THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE Fill DA Y MORNING. FEBRUARY 9. 1694. LIVE NEWS OF 10 PITTSTONS TU Scuaxton Trihusk's TittRton do parttueiit is in charge of J. M. Fuliy, to whom news ItMU aud complaiutt may bo referred.) Robert Mantell. the romantic actor win) was seen hero in "Monbura," will proton t his lataat tucoost, "The Paoa in the Moonlight," tomorrow ovoniui; at Music hall. Charles Root, a raaldant of Smith- Till, wan admitted to the DOtpiUl yea- tarda. He waa itifforing from ironndi about Iho thoulilrrt 11 ifliottd by a plank railing unon hi in while at work at the Haidalban (baft. The body of the man who Trai killed near -Mill (.'reek a tew days ao has not yet been identified. In his popkat wat found a small piece oTpaperooutaiuiiis a few word in Polish ui red ink. They were translated as follows: "Qood bye, Port Blanohard." This leads to the inaploten that the mm committed sul cidu. No on seems to know luiu at Tort Blanohard. tJ-tzette. Matbew b'laherry, an .KtJ aud re s; to ttd oitiien of Avoca. was instantly killed Wednesday by a fall of rock w die at work m the Avott OOlUary. The fuueral will this morniuif. Ks qnlan bih hmss will be celebrted in s: M try' ehurvh and interment will be m.ule in St. .Urv s cemetery. Arooa In the series of ijames between New York Curling Olub and the local club from this plao for the ohamploa abtpof the United States, which were iUved at (.'antral p.trls, New York, Wednesday the local team attain dem onstrated their ability as being the best players by beatin their opponantt tweuty shots. The Pittstou players, it will be remembered, defeated the New Yorkers here last yotr. aud Mitt victory briuis with it another sold mad) to tiiem at the expense of the New York club. Andrew Goolic, who waa rnu over by a Delaware, Laeaawanoa and Western train a short distauce above the Lacks wauna aud Bloomstmrir junction a few day go, necessitating tue amputation of "both Its;, died at the hospital early yesterday uiomiu. Hoit. the Colored ran who wis tuide a target of by anotuer colored mau iu a shootint; match several weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be consid ered out of danger, aud his discuarge from the hospital it bat a question of a few day t. Auotker redaction in wijet has beeu ordered to be made at 0 iJt'on by the Lehigh Valley coaitwnv. Wipers who heretofore received Btl.38 a day, have bt-en cut BO eentt, mskmg their pay j 73 centt per dav. Laborers in and aronad the yard hive been cut 3 cents, making their pay $1 20 a day instead of $1.23 aa formerly. Bucklea's Arnlci Stirs. The test salve in the world for Cats Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skia Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to jive perfect satisfaction cr mcaey refunded. Price 'J5 cents per cox. For sale by ilatthews Bros. GATHERED AT MOOSIC Njwsy Paragraph Penclllsd b7 Our Lively Local R'Drsntativ. SpetHai to the gtrOfttot) TrtbuM. MOOCIO, Pa., Feb. 8. Jamea Brown, of South MaiD street, spent Thorttlay eV'Dio with friends in Pittsron. The scholars of tfitl Lizzie Mmie are preparing a grand entef tammeut to be held Easter. Mrs. Gtorg Ellia inttndt to start a elect school for small children ntx; Monday. Feb. 12. Mrs. Joiia Bird, of Providence, spent Thursday with her daughter. Mrt. E T. Blacarnan. of Brook street. Mr and Mrt J. A Andrews, of Providence, spnt VVwdnaaday with Mr and Mrs. Robert White of Moosic flats. Jamet Tompson and Bister, of Pitta ton. p-nt Thursday evening with Miss Lillie Knapo of Brook street. Mathew Bean, of Duryta, called at the home of his parentt on Minooka avenne Thursday. Mrs. James Brown, of South Main street, spent Wednesday with friends in Avoca. i CARBONDALE CHIPS. Brinf Notst af