1 READ tlio pleasant para graphs of musical gossip ou page 4. They're not advertisements. They're just plaiu urn..,., Anuqn .n18 crnnton i Sximrae SCRANTON umsie lovers pre fer THE TRIBUNE be cause its musical notes are not confined to any clique or class. EIGHT PAGES--. COLUMNS, SCRANTON. PA.. MONDAY MORNING, FEUltUAIlY 12, 1 81)4. TWO CENTS A COPY. TPE OUT mm mi m n r n (r Ul 01 I TO PUT THE WIRES iff UNDERG HI PLOT IS DISCOVERED Daughter of LQlflklltil Orfad for the ex-Quteu's Cast Oil Throne. GROVER CLEVELAND'S PROTEGE Interesting Incidents Illustrative ot the Wanton and Savage Character ot the Woman Whom the Democratic American Executive Proposed to Re-Establish Upon the Ruins ot Re publican Government In Honolulu President Dole's Health- Prospects ot the Provisional Government. ill a n .V j NgW Y.-kk IVb. 11. PF.CIAL Hawaiian oorreepondenct to tbe Sun, under date of rb 8, says: The news tbtt the x onaao had so f4r relapsed Into ancient suvaaerv of her race a to demand the beads ol hr polltloal ene mies caused urent excitement here, but afttr the first shock it was remembered that hr grandfather wn th first mm hanged for mnrder ia the Hawaiian Island, th crime b?iu: that of poison in his wife, "'toe imperial jointress" of the royal house TU-u, to. it was re c illad tiiat when tb priuc who used to stand to th way of Liliuokalani's heirship to the throua fell ill her covetous hind was more ttun suspected of bating bateud his demise As th- story goes, th prince was convalescing after a looir illuess, 'mi the doctor said he would get well. I. va thjn that his sister appeared at t!ie bedside carrying m bowl of pot, the u;itiv's favorite dish. By her royal command all the attend ants of th' prince left tiie sick room aud th doors were locked, Some of th poi was eaten, and in four hours fie heir to Kilakauvs crown was a putTe i and staring corpse in whose body some "leperous distil ment" had wrought the mortal change They had no corouers in Hawaii then who could lay hands on the Lord s annotated, but thepbrstcians who siw the ho ly knew th- cause af death. ANOTHER CHARACTERISTIC INCIDENT. Onceniore m after years the Polyne sian blood of tba future patron nf the axe and block showd itself through the thin rouge of civilization with which she ciiose to covr ber real nature, Liliuokalant was in London then, a distinguished guest atyiaen Victoria's jubilee. During tbe festivities the news of the uprising here which forced Kalakaua to accept a liberal constitution wag carried to her. "Did my brother yieMT'she said,"Ah,if I bad bn there t tie streets of Hono lulu would hav run with blool before I ihonll have let bim give way an inch." Iu these piras spoke th im placable savage of the ancient Poly nesian type, "a chiefess' as the Ha waiian title goes who oould bare stood by and seen the neads of white haired missionaries fail into the basket with th same leer of barbarous con tent on her face with which sh watched live pigs roast on the hot crust of Ktlanea s crater, when sh made her pagan sacrifice, not many years ago, to the fabled gjddess of the burning lake. Knowing th "x-queen a they did, the annexation party was not surprised at br demand tor blool, but the royal ists were thrown into a state of politi cal excitement and despair. They knew the natnre of tbeir mistress well enough, but they thought that she bad th cunning to dissamhle un til she had been restored to power. Their intelligence told thrn that the United States would never seat her oa the Hawaiian tbron after snch a display of blo.dthistina as she had made. On all sides the word was passed tbat Lillnokolani had ceased to be a factor in the political equation. The thought common among the monarchist leaders was-what next. Naturally Guardian Davie had a sug gestion to make. It wis Lainlani. In a letter to a royalist journal h ex pressed abhorrence on the conduct of the ex-qneen, and went so far as tossy that previous acts of bers, of mnch less savag purport, had absolved her fol lowers from the duty of allegiance to her. KAIL'LANi's HLHMRTERS' PLOT. Privately among the royalists he be gan a Kaiulani propaganda, and, al though the nam of the princess bas not hitherto been one to cot.jure with In tha Hawaiin Islands h has managed to give ber canse a standing which it bad never beforo been able to obtain. It may now he said that Hawaii has a