The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 10, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Pipe !
I Valves I
Fittings I
Meeting of the Scraaton
Norrman& Moore
20 Wyoming Avenue
i m ; :
SOB fenn Ave.
( Iraiul Display
Laces and
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave
Secretary Brifge't Report tor Jan
uary Shows a Remarkable Decrease
Causes ot Deatli -Fooil Inspector
Uracil to Prosecute a Violator ot
I aw Dr. Allen Says Ilia People Do
Nut Batbe Ki enut'iitly bnough.
The board of health held its regular
meeting yeaterday, Twoo( tba mam
ban iraia abeoat, and lhe only bualnaai
traoaaotad ami to hear raporta
Secretary iBrlagt reported an follow
tor January Total daatba, lit; due to
tooidtnta ti; pneumonia, 88; heart
dtetate, 7 apopleiy, i. Infantile ooo
vultlooe, 9; till born. B; bronobttl.
10. Of the total number of daatba, 01
were male, and there were two colored
Tba birtba for the mouth were 149,
of wbioh 03 were nialoa. There ware
.17 oouteglout diteatei reported: lMpii
tberie, 3; tutailtt, aaarlel fever, l);
whooping oongb, i There waa i death
from toarlat lever and from uieaalee.
8nperlntendent Lofton, of ttio ore
matvry, reported aa followi Qarbage
dee troy ed, 1,190 barrels, ','7 boe, l
dog and wagon loade. Coal to the
amount of id toni were burned and 10
galloni of i'ii wore need.
Tii milk and foal inepeotor reported
the t illowlog Vltita mad 1199. He
tatil ttiat till waa ttio time to expect
bob veal and in tmd eantloned dealora
generally and itaied turn eonBeuatlon
would result In Oaae of u violation of
the proTlatoui of the board, lie re
ported one Initauoeof wllltnl violation
of the law, one dealer refilling to label
hieaklmtned mi oan, The inepeotor
vs directed to briug uit against the
Health Officer Allen reported uuis
meet that were repurte.1 and investi
gated. He c .tiled attentiou to the show-
! iu maie by the aeoratary, a id said it
showed a remark ible condition of af-
xan ni a oily mo n O! BCratttOU ite
referred to the ayttem of placarding
the house occupied bv patient suffer
ing from oontattloat diseases. He re
ferred to the convention at Uarrlabnrg
recently held, end stated that there
were 470 board represented,
aud none had a system that coul 1 com
pare with the one in Scranton, He re
ported that thy had the belt water
supply aud Ih atnioapberj generally
wit healthy All that wai needed was
for the people to bathe more frequently
in the wtuter month, lie referred to
chool No. 19 U beiutf most unsanitary
and the qneation was referred to the
superintendent to take the proper pre
cautions in caring for the health of
the children.
President, bentley. who with Dr.
Allen atteuded the convention of the
state boird of health at Hirritnri;,
made a verbal report. He said that
there wars 471 cities and boroughs
represented at the convention, which
was composed of tate and local
ixarde of health. He stated that while
it Vjis an able body of sanitarians and
many meritoriout essays were read, the
Scranton delegates fortunately had
nothing to learn, ai the methods in
vogno in this city were second to none
a ! optei eUewliero and superior to
Toort ye-terJay allowed Everett Walker
tu adopt Robert H, Walker a bis owu
William Barry in "The Kiting Genera
tion" will be repeated at the Academy of
Music tbH evening.
City Solicitor Torrey yesterday hied au
appeal for the city from tue damages
allowed bf thu Oxford street viewers.
The Kepublican county oomniittee will
meet this afternoon at U o'clock in the
rooms of the central Republican club.
A marriage lio-n-w was grant! yester
day by Clerk of the I OOrtt Thomas t'
Wuham T. Mu;d and Jennie MorrU, of
The st. John Chrytoatom iiauefr'iai so
ciety of Peclcviiie applied to thu court for
a charter yesterday throun Attorney M.
A. McOinley.
Heury Mniltb, who wis committed to the
County jail last Saturday for agisting iu
the assault on Joteph HeibnlH in Biuin
avenue, was released on ll.oiw bail yea
lardoy. ilart.o Vuyhuer become lecurit
for him.