Istaraal Compiled b7 Our SpoUl Corrsnpindtnf. Npecial to ffce fkmnton Tribune. (JtKBONbi'.E, Pa, Feb H -William B. Evans is in this city, called from his home in Chicago bv the death of his father, the late Thomas K. Evans. Jamtt E Bnrr is on a bnsinett visit to New York city. Mrs. J D. Fox it visiting Mrt. Or fillt D. Biacki-.gton, of bunmore. The Miaes Alice and Jennie Butler, of Canaan street, are the uiita of Mist May Weston, of Honesdale. Do aat put off takiot; meificine. Xnmnr ons little ailii.nnts. if negiaatad, will soon break up the system. Take Hood's Marsa panlla now, to expel uueaae, giving ntrength and appetite. Hon4'i Pi 'la enres cnntipalion by raatOT ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. TAYLOR REPUBLICANS CAUCUS. Mtat and '.:.... W, P O ifflths for the Office of Biuir HM Rpecitil to the Ftrranton Tribune. The Republican of Taylor held a cancni last evtninz in YVi ttn fl n't hall. After the tnratintf hud been called to order a eommitten conaistinK of .John W. Ileese, J. It Price and John M Harrifl was appu.nted to wait on Bnrgeat Iiavid J iiurni to tee if he wis a candidate for rn-eltction. Mr. ilarrit was not in the field and to the committet reported. The namtt of Willitra P. Oriffitlit and Kicbar I Morris were then placed in nomination. A vote wat taken and Mr. Qriillths declared the nominta of the Kepublicana of Taylor. The candi date it a well known man and nnmhtia hit friends by the hundred!. He will undoubtedly bo elected. TO GRANT A FRANCHISE. Important Meetine of ths Forest City Council This Evening. Social to the ijafailfott Trihune. Forest City, Pa., Feb. 8 On ac count of no quorum being present last Monday evening, the council will meet in a special H'-tsion tomorrow night. It is to be aincerely hoped that tha mem bers of tht council will doem it thtlr duty to be present en mas , and settle the question of the proposed ttreet railway extension franchise, whhh iu the name of progress nhould be granted. President J, W. Aitknn, of Carbon dale, will be present at the meeting. The company nndoubtadly, will be granted the franchise. For Burns, Koai.ds, Bruises and al pain and soreness of the flesh, the grand household remedy is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Be sure you get the genuine, UP AT FOREST CITY. An Entertaining Batch of Newt From a HastlliiB Correspondent. i'ci to the Ikranton Tribune. VOKBST City, Feb. 8. William Baker who was injured by the cars at Ararat yesterday morning ou the Jet fertou branch of the Erie, instead of Ontario aud Western as reported iu to day's Tribune, died before reaching hit homo at Binghamptou, N. Y. He had been visiting a friend of his in this placo two or throe days previous to the accident. Horace Greeley Likely and Russell Holutyra shepherd, of Carboodale, pent last evening pleasantly with frivuds in thit place. The Ladles' Aid lOOiaty Of the Meth odist Episcopal church held a sociable at the home of Willlniu J. Pentecost on the W .vuo county aide of the tur hiii ni Liokswanna river last avenlng It has been the rnstom for a number of years to hold a sociable at this place once a year, and the otie last evening was largely attended mid au eujoyable lime was had. Mr. and Mrs Monroe Tyler were oalled to Tyler Hill, Wayne county, a few days ago ou account of the sick nets of Mr. Tyler's mother. The borough election takes place in lest than two weeks. Everything sseius quiet "along tht line," but there is generally a calm before the battle. Till Tkiiu k leads iu thit place, others fid low. The Methodist Episcopal church par sonage wllltMOO be encloted, aud when finished will bo a haudsome rotidence. Land Agent Mcl'ormick, of the Hill side, was in town today. Qeorge Taylor, of Boranton, visited reWtives