The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 10, 1894, Image 1

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    Ex-Judge Rarding's
Letter calling on Pennsylva
niaiis of all parties to vote
for Mr. Grow, will be read
with interest. Bee page I.
' OB SB SS II IH Ml IBS H V . .T'.'.". Laa; Tr
V W WWW WWW t w mm?. ,
More Bridges aad Fewer
Wooden block pavements set
in slush aud mud would lo
an agreeable improvement to
metropolitan Serauton.
EIGHT iv;i:s--,iwg-r (Jmn,mfi
ms mm
Philadelphia Ac.;i!t!!iy of Music
Willi Bbtiustastto Ptople.
A Grand R.'.lly of Protectionists -Hundreds
Unable to Gain Admiss
ion to the Building A Masterly
Effort by the Statesman from Main
Mr. Grovv's Brief Remarks Con
gressman Doliiver's Humor Amuses
the Listeners.
Vim tDCLFHIA, Fob. !'
n REPUBLICAN man meeting
h was UeUl this evening in tic
M Academy ol Music that Blled the
Liu building from orehestra to top
gallery with a crowd of enthusiastic
belleTtn in the doctrines ot the party
ami hundreds more earged around the
entrance doors unable to gain
admittance. The attraotlon that
drew ao many people to the meet
iug was undoubtedly the announce
ment in th list of -ipeakers of the name
of Congressman Thomas B Keed, of
Maine. The meeting wn held under
the auspices of th I'aion League club,
and its object was iba dual one of
opening in this city th: campaign ot
Gtlusha A Grow, Republican candi
date for oongressman-at large, and to
enunciate auewtlie policv if protection
as opposed to that of tariff reform.
The meeting was presided over by
Colouel A. Lou leu Snowden, ex-minis-ter
to Greece and Spain, and the first
speaker was Mr. Grow. Mr. Grow',
speech wit a stalwart defence of Re
1'ubhcm principles, and an arraign'
111-nt of the doctrine of Democracy
Mr. Grow spoke but a short time aud
expressed himself as confident of elec
tiou aud by a big ui ijority at the com
ing election on th 20tb of the month,
Colonel Suowdea thm introduced Mr
As the Main congressman caui
down to the edge of the stag- the en
tire house rose and for five minutes
every u in on the audience seemed to
be try to cheer louder than his neigh
bor. Finally Mr. Heel was couipellel
to raise l is hand in expostulation and
after some spasmodic cheering front
those that had mm breath left iptiet
was restored. Mr. Rel spoke for
tbree-iinarters of an hour and his dry
humor and biting sarcasm at the ex
pen?" of Democracyand its leaders were
heartily appreciated by his audience.
The next and last speaker was Con
gressman Dolliver, of Iowa. Mr. Dol
liter took the tariff for his text, and
hi humorous illustrations of bis re
marks kept bis audience in a roar of
laughter. Resolutions comdening the
Wilson bill, an 1 its income tax feature,
and Mr. Cleveland's Hawaiian policy,
were adopted.
Grtat Devastation la th Path of a
MisH t ' hirlwh d.
Mkmciiis, Tenn., Feb. !. A ayelone
passed over th northwestern portion
of Mississippi late yesterday afternoon
and laid wast everything in its
path. Plantations wr devastated,
fnrm bouses were wrecked and the
debris scattered ov-r the ennntry for
rcilee around. Tho telgrpn wires
were prostrated and it is impossible to
obtain particulars from the Stricken
district, hut it is known that one life
baa been lost.
On til plantation of Colonel W. L
Nugent, fonr miles northeast of Green
ville, Mis., WUiiain rJrady and wife,
colored, were in tneir caiin, winch
was bluwn down, killing the woman
instantly. When fonnii ahe was lying
nndirneath thn wrecked csbin, her
head being wedged between tho sills
and several los, which had m inglsd
her beyond recognition. Her husband
wa blown several hundred f.iet and
received serious if not fatal Injuries.
