVKTrAPA able girl, fr general housawork: no ethers nead apply- Wages ilw. Wilson Hatch. siO Kelser avenae. UANTED-A ttuOD UIRL FOR UEN eial Uousewuri Apply St UU yu;r.i;y STsuua. HMANCIAL fVNU CDMMtKClAL Stocks and Pondi N'kw Youk. Feb. 10. To-day .s session at the stock exohauije ivao one of the most uuiutereatiug ol the whole week. As usual the luduslrials inouopolusd wtittcvcr llttlt ti Kdlng there was, atul the stocks at the openiu; renluel a slightly higher range, rzoept for distillers, which was a shade easier. I ho sales for the ilhc were Sot SbATSs. of Whiob laaOO were. siii:ar. Net changes either way were only ,i outside of Mauhaitau, whttSb lost 1 . per cent. The toll wiug complete table suowiug the day s fluctuations in active stocks is supplied and revised dally by LaKur Fuller, stock brokers. LSI W yoming avenue: Opou- Huh Low Clos ing, est. est. lug. Agent Wanted. It aNI'ED-a sAlilSMAX, s-i in w r; . cau Will -1 w-:ek!y can la ! witn our goou in st.y loosttty, will pruve it or lo.-feit Sljiy Saiarv ,,r comniisslou as you prefer. The re suits of a few nosr-' wurk often .sjuals a we-k's wages. Address. " M ANUPAOTCR kria. P u. Box Boston. Mass. WAN rED TWO YOL'NO MEN OF 'a : V addresa to call on business li.ms.-s. Steady employment for good men. Apply NATIONAL, ( LEAN TOWEL COMPANY, A.-- a !e b ol ling. For Sale. IV K ' A Lh -'' :HOli 'liC ILlilN t L"Ts 1 in rae'oryville. inouire f A in. Cot. Oil Am. Sugar A T. C S. V Can, So. Ceu. N.J Chic. JJ N. W.... a, b. y Chic, lias Cm C. C. St. L Col. hoek.Val. to f. D. H D., L. W... D & C. F Erie O. E. Co Lake Shore. .. ti, N Mauhuttau mi. Pas Nat. Lead X. Y.N. E N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. W K. Y., a. w U. S. C. Co North Pac North Pac. pf Omaha Pac. Mail Reading Rock Island R. T St. Paul T..C. & I Texas St Pac I' mon Pac Waliasn, pf W. Union , W. L. E , W L. E. pf Us Tas 6it 11 ll'il's 765, UH4 1112 tut. Ml", Hk m iMM ut4 ma im4 ... -u ... i2 ... i"'( ...ur ... il'-i idi4 m mi iiin, MM 1142 BM -f;s 19 1 1 127 lit, mi OH 1" m UK U's Ills MM t'j'. if.'yj lls i"4 Ml i"r, 'H i;i ith u IMt, m mi isi. w! mt i x m Chlcaso Orsin and Provisions. BcBAXTosr. Feb. 1 0 -The following quota tions are supplied and corrected daily by La bar 4 Fuller, stuck brokers ... Wyoming avenue. WHEAT. Upe'iln?. Highest.. Lowest ., Closing DR. fc. T. WHEAfO.V lientist. 421 Lackawanna avenue. I 'OR MALE MlLLlNEtY AND FANCY I goods, aiso drsssma;ii i; departnint. P rst a as rade and In.-atlon. A bargain for ta-illit Party Tetmi easy. Apiy 'Bar- i i 'lrlbune .lir.ce MILCH COW, WITH also go .d horse i 0-ap REYN' LDS. 99 New noR BALE NEW r ulf by her sic- fur want of u-e W I York itrssl POR SALE-A PLATFORM SPRING r wagon Sid nouse for SBloor r-nt IS i; .Ire .f B F. si'M irl tBELL, Moscow. f "i I roi -ALE DELIVERED IN SCRAN 1 ton at n',c. pir ton ln.iaire of W II -MITH or M H HCFFORD. Clark s Mum t. Pa. I 'OR SALE- sk-ACRE FARM. sruCK I' sad ntansila J M SHEFFIELD. s.t Moaroe are. h -ALE OR EXCBAMSE FOR SCR CK i ton propsrty-A bearing orange grove Increasing in nrojiirtion and valuo yearly in g CORN. opening Highest Lowest LloHing oath. Opening Highest lowest OWsj PORK. opening IHghisst Lowst 1 Closing LARD. draining Highest Lowest Closing. SHiiRT KIBB. Opening Highest lowest Closing I'eb. MM iltiSj ' ii MM MM St la 1110 J.,') jm ijj 137 737 no :i lii m nil hi: May. MlH til (U com HTt 1Mb Mf BM 12c7 iris io UU 71T 'i i IU 71a M Cil" 0-0 HI July mt 01 '4 t.;s S7',(, ilK M '-. I7M S8 ilH I7M 71S Ti j 710 ;i'j New York Prouucs Msrksf. Nr.w Yohk. Feb. lu. Flouk Dull. the oranaa section in Florida. Addres N F.TTLEToN. Lake Helen. Fiorina For Kent. I,'. IR RENT APRIL I-THEROOIWNOW 1 ., ctipied by the Telephone Exchange. W Lsekawanna avenue Appi at th office of Lehigh Sslt Mining to. . Tli.rd NattOSMl liana, bg Idlnj i. 1- an I E. C Fuller POR RENT HOUSE 107 WTOMIN0 AVE I BM from April 1. Eleven room, all the in lern impruven.en rsnt $VJ per month Ar.pi. to t H LEil'-V- li.k. ..'.