THE SCRANTON TRIJJUNE FRII) A V MORNING-. FEBRUARY 9. 1894. ONE CENT A Word- Wants of all kinds i-ost thut u !.. r.c- real WtMdMOM WwkUijiMdkwn inttHtA FREE. Situations Wanted. v a youno man in iky uoons uk u grocery nor or some ousinees .wn "o ,uld work up Some experience, good rerer B GENERAL NEWS 0 INDUSTRIES ne4 will work Montrose, Hu tdrcss V 0 box l DRESSMAKER .'A. Jell WHO IS EXT RELY pendent uoon herself fot suppart would ilka few engagements totooet by taeweee at reasonable rates. Address Draaiaukar, Trib Une Office. (JiTUATION WANTRD-BY A BTBONll i woman w ho Is willing to Jo au kind of ntiueswork; take boat washing or iron iug or no out by tin' day Caroline Kline, No Cedar aveuui a N TED Boranton. P IS1T10N us 'lit1 SlUttollalv cllclllecl r- tcreuce tarnished. Address A. n Hu.t. - A FIRST tbc i" o New Tributes to the Enterprise of SeitBtOD Anthracite Coal Operators. DEVELOPMENTS IN SCHUYLKILL Another Company ot Local Magnates Credited with Purposing to Make Extensive Improvements Near St. Clair-Tribute to the Enterprise of Simpson & Watkins General Oliver Builds a New Dynamite Mill - Other Industrial Nuggets. i 1 tut on street, BinghiQltOQi N rn'ATio.N V CH I AVIUM Al IM' -tll A 11" O man. can take cars ot horses .li.vo team, or any Ugh: work preferred Bine years experience m dry goods store, address, l.sKi Wu.-ntuKtoii avenue. Scranton, LJlTl'ATION WANTED BY A KTRONU . young woman wr.o i willing to it,' uuv Will take home washing lijf the itav Address J. s1 knot or kbniewora ll ircUlllg oi t L. W est Siil OlTCATtOM WANTED Y A YOI Ml girl to two eere el children Caiiorad tress K. G IMS S rsntou street. Si rautou ilTCATlON WANTED BY A 'i Ntt married nan nine year experience in tuc butcher business: am will. in; t" take m .od employment. J W troolfl f -! "a. MTUATU'.N WANTED B A YOCHU girl to do light ooosswors or a uurs. Kill. Address l. to. Its Konu runerotav., LcrahloL', Pa AFTERNOONS At BY, i.N icgs to ware wouM write up email sei 1 books, do Mllme;. espwug aunressing or other work in that line out' k aiul accurate J J. k 21 Spruce etreet, city OltUATlOS WASTED BY A YOCNU j ilrl to do eeond work, expsrleue and goodtsatsreas.'s Address W v h ja? rail road aeenue S lantoo aL'Y STESOi.KAVMtK W A.N TS A uo.i'.iou in otncv or will woikatlioiiie Kelereni e Adareee A r . t t: Mimti avenue, city. ANT HID A MlUPLB.AOKl) LADY h ooiittoa us housektftior or uurs-; in uit for nurtiuit Hpat A I vN Willi w glVttl Otttctf. Help Wanted iOK WASTED AT remales .ju INi'Y Agents Wanted. U- AN TED-A MALE HAM, til 10 Jot) WeeUT ca bo nuie with our -"od IB any locality will prove it or lorfi-it Sloe Malar) r ootnmlseios as yoa prefer, The re aiutoi a tew Bour-' work (ten enuaH a wrk-i wagve. Address, -MANLr'ACM K f 3 Boi :'J. Bostou. Mass. U' AN L EU rWOTOUXQ MEN Of HOOD aitdraas to call uu uusmeii houti-e. good men. Apply OWKli CI 'MPAN'Y Stcaily ettipluvmuiit for nation ai. CLEa Arcade bmldiug. Wanted. U.aN , ED Pi-Ka- aN i ITrSI utifuru:sbd paiiu with b 5ar J lirnatvd. prtfate laioily profrro' atatiurf terun B, .-are Tribune offl'1' For Sale noS sale new kTlch cow, V '.all bj her sule a. so K 'l borio f.,r want of ii-e Wi rUjYSOLDS, V rk street A writer in the Wtlkts liiiire LMueT, liter Darlua dettrred oomDltinaott tu I the effloleiit inmi im'iiii'iit tirnt iirevaie ' in BtuptOO iY Wntkitia' Mi. l.ookuiit j colliery, draws attention, to the very I uuiiur mid Itttproftd inetlioil in optfA lion there for disposing of the waste I culm At u great cost and by n very ! IiIkIi pressure of stemn u tnachine is opei nfd to ore'ate au air blast at the culm ohntM Under lha breaker The ' waste is forced by the blast through eii(lit inch I titling and ciirrtcil at enor mous Velocity out o i the bank where I it is scattered "to the triads," Tali alio docs uwiy with a vast degree of haul ing The lsrger pieces of rock and slate are passed through a crustier, re doclng them to about the si of stove coal The colliery, by the wav. is one ot tlip largest In the valley There are about 280 chamber in active operation ou the Inside, The loot of the shaft is said to be one of the best planned and laid out of any iu this viciuity. The material. such as rails. switches. uui ail other work, is put In regardless of r ! pens Here are eome gossipy paragraphs - colled from the entertaining columns I of the Philadelphia Stockholder: Kiuhteen eiuities have b.m wlnte leaded an I stored away for future use at t lie Philadelphia and Brit shops ut Suuburv. According to tus annual re- " pert of the fe is railroad commission the total main track iuilea iu that vw i state, up to tin" close ot last year, was aye iyoi njiies Vice President OJell, of tue New York and New Ktigland road is luvesttatiiiif t as if . the espouses of operatim; that rosd CSnnol be still further reduced It is said that the otH.