in tins place today. Aec rding to the seventh-day ad vantltta tue world comes to au end next Saturday, unless they are mit taken. Many of our stores are putting in au assortment of valentines, which are full of sentiment, either wnttou or pictured. Services were conducted In St. Agnes' church yesterday, as it was the beginning of Lent. The day is also commemorative of the fasting of out Savior for forty days iu the wildsr nest. Easter Sunday, or March '.'7. the term of Lent lasts. Miss Eva Whitney, of Susquehanna, it visiting her friend. Miss loue Tyler, ou upper Main street. The following ladies attend the La dies' Aid society of the Presbyterian oburoQ at CTniondale today: Mrs. H. D Allen, Mrs W U Bites. Mrs. J D. Caryl. Mrs. H. S. Esmay, Mrs. I. V. Smith, Mrs. W. L Bates. A parody on a well known poem well illustrates our sidewalk: "A boy stood on the icy walk. Whence all but him : id slid; Zip went bis heels, up wtut his feet, An4 'wow wow' went the kid." Realism with a V'l-giano. fHptadt Blwtter. Tragic Fate "Have you heard of the sad fate of the novelist Tajetta? He com mitted suicide from jealousy because the heroine of his latest story marries another man." That's Noi Tras Hrab3Uts. Yen. York IttkgfOtti Hard times are a godsend for those who cau endure any sort of hardship except hard work. Some Times There'i R-om. Milwaukee Kvenin'j WitiDntm. There are s-ats in the churches of this country for 4:5, WU.OUU worshippers. It is only rarely tout every seat is occupied. Cynicifm Excusable. S'tmervilte Journal, When you meet a young man who takes pride in being cycical yuu generally have tome excuse for being cynical yourself. Too ExDniv a Lux iry. Chicago Tribune. It has become so costly to wear sealskin that only a few of the seals themselves now wear it. The Philisophy of AVfe. Bulfalo Courier. It is with 'om men as it is with most fences. They amount to little until they get a gate ou them. Ksspinz 'he FU'ires Straight. WnhiAiton JfatS An Egyptian mummy was lately shipped to Chicago. This maes the population 2,000,'JOl. Conversation. .Sir trillion! Temple. The first ingredient in conversation is truth, tbe next go.d sense, the third good humor and the fourth wit. Avoid find len Chills. life. "Arthur Is wrapped up in that Boston girl." Is he' I hope he has his overcoat on." . Their Golden Opportunity. Uaily Amenta. Moody and Bankay will tpeud a month in Washington. Thing of the material they will have to .vork on I Just Like a Man. thirnfo Tritinne. Artist This is my best picture. I call it "St. Agnea '' Add you don't like if lam IO sorry. May I ask what your objection it? Critical Young Womm Her halo isn't on straight. A Pol tlr-tl Ocroirreno. I IffimrJertng WtAJ, The way they talked of harmony VV'ss something aiuiply grand, And tlin they held a wrnnglo aa To who should lend the band. tVhrri Dtfay was Rlrk, we gavo bef ( 'nstorla. Trhwihn (raaadbOd aba vied for Oattofttj Wh'ii ale- lieeame Mlaa, aim i linii; to Castirla, When ahu hod t 'lilhlren.nlie gaMtle-ui ( jistorla. THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OP ALL. A Trip Through the Colum bian Exposition. 72 leaves, printed on one side only. Showing all the places of Interest on main grounds and Midway Plaisanoe. Hi.e, 5x7. KnihosKitd paper cover or full cloth. Twa Coupons and 25 CENTS lakes rmbossn cover. Two Coupons and 40 CENTS takes oloth oover. Add 4 cents for postage If orderod by mall. The Scranton Tribune. NEEDLESS STARVATION We Print Below a Most Graphic WVS IGNORANT OF DANGER It ia to Be Feared Few People Are Better Informed, But Fortun ately There Are Some Wide awake, Intelligent and Quick to Profit by the Suggestions of Others. "I naturally shrink from appearing before tha public, but I reallte that 