-. avenue I'oK LENT STORE, 5 i LACXAWAKNA I avenue, by Apr I I. Enquire or Hunrv Fr. y If) l.a kaw. una u.ci.uu or at the prsBistrs r 'ok RENT IN BURR El ILDINq WABH I lnaton avenue, a faw dosirabl-- iirtlees aBd fiats- Kent. ver reasonable ito desirable par ties tan be seen bv applying to Janitor in buiiding. For teitni apply to CHARLES A BI'riK .V4 North iain avenue. For hem a Lahor stoke room at I KB gpTUOS street. Inquire at III Wyom ing avenue T 'Olt RENT-THREE ROOMS. FRONT ON I second floor, over N A Hulbeit a musk store, 117 Wyomoig av nue. from April I. In quire In the store. L'OR RENT -TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL A ling house; modern Improvement'.. 31'. Forest court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, Srf'-tit "-'I Vest T.ackawanna avenue. rpO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARB J Part or sll of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad. Apply at !rtu Franklin avenue. rpO BEMT- STORE SfixeJinlt FURNISHED J hall on tlreeii Ridge street. Very desira ble locution and on reasonable terms. Apply 10 F. E. NETTLETON or C S. WOODRUFF. Republican building Money to Loan. ajlUAOU OB lAOW) MUST HE PI. .MED C promptly. D W BROWN. Alt y. Wis, ' pruc 1 SI reel. Proposals. s1 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE delved at the office or tne city OtSTI. Bcranton, Pa., until ..M o ClOOJj p in., win nesday, Feb. '.'I, lsvl, to improvu Nuy Aug ave 1 nue approach to the Albright nveuuo bridge over iho Larkawiinna river, 'the said lm 1 provement consists of riprapplug the bank of said river, and backfilling the same The , city engineer estimates the i iptappimt at Efl i cubic ysrus ami trie oa gniiiiig ai imv i-uuii-yards. Plan an 1 specifications for the work is at the oftloe ot tho city olert. Bidders shall enclose with each proposal the sum of fifty dollar?, cash or certified chock a a guar sntee to execute a contract If awarded the sine. In case the bidder to whom tne coir traut shall have lean awarded omits to uxe ute a contract for the work within ten days of eward thereof, the fifty dollars eoclostd ilh proposal shall be furf elbsl to lb . City ot Bciant ui i ho cilv reservas the right to re ject sny and all ills By order of trscity ioumlls. M. T LAVELLE, city clerk, tfcrantou. Pa., Feb. 7, 18111. weak, neg.ectcd ami nominal; winter wheat, low guides, RM3.45j do. (air to fancy, 12 -ioa'ATJ; do pgtBSM, $t.?ta;t. .''); Minnesotn clear, 8.80a8.BBl do. straight', 88Aa&fXl; do. patents, td7uai.HL low extras, '-f.f'-a'i.4.": city mills, S35: do. patents, ff.10a4.8S; rye mixtures, gkQOB 2.B0; superfine, 1.78ft9'l0 line. 1.78alBO toutheru flour, dull weak; OOBBton to fair extra, gSaBi good to choice do , ill I0.ll.90, ItVk Klifit -Dull, steady; tJ.C'i. l HU' KWIIKAT State. 704TM.I Japanese, u alio.'. gCOBXlfCAL Dull, siaady; yellow Wdt-;,-rn. f339a)L70; brandy wine, IS.7Q, ! BYS DoIIi lUHBtOBl; weteru, 1Sj."i7c. BARLtTe-Dull; Nu. i UIIWaukBB, 89o; western, iJSehSc. ; two rowed state, 707.V. : six-riweti do., sOaK.V- ; city made, Canada. I BScalt. W'HltaT Fairly active, easier; No, 2 red, I 69!slW840. afloat, C8Ma(Mc, f. o. l., tiaja'a bij-ic: ungraded red, o8s64c No. 1 norm ! eru, OBaNWCl options epSBM llrmei land advanced fsjSM0. May recording BB : other low price, or to ii.I 1-10;. ; May, July and Ilecernber most active. Closing Poti ruary, U-'JsjC ; March, til' ,c. ; May, OWc.l June, 1Vc.: June, W'sjc. ; July, 67jfO.; August, tisvc; Iiecember, 7Jc. i okii Dull, Ann. No. Z. iMic, eleva tor; 41iss9Vc. afloat; options, very dull, closing firm at J4'c, advanco on early months nud . ,c. decline on May, without j features. February, 4'Jjc. ; March, 4aic ; May, 4.iVc tUTB (Vulet, Ann: options, full ; Kebru ary, iMpic; Marcli, .Hi,c; May, 4; No. g white, March, . spot prices, No. Ml Mc; No. 2 white, 176,1 No. i Chicago, . ,e c; No. 3, 81c: No. U white, ddc.; mixed western, Hia87c.; white do. 87a4 1 c- white state, 87a41o. i. si. i 7'" '. firm, family, ItlAll extra mess, fHaM.fiO. in . i llAMg-Ilull at tl.'a1o 50. Iiiiictii Bgir - Dull, flria; city extra ludia mess, si .. t'UT Mkat.4 tgutet, steady; pickled bul lies, li lbe. at 7 ,r ; pickled suoulders, '.'