-e of the Central division of the Pennsylvauia railroad will be moved from Media to Philadel phia, when the broad Street station snail h ive been completed Local hold ers of Pouhkeepsie Bridge bonds de clare that the Ontario and Western throws over the bridge a sufficient coal toQtia to material. y offset loss by the t'cent N w Haven Keading Lehigh Valley cimblt.ation. The Trades' league of fniUdelphia and the Mer iir:".K chants of TatnaqQa are to present pitl centrally tions to President Harris, of tne Phila 1 delphia and Reading, uskinir that train service be established to Haaleton, The Keading Do if J of trade wilt also send a petition, 1 iu:! rrlboas Yattisvllle, is llnished and In a few days more the building will be iu reudiuess for the reception of engines FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Buudt. Nkw Yokk, Feb. f. Ill the StoiTi e rliiiiicn loilay u drive was made at. St Paul at the atnrt. Pour thousand shares were sold at fi?Wa67W, if the sales wore made to affect the general list, it signally failed of its object and wiieu this beuuute evident somn of the shorts began to cover. A rie of V. to I jr cent. (olloweS, Auier lean Sugar, Rlcntnoaa Terminal. Chicago ties, NorthfSest, Weitern UnloS and Keading Isadtns the upward turn. ! Hid ing sold up to on reports from Phila delphia lb i1 ell,- is itiukiiig for the earl rcortt luizHtimi of tho property srees prog ressing favorably nlooBtond Terminal tourhfd 4. iii" Hi t time in a long while. Kuinuis were OUrrebt of a leadjii.luieut ot the plan for the reorganization of Mm properly whereby the holders Of tbsStnOk advantage The trunk hues weakened There was talk of rate cutting, but tins gossip evidently was due to the new differential allowed tim Brie no wist bound i.e i The Qrangers Wore also inclined to WShkBSSS at oiiu tune and m some ipiai lers the question of ih i ilends mi Kiiiliiiiiton hi. i st. Paul were dlscuassd, The decline in the stocks from the highest point of the dav was SSS than a polut. The net change tor the dav Were slight either way. Total transactions were iT.'.-.'oi shares, The foil iwing oomplets tuiiiu showing tii iluy'i, flnotuatloaa IB aotlys Htooks ia supiiiiii'i ami revised d uly by LeBar J nuer, atuuk brokers, I'il Wyoming uvoiiue: Opi'll- Huh Am fot. Oil Am Sugar A T. .V S. K Oan, so Ceil. N. J... Ohio, & N . W . . . i w Chic. Uas 0 I! U, a St. I Col . HeoB.Val . T Ing, "s'u ,-irt, nil, m ijlbj in.1 ill, III MM l. ,v H D L. w I & 0. K Erie a, E, Co Lake Shoro.,.., L a M Manhattan Miss IV Nat Lratt. N Y J N . E N. Y. Central.. N i.,0.m W n. y., s. s w. U. . C. Co North Pao North Pee, pf . . Omaha Hae. Mall Heading Kock lalaii.l K. T St. Paul T..C. I Tex is ,v I'm-. ... Union Hue Wabasn, pf W. L' u loll W. S)b I W L H pi . .'elltsj ,IS ... n ... w ... M . . . IWM ... li's ,.,m :: . . . loo ... 6M ... m ... :e4 .:: ijii ... H" ... IT ... SOH ... T ... 173 Kl est. jlM -rfiw iii ll'3t4 ml mH IMU I'll 3 lt4 im stF m luu liu lil loJ 1"'4 :u 0 Mi is" SKU m in I ,ow est. m m 4'S II U. used IM IkK IMU leu mi ih2 i M VJiitu HQ iw IMS jig ISH4 IfWJ :i',J4 17 Jin, b7 Dita 171, I'lua Ing. 111 I02W m s:v BsH lisU Ivy 1(K i uvw iJiTlJ L'P4M i8 w Illy m KM UTII, m osm i H i? KM IStj 4 'J Children will not develop uijifoniily uuless they get sullieieut nourishment. They will ho thin, weak, hollow-chested. Scott's Emulsion the ( .ream of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophotphitet, uver comea the tendency toward tbtnnesi arid makea children strong- and healthy. Phpi (kins, the world over, efidurse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! PiwltaUtnl L hvoll 1 Uumlu. N All 1' k.' BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WITH cheap saa n-w ruR SAUt-DELiVIRKO IN SCRAN t Hie nr ton. bsantre of w H H HulfOttD, Clark s Ham T'ijH sale -A PLATFORM 1 wau-on. Uousa for sale r rent In guireofB F. SUM Mli it BELL, Moscow Vu I'- 1 ta SMITH or M mit. Fs. COR SALE - st-ACRE r and utensils .1 M il .nroe ai-e ""L'OR SALE OK EXCHANUE FOR rfCRAN A ton property A bearing oraagi.' gr ive lll.'tlon eno. vaoie eari) ,u Ida. Add res I". t-K.ornia r'AKM. STuCK SHEFFIELD, Je :i.,'rea.siiig iu ppx the orauge ISCtloa 111 h N'ETTLETON. LakeH-. l-ar Rent. ruh HE XT .AaVKIL 1 THE ROOMS SOW Lai ka anna ivmim Apply st the ofBOS of Leluub salt Minifle o. Th first