Services tomorrow at the Itallroad Do
pertinent Voiiuk Men C hristian associa
tion will be conducted by the Rev. Heiripi
I Alrich. of the Once Unformed Kpiaci -pal
cborcu. Rai'road men and tbeir fami
lies will be welcome
John f. llahon, one of the sal' agents
rhargf'd with selling liquor without li
cense by the Brewers' Protective aeooelav
tiou, entered ball before AMerma i Wright
yesterday in the sum of 1800. Off CO i Mick
became security for him
At the Paople'i Union mission of Little
Ragluni, S IL Foster, of Hyde Park, wnl
speak at S.Su p. m ton.orrow. t M.
Schenck in the eyeumg at T.80, and Mr.
Powell, of Olypbant, at botn Her .ices.
hnnday Hchool will oonveuo at 10.8Ua in
A special meeting of tba Ladle Auxiliary
to the Kaiiinah xotioi Men'e Cbfiitten
AMOclatlon will be belli Holiday evening
at the home of tho president, Mrs iMvid
Brown, o. Sirt Mulberry street, at 8
o'clock sharp. Kvury member Is requested
to be present.
There haa been a package mailed from
this city addressed to D, HalClo, 4S7Cbal'
ford street, Philadelphia, I'a, and it Is
now held at the dead letter utile 'i lm
lirson that mailed the aiime iuui have It
returned by calling at the poet offlee aad
giving the proper duicriptlou of the pack
E. J. CrOWOll, secretary, and other mem
ber of the Pittstoii Young Men's C'nri
tian association, and the iugiug club of
the association, will be presoul at the
Duryea Presbyterian chapel ueit Thurs
day evening, Feb. 11, 1094, at 7 o'clock
The service will consist of short addresses
and songs by the club.
Tuere is a probability that Wilkes
Barro will have a ritltu league club after
all. The llriving Park association ll
having trouble with the baso ball director;
and the latter have secured an option on
eight acres of land on the Kingston Hats.
The West Side Park may bo occupied by
the State league team.
Before Arbitrator! V, W. Dawson, I'.
W. FleiU und Fred It. Stark testimony
was heard yesterday In the case of Dr.
Augustus Van Cleef, of Oreen Ridge,
ugaiust B. F. aud li. W. Lowry. br.
Van (lltef sues to recover for lumber that
he alleges was taken from him by the
Lowrys Attorney C If Hoper appeared
for the plaintiff and Attorneys Hulslauder
and Vosburg for thu defeusu.
A Flour That I Oood
Washburn Crosby fc Co.'s Uold Medal
aud Superlative flour Is having au lm
uiente sale iu this valley.
The goods are superior to the other
brand sold iu the city and people are
buying the flour with great avidity.
St. )nd Anniversary of th Eranch
prcprlately Ctitbratsd.
The Sonth Side brarjeh of the Y. W.
C, A. celebrated its second anniversary
vsry appropriately at the association
rooms on Cedar avenue last evening.
Colonel E. H. itipple and Hev. Kugers
1 spiel were to have made addresses, but
were unavoidably absent Otherwise
the programme, as published in yeiter
day TBIBVSB, was rendered in its en
tirety Mr. I. M Oatei' reminiscsnces
were entertaining, Miss Dnnn, state
secretary of the Young Women's
Christian association, ., .Ice about her
work in an interesting manner, and
lie was followed by Mrs H M, Boiee,
whose remarks referred to the noble
work being performtd by the associa
tiaas. A number of mnsical selections
served to vary the programme.
The Formal App'lntmsnt Was Di
li. dad on YtSterday.
The agony with rsgard to tba np
poiotmeat of a deputy district collector
for this district is ovsr.
Yesterday afternoon th matter was
settled by th MnOOOOOtneot of one of
Colleotor Herring's closost frtendf
tint William Craig' will be the deputy
A report was current last evening
that the actual appointment had been
made, but this statement was denied
lust night by a DotUOOrat won is thor
oughly conversant with everything
that transpire! in the party. Haas
sured tiie reporter, however, that tho
apt.oinun-nt nad been decido l ujuii
and would be mad at onot,
Oond Invitmant.
The six tier cent nonds .of the Scran toil
Axle Works am a very desirable, security.
The works are being enlarge! and addi
tional machinery put in to enable thm 10
ktep up With their order, Wbioh are
now on tli books nilliclent for a great
pait of the year. Applications for tin-so
bond should be made ut DUOS to Hinlth B
Mott, Bnnoolal agent, whose olllcj I in
rooms it i aud -s, Coiiiinonwealth building
Dl C C. i a. . dentist, Has and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latent improvements. Eight years in
Bcrautou. '
a mn
Toiuorr' w'i Elmlr Ttlsgiam
Will be an exceedingly lively Issue. A
corker ou local events.