Kaiulani party, small, but capable of growing larger. Davies Is a 'man of wealth and culture, but of ultra-British monarchist principles. For five years and he bus had charge of the princess as her guardian, and hehas moulded her youthful mind with skillful touch nn til she is now, in all but blood am) color, an English gentlewoman. To put bor on the throne, to m.rry hsr to his son, to govern her through her husband and through the Scotchman (Cleghorn), who calls himself her father, and to aecure for his further reward tb post of Hawaiian minister to the court of St James', are the lond ambitions for which Davies works early and late. Kaiulani will have behind her the strength and prestige of Davies' in Ali enee and wealth ; th help of a part of the younger native element iu the ( Royalist party; the diplomatic cun ning of British ministef resident, ami the sympathy of the Koglish-Hawaii -ans generally. Still, this will avail her nothing, unless the Royal ists revolt and succeed in an effort to overthrow tbe existing government. I donbt if their most sanguine supporters think this ran be done in th ordinary course of events. Their hope undoubtedly is that the an nexation party will break up into con tending factions, and that, taking ad vantage of the confusion which may follow, the Monarchists will gain their end. It is proper to say that many of the published stories about the meutal ill health of President Dole nre the result either of misinformation or malic. By overwork and two itiss of a groat strai n of anxiety the president began to fl a species of brain fag. which, while it did not dim his intellectual processes, made it advisable that he should unburden hitusdf of much of the detail work Which Ml to him in his double capacity of President and minister of foreign affairs. To this end a bill has been Introduced separa ting the two ofBoai. It will pass and with it it will go a sslarv for tin presi dent Of $10,000 a year. Uncr relieved of the dutieaoftbe foreign office, Dvd will regain his energy the next mi nistsr Of foreign affairs is likely to bi ex N ice President Francis M llntoti, a young lawyer who oatt here SOU years ago from New Bamshlro, and now bas the large practice of the islands. Should he decline to serve, ex Attor uey General William Nevius Arm strong, who accompanied Kalakaua around the world and Bgard largely in Hawaiian p.ilitic up to issj.ia likely to have the post. Probably th present cabinet will bold offisc under tbe per manent administration. Th great political c nitest of the pirty will, there for, h fought upon tba vice presi dency and tile composition of tba sen ate and h uise o' representative, for the vice-presidency there may be half a dozen ssinrauts. among whom William R Castle, William 0 Wilder and Walter Q, Smith have been in cluded by those Who make horoscopes. TO CI E THE TALKING Arntiiiit'iiitnit Have Bivn Mailt) for bates of the Hay. Hie lie SENATE WILL DISCUSS HAWAII Contested Scat Wrangles, Euloglai and Matters ot the Kind Will Kill Tinie--Forty Members Desire to Illuminate the Bland Seigniorage bill with Oratorical Fireworks The Peckham Nomination on the Pro gramme Work ot the Committees. taken from the current lutfOBM of tbe company. The receiver will next ti m their at tention to providing for the remaining current indebtedness of the company, mainly in the slisix of bills luyable, aggregating about Hoti mm an 1 secured largely bv securities of the comp my. 1 In o! the roceivvri in referring to this mil Iter today said, "ymi can aiiuoum:), If you choose, that within ninety days the bills payable will ull b provided for. t the same time tha receiver! will provide for working capital for the oompany, 1 he plan under considers - lion, and which hide fmr to meet with success. Is to issue siu.i.uuuuu collateral trust bonds. SENSATION IN A CHURCH. Rev. Father Hill, ot Brooklyn, As saulted By His Assistant, Rev. Dr. McDonald BkOOLYN, N. Y., Feb. 11. - A sensa tion of tb very largest kind was created this morning In St Paul s Ko man Catholic church, th oldest conse crated church iu Brooklyu. It arose from an attack upon the pastor of the church. Rev. William J. Hill, at the verv st'ps of the altar. bv his assistant. Rev. Dr. Patrick V. McDonald. The trouble OOOWred at the 10 o'clock mass when th church was crowded with worshipers Father Hill is about 'i years of