meeting of the advisorv committee of the Kelief association of ! IVim Psnnsvl vania railroad since tliii SPRUJO 1 animal meeting was held Tuesday and formulated the report of the work for , the year l-!'Jd Tne receipts from the members were 0)0. and the pay ! ments to members jtiiU.OQO The Jed j cienry was met out of tne balance of "i 37 77, now In t!w treasury Tho ; total receipts since the organization of the association foot uo 18.533,833.33 and the expenses, $ ". The amount contributed by the company toward tse operating expenses of the association since its inception is f776, -I OM 37. The membership during tne year increased 1,!S7, bringing the total up to 89,897, or over Vj per csnt of tho employes of the company. ChlOaSTO Oralu and Provliloui. Sen mom. Kuli. s.T:,e following ijuot tlonsare supplied sb I o irreotod dally by Lv bar Fuller. stock krokeraUi Wyoming uva hue. WHEAT, i ipeiilng Highest Lowest Closing CORN, opeulug Highest lowest Closing oaTs. Feb. ISU .'.slj bSIa mi :.UU Itav ells SIS, KM gilts STt, till Julv. Km IUS4 as s a;4 ks I'MlSK IAWN ASH M III. I ONs li K. OK AN, Ho. i "f the Kye. Nine rhmiit nuii t- ii. ooi Bpruce 'i. t. ui.po kito court house. A J, BUNNELL, Office WI Washington ululiuo. eolUi-r Sbiueo "Ver Frsni ke'H drug store Kesidsnoe, Tiu Vine st. Ottoe hours lo an tu IS a m. and s to 4 uud n im to 7. ao p iu siimho ItoSp iu. R W K ALLEN. Office 001 Laeka. wanna ami oi ei i.eoii- mil .hoo bteiv, otfioohouCSi 10 to 1. u. iii- and ato 4 p in ; uvciiinge ut residence, Gl-M. WasliiiiKtnii avc. C L KKKY. Praetlea liiuiiod to Uis- .,... ti. i v , Eat Nose and TLruat: oltleo, Wyoming avc Iteaideiiec, s3i Vine street OH l. M HATES, 14U Waslilnston Avenue, H11.-., hoUls. M,i t u III . latlto II ulid ' toSp.n WKNTZ, M, Ii. omens M and II nweiilth tiiillilimr: risideii'.i 711 Hadlsonavs: ,.rrke hour, iJtoiito i, 7 to H. Suiidaye 2 bU to 4, i v'eiiinirs ut leaidouou. A seeialtv mude of tleeases ot tho eye, ear. nose mill throat ami cynucologi. H MURRAY, specialty madeoa ti- ises nf eye and akin.-li vniinint Ave. OHiee hours: Until In a in to 4 and i to sp ui. US UK K I No r.'n Ml LLKItUS STREET' 11 D TI bllu I'll D'li Fret om, u im I)1 rd i j tu U M J)1', IntlN lutuniuiiut-iltli Connolly & Wallace A Great Opportunity For KID GLOVE Buyers. For La dies and Gentlemen. v 50 Dozen PIQUE CLOVES. Four-Button Length. ENGLISH REDS AND TANS For genuine service there is nothing to equal it. and they fit perfectly. Sold by our neighbors as a bargain at a dollar, and really so, but our price is 87c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 1 )"..!, At Carbondale 1 1 liluvs of euetl week. X Kl I A lit M IM.HINS sit uui.. veterinary y: uold opening. . . Highest. . . Lowest.... CI IUg PI KK opening. . Highest... Low-at.... ' I 'Sing.. , LARD. Opening. . Highest... Iiwest CI slug..., SH RT 'lening. . Highest... L'.weot... Closing... KIHS KM ISM '.'slk m ll!4J 1.4-J im ij IK ea KB -llSj au vat 1140 im 0.1 . Ml eiij ta au ;jo Third National Bank and E '. Fuller I 'OR RENT Hol'SE W7 WYiiJtlN'l A E I from April I. Eleven rooms, ail the ni'iderii improveiuea s. rent JiVi per month Apply SO F. H CLF.HnNS. 4J-: Lackawanna avenue Lailding fOR RatRT IM Bt'RB BUILDIRO, WASH J' .ngton Sveaue. a few deslraklx ofllees ami Ha s. Kent ry reasonable .to desirable pai-t.-s ( an be seen bv applying tu Janitor In t. . .ding Kor teims apply to CHaKLES A til KK W N'irtb ).,. aeeuue. A Pottsville dispatch says: "Sev eral men frim Scranton are nejcotiat ini( for the purchase of the Tyler. Me Turk it ( 'o , colliery, abovo St, Clair A portion of the tnamiuoth vein, forty feet thick and over a mile lontf was discovered in this colliery recently.and if the ScrAtitoti people buy it they will put up a plant tnat will employ 700 or 00 men sr.d boys." I, OR KENT A LARGE STORE ROOM AT J 4ij Sprues street. Inquire at II Wyom lag menus. L'OK KENT -THREE ROOMS, FROST ON r iei ond fl'Kir, over N A Hulbert mtisie a' ,i: Wyomingaven-.e. from April 1. In quire in the store. jOK RENT TWO-STORY BRIfK DWBte J ling house: modern improvements, ii'. F' rest court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, sweat. 711 wit Leekawaana avenue TO LET FOR A TERM Of YEARS - J Part or s:l of thf -e hun . reo feet ,,f . ai 'I loom alone raur uad Apply ut Svenue. 'I'o KKNT - sTOHE iiami OK El KNI8HED J liali on (ireen Ridge street V ry deslru- I cle loratlon and on reasonable rerms. Appy toK t NETTLETON or C. S. WooHRrf F. , K-publiean building Specia Notices. A f K. A 1 . 