"The ltisiuffiOeneration," with Wlll
iiim Barry In the loading role, which
made such a groat aucaegs at the Acad
emy lust evening, will bo repeated to
THU ULVBR it ini l.
Henry Arthur Jonea, lbs bust pro
ducer of luelo drama In Kuglaud, owes
much of his lUOOeee to the "Silver
King, " which will bo aeon ul the Acad
emy of Music on Tuesday evening. For
the last leu years ll has been presented
continuously all ovor the Ll nttod States
and Canada until it Iiih come to be
considered a standard work iu modem
Tllo.viAt) w. KEEN
Mr. Tbomaa W. Keeue, S!iaktf:ipiroan
and legitimate actor, will be tho at
traction at the Academy of Musio next
Wrdne:. ,i'v eveuliig, presHtitlng his
1'ieatt-st chursoter creation, Ettohafd
Th Well Known Irlab Comudlau lOONe
an lautautaneout BttCOeM,
Tho theater goera f Borantoo are not
very familiar with the name of William
Barry, who was at the Aaademy of
Ifoeic laatoTentng, for the simple rea
sou that be h is seldom played in one
night stand oitlea in presented his
new piece bv William Oill lust evening
and scored an InitaUtUUOOUl and pro
Uolliiced success.
"The tilling Oeneration" Is far su
perlor to the average Irtib ooiuedy, In-
limuob as theio is a vry iutornstlng
liory told dining its throe act -tho
story of the rapid rlaa of a Tammany
politician from obeourlty aud poverty
to promtneUOa and wealth.
William Barry aa Martin MoShayne
win funny, naturally fuuuy, ami did
not have to retort to arttuoea to pro
Iduoe hearty laughter. He waaaimply
I the good natured,blg hearted Irtabman,
after riches came to him tiiat bit was
when laboring foro much pr day. and
OCOUpytng a stiantv (iii llai'lm helglils
The oomptny Included over twenty
Brat class perfoimera, and the scenery
was all apeelal l h production as a
wbole was the bct of its kind that has
ever been teen in Bornnton,
A Suggestion in Yesterday' KepublKsn
That Is Bight to the Point.
"it is a pitv that the chief of police
, wouldn't enforce the law about clean
lag the sidewalk'. T'hwr laona prop
erty in Central City where not a
j shovelful of snow has beuu removed
i this winter, Now siuce the thaw it Is
I even mors Objeotlonable than before,
j for cue never knows where solid foot
! ing will be gained nil along the entil e
i stretch , of.tpnveiiieut. The property
belongs to au estate Wbooe value
reaches iuto millions, isn't there an
! ordinance to the effect that such neg
lect can be repaired by tho city, which
may collect expanses from tho owner.-."
Yesterday Republican.
Certainly, Chief Simpson, enforce
the ordinaucd by nil meant. And
while yon are about it he sure that you
have tue sidewalk! nt Vine street and
Madison avenue, surrounding Editor
EorautOn'l place, cleaned. The snow
has not been denied from hi side
walk once t bit teaaon.
I Ex.aption to Rtport of Grand Jury
i Boroush of Ttirocp Withdrawn,
Attorney John It. Jones, represent -I
ing Dickson City borougb yesterday
I withdrew the objections filed to the re
port of the grand jury, creating the
bornugu ot lbroop out of a portion of
DicUsou City borough.
That probably means that the tight
against th) new borough is to be
abandoned and mat the struggle of the
peoplo of Tbroop for a borough of their
own is ended
The Clii'istlaa Endeavor Societies' Exercises At
Flrit Presbyterian Church.
The Christian Lndoavor Society Offers
Bi-r.t Manifestations of tlie Latter
Day Lite ot the Church li Is Not
Organized for Fun Nor Pleasure
but for Wh.ii the Word Endeavor
Uev. Thomas Mcl.sod, 1) I), of
Brooklyn, addreaaad tba olty Cbrlttian
Endeavor union lust evening at the
First Pretbytorlau church,
A song tarvloe oondnoted by the
union's musical director, C H, Chaud
If r, begun at 7.45 o'clock, t ire
ceded the addretl of tin- uveniug. A
paeaagefrom the Scripture was read by
th pastor, Hv, .lames UoLtod.
Prayer wa offered by Kv. N. R
Btahl of the llroeu Ridge I'reshylvriiiii
Ohttrob, after which til i speakr of the
evening was introduced by President
Cbarlea K. Danlala, of the city union.
