The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 09, 1894, Image 1

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Dunmore Voters
Will bv interested in the
article, elsewhere, review
ing the political liylii in
their borough.
tl?l A.nuqn )g
It Is Time
For every Progressive Scran
toman to tuke oil' his coat
and boom the new bridges.
HCB A NTON. PA.. Kill I) A Y MUNIN(i. FEBBUABY i, 1894.
rrw'fk i'i,'Y'r a rnnv
hnUnt dirdud'i lutogrtpii Idoraa thj
Federal Repeal Bill.
Mr. Stewart Keeps the Senate Warm
Upon the Bond Issue -The Discus
sion of the House Bill to Compel
Railroad Companies to Build Sta
tions Upon Land Donated by the
Government -The House Wrestles
with Bland and His Followers.
w t&tuNa ros, Feb,
UK act reoeellng t it feder il elec ¬
tion law was signed by the
president this afterujoa.
The only matter of interest that oe
mpiei the soBate wan the resolution
heretofore Offered by Mr Stewart Ke;-.,
Nev ) denying the Secretary of the trea
sury to A bond except for th put
BOM of redeeming legal ten ter I' (lite I
Elites notes. That resolution With
mneuJniente to it heretofore offend by
Mers. Qaey (Hl Pb.) anl
PuBois Rep., Id ' was laid be
fore the senate and discussed until
the close of the cioriiintc hour, when it
went over till Monday. While under
discnssiou it was modified, on Mr
Stewart's motion, by adding these
words, "and that there is BO present
newssitv f r the sale of bonds for the
purpose" specified in the resumption
act.'' Some very plain words wer
spoken by Mr. Teller vRP . OoL.) in
condemnation of the dominant party
for not bavin brnunt forward some
definite system of finance to meet the
growing deficiency in tne treasury.
Everybody knew, be said, that no more
6 percent bonds on a i per cent, basis
BBVM be sold, and that an attempt to
issue 180.000.000 of soon bond would
be a failure.
An hour wtw occupied in the disctu
iioo of a house bill requiring railroad
ciinpaniss whose lines run through
the territories OB right of way gnnted
by the government to establisn dep3ts
and stations at town sites fixed by the
interior department. Its considera
tion was interrupted by the delivery of
eulogiee of the life, chancier and
public services of the late R-preeenti-tive
Mutchler. of Pennsylvania, after
waich the senate, Bt 110 p. m . ad
journed until Monday the adjourn
ment over having been ordered on the
motion of the chairman of the finance
committee i Mr. Voorbeea. Dem.. Ind. .1
who was casually adverted in support
of the motion to the supposed fact,
that tomorrow would be ' Uood Fri
The greater pirtof tne day in the
home was conumed in filibustering
against the Bland seigniorage bill. The
Republicans, supported bv most of the
enstern Democrats, continued their ob
structionist tactics, and roll calls fol
lowed each other in regular succession,
the silver D-mocraf beinz able to
muster nly abont 168 members.
After spending nearly four honrs in
fruitless endeavor, a quorum was se
cured at 3.4. with the speakers vote,
and the house went into committee of
the whole to consider the ieignorage
bill. Mr. Bland addressed the com
mittee for less than an hoar and the
Committee ansa on hi own mo
tion. Mr Doclcery (Dem,, Mo)
reported from the joist com
mission to investigate the various
execntive'departrnents a bill to make
nniform the methods of rendering
property returns in the treasury, war.
navy and interior departments.
The bill was passed, and at BttO the
honse adjourned r,n the motion of Mr
Iracey, of New York.
fh Death of J M. Warsr.-.a Causes In
tense Kxef-ement.