Tne gin bonne and the tenement
hones on the Nugent place were all
blown down and large tra-g were
twisted from their stumps and carried
away. The cyclone passed through
Washington and liohvar counties,
thickly populated with proiperous far
mers, and it is fear.-d the death list
will be greally swelled when the d
tnils are known. The hurricane came
from the southwest and was accom
panied by the regular funnel shaped
The Lnmbnr plantation near Port
Hudson was also struck by the fnrions
wind, and scarcely a piec- of timber is
left to tell the tale. About twenty
colored people wero injured by falling
buildings and Hying timbers, hut none
fatally. The storm iiuiim to have
traveled up the Mississippi river, nam
ing great damage to shipping. BSTSral
fine Steamboats narrowly escaped being
about four o'clock or n little there,
alter, and in the Statement ma l by
M:s. Christmas, who was in the parlor
with the judge at the time, be was
walking up and down the lloor eating
' n apple, tie bad jnst reached the front
WiudoW and was looking OUt upon the
street when in sink on a settee and slid
to the ll'or huliilcss. Il.u-lori were Im
mediately snmmoned, and when ihey '
arrive. 1 tOey applied electrical appar
atus and used all means known to ttie
medio il iirofes-ion to leMiseltate the
stricken congressman, but without
avail. Mr. Bonck's wite arrived with a
lady friend shortly after o o'clock.
Judge Houck was 60 years of ago,
having been bom ui Cumberland
county, Pa., Beptembar 8S, IH 5 He
removed when ' yg irs of age, with his
father to Ohio and settled at Dayton,
whore he lias resided over slue k
Ult Toipedo Boats Sad to Uuve M t
With Di.Hter.
Rio Di Janbrio, Fob. o it lean
nounoed in ttas city that some disaster
ha befallen the fieet 'f torpedo boats
which recently left Pernauibuoo lor
the soiu ii. Details as to the disaster
do not seem to be obtainable, and ad
information on the subject is refused
at tho government office.
It is asserted that at leaat one of the
torpedo bo its has been b.ullv demand.
and the whole tl?t has returned tu
The General Master Workman of the
Knights of Labor Holds Secret
PlTTBBUBO, Feb. 9 -J. R. Sovereign,
general master workmen of the Unights
of Labor, arrived in Pittsburg late last
night He said that be came here to
look over the condition of affairs in
the district and render all the assist
ance iu bis power toward strengthen
ing the organisation.
At 10 SO Mr. Sovereign met District
Master Workman Vincent, of the
Glasw rkors' union and other local
ienuVrs of the Knights of Labor at
their headquarters, and after an ex
change of greeting they went into a
secret confereuce.
At its close all Inquiries only met
with the reply, "We have uothiug to
say." Tonight Mr. Sovereign address
ed a m ass meeting at Lafayette hall .
The Nti York Millionaire! Bin
ThreatenlBg Letters.
Pictures of Bombs ami References to
Valllant Written In Latin -The Work
of Jokers or Cranks-The Dopcw
Vanderbllt, Rpckefeller, Flagler and
Astor Houses Decorated During
the Night The Matter Treated
With Apparent Indifference.
Th B"pcrted Lynching of tht Plunkett
Brnthor In Oukh C'.unty.
St. Louis, Feb. 9, a special to the
Chronicle, from Con Way, Ark., aiatcs
that Henry Ilrnce, Charley 1'lnk
ett am) Hob 1'lunki tt were lyucheil
in the Gulch country a few
days ago for the murder of an aged
couple. Hie information was brought
to Conway by a mail carrier, who
stated tliat the people ot that section
Were extremely reticent regarding the
affairs, and no particulars could be
Telegrams have been sent to a num
ber of points iu that locality, but no
confirmation of the story hits been re
The Republican Mnnib'r of Congross
Frum Oliln Efcplrae Suddenly.
Washington, Feb. if- George W.
Houck, Republican member of Con
gress of Ohio, dropped dad at 4:10
o'clock this afternoon while visiting at
1027 Conoectiout avenue. N. V. Judge
Houck had airivud at this residence
of Cu'i Sr Co Not En-
New YORK, Feb. 9 -R. G Dnn &
Co.'s weekly rvi-w of trade tomorrow
will say: "Improvement in business
still appears in many directions, but it
s-uis to be in part balanced by loss in
others The gradual gain which be
gin some tim i ago anil was strength
ened a little by ineSUOCSSSOf tlv treas
ury loan, hxs scarcely answered expi-c
tat'.onsj Reports of resumption of
work continue to indicate that the in
dustries are doiiiij mor than in lie
oembcr, vet the record of their actual
gain it disaonoiutingly smill.
