G TIIE SCIiA?TON TT? IB TINE K ATTT ft T) AY MOTlT5TO, FEIVRTTAttY JO. ISH4. LIVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS (The Pciunton Tiiim'Ni.s PiktSton da. par I Meat is in charo of J. M. Fahy, to whom nw items aud coiupUiuts may D4 referred. Valentine Day will fall on Thursday QUt, ami tb disphy iu tin m my storon Indiests th supply will fall; meet tb demand Tin heavy thawot the punt few dayi h:m plaoed the itreeti ami sidewalks in r borrible condition. The v7Hkss-Barrs Basket Ball lean composed of nemb ri itChrapiayA Ninth regiment, National Guard o( Pennsylvania, bo.u Comp my 0e team of tbli plaoeln an exeiting gameol ball t the -Ni.it i Regiment armory Thnreday evening by a icore of 8 to 9, Thi' members of Company Cs team who played were: William Jones, oaptatn, Robert Wallaoe, William Borrar, William Owens. Lieutenant 15. Qagp, Ed Bmlth William Francis, Charles Kirby, B irry Black urn, John Voight, Jamas Bnckly, William Phil lips, Carty Miller, Qenry Kusobel, jr , Elmer Matt buwaon, Li-ntenantJ M Juiea waa roferes an I Sergeant U j r Kenney, of Wilkes-Barre, was umplr A return iraim betwuoti the two touim will be played at Armory hall, this place, at an early date. Many expressions of reavst warn heard on all si,l' v itsrcUy when news of the death of Dr Joan T. l)ylo. of Wllkes-Barte, re cbed here, The doc tor was wall-known ta.'tv, both BOOlal lv and profession illy, au i m ' le m my friende ly his ready wit and sunny dis position. Tonight Robert Hantell, who li said to be without a jier in the farloui roles he easays to portray, will present bis l itest SQOCess, "Th FaO in the Moonlight," at Mnslo llali Mr. Mm tell is a favorite with theatrioal peopl and that a large audience will greet him goes without siviti ;. At an early hour yeeterday morning a wreck occurred on the Avoea branch of the Lenigh Valley railroad iu the vicinity of the voca station. Tne wreck was caused by one engine crashing Into another to which was at tached a heavy freight train. The empty engine was leaving a switch when it collided with the train on th m kin lino. Four cars wra derailed and thrown down the bank, a distance of eight feet Luckily nobody was in jured. Th- man who was killed on the L hiiQ Vallev railroad at M;ll Creek a few days ago. mention of which ap peared in The riuBrN bis be-n idu-1 litied us Abe Rosearant, aged 83 yars, nd single. He r"si led at Tunkhau nock. As ye: uo one has called at Wilkes Darrj to take away the re mains, A "choked" stova chimney in Frank Bed rick's store on Booth Maiu street Thursday nighc caused simke to till j th boose. 5uin persons p issiug by at i the :ion Cried "fire, but th alarm was quickly subdued upou the facts be coming known The Lehiga trainman in this vicinity who were o.i strike received their lass month's pay t.us weeg. The firs: pay they received was f r rhrea days only. There is a fund 1 1 17,000 in the tre3 ury of thi?ir organiaaUoo, btr. the pay m ,ster could not draw it out until a meeting o the trustees had been hsld. They hive now met and ordered tne money paid. They coal I not gjt to gether before at they were locate i iu different sections of the country. Thoy have decided to pay tbe man uemvr.a and a half at the rate of S3 a m nth. After that the Grand lodge will not rot help the men, but the local organi zation will take care of all wuo are out of employment Yvsterd iv's H izelton Plain-Speaker in commenting on the production, "The Face, in the Moonlight, " which was presented in that city Wednesday evening, says: 'A f.ir sized and appre ciative audience saw ''The Face iu the