Dr. Mcl.sod prefaced his remarks by
throwing all the responsibility of au
Incomplete dlioonrtt upon his brother,
Rev, .lames UcLiod, resident paator,
"Jamet," he aald, "has alwyx
arted. nu authority over ma and if in
proinlelng you a leoture without my
knowledge, 1 throw all the bhiliio oil
blm if I fail to interest you by reason
of being unprepared.
Numtront societies, he vouched,
might bo obliterated without loss, nri
many of them are organised simply
for the purpose of all In.; a presi
dency or Moretaryeblp to persons who
want to push themselves forward
He was glad to say, howevor, that the
Christian Endeavor organiattlon of
fered tii best manifestation of th lat
ter duy Ufa of the church. The Chris
tian Endeavor toolety - not urgnuiz 1
for fun nor recreation, but for
what tho word "endeavor" moans. He
cited the words of 1'eter to Corneliui
aud family: "He went about doing
good." 1'eter did not lly nbovo terra
tii uia, but was going about on the level
of mu aud in touch with the world's
infirmities. Hefaoed battlea and duty
in it simple, natural anil everyday man
ner. "Be went about doing good,"
ami that is what the Kiideavorer are
doing un l must do.
Dr. McLeod thiiitglit that generally
the reading of the New Testament was
performed iu too desultory a manner
and merely skimmed over, while the
daily walks and life of Christ ought to
be studied and st, unpad upon the mem
ory of endoavorers as n beacon light,
"Get down to Peter's level," exclaimed
the speaker, iu his earnest way; 'May
your hand ou your brother's shoulder
and offer to conduct him in the right
way. Peter did it."
'i'ne closing prayer was offered by
li- v. Mr. Smith, of Taylor. Uev. D.
W. Skelleuger pronounced thu benediction.
Uev. Dr. MacArthur, of Nsw York
City, delivered a 1-etur. entitled
"Chips from Many Shops." last even
ing iu the Jackson Street Baptist
obnreb. Dr, MacArthur is an eloquent
speaker, and his remarks were received
with p;reat interest by those who wore
a pleasant birthday party wis "held
Inst evening at tin- In in of Mrs J. M.
Acker, on South Halo avenue, in honor
of her mother, who is BO yrt of age,
Tbooe present Were; Kev. and Mra I..
C Ploy I, Mr. Vamet, Mrs Sax.
Mrt. Smith, Mrs. Prank Bryant, Hlu
Loulae Bohveta, of Honetdal; Mr and
Mr. T B, llatg, HltaBldall or Byra
cuse; All (trace Acker. Miss Stella
Ureen, J. p. Acker, A. P. Acker, J.
PlUmmer Acker and Harry A'iker.
While nt work in the Mount PleaHiiut
mines yesterday morning Edward Syl
vester, of Decker' COUrt, a miner, was
injured by n fall of top coal. Dr. M J
Williams found that bil head was cut
and be was also sulfsring from internal
Mrs. Lon Bterant, of North Bnmner
areuu. is confined to her room with
sickness, and her three children are
down with a Itoond attack of scarlet
Li. P. ltobalhan, of liulfalo, it the
guest of Oounollman B, P. K nhathau
llughey Crawford, of New York city,
is visiting hia aunt, Mrs. M Vipoud, of
Jacksoii street.
The funeral of the 1 -year-old child
of SStbLloob, of VYaahbnru street, oc
curred yeeterday afternoon,
A horse attached to it light wagon
belonging to J (.'. King, second hand
furniture dealer on Jackson ttreot. run
away ydterduy afternooa.
The funeral of Mrs. Agues WiliiauiH,
of Washburn street, will take place
this afternoon from the family resi
denoe at !i 110 o'clock
Henry Junes, of Bradford, is the
guest of friands on this hide.
Miss Louise lli'.' j ' of Kyuou
street, is ill
ltoliert Williams, of Cheatuttt street,
has returned from New York city.
Qeorge i Winant, of North Main
avenue, is iu New Hampshire ou a
business trip.
The sad news lias been received hire
of tho death of Miss Kiy Thomas,
daughter of the late 1'. H Thomas, of
Denver, Col., whose death occurred
j net olio month ago. Miai Tnomss was
an esteemed young lady aud dearly
loved by all of her acquaintance. Her
health had been failing for the past
two years, but the sad death of bet
father waa too much for her to beur.
T he family is prostrated with grief
and much sympathy will be felt fir
them by tbeir many friends in this
Ask your grocer and butcher for
Cart's home made mince meat.