1 havt paasod ttirmigh an expinnca of ;i moai remarkable nature. Many of ntv friends havn urged m to nan It DUblto, but I bavo always ilticlined to d so, 1 feel.however.that it it a duty k hiiii I iw both to th nubile and u;y frirnds to tall tln dory. "It is uniUationably a fact that thoiisaiuls ot nan and BTOttMa ari m the greatest peril ami do not for a utonenl reallie it. What tuuat ba thought, tharafora, whan 1 ttatt that 1 was virtually starring for hov.t y. ars and vot , blind that I was, did not un derstand it. To niakrt it morn olatr, 1 will daaoriba my ooaidltioa The lirst thing I notloed was a loss of tppetlta, l thought littl- of it at tirat and attrl - buted, it tii bllllonaoeaa, but inataad of passing awav it Inoraaaed, anil caused na vory much aiinoyanoo. 1 than ba i mi to not ico that I wat losing Hash, and altO that my liver was veiy ir regular iu ita action. The sllghast SX- artlon nrrd me out oonplatelr and my nervea Wan all unslruug, and 1 had a bad tast in the lu.'Uth, tomatlnes to- aonpaniad with nauaea and vomiting. I was also troubled by hot Qathea, fol lowed bv chills, shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, and a severe and distressing cough, it oan readily be understood tint these tyiutitnna steadily growing worse mad life a burden. Fboae who read tbet words may perhaps, recognize familiar but none the less dangerous symplous. You oan Sea bOW dangerous they m ly be ooma bv learning how tiiey eveutu.illy mined my health. "It was a long time bsfore 1 con sulted a physician but 1 finally did so. He examined m and said: 'The trouble with you is that you do not di gest your food properly, and one of your lutgs is afftoted. Your systom is in sue a weakened condition that your food passes through your stomach without being assimilated. Ynu are actually starving for want of nourish meat. He then ordered me to t ike n tonic and plain cod liver oil twice a day. "That was my first experience. I tried the cod liver oil, but iuttesd of gaining fl'sh I lost, and wb. it is worst t lie greasy oil niuieated me, mailing me feel more miserable. At that time I was reduced in weight to less than 100 pounds and every one declared that 1 was dying: of consumption I was a mere skeleton aud hardly walk two blocks without being utterly exhsmt ed. "It would fill a whole volume to r 1st' all the sulfring 1 passed through after this. Suffice it to say that I visitad a nutnbar of prominent physic ians, all of whom had the tame opinion about my condition, an 1 eicn prescrib ed a different reined v. Oos doctor told me that cod liver oil emulsion was good, s lying it would havu a better of feet than plain c id liver oil. I tried the emnlsion but the glycerine in it gave me the most terrible dyspepsia, Another ordered beef, and another malt preparations, I tried these until the very sight of them waa sickening. My stomach rebelled Against them. Then I tried farinaceous foods, prep ira tiona of wheat, uarely, oats and malt. Thty only fermonted in my stomach, causing aeid gaats to rise in niy throat till my head was ready to burst, 1 steadily run down, had fearful night sweats, aud conghed constantly. I auf fere I to intensely during this period that death would often have been a welcome relief. "It was at thit critical state, wlin hope had almost been abandon ed by mv family, that I received a call from a very kind friand. He was shocked at my wasted run down condi tion. After haaring tny unhappy story he asi I, 'I think I understand your case and I believe I know' of something which will p-rhaps mak a well man of yon. In fact, if it will not help you, I know of nothing that will. It is cer tainly worth a trial it is a scien tific dieOOTtry which is crent ing a great stir in the highest medical circles. It is a prt-digestnd food which is capable of being absorb ml by tho system direct!? itia swallow ed. The stomach dres not have to di gest it. It enters at once into the bipod and the vital parts of the body, giving nourishment to the Hash and blood. It builds up the system in a wonleMiii manner. He gave inn a pamphlet which I rtad very carefully and I determine I as a last rstOf t to follow his odvlce. 