The marked increase which pars
in offerings of commercial papers has
almost wholly ceased, aud the SCCUDU
iation on unemployed funds continues,
so that endorsed mill paper has ben
taken at per cent. Tho bond opera
tion has not advanced stocks nor stimu
isted Specnlation, and the lowest price
ever known for wheat has been re
corded. Doubtless the uncertainty which re
mains, with the tariff bill yet in the
senate, and currency measures of ini
portance p"ndi;ig in th bottle, hag
some hindering iiifluer.c but there is
still seen an increase in the demand for
many kinds of goods because of the
exhaustion of stock in the bands of
de iters by a consumption whicii,
though less than Usual, is nevertheless
greater than In auy other country.
0 II,
The gold reserve In the treasury Is again
increased. It reached 1.000,(100 yester
day. P.urglars looted the pot(.flinn at flesh
ier. O., of stumps and everything else of
A freight train cut In two Mrs. Jacob
Urt-en, ol Syracu-i-, and fatally hurt her
little girl.
Bevivtagan old feud, two drinkcrssed
Italians fractured each other's skulls at
Leeds, .Mass.
Biehop John P. N'owman, of the Method
1st Church, will go abroml next week for a
six months' tour.
Thieves murdered Postmaster .fames
Skinner at Uulbertson, Hon., and robbed
and bnrri"d his office.
On charges of steeling 100,000,000 (set of
state timber, -ix big .Minnesota timlair
llrnis will soon be put on u ial.
By the breaking, of i' in a pond at
Puray's stat. on, . v., Nlcula Dora and
AntOina Soppa were drowned.
statu troops escorted two necross a
eused of sssaultlDg women, from Alexan
dria to .Maims -a., a., to prevent lynching.
After living two weeks with James
Kerr. Lucy BChsak, of Chicago, wos
tiMind nnrdertd, end Kerr navs hIiu shot
For holding up a train, Tom Brady
Jiinies llynilriik and Albert Hanker
of Jackson county, Ark., must hang
April o.
In n murderous BSSSUlt on Ooudactor
II i libs, at l,orlsb.rg, N. II, Mii lni. l M
Mlllln, a tramp, was shot deed by Brake
man Ileal.
A. Willard Bnraphreys, president of lbs
Bterlhlg Iron Workl of New Ynrkcitv.
ooomitied uleids by shooting himself in
his room at tun hotel in inchestnr.
Ohio lawyers are hunting holrs of Jacob
De flsven, whom ITIT loaned tbs United
Mates govern men t a larn" hum of money,
now amounting, With Interest, to (J4,
01 HI, 1 100.
William Wnlfi' always aupiioHe 1 to ho
ons "i t hs mi si solid business men in Cen
ier mill, nns laneii. i lie uanilitieH are
about sao.ono, while the assets will not
foot up over Vo.OOO
A number of important treasury ap
pointments to be announced on Mnudav
next as the result of an extended roofer-
snfee this afternoon between tno president
anil ni-creiary launsie.
Frederick Barry a boy. ncoideotally shot
ami killed his uncle, Sidney Hibon, tged
7 ears, at Beorgetown, Delaware. The
boys were playiug, when Uarr picked up a
gun nun imyiuily pmnl-Ml II at (lihsou
11 i .xploilnil, and tl.e latter Ml ded with
a leinble wound iu his shuuldei.
Nsw York, Feb. !,
F certain mysterious placarded no
tices are entitled to credit, s.n
guinarv hoiuhthrowors are nftor
some of New Yol k's not ml mil
lionaires, and today the police are al ter
liii- real or pretended SUSrohiStS.
The placards are written Iu Latin.
The Bret millionaire to discover that
be was perheps marked for the fato
that Russell Sago so narrowly but
neatly avoided was goo 1 mituied, pop
nlsr Cbauncey M Depew,
Mr. Depew lives at 48 West Fifty
fourth street. His butler was early
astir yesterday morning. When he
went to the front stoop he was startled
by n placard right under the electric
button of tile door bell, iu a place that
mi one would ever think of warning all
to "pint no bills." The butler is not a
college KTadnate, SO be could not read
the subject matter inscribed on the
card, but be was well enough up in the
igu language to perceive that an il
lustration in black and white was
meant to represent a deadly bomb with
a smoking fuse. Close the bomb Were
the letters "1 C. P." nnd a cross. Tne
placard was about iv foot sijuaro aud
p 'Sted tight to the house.