Frank Pavolosky Behind Bars (or Obtaining
Pound of Tobacco on Wrong Book!
Tomorrow's Elmlra Tlegram
Will contain interesting illustrations
local subjects.
I Oil It Of tllfRtl OI I'DNs, ,,,(-
isttittMl nt 'Him I t IImmim 'Olllt', t tir
lii'f 111111 fimiut lei'il aSpftK if -lit t,
NlllltM tin BOldf tS all I In- rU-
lll'lft H t.l In i , t i . I I I I tttTt-l 4
lui- tllitl rlli a (lit it pui'Mliir iMHiks
iiui'iiig uur i fiidif it, J tut -.ll- i 4 in nil n
by I In- 'I tlb u lies iiiHiiatKejiAicut urn
Hit blloww
I ( IMS unit VonrOOapoM for
Hny Vol II IB in lh OulOUbM Md
rll'H. UVIT 1(10 tllll-H tllNflt'l't Ihmii
k 1 ;.. ami ffottff ('uiiihiiih (r 10
volmiiu ail uf Dlckriin i-iuu plt
01 kn
80 CIvNTh hiiiI Knur ClipOM fur
Hny buuk In tli l(uy;by heiieifi.
Ji5 VI- Nl H it ml I'nur rutipunii for
iti.v bonk 111 iiif Oiiur.l St' 1 li s
Sh Will Conduct the Services at th
Y. W. C. A. Tomorrow.
The servics for women at the Young
Women's Christian association rooms
tomorrow will he of unusual interest.
Miss May Dunn, tho new ttate sec
retary, from Kstisat City will conduct
the meeting. Miss Dunn will b re
membered as one of the most popular
and winning speakers at the Interna,
tional convention held two years ago.
Tne song service will comnieuui at I
Second Annlvnreary Will Be Apprcpr!
ato'y Celb-ald Tomorrow.
T ho tecond anniversary of the mil sion
Will oocnr tomorrow evening at the
minion hall, Nu. II Prunkliu avenue.
The programme will bo as follows i
Song service, prayer, goipel talk, (leo.
draff, New York city; remarks by
ni"tnb"rs of th eommitte; ohorna sing
ing, dnetti and teetlmonialt by the
converts of tho mission.
Tomorrow' Elmlra T-lirrra
Will bay th names or aii Berantoalani
who will bo affected by the income tax
Trompt Aoiion Ac'snowle lirad
Mr. Ohltdt, who was a great believed In
I he lieto'lltH of lite Insurance luul. among
other pollrlr s, oini for rln ,U'l la t he New
York Ufe luiorance company, 'I'nu
hinoiint lias lieeti lereiveil I, v his i . -cutoi".
who yesleiilay sent the following letter (o
that c iinpany :
I iiii.aiii 1 1 a, Fab. B, is'
.New Yolk Life lii-iiiiiiice (ouinniiy, lllli
Broadway, few York.
Hi ntleinen l'i acknowleilgliig the n
celiit of your deck fir IIO.10J.flO, at the
luiiids of llarol I I'ieroe. iu j nynieut of
your policy An. I ... I .-Mj ou the life or the
late Wcoi g i vt. 1 inn - w iteein it lint jiHl
to say thai yon are tbe first Ufa Insurance
company to psy this claim, and you paid
it Immediately on receipt of p oofs of
death. Very Truly Yours
(ItoHiit: V. I ULLOl Uiikikl,
JoUil VV. PaI'I., .In.
The Krraiiton lirauch ofllcs 1 located in
the Iribuiie biiililiug, rooms 1 1 and It!, Y.
11 Iluggau. uiannger.
Fcrsnton' Bulnj lntnrti.
TUK TMBvMI will soon publish scare
rullv compiled and classified list of th
leading wholesale, banking, inanufaotur
ing mid piofessloiinl Interest of Hcranton
and vicinity, 'j he edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public, build
ings, business bluets, treets, etc. together
with portraits of hading citizens. Mo
similar work lis ever given au OQMl re
pretentatlon of Hcraulon1 many Indus
tries. It will be an invaluable OipOtltlon
of our bimines resourres. Sunt to
person ontslde the city, copies of
this handsome work will altnirt
neWQOmera and be au uneiiiinllfil
advnrtlssiniint of the ( tly. The circu
lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good
result to those concerned as well as the city
stlanre. llepreeeuwitlyes of Thk TnniUNS
will call upou ruoiiK whokh nsmics
are iikhirko hi thi edition and expleln
Its nature mors fully.