.a', pickled lian,., .'I-,- middles uoinl- DSL Laud Quiet, linn ;, western atoam rinsed ..r 7 -.1, sales, tlercss at . son 7bS; city at 7. ,-.; February closed $7. 73, nominal; Msrcb closed 17. 5U, no mi nnl; May closed t T .V, DomlBBl, refined, quiet; contiuent, $a.'J; South America, S.flS; compound, VaUJsjC i'ORK Quiet, steady; sales, 5U bnrrols, mesa. S13.78. ItiriTKit fresh steady: stnto dairy, IfiaUlo. : western eairy, 3Wal7c, state cresmery. i:ia-J7ir.; Elgin. 2iC ; imita tion creamery, ltal'Je. ; extra creamery, italic.! 1'eunsylvaula creamery, J7;c. , i xtra.fnctorv, ISaloo. ; rolls, 12aHtc. Ciikehk Quito, steady; stste large, Ua 11 l lttc; fancy, HWalUic; do. small, lujs. nli;Jc, part skims, 4ioc, full skims, l.'i THAT FURNACE AT BRADY'S BEND Once tbe Now Deserted Mill, Which Was RtCSntly Sold Under the Auc lionasr'l Hanimor, Piotluceii Every Monlli Several Hundred Tons of Iron FJailj 1' li.it Sold as High an Ninety Uolljis Per Ton Curious Incidents and Vicissitudes Con nSCttd with the Furnace's Past New Works to Be Opened-Minor Industrial Glints. It is explained Unit the recent sale at auction, on an $so,0uo bid, of the prop erty of tba llrady's Li nd Iron coni pany UeSDI n buotu to Brady's Bend. Mr. (iil test t e. the nominal purchaser. Ittyg a company will be organised to arret all tb works necessary to de velope the full rrsourcei nf the prop ci ty. The mines will reopened, mi l it the ore proves ot blgb grade it is likely an iron pliiut, iurnacea, etc., uuicli lilie the original works, will ba rslublislieil. Qlllstta stntea that the company will sxptod $50,000, ami mot e if necessary, on the enterprise. .Mines of coal, iron ore and rich veins of lira elay and limestone will be WOTksd The now company will lnrlule I'lttsburg, I'hlUdelphia and New York capitalists. The tract contains about b.UiM acres lu Armstrong ami Clarion counties All that now marks the site ot the lireat Western Irou works is the brick smoke stack. The works were immense in their day BBd some famous men were connected with them. I hie of them was .Samuel J. Tildan. The panic of 1873, whtsh helped to defeat Tildas, also crushed this business enterprise in which he was heavily involved. A prosperous town, with 5,000 inhabitants, became the typical "deserted village." Uuce richly turutsheil residences became the resorts of tramps. Company bouses, leserted and dilapidated, ami heaps of "slag," petriti-d by time and the ele ments, are now the only reminders of what was tbon the biggest Iran making ilant iu PsBBiylrsnia west uf the mountains. The works were erected iu 1830. and operated under the name of the Great Western Iron company, which win orgauiz-jil by Philander Raymond, of New York city For twelve yeurs two blast furnaces and a nail and a rail mill woie operated profitably, The company becaUH Involved and its land and the enlir plant v?er sold nt sheriff's sale. A Boston man named .Sawyer spent a fortune In patting the mill and furnaces again in good r tin ning order, flis inv-stment was more tnan doubled ill profits iu the follow ing feveu years. His .loath was also the death, for a time at . as; of th- iu lustry. He beipieathe'l his whole es tate to a Catholic instllu'.ioa In Massa chusetts, whose charter prohibited it carrying on anv industry outside of that state, in 1869 the property was sold to William Ogdan, of Chicago, who paid $-")0,000 for it. 0'den put the plant iu repair at an expense of about the ssme nirnuat. Addi tional land was pnrobsied, making the whole tract over o.OOO ncres The Al legheny Valley railroad was completed and a new town, i-.tst Uraily, whs built Hcross the river. Seven hundred tons of iron rails were rolled each month from the eularged plant, selling at about $9'J a ton. Not less than 1.500 men worked iu and about thu mill. The slep necessary to produce this nappy stale of iitTairs was the very transaction that entailed disaster. Th property had been encumbered with iirjt mortgage bonds to the extent of 300,000, given by a new corporation which had acquired th property. Til den was u stockholder and tba corpor ation's counsel. E-rlv In lTo a second series of bonds for 1)00,000 was Issued But the panic came on mil early in tba fall of that year the great cjrp ir i lion died. Mismt KDCSTRUL Note: At a special in-ct.ag of th directors of tba Lahjsb . Wlikaabarra Coal company Heniy 'Jraves, jr., was elected secretary arid treasury, Vice V. T. Z ll. rctnovuil. I)r. Herbert M. Howe, of A. M l'sidce & Co., the coal operators, bus heou elected a director of the I iuauce Company uf Pennsylvania, iu place of the late Ueorge Do li. Kiel iu. 