Moonlight" last night, and with llr M mteil in th dna! role of Victor and Rabat, it was probably the finest per formance ever gi vi-n in this city .Mr. Hamuli ii probably the baiidsomit man on the American stage an I y-are rein to a-d to ids laurels In "The Fce in the Moonlight" ne is given am le opportunity to prove to the satisfaction of ail that a love story, pure aud Simple, Will always carry a d'ep seated it.flnnc, and when por trjyed by a bandsom lover and irace ful mai'ien, always wins the plaudits of the mnltttnde, Tho u-roie pirt of last night's production deals in .Mr. Man tail's wonderful power aa a character actor, cnanging witn lightning like rapidity from the low and co me itab.it to the generons ani noble Victor. At no part of tne pby is this So wonder fully portrayed as in tho last net whin Rouat is carried off by tfce gendearms, iif'.er poisoainu' himself on the way to the gnillotine, Victor walks on iu his fnll regimental on liia way to b shot. It whs a wonderul plrce of work and wall deserved the recaption it met, Jliss Charlotte Ue'ureus as Lucille ably imported Mr Man;. ill and divided hon ors with him. " Thi objection filed to the nomina tion papers and ct-rtifiraten of botn the Republic m and li mocratlc candidates for bnrgeas in this plaoe, Thriae nre the first bld in this county nnorr the ballot law of 1888. Monday at 10 p, m, has been fixed for their hearing. Suit whh tiegnn at Wilkn-J! irra ypHt.jrday by Mrs. Mary Moran, of this place, against th" Old F.irgo Coal com - papy. John 7i Law and the fir- boss, for $20,000 damage! fur th loss of her husband. Mr Moran waa killed by nil explosion of g-i. Bar altorneys are K. A. Lynch aril John T. Lsnsbam. M The trtnrM of dyspepsia, tha snffsrlngs of scrofula, the SdjODISiBf Itch and pain of salt rheum, the fllSSgrsnshls Kyinptoms of catarrh, am removed by Rood's i-larsnp-rilla, Hool's Pll'. nrn the best nftiT-dinnrr pillB, nKflist digestion, prevent constipa tion. PECKVIUF. UOIMG5. Uattere of it.- t to Ch-irch People t O hr Nwi MetSS) special to the Srranton IHSsae. Peckvii IX Ps, Feb. It, The trim tees and bnilding committee of tne Methodist cbtirsb taset tomorrow (Saturday) night to make arrangements for work on new ohttrob. The plans and (peoifiOatiOOS are all preparo I and the work of removing the ol I snnToh will be undertaken as soon as tbu season will permit. James Tnthill has moved his house hold goods to his father's residsnce, where lie will make hts borne. E W. Squires is able to be at his post again. Repairs on the Baptist church are approaehing completion. The congre gation will be pleased with the im provement. Among other improve ments will be now seatB of modern style so arranged as to afford conveni ent acceae and egress. Revival services iu the Methodist Episcopal ohurch are being attended with iucroiising interest. A number have been at the altar for prayer aud quite a goodly number connected. The pastor will be assisted during next week each evening by R. I. Ives, D. U , of Auburn, N. Y. l)r Ives will preach in the Mothodist church tomorrow morning and even- Ins. Mis- Dela Peck left this wek to at tend sr ool ai Ciiaiii,'rs'uiru. Mrs. Bennett, of Mill City, Is visit ing her orother, J ike l)epw. Mrs David K S;rns is very sick with the urip. Mrs. William KfStelL of Hickory street, is on the sick list. J. P. BeHister received word yester ilay of the sr. loui Illness of his mother at Sollistsrvllle, He will attend the call this morning. Born to Mr. and Mrs Oils RsSSllSS l ast Thursday a daughter, FUNERftl OF O ANI FL BOONE. A Lattf I Number of friends Attend t!i" Bsrviees (Secislle las sweafoa 7i.im. AVOCA, Pa,, Feb. 0l -The funeral of Daniel Hooue, Sr , took place from the residence of bis daughter, Mrs. Joseph Fad-leu, at !l p. in. to lay, and was at tends I by a I rg" couoourae of relatives and friends of the d-ceased. The ser vices, whibh were co ducted by K-v M. Harvey otthe Primitive Methodist churoh, were at the bOUSe, The pall'bearers were n M. Bnydsr, Jacob Webster, William Wobbe, David Cranstone, R, H, Campbsll and Oscar Johnson, The remains were interred iu the LiaugcliSs oemetery. Among the out ol IOWU people in attsudanos were Charles Boons, of Chester, Pa, ; Mis. James Thorpe and son, Walter, of Brooklyn, N. V.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keed, of Ol) pliant ; .Mr. and -Mrs. Scott and Mr James PadJ ii. of Hyde Park. N. Y. ; Mr.-. Conrad and daughter, Lena, of Pittston, - Bpaotsaen C'aa S. II. Clifford, New Caasel, Wis., was troubled with Bsuralgla and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degrae, appetite le. I away, and ho wa terribly reduced iu tlrsh aud strength Three bottles of Elec tric Hitters cured bun. Edward bhepbsrd. Rarrisburg, in., had a running sore on bis leg of sight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Utters and seven boxes of liuck leu's A' uica bslve and his lea is sound and well. Johu Speaker, Catawba, o., had rive larire fever sorts on bis leg, doctors said he was incurable. Hue bottle Electric Bitters aud onS box BttCklSO's Arnica taive cured him SBtirsly, Sold by Mat thews Bios. - MERRY SLfclGHiNG PR f V. A Numbsr cf Peckville Ladles Are En tertalned at Carbmdale. CfscfoJ to thi; Ssroatea IVttaaa PlCKTltXI, Pa, Feb. S A sleigh load of laoies aud children enjoyed the sleighing between this place aud Car boudaie last Wednesday afternoon, and wr-re entertained at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. William Evans. Those who went were Mrs J. P. Hollisternud daughter, Jessie, Mrs. A. Km back and daughter Katie, Mis Wm. Qritsdals and daughter Mabel, Mrs. S M. Rogers and daughter Ola, Mrs. George Woodbridite and dauiriter IVarl, Mrs. Z P Traviss, Mrs. John Kendall, Mrs, A. L Dsmming, Airs Johu Grisdale, Mrs. Wm. Johns, and Miss B zie Derkiu, Masters Walter Rjger?, Liuron Traviss, Willie and Grover Grisdale. FOR LA GRIPPE SUFFERERS. Tlie Reformer Editor Tells of His Experience with This prmg Ginghams. Buckisn's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cats Bruises, Sires, t'lcers, alt Kheum, Fever Scores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, O res and all bkia Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price t!3 ceuu per Cos. For salo bv laf!i.-w Bros. HGNESDAI& IN MINIATURE. MapU City Movimsou That Deserve Bright News Mention. Fpraal to the ycrnnton Tribune. Honksd ALE, Pa.. Feb 9 Two hnstl ing toys wauted at The iBtBOHl agency. Miss Annie Sharp, of Pott Jervis, is tb 2nst of Miss Vlunis Rose. l-ruill chang-'S in the public as well as private buildings of Bonssdsls are well watched. Tne new itamp win dow now'utdng placed in the post office receives its full allowance of com menta A large amount of trout fry is being received by Hones dale applicants. For Brass, Pcai.d.s, liariKKS and al pain and soreness of the flesh, the grand household remedy is I r. Thomas'. Eclcctnc OIL Be surs you gst the genuine, WILL MORRIS ELECTED. He la Chossn a Oo.eral Srritnry of the Fr:c Library Special to fee terssitoa Tt-ihitne. TaTLOB, Pa., Pen. ! Th Price Li'Tiry association held a business sequin Thursday night to elect a sec r;tiry fo fill the vacan"y ovis-i I by tho resignation of FrM