Those detlrlhR view of their residences'
In this edition will please leave notice at
the office.
MrHiiuiii'a new Turkish bath. Kvery
thing new. fiOU Hpruce street, opposite
Court House.
Vary Stylish (
The BOW process photo st Cirovei.
Sayonede an O'linaica la Forts
Since ISCd.
Tba ordinance eetabliablng a police
in the city of Soranton, ireeuted by
W. J. Tboiuis at tiie last meeting of
tho Common council, is intended totake
tho place of the ordinance that has
been in force siocj October 20, 180J.
The new one is lu conformity with the
act of ISS'J, and is all embracing.
It contain provisions for establish
ing the system providing the appoint,
ment and defining the duties of the
various officers of tbe department, It
also compels the keeping of a book of
records and making ot reports daily,
monthly and annually.
lhe force, uuder the new ordinaooe,
will have a chief, captain and lietiteu -ants,
deik sergeant and patrolmen.
The duties of nil are clearly set forth,
aud the new regulation will effect
much good.
Says 8hs' from Scranton Daotor Pus
sttd About Her Cass.
An article in yesterday's New York
Herald stated that one Mary Jennings,
who gave her address as Njrauton, Pa..
lias Demi a patient in lour ot ttio JNew
York City hospitals within a fortnignt.
During that time aha baa h?en treated
for hysteria, 'catalepsy, byatero opilopay
and Khninming.
Tho doctors seem tinablo to agree
upon her strange oust. At lillovu
hospital she told the registrar that she
lives at li'.'.i Sixth avenue, New Y'ork,
butcamefrom Sotentou a tow work
ago. Her first visit to a hospital waa
after being picked upon lower Broad
Way, Where she wa run down by a
cable car. Shu was discharged from
St Vincent' Thursday morulug.
She is iiIhiiiI, JO years old and looks
like a working girl
4 !
morris Oilman's death.
Coroner's Jury Raturus n Virile', of
fliili id by Knvolvar Shot
All intiueel wn held yesterday upon
the death of Mm l it Dolman, the
I . linnet street machinist, by Cjroner
The jury returned a verdict of sui
cide, earned by a revolver shot lulO the
eye and brain The jury was ItaptU
nwled as follows P. 0 Knighl, M, J.
O'Toole, J. V Clark, Patrick Reap,
Thomas Etoottoy mil Martin M lisle
DsllVirt an Ad IrSSS and Boldt a I'm
onatration Maellnir.
stall Captain Blanche B. Ouie, of
the Salvation Army, delivered another
of her interesting address horor a
largo audience in the Second Prosby
torieu obnroh last night
In the nfteriuntu b hel I a deuiuti
illation meeting at the hmim ot Pity
Treaaoror Reeaa Brookt, winch was
ex tram tly Interettlng.
readleaton ft Woei' unit Kalliittn,
Ale are th beat. K.J. U ai.mii, agent, at
Lackawanua avenue
Souietlilnv New
in photoaat Urovat', U8 Bprnoettretl,
The gentlemen of the Preebyterian
church have arranged to hold their
social on the the evening of March 13.
The affair promises to be cue of ti e
moat elaborate and enjoyable ever held
In this place. Numerous cotnmittte
ba.'o been appointed to work systema
tically and will combine on that even
iug iu one grand round of entertain
ment. It will partake of both tiie na
ture of reception and concert, ending
in tho serving of an elegant suppsr.
Mr. Philip Davis visited friends at
llnwley yesternay afternoon.
The caref ul manner in which the
Traction company have their d inger
utl curves cotutructod was illustrate 1
the other eveniug when several cars
run away on the bill near Brady'
store and yet were carried aroun 1 the
curve iu safety.
Complications have arisen over the
frontage of Mrs. Payne's property ou
Puller street. In lining up the lots on
that street it was found that Mrs
Payne's lot extends ou ths street four
feet farther than her neighbors'. Mrs
Payne maintains that sho is not en
crouching ou the street and that the
laud belongs to her. she having deedl
to show for it. A committee of the
council has been appointed to confer
with the borongh engineer and ntctr
tiin whether Sir. Payne' fence ie
built ou the line of the original survey,
and it so to bring insttsrs to a satiafac
tory agreement, for to let the extension
remain on the present lines deterior
ates th vain of property and gives to
the street an unsightly aspect.