1 1' KETfl f'AN HE lli V 111 .l Improvsmsnts at the, Coleraloi col liery, nesr Hazleton, continue ranidly N'o'l breaker will be greatly enlarged us soon as the nesessary material ar rives and cm he hut in place. 1 The order placing the stripping iranir in the Ashley shops on piece work will not reduce wages, as at first supposed, hut instead will i(ive the men an op portunity to make more money. Sup erinteudent Thorn : assures the meu isvt Frsukliu ; (iat jf they cannot earn the waxes heretofore paid them under tlie new ml", he will pay it to them, but be is confident they will double their money. The order M not issued, as at first sup posed, to reduce the wai(fte of th workmen, but to get nipre work done, so that locomotives will rut Be lylnjr idle In the shops Surgeon. Deu tistrv 11 eperialtv; nolo muduliet of On tario Yeterlnurv College, omre. Summer's hvery, aU Ills at. near gsllerS carnage bhou. Teleph.'li N., 41 I I. A Kits. I M O. HANCK'S Law and UoUeotloo ot I . flee. No 817 Spruce It., opaaiito Forest House, Bcranton, ra.; collections a specialty thruughoiit Pcnnsyh aula, reliable eoi respond cute iu ever) . ounly iLsscrs i: Attorneys ami Coaneei- l loi s ut Law, Coiiiuiouw salth building, u u .... YV H Jissvr, Huh m I K Hand. W II JssNije Jh. Attor uiilicau I1MLLARD, WARREN k h.NAI'l TV neya and Couiieelors al Law. Itepi liiiildiug. Washington ave Scranion. Pi I)ATTER80N WILCOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, omceai. and 9 Library building, boi anion, l'a KobWK.u, II rATTlKsoa. William A WILCOX WILLIAM J HANO, At- C'omiiiiiiiwealth buil.loi. Rooms III "U and ! nENHY M SKKI.Y Law ortlces in Its publican building 1,'RA.NK I ORaLL, Attorney at Law. Room ... Coal Exchange Scranton. Pa. 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court HouBe, RAIfROAD TIME TABtES. EflllllllltllllllBlilllllllllllllHllllUIIIU ACADEMY OF ML'blC inunn 1 i 1 ii 11 a 1 it a 11 ki 1 s finiisAL M A V N. J. I S rida,aaa.turd.,,r.Ue.ui0 SsSs mam A r s -t , t 1 . aBi 1 V 1 - KJ -N r- r-v. T 3 Ahd Hn (.'enjpari y of Krr) Mailt I T.:g Rising Gtensrato IE HIGH AN0 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal ased szoluslvsly', uuuring and comfort. TUII TABU In SiVttUT JAN H, ISld Trains leave Bcranton for Plttston wtikes Bane, ete , at .ln U.ll, 11 8u a. 111. VI), 2,00, ,iao. COS, "!.m U.OS p UI undaya VUU a m, I Ou, x-iu, ; ju p m For Atlantic City I In a. uj ror New tork. Newark and Elisabeth ' lo (expreasj a. m.. 1240 nun Beset parlor ear.) 8.80 (expreu1 p, m. Sunday. J.iw p. in Koh Mali ii Chi nh Aili.viown Ukihii nan. KAJToa and PalLADBLPaiA, S.1U a ui . IIKl, a.8u, ',UU (exept Philadelphia, p in. Sunday, 2 On p. iu. Per i.oMi bhahi 11, Oobam Qaovs etc at 10 a. tu.. 12.80 p ui For Rending, Lelium u und Hani. burg, via AllSBtOWn, I.Na m , 12:w, 5.C0 p.m Sunday i IX) p. m. For Pottsville, o Iu a in . 12 10 p 111 Returaini leuie Now York loot of Liberty street North rive st uo (express) a in., 1 10, 1 Ml, 4.KI (express wltn Huffot parlui car p ul Sunday. 4. Ml a. ui Leave Pblladelplilu. Reading Terminal, 1,13 a 111 , 2.0U and 4 ) 11 in Sunday. 0 27 a. iu. Through tickets to all points ai lowest rates may be hud on aiiplusitlon 111 advance to the ticket agent ut thi station. H p BALDWIN, (leu Pass Agent. J H OLHAUSRN, Sen supi. '.he I CURTAINS I a I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiii I FrsSbfrem a rub kt the Star Theater, New Yvia, wLtie it wa veiy innnsssful s'.vtti si.NGLRb PRETTJ OIBUl OKACEl'UL DANCERS, BEAUTIFUL SCENERY. Sale Wedneida. L EH103 VALLEY RAILROAD A 1.1 RKUIIANH. V t ,niua and Counsellors. Mll.roN W i.oWKt. C H VON STORCH. Att'y., eton av . 7 Washing H aiiuare hue. tabl. Twenty board meal tlcgets for 8 W Qood sfc Proposals. EAl.KU PROPOSALS WILL, Bl RE i.'lved at the once of the a lt lerk. Seranton. pa., until 7iU o clo' k p in . Wed 1,1 I..V Feb. -1. ISV4, tb nnprnve Nuv Aug ava nue spWoau to the Albright avenue bridge over the Lackawanna river The uld Im pi "V' ineut uonststs of rlprappins the 1 a ik of tail river, and bmkfUung the same The city nigtrieer estlrrata. tUS riptapin at cubic yajds and the ba ktliling at 1 100 Cubic rerdS P.a'iml speclho tions rr the work is at ih off c, or the city olert. Bhplers shailen. lose with a h proposal the sum ,,f r.fry dollars. caah or erllfted check as a Susr untie to eieoute a contt a. r. if aaardvdthe eBSS Iu 'use the balder to whom the ' on 0.1 t stall have I een awarded omits to axe ruts a contract for the work within ten days ,,r award thereof, the fifty dollars em losid with proposal shall ba forfeited to the City of H'lutiton. 