Hcntinodon, Pa.. Feb. 8.- The citi
zens of Pottstown. Bedford county, are
in a condition of .intense excitement
over the death of J M. Warsing, of
mall poX which occurred this after
noon. Abont a week ago Mr War
sing, who had been visiting at Tyrone
Forges, where this disease Is prevalent,
started for his home in Hopewell fie
was taken seriously ill at Pottstown
and left the train. There hs was visit
ed by a Urge nnmher of persons who
were unaware of the nature of his sink
ness. His death today has caused the
greatest fears in the community
At the Tyrone forges where, it is re
ported, there are fifteen esses of small
p ix, the railroad company has sus
pended the sale of tickets and all pus
senger trains go through without stoo
Terrible Death of Christian Keater a
Lehigh VallOf Bralftman.
Wii.kf.8- Barke, Pa., Feb. 8. Chris
tian Renter, n breakrnan on the Lehigh
Valley railroad, was caught in a wreck
near Soger Notch today and his body
whs burned to a crisp- Engine 505,
hauling an empty train of coal cars,
was struck by engine 881, pulling a
loaded train ont,
The caboose was torn to pieces in
which KeBter had been in, the stove set
fire to it, and before assistance conld
be rendered the injured brakeman was
bnrned to death. The other train
bund -Reaped.
Sergeant Chant Settles the Question of
Choosing Between Two Wives.
NrwYohk, Feb. 8 A special from
Halifax, N. a., says: News of a tragedy
In Jamaica has beon received here.
Before the West Riding regiment left
Halifax two years ago, Stuff Sergeant
Grant married a Halifax girl, who ac
companied him to Jamaica. She re
turned to ber home in Halifax soon
afterward. A short time ago she re
ceived, word from Jamaica that her
husband bid married another woman
at that pi tee, This woman was also
from Halifax, having gone lO Jamaica
as u nurse. Mrs Uranl wrote to her
bmbanil tint sue would go to Jamaica
and prosecute bin
The steamer Alpha, on her last voy
age, arrived at Jsnniea lata at night
Before the vrss 1 lauded her passen
gers Sergeant Grant was missed His
QaarteYf were broken into, and the
dead bodlet of liiuiatdf and the woman
he had mat tie I 111 Jam ilea vre dis
Tiie woman bad been poisoned, and
Gran I had shot himself with his nil'.
He Rtifiisei t Are to the Tuum Pro
pwed by Da QaBMB
i.ishin K b s - The iteutntr Men,
daleua, from Rio Janeiro, Jm. II, his
arrived her From advices brought
by her it is 1- irns I that 4 meeting was
held on J 111 -j iMi hoar I t tit Amerie in
flagship San Franoiaoo, b 'tween It er
Almiral Ben bam, the American emu
minder. Almiral li limn, ooiiituuid
log the iosorgeal for-. it Uu do
Janeiro ami I'reii le it PsIlOtO
At a meeting Admiral 1 (inns y-t
forth hi termi for a settlement of the
w jr. The sumianoe oTtheea w rethit
a civilian president of Braall should ha
elected, and that the m 111 hers Of the
army an In ivy s uu! I not Vote at the
Po these terms President PetxOtO re
faatd to agree.
United States Minister Thompson
and Admiral Benhe.m Hobnob
with President Peixoto.
Rk Jaxbtko, Feb. 8. Thomai L
Thompson, Uaited States mmistfr.and
Re ir Admiral Beabam, commander of
the United' States fleet and his staff,
called upon President Peixoto at the
palace this afternoon. They ware es
corted. Doth going aud coming, by a
handsome Company of Braxilian
lancers. The minister of marine, the
minister of foreign affairs, and many
officers of the Brazilian army and uavy
assisted the president at the reception.
Peixoto made a favorable impression
on lh minds of bis visitors. He was
invited by R-ar Admiral Ben am to
visit the American fhet, and be prom
ised to do so in the near future.
Manoel Vittorino Pereva. of Babia.
has been mined as candidate for the
vice presifency In the election to be
held on March 1 Like Dr. Prudent
le Meraes. the nominee for the presi
dency, rVrevi is a civilian. Both were
nominated by twenty senator under
the chairmansbiD of Thomas DelCno.