'ho autbradta snlen agents will prob ably make opening prices for the spring season on I'eb. ill. 1 he prospect is tlial tbay Will bo lower than has been known for many years. 'Iho Bloomabiirg car works is build nc. n uumber of treiithi and coal . s t be used on the Wilkes harre A Kasleru n'id New Yoik, Stuquebanna iV: Waatarn rail romls. Arthur 0 Mara, of llauley, hss invonted an improvement, on tba air Wbiltia in use on passenger lOComotiVSB, A rutnor is also current In tba Uelaware, Miopiehantia and Scliuylkill railroad circles that this company will, la the future, run tratna o?ar tba Valley road 10 tide water st Perth Amboy. TWO thousand coal goii dolaS arid ten lororuotives am iu construc tion for this purpose it it said. The shipment' of the varlons companies for the week ending I'eb. B shows the fol lowisf Decrease, Laokawanna, wluuu tons; Delaware end Hudson, 14,000) Lu bigh Valley end Heading, L'u.imi, Jersey Central, M.000j PeSBStVSBlS llJHb, l'enn sylvania Coal, 18,000; Krle, 11,000; Ontario and Western. (,000, Coga Bros. Co. in created their output 4, uuj tons. Skin diseases are caused by im pure or depleted Mood. Tiio blood ought in be pure and rlctas it is made so by Scott's Emulsion tiio Cream of Cod-liver on. Scrofula and Amemla aro overcome also, and Healthy Flesh is built it i j- Phyticiaiu, Hie world over, endorse It. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! i'rcirudb) SeettS Bowel, W, V. Aiiurumists. BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAL HHYNIMANfl N1 SITROKONS nit ii H, tiKAN, Diseases of theKre, Noss Throat aad Bar, ian jpruee street, . site court house. k i. A J. tONNBLL. OfBoa IKI1 Washington 1' iivt-iiue. coiner Bpruoe street, over Pranoke'e drna ftore. RMraeBoe, 781 Vine s:. OMoehourei io.au to r: a. in. and iui and t,80 to ".ai) p. m, Bundsy, 8 to 1 1 " Dlt W. h. AI.LI.:.. iiltlco cor. Lacka wanna ami Wnnlunyton aVSai over l.eou ar.t shiaj stole; ortlce hours, ill to 11! u. In. and I lo 4 p. in ; evening's at residence, ui- M. Washington ave. DIUi.L 1'Kh.V. 1'ractlca llunieU to Uls Saafe of the Kya, Ear, Nose and I'liioal; oftloe, IB Wyoming ava ReetUBea Ml Vma street It L M HA'l'KS. Ill Wnsliliiutoi, Aveuus I irtiee i w a lii , I Jo to J and I to i p.tn, InliN L Wi;M7 M D., Offleas U and ol .1 CounnunweaUU bnlluiMI residence TH .Muillsoiiave; ofSua hours, Id to 12, I to 4. 7 to l buudays i UU t., 4, i veiilntts at resldiaice A tpwlally made of iH-essea of lbe eye, ear, noss and linoat unt Ltyneo.il' . . nu. li U Mo HltAV. specialty uia . on dis eases of eye uud akin -l Wyemiiit; Avu UfBoa hoorei Until lUam I to 4 aurtT to If in. MltS. tilt KIMU. SSI MULBSBBK HTKEB'f At Carbondals on Fridays of saeh weefc. VB1BKINAB1 aVROBOBa 3 r-TL'Kut, Vatsrlnarr BuraeoB, Dsn 1j. tlstiy a specialty: ijeld medalist ot on tailo Veterinary Colleee. Office. Suuimer'i liv.-ry. 'J. l)ix at., near Keller s carriage chop. Tslsphons No. ua, I) Connolly &, Wallace A Great Opportunity for KID GLOVE Buyers. For La dies and Gentle men. 50 Dozen PIQUE CLOVES. Four-Button Length. ENGLISH REDS AND TANS For genuine service there is nothing to equal it, and they fit perfectly. Sold by our neighbors as a bargain at a dollar, and really so, but our price is i. v 1. 1 blue I M C. ilANCK m Law and CohtKltloa of I . lice, No 817 Spruce st, opposite forest HoUbe, bcranton. ru.; lolltctlonsa p dally reliable correspond throuftbont Pannsyhanli ents iu every counlv IBSSUfS II A.