Iu Dr. Depew' bouse the messag
w..s translated. In the original it
read :
Prates Reminisce exemplqm Valllant
gloriosnm. Mora diveti, iiic eit homo
udju licatus. Omnibus m ine.
In ronio Comrcnis Popuu,
The translation offered was;
Brothers Remember the glorious ex
ample of Valllant. Death to the rich
man. This is a marked man. Warn all.
P.Y the Vli.l.o tiik Common Pkoci.e.
Around tne corner on Fifth avenue
the Vsnderbilt palaoe, strstohiog from
Fifty-first to Fifty second streets, was
not likely to escape the observation of
any wandering anarchist, and it di I
Private Watchman Ryan, about
dawn, says he saw something white on
a brown stone fence c ilumn, It
prov d, be says, to be a placard, the
counterpart of the one said to hav
been attached to Mr. Dspew's portal.
The Vauderbilt warning wan glued
carefully and smoothly as if by one
who had unlimited time to do it, and
the watcainan, who was SOSTOtly out
of sight of the sp it, he save, all night
cannot understand how or when it was
The most natnral course of thought
in the millionaire connection would
lead to the Astors, and the busy an-
irchist is supposed to have meandered
xtto.Sil rifth aveiiuf, which, o-
Cordlng to tbs city directory, is the
resilience of John Jacob Astor. Really
his sister, Mrs. Drayton lives th re
Hit butler, John Alton, says he found
i placard on the front doors that was
t if same ns those already devcribtd.
It, u said that thw peripatetic anar
chist also bill' d his warning no the por
tals of John D. Rockefeller. H. M. Flag
ler and others.
The grOWSOSM warnings, however.
have not resulted in an exodui from
the city of the marked millionaires. As
a matter of faot tney and the police us
well lo on upon the placards as in
work of a prnclicnl joker, though, us
u j ike, tuny do not deem it u brilliant
Mr. Depew Was away from home
When the butler found the notice on
the door. The butler did not show it
to Mr.Depew'smotber-iu law but turn-
d it over to Ur. Depewupon bis re-
torn home last evening. Mr. DoDOW
read it and laughed heartily.
lake it away, was his only com
ment ; "burn It un.
Mr. Depew Is In Philadelphia to-dsy,
not, how r through any fear of haviuir
his slumbers disturbed by the noise of a
bursting bomb.
Part of 1h placard still clings to the
pout of Hi" Sloan" mansion. It Is almost
nndeclpberablC however, thanks to the
efforts to remove it II is written slowly
an I with great cute on a sheet of com
mon note paper. So little attention was
paid to it. by the butler when ho found
it that he did not even mention it to
the members of the household Hut
tl.en he is not an expert iu Latin. To
him it looked like the prank of a small
hoy a bad boy, at that.
SHrgeant Doigau looked upon it ns
the work of some crank, but it pttSSlod
him to think so man i placards could
I e posted and the culprit escape detec
tion. " There are eightneii policemen do
ing patrol dulv iu that neighborhood,"
he said, mid any number of private
watchmen It would be a bail place
for an anarchist to play any planks,"
he added grimly.
Captain Bohmlttberger of Ihn Tender
loin precinct shared the general police
belief that the placards were the work
of Home harmless crunk. No complaint,
he said, had been made at his station
by any of the men whine homes had
been decorated.
Nearly all of the butlers simply
scrubbed off the notices and said noth
ing about them lo their employers.
Philadelphia this weak examining rn
eoids iu the nfflce of recorder of Deeds
It was shown that no property what
ever ni recorded iu the name of Aiini
Kill ford, but it was revealed that six
teen mortgage!, aggregating $0Ht:ii)O,
are recorded in the name of Robert
Fill l ord.
When the late Israel Fleishman a
few years ago constructed the i'ark
theater In this city, it was generally
Understood that Mrs. Fulford, who
opened the new plscs of amuaement,
IiuiiI a largo mortgage against the prop
erly. Ini t it was not developed until re
cently that the mortgage, ISS.OOO in
amount, was in the uamu of Koberi
A of Evld'iion Surrounds the
Drfnnrlant In the Carpntsi' Case.