Mrs. (leorce Duu. inmmick in
been engaged as a tolo singer in tie
Presbyterian church for the ensnitg
year and will assume her duties on to
morrow morning,
Thomas Palmer is contiaeJ to the
house with rheumatism
Mr. liclbert, of Drinker ttreet, ii on
the sick list.
IViiu-st Tribe, No. U8?, 1. O. of I!.
Men It arranging for its anulvtrsary on
March IS,
M. T. Uennlgan, of Sport Hill, hat
removed to his new home at No. 0
1 red Kuisell it ml Arthur Johnson
spent Thursday afternoon taking pic
ture! of winter fceni s around Nay Aug
The Young I. a lies' Missions ry circle
held aaUOOeeeful cake and apron social
at the "limine" yesterday afternoon.
DtlpltO the inclement WOath r there
wa n good attendance, and the cakes,
apront, towel, etc, wers readily dit
noted of. The sum cleared amouuted
to 1H 50.
" i
sh Frepeaee tu Pros touts nu.i ii iii
AhUriuau Post issued a wartant yes
terday for tho arrett of Patrick Uati-
non, of Olypbant, on Information
tworn to by hia wife, Kti Grannon,
Mrs ttauuoii lays that her liuibaiid
deserted her some time ago without
cauls. Thurs lay night he met heron the
Itrett and knocked her down and kick
d her, Sho wauti redrei.
A Ureal Beont.
underlies the principle that lias brought
success hi the production and sni of the
Wail II irdeu Kagle Uraud t'oudeused Milk,
ami this partly accounts tor the fact that
competitor do not successfully imitate it
1 hlrty year in the lean
Al l n laORI who hold unpaid bills cou-
1 1 mied fur th entertainment tor the
benefit of Associated Chartie alumld pre
vent them at ouch to lift. 1. P. klvuihart,
trteeuror, IM Pranklln avenue,
Lly order of the committee.
Mm. 1'ium i s it hwaKi Chairman,
Mas. (J, L. fnCV, Sec'y.
Inlormation on Which He Was Com
iniltad Was Sworn to by Merchant
B. Rosonfcldt, of Priceburg--Jus-tice
of tho Peace Lloyd of Priceburg
Commuted Bov Case Will Be
Brought to Attention of Court.
Prank Pavolosky, u lll-yenr old boy.
who baa been incarcerated iu the
county jail since Monday, ha awak
ened thu profound sympathy of War
den Michael Grimes and the keepers
at thu jail an well at evwry one who has
been made acquainted with his case.
'l he boy has a married sitter named
Mrs. Josephine BurilKKn, whose hits
baud left her tome time ago. When
he went away he was indebted to H
sum of ijitl for groceries. Mrt. Bur
lltkn then took up her mldeuco with
Reeonfoldt, a Priceburg grocsr. In the
her mother at Priceburg. Mrs. Pavo
leak was also a cutomer of Mr
Her husband is in Chicago, and about
a week ago he sent tickets for his wife,
I0n and d (tighter to go to Chicago and
ink up their residence with him Tbe
party nada arrangement! to go on
Lust Monday the boy wanted money
from hi mother to gel tobacco, but in
stead of giving it to him, she told him
to take her pats book and go to thu
store and get the tobacco. He lay
that he cannot read, aud instead of
tsking hi mother' book, took that of
his sister by mistake.
He secured the tobacco, but some
time later in tho day, wa arrested or,
a warrant sworn out before Justice of
the Peace William B, Ldoyd.or Blakely,
charging him with obtaining goods
under fals" pretenses. At th hearing
he alleges that hi mother offered to
pay for the tobacco, but thut Koenfeldt
positively refused to accept tbe money.
In default uf bail the justico com
mitted the boy to jail, where he hut
been ever nince. He is inconsolable,
and spends the greater part of his time
Tbil morning Ex-Judge W. H Stan
ton, who ba ben interested in the
boy case, will bring tb matter to the
attention of the court and endeavor to
have bim released.
it i claimed that the proiecutiou ii
the outgrowth of a deiire ontbepsrt
of kosenfield to collect the bill owed
by Mr. Buritzku's basbaud.
Mrs. Pavolosxy and Mrs. Buritzku
became so frightened whn the boy
wa arreted that they left the next
day for Chicago, which makes the boy s
plight all the more lamentable.
Adam Bttrkman, the interpreter,
who bos taken a lively interact in tut
boy's case, informed a TBIBCHI re
porter yesterday that Kjtenfeldt wis
willing to withdraw ti.e prostcution
for 138,
Thit appears tba mo3t U igrant care
of perieculion for which the charge of
false pretense bai yet been used in this
county. Rosmfeldt's conduct ehould
be Ittmly rebuked.