1 he city reserves the right tore 1e' 1 any and all bide Bv order of thsdtv coandls. M. T LAVEi.LF, city clerk. Sersnton. P11 . Feb. 7. )Ss. C EALRD C lor the 1 PROPOSALS ARE INVITED ctntructioii ot a Boulevard In n Bcranton lo Klmhur,t in accoidame with plans and speclflcstloue 011 file at the oflhe ot the L I Ail.' ('".during the week "inmeni log Monday, February I, riopcsals will be tecsived at the office of Col C 0 Sshooc maksr, Treasurer. Cwunnonwealtu biillilurg heianion. P., until noon of Satunlay, Feb tuary 10, I SIM. I'HAS. (' MATTES, Chief Rnglneer. Res 1 Estate. YAAAyxAVvtAi' 1Olt SALE 8INOLE HOUSE, 005 QUtNOY av avenue, very deairable locution Apply 0 I REYNOLDS, or W1LLAKD. WARREN A KN'APP. flV2,H0 WILL BUY MODERN MEW S-ROOM J house, all Improvsnients: terms easy : cor ner Madison avenue and Dele warn street. Ap ply HARRY LEES. BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT uud Delaware '1,1 ins euev. Aniilv KARRI LEES. k...4IIO W1L1 O corner Madison avenue Street Try a Tribune Want Ad. Oansral Oliver s Lnnrel Itun piwdrr mill Is to Iw anpnlemeiiteil as soon as possible by an immense dynamite mill, to be located at Wheelbarrow Knn, three miles from the old mill It is (;nerl ''liver's intention to erect in connection with the dynamite plant, 11 plant for the iiianufitctnre of smoke less powders, and ground is being broken with that object. Kxperiinonts are made daily, and the Wilkcs-Bsrro Hecord says a point has been rearhed which will pis: the emoklsfl piw dors uesnnfeotared here first ou the list, both for the tifli and shotgun MlMOR ISDC ri:i il N'otks Tlit- BkeVJfD Aile works are warking Dearly every day Willi about OBO third their nsuul foruu, according to the Wilkes llarre Times. Tne directors of the Philadelphia and Erin mill '.ml will meet today to decide whether or not. a dividend shall lie paid out of last year s earnings. The si h. iiiB to reopen the old lead mines st New Oalrna, Mirks county, is being agitated by lieorge A Adams, For an srrn nnd a half of land at UlftOfl Heights, taken by the Pennsylvania Kail road company, a jurv has awarded 3,'.'U0 t" Hiiiniuh and Auua P. Iwls. The OIIVW Iron und Steel company has made niiothnr reduction of .VI cent per ton in the puddling rate at the South Tenth street mill. The Scottdahi Irun and Steel company hss resumed work In several depnrtnieute after a shut down of over one month. Spang, Chalfant A- Co. of Etna, Is the la'-t 1'ittsburg mill to adopt the It pud dling rate. The Keystone Rolling mill in Ssliu has lighted Its flies nndanuSuuced that It will start up at once. Tho mill employs 530 Hade During Urn year 1W.I tbo New Yolk Cen tral and Hudson Hiver railroad company pany burned on its engines I .1 tons of bituminous soeJ auu 40,0Co tons of an thracite. The brick work of the New York, Sue 'juebauna uud Weitern round house at New York Produce Market. Nxw Y'okk. Feb. r'Locft-Dull, ea?y, offered freely. VVhxat fairly active, firmer. No. 8 red, sture aud elevator, tl4.4Ht!41ic.: afloat, .'."tHor)c. : f. 0. b., 6;1 .lio'-.u. ; ungraded red. lUaMe.; No. I northeiu. 6B0.I options opened weak, c losed tlrni ut ijaJa'c. over yesterday; -No. - red closed, Kebiu aty. i:-l",c.; .March, ti."ic; Muy, t)7'4c.; .In no, 6a '4c: duly il'J'.c; August, 0$aC.; December, 7ij, -. Corn Dnli, firm N'o. 2. 43c, eleva tor: 42:.s4i:c; No. J white, 4lc; options dull, closed Arm at ,c. over yesterday; l ebrnary, i ic. ; March, Sv 0,1 May. S.;.c. OATS More nclive, firmer; optious firmer, Uiet: February, a4",c; March, a:sc.; May, ai No, 2 white, March, 81-,all7c: spot prices, No. 2, 8W a.Hac.; No. 2 white, MeJOVe.! No, 9 (;hlcago, UWaSdV.t So. 9, 83,c.: No. 8 white, ;.o ,(': mixed western, 3.1a8iiVc.; white do, 37 .aspire.; white state. 81 ,a 40Vc i.kef (uiet, family, ItlalS; extra rncas, MaRM, BBStr HaMP- luartive at illl 5o. Tishoed IlkkF-Dull, firm; city extra India Uiess, 19aSI, COT Ml ATS --Dal), teady;pick!el bellies, TWr.tdn shoulders, S)i(a7o. do. bams,V)c, il ioni.Es Nominal. LaJtO Qplet, firmer; western steam closed at 17. 8S; city, 7'4i:.; February closed 17. 