The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 09, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Modes and
Our Fashion
Describes and contains the
Leading Fashions. Latest
Dress Materials. Stories. An
ecdotes. Humorous Illustra
tions. Valuable Information,
elevating and pleasing read
ing for the home. GIVEN
AWAY to those who call for
it at our store
Dress Goods
lash Sis
cut or tewa eorretponaeott of Ynt rum
Dmi should aUu their atonies in full to sooty
uewa letter, not for pabUottloa outtosuard
a.'alust OeQOPtlOa.
Entertainment lo B Qlvto by Professor
iituUt tad. PttpUa
Neei'lul to the Nerimltwt iVleilat-.
CaRBONDALI, Po.,Feb, 8 Tomorrow
evening ooottrt in AtiooiaUoa 1111 a
reoltal Klvtu by I'rofessor Ctrl lUaler
tod pupils I'll" prootodi of tli oon
Of ft will lo use I to ; i tint expenses
of the perforin ts to a QtijThboriUg
town, wlieie. tuo eiitertaiuuient will be
The work by the Keystone double
quartette will ie au admirable (tun
of the tvtoing'i programme The qoar
ttu m composed of the following
JTOnng men: First lonor. b J. kirk
wood, P, J Boy I ao ; Moond tenor, B
U. Kerwiu, 1). .1 Movies, fust biiesos,
J, B Kelly. Joseph BoyUo, second
osnsos, J. J. C'rog.iu nud Patrick Kirk
Tho following is the programme to
be rendered ou the ooCMion:
1'iauo, ''flowers of Memory" It. Uoenteler
Mary Holloa.
Violiu, "C'avatina"
Walter Baker,
Piano, "Iadier Sptanttnbe",
l.uim i Iviitil.
Violiu. sth A'r nod Varle. . .
Frank Misett.
Piauo, Morceau. "Mountain Stream"..
S. Scliuiitt
E titli Lewis.
Violin, Oth Air ami Varle Cb. Daucla
Charles Koer.
Piano. N'coturue. "Murmuriui: Wavea"
H. Hewitt
.May I'lmer.
"Tho Hunter's Call" L. O. Emerson
Keystoue Double yjartette.
Violin, "Remember Me" B. l.agye
Ethel McMullen.
Piano, "Little Liijht Heart" A. Qeibel
lielen Abbott.
Violin Fantasia, "Souveuirde Bellini"
J. Artot
Carl Hossler.
Piano Morceau, "Nihtiugale and the
Zepuyr" L H. Schmitt
Cora Perk.ns.
Violin, Theme and Varie.. "Life Let Uu
Cherish" H. Parmer
Anie Tuthill.
Piano. ''Little Ramblers" A. Oeibel
Tillie lierhardt.
Violin, "II Trovatore" L B. Singelee
Joe Manitan.
Piano, "Si .ver Drop'' Y. Lange
Tessie Gllmartin.
"Annie Laurie" L. 0. Emerson
Keystone Double y lartette.
...0. Schmidt
...J. Matthey
Ch. Daoda
Special attention is called
to our Extensive and Desir
able Lines of New Dress
Goods and Wash Silks.
There are many Novelties
and the variety of styles is
simply astonishing.
News of General Interest from the Vi
cinity of the Pancoaat.
Partial to the Scranton Tribune.
Throop, Pa., Feb. H. - Mrs. Dr.
Davis, Mrs. Fruend. Mrs. Tennis. Mrs.
Warinz, Mrs. Waikey, Mrs. Warner,
Mrs Williams and Miss (iraee Cowan,
of Jermyn. comprise 1 a slmschinit party
who called on Mr and Mrs Iianri-fld
on Wednesday evtning last.
Ony Btsnters opened the season in
Throop by taking a rids on his bicycle
on Tnssday. He did not go far tvitn
ont breaking; trie ice.
Miss Bella Knderson is confined at
boms with the measles.
Miss Minnis Jones entertained a few
of her friends last evenintf.