The fact that President Peixoto ap
proves of this nomination of civilians
shows the falseness of the insurgent
statement that he desired to continue
military rulin Brazil.
All commnnicati m between the
American naval crews aud the shore
has been forbidden oa sccount of the
yellow fever.
A Negro Upon the Gallows Breaks
the Rope and the Hanging
Is Postponed.
Columbia, Miss , Feb. 8 Will Par
vis, a young negro, was to have been
hnng her- yesterdiy for the assassina
tion last July of William Buckley, of
Marion county by a ging of white caps.
A strong gn ird of deputy sheriffs bad
been drawn up around tne Msffold to
pr-vent a rescue by the white caps.
When the trap fell Purvis, Instead
of being horled into eternity, was pre
cipitated to the gronnd. The noose
nad been parted ami Purvis' nock, in
stead of being broken, was oily slightly
shrased by the rope He fell on his
back and remained perfectly still for a
few moment-i. A man rushe I for war I
and, bending over the negro, ask I,
"Are you hurt?" From nnder his
black cup Purvis replied, 'For God's
suke get me ont of this " ( ) tiers cam
up and tSbenlT Magee made ready to
conduct Pnrvis back to the scalf il l for
a second attempt
There were four of the board of su
pervitors present and they called the
sheriff Into the court house for a con
ference ksv Mr. Sllsley, of the Co
lombia Methodist church, made an iin
pimmnel nlea to tne snecta'ors anil it.
was d-ci'led ty an unanimous vote that
the execution !) postponed The negro
was today tak-n to M-ridian arid the
facts telegraphed t governor Stone.
Mnsas'hnsetts' Grand Annv BVfl num
ber 33,017, a net lost of t the piit year.
Orange growers in OOBVentjpfl nt I ala,
Fla., favored higher tariff on their product.
Kight men .-rlhed bv the explosion of
the tug r.s'e .le, near Vancouver, B. '.
Aimed with dynamite, burglar blew
open the fleshier hoik sure, nt Toledo, (I ,
and got tl. Vi'l In coin.
On the charge of sef iing fire to his own
figar siore, lans Valleiistcln, of New
York, Is nniler nrrest.
Defalcation of S.VI.nhO i chargeil against
missing Frederlrk Msrvin, cashlar of the
Third National bank of Detroit.
(I ioa Loy. a Kansas ('ity Clilnnman, has
bsootne a f nil Bednd Anwrtean citizen hy
taking out mitui ali.atiou papers.
Etobbera at CatbertoBj htno., mordered
James Bkinner, agent of the (Jrent Norths
erb railroad, ami then till rued his house.
Leaking gas overcome Kate Pomprey,
the co 'it, and Grace lerone, iiurse, in a
BroOblya house, and they barely miSSSd
New Vork anarchist! are trying to se
cure pardOI for Alexander llerginnn, the
wouid hi ufnrdercr of IT. C Prick, of
ity a natural gns explosion, Louie Kueli
ler's house at Chicago, was wrecked, ,,
young diuightur killed and his littlu son
fatally hurt.
Complicity In the ronsplrary to laud
Chimse illugully at 1'ortlanil, Ore., 1
charged agalust VV. L. Iloese, clialrinuu of
the state committee.
In a row'aiiiniig MardlGra merry-makers
at New Orleans, Loon Copping idiot
dead Philip Bos and mortally Wounded
Mike Hoe and William Copping, his
Alleing a sche ne to ewindlo creditors,
H. & 0. Fedcr end other Ciucluuati linn
eujoiued the transfer by T, C. Erviti &
Co., of Chattanooga, of their large dry
goods stock to Mrs, Ervin.
Tito Inooa TdX CtDDOl Apply tu I lie Fi'd
eral Judiciary.
Nor Can iho President's Pay Be Re
dutad by Such .1 Law Opinons Al
ready on Record The United States
Bench Is Independent and on an
Equflity w ith tho Legislative Branch.