ag. and It was under his successful administration that tbe parish, was freed from debt and consecrated som years ago Dr McDonald came to the parish from Newark, X J., and was originally from the dioces of Cloyne, Cork, Ire. He is a highly educated man, has traveUd widely aud. it is said, one or twice been in ecclesias tical trouble. He hail stated to F ither Hill, it is sai 1, that ba had suffered from softening of the brain. He is of powerful physique, wighiug about !50 pounds. Dr. McDonald had been appointed by Pastor Hill to ceUbrat the mass at 10 o'clock, and also the high mass at 11. During the celebration of the for mer th worshipers were amazed to se Dr. McDonald approach Father Hill, who entered to assist at the cele bration, and strike him a violent blow, felling tba pastor' to the floor. Be fore Father Hill could rise Dr. McDonald came to tbe chancel rail. and gesticulating wildly, exclaimed that there had been a conspiracy ba tween Father Hill and Bishop Mc Donald to drive him from the diocese Hi then turned and again assaulted Father Hill. Parishioners finally rushed forward and held him until the arrival of officers He was subsequent ly taken to St. Peter's hospital for treat ment in chargs of an officer. It is said tnat he had been notified through the bishop's secretary that be would not be made a -regular priest of tne diocese and this fact weighted upon his mind. He has many friends who believe him to be insane. SPARKS FROM THE TUEGRAPH. The Farmers' Alliance National Council is in annual session at T opeka, Kan. Idaho Indians have cederl territory that gives residents of Harrison title to the town site. A frenzied mob is chasing James Smith, a Seymour, Wis., farm hand, who assault ed a little girl. Iiiscovery of gold deposits on E B. Ar thur's farm, at Portland Ind., has set the inhabitants crazy. Daylight burglars strd-i 110,000 worth of diamonds from the flat of Pawnbroker Cahn, of New York. Haying good-bye to his wife, Max flraun, a Montgomery, Ala., broker, went into another room and shot himself. From the effects of swallowing a small snxke. Mrs. Mary linrgess, ot Valley View, Ky., expired in terrible agony. Finding business unprofitable. th Stny ve-ant Safe Deposit comnany, of New York, is moving toward voluntary dissolu tion. Because thn San Francisco Chronicle cast reflections editorially on the news paper men, tb local Tress club may expel Editor Da Y'onng. I nnble to get a snrgeon for three men, whose feet and hands were frozen, ou the shore of the QUlfol St. Lawrence, neigh bors cut off tbe limbs with an ax. Ex-Attornev (Jnneral Charles J.M.Uvlnti of Baltimore, died after a ten days grip ill ness. Mr. Oyinn has for n great innnv years been the political advisor of Senator ilormati. He was Dora In October The l.nndOD Daily News nsrs that the PriBCess Bat, the 1 year old daughter of Piince Henry of Hattontrg and the Ptinc.nss Beatrice. r thrown from her pony near I Isiiorne hoii'-e on Saturday. She lay insensible for 'J4 hours from concus sion of the brnin. The six elevators of the Farmers' Mutual Elevator company at CrOOkttOU, Minn, went Into the hands of the receiver Hatnr nay, upon the oruer ot .lunge iTes; ( liarles K Sidle, of Minneapolis, bninir appointed. The liabilities are nlioiit f'llD.QQU, and the assets about ?M,mi). Mr. (lladstone declsrns that the alleged interview with bin which was published ny me rana I'atrie, on robruary o was pure fiction. In this Interview Mr. Hail stotm was represented as saying tbat he would rotain hid officii to lead the attack upon tb house of lords. Uoo life was lost and two persons serl ously burned iu a tint at Corinth, Miss., yesterday. I be residence of Mrs. W. E Nicholas caught tire and before the In mates could be rescued an invalid sister of Mrs. Nichols perished iu the llnmrs and two children receivud Injuries which niay prove i in in Uonrge rora (Colored), a piano player in i. n. iiounnmi s saloon at fi. state street Chicago, fired three shots at Mamie Harris Colored) at 2:30 o'clock this nioruiug. Each bullet took effect. Th Harris wo man was removed to the County hospital, whore she died. Ford wan arrested. He claims self-defense, as the woman bad druwu a knife. Washington, Feb u. SplU' one event of the week is ex peoted to be th vote III the holism ou the ltlaud seigniorage bill, providing that measure is not side-tracked