The owners of Panooat colliery are
making a great improvement around
taeir works by lighting with six arc
Michael Walsh's dancing class took
a sleigh ride In preference to dancing
on Tuesday evening last.
Freddie Fahringer. the two-year old
son of Mr. and Mrs (wiarles Fahringer,
is snITsring from a severe attack of
Miss May Kanfiald has besn obliged
to vacate her place at No. i School
through sickness.
George B, Meed, one'of the clerk at
Bellruan & Co 's store, is confine I to
his bed with the grip.
The world is always interested in the
cure of consumption . yet Its prevention is
of far more importance. Dr. Wood's Nor
way i'lne Syrup Is (tnarantead to core
onghs and colds. Hold by all dealers on a
goarauteo of satisfaction.
A Number of Young- PeopU Very Plsai
anily Entertained
geetfjOl to the Srranton Tribune.
T HI OOP, Pa., Feb, 8. A grand
social gathering was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Lawyer, on
Tuesday evening last. The majority
of yontig people being from Hcranton.
Timo and space would not allow the
mention of all; hut those of our young
people who attondeil were" highly
pleased with their compiky.
At 11 o'clock a sninpttions supper
was served to which the young folks
did justice. Shortly after supper the
gnesta retired, hoping soon to meet
Four Big Successes,
Having the needed merit to more than
make good all the advertising claimed for
them, the following four remedies have
reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
aud Colds, each bottle gnaran teed Elec
tric. Bitters, the great remedy for Liver.
Htomnch and Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica
Sal v.-. the best in the world, and Dr.
King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect
Sill. All these remedies are guaranteed to
o just what is claimed for them and the
dealer whoso name is attached herewith
will bo filed to tell you more of them. Hold
by Matthews Bros', drug store.
Crit cising- a Younr Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charley.
Oeorge Her face h always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Oh. that's easily enough dis
posed of. Usd to be the same way my
self, bat I caught on to the trouble oue
day. and got rid of it in no time.
George What was it?
t harley Simplv blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. ! tell yon, it's
ibe boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you i ould
hear him ho'ier clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what an athletic old eent he It
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she wonld thank them after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
Chick-- Thlvs at Werk. Politics a
Trifl Slow Psrtonal Notes
Special to the hcranton IWoiMt
KCIOOKA, Pa-, Feb. (J It ii rumor
ed anout tui place tha't F.I ward Pnil
bin, who served in the United States
army for the past three years, got his
discharge from the reanlar service, and
now has enlisted in the United States
navy for anotner term
Martin Mangan, of Oilmore avenne,
is seriously ill of U grippe.
Phil Connolly, son of r. Connolly,
the grocer, of this place, is seriously ill
of the measles.
MsttlM are raging in this vicinity.
O, T. Davis, manager of th Booth
Side store, Greenwood, is In New York
on a business trip.
The chicken thieves who frequent
this place lit VI completed their raids
nn the chicken coop of Mrs Patrick
Lyden, of Mam street. Last week be
ing their third attempt at that pin -.
thsy took one the only one that r. s
It is th comment of tho would-be
politicians of this pluca that the candi
dates are too slow. Th y say that it Is
high time for them to make a start to
ward booming their campaign. '
Tht item that appeared In theit col
nmns announcing that Oeorge Fassold
bad withdrawn was erroneous Mr
Fassold intends to make a hard light
for his election.
Tiik Rev. William Stont, Wiarton. Ont.,
states: Affording Ineffectually treaied
by seventeen different dootoft for Kcrof.
ilia end blood dmeitse, I was cured by Bur
dock Blood Blttsft. Write him for proof.
e i
Enjoyabls Time Had at tbs Wayne
County Hotel. Hawlsy.
Hprritl to the frran'on Trthnnr.