0T. clause of the Federal OOnitita
lion provides that the OwmptB
sation of the jastio a of the
United states dnprema court
-nail not be diminished dining their
terms of nfliee. The ooustttetlon also
deolares that the presi leut's eompsnaa'
Hon shall not be increased or dimiii
lahed linring ins term
n view of tbeea constltntlonal pro
visions an inquiry has arisen us to the
power of congress to make an Income
tax applioabla to these high offloera of
the governmnt,
Feb. 16 IStlJ. Chief Justice Taney of
the supreme court wrote a eareiullv
prepared lettor to Secretary Chase
relative to the inc une war tax. This
letter is on ttle among the records of
the clerk's off! OS of the supreme court
The chief justice called attention to
the clause of the constitution referred
to and said of the income tux:
"The act In qnsatlon, as you inter
pret it, dlminisusa the compeoaatloq of
every judge 3 per cent au i H it eau
be diminished to that extent by the
name of a tax, it may in tne aame wikV
be reduced from time to time at tne
pleasure of the legislature The judic
iary is one of the three great depart
luente of the government created aud es
tablished by the constitution Its du
ties and powers are specifically set
forth, and are a character that re
quires it to be perfectly independent of
the two other departmeuts. In ordur
to place it beyond the reach and above
eveu the suspicion of anv such inrlu
euce, the power to reduco their com
pensation is expre-islv withheld from
congress and excepted from their
Dowers of legislation Bee Upon these
grounds 1 regard an act of con
gress retaining iu the treasury a nor
lion of the compensation of the judges
as unconstitutional and void; and I
should not have troubled you with this
letter if there wan any mode by which
the question could bo decided in a ju
dicial proceeding. But all of the
judges of the courts of the United
S:ates have an interest in the question
and conld not, therefore, uudertuke to
decide it."
Chief Justice Taney's letter seems to
have had its eff-et. for after the war.
when Hon William A. Richardson!
now chief justiceof the court of claim.,
was the secretary of the treasury, there
was refunded the money Wutoh had
been withheld from the salarinsof the
judieiary uuder the income tax act.
An Unknown Han Commi's Sam le by
Shnoting Himself in the Breaat.
Piiii.adki.piiia, Feb. 8. An examina
tion of the body of the young man
found cm the outskirts of the city this
morning showed that it had two bullet
Holes near the heart, ' aud not far
away fr m the body a Jrcvolver w. s
found. In tiie man's pooket Waa $1.80
in change, a room koy from the
Hotel Vendig at Twelfth and Market
treets, the business cards of several
Newark firms and a few other articles.
The authorities after the examination
of the body and the place It was found
decided that it was a case of suicide.
At the Hotel Vendig the oleah said
the man had registered on W- dues lay
morning as C. A. Hainnes, of St. Louie,
tint he believe I tnis to be a fictitious
He waa last seen around thn hotel
between 4 audi 0 clock in the after
noon. Nothing is known of Inunctions
subsequently and his own room
fonnd locked, end his pocket book was
f nin I lying on t e table. It. contained
notiiing bnt 11 $10 hill
Pynrhm'e Pssetngere to Bi Tropellnd
bv a Rerlis of K.Xdnilone.
CBfOAdO, Feb H Dr. Bdwln
Pynchon lust night told the Western
Sniiety of V, iginner about the mrsbip
which he pr p ses to build. Ho asid
Ml vessel w oild be similar to that
now being built by Maxim, with
the exception of the 1 1 of propul
sion. 'I He Doctor's principle is the
Charge through nl- . extending to the
rear of the airship, of dynamite eart
ridges nnder a plate, and the elasticity
of III- air will push forward the ship.
The Doctor asserted that at the rate
of 100 milrt an oonr the expense of a
passage over the ocean would be about.
1,000, ami the vessel would carry
twenty live passengers, thus providing
c heaper transportation than tuat of the
Intelligence of the Annihilation nf the
French Hiving Column.