7.1; May, 7 ',.') refined, quiet; continent, sx.'jii; south amonra, seou; oooponno, Pork Quiet, steady; mesa, $LI 'Still 25. Buitkh - Moderate demand, fresh, sternly; state dairv.l'al l'-tc :no. cteatnery, ITsSlo.; Pennsylvania, do., I7)c ; wvetern dairy, ISMalTr.i do. creamery, iSaliTVi&i do factory, I'Julil'.p ; Elgms, 271, c. ; imi tation creamery, ll.ilflc.; rolls, 12ul6. Cbusi Palrdemand, Orm; stats irg, OallMe.r fancy, UMallKCi do., small, IOHsl9JC. pnrtskitH, MlOo. ; foil skius, kaic.! Enoa Quiet, weaker icehouse, per OSSO, I2S8.78! westernfreah. Miali'ic.: limed, I'Jal lc, southern, i;i',a!4(l4c. ep - Philadelphia Tallow Market. Pit 1 1, a tiKi.l'ltl a. Feb. s. Tallow was dull and DBCbanged, Prices were: Prime city, in lio;s'ieiid.s, -l ,a.'ic; prime country. In hog. heads, 4'.c. do. dark, Iu hogs, beads, 4l.alV, cakus, aVc,; grease. S'talXc -e specimen Caies. H II Clifford, New ('assel. Wis, was troubled with neuralgia and rh ciiniatism, Ins stomach w as disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, ami ho was teiilbly reduied in tlfsh end strength Three bottle or Elec Iris Hitteia cared blnv Edwerd Ebecberd. Rarrlsoarg, m, bad a rnnnlOl SOre Ob Ins lug Of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Elcctrii Bitten ahd seven boxes of Buck leu Arnica Salve and bis leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, 0 , had live huge fever sores on his leg, doctors suid he was incurable due buttle RlsotrlO Hitters aud one boi Hucklen's Aruna Salve ruled him entirely. Sold by Mut thews Urns. IAMBS W oaKmiRD. Attorney at Law. I rooms 88, 04 and 65, Commonwealth b'I'g C AMU EL 0 Offl 1 A la. iaxekawanna ane, Sersnton Pa P (' W. EDOaR, Attorney ut Li 117 Bnruneat Scranton. Pu. WATRES, Attorney ut Law, Counsellor ut Law. Oltlee, fsl Conimonweslth bnllilinv P, SMITH rooms ."i4, V It PITCHER. Attorney ut Law, Cm monwea th bnilalne, Seranton, Pa. i . COMEOYS 821 Spiniest. hh KEPLOQLE, Attorney Loans uoto- tlatcd on real cetste security Krs Spruce. KILLAM, Attorney at Law, ISO v y ntntng avenue. BoTBBten, AVE YOUR DEEDS AMD MORTOAOKH writien and acknowleilged by J V. BROWNINO. Attorney and Notary Public, 2V iniii'iti wealth Buildluv SCHOUI N THE LACKAWANNA. L'cmnii, of i ton, Ph , prepares boys and gu le for college Scran or business thoioughly trams Vuuug ih idrun Catalogue at loiiuu.t Hr.v thom lis M tans. . Walter h hi ii i Miss WORCESTER'S KINDEROARTEN ami Fc'hool, 111 Allan I av. nue pupils Train leaves Bcranton I. r Philadelphia Hhd New York via D A ti H K at s a m ii lo. und 11.116 p. in uuD. L Jett . It K. SAW, II 0 a in., und I, Q, I So p, in. Leave Se ran tori for Plttston ami Wllksi llarre v la D . I, A W. K K . OS. 11 ." a. lu . i ao. a vj. 0,07, i. m Leave Scranton for Whito Haven. Uu.letou. Pottsville and all points on the beaver Moailuw and Pottsville bianehes null XII It R, at s h j u ss, 4 (j o.iu . via D , L. W. R. R.scr. 12 luam. 13U. 8.30 p.m Leave scranton for Bethlehem Ess too. Heading. Harrisbiirg and all intermediate points via D AH. R It . Sa.iu.. 12.10, 2.3s. 11.45 pm .via D L i: w R R. sus. II '.si a. in . 1 a.i 940 p in. I LeaveScrauton forTimkliaiiu,s.k. Towaiila. BlUllra Ithaca, tieueva uu:l ull intermediate ! Hilnts via Ii. SH K R I uud 11 aa p, iu., via D L Jt W H R . JJ a in . 1 30p in Leave Scrantou fur Keehester Buffalo Ni agara Falls. Detrnit, C hicago ami all paints weat via D i H R. K. 1 3&J U.ll 8.'. p. m . via D Let, R. H. and Ptttstob Jnnotlon (Oil a, in tor l-iulfu'o only i, 1 itus p. in , via E & W . R R.. 4. la p. m. For Elmlrii and the west via Salamanca, via D. H R K via D., lTS w r R. . d, .3oa. iu aud 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor . nd sleeping or L. V. ehalr cai s on all trsins between L a: b Junction or Wilkes Barre ami Now York. Philadelphia, Piittalu und Suspension Undge Ri'l.l.lN II WILBUR. Oen Supt. East Div I'HAS ft, LK.E. Oen. Pas- Ag t. Phlla Pa. A t N'ONNEMACHER.Ass't Osn Pass tt't Smith Retblshsm, Pa. Ate worth golni a long distaLceto ee. No such collection csu be found nearer tbau New York 01 Philsdel phia, aud iLen It is not tur piihred in the matter of unique and xclnsive designs, or richness. duintii.B.s aud delicacy ot mate rial. Iu a word, our curtain stock this tall reaches our highest ideal or what la should be, and cannot tail to raret the appioval of the most refined and aitistic taetes. Yet all this does not mean high prices ' in the contrary. t be values we now otte; ate ubu,Uted fef your inspection. Of course, we ve every make, ahd among them vt in be found the very enticed crea lions in Drussels, Irish Point,8wlss, Nottingham aud other Lace Goods, also the New Snowflake Berlss with hllk Stripe lo touttastiug colors Also full Ubea ot Silk Stupes, Tapestnet, etc., matte to crdet. I ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Z TltSDAY. VRB. 13 i r., a. v.