Second Sittrict Kepublxani
lu pursuance ot a resolution of tbe
standing committee of the Republicans of
the Second Legislative dittnet, a conven
tion will be held in the arbitration room
st tbe court house, city of Scranton, on
Tuesday, Feb. Ii. liHl. at 2 o'clock p. in.,
for tbe purpose of electing one delegate to
represent said district ai the (tate conven
tion to be held at Harrnburg, Pa., on
Wednesday. May 23, 1804. V.gilance com
mittees will hold primaries on Saturday,
Feb, 10, between the hours ot 4 and 7 p. m.
W. S., Chairman.
A. J. KOLB, Secretary.
Scranton, Pa., Jan. S- MM,
Qo!d Medal and Superlative
Megargtl Jt Oonnell, wholesale agents of
the Uold Medal and Superlative flour,
manufactured by Washburii. Croiby &
Co , are placing tbe goods among the best
merchant iu this country, and both
brands lead evi-rythiug in the flour hue In
tbe city.
Wt would likt to call you attonlion
to our Tea and Coffee Department.
You may not know it, but it it nor.a
the less a fact, that we handle und al
ways have In stock tbe finest grades of
both Tea aul Coffeu that can be had
In this or any other city. We have
bean doing nusiness direct with one
lea importer und one coffee importer
for the past twelve years, and our dif
ferent grade do not vary a particle
year in and yenr out. We now have
such a trade ou Coffee that enables us
to hsve fresh roaits as often as twice
asch week, which iu itself Is quite au
advantage, a coffee, is never so good
as when fresh roasted. Here is a list
of our Roasted Coffees and the present
price. When tbo nnrket drops we go
down with it every time.
- lb. 1 uia Java und Moebs..
'.'lb. Tint Knickerbocker.
Arabian Hoeht
Muiidbulhir .luya. ,,,,
old Government .lav
.;'.'. 8. Blend
fancy tfarscstbo
huato Peberry M,
Uolileu Hlu ,...,,!!
i boles Miom.-4ibu
1 lb Package Atlai
U Klo
(iround Klo ,,
Uround Klo ,,,,
And in Teas we have five gradet of
the following varietioi: Formosa
Oolong, Amoy Oolong, Boaehong, Bie-
kot Fued Japan, Cree.-i Japau. Moyune
Gunpowder and Young Hyson. Bicb
variety is giadd as folio Wt:
Extra Fancy use
Fancy 45,:
'holes 33,.
Pnwj Sc
btanCard ;jjt
nut lee
Lack and uil of the above are pure
sound Teus, th different! being, of
coure, in strength an! flavor, princi
pally tbe ltier. We have maintained
and will maintain each grade fully up
to the standard and you can alwivs
get exactly the bam tea if you will
karri what luiu you best und theu
stick to it. We take more pride in tbe
quality of our tea aud coffee than iu
any otutr department aud it it gratify
ing to hear a we do almott dsily the
comment of customers. "The Tea and
Coffet we get here lUltl us better than
any we get anywhere we go." You
need never be afraid to aeud to u lor
either tea or coffee You will AL
WAYS get a better article of either for
the amonnt we cba.-e you than you
can get elsewhere. If yon bsve 'ai.v
donbt regarding the corrtctnest of
tneit statements yin drop us a postal
card etating tee kind of tea or cofffe
aud the price you have been paying
and wt wall be leased to etcd you a
sample and see if we cannot give you
sometbmg considerably better for the
stiine or less money. We would likt to
try it.
Scranton Cash Store,
F. P. PRICE, Agt.
Fe! teeth. KJfh. t-st net, IS: f ir fold earn
arid ti-ctb w.tbout plate, callel crown and
bridge work, call fs.r prioea and refere:,e
TONALGLA. for extnetinj ttetn without
bin. M u ether. No gas.
Huntington s
We have
ment of
1 Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
Make a note of it
HENRY lira & CO.
126 Penn Ave.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
coi iu Uoi-sr Syji Am:.
All kind Of Laundry work guaranteed
the best.
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
I iii
Krullab, You Know.
iner.zotyi atHrova'. (IB Nprul,e.
Best Set3of Teeth, $3.00
Including Hie palnle extracting
ef teeth by an entirely new pr
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
o 3
This Is
Small lots, in all departments, to
close outcheap.
Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15