Puna, Feb 8 The governor of
Senegal has telegraphed that -ttie
French filing column that recently
took possession of Itmhuctoo has been
surprised by TouafBgl and annihilated,
near that place. No details of the af
fair have been received.
A cabinet council that lastod for a
long time waa held at the palace of the
Flysee tin afternoon,
Sherman's Views on tho Wilson BUI
Were Not Appreciated.
C1.OVKK8VI.1.K, N Y., Feb. H. -Hon.
Thomas ( . Sneruiiiii sttampsd io make
an address in the opara house here last
night. His mission was to erplaln
the views of the Wilson tariff bill.
The city is essentially Republican
and Mr. Shsrman did not meet
with a cordial reoeplion, Tho house
was packed, however, mid the crowd
listened attentively for awhile when
d ies of "Tell lit abOUt gloves," "Nil
free trade," eta. were chorused back
and forth Mr Shearman tried to con
tiliue, but the disturbance was nngre t
that he was o .impelled to alop
The crowd waa so boisterous that the
police were called to escort Mr Snear
mini to hia hotel, .
Meeiina; of the Ex. collva Committee of
tlu Null net AeNocletion.
Washimii'on I). 0, Feb. 8 Josiah
Qninvy, of Boston, sppeared an a prosy
lor Pairiok A Oolllns,vl (laasacbnsstts,
ami William Plemiug was BQthovilsd
toaervefor Henry WettOMOB of Ken
tacky, Charles, I OtDda, New York,
wae elected treasurer of tua National
association nf Democratic clubs to soo
oeed Koswell P, Flower, resigned
Three sub-oonmitteee wer appointed
to take up certain matters under die
onsalon by the ineutiug The most tin
portent of these was that 011 ways and
means, which is charged with the de
vising of methods to raise funds for
campaign pnrpoasa, to nrepare plans
for t quits bla distribution and to con
sult with thfl newly elected treasurer.
A ivmiliitiou was adopted tendering
the services of the National Associa
tion of Democratic clubs to the con
gressional oampaign committee and
tborislng tne officers of the association
10 meat with those of the campaign
committee for the purpose of conferring
upon a methodical plan of action by
winch both organisations could be
Utilised to the beat advantage.
He TestiU'S In the Cats of I. L. Rlos VS.
tile Reading Receivers.
PHILADILPBtA, Fob. 8 K. P. Wil
bur, president of the Lehigh Valley
liaiiroad company, this afternoon con
tinued his testimony before the master
in thesuit of Isaac L Rice to oust the
Reading receivers. Mr Wilbur's tes
timony was mainly nf u technical char
netsr and little that was new was
brought out
In reply to one of Mr. Bijor's ques
li.nis Mr. Wilbur said that tho $5,000.-
000 of third preference income bonds
snbstltnied for the $5,000,000 collateral
trust bonds had not neeii surrendered
to the Reading but were in possession
nf 11 triHt company and were held at
the direction of the Lehigh Valley.
The heuriug will be continued to
morrow. e. .
A Memorial to Be Erected by Popular
PfBLiDBCFfljA, Feb. 8. At s meeting
this evening of the board of directors
of the Trades League if. was decided to
start a popular subscription to erect a
memorial to the late A. J. Urexel and
George W. Childs. The matter was
referred to a committee who will pn h
the project and solicit subscriptions
from organizations and the general
The form the memorial will take
will be decided upon when sufficient
money has been subscribed to watrant
the erection uf a worthy monument.
Congressman Cummings Introduces Ills
Nw Colleague to the House.
WaShimiton, Feb. 8. --Congressman
Amos J. t'liuimings. of Now York, in
trodticed Congressman Lemuel B,
C'tiigg to the house tins afternoon. Tin
appaaranoa of Mr. ugg was greeted
by prolonged cheers and applause,
and the scene wag a remarkable
one, following, as it did, so closely
after tbe pass ige of the Wilson bill, to
which Mr. (jaigg owes his election
from a Democratic district,
An informal reception followed the
introduction, at winch Congressman
(.'nigg's handshaking abilities were
tully tested.
e "
The largest, hut the I.tnit Profitable, on
Recnrd New Kngland'a Big Shares.