-. u. Attorney) ami rounsal lorn at Law. Commonwealth bulidtiis', W , :. ., '. i. ave. W H. JCSSL'P. HoSAOfe K llANn. W H Jtsatie, Ja. U'lL: AltD WAKKKN $ KMAPf, Aim i.evs ami Couuaelors at Law, Renublicaa buildiuir. Wasliinatou ave. scranton. I'a. DATTBKSON it W1LUUX, Attornaya sail 1 - ... . ... . i -, Law; olUces U and 3 Library Lo-.;,..L. bcrauton, Pa. Roe watt ii rATTiR4oa. Wll.l 1AM A U'll l.ox ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J BAND, At torneys and Counsellor". Common wealtu bunding. Hooms IS. .1' and 1 HEN BY It. SBEUY-Law offices iu Be publican biiihliii I RANK T uKui.L. Attorney at l-iw. Kuorn I 8, Coal Eacbange Bcranton, Pa. M I Ll UN W. LOW m. - Att'ys. SSI Waaluui C. H VOX STOKCH i ton uv . C n. Hiiuarn IAMBS VI UAKruKl), Attorney at La.v, I rnoirst'l 54 and 6.V ComrDOBWaslth bTg OA. Ml' El. W. EUHAlt. Attorney at Law. i5 Utiles. 3U Spruce at.. HcrantQB, Vs. I A WAT RES, Attorney at Law, iil 1 j. Lacloiwauua ans.. Scranton. Ta ) p. SMITH, CoaaeeUot at Law. ofloa I . roiinn M, 'i W Couiinonweallli builuinz I i R. P1TUHBB, Attorney at Law, Com s monivea T i , b'liloinc ' i:;i.t.ai. I'a i i I iMEOYB, te Sprues t. UB. RKPLctiLE. Atteraejr Iimbs neo i listed on leal estate eecarity.tUs rlpru as, I KILL AM, Attornev at Law, U Wy IJ cnillik-aYciiue, BoraatoB. HAVSTOCB DBBUB AND MOBTOAtiES written and acknowledged by J W. BROWN'IN'O, Attorney ami Notary Vubllc, 2" Coiniuou wealth liull'lin r v mini a sj HOOLO THE LACKAWANNA. Soran ton. Pa . pi i p ires buys und girls tor coliegs or business- thoroughly trains young children l utalovi.e at reouat Rrv TnoviAs M CAN Wai.tkii H Hi ti i. MlHi WORCBBTBB'S KIN DBBQABTBN snl He Bool, tli Ailams avenue i'. p reoslTSd nt all times. Melt tern, will open .liinusrvyw III Ml-.lv I 1 C LAUBAi II. Hurgsou lleutlst. N'u, Hi Wyoinine ave. R M. bTRATTON, offies Coal Kichange llHf. EOOS Moderste demand, lnm loo bouse, paseaeS) Ia8.ni western frush, 1 1' t.i !.'. -,. ; liuiud, lUallc,; southern, ll?iat5u. Two Uvea Eavad. Mrs. I'hiailsi Thomas, of .lunctioti City, III , was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and Hint there was no hope for her, hut two bottles Dr King's New lbs Catery completely cured her ami she says Heaved her life Mr. Tims. KtfKor, liHI Florida St., Han Francisco, suffered from a dreadful eld, npproachiug Consumption, tried without reettlt everything ei theu 0oii(lit on bottle of Dr. King's New IMv COVtry and lu two waelis was cured. He is naturnlly thausful. t Is such reaulla of which tlii'so are eiahiples, that urore the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs and .Colds. Free trial' bottles at Matthews Droa., Drag store. Rsgulur llie Nic. suit L . Philadelphia Tallow Merlot. I'mtamtl'lliA, Feh. 10. Tallow was dull and lower, with liberal ofTarlngs Trices were: Prime city, in bogsliends, 'ia4;,i'.: prime country, lu hogchyads, do. dark, in hogsheads, I . calces, fto.; grease, 4)40.. s i Tin-' Ilrst trial of Dr. Wood's Norway l'lue Syrup will satisfy aay one that the lung-hcaliutf virtue of the plue free has now bean refined Into an effective naJ ronvonhint cough msd'ulne. H0I1I hy all dealers on a uuarautoe of satisfaction. 'Pill. REPUBLIC Savings a.id Loan Asao 1 ciation wiil lo..n lou luom-y on eacler ti -tins ami puy yoB b"tter on Invostincnt 'hn any other nisoclation Call on S. N CALl.hN HLIt. I nine llauk building Hill I I i AMD BKBTAURAXT" 'I'm; vi:st.minvi'kr. iti r ji Wyomiaa 1 ave Rooms heated with steam: all Uloa era UnprovenieBte c V TaitMAH, Prop ZIEQLKR s HOTBU UK Lackawanna ave nue, S11 anion. Hates reasoii.tble. I' giaoi.i 11. Proprietor UrEbTMLNTER HOTEL W. o. SCHKNCK. Msnsfw biltrentb 'treat, one blm k east of Mroadway. st t'nloli hiUsre. New Vm K. Arnerican plan. s 611 per rtey ami upward, 'OYKE HOUSE. KSroBean plan; .gouJ ' ioomis unen day anil nigbl. liai sup. plied Willi tba V, st P 11 COYNE Propriator (j CR ANTON HOUSE, near D, L ft Ml pea S3 lenger iiepot CoBonctsd on Hie ItBfopeaa plan VlcroB Know, Proprietor ' BAND l KNTIIAL. Tbe iargst anil b.s: ' -isi -l"le I hotel lu Alleutown. I'a , ratal t and '.' Jil per day 11 noi Ii B ihmii, Piiipilet.