'Hoping against hopa, I began the use the food my friend bad recom mended. You can imagint with what anxiety 1 Waited to ten thn result, evnn aa a drowning nan clutches at a atrnw. At first there was no pTcaptl ble change in my condition Then, somehow, I seemed to be gradually losing mv dis ngreeablnatomach troubles. Hy degrade, one depressing symptom after another left me, until at last I waa able to eat without snlferiug. I lieu I began to gain more rapidly. I found that the lire-digaatnd fond not only gave mv ayatem new life ana vigor, but it toned up the stom tell and my entire iu a remarkable way. It. tuableil other food to digest and it increased my vi tality to an unuaiial . My re Mfery progrtaaed to audi a degret that iu tix weeks my weight wna greatly increased, 1 went bck to my wink a w. ll mau, and I unhesitatingly say that I own my recovtry and present condi tion wholly to I'askolu. the great, pre digested food, which took from mo tht lowest physical depths and restored me to Hi" lift and 1 now pusses. "My recovery shows that the fenra or myself niul family that 1 was siilltring fiohi consumption warn uniounled. Since mv recovery I have naturally given considerable thought on the sub ject and have corresponded to many people who have lieeu troubled ns 1 was. Krom my experience and what I have learned, I firmly believe that half the dtathn that occur from so-called consumption and other wasting di seases aro due directly to lack ot nour ishment. Lost of Hash i a sure sign of disease. No person whoBe weight did not decrease ever died or consump tion. Indigestion and m il assimilation of food lathe great Aiii Tican disease of the presety day. Thousands of men mid women too, are suffering just as I did and yet they do not know It and cannot realize II. It is a most insldions a most dec-ptiva trouble. While it hss eertain symptoms, they vary with dif ferent utonlo and it is not until a por- son is brought low bv rtduoed flesh and distate that a full realization of the danger is felt. "I have endeavored to give my ex perience in the hope that others who may be traveling tbe same dangerous road and yet do not realize it, may be warned in time aud be restored at 1 was, I believe thst all such people, provided they have not confirmed consumption, cau tie saved, if they will but take advantage of the lateHt and beat discovery which science has made for thoir leueht, 1 believe that medicines will fail to cure eurh oaae'i but that n pra-dlgtsted food iik faakola. which can now ho secured or any reputable druggist, will olTect far better resultH than drugs. I shall be pi ssed to answer all Inanirtei that may be addressed to me upon the suh- j Ot. although I make the above state iiivnt voluntarily and solely for the good I hope it tiny be Hie nivalis of do ing. John .1 bBOUOBTOH, BSfl West ttfd St., N. Y A pamphlet giving full particulars respecting I'aHkolu will lie sent on ap plication to the I're Digested rood company, IllM Dunne street, New York city. Looked I ikn n 1-'U. I'mk. 1-Mitnr II. i. n . i . i . . 1 . 