BaRKBTABLB, Msh Feb. H. - While
financially the cranberry harvest of
1888 was a failure h-yond that of any
pi vioiib year in the history nf cran
berry culture, the crop wiih the larg
Out nf a total crop in the United
Slates or : imshele, New England
stands at the head with I J 5 01 Hi bushels,
an Increase of ofe IO per cent, over the
previous year. N-w Jersey harvested
876.000 bushels and the west 100,000
e 11
Managers nf the Philadelphia Athletic
ClUb HaVS Ace i erl
PHTLADtLPHIA, Feb. 8 - At a 11 t
11. g tins evening of the board of man
agora of the Amateur Attiletle union
tbe phVf of the Kxcelsinr Athletic club.
ni Boranton, to hold the annual boxing
ami wreeiling ohamplonahtpi there on
April 0 an III was BCOSpted
The OOntCSll will be epnited through
Mr. Lgle has ben appointed state libra
Ity fulling from tin lOS hOOSS at Betlar
lo n, Sylvester lllllegas broke his iinck.
A Keielliig mini hax lmi young ohtokcns,
which he will send to I'hilntiel pliln Ulii
The police force at I'ottsivlle is emleaVoi
lug to break up a large camp of trampi in
that vicinity.
A hoy was lent Willi nil alleged bogus
ol k to an AltooBa bank and Alfred
Marks Is in Jail.
At 11 light In a hoarding house near llu
Sleton I'aiil Win go wae sliot in the log mill
iniiy luxe that limb.
There Ik 11 mpiahblo In DclBWBtC county
aa tu who shall pay the f rods of a re
cent election briliury trial.
The will of the late Margnrgt. ('. Free
man, of Lebanon, disposes of about Sll iion, .
noil, all uf which goon to her relatives.
A. ill m. re returning to In . home nt
Fhu euce, Mass., from Williamsport, fell
1 nun a train 11 ear Hun i-ibuig and one arm
wae broken.
Tho large barn of V 111 in in II. Janney,
at Bklgcwocd. was totally destroyed by
tlin laxt night Fifteen Jersey SOWtt four
llorsen audtwo mules pe.ishej,
William Ziuimerinaii and his SOB, George,
well known iniueis at DodeOn'S colliery,
Plymouth (Joel company, were fatally
burned by an explosion of gin In tho mluc.
1 ni iic incci itu
aw ' ' I II sX W S e
Mystery Deepened at the Carpenter
Murder Trial by the Testimony
of a Chemist.
MlFFURTOWN, Pa., Feb. H In the
Carpenter murder trial today tbe
morning session was taken up in hear
ing the testimony of Dr. Coplin. of the
Jefferson Meilinal college lie made a
microspopic examination of the blood
on the prisoner's clothes and testified
that the blood wus mammalian. He
sustained himself under a close cross
examination bv Lawyer Spousler. l)ur
ing the afternoon session damaging
testimony was submitted against the
prisoner by several witnesses
A watch found on the prisoner after
the murder was identified as the prop,
erty of the murdered man. concern
ing which the prisoner has made con
tradictory statements, but it was fur
ther testified that the prisoner had re
peatedly said that his father curried
the watch, and the person who had it
was tne muruerer. mien si 111 tiie
case is unabated Court adjourned
this evening at the conclusion nf the !
examination in chief of Dr. Kepler, of I
Port Royal.
A Hi in. d Old Warship Strandd oa Ron
cadsr Reef.
WasBTNOTON, Feb. 8 The United
states itcsmsf Kaareerge was wrecked
011 Roncadcr reef in the Caribbean sea,
last Friday, Feb. 8, The officers and
crew were Raved.