- la Iii j HIT 5 aaJlalw I lswli s Orand levnal of THE S-V.s, iilliu ae urai S sn Hi Ins - . js Leutt n.te,et IntwrpreteO i , - inpeleht ya u.;..v. f dr aural v ... -,.,i4WOU, E SlIIMIIIIIIKIIIIHIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllS I HILL k CONNELL I . s SCRANTON, PA. I niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii receive I January ut all times it tetm will open III N I Isis LAUBACH, Surgeon Dentist, N'o, 115 . Wyoming ave. M. BTRATTON, office coal Exchange I OAM Tllf. REPUBLIC Sa Vlnn and I I ciatiou will loan i ou m .ne on easier I and pay yon better on Investment other sssoolstlon Call on s. ts. ( DEH. Dime Bank building an Asso mis lha n any 'ALLEN HOTELS and RBSTAVRANT, III! W ESTMIN'isT'EH, IT 7 210 Wyoming nve Rooms healed wtlh aleaiii' all i,nai em laproveuisnts C M TRDatAM, Prop ILOLHI s HOTEL, Bl Lackiiwamia ave nue, Si ruuloll. Rates reas, 'liable. P EtSOl ni Proprietor I STM1NBTEH HOTEL W O SCHENI K, Maiisgnr bixteciith street, one block east of Broiiuway. ut Union Square. New Yuri, American plan, la ail per day and uow-nrd YNE HOUSE, European plan; .good I'i'illlS (lln'll UUV allll lilgUt. Illtl eup. best P II cnvNE. Proprietor OCR ANTON ROCHE, nsat I , L ft W pas fj ssnger dsnot Conducted on the Buropeas plan. . Vn I or Km u Proprietor RAND CJCNTKAL. The largest ami lies: s I .iininpel lintel in Alluutown. l'a I-' and Ji.iA per day t, vv piled with tho i atei n tiih D H ii s i.e. Pro n later. A l( HITEC1 S AVIS HOUPT, Archill' t Rooms II se ami :!i) Ctimmonwealth bTd'e, Rcrantc I) I L WAsV-rKH, AroiittiKt I j im: von. I nil hvvnui F. I II., aee I. nil. I Bel sntoii I BROWN. Arch B An-hllect, Pries Iniildiiig, H W aslilngtmi Ave.,S, iaiiton. FEBRUARY 8, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Yciii ( hoice of three LieauUfu picliins,1' IVIfpliiuicdiil," "lit' ivtuirig l iiiistiims I'lcst'iits" Bad "MaldBDB Swinging." iS!ud bj Hlltil 01 lUt'SSITIIt'l Of Initio; coupons Ilka (his of three difthr I cut dates, willi Hi cents, stumps ot coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, j ( 'or. 1'eun Ave. and Hpruce St. i iomTon 1 1 hlllll M1 .VIPSI 4 11 NI OlJg. D. SWARTS WHOLESALE lumber, b and V Dime Bauk building. Si iantoh. Pu OAR'.I L Blli.l IILRS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twlue. Warehouse, 180 Washington ave, Scranton. Pa RANK P BROWN ft CO., WHOLE sale dealers lu WOOdWBTe, Cmduge and ml Cloth, 7N W. Lackawanna avenue U ACER'S ORtVHErifRA MUSH) riiu balls, plculee. parties, r uptluiuc wd ulngs ami cs,iicert work funilslied Eut leitus. auurese n. a. nauei . cououi "" m n yoiiinig a i . over Hulbert s music etore ,s'ZRA FINN ft SONS, builders and frao- tois Yuiils Corner olive st. and sdanis ave . orner Ash st. and Penn avc . s, taiitoii r1 MUDS. f U CLARK ft cn. BeeJsiuen, HriU I and Nurserytuani stdre isn Washlnginu avenue; greeu I North Main avenue. telephone VhV UIIANIi UNION I K AS. TEA CO.. Jones Bros J WJRK s UK i NR. OH KUETTEL, let Lsokawanna avenue, bvlalitoii, Pa , mauuf i of Wire Scieeiis DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD CommeniTug .May CV. IW, tininawill mo aa tollow. Trains leave Bridge Street station, Scranton. for Pitts t in Wtlke' Barre. etc 1.00, ju;, 9 a;, 10.42a. nx, i.'.io. 1.25. -.'.E8. 1 PI. ill, 6.15, H.l. and 11.85 p. in. For New York and Phils delphia. sou a. m. 1210 ;.Y tM, 4 in and II JOp m. For Hniiesilale from Delawai a.1 ucka and western depot . "AM, ?.Ju. lo 10 a.ui , h' ou in., a, 17, a.iu p. in. Per Curlxi'idale and lulei mediate stations ji.40. 7 00, s an. 10.10 a. ni . linum. , IT, I :'.,-, in. 0 -V and W 35 p in : from Bridge Btreet Depot, I st a iu.. .. i.auu ii ,j y. iu. Fast express to Albany. Saratoga, the Adl I, Bdsck Bottntalne, Host, m and New Englaud points. 5.10 m .arnviU; at Albany 12,4a earatOfS - 3i p m , ana leaviug Si runlou at II p in . arriving ut Albany at i p tn. Saia ti'ga 19 H & iu . ami Boston 7 00 n. m The only direct route between the coal llelds I and Boston "The Leading Tourists' Route t America' lo the AdlroOdai k Mmintuiii re I oris. Iavkes i ieorgc ami Cham plain Montreal, etc Time tables showing loiiil and lln oiigh tiaui I service between stations on all dl yvi,,n, Dula ware and Hudson system, insy be obtained as I all Delaware and Hudson ticket olHces. . H U YOUNO. J, W HUKD1CK, Second Y'lce President (leu Pass. Ait, DUPONT'S M1NINO. til ASTINCL-ANP BPORTTMQ POWDER ManufflctuteJ at the Wapwallopsn Mills, Lu--erne county Pa., and at Wil mington. Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. n8 Wyoming Ave , Scranton Pa '.lord National Bauk Uuildlug. Week c.,uin,encli.g;OMiAt I BR 5 WoNDEkLANDS NEW STOCK DRAMATIC CO. IN TWO GREAT PLAYS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday THE GYPSY QUEEN. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Pygmalion and Galatea Prc eded by a Screamiag Farce. ADMISSION. 