-r. I) 87c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIiaj ! N. J. I OUR LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA OIVISION Anthracite peel used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. t IMS TABU IS Kn1.11 lib I INI Trains leave rirruntoti for 1'ittstou. Wllke Jiarre, etc , at s.ln, 1M.V I l i i a, nt, I.' M, - OU. Mt, tin. f JL 1106 p m Sundays li 0U u in , 1 uu, tXQ, ;.io p. ui. Kor Atlantic City, r lu a, 111. Kor New Vork. Newark and Eluahath. H 10 (express) a.m. reaprcss with Buffet parlor car;, 8.31) (express) p, nt feundky.x.ou p. nt Ton HAOOB Chi nk, Attaviowa BBTSI. MBS. BABTOa aud PiULitiLPHIA, M0 a 111 ltSlt.au. SiW (except PbllsSelpBIa) p. in. .-iuniiay, S'Aiju nt For Loao BjUaOS, OOSAa Omovk, etc.. at US a. in i.'-p in. POT Heading. Lebanon and llarrlsbuig. via Alleutown, t,IO a. ru., ltt.su. 8.U0. p.m. Sunday , .' to p. Ill Kor Pottevilie. I lua 111 . IS :m p. 111. Ili-turniag. lrave New Voik. loot of Liberty strset, North rivet at U10 r. xprss a. in., LIU, 1 ao, 4 J (express with Huffet parlor car 1 p. iu. Sunday. 4.31 a in Leave Philadelphia. Roadlng Terminal S.UU u. ui , EOO and t 'Si p rjj, Sunda) , O.ff a. IB. 'I'liruugh tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on aupllcatluu in advance to tha ticket agent at th? station. H P BALDWIN, lieu Pass Agubt. I. H OLHAUSIN Den. Bupt CURTAINS s I ass i ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, FEB. IB. Carl A, LlilliH VALLEY BAiLBOAD. IIIIIUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIUIIIUIIIII; I Are worth going a long distaiicet o ; see. No sunn col.aotiou can he found nearer than Now Vork or Philadelphia, and then it i uot sur passed in the matter of unique and c. or nchnoM, ..:.. e,. nud delicacy of inate liai. lu a word, our Curtaiu stuck tbis fall reaches our highest ideal of what Is should he, and caunot fail to meet tbe approval of the most refined and artistic tastes. Vet all this does not mean high prices, on the coutrary.tbevaluei we now offer are suhuiiltol for ytur inspection. Uf course, we re every mate, and strong them wi'. i be found the very choicest creu rionsin Brussels. Irish Point, Swiss, Nottingham and other Lace Good: alto the New Suowflake Swiss, with silk Stripe iu tout railing color's Also lull lines of Silk Stupes, Tapestries, etc , made to crder. Grand revival of THE QTT T7rD 1 ,yTT Uli. a ,", IliiiUi Beautiful ecentry. Lrnu boutls Stage ar,d Bevelruc 8cli. a plgy of strong ; tear: interest interpreted bv a competen company of dramatic artists.' Sale opens Saturday ! ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, I eu 14, THB LillN'BNT TBAOBDIAN, TH03. W. KEENE Aeited by a aiiong Uramatiiicompaby. pra sentiLif Stskespear. Romantic matarleei Tragedy. RICHARD III. PhlCES Parlor. i H; Orchsstra. II Ol fhestra i.;rcle and to Urst rob Bss&unv .or. reiuaiiider of Balcony SSc BaUetT, 26c Salt opens Monday. IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 AHCHITBOTI avii i HOCPTi Arabltsoti Booms it, '.'ti and w Commenweaitb n bi g. Seraaton I-" L W A Li Kit, Ar.-hitect. tibial y laiud I tt on.' W vmlua aveiiua. Hcrsntou. 1.1 L. BKOWN. Arch B Arrhlteet. PrlOS 1 . building. IH m MblateeB A-.. .a- .1 MtaCBI LAKKUV fTiiKTON Ii SWAHTs WltotKSALB I 1 liiiulMr. ti and s liuno Hank building. SorBBtoB, Pa, MKOABUEG BKOl HI'.ltH, I'KINTEHS siipphs, snyefeBea papor bags, twius. v, ,i.b ,!. 1JU Washington ave, Bcranton. Pa Tmin h avts Strauton tui Philadelphia aud NOW York Via. 1) A: H'H K at s sin. 12.10 .'.it-'aud HS6p. m via D. L W. K. K.SUS, 11 ua. m..nd LS), 3 40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttstoii and Wilkss llarre via D.. L B W B. ft,, s0. il la m. 1 Bk a). ii.uT, sue p. nj l.eul 11 trIltt.11 tui Vt Uilf llu ,01 .-',.!, I'ottsvllle and all points on tne Beavsi Slliii r Anilltri I S Meadow arid Pottsiille hi-Hi:.-bri via I) A- H SS lilt (I l fl II II I I I ttxw&fttfitt1 1 nil 61 LUBBtLL s .(Hit- ,11,1111.1. -(,- l.O . h..In l-M.t.'- OS - - - . . . m lieailiiig. Harrihbuia and sll intermedial poIatsvUD i-H H K., la in.,U 10. X.W. 1133 p 111 . via Li . L i- W. K R .s us. Q lM a. m , 1 ) .'