UonHMUBi Pi Feb B, A large
party hulling from the vicinity of
llonaedsle drove to Hawley last Tnes
day night and enjoyed a good supper
and stip'.rb tlin i nt the Wayn.t couuty
The hotel register that evening trivet
the following names of the yontig peo
pie composing the party Mistes K
Southwell. Philadelphia; Amoli i II lf,
Arthur; EUfit KlllO, Texas; L
Ilinch, Florence Ham. Adelaide Dodfl,
Sadie J. Hay, Florence Baker, Nellie
Kimble and Charlotte Muir, Hones
dale, and B W. Ferguson, Bethany;
R (i. Crossley, Seeleyvillo; Doo La
Barr. F. B, Crossley, William Star
buck, Josle Cran lall, Professor B L.
Hower, B. A.; O, B Btndtomi,
Hurry Mnir tnd EJ, P. Clark, M D. ,
The Studsnta of the East 8troudaburir
Institution Enjoy the Slslehlng;.
Siierial to tht Hcranton Tribune.
STROi;nBt;im, Pa., Feb. 8; Tin nor
mal school students at K nt Ktrouds
burg had a jolly good time TueaJay
afternoon. They were givou au old
fashioned sloigliride by the enterpris
ing trustees of that institution. Over
330 in nil, occupying uightoou slods,
aud accompanied by a band, paraded
the streets and made a line ttbowing.
The success of the new normal school
has been uiaurod from its beginning.
The trustees aotud wisely in the islec
tion of Professor O. P, Bible, who is
making the institution, with the assist
ance of other able men connected with
the school, second to none in Mm statu.
The school is already crowded mid
llivre is some talk of enlarging to meet
the demands that will bo mudo upon it
in the future.
The Votsrs Are Ooufrontsd by a Thras
Cornerad Tluket.
fltoecfol 10 (he Scrantou Tribune.
BTROCDtBDRO, Pa., Feb. H. --Auin
terlli0 light 19 now in progress for
municipal control of r. nt Btrondi
burg. Three tickets have been 110m
lusted The 1 lomoerata have chosen
James Peterlunigii for hurges; the ItV
publicans are led by Jesse It. Smith
and the fill .ens' ticket is headed by
James II Fennel and ex ohili bur
gets Tht Citiiens' ticket was put in
Ibe Held by Republicans and Heuio
Ortts, and It it claimed 111 the intwiest
of the new normal school. In the
three-cornered light it is iiitilcult at
tint time to predict successfully.
There bitter internet manifested in
the local light in this town. Ripub
licans and Democrats are hoping to
elect their ticket.
l'yl'il and lmlltfaatlnn
In their Wort! forms ire cured by the
use of 1'. P. P. if you are debilitated aud
run down, or If you need 11 tOOiO to regain
tit sh and lost appetite, strength and vigor,
take P. P. 1'., and you will he strong and
healthy. Kir shattered constitutions ami
lost manhood P, I'. P (Priokly Ah. Poke
Boot and PottSllOm) is the king of all
medicines. P. 1'. P. is the grcutebt blood
portlier m the World. For aalo by all
' 4
Newsy Paragraphs Pencilled by an Bo
trprlal'iK Crrp andent,
Special fe Ms Ittrotloa Tribune.
STROCDSBDIta, Feb. 8 --Miss Marv
Jacoby, the accomplished daughter of
Assistant Cashier of the Stroudsburg
National Baok B s Jucoby, is visiting
friends and relatives in Lebigbton.
Tho young people of the town are
njoying the eleigbiug. The Wttiber
for the past few days has been m 1st
favorable, aud many have taken ad
vantage of it.
The fritndi of Tbotnsi Walters and
Charles Place, two y mtlg men of the
town who have a host of friends will
be glad to learn that both of thes
yoOOg KtntlttBtO passed successful
examination! at the College of Pharm
acy in Pblltdtlpbia,
Mr. Dean, tbejNeW York contractor,
spent a few days in town visiting bit
S. B. DUSKY, mate of steamer Ariuona,
had his toot badly jammed. Thomas' Ec
lectric Oil cured. Nothing equal to it for
a quick paiu reliever.
News Brevities and Personal Gossip
Abmt the Mapls City.
Si'vcml to the Hcranton Trilwne.
HoNKsbALK, P.i., Feb 8. Miss Louis
Heft is visiting relatives at Keudtrtin
A meeting of the board of trale is
called for Saturdav at T 3dp m., at the
city hill. Important business ii to
come up before the meeting.
The lecture. on India and its pioole
by Miss Fannie Sparks at the Method
itt Enltcopal chnrch tomorrow Fri lay)
veiling, will be interesting and in
struetive. The young people of the
church hope to see it larg attendance.
Refreshments will be served.
Rev. V. H Burghaus, of Harritburg,
will conduct the services at Grace
church during Lent.
Edward Baelor, of Mooslc, Hat a Very
Pleasant FxpsrUnce.
Special to the fiOffllttoN Tribune.
MOOUO, Pt., Feb. 8. The friends of
Edward Better, of North Mam street,
tendered him a surprise party at his
home Wednesday evening. Tnose pres
nt ware: Misses Blanche Tregelles,
F.tta Tregtlltt, Betiis Hindi, Cam.
Vtodtnborg, Mind Kisell, Maggie
Lewis, Anna Brown, Mary Ami Stew
art, Bill Levitt , Mettrs. Kirk, Weir,
Hinds. Young, Brown, (inner.
A pleasant time was bad by all.
Dancing and other games were in
dulged iu and a luxurious btipper was
served at a lut" hour.
- -
The Baptist Sundav Sohool Will Attend
the Funeral.
AtffCfflJ to the SCfttlfOI Trttmne.
BONUDALK.Pl., Feb. B Miss Bertha
Bader died at tho hntu of hor father
yesterdsy afternoon afte,- . short ill
ness. H-rtlia wis a bright Pi-year old
girl and leavas a Isrgs DOmbtf of
friends, atid it Is the first child Mr
Ua ler has lost.
The fontrtl will be held from the
boot tomorrow at :i n m , K-v. C. F
Hall offloiltiog. The childron of the
lisptist Sunday school are r ipiested to
msti in the church at '. p in. to uttend
he funeral
and thie soon to lav
eome mothers, should
know that. DOQtOf
Pierce's Favorite Pre
tcription robs ohdld
nirtii 01 us tortures,
bur ami dmiKUs
to both mother mid
chilil, by Billing nut.
tire in preparing the
system for pur
turition. Thereby
"labor" tnd the
perbel of confine
nietit. art greatly
shortened. It also promote'; Hie secretion of
IB abundance of iioiinshulent for the shild
Mrs. IloitA A. OtWIIJI, of l)Hkb u. OtMfM
fV Trim , writes; "When I begin laUlnir
your ' I'avorlte Preserliitlon,' I was not able
to stand on my rati wltboui MlfonO almost
ileatli. Now I do all mv housework, waslilnii,
oooklngiitwlng tnd everrttlng for my family
nf eight. I mn stouter now than I have been
In sir years. Your ' I'avorlte Prescription ' Is
the best to take before eoulliiemenl, or at lots)
11 proved to with me. 1 never suffered 11 little
with any of mv children as I did with my lust,
sun the In the le iillhlcst we've got. Have In-
duoM wvtrtl to try 'nvqnu PittorlptiOB,
ami It line inovtel aood for them."
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Somo years ngo I was called by telegram
to north western Nebraska. The Inst 200
mill of the journey wi re over a new rail
road. I was t ho only woman aboard the
tTtlo tnd wit compelled to share tho one
car with a lot of rough men, who Hwore,
drank and smoked unt il tho uir of tho car
was hii (locating. The conductor regretted
tht ttite of tffalrl, but declared himself
pnwcrloHH. You can perhaps imagine Hie
relief 1 felt when by the dawn of daylight
l eaw Long Pine, the railroad terminus,
I wiie forced to poSS the greater part of
the night. In the one hold, w hero a drunk
en contractor was making merry for a
largo iiHueinhly of delighted auditors. I
was but too glad to BXObtngt tbn hotel
ptrlor for the cur, where I did not hope
for uuyihliig but t repetition of my former
I was gralillcd toluol the cur almost
empty. Some bulf a doren men were dot
lug In various purls, and near the flout. I
ttpltd llttlt flgUrt OUrltd up on u eeut
that looked susplcioualy feminine, dttpiti
the jaunty mttOUltnt lieudgear lliut
adorned thoolotel) clipped brown lookt.
1 wondered why 001 ho young wuu trav
eling iilone unit unprotected, mid ponder
lug upon Hoi subject I Hank Into much
needed slumber. When I awoke, it wuu
broad l.iihrM All were net lr, mid I Haw
ill the Hiibject of my Hpi -eiilal ion a charm
lux lilt Its nirl, pottibly 15, She bad u very
pretty face find dtinty uir.
Beforo I oould put into uxeoutlon a plan
of forming her acquaintance a man up
preached her. He Wuh u line looking Hpec-
Imtnof the genaiue cowboy, though lhad
not (bell learned tot guiiiHo munis
takably the mtmbtrt of that, fraternity as
1 blVt In later yean, His broad sombre ro
sbuded a pair of deep blue eyes, aud it
heavy reddish brown mustache but. parity
hid it month betokened steady deter-
initial ion and in Unyielding Will. He ad
dressed my pretty a;irl us an old ICqutint
nee. An eirnett oonventtlon pitted be
tween them for it few moments), ami be
withdrew. Sheseemecl much bel ler pleased
than he, ami a few moments lltOT the came
to inn mid begun to chat in tho most
friendly uiuiuut. My curiosity regard
ing the child, its I mentally termed her,
hi mod in a fair way to be latltAtd, for
she w as eager lo (alk us I lo listen, but be
fore the forenoon passed 1 ceased to regard
her as a child or Inexperienced.
"That fellow's inline," she said tome,
"is Brown. Did you mil ice that gold ring
on his little linger!' That- is my engage
ment ring. 1 sent it back to him. They
said be took on awful when be heard that
1 Wit married."
"Mnrriedl" I exclaimed iu astonish
ment. " Yes, I was married lust Sunday. My
husband is n soldier nt the fort."
"Hut you look ho young I" I said.
"Oh, I'm IN," replied the girl. !
worked in Sioux City until six weeks ngo.
1 heard they paid so much better wages at
the fort that 1 went, up there. 1 got ac
tpuiiuted with Drown anil promised to
marry him, but be had to go out on the
ranch he's it cowboy, you know and 1
Mut acquainted with Baddler. Ho wanted
A A r J I. 1 I. 11.
me, lisp- ,1 in i - -1 ic'ii i kiiovv us ne s ti uil
better than BrOWn; but, you see, he was
right there and Brown wasn't, ho 1 mar
ried him. He don t make as much money
as Brow n. Ho only nets td 'l n month from
tht army and what be can make running
a faro bank. Thut'H a good bit, but I made
him to leuve the army if I married
"But ho can't leave," said I.
"Oh I he'll desert," said my childish in
nocent unblushing!'.
"But if they catch him," said I.
"He'd have to finish his term in Lenven
worth, tbat'l all. But then they won't
And him. As soon as I get buck we're
going to St. Joe to start n saloon. There's
money in that, I (ell you, uud I'll risk
their catching Mm."
"Where are you going now?" I ventured
to Inquire.
"I'm going after my little girl," she
answered promptly. "I've been married
beforo and haven little girl 1 years old."
I did not express my surprise this (ime,
hut I doubt if any statement she could
hnve made thereafter would hit ve surprised
me in the least.
"I bad a stepmother," the said, "and
she was awful mean to me. One day one
of our boarders, a man as old as dud, unid :
'Gome, go with me, Lily, tnd the old
WOmU shan't whip you any inore.' So I
went. We were married and began keep
ing house for nursch cs. He was prrtly
good to me until the baby came. Then he
got nind because I didn't know how to
take care of it, mid when it was B months
old he took it away from mo and took it
to his folks iu Sioux City. When I found
nut where it was, I ran away from him
and went (hero to Work. 1 dually found
where my baby wan, and taw her three
times, but. I never could get my bunds on
her. SIic'm such a pretty little thing. I
guess she's pit. it good homo, and they're
good to her, but she's inv baby. Saddler
gave me the money to see the thing
through, and I'm going to have her by
fair means or foul."
I did not nud could not wish the young
mother success in her undertaking.
Several (imes during the day llrown
stopped to chat a TTiomcnt w itb his ex
flnneee and once succeeded In drawing
her tWiy for n little private conversalion.
" He asked me," she said on resuming
her seat by me, "If J was lenvlng Snddlcr.
He'll ls( glad to gi t mi Tit, I'm sorry
for him. but I'm no( to blame. Saddler
wits there ami he wasn't. I couldn't mar
ry them both."
Later llrown left the train, nnd at Freee
mont I saw the last of my pretty little
In lifter yenrs my mind often reverted to
my trip to (he frontier, mid in connection
with it I thought "f the child (hat I met
on the train and wondered w hat her after
life bud been
At lust in cident brought DM Informa
tion of her furl her career.
Snddlcr nud bis pretty n ife did Imbvd
go (o St.. Joe and keep it snloon. They
had nochtld "lib them, ami I was glad lo
believe (bat her errand to Sioux City was
unsuccessful. In less than n year n big,
btndtomi mail I Brown appeared
upon the scene a month later, by ncci
dent of course, I'm In Sum's offiOtTI Wtft
upon Ibe deserter's track.
When the prison doors closed behind (he
deluded man, our Lily, fair but fulso,
WOl free, and she and BrOWD were wed.
Philadelphia Times
Welsh faneral Oattemti
In country ditttioti In Wales n custom
still exisjlsof setting up n chest in the
midrib' of t be chuiicel nt (he time of u fun
nernl, and before leaving the church the
mourners all (lie round tnd put their of
fermgs In. This is nmlly Intended for the
clergyman's fee, but. If I he peoplt nre poor
he often returns part of It. to a widow,
for instance Weslmlnsler Cnr.ette.
Worked a Problem While Aslep.
An Amsterdam banker once reo,ursted n
professor of, inalbeiiialics to work out a
very Intneute, nod puzzling problem for
him. TlAy professor, thinking (he matter
good exercise for the Intellectual faculties
of ills pupils, mentioned it to them and re
quested them t work out the enigma.
Onu of the students, who hud pondered
deeply over the Int ricate stihjccUlurlngthe
day. retired (ohtd. Sometime afterward
be arose, dressed, and sealing himself a.
his desk worked out the problem accu
rately, covering sheets of paper with his
calculations. He bud no recollection in the
morning of b done so BostouUiobe.
iffs. J. N. AutiUrnbautih
Ot Utters, fa,
Blood Poisoning
Intense Suffering II Years.
ifood's Healed Me Sore in Seven
Bucks A PtrflCt fure.
"I will iccuiiiinciiil Hood's KanapMilIu us
flrst-eluss. It has pluvial Its Ineiits lo us.
Twelve ytlTt aim my wile was picking rasp
hen Ics when shu icratehid h i it i briar,
tht wound from which soon developed into
terrible sore, between her knet and ankle. Not
withstanding all we did fur It, It continued 'lis-
ehtrglni for eleven long yttrt, we tried medh
ill skill on every side, wuu mi effect A bum a
year aito she re. el ul Mend s Haisiiparlllu and
Concluded U) Irv It herself, und uhlln taking Ihe
lust DOttlC --he fell belter uud ruiillmicd with It
Hood's : Cures
until today ihl Is entirely well and better than
ever. The sure was healed up In seven weeks.
Ber tijnb It perfectly sound. We tttributehtt
cure entirely to Hood's gartapirllla." Jocot
N. Ai i. ii I- mi a 1 1. ii Biters, York Co., Pt.
'1 licrc gre hundreds of young ni:ii and youii"; wouitiii in lliis
eountrj who have splendid ability, bat they have never been
wakened up.
Wood's College of Bosiness and Shorthand.
lias been an inspiration to hundreds of young people, If you
are tired of Inactivity and want to do. something tangible,
come in the I College,
sii in i ii an li COUBSR p j. W00Di proprietor
m:w YEAR OPENS .ianlaky i.
Carpetings !
Hood's Pills curt nil Liver Ills, luiiuua
aes Jsundlot) IndtgrtUoOi BIck Bsadacht,
Now arriving. We are ready to show many patterns in
all grades of Carpets- enough to suit all tastes-which we
oiler at the lowest prices ever known in the history of the
carpet trade. Under the head of
We offer what's left from the January Sale, consisting of
certain patterns of Carpets that have been dropped, odd
pieces, short lengths and some slightly soiled, together
with a few
Rugs, Some Oil Cloths
Linoleums and Mattings
Dr. ED. Grewer
Hie Philadelphh Specialist.
And bis associated tutr of EnglUb and Ger
man Pliyklciuii8,ure uow ivruiununtly located
Temple Court Building
Wnere the may bo conanlttd Li.uly AND
The Doctor Ii a graduate ot the University
cf Penosjrlvaait, formerly demonstrator of
ptiysioluKV and larger at the Medico Chlr
uruicHl College, of Philadelphia. He la also
aii honorary n ember of the Medleo Chirur
glcal Ataociatlon, nnd wat phyaiclun and
lurueoii In chler of tho mot noted American
and (irrman hospltaLa, comes highly bid
hv the lead in k prufessora uf Philadelphia and
ew ork.
His many yeart of honnltal experience n
Iblee thlt eminent pbynlcian and turgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all deformities
tnd diseases with tho moat flattering success,
Snd his liKb standing In t he Mats will nut
all w him to accept anv incurable case
( you hayt oeea llTtQ up ey your phyal
rlan call upon the diK-tnr and Iss exammel.
He cures the worst caaeMOf Nervous Debility,
Scrofula, Hid Korea i atarrh. Piles, pemala
Weakness. Affection ol the Ear, Eye, None
tnd Throat, Ai-thma, IHwfness. Tumors. Can
ceia and Crlooles of every description. Cm
tultailou in English and DermAn I ne which
ihlllbt considered sacred and strictly cunll
dsntial liffloe Honrsi 0 A.M. to U P. M. Dally.
Sunday, U a.m. to - p m.
National Bank of Scrantoa
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
W, W WATSON, Vice President
A. It WILLIAMS, Cashier.
BAMtrat, HfKia .hmfs i F.vrmi Mir,
iiivino a riNon, PiaaoaB, fim.hv,
JoaaM .1 Ji.kmvh. M H KlMtntOs
Cuau. P. Maitiirws. Jolt T I'oaiKa.
Thlil " 1 1 ' "i" ri'1 1 of uflinoM
men mill llinw KPttfrnUy.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Organized 1872.
Capital, - $200,000
Surplus, - $240,000
This bunk oflora to dtposltort every
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iieaa and rtspnnslbllttVi
Special attention given la imainess ao
toautt interest paid on time deposit.
II I I t M (IS M I I I'm .i.l, ,0
UKO, II. ( ATI. IN, t lce-l'ie. blent.
WIIIIim Conoell, Oeorge n. Catllo,
Alfred Hand, Mtar UelTn, Jr., .lames
Arellbald, Willi. u. T. Slullli, Luther
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Tribune Art Feature
To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would
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dilion of the "Wantvmaker" series makes il more valua
ble. Read new announcement on page 7.
Days left of our Odds, l'.nds
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Our Credit System
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