before the last legislative stage is reached it is not exp noted in any event that a deolsW vote can be reached before Wednesday afternoon ami probably not before Thiirad ly. Th- chairman of the commute of the whole on Friday last announce 1 that upward of forty gentlemen desire to speak on tue bill, Wlul it is not probable that all of this number will be h a ', it is safe to assume that more than tw-ntv on the list tvill attempt to a lilreas tlio house at greater or less length. Tuero ciiinot lie more than two hours' debate on th bill Monday inasmuch as too Stanford eulogies have been mad a special order for 3 o'clock ou that day. I'he contested election case of O'Neill, (Deiii ,) vs. Joy. (.liejp. ,) the sit ting inemlier from the Meventh Mis souri (bt, Louisi district, has the right of way as a question of the highest privilege if Mr. PatUrsoti, of Tennes see, who has it iu charge ou behalf of the committee on lelestiou those to In sist 00 his rights, Some time during the weak this mattsr Issues to come up. It has been agreed that hix hours shall be set aside for the consideration of this case which will of course carry it over to i ii- following nay oeior a vote cau be reached. After this ease bas been disposed of th appropriations Committee will bring forward some of the bills reported by them that ar now on th bouse calendar. There ure five of these measures, viz: (i moral Defici ency, Fortifications, Pensions, District of Columbia aud Sundry Civil. Hawaiian talk in TBI sknatk, In th senate there may become re newai or cue Hawaiian d-oate, as Senator Daniels aud Senator I' lay, the Litter a member of the committee on toreign relations has given uoticaB of speeches on that subject, which will not probably be referred until the re port of the committee is made. The Berry bill.requinng railroads in Indian territory to stop at town sites, is the unfinished business. An adjournment over from Tbursdav to the .following Monday is to be expected in order to give tbo committee now eugsged iu the revision of the tariff bill furthor op portunity to complete their labors. In the event that tha committee on the judiciary should disu is of the Pecknam nomination at tomorrow's meeting, there may be a short but sav age contest in executive session. - i THE BURSTING OF A DAM. It Causes Panic Amonir th, Rialdtntn of th Conemauuh Valley. Johnstown, Feb. 11. The Inhabit ants of tho town of Wentinotit bad the worst scare they have had since the South Fork dam broke and carried death and destruction through the val ley of tbe Coosmaugh, Westmont is situated on the mountain side, 500 feet above the valloy, and its water supply wos drawn from an artificial dam 100 Test bighvr up the mountain List night tiie dam broke, and the sound of the rushing water down the mountain side awokn thn sleeping villagers and sent them rushing iu a panic into the streets of the town. Fortunately the voliuns of water in the dam was insiillicieut to do any harm and beyond the fright received hy the village ptoplo and the II mditig of a few cellars no damage was done A MINISUH MISSING. Tba ConKregatlou of R,v Scbnon' Church N n HI, a - I'll TSUI nil, Feb. II. -A in ling of the trustees of the United German Evangelistic ProtiiHt.tiit church, of Mount Washington, was held today to tak ltd ion mi tint iineiplaiuo.l abssuc.o of Itiv. J II ii, who left bom ii .Ian. - i and has not been heard of since. I nn pulpit was dvclared va cant l'hero am many disparaging reports float concerning Rv. Schnorr. who obtained leave of absence for only ona week. The trustees are Very much at sea concerning the Iniaiuess nllairs of the church, owing to the fact that Whatever record ther is of transac li ins with banks and others, is in Rev. Schnorr' possession. T he trUStOM are however, that there is a of a considerable sum of SAD DEATH OF JENNIE TYLER Siie Succumbs lo the Terrible BfMltl of an Unprofessional Treatment WRONGED AND THEN DESERTED Tragical Incident in tbe Little Country Village of Kunkle, Wyoming County, Causes Excitement and Recalls the Unpunished Crime in Which Miss Helena Roberts Perished Arrests Expected Soon The Plain Facts in a Case That Serves as a Warning. satisfied, shortage mony. Uordon, addressing th council whil the lobby was crowded with BOO unem ployed man, said : "1 will not he r spotiHible for what my occur if this $2 for one week is not distributed at ouoi. 