MlFPUNTOWN, Feb. 9. The testi
mony in the Csrpeuter case as sub
mitted at today's sessions of court by
the commonwealth whs clearly and
strongly against the prisoner, and the
Chain of circumstances is being closely
woven around hipi It was proven
that Iho defendant had made vicious
threats against bis father a short time
previous to his liomicid", mid that
their relations some time prior to the
event had been notoriously unfriendly.
Witnesses testified as to the prisoner's
declarations after the murder, and it
ulll be hard to reoonolle them ot the
innoc inoe of the crime.
The trial will not be concluded until
next week.
Tho Steamer Has Been Sent Afier the
K iraHge Crew.
COLON, Fob. 0 -The steamer City of
Pars sailed at noon today for Uoncador
Reef to take nboirn the officers and
crew of the United States war ship
Cearsage, which wont on the rocks
Inst Friday. She was chartered for the
voyage bv the I uunstas.
As Ronloar Reef is about BOO miles
from this port the City of Para prob
ably will not bs back before Sunday
i a
Old Soldiers' Protest Against a' War
History That Belittles the De
fenders of the Union.
rnii.AiiKl.rni . Feb. 9 Posts NVs
and 19 Q A. R., last nichl took strong
stand against the introduction into the
public schools of Hilis' Complete 111
tory of the United Status and B aeries of
resolutions ad tressed to th board ot
education. Similar action was taken
by the Grand Army men in Idaho two
weeks ago.
The res,. lotion rend by post No. 2 lust
night ptotesls against tno selection and
distribution of thfs book to the scholars
of the public schools of this city, ''that
its tone is biased 10 favor Of the south.
It vilely belittles and d -tracts from the
patriotic work performed by the sol
diers, and by undue prominence seeks
to enoble the soldiers of the rebel
armies who sought to destroy the union
and refers to them in eu leafing tones.
it suppresses In many instauces the
names of our heroes, and persistently
and conspicuously depicts in stronu
colors the achievements of tho rebel
commanders and tliir armies.
Tim Attention ol Un Boost ini by u u. .
The Member from Missouri Calls Up
ibe S(;i;r,nora";o Bill and Concludes
His Remarks in Support of the
Measure Bovine Comparisons
Drawn By Mr. Stone. - The Differ
ence Between Bullock and Leather
- McKjirgben, Harter and Kilgore
the company as a result of the transac
tions. Iu reply to Attorney Ilijur'sin
terrogatton, ,Mr. Welsh declared that,
as a receiver of the road, hs did not
think anybody was li ible,that therom
pany lost the money and that ended It.
Receiver PsXSSS, with all the dignity
of an ex-chief justice of the Pennsyl
vania supreme court surrounding bis
presence, sat calmly awaiting thu or
ient of beihg queried as a witness, but
be was not called, the bearing, at 1 p.
m. being aiijourue 1 until next Tuesday
at noon.
The Huebnnd of the L.ts Annie Plxley
lies the Field
PBILADKLPHIAjPeb, 9 - -Colonel R ib
ert J, llair-, ol Nw York, who repre
sents Mrs l'ixley. mother of the dead
actress, iu the controversy with Rob
ert Fulford, the actress' hubaud, re
garding bur will an I estate, Was iu
at tho Pool Tournament
eetiriB' Ham s Played.
Philadelphia, Feb. 9 -state pool
tournament score -First gam-: Sher
man, ISO; Summers, H7 Bcratehes -Bberman,
'2; Summers, 9, Beeond
gnm: Keogo, i"0; Tate, 43 Scratches
Heogh, B; late, o
Sherman led from sturt to finish in
the opening game, although Summers
showed a marked improvement in hie
play. The second gaum was the event
of the evening and both players dis
played very scientific pool, K "lib's
position play was a leature, although
1st" was also in the gsm as regards
po - it inn, but his general play was too
open, tailing many chances when ' sat
ety" would have been much more ad
I,mn II Pollitt Will L.iek After
S itnia Iron Company.
Philadelphia, Feb. o. -Judge liut-
ler in the Unlttd States Ciroall court
lis afternoon appointed 1, 'gun M
ullltt. receiver for the Sigma iron
oompany, i ne company was ineorpor
Sted in West Virginia but its principal
ousinsss bus been carried on in I'euu
I be authorized capital slock is $.",
Ilim.llUO, of which -' i.". o has in-en
paid in. 'I he available assets are about
1100,000 The floating debt is ifiM.voim.
and it iS Stated that among the liabili
ties are an issue ol 1500)000, debenture
flowers and anarchistic pamphlets find
their way to VaiHum's (grave al Paris.