1 1 ahollt ll Mn- itllppi lynching, bill I don't believe lis g c inline. .Uhihlunt. Kditor W hy nnfr Kdttnr I ,n dtiAan't mlv that "Ins body waa riddled with bnllata." Bulh Ihorl and 4w let MUaeti ''"" "It is n great pity," snul the girl who is popular, "Unit young men won t arrange their visits on tbe tborl and sweet plan.1' "What la thiil'r'' asked ill" oilier girl, "tlo hoiuu early nnd.deavo u but of candy." -the Impotturt Is Uxelest. Brooklyn ffsitf, Mamma "Now, I'redily, when you come to the table I want you to act like a little man." Preddy "Ah, what is the ll. a of i. I i I ... . lil: . Iliiiu A In n voll get served like u little boy?" -Hia Slyla of Work. Iiulioniij iili.i Journal. Workhouse Superintendent "Is there anything you Would prefer in the line of work? Dismal Dawson "If it's all the same to you 1 ibinkl would like in net in the parlor and knit tidies." Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the l omincr spring and summer. Tiner Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. AIM CLEARING SALE 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.N. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Pur Capes daring will: at h'ss than cost of material, Every Inch of counter room cm end with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hair this season's styles 103. each Hoys' Winter Waists fjo each'. Muffs. -Jim .i. Cloaks VI i 0 IJHCll. THh Thatcher IS THE Bf ST. (let tirices mid tee the furnace and be BOB vincfid. A lull line of BEAT BBS, A'ppallo mid Gauze iJoor Rangaa CONLAFSHARDWARE PITTSTON. PA. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Haitian Lynx Circular Cap's, i Inohas, M.M Electric Seal Circulur Otpst, -I in 8.S8 Astrakhan Circular Capes, lU iu U US Wool Hi a: Circular Cap s, U la litW stonu If trtsn Circular Captt, i-i Brown Kartan l ircuia- Capet, Jt in 45.0U Utter Circular Capes M ill 0O.UO Seal Sacques Seal Bacqosa, .is inc os long U0 nn Soul Jackets, H inclias 100,00 Seal Jackets. :m iiichus oatt Astrakhan Jacket M Inches ion.' aj.uo Circular Capes Seal Circular Cnpe, IK) lnrlies Ions;. With! Butterfly Caps jss no Otter Circular Cape, 30 inOBtt loiiir. with Bottsrfly Cape. 105.011 Sable Circular Cape. DOtuohot long 8.5 OK Astrakhan Circular Cape, Jil Inches long - l"1 Electric Seal Circular C.ipo, .'til in. long., til 00 Gray Crlmmtr circular cape, :io in. nut :iu oo 40 dozen American 8. al MutTi at....Jl i ctcIi I lot . f chlMren'n aeta at OHc. earh 1 lot of hlAgu Kobes, pluili lined SI each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. Tiie only Practical Farrier in the city. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. hosiery, rjNDBBWBAB and Notions at QUARTER OF VALUE. COMB, IT WILL PAY YOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. 101 POWDER CO Hotel Waycrly Bnrontan Plan. Flrtt-alut Bar attiiahta I n pot lor KcrKiiui A BnatTt i'aunhiuuaer Bttf E, Cor, m sod Filbert Nl., Philada. M i i ' for rftti1 outs of N K. 1'ntin IJiTAlltaV All 0OB?OlDOtl r trnvlern' t rihI from Him I BtFMl t at i n und thn TwtlfUl nnl Mftrknt u- rtntlun 1 -ilmlln for vihttintf Soriintonluiiri tuid i". i III tlio Anthiavlti Uutflou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIE TOR. DRITKR niiiik CO.. Ino'p, Capital. IUO00.000. BB81 SI.BO HHOB IN THE WORLD. ".I tlnllnr noveit inn ilntlnr ntrnrit. , ThltLadlitt'Bollil Pranch Ihinajot" 1(111 Bat ton IUmiI ileltveieil fn n wli- ie In Hie f s., en rernlpt ef I 'null, Men, y I inirr, ot ratal Koto (or ai .'