'fh board of publiu works reportH that 1.H00 men have registered for work. None liss been furnished. Men will not starve. The money is in tho treasury and let it be paid out 13 for one week to each man." The demand was referred to the city attorney for an opinion as to its legal ity, that being an easy means of dodg ing the issue A resolution was adopted ordering lutiir complaints and re quests mad before the committees in semi privacy. Cordon ears be was formerly a councilman in Hostou. a few auote FULFOHO ON OtCK. Th THE WOES OF A PRINCESS. Evelyne Callatroi Colonna Secretly Flees From France lo Avoid Sur rendering Her Children. Ni w Yoltk, Feb. 11. --Princess Eve lyne Uallatroi Colonna mid her three children arrived here this morning on th steamr New York from South snipton. She was accompanied by her step brother, John W Mackay, jr. The Princess hurriedly lft Franc with her children week before last, and her departure was surrounded by considerable mystery. The fact that sh has taken hr childreu out of France is said to be a violation of French law, as the children were undr the jurisdiction of tbo courts. The domestic differences of the Prince Colonna and the Princess were being adjudicated by th courts of France and the prince bad sued for control of the children. To avoid surrendering the children, even temporarily, tbe princess was said to have left the country, escape I from the decree of the French court. Mrs Uaokay. her mother, is still liv ing in ljondon. When the Now ork drew into ber dock today Mr Mackay, the uriucess' step father, was waiting on tn dock with bis business partner. Mr Mackay leclmed to discuss the affairs of his daughter. As soon as the gang plank was lowered the priticess descended from ttie steamer, followed by hr brother, br maid and the three chil dren, who were dressed in natty, Italian sailor costumes. She was met by her father, who warmly greeted her, and immediately conducted her to a carnage iu waiting at tho entrance to the dock. J. W. Mackav, jr , when approached by a reporter said th family was averse to making their domestic affairs public. II sail bis sistvr had no latement to give to the public. Tba lilY-rent members of the pirly then got into carriages and drove off. he prlusess occupied staterooms rr and ."ii ou board the Now York. She mudu a number of friends suiong the female saloon piissengeiigers and joined in the ordinary conversations of the voyage, but avoided any msiition of her case in the. French courts. THINGS ARE WARM AT RIO. Th Inaurirsnt Lund Trinpi nd De stroy the Government Strongholds. Klo Df. Jankkid, Feb. U. via Monte vide'). Feb 11. I he insurgent fleet attacked Aruiacao at H oeJOOl last evening and continu' d to light until dayhreak The insurgent laudi troop ntul dstrovd the beach and hilltop forts of the government. With six heavv guns and two magazine guns they swept the streets of Nictheroy, but finally were forced to retreat before tbe superior iiumbsrs of the government forces. The government admits a loss ot 21)0, but the United Press correspondent at Niclheroy says Unit Mill is nearer the true Phi The loaurganta succeeded beyond all liopss, having destroyed the govern ment position most menacing to Hie Meet and having lost but 270 men in nil READING RE - ORG AN Z ATION. Plaa for Tutting the It nd Upon Sound Financial Bsel. PBttADIliPBU, Fb II. The sue cesiful i 'ebnln 1 1 nil ion of the Heading railroad and its speedy extrication from the present receivership were prncti ally utsiired ou rial unlay wlieu ar rangemonla were coucluded for wiping out tb Moating debt and putting thn company in shape for restorslion to the stockholders Thn first step to this end, ns decided npon by receivers, and now only awaiting the sanction of the court be fore being put into effect, il th issue of lK.ODO.000 of cosl trust notes based on Hie coal in band and the coal no counts of th company as col lateral with which to pay oil' the fJ.OOO.OOO loan of Spvyer & Co , and the fl.lHIO.OOO advanced by the nuance l oiupmy ul Pennsylvania on th company s coal accounts, valued at over $7,000,000 The additional $500,00.) naoesaaw for this purpote will, it is uudrstoud, b FOUNOERf D AT SEA. An Unknown Veetsl on th Shoals at Cepi flatter". PHIbAI'i I i ill , Feb. 11. The un known steamer that foundered with all hands on