The Kngli-di house of lords passed the
parish councils hill through the Committee
The great storm In the North sea delay
ed the Steamship Majestic a day In her
start from LlVSI pool.
Presldeut Carnnt gave a reception to
the International sanitary oonleresee,
now meeting al i'aris.
The vigorous speech of ilniperor Wil
liam at the recent parliamentary dinner
greatly pleased Russia.
The Nat loll ill Liberal federation of
Knghinil will discuss the usefulness of the
house ol lords at Its meeting next week.
Aiming Urn piieseiigerH injured in the
railway acc ident Tuesday at Oomnelgne
was Mr. Reisner, a draughtsman ol New
flogging of native women by the Wor
man cliKin'ollor, llerr Lent, Is said tC
have mused the recent mutiny In the
Cameroon t.
There Is a hitch in the negotiations be
tween Morocco and Spain, the ob
jecting to the amoiiut of t iiu Indemnity
for Melilla outrages.
Religious riots at if 00 la, India, caused
the ile-trtielion of Mohammedan uiou,ues
mid Hindoo MUtplCS, and troops had lo be
eillletl to iplell 111" I nlhle.
Arabs of Morocco are receiving as
martyr the notorious Riff agitator. Malm
Mohatar, who is on his way to prison for
inciting ui" kiii war tu Mellilla.
Washington, Feb. 0
n FTBR tho call of committees for
A representatives hud been oon-
ir'l eluded iu the I Iuuhm thia morn
UU iug Mr Dland (Dem , Mo),
moved to take up the consideration of
ais silver seign iriage bill in the com
mittee of thu whole and th" motion
wiih agreed to without serious objec
tion, Mr liland was rCSOgUlSSd to
conclude his remarks in support of his
measure, and said, by wy of prefac,
that he was reportod in the paper ;
as being willing to strike out the
last section of bis bill providing for the
oinage of the bullion in the treasury
purchased under tho Sherman 1 iw an '.
remaining uncoined, That statement
was untrue, for he considered that the
most Important feature of the measure,
Mr. Bland was frequently interrupted
by a constant stream of questions by
the members who snrmnniled Mm, and
the ol eje of his sptech was marked
hy applause fro n his sympathisers,
lie was followed by Q W. Stone, of
Pennsylvania, one of the R -publican
tin -inhers of thu committee on coinage,
weights end measures, who antagon
ised the bill. He went into a legal de -sorlption
of what constituted seignior
age, holding that there OOOld be no
seigniorage until all the silver' was
consumed. "You could not, " he sai l,
"tnko out a p irtion of the silver in the
treasury and say that it was seignior
age," because it w is not seigniorage
until it cased so be bullion. This
view was diametrically oppoeed to that
held by Mr liland.
Mr. Stone illustrated his position bv
saying t list youcoold not take a bullock
in the field and cut s piece of his
haunches ami call it leather aud the
remaining portion bullock, lint after
a while, when the bollock ceased to
exist, it might become leather. Bo
youcoold not segregate I4.uoo.oon
ounces of silver in the treasury tnat
I he 1 1, 000. 000 ounces and rail it Seigni
orage ami the balance bullion. I his
bullion constituted a collateral trust
fund for the redemption of the note
Issued upon it ; and if any portion of
Ibis fund should be taken and used for
thu necessary expenses of the govern
ment or for any other purpose than
that to which It was dedicated, it wis
not only a perversion ofitrnst, but was
mbesslcment of trust funds.
The other speakers were Mr. Mc-
Keigben, tlivi.i Neb . in favor of the
,Mr. II.irt'T (Dem ) O, in opposition
and Mr. Kilgore, (Dam,) Tex., in ad
vooscy of it.
U . five minutes before o the com
mittee arose and the booss ad i urne I.
Stiingent M"B3urei to b Taken by the
Huntingdon Authoi it tea
BUNTINUDON, Ps., Feb. 0. -By order
of th" stale board of health, its Hun
tingdou commissioners here today look
vigorous measures toward averting the
threatened spread of sin ill pox at
1'iitisiown. this county, where a esse
resulted fatally yesterday. The au
thorities keep a close wuteh over the
town to prevent either ingress or ogress
into the town limits.