10 go aud au CENTS Optra chain can ba reserved, by number, every a' ternooU. frum 1 8u to 880. for the evening entertainment Pertci Bsanoesevsry atternoon except Mondays and Thursdaya, at i 30 an,! every evening at - 11. Doors open ut '..av and 7 M P M. AOMCttS, THOS FORD, Plttston. Pa JOHN B SMITH ft bo.N l lymcutli Ta. E W MVTLUQAR, Wilkea barre. Pa Agents tin the hVpauuo Chemical Com lany's High Explosives IM. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, WVOMiMa sVTsj , BCRA.VTO AND IYL1.AWAKK I. VCKAW ANNA WrSTFRs All ROAD Tiulns leave Scranton as follows Btpresi lor New York and ull points East. 1 30, k 50, 5 15. 1 ui ami I si a in : 12 5i -oul II 50 p. m Evprees fot Eatton, Trenton. Philadelphia Slid the Booth, 5 1 cue ami aBI a n . IkM and II ,Tl p in Wiishinutoii anil way stations. iu p m Tobyhaiiiia iiccoininodatloii il lu p. in Ever se for Blnghiiiutoli. OsSrSgo, Khun a. Corning. Bath. DansVllle, Mount Morris and Bufliih'. II In. .').' a in and III p, in making close connections at Unit., In to all points In il. , West N oi th wett and Southwest Hutfsl'i Hccouimotlutioit. Uui a. in Bliigliainti.u ami w ay stations 12.8. p in Nicholson and wav atutlous B 4a p m IliugliHiuti'U and I liulra Ftprass. II 03 p. In Express for Cortland, Syiuvust, Oswego, CUM and Rll hdil I springs, 1 15 u. m. und ;' P m It lie, a. '.' IS und V 1 0 a tn, and I '.'4 p. iu For.Nnrthumberliind Plttston, Wilkes lliitre. I'll mouth. Bloomsbui v ami liauvill,, iiciLn,., close eoliuect Ions ut .NoithuuitwiTaud for i WTIIiauispoi t. Huriisbuig. Halliiuoie. Wash ington llllil llie -SOUTH. Noi tliiiiiitierhind ami intermediate SUttoMl BW B.80a in snd 180 and 107 n m. Nam ke and o ' i mediate statlooa. IM and 11.20 a m Plymouth and laUrnueiteta stations, it ,Vi and s.a p. in I Pullman parlor and sleeping i oaclies on all Sajtrsss trams nil detailed Infoonatlou. pi. ket inn , tables Sti snply to M I, smith . (tv trOkehoBes il-'s l.aclswauiia uenue. or depot ticaAl olttcs M l lYV Y .V. SON DKCHI Il Mils' I iii.ue RHAMi'll A IMcIt HTt'LT. At It A L Kit PIANOS l . large stock of first-class DON'T FORGET T lint we are headquarters lor everything In the It BO Of WATCHKI It you have anv ideu of purchasing any kind of a Watch lady's ci gent s. (Sold or Silver, you will make a grtOI unatake It von do not give us a . all and get OUr prices, which yon will find fat Is-iovs all others, especially in all the high grades,' Elgin Waltharu aud Hampden movement. It' you have any doubts and are at all posted on prices give iisa call aud we w ill have no Double in convincing you. We still have a large stock to dlspo-e ot. and Will offer FOB won' dsrlnl inducements in Jewelry. Silverware, Clocks and ali oilier goods winch we hat it) stock C. W. Freeman I'tun Ave :iud Spruce St ORCANS:AtiaiUiC MUSICAL MBHCHANDiaa MUSIC, K1C, KTO. NEW YOHK ONTARIO AND Radioed. Scranton Dlvlsmu V RSTRRM Ton,. 1.1,14 111 effect Nov 1U. 1SHH Trains leave fcrantOB for CartHitnlale Utt, 8 .80, II 06 a m . 1,64 tt 10 p in For Hancock Junction and main cohiiettiohs II c u m 0 lu p. m Trains leaVe Hsu.'o'.'k Junction ntt thalri line connection lor Sorantuti. Il IX) a.m., iOJ P in. Tialns lesve CsrlKiiidsle f ,i V, rautou ' 'J4 V 15 a.m., I 10, I.K 11 1) P ui 1 0 ANDKKeoN, ,,, Ooneral Passengei Asgeat, N w fork T, FLITCROFT, Ptstrlot Passstajsi kgent, BcraattM if FOR THE LENTEN SEASON Ail kinds Froth i i,b received dallj Paaes lanehsd Rallbul, Koneless Cod, trtioioutll IM' ... bait Mackerel . i".. kawaVi t 'heSapeeke Buy i... .ii., Hue, Ceve auu inn . Point OYSTERS s.,.11 Shell OlavM, Muiuips. Scallop. Xe. W. H. PIERCE, PENN A't; IRIE AND Ii ROAP WAOMIN.l VALLEY RAIL 1 lain leave Seieutoii fot New York and in UrmedhiU points ou tho Erie and Han lev ami local (silnts at eSa. 0 44 a. m. uud 8.24 p. in I'raln leaving at Vit a ni and 8 21 p iu are through trains U and fioin Honeadale T rains luave foi Wilkes Bari..t S 1,1 u .., -...I I 3 41 p ui m . THE TKIHUNE at the 1 Retining Co. MMUtaStttrerS and Dealers in IllaminaUng anil Lubricatiag OILS Lltiieed Oil. Napthas Slid (laso MtieeVofall grades. Axle Urease, Pinion Urease und Colliery Com poiiud . slso, a large line of Par lnfttue Wax Caudles Ws alto handle the Fatuous CROWN ACME Oil, the only family safety burning oil in the market WILLIAM MASON, Manager. W yomillg A yd. Office I 'oat Exchange, Works at Plue Brook. Inserted in rate of ONE CENT Till MINE A WOKO. What is More Attractive Than a pretty face wltb a fresh, .bright complexion! For it, usu Pouonl'a Ponder I