Wloslow. Will Morris was nominated and unanimously chosen to the position. He will titer Upon his nw duties at once, Mr. Morris Is a hustling young m m and will no doubt liil the position witn honor to himself and the association. WTi'-n BSby was t lok, we care lier fVfnrle, Wb' a lbs was a CfhOd, lbs 'Tied for OsslOI'lS. When Rl e I,..,. ,rne Mb, she ehlinc b I'mtorla When she lin'l ''lill Iren, the gave tin. m ( ustorla. Dangerous Dise i e, ii - mi We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the cdming s j ri n and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and l.'iwcr Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. CLOSE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. FAR 1 uiiLiilliil SA.Ji A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thonsands Bemnanta of Dry Goods, clonks and Fur Gapes during sitli; at lu-ss than cost of niali-i ial. Every Inch of co outer room covered with the greatest bargains over shown, Ladles' Fslt Hats, this ISSSOU'S atylut 1 0c. e ich. Boys' Winter Wai(t6 0o ouch. 3'Jo. saoh. uloks ...tl.SOaaoh. HOSIERY, UNDER WEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COMB, IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. THE lO lolt .1 II. Ll IN03TON. BlKVmuTON. Vt , Dsfl i, 1808, In the spring of the year 1sim 1 whs att ekid with grip, I was laid by from business for almut two imnitliH, a portion il the tiinx as a sick man as ever lived through this mysterlons di sease. From the effects of the iitttick I was renllv ill all summer, weak mid tired and dispirited, In the firing of the year 1808 I suf fered in ot .r miflnutht of the Hume rliseake, ami O t seventeen pounds of ll i"h in two WSekS 1 Went Lack to luy duties with a settled Conviction (hat 1 would be obllgsd to mss through an other summer of misery, but happily I resorted t.i 'lie nse of 1'iiint'a celery compound, do ibtingly I admit, for 1 was char) so called iro).rietiir.v msdl oines. But before tne first bottle wss used, conviction dawned upon me tinit here wss the elixir, if not of life, still I of health, and within a month 1 was mending and really hotter than before the grip first made any unwilling ac quaintance And now when tired from brail work or business cares I take a wiu. vlsss of selsry compound on going to bed, and Wake up in the Qiorillng r" frsshed and lit to besin sgaiu the tolls and meet successfully the vexations Hint infest the day. Mv wlfe.who Is not wholly free from the ills inhsrsnt in womankind, man aK''s with my help, to consnuie the contents of a half dozen bottles of the compound a year, to the greHt benelit of her health, and my happiness. It ongbt to be understood that celery compound Is BS graceful to the palate a good ai.d wholesome wine, while it is more invigorating and lasting in its effects than any vintsge of ihe fruit of the t'euuH vitie. J II. LlVIKOTON. Fertilizer C1UIU "Paving np" is nn sdnoation In Itself, Siviu ap for an elnintion is good training for a child, muob better than saving up for the uonsy's sako or fur the sake of spending the money on its selfish p.easures. And yon know, if you have children, thu it's Jtut as sasv to tuacli thsn tosTe in a good cause as a bad one. Easier, for tho child is very quickly iulere.it 1 in a good cause. Yon can muko the children save un for their own sdnoatioa The greaj thing is to get. them interested. To a child properly nandljd such su td ncation is a pleasure, not a task. Th" reason children are not. ai a rule, interests 1 in their studies is be cause they are usually u'iven several books o i ufew siihjjcts. Oenerallv on Hubjcts tln-y