Mr. Waning, of Hopewell, who died
of the disease at PuttatOWn yesterday,
was buried there today, after lying CZ
nosed iu the open air all ol last night.
Every possibility of thu spreading of
the disease is past.
Promluen' OtTloials of a Dsfnnol Lackpjrt
bank An- Ai restsd
LOOKPORT, N. Y., Feb. 9 Dr. .1 11
RslmsS, vice president of the defunct
Merchant's hank of this city, and n
prominent Oitisen, was tins afternoon
Indicted for perjury in regard to the
affairs of Iba broken bank, tie was
arrested, arraigned and admitted to
bail this evening,
The cashier of the bank, J J. Ar
nold, is now iu j lil and will be tried
next week lor peijury and embeSSle
ment, His abort. igo exceeds $1(10,01)11
The bank is in the hands of a receiver
and is iu liquidation.
United States Kintstei Talks Bnsineiis
to the Svilitin nt Inkamlerum
Parts, Feb 9 -The Temps bus this
dlsDstoh iroiu Constantinople! "A.
W. Terrell, United States minister, has
demanded the Immediate liberation of
two Armenians who are American
cltissns and re imprisoned at Itkend
arum, Northern Syria.
"lie baa threatened, in the event
of a refusal, to semi an iron clad to
The Opinion pt Mr. Waleh In the Read
on- Railroad Muddle.
Pun. mo nil , Feb. 9.- The New York
and New Bngland and Boston and
Maine stockdeals, which the UoLeod
management of the Heading R, R, was
responsible for, was fully explained to
day by Receiver John Lowlier Welsh
at the hearing before Master Craw
ford In the Hiiit brought by Isaac I,.
Ricu for tho removal of the Read-
The of repeated etorv
affairs were gone over
but at the close
expreased himself very
clearly upon the question ot any one
Bfiua Itabl" for the loss incurred by
One of the TJututban Aiu'iitted,
Cns.a to I:- i I Monday.
PltTSBOHO, Feb. 9. The first ease re
sulting from the recent miners riots in
the Mansfield valley was r-.. lied in
court today. Joseph lialechek, a
I'ole, waH tried for assault. Although
positively identified by the plaintiff,
William Frauey and two witnesses,
the jury found Haleeheck not guilty
aud divide 1 the costs
Thu sixty other miners, charged with
rioting, will be called for trial Monday.
All will be tried together, a larger
number than ever were tried together
before iu this country, It is uxpscted
tbut some will plead guilty.
The Cashier of a Watkins Bank
Miising A Youn Lady Also
Watkins, N. Y., Feb. 9. -The great
est sensation that has been created in
W ntkine and the surrounding country
in years was caused today when the
doors of tho First National bank were
closed and the following startling an
nouncemsnt posted on them "closed by
tho cashier having m i away."
Tho cashier is John V. Love, the
president of the village, and ti of the
leading men of Hi" t
learned that L ive 1
time last night un 1 the amount he tool:
with blm is estimated at about $50,
000. For some time Love und others of
this place have been interested in a
boom at West Muueie, Ind., und it is
generally believed that be become in
volved through speculation there
Love is Hi years of age aud ha a fam
ily. Tne bank has many depositors in
Walk ins and vicinity, and groups of
men arc to be seen on every c rner dis
OUSSins the matter.
Love left a letter stating that he was
insane ari l would kill himself by shoot
ing or jumping into the lake, but this
is thougnt to be a bind on ace mat of
his taking the bank's funds. It is re
ported that there wer; $10,000 of state
money in the bank anl thu funds of
the town of Dix were also there.
The excitement has been iutensifi-d
by the finding of Love's coat and bat
on the dock nt Magee's but house. It
is rumored that a Watkln's girl to
whom L ive ha l,ben att-ntive is also
The Strange Fmak of a G.rl Crazed bv
the Grip
Chicago, Fib. 9 A special to the
Inter Ocean fnui Toledo says: Miss
Emma Moulton, of Pindlay while
teuiimraiily insane yesterday from
tho effects of an attack of tlio
grip, jumped out of bed, threw up u
Window, and leaped to the croniid, a .
distanos of some ten feet, Before she
could be Stopped she hail clambered
over n fence, run almost half a
mile into tne yards of tho Ohio
('ntial railroad and dashed in
ti the cab of a yard en which was temporarily deserled
by lis crew. Tiie insane woman pulled l
the throttle and the engine started out )
of the yards towards Toledo, but '
overtaken before it was far out of the
yai ds.