outer Diamond shoal, Cape Hatteras, last week. is believed here to have been tho Ttrilish ateatn ship (ilympia, ( 'atitain ( 'olemnn, from HetaDiaa, ubs, rebruarv I, for riuiadaiphm, Willi a cargo of 2,'JiK) tons of sugar for the franklin sugar refiunry Frointh inscription given by the life guards who caught a gliuuii" of the ill fate I steamer while she was drifting towards the shoal ninny points of resemblance to tb l Ilympia are noted. I bo mi known steamer had n light colored smokestack, and the ilvniina s was painted a buff color. The Olvtnpls was a two masted schooner rigged vessel and so was the lost steamship. h the vessel drifted In towards the shoal it was noticed that she was deep in the water as if heavily loaded, and thn Olympia'e cargo of sugar would have sank th Steamer well down. The Olympia carried the new of thirty-two men besides Captain Colnman, and was consigned to the F.astern Line Stenm ship company of this city. For sever il years past the Otytnpta has traded between this port and Cuba returning with a cargo of sugar. The 8,900 ton aboard the (llyuipia was owned by the sugar trust. The vessel was owned by thn Crown Steamship company, of lldfust, Ir land, and Was built in IMS.' at Stock ton. Knglaud. Sh- was 1100 feet long I'M feet beam and "l feet draught. . DISASTROUS FIRE AT DVJLUTH. Th Board of Trad Building and Oihr Property Burned. DiJI.tTII, Minn., Feb. 11 The board of trade building, in which were lo cated the offices of the board, the North American and western Union Telegraph company's, the Amei icau Neel liiirge company the Ijike Superior Union lin provement nnd Ihiluth BleVetOf com piny s ami the OulOeS of nearly all the citv grsin and vessel firms was entire ly destroyed by lire at noon today. 1 he bosrd 01 trade building was built in IHHo end cost ;." 000. The total loss today's fire is $1)1.000 with an insuraucsof $0,000. fljpeSfdJ to Ms ftfaatoa Tribune. TCMKHANNOOK, Pa., Feb. 11. "PRESIDENTS of tbe adjoining vll DJ lage of Kunkle are iu a state of pn excitement over tb sensational J U death of Jennie Tyler, the 17 year old daughter of Edward Hoover, a well-to.do resident of Knukle. Th datti of the young woman was due directly to the unprofessional opera tion of a prominent Wilkas Hirre phy sician, whose name is iu th posssssiou of tba authorities. Before she died, Miss Tyler made a statemeut.duly attested by wituesses.in which she charges that she had been wronged by a young man nemd Fish er, with whom she had been on friend ly terms. When her condition became snch as to excite comment. Fisher re fused her the reparation of m image, and absented himsslf from the commu nity. In this plight, the girl sought the services of th physician iu question, and treatment was given which ended, soon after this statement was made, in Miss Tyler's death. AIMtKHTS MAY FOLLOW. As soon as District Attorney Car man, of Luzerne county, learned of these cbsrges, b telegraphed to the Wyoming county coroner to hold an inqiieit. Hi latter deeided to hold an inquest this afteruoou, aud impauneled ujury, but the hearing was not com pleted. It is expected that the render mg of a verdict by this jury will cause the arrest of the implicated physician, who, it is understood, is now under surveillance by the Wilkes liirre authorities. Miss Tyler, tbe victim, was it vivacious and prepossessing young woman, whose death has occa sioned a profound stir amoug the easy going inhabitants of the little country village iu which It is au event of sur passing magnitude. THE KEARSAGE RESCUE. Relatlvos of th Omoera and Crew ar Bcomlng Anxloui. Washington, Feb. 11. Secretary Herbert was anxiously looking all day for a dispatch announcing the return of the rescue steamer City of Para to 'olou with the ouii-er and crv of tb wrecked corvette Kearsag, now lying upon Houcador Keet, 250 miles away, but up to n late hour this evening no lispatch bad come to baud. I he sec retary i anxiety arose more from an amicable desire to relieve the minds of the frieuds and relatives of the ship wrecked men than (roiuauv real appre hetision ou bis own part, or on that of the best informal navy oUicials, ot serious impending danger. 