.tl'i u m 1 l.eaie Scranton forTunkhaiiuutk, Towanla, i-.iu.iiK itua.ia. iieneva and all intermediati points via D. as 8. R R-. 1 'Ji aud 11 do p. in., via li L J; k It R.. (Mi in . Liai p m Leave Scranton for Kis hestur. Buffalo. Kl1 asra Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west viaLl AH R. R., I .J l.Ml.klj p in . via Ii L it W. R. H and Pitlston J unction I.V ,Vi a. m for Buffalo onl . 1 V 3S p. m , via 4 W. R R.. tls 11. m Par Glinlra und tb" west via Salamanca, via 1. A II it R utt 10 p. in.. viaD . L. A W H It. ti. e.W a. ul and o.iJT p in. Pullman parlor nd sleeping or L. V. . cars on all trains h-tween LAB .lunctten or Wilkes Baire and New York. Philadelphia. Buffalo ami Snsi ensiou Bridge ROI.LTN H Wli.BrR. Oen Supt. East Div CHAN s. LKB, Gen. Pass Ag t Phlla .Pa. A W BONNBMACHBB.Ass't O.'iiPu- Att, South Betnltbem, Pa. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. IHlItelMV I LB. S '1 be ' '.-. er Here AGNES HERND0N lu her clever crextion. i La Belle Marie SCRANTON, PA. riaiiiiitiiBiiiiiiiiitiiciiiciaiiiMiiiiur DUPONT'S MINlN'ti, BLABTXKQ AND SP0RTIN1I POWDER Or, A WOMAIi'S REVEKGE. Cuaei the luii.agenien: of Jot A JttSil. SALE OPENS TL'KSDAY. DILAWABB AND liuu SON RAILROAD C ommenciug Mav H, ISM, trains will run as foUoWII Trains leave Bridge HtreV. St.it on Scrantou. for Pi, tin. Wilkes Harre etc.. 8 iV .'.'.C. '.' ti, hit? a. in.. IS, 10. 1,1a, 'j.its. 1 id o.i.i, a, is i.nd 1 1 It p, 111 For New York and Plula .lulihia. iQOa. m . la in. ..s. Ml ill and 11.30 p. m POT lionesdaieilroin Delaware l.ackawantn and western depot', 7 OJ, 10 lu a.m . 1 tl) in.. IT. 10 p. ui. for Carlo iiiale and intermediate -tntions, 'j A T BO. - ib.lUa. in . U.Wm.,1 17, .1 2V,T V. tr.Mai.d I'oi p ni . lrTi Bridge S'.icot Dtp,::. 1,0) a. ui.. v.r.aad il U r. n. Past express to Albeay Baratofa theAdK rimlsck Moantaliii-, Boston and New Kngland points, .Viu a in . arrlvlnr at Aleany IB4I .'-aistoga ' p. in , mid leaving Sorantou a, a p 111. arriving at Albany at 9.K.' p iv, . Sara toga. It U a. in . aud U.iaton ( nil a. m Tne ..nly direct route between the coal Heidi nd Bottoii "The Leading Tourists Boots of America" to the Adtrn-idai'k M,.uUui u sorts. Lakes Ueorge and Champlam. Montreal, etc Time tables showing local and through 1 1.11)1 SerVlee between htatlotls on till .111 IsloBI I liga ware ami Hudson, SJStSSa, ma I btelBM Bl all I ii'lawsie ami Hudson tn ket otlb-e-.. II. ti VOUNO, J, W BuRDlCK, Second Vice rreeldeat. lien. Pass. gi. Manufactured at the WepwaUOBM Mills, Lu 2trno county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. (HENRY BELIN, Jr. tieneral Agent for tbe Wromlnf Dlitriot, . 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Third National Bank Budding. Week commenrlr.g MONDAY FEB IS WONDBftLAND'S NEW STOCK MAMATIC CO. IN TWO GREAT PLAYS. AoXNt'ItS Pa. SCiN i Plymouth Pa ii ..-. narro. r a Ak'ei.ts I., 1 the ltepa,irio Chemical Ceiu- panya H.gU Bxploeivss TIIOS rOBD, Plttston. JOHN B SMITH A KIN E W MVLLKiAN. Wilg N. A. HULBERT'S MoLuay Toesdaj and' Wednescaj Romance and Reality Thursosy, Friday an turdsv. OLIVER TWIST ADMISSION, in o and :lu CENTS opera chat is can be reserved bj number .every af tern.H.n froBX I H to ISO for the eveniug s entertainment Perti 1 mant eeevery afterno-n except Mondape and Thursdays, at .st), end ever evening at X.1S, Doors opuuat LB) and J.80P.M, City Music Store, W VOillNUAVp, BCBA-NTO AND DBANI SHOWN A en. WHOLK What Is More Attractive Thau a pretty face 1 1th a frsah, bright' oomplexlonV For It, use Pouonl's Powder- sain - ,i In Wootlwsre, Cirdsse aud (HI Cloth. Ttti W. Lackawanna avenue HAVKB'H dkOHBSTBA MDBIO KOH balls, plnilca, parties, rsceptiona wed dings and ttmreit work famished For termi adiliess IL J. Bausr. conductor, ill Wyoming ave., over Hulbert's music store. 