7 i i - Moulton is n school ieacher.
When removed to berhome she quieted
down, und it is though she wiil in
time recover her ri-asjn.
Colouel Bmnli'r and His Kntir Rstinue
"0 by TuevKge
Paris, Ifeb, 9 Evening The lntfst
advices from si. Louis, Senegal, sav
that dispatches hearing date Of Jan '.'7
have reached there Irom rimlmetoo.
Tntse despatobes state that I'olonel
Bonnier, of the marine artillery, who
was iu command of the Freaeh troops,
who had captured Timbuctoo, bad
with him 9 European commissioned
officers and European sergeants, til
native shsrpshooters and 6 native ser
geants. They were all killed by the TosregS.
AUentown will vote on the question ol
borrowing 1100,000 for street paving.
Liqnor licenses were granted to seventy
two new saloons iu BcbUyktM county.
Boys discovered the body of an infant in
g box, floating down the Delaware river
W ilson freed has been appointed post
master at Covert, Bradford county, vies
0, D, Field, resigned,
The interior decoration! of the new eap
itol building at 1 1 irrisburg are being put
in and are exceedingly line.
The coroner Investigated tbs death of
little Annie Stout, of Lincoln, Chester
county, aud decided she had died natur
ally. In a runaway at Bhsrtlesville, Berks
county, Mrs. John Kennedy suffered a
liiiiken le; and her husband's fine was
lacerai ed.
Permission was given to the White
Sewing Machine oompany, of Cleveland,
i)., to open offloes tu Philadelphia and
The rolling mills of the Valentine Iron
company al BelletOUl will start in lull on
Monday end run full time, They have
been idle all winter.
J, (I. Qrlhm'B photograph gallery and art
establish men t at Willies-llai ro was com
pletely destroyed hy tiro last night Lues
on Stock 18,004 on building f;',&oU, insured
for t&OOQ, The Hi" was caused by an
electric light,
WING to the unnrec'!-
lented success of our
LINEN SALE, we have d
cided lo continue it a few
days longer. We quote
be-low a few figures in Cream
and Bleached Table Dam
asks. Napkins to match
wlu:n desired.
56 inch, 23 cent3.
Recuut price, 80 cents.
58 inch, 28 cent3.
Recent prica. 33 cents.
60 inch, 32 cents.
Recent prion, 40 cents.
64 inch, 39 cents.
Recent ;rice, 4a cents,
63 inch, 45 cents.
R.'ceut price, 03 cents.
72 inch, 55 cents.
Recent piic?. 05 cen'.s.
72 inch, 68 cent3.
Kiceut price, 83 cents.
72 inch, 88 cent3.
Reeent price, $l,
72 inch, $1.05.
Recent price, $1 25.
72 inch, $1.19.
Recent price, $1.50.
own. It baa been 7 inch, $1-75.
eft atkins a-me
lucent price, $;.
80 inch, $2.10.
Recent price, $2 30.
90 inch, $2.25.
Recent price, $3 60.
Dinner and Lunch Sets,
Towels and Counter-panes
at correspondingly low
prices. See our "Cherub"
Crochet Quilt at 95c ani
the Excelsior Marseilles at
510 anl 512 Lackawanna A?!
Maltese Cross
ing receivers,
of Readinu'e
at length,
Mr. W'eleb
And Oak tanned Leather Pel 'ing
H. A. Kingsbury
513 Spruce St., Scraitoa, Pa.
I 1 A A
a llClli & WW
Reliable Footwear.
n iii n r
..,, i ill. i
Feet of every description fitted ,tt
Lewis, Reiily & Davies.
Will i
e every eTonlng .it 0.80 P.M.
except Saturday,
Wasiiinotox. I'eb. !. Forecast
for Saturday; ' esstsea
I i Pnmiyltania aad rVew Jsresy,
' nun in the Mentfnp, elsaHae,
dttUtHy oofetefi For itteeferii BnMisyi
inaie, fair, NMSpf SHOW fa the northern
porMms,' SMst wmds.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge, I f s doctor 14
needed you are promptly bold
so. Wo ;ilsu guarantee a jier-
ftft at.
AT ('( 1ST for one n cel oiil .
1. J. WE,