1 lie uavy department officials stated yesterdny that they would fed no canse for alarm if news of the successful ac complishment of the city of Para's mis sion did not reach them till some lime Monday, or even us late as Tuesday mormiiL'. Hut sensational stories pub lished about delay ill the attempt to rescue ami of possible starvation and other horrors have c msed the depart ment to be overwhelmed with telegrams of inquiry from relatives, whose fears tbe secretary would like to alluy at the earliest possible moment. It is hardly likely that anv news can come now to hand tonight, hut tomor row morning it is hoped will bring a welcome cable message of Hafety and rescue. Husband of the Lale Annie Pixler Has Arrived. Nuw York, Feb. 11, Among th passengers that arrived here today on theWew York was Robert Fulford, the husband of the late Annie i'ixley, the actress, who recently died in Knglaud. Fulford ba come over to meet ti e accusations made against him by th family of Miss PixUy in regard to the manner of her death and the property she ie supposed to have left COLT'S FACTORY BURNED. $200,000 Fire at Hartford Seventy-Five Presses Valued at $30,000 Not Insured. MR. WILSON'S CONDITION. The Celebrated Tariff Rformr a Verv Met Man. Kansas Citv, Feb. II. -Tonight a change for the wors came In the con ditiou of Congressmen w L Wilson, who arrived In this citv yesterday morning en route to Mextoo, Mr Wil son caught a severe cold and suffered with a chill while on his way from Washington to Chicago Inst week Against tbe advice of his physician, lie left Chicago Friday night and came to Kansas City to hll an appointment to speak here last, night. At 7 o'clock Inst evening Dr I orter positively forbade his leaving th hotel. Today he fell better, and this after noon the doctor thought Mr. Wilson Could continue his journey Tuesday, but tonight the great tariff reformer was attacked by a high fever, and is now a very sick man. Il Is doubtful if he will be aide to leave hern this week. A STORM IS COMING. KnaClty and Several Oilier Vetrn Point Hnnwed Under. Kansas Citv, Mo., Feb 11 tine of the BefOOAl snow storms ever known of In this section began at noon today and is still raging. The local signal service oBoen say it will continue throughout tonlghti Traffic on all street car lines was blocked by 6 o'clock this afternoon, but tonight some of the companies have partly cleared thvtr tracks. F.venlug trains from all directions centering at this city were from one to four hours late, with the condition rap idly growing WOfse, Reports from many points in the went indicate a very-general storm TROUBLE AT TACOMA. The Unemployed D-ni mil Money from the TI y Treasury. Tai'iiMA, VViisIi., Feb. IL .lames Qotflon appeared before the city coun cil last evening and demanded that $2 be imm-diately drawn Iroiu the city treasury and paid to each of th 1.800 uiie in ployed wuom be represented. HAiiTKnitu, Conn., Feb. 11. Colt's Patent Fire Arms manufactory Was destroyed by lire this afternoon, in volving a loss oi nearly $350,000 Th fire started near tbe boiler house, and when discovered had communicated with au elevator and a tier or closets running up three stories near th main wall of the east armory lue build ings where the tire originated were of stone anil brick, three stories and near ly 400 feet long, connecting tb east and west armories. Hy tbe time the department got fairly to work onhalf the long building connecting tb two armories was ablaze from base to attic, and tne efforts of the firemen were then directed to sav iug tbe east armory. Lines of hose were soon ruu up into the third and fourth floors of the east armory, and the progress of the flames was headed off in that directiou. The fir, In the meantime, was slow ly working its way toward the West armory, a building 500 feet long and three stories high. It hud already eaten through a brick tire wall a foot thick and was working its way through the attic over the heads of the firemen, who wero bravely trying to stop its progress on the fljor below. For some reason tli stairs leading to the attic could not be found an 1 the flames made rapid progress nuiotig tbe season ed gun stocks aud other comnustible material stored there. Finally a line of hose was run up Into the attic of the west armory aud in through an iron door the tiremu faced the smoke aud fire for nearly bnlt an hour, It was their last stand and it was wnat saved the west armory. As soon as the fire burned through th roof the smoke was drawn awav from them and the tin-men then fol lowed up