. KiinniA srtrr trat tbt Imkii p.ilil In nil relntl lilerei fer (U.MI. We in. ike thl. Inlet (HirirlvrM, tllerefere we yieir- f Uttjlii litis aaal ittaf. iiml if miy nnrt t. lint nallHttr, lill retiinil (lie Illeliry tndanoUitr pair, opera (HI lir Cemlliell Seme, V.. .ll KK, niul hull 'lotrnite; I lit you. Mlimtrali' ala leitun FREE 3 FEDERAL ST., HUSTON, MAMS. m Ja ijf ' '' '''''' 14 Dexter Shoe Co., Bpeevtl term to I'rolr AHMEHARTMAN 90b' Soulh Washington Aveiuto, Oontraotor ami bnlldtr ef canarata PlaffinA Cuuerntn Hluoks, I'otatn, llutter ami dial Blim, Wet Cellart drltd QD, Onlnra may be lert at Tbomptoa Hratt, Will mm A C.i. Main ami Kynoii Btrmiti, or at Keranton Btnve Wurka. Alan Kinimlatloin, I'mterna. Fiah Wire TumiMla anj Cnlllii Flawing far Uanleii Walki, For Delicacy, For purity, anil for Improvement of tho com plexion, nothing cqualn Pouoni'h Powder. SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Jlatlettthe MOOSIC and KUSU- DALE WORKS, LltBin & Hand l'owder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER tlectric Btttarltt, Foaai (or explod ing blast, Nafaty Kuso and RepaunaChemical Co.'s High Explosives THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR IS THE BEST. THE WhSlON MILL CO.. CCRAMTON, PA, THE Upholstery Department Natthews OF" - William : Sissenberger opposite Baptiit Oharob, Plmui Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Vtluabla as a. Souvenir of tbe Fair. QUITE EASY WHEN VOL' KNOW HOW $300 IX PBIZEfl WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THi: PUZZLE IN THE BHOBTI SI SPACE H UMI FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT I"Y smith'.. OB BENT To ANY ADDBE88 UPON UECLIPT or PRICE, 5 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. 112 AND 114 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALT1MORL. KB AUCTION. AUCTION AT SURDAMS 'Bargain Stores i ; l Pen n Avenue. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 A L'lIAXC E to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws. Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves. Notions, Fancy and Other' Goods. - Siern Rod Flas x3 f3 h RESTORE I IIM V Hit K lh TRITTKN N, w limlt I . Wil hr.M HBHlt ft J nut HAS KattCtrt .'Tr,-u. Pt.h.ily, I ol ri.wtr in tlthtlMI, InToliintrtiT Kmt.tioitr flln ftot ottt If Mffltclt4, .u.-h IrriiM,. I. foti.nniptioii ot IkMi iIt, (l -ni ,.,-r box h Btll.t butt ItJ WMb ttrrt t i.i,t r . .. . "till, n Kti.iimi... l,i .M.T. or u-LioJ the uoooy, Iuji m raai. mi Mi im. on ii.piuj,oio. far aajfe by JOHN B PHBLPS, PbarisacltU oor. Wyoniag Aya. and BpraoaSki Rcrtnton, l't. fifa MANHOOD RESTORED! 'KEKVE SEEDS. lilt wwiii ftA phmHj rmP kn trail ! runt nit m i tt i.t Af MM "iirli M WMk Mrnnr. LoMpf 111 Mit lnwor. IWmtiu'he. w :ikiMulnri, l.ttt MumIumM. M iihtlf BmlMlOM. NtrToQMliA,alllrBltininU ,-i,t p- ir Intii iwrMtvttOffftiitol slthdi ni mmmm) byorvrvxtfUiHi ymiihfui ' OBOMMfvuM of tobMOQi oplnn or MlnulkntaV wbtoblMd to Inflrmitr, Cjn Miiiii-ilon oi liinnHT i nn ho out rlc.l i n rot po. kol. V i Nl d a. i 1 in til iMt-unl.1 W'lth n imlor ocl o n rlltrw itiinratiifrr to nip WWaVtaVMaUM,,,. r.-tiiml monvy i .1'- 1 1 1i HKk !(. AW r H. IRlfl t.EFOREINDAfTtRUSINti nuothti AtTdrau Nlttl " fBVDebM fiutonk mm 00000.11 For Bate in Softtfttdn, Pa., by H. C. SAN OKHSON, Dnffist, c Washington BROS. Druggists ' AND DKAl.KUS.IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atiuiitiii i u,i hii.i Pranah .luo. Para Llatatd oil, TiirHnUlii nml VurnUUon Btadymltad rnlnln In nil t'olors Ofldttt' Whiting, I'm in w hit., mui Knlumln ml Vitrei, Mnrbla liu.t nml Window CUM MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. O-ialnf tln twnt nualllv for ilomostlo UTO.nnl of nil aanvand la any irt of tuo city it jowaal pHoa, Ordtrt M ut my oAot, M. I IS. WVOM1NO I'M T. Hi nr room, Urn! BOOT, Thlr I Ntloi)l Umilt or font by until or tolojiliono to tho uiino, will rocoivo prompl nttontion. bbmmI aMwaata wOl ba ntAt for tho nla mui otlirtry oi Baokwhaal Oaal WM. T. SMITH. Lm iti totA)d,ra bv I I nilu iiiulor tiiirtntr harbaJ hi IVtlUH) rii. a1 I PwtaYiW ptoolaMld 1(H) af- bk , ilInitntMl (row I Ii rtu "' K"""" 'VV wnm, iniin't'nu hvih i liffffttirn i'rv nlfniratl fitw t.v mail Wtim RoritlO I land MannTTvfhai. Our MaitaLr- Damarlv mill