'l.V.ltA FINN A SUNS, builders aud .ontrac I a tora Yards- Corner Olive st. ami Adami ave ; corner Asb st. and Penn ave . Kerauton l I 1 It CLARK A CO., S.isuieii Klornti and Nurserymen; store is Washington ayenne; green houee, iitVI North Main avenue, f1ire talephoue TH'i. T K A H . OBAN lC N ID NTK A C" lonsi Hroa WlltK H III M JOB Kl'r.TTEU Si) Lackawanna avenus, birautou, Pa , manuf'r of Wire Scroeus. nELAWABB. LACXAW ANNA WR8TKRN U ll RuaD Tl uius leave Mi-raiiton as follows Fipren bo New sor and all p..mt ICaat. I , 5 , j If, i ti and ti -XI a. in . 12 51 and J V -p, m Expreaa for Hasten. TrentoBi Huieselphui and tin. Hi.iith. 1 , mj and U.)vi 'a u, ilM and II .V) p iu WnHhlugt'in and way ststkms. XV ; iu Tobyhanmi aee.-iuiuodattoe, M lb p. in i xpr is bo Hingliatuloia Oswego Kliuir 1. Corning, liatb Datisvlllu, JLiuat Morris aud Buffalo li In sua. in. asm 1 U u m uuking close coaner lions at Buffalo to all points in th M o Noithwe.taBd StHHBwest. Biilfalo ac ouiui'slatlou. bull a m niiighauitou ntiit en) stations LLS7 p 111 Nli-milenii and wv stations 146p m BlBtBaiatoe and Ehutia ' 1 r - p. 111 Lipiess for Cortland. a. iv 0wego L'Mes and Kn-litb Id Sprmgs, i Eg a ru, and XM P n Itbeoa, I II and VV a m. and 1 1'4 p. m lor Noi tbumberland.PitUitoti, Wukea Bsrre. Plymouth, Blooiusburg and Dan tills, tusking I lose OOBBetrtlOJI at XisrlhuuilieNaud for WlUlamsport, Hsrrlsburg, Baltimore. Wssh iiigton aud th" South. Nortbuinberlaiid and intermediate ststloiis ton, V.Ma 111 Slid I S" and 0VT jt m Nsnliioke and lutsi mediate statioai did and II Si a in Pit-month aud intermedial, statlona :) &ti and v.M p, m PallataS parlor and sleeping coaches on all vxprt H trellis. lur detailed lufoi niarloii. pocket tnnstsblei etc , apply to M. 1, Smith, city jii jet LaoBairaaaaayeaue 01 depot n.-aet ofti BTKINWAY sikN 1)1 Kl H HUOTIIKliB an KKANIOH A RAOk Mill., .v UAH Kit PIANOS it, a btrge itoek ot arst-oisss 1 ORGANS Vl'W YORK, I'STAHIO AND WBSTBBM . is Railroad, Scrantou Division Tims table - in affect Nov IU. 1HKI Tralos lrave Htrenton for Carbondals (St). K.aV. ll.OS a m.. 4 , SJ. n M p m For BaAoeak Junction and main couuscttoui II la m . eiOp. m Trains leave linn -U .lunctiou for man line connection lor Scrautou. bOh a.hi . .'.Uft b ni. 1 Triitrls leave Csrlsindale fol BOKBBBl ' "1. " I a 11. 1 IU, .0 II tftp 111. J C. A.NDKR80N. liaueral Passengei Agent. New York T. IT.1TCROIT, District Passengei Agent. Scrautou Ml SUM M t Hi 1 1 . DISK Mt Mi . KTC. KXU FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kleils sVreeb Hefc received dally lanej BaaeksMl Halibut. Iloneless Cod, Varuioulh llliiiitsii. !alt Maokiiel. Ttockawav, Chesapeake Ha). Maurice stiver Cote auu Utile I'olnl OYSTERS DON'T FORGET That WO are headquarters tot everything ta the Uae of W A rCltm If you have anv Idea of purchasing ant kind of a Wstrh. lady s or gent's Oold or bilvsr. you will mass a griev ous mistake il you do not five us I .call and get out prices, which you will And far below all otners. especially lu all the high grades of Klgtn. NTaltham ami Hamrdan movement" If you have any doubis Bud are at all posted on prices gito us a call and w. will have no trouble 111 convincing vou We still have a large stook todlspo-e of, and will offer ou woo derlul inducements 111 Jswslry, Bilverware. Clocks ,ind all other goods which we have in itoek C. W. FreemBn I'mu Ave aud Spruce St Holt Bhell Claim, lihrluipi, Itallops, Ac W. H. PIERCE, PENN AYR PB1E AND WTOXtJU VALLEY RAIL; Ul ROAD. ' Train have Scranton for New York andrta leynisdiate points on v Kra. aatl Haeiey Bad looal p. - -''-I at SllS. t to n m. and Sfi t oi.' 1 Train lenWng at V tJ ti tn sjid'SSI p. nu'l are tbrouah trains to and from lienssikale. I Trains leave for Wllkos Barrea- e.-W a. m. untL," 8 tl p. ta. I m m liifeiteil In TBS TB1BUN1 at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD. Hotel Wayerly European Plan First-class Bar attaob. Depot for Bergner A Eugel's Tannhraussr Beer E, Cor. 15th and Filbert Stj, Phlladi Uott desirable for residents of N E Penn; (yltania All conveniences lor travelers to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth aud Market fltreet station De sirable for visiting Sorantontaua aad peo lie In tbe Anthracite Beglou. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers