THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE- FTUDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY i. 1894, 1 IN 'S BEST F )ur Series of the World's Choicest Eagerly Sought After. R1ENDS Books MUCH DELIGHT IS EXPRESSED The Splendid Quality of tho Uindingj and the Remarkably Low Prices at Which the Various Volumes Are i Sold, in Connection with the Tribune Coupons, to the Readers of This Paper, Cause Admiring Comment from Thousands of Cook-lovers. The popular lntaraat nunif.'sted In tho niagmticsnt ouaap bojk offer m ulo by TllC TjUBUKI continual with no ligu of abaUweui Stver.l iustaliueuts Df the varum serifs IWT btan ordure 1 and HUOlM, but the .leiujud still routinues Much appraeution is x pressed for tin bOtlDMI enterprise wroteo enables randan oi this paper to se. a t prices oiliimnly paid for chip paptr-boood boot, itandard work of the bluest literary quality bound bound in manner oommanta- rate with their worth. The baudrtoiue aeU of standard auth or,, in superior English vt-lluui cloth biudine. are grvatly admired, and lire !ini nni-hand witti mi aviditv tlist jimkes uu early selection advisable to j all who have not yet availed themselves of tin onpracaaaniea opporroniiy o equip their libraries witti the word's Dtandurd littratura Clip your cousins out aud select Iroui tho foUowittg titles: STANDARD SETS. Oaorga Klliot 6 TolttmM B M CVoperi volumes 1 jj (.'ooper, bett-r biudiui; 5 volumes. ... 1 75 Dumas-$ volumes 1 ;,0 Uiekeus 10 volumes '5 l'tiacker 10 volume -very due 5 IH) CXfORO EDITION. You have generally paid it cent for a paper covered book. We propose to sivo yon an elegantly bouud book, etiiinued iu gold, fresii troiu tlie press, printed iu large, clear type, for 25 ceuts. Yon can get :luiot any title In this series Over l'.OOO have beeu so'.d iu the past few day BOOK? IN IBIS 8KB IKS. Chestnut,, Old una Sew. East Lvnue. Duke', aecret. CblldrM of the Abbey. EtHe Ogllvie. Turn Cringle's Log. Vicar of Wakefield Arubiau Nights Emertaiuuieut. Deldee. or the Irou liaud. Eugeue Araui. The Countess Kvc Toe Cuuressioui uf a Woman. Zanuoi, n Bntaw. Baled Lla Wooed aud MarrieJ. Twu Years Before tU Halt Eanotna. All Sort, aad Condition of ilea. Bed Rjver. Tom bruwa at Oxford. Bed (.iaualett. Toiu brown's School Dds. Bhirley. A Strange Story. Oliver Twist. Monsieur Lecoq. Mill on the Flos, tlick's Sweetheart. John Halirax. Keuelm Chillingly. Last Days of Pompeii. The Spy. Pilgrim s Prugress. The Foragers. Daughter, of tle'.h. Felix Holt. Heart of Sold. Kesttll uf tireyatoa. Fair women. The Bondman. Chaplet of Pearls. Frederick the lireataud Iiis Court Armorel of Lyonesse. Charlemont. Self HelD. blanchuampe Lime Kiln Club. Au April Lady. Aurora Floyd. A Marked Man. Cr)p, The Carrier. Bufflna The Honorable Hits, Lady ' ! . .de' llama. Marcia. The Parisians. Border Beagle. Bride of LaSLO&aTtOOOr. Life of Daniel Boone. The Bival Princes. Molly Hawn. Murdered in the Kue Morgua Reproach of Aunersley. Kenil worth. Last of the Mohicans. Hhandon Bella. Old Myddletou', Miner. Rornoia. The Mysterious Island, llystery of OroiveL The Second Wife. Monastery. --nr. . for Basil Lyndhurst. Rob Roy. The Bnoea of the Seven liable. Violet Vivan. Tbe Waees of Sin. Vlfau Grey. . Strange Adventures' of a Pheatou. Beyond Pardon. The Antiquary. Birds of Prey. Tbe Firm of (Jirdlestoo, Fern Lenv. . Charles Anchester. Foal Play. Odd Blab, Martin ChuzzlewiL ChaodoH. Catherine. Tathflnder. Our Mutual Frleud. Pickwick Paper". A Plnr nf Blue Eyes. Tn Prairie. The Human and Divine. Yencasso. Th Story of an Afr.cau farm. O.OlIn Pone Crown of Wild Oum. Life of Kit Carson. David Copperlleld. Child', History of F.ngland. The Fairy of the Alps. Mo Name. My Loid and My Lady. Tour of the World in 80 Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under tbe Bea. The Phantom Ship. Tane Eyre. JnBB- . w , Knickerbocker History of iew ork Lady Audley's HeVret. A Haidv nora man. House on lb Marsh. Tbe Owl House. Old Curiosity Shop. Nick of the Woods. Wit, Humor and Pathos. Queen Uortonse. In tbe Bchillicgscourt. Pioneers. My Heart's Darling Lire of David Crocket. Lady Cai.limiuius'a DlV.rce, The Sin of Joost Aveliugb. Woodcraft. Half Hour with Ureal Hunmrisla. Half Hour with (Jreut Story Tellers. Silas Wnruer. Half Hour with (J rest Novelist,. History of the United States. Southward, Ub. Her Dearest Foe. (Jreat Expectations. On n. ui's Fairy Tales. UlldeO Clique. The Vendetta. .'"! . ..'.. Fable,. Waverley. Vixen. Faith and Uofnltu. Tbe Deemster. I A bum Atari. Scenes from ( lerical Life. Charlotte Temple. Orittlth Oauut. Vrsconselos. Mustormau Beady. Master Passion. Old Mamselle's Secret. The Leronge ('use. March in the Kauke. Moaue Bqoare Scandal. The Wiirwam aud Cabin. tiuy Manuring. Plying I'ii' i : i l . Macleod of Dare. Marry Lurrequer. ollderpy. Don Quixote. Donald Oiaut. Cast Up by the fe. Other Paoplo'e Mouey. 0 hnmar. barnaby Budge. Daants Duvai. Dora Thome. The Povo in the Kaglo'a NosL Tba First Violin. Aladcap Vloltt, Mrilicharape. I'irhard ll irdis. The Parting of the Way. Pol tv Liar ami Other Llei. The vlcomt' Bl ide. Bntaw. Far From the Maddening Crowd. Aureliuu. Dramas of Life. Famous or Infamous. Mary St. John. Alio. Shadows and Sunbeams. Alas! I 'hi ii, the Phoenician. m ;s- Family Robinton, Rory O'More. Ladies Patnlly Pbyslelan. An Egyptian PrincMa, Anderson' Fairy Tale,. Vanity Fair. The Moonstone, tlric Birghtevea. i'Wenty Yearn After. The Scarlet Letter. The Pnrtiaau, rbe bcon(. Merle's Crusade. Raron Mnnehanaao. Katharln Waitou. Conlgsby The Arundel Motto. Is Life Worth Living. Princess buusblue. L'arda. Willy Rellly. Tbadden of W uisaw. The Wooinv O't. S.vrllu. Twice Told Tatea, Hhoda Fletnmlna. 1 1. foang Uuk. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll aud Mr. Uyde. RUGBY SERIES. This series contains over 100 titles and is peculiarly adapted to boys. The author, are anions the most noted iu the laud and the books are all literary i;em.s. fifty cents would bi ft good bargain, but four coupons aud SO cunts takes the vtvti. VUOKs in THIS IKKtfS. Deep Down. The boy, iu the Forecastle. Buanoke Island to Murfreesbjn. Popular Natural Hijtory Barbara's Triumph. Stories from American History. The Smugglers' Cave. Erling the Bold. Adventures Anion: the ludiaus. The Bitte aud the Hound. Gilbert the Traveler. Parents' Assistant. Audubon tbe Naturalist. Harlie's Letters. Hauff's Fairy Tales, FortSuinter to Roanoke Island. School Life, or Three Years at Wolvar ton. Ocean Waifs. The White Elepiiaut. My Tour in Europe. Nature's Young Nobleman. Oaaooyna, Frank Wildmuu's Adventurers ou Land and Water. Aunt Dlaua. The Golden Maguet. Bouud the World. Stories About Auimals. Young Voyagers, Oracle Gk odwin. German Fairy Tales. Famous Men. Boys' and Girls' Story Bo. k. Boy Conqueror. Young Folk History of Greece. Adveutures of Famous Sailors. Boys of tbe Bible. Tbe Adventures of Rob Itoy. Young Folks Book of Birds. The You hi; Foresters aud Other Tales. Sal: Water, Boy Slaves Young Adveuturer. Old Mern's Travel on the Continent. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. Stanley Grahame. Grey Hawk. Fairv Tales from Bretann. Wild Sports in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Legends Current in South ern India. Cliff Climber,. Pirate Island. Edgeworth's Moral Ta'es. Vouug Acrobat. Dick Chevelry. Perils of the .lung'e. Through t he Looking Glass. Dick Rodney. Oar Yming Soldiers. Bush Boys. Oriental Fairy Tales. Young Folks' History of Rome. flpai.ish Fairy Tales. Eric Dane. Eight Years' Wanderings iu Ceylon. Fort Pillow to the Eud. The Fire Brigade. Grandfather f'hsir. Jackannpea and Other Tales'. Young Folka' Hi-tory of Germany. Mnlfreesboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain Cave. Plant Hunters. The Wsr 'I iger. Paul Bisk" Baron Munchausen. Edgeworth's Classic Tales. Jack Wheeler. Young Folks N atural History. YoUng Folks History of France. Wonders of the Great Deep. Tbe Wolf Boy in China. The Magician's Show Hox. '" Mark Sea wort Ii boka Bennett's Hide cut. Adventures Of Famous Travelers. Sandford and Merton. In the Wilds ot Now Moxico. The Tiger Prince. ThelVMlf-io. Number 91. COLUMBUS SERIES. This series is the tritituph of the nge. All the popular books, over 1,000 title", bonnd In rlntb, Htninped in gol I, nt 15 oents One young man took forty books of this series, ha I nil of Diokens', all of Kliot's it ii I a spleu'lid line of misuellnneoiis woiks for only (0. Tne print is larn, the bonks nr new and for tho pleasure of reading they do tbe work, Airy Fairy Lillian. An Old Man's Darling. Allhu Qiiarterinain. As in n i, nking diss. Arabian Nights' Entertainment. At the World's Mercy. Bon nio Doru. Bride of the Touib. Oatnllle, Child's History of I'.nglnnd. A l)ateles ltargalli. The Deer Slayer. The Duke's Secret. Dedlee, or lb Iron Hand. Dick's Wandering,. Doubly Wronged. A Denperatii Woman. A Dreadful Temptation. A Deulbbed Mariisge. Bait Lynno. Essays of Ella. The Frozsn 1 'irate. Grimms' Household Fairy Tale,, Gny Kenmere's Wife. Tbe House on the Marsh. Tne Hon. Mrs. Vereker. Handy Andy. Ivsntioe. Jacqueliua. Jane Eyre. John Halifax, Geutleuien. . Lady Audloy's Secret. Last Days of Pompeii. The Last ot the Mohicans, Lorna Doone. A Life's ltemorse. LittloOolden's Daughter. Little Nana. Mr. Fortesque; au Andrean Bomanoo. Tne Master of the Mine. Matt; ii Tale of the Caravan. Molly Hawn. The Nuu'h Curue. Old Mum'selle'a Secret. Oliver Twist. The ptnflodr. The Pioneers. The Prairie. A Pi Ince of Darkness. Qneenie'a T rrtble Secret 1 be Beproaoh of Auuesley. Robiuson Ci '0(0, Romola, Rory O'Moore. The Rabbi's Spell. The Rose uud the Lily. She. The Sketch Book. Tb Swiss I'ninily Kobinsun. Seeotid Thoughts. BtrangeOas of ur. deykyll and Mr. Hyde. Tout BrOWn'l BcOOOl Days. Tour of tbe World In Eighty Day, Twentv Thousand Leagues Uuder the Sen The Two ( irphan,. Two Years Before the Maat. Uuder-Curi eats. A Vagrant Wife. The Witch's Head. Willie Keilly. Won by Waiting. A Woman's Face. A Wife's Crime. Adam Bede. Crooked Path Cardinal Siu. Blind Love. Movie's Oauies. Wife in Name Only. Janet's U..peutnuoe. Master of Ballantra hull the Serf. Lady Vakwortb'i Diamond, For Faith a&d Freedom. ee Witlc ' liristiuas Stories. Cul. Qnaritcb. A Family Affair A Mental Struggle. For Auother a Siu. Mysterious Island. Knl. .. in I'd by Love. Pi k in ess oi Tbule. We Two. v At War with Herself. Missing Husband. Between Two Sius. Huron Mum hauseu. Evil Genius. ' UNIVERSAL SERIES. The bo, i embrace tho works of tne molt renowned authors on ubjotl of science, history and fiction are really aiming the recognized standards and are worth more tuuu double the amount which the readers of Tut Tihuune have to pay. They are bound iu a unique cloth cover with gold top; HOOKS N TI1K SKKIE. Horse Book. Humphrey Clinker. Hyieriou. living's Sketch Book. Irving' Life ot Washington. vanbot, Jeremy Tuylor's Holy Living Junius' Letteis. The Koran. Last Days of Pompeii. Legends of the Patriarchs an Pro; nets Lives of Celebrated Men. Lives of Celebrated Women. Uaoanlay'a biographical Esaays. Middlemarcb. Mill on Liberty. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lecture. Natural Law in the Spiritual World. Night Side of Nature. Moot Ambro-iauue. One'Huudred Years of a Nations Life. Outre Mer. Obiter Dicta. Past uud Present. Flaotry und Stellar Worlds. Plutarch s Llvea. in one voiutue. Prise Writers of America. Poe's Tales. Prrs.'ott's Miscullauna Realities of Irisii Life. Bolig-.ou of the Ancient World. Bochcloucault's Maxims uud Uetlec tions. Bscr Pr.rats. Ssrtor Resar u. fcay n ' , vVlit and Otbtrw ise. Honmita'a Ancient llitory. Schmitz'i History of England. Schmit. s History ol Greece. SchniiU's History of Rome. Seekers Aft?r iod. Belt Help. Seneca's Moral. Seven" Lamps of Architecture. Smith's Rejected Addresses. The Spectator. Spencer on Education. Sterne's Sentimental Journey. Story of an African Farm. Taiue's History of Bnglltb Literature. Thackeray s Early and Late Papers, lilies for the 1'euDle. The Epicurean, Tbn K--igu of Law, The Uultv of Nature. Vanity Fair. Vathck. Westward Ho. Wilhelm Meisler's Apprenticeship and Travels, American Humorists Ancient Religions Art and Life. Artie I ilscovcry, Bacon' Esaaya. I'.uv lie's Essays. Rede's ( barity, Blngrnphia Litsrari. My Literary Lite and Opinions. Brown' Bible Dictionary, Brown's Concordance. Buffnu's Natural History. Bunyaii's Holy War. Butler's Analogy of Religiou. Bnlwer'a Wit and Wisdom. ( arlyh's Reminiscences. Chevnsse's Advice to a Wife and Mother, Oonfes,,itn of an English Opium Eater, Cohfunua ami .Munciua. iiok's VoyagM, Creasy 'a Decisive Battles of the W orltl ( lurious Myths Classic ( in" 1 1" i Classic Essays. ( jclnpediaof Eminent Chriatlaus. Daniel Derouda. David ( 'oppei field. Don Quixnte. Early Days of Christianity. Eliot's (Heorge) Essays, Egypt and Babylon, An Egyptian Priooft, Elect vo Aflltiitios. Emerson's Essays. First aud Second Series. Eminent A mi i lean Essays of Ella, Famous Wsn iors. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Gelkle's Life and words of Ctirlat Great Oenernle. Oreal Thoughts from (Ireek Authors. (Ireat Thoughts from l.stlu Authors. Highways o! Literature. Tho Hermits. Heroes and Hero Worship. Historical Evidence. History of All Religious. HUdory of Middle Ages. History of Norway.Sweden ami Denmark History of lb Ottoman Empire, Ulftory of lb Pilgrim Fathers. History of Russia. History of Spam and Portugal. History of France, History of Qornutay, History of Holland and Belgium. History of luilib. History of California History of Charlo XII. y History aud Poetry of Finger Ilings.V WEAK MEN your attention is GALLED To Tin: .XT MARK T !. " t MM (Ireat Lnglish Remedy, Gray's IF YOU SUFFER Net- wwruM urn im - us w blllty, Weakness ol limly anil Mlml, Sj.ermji. turrbea, aud lmpoteuey, and uli Uiseas'S that arise from over-Indulgence and self -abuse, as Ixjss of Memory anil Power, Dimness of Via. ion, Premature O d Ago and DSJHU other dis easel that lead to luantty or ( onsuniptlon and an early Brave, wrltefor a pamphlet Address GRAY MtDICJNB 00" Buffalo. N. V. The hpeoiflu Medli'ine is SOU by idl diuenists nt S per pai kotre, nr six packuuoa tor Jfi,or sent hv mill on receipt ol money. and with every SO'Oli order W- l.UARA iTF.K u cure or mom., refunded. oeHeHesaMeaMBMB g mi neconni ol counterfeits o huve adopted the Yellow wrapper, the only genu tne. rold In Scraunai hv Matthews inos B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, 1101. LOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Three Magnificent Offers. Trio of Chances to Get the ' Finest Art Portfolios Printed at term3 so easy that all can buy. four fifty Brandt Clay Product Co MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Itsnulai'tiin-rs end DeiuVrt I OFFEft NUMBER ONE The World's Fair Portfolio, in parts, each part containing between and sixty views of the great exposition, and the whole forming a superb represen tation of the greatest exposition the world has ever seen, may be had as previously announced. Three Coupons, cut out as explained below, together with 10 cents in cash, will secure it. The demand is heavy, but we will fill all orders as fast as the living" presses can orint the h; some books. OFFICE iJiiiKunmtoH. N Y FACTORY Brandt P Lost Manhood und vU'or quirkly NttOfMn tt MOM!, IMUl'il. llH- L'M Itt H ... i; iv Willi iimii'o yuaruirvlwcur. HulU it Ma i nu.u a blios , in a, . , i ui, ii I'm. our Mt.-i-liy. He. IllflJoU . I i fiivaUnn WJHIIW1F Also Shafting and Journal Creasi OFFICE: -711 Wist Luckswsnna Avs. 1 ana- - Mm V -.mim ' r. l y IVoiii iip K f, Tf.Bunr, Aur. 1. UtX The Flour Awards "CjlICMO, Oct. 31, Fht first ofllcisl nnnonncement of World's Fair di iiloinns on flour has been innd. A medal lias been awarded by the World's Fair judge to the flour maim faclured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the yri'at Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports 1 he tlonr strong and pure, and entitles it to rank ns first -i lass patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL OFFER NUMBER TWO. The ''Wanamaker Panorama ol the World's Fair,'" which has occasioned such a iurore in Philadelphia, is a voluminously illustrated history of that great event. It is a history that is both highly entertain ing to the young and old, and instructive to all. It is such a volume as should be in everv patriotic home. In order to have a complete, continuous and connected his tory, it will be necessarv to have all the parts. One new part appears each week. I here are sixteen, magnificent, marvelous, lull-page views in each part. I en cents in cash and two coupons of different dates, cut as directed below, will secure it. Part ( )ne is now ready in unlimited quantity. Other parts will be announced. A ROI.KS I I AOl S 1 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tho above brnnds of flour ran lie bad nt any of the following merchants, who will accept The Tkikuse FLOUR COUPON of '-'0 on each one hundred pouudj of flour or jO on each barrel of floor. t KtfSSTi Sui.evlstive Superslstiva Ecrsnton-F. P Prlos, Washington avanns, reckviiis-siisfTr (lolil Mi'ilni Hrninl. Brand. H yds Park Carson di Darla, Washburn st. I Jaratyn C, iv Winters Oolil Mi-Uiil Hrimil: A llenrH. Miun I l'.rsnd. avonuo. .SiiperlKtiv.' Brand. ( 'arU.uilalp U. S. Clark, UolJ Meilal Hran.l. Hroeii KidttH A I..Spenrr.Uii.l Slfitnl Braml I Hoiissdale-J. N. Foster Co. Qold Medal Uiiiiiuore-F. P I'rine. Unl.l Meilal Braml. Brand. iilyphaut jams .Lillian. Sup-.-rluth Uiainl. j Houesdal.' W.P HrhiMirlc.Suin rlatlvn Jlraml punmore F p. Uantar. suiwriutive Brand. t alton- B, E. Fiat sson. cioi.i .Mails', brand Pluvldenpo-Fpniwr 4 ObaBMll N Vain live QoQldsbort) S A. Adani. fjold Medal Brand line. Superlative l-rand;L. , I Ulll.'ple, W. Tulivhanna 'I'obvlisnna it Lthlfll l.unibs Markut tror. Hold Medal Bnuid. C... Hold Medal bland Mercereau U Connell ao? LACKAWANNA AViM I. DIAMONDS, and Pine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Brie-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. OFFER NUMBER THREE. The young folks all delight to take that famous "Trip Around the World" by means ol the handsome aud instructive Portfolio of Photographs showing noted scenes and picturesque spots in all parts of the globe we inhabit. It is an educa tion in itself ; this album. Don't fail to have it, if vou haven t it now. It will be a lasting treat. Just now, in particular, see the views it gives of Hawaii, the land where Oueen Lil ruled. Two coupons and s cents in cash will secure this treasure. We've had to do it. The demand was toe great. We've had to make THREE offers where we though two, surely, would be enough. But the public wouldn't be satisfied. So we've added the Wanamaker series, and continue the other two. You need al! three, to be really in the swim. Eacjli one is better than the one before it: at least, that's what you think. Better order early it you want a prompt reply. All the various parts are going like hot cakes. jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu ran man ana 3 FEB. 9 Foote 6c Shear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER fin MlbLEUANt )Ub SERIES. This aeries contains oror 100 titlfs. embracing tlie best works of nit tbe famous authors imil covering tlie fluids of sclnnco, art, plillosoplir, history, and fktiou. Baeb book ispriutud from largs type, on fluo papir, and is aub Htiintiiilly bound. Tlia regular price Is 73 ceuts, but you may have them at HO cents Uoi.ks of tliii class usually re -tail from to $1 23 B11 n'ndina 1 renin rxlra for iiotladc any 0 Uu Uofcs uOJ U list I mU, ttmt! nrMnm v r. ,r. v r. i IJilllAJj UUHIU 11 J, I KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWLR PIPES, FLUE LININGS. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa The only aafe, auro ant reliablo I'.'iuiilo TILL ever offerod to Ladies, osyeolttliy reconimcna d to married Ladles. Ask for OK. Mnws VIMTSOTAL PILLS and tuka no other. 'ITHlllll fnr Prlrn kll.OU lirr lull, ii huXi'H for i"i.OO. LU. MOITS CHEMICAL CO., ur Sala i.j C. M. II AKKls UruucUl, 1 ! ." I'ami Avnmo, This Coupon, with two like it, but of different. I 5 dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one s 5 part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four I S i parts the one announced before. FEB. 9 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- 5 ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one 5 s nart. nf t.riA p.flflhra.t.ri "Wfl.namakfir" Portfolio, da-1 - f-"- " " ' - I scribed above. New part each week. Part One s now ready. FEB. 9 PENNYROYAL PILLS, C'lovvlnnd, Ohio. This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo II eranhs. a rare and interesting glance at noted 0 X r wr w S spats in all climes. I KlIUIIUaUIIHIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIMIUmilslHBUlDllJillHIHllllUllllfllllllUllllimillk