areenot interested In sabj rats in winch tuey uro not Duturull y tiltsd to excel. Let a child nnr; Bnd out, hosvever, In tv'iat grmvj its natural talents Us and yon will see it bond all its energies in that direction. With a par ent's wise help in the proper channel it i3 bouul to be a "cut abovj the common." The way to help is to rrivo fyonr child a library that contains Information on everything. Information in an entertaining form. (M it Intereated in a plan for saving up to uet this library, aud whou secured your child will study it with avidity. There's only one libr iry full of Infomsl Ion on all SObjsots, Full of the lateit information. Tho Bnoyolonsdia liritauiiica. It is essentially one that will interest the young, in that it eontalos Information on every subj'ct known to mankind, THE TRIBUNE offers this library fora short time to its readers at only $1.08 per vulutii", which Is less tluinono fourth tho priOS of the English edition . Yon can bnv it for3 down and ID cnts n day (piyible (monthly ); fon reroipt of if.1 the complete sot will be sent thi balance to bo paid In monthly payments of ". THK TRIBUNE supplies free to esoh purchaser a dims savings btnk for yonr child to drop its dims in every day, thus inculcating th graaf. prin -ciple of eo iiiomy ami Tor the sulc i of education. Yon can call and see the the completo set at i'lic TRIBUNE Bnoyolo- pe lia llepartmsut, 487 Spruce street. (!an you afford to let this opportunity ptnsbv. Address TRIBUNE Ency. Dept., 7t 3 7 Spruce Street, 18 TH: BIST. (let prices and See the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERH, Appello and Gauss Door Ranges C0NLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON. PA. Seeds an s Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT 4 CORNELL CO. MO SIC POWDER CO Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bli'g S( KANTOX, PA. FINING and BLASTING POWDER Itads at the yOOSIG and RU8H DALE WORK& Ll fflln & Hand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Blectrla Uattcri-Mi, Fuse, for explo ! iug hlasts, afety Ifose ami RcpaunoChcmica! Ci.'sHifjh Explosives THE Upholstery Department Beecham's pills arc foi oiliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free ; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. AHTOHEHARTMAN !j06 South Washington Avenue, Contrnrtor and builder nf (Vmeri'to Kluyin?, OoaoniU Mucks, i- 1 . iiuitor knd Owl BIiih, Wet Olliira ilriel uii. Union miy M left at Thuniiwna & I'r.ilt, Will umih 'o, Mnln nnil Kynnn Btnvtl, or at BcrantoB Ktuvo Work.. AUo Poanilatlon, Ollteraa I-.-li Wvi' Tunueliaud C'uOiu nanaiug tot Unrdoa JU Mrte a well i7nX Man of VLV INDAPO IHr' (JIlKsr HINDOO Rrinov I'finlH f THl UniW. in l i.'ix u ho c : nil Niivoili )IWMu, Knlllntf Mrtnoiy FUrMl. BIliKlllllHHIinua, MsrTlMv lillllo" tlMm, M.iMtMM ly pait njut a, ulvsvt VsVQl hmI n vt trV lininRfll nrurina. runl , L 1 y fitit mifnly tr-Htm-el I, net Munhontl lit OlU Ol y nttK l.iMllv OtFIWU I" 1 od pn-k-t PrlN.M nl'irkit". !Hs f.M'r.Owltl1 m wrillrn giint-Hiiti (m i nrii tr IHH r limllf il. Potl'l 01 Buy nnprinelpiod nnifffffst wll T"i mn o tn'itntinn lin Ut mi 1 m "t nonnothl 1 ll Ini 11.1t tr.t 11 u,. 1 ill .rf,. 11 ,v inn 11 upon n trip' nfiii Pamphivlln i ln nytlnn mw AdnrnM Orls)iitlll M 1 1. I 'n , 1 .., . , ( lid ain, III., If MM IffhUh BOLD by Mutbawi Btot., miolaula uid i'tnii prnoistt, BCRANTON, PA . ud oUuh UuS iiii; Druifiilt. Every Woman Bomaliines needs n rell able niiniihly rcgulatini; nieilicinc. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Arc prompt, Hfo Mid cmtutn In rnntilt. Thn jfon.r Ido Mir. PmCH ntVflf dlMjmolbt Mfli any w hurt 1 1 "0. i'uul Mvdlcmo Cu , Un rulum . O BoM y JOHM H. PRItM PturmMtil cornor WyomniK uvuiuio ami Hpruro Htroet Boruntnii, 'll, 4 Atlantic Refining Co. MniiiifuKuKMH ami I NmI-m h in IllnminatiDg and Lubricating OILS Linseed oil, Nailthas soil Oano lines of all grades. Axle Qrease, Pinion Orcniii and Colliery Com jiiMimi , also, a large Un of I'ar rafflns Wax Candles. Wp also handle tha Famous CROWN AUME OIL, the only family tmfoty burning oil In the market WIL'IAM MASON, Mnnagnr. Offloei Ooal KxohanM Wrsssfisg Ave urkH tit I'm., Ilrix.k. A Mandsorne Comploxlon la onp of tho , 1. ttt chnmiH woman can 1 " : CoMri.uioH I'owDaa glvrs It. OR- William : Sissenberger Opposite l'nptint Churoh, Perm Avenue, Is ropleta with fino and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockors, Couches and Louiifjes lor the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sots, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholsterod in a Substantial manner. Will bo as good as new. nKunt BROS co-1 tfp. rspiui.si.oon.oon. 111 s 1 m.no on in thk wobm. "A .Mnr .M it .1 dn'.ir ir'il.'' Tkltladlra'tolM rreneh DoasjolaKM lt"l SOB llOOl iliJlior.ni fr.p unvwlinro In the Ir.S., op re t if. ofCMh, Mtinry OiTlff, or '..lnl Nolo lot SI -W-Vniinl. ,..rrv MV thi b(Kli nl.1 In nil iclnll .lorn, fur l).v)l iff wfjfl S.iiO. a RUtta I'll" d.vV tf tSM Our.rlti.., there fott Wt fU&l ' A ,(..,. tin. it. "'"'f "'t H-cir HsV ,v" ,v"' Ivfttlil Ul it.inoy toWJS. ,,r , 1 ; ., ih.'i 1 nil. OfH-ia 'I,.,, ir I'linmrn S.-ii..-, ifV-y t.iii ... .-. i'. 1-:, ft vk tj) V.'v d"" ' N as as" ,11 lv . 1 ' icur'tir; trf'l fit ydw. llnAtimtM I'fl In-FREE Dexter Shoe KHSSl H-it t' ,'Hnuu.UruifK: I LaM t tV rlyn by I Mlloll4Vl 1 . . . ..... . K .. . s .1 I'r.'ln pr vil. ar'l K1'! I'M . llluilntt.l firm I I Itfv 0n .itsinrel.TV i mail vVriwn IVtSpitDpp I au. M-f'iryfut, Oni ,y will I I IKkUvtK im. 6091 ftrv.lt Hi n.. IbWi, ll:. E A4S Hi lfclWF.. WiTsMW OU'I A. 0. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. 'hlF, FERE'S vurnl 1 i'Sk .Ji it! "IsmThiiii 1" J &Li &Lj iU jLj . m , j. ILJj L - , ...m inn. ' THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as eSoufonir of thf Fnir. QUITE BAST WHEN VOU KNOW HOW 800 IN PR1ZKK WIMj Bft DISTRIBUTED T THOSE DOING TDK PUZZLE IN THE BHORTI ST SPACE l 1IM!. POR SALE BV ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONEKN M vr TOY BTORHN, OR KENT TO ANY ADDRESS I I'O.N RECEIPT OP PRICI , 25 CEJi i s, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. 112 AND 111 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MI) r PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Sr Makes g: Marvelous Cures Pimples, Blotch; and Old So"es E Catarrh, fifer " : and Kidney Troubli an llml with b; 1 in Bleed Poison Rheumatism e-and Scrofula -rricklr Attse Pot BOOt Mill I 1 iiuui, the grt-atit blood , iri tei i ttrtbs AHHRDTlaW, O. sTttlf 21J Mntstk Ltipman BlOf SUV Oft. : WtAUfiiRi 1 Niujrlir a I- ::U- . TourT.r. P. at Hot H-.-ji-i.; 1 It hni 1-.rc ri more T"cfl t!' 1 month?-' ffc;rnor.iat the Hot fc.jd.ue! hetu thTM b iti C. O, I). Eo&Deotfullv ti-ur, Jav M. XBWTOK. Aberdeen, Brows Couc;; , 0. P. P. P. pminp thMoort botldtVp tho wotk and iitfbUiutuJ, give pirenjrth t- wvkrr,tvi norvof . etpAls cllfo.'of.elviitiTtho;ni:enr health tad happltUMs wheto ickn?5, pi my roiulaifl iunl l!itC(lo flrtt prer&r.od. i'- r prima ryaeoondary and tc ."t try eyi'hiii-, fofmood polaoninfr, marott rial poinoii, malar1:. dypepla, r.ni In nil " nnl akin .apt. hk4 hlotchoR, plmplM, Old OhlQBlO uleors, t'ttiT, scald hoaii, bil, eryiprltift reToma WO tuay snv, without four of r Mi i.iletion.Ciar P. P. P. theVost blood pcr'rtof In the w. rid. an-1 mskTS noHitive. speedy and pornanoat i urea In iU OMOii Ijidis who.! att'm are poiMmod and ahono Mood it in ;vu impnro ernU Sotts duo to nionMrual irpecniaritlet, are peculiarly beneiltod by the won derful tonic and bio ki cleansing prop prlli' of P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Bool and Potaaaloa Frn.-'-irvi, Mo., Kt. 14th. IVX I oan apaak to the bigfiiatt term, of your meiiu iiio from mj oireperaooAl Ki-onledje. 1 wii'aflrctod whh heart dieie, pleurisy ami rt.Huiiint im fop SftyMfOi WM trentt a by tnt very best phj liolaBI aim lpnl hundred! of del- Ian. trtoaoTon toowp romooi itu oat Boding taUw, than only butaa one bpttlo of yoorF, P. P., and crn choeriu'lv sav 1 has done me nir cood 'har anv'ibt;; I mvr over aken. 1 can rooommon J nodlOJOi to all eufterors Ol ho laOA e .iiaeafta. IpHsUAOlSi OrOOB OoiiDly, Mo. Cnpt. J. D. John.inn. Tc ell A"f. it tcv confirm I bprt" !.!. fr to the wonrM pmpriirs o! P. P.P. fofssvptl i-1 i Ebetnii. I .uJJ.'r.Hl lor .evcral y...rwith r.n un IlgbtlytMl !itgr..(.Ur ornpti.irnn rsxr luce. 1 Irlea evjtJ known romo !t ici in T.iln.nr.tll P. P. P. s umJ, u.) m dow onureiy eared. (tlneabr) J- D. JOHNSIOK, Bavaaaaa. oa. Nliln Citnrrr 1 mvd. RsHaMISl Jl HI Ol Mayor c.'Sejuie.TiS. i ai m . Tat.. Jsaaarj l. 1808, Mfi:i. Lirrv Kros.. SnTnnah, On.: . :,. .., 1 h.iv. ; rlo 1 yonr P. K P,WfaoliiiM ol liie.k.n. usiwll.r kiiwn n. skin o.-Mirer.of thlrtj- yonr.' laintliiR, oil foua.1 r.t roliol: It pr.r.ll.'. to Mxl MM removes All Ir runtl. n Iron tat soil ol tho di.oi'o preTont" au ssNadtat ol trio nor... I baTS tnkon fl e or eix bottles no J tl oonti.iotii that Mother conrso III oftoot a otire. It hn aluo rattaVM mo from Ir.tlljtoation nd atomaob ueublea. Your, truly, CAl'T. W. V. nr.-sT. Attorney SI M oil m Dhtxis ps UM free. all dicooists nu IT. LIPPMAN BROS. pRoPBiiroaa, i.iiipmnn'. nu. k.siit esusaa, ,.:j4a.. PCM a. MKb a. v rk, v.om t.iM ,M. nlio.nl. KljttiVl. iU ii: no j. i -.liTrOraKti.oToti cxomatreQar of'.oMcio, "NERVESEEDS, n I. .;,.. c.t .o I'.r.o. Jl m. U'f Brum liwrr, llon.la.'ha, Vi'nkofulneaa, iifllun.. NrYi'in. .t all.tr; . mnan.l lo.n oi pnnar 4ti ar. an..H.r ovor ortloli,ynH.:orrf.rfc l-liiin or ri,Ti?-.!nni.. nir:i ii s.i i" hm..u.i.... ..in,,t tt. no: !ii..;inl- V. Tun ho .. rt..,!ln VO-.I p... dot. t rn'JOOX. m loriro. mi .,, Vm ..i a writiaajnaaMJee eave MIkrfnw. fold hi an .liMiuut. Ajsrqrii,nn Hr n lifil,. Mm nir tiniplo. CDU'Ailo.lLk .... iii.pifir,.!. ... . . .ii.i.l IU.- niu-.A ullilt.t ltBUnHa.BOOtr. A.lra For Sale in Bcranton, Pii..hy H. C. BikNDERSON, Drqgfist, d- Wiuiiiingtoa hihI PI i truce streets. JJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists '61 AND DBALRAa IN" BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic i.il "I Ki-cnrli 7oo, 1'ur.i LlMaed oil, l'nri tluo ami VurnUlio. Beadyaabte4 ruinta in nil cninr., Otldera1 tTbllliW, I'ariB WMSs and Baiaemlaa Oil Vltrnl, Miublo Uuilaud HIbiIow tilaaa MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL, ro.ii or tha dm! qasttty for domrstle ass,asj rf i,lUu.o ilnlivarwl m auj part of Uo city at lowoat prioo. OtiliTH rati at my offlort. Ml. MM. WVOMINO ATBM1TB, Raar roont. Ant floor. Third rTattona) Hank, or 'iit liy mail or tolopliotio to tlio mino, will raeaivs pttaapl aUaauba. Bpactal aoatraota wttl bs mails for tho aala MMOsliveri of Bnokwbaat Ooal. WM. T. SMITH. Anti Spismmlio it in Yoaeaa not iN.utfh if von tv ; try Bard aftor aptdflng. (Ih 'loo. Matihnws t ros., Bcranton, l'a.