their advantage and quickly brought the fire under control. In two hours from that time it was practically out. Tb three story buil ling contair ing the tw armories is partially ds stroyed, Etatof the dividing brick walls it is all g n and west of it the roof and the top story is burnt off. The loss ou the buildings is estimated at 178,000, There wr ssventy-ftve Universal presses ready for shipment which were totally destroyed III th at tic were 5,000 black walnut gun stock seasoning. These were a total loss Then 1 Pierce, nickel plater, on th third floor, lost most of hli machinery All the other flairs were occupied by the Colt company for storing and pack ing purpose. The concerns in the west armory lose little and that by water. The total loss will reach $250, 000, covered by insurance to the amount Of $800,000 The seventy five presses, valued at $80,000, were not in sured. Thirty years ago this month, on Feb. 5, Colt's factory was destroyed by lire. At that time the east armory was to tally destroyed. Th cause of th fire then was thought to be of rebel origin. PlVS hundred hands are thrown out of work, but if the boilers are intact, as it is believed they are, the shops will be running iu a week. The Colt works are about a mile and a half south of the city on the river front They occupy a large tract of land and are a notable feature in the landscape, The fire mads a brilliant spectacle, which attraotsd n throng of people to the scene, - - MINNESOTA'S GOLO SEEKERS. FINLEY'S , ING to the unnrece- lented success of our LINEN SALE, we have de cided to continue it days longer. We below a few figures in Cream and bleached J able Dam. asks. Napkins to mutch when desired. 56 inch, 23 cents. Keceut price, 30 cents. 58 inch, 28 cents. Recent price. 30 cents. 60 inch, 32 cents. Keceut price, 40 cents 64 inch, 39 cents. Recent price, 48 euts. 68 inch, 45 cents. lttceut price, 50 cents. 72 inch, 55 cents. Itecent price. CO cents. 72 inch, 68 cents. Reoant price, bO cents. 72 inch, 88 cents. Recent price, $1, 72 inch, $1.05. Recent price, $1 20. 72 inch, $1.19. Recent price, $1 00. 72 inch, $1.75. Recent price, $3. 80 inch, $2. 10. Recent price, $2 35. 90 inch, $2.25. Rrcent price, $2 0) Dinner and Lunch Sets, Towels and Counter-panes at correspondingly low prices. See our "Cherub" Crochet Quilt at 95c. and the Excelsior Marseilles at $1.95. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. THE BUTT1 PERU & MB HTG HI FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CTIAS, A. SCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Bel'dnj, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 513 Spruce St , Scranton, Pi I Lewis,Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. Mm Living in Tents wnh Temperature Mny T)IM'" HeL-w Zaro Dl i t i ii, Minn , Pet) 1 1 1'niUil Btntee Special Agent A L stout rs tnrned yesterdey from the new gold lllstnOt itlotitf the inieriintioiiiil bnuuu m y in tbe sicinttv nf Ruiny Lske. lie says people sre Booking to th district bv every nistis of transportation. Ml tbo bntldlngi in Rainy Lake City nre crowded, mid hundred of people ire sleeping lu tents nnd sheds with tbe temperature frequently al twenty and twenty-five degrees below rero. Rainy Laks City is iuu miles distant from a railroad, and h tii" centre of the Hold discoveries on the .Minnesota side of tbe lino- ) IN OUR OsN COMMONWEALTH. kesterday morning the centennial pole. bnitlon of the Market Spnire I'teshyter- ian congregation m Hsrrlsbnrg waa tn sttgorated with sermon by Bey, Dr. Jehu le Witt, of the PrlMtOO Theologies! seminary. Jacob Bansman, one ot lbs oldest and most prominent reldeuM of Lancaster, died yesterday, aged 8) years for over twenty yesrs be was nreeid"nt ot the Farmers' Nstlnnnl bn"k, of that city. He was former y exien-iveiv enuaited lu coal operations in tbeBbamoiW region. WEATHfcit iOHUCASr. Feat ol every description fitted at Reilly & Davies. Lewis, Will love even evening nt ii 10 P.M. except Haturaay SNOW to taut. Washington, Keb. II. Foreasf era Vnn.s;i(iiiin, fair, MtoWed Weiii 11 evening or afonday night Inj ruin nf SHOW, ninifs shifting We Examine Eyes Free ol charge, li a doctor h needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a per feet iii. WATCHES AT COST for one week onlv. 1 1. WE, AROADK JEWELER 215 WYOMING AVL
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