The Kearsaige sailed from Po. t 1111
Prince, liayti, on Jan. 80 for Blue
llelils to protect American interests
there in view of the invasion ol the
military forces of Honduras, Siie was
wrecked three dayI OOt. It is conj o
tine I that she went aground ut night
Lieutenant llraiinird could have reach
ed Colon in six davs in a small boat
Less time will be taken to reach the
shipwrecked men with relief.
All Hie Kslste Left to Hie Widow The
Amount Ind fl ilte.
Philadelphia, Feb s The will ol
Oeorge w. Child was admitted to
probate today and letters testauiefltary
grahted to the executors, ( i orge W.
ciiilds Drezei aud James W, Paul, Jr.
The writing is very brief, occupying
but one side of a sheet nf foolscap
The valuation of the property is
rather Indefinite, as the petition for its
probate - the person il and real es
tate each us ;i needing $100,000."
In making disposition id the prop
erty, everything is devised to the
widow absolutely, with teatamantarj
disposition nf the estate at Iter death
A Mot Agatnei the State Dt'OOVSred ami
a smte of sige Declared
Kantiauo. Feb 8 The BtBIOlt un
easiness OOUWntrSI to prevail hero and
tiie air is full nf aeiikulional rumors.
A number of BslmaceJlsts nave been
arrested, ami it is said that the govern
ment is in poesi'ssiou of information
winch leaves no mum for doubt that a
plot of a dangeroiM nature against the
elate lias been discovered. As a re
"lilt, a state nf siege has been pro
claimed and further arrests are ex
beclud to follow in ilia near future
Queen Victoria U 111 excellent health and
will go to Florence next DtOOtb for a Visit.
High btSeS, celebrated by the pope, will
hS the cloning coiemoiiy of the jubilee
A ruin or says a change m the DersCnnal
of the Italian smbaSSjf in Washington Is
Small pox has broken out on the Allien
can uiinhoitt Concord, of the Asiatic
A direct line nf steamship between
BWBBBM and Amei iea Is projected by Lou
don merchants.
A French naval nfllcer is said to have in
vented a 1 ille euiahlo of Ui lug two kinds of
explosive bullets.
The Japanese steamship Korvo Mnrec is
mlaeing and Is believed to have been lost
with foi ty-lhree souls.
Paris police are closely guarding tbs sup
posed gi av.- of Augnsie valUant, tbagnlL
lotim d b mb throwen
Rnjelan Capitalists ate forming an III,"
iKSi.uOo company to 1 un Iteamsblps betwocu
1 Mca-a mid the Hullo. I Mutes.
The Hungarian Fair in New York
Aid of a Monument Fund is
X . .. t ee.e. m n.. .
nan luith., reo 0 ine lair man-;
gou ny me Hungarian resicents of
this city, which has been in progress
since last Tuesday in Arlington ball,
St. Mirk's place, has met with a most
gratifying success, and will last
until Saturday night. It Is giveD
for tbe benefit of the Kossuth
monument fund. The Journal of tie
Lonis Kossuth Feir, an elaborate
eight-page daily that will be pub
lished as loug as the fair lasts, aL
nounces that tonight will be devoted to
nniformed societies, tomorrow night to
toe ludies and Saturday to a banquet
and ball.
The Hungarian girls, so nctel for
their beauty of face and form, are
everywhere at the fair aud are without
doubt its most attractive feaiure.
ifUK Reduction Sale
W LINENS will com
mence Monday, l qb. 5, and
continue one week. We quote
below ;t few figures in Cream
and Bleached Table Dam
asks Napkins to match
when desired.
56 inch, 23 cents.
Itect ij t price, 30 cents.
58 inch, 28 cents.
Recent price. 35 centB.
60 inch, 32 cents.
Recent price, 40 cents.
64 inch, 39 cents.
Recent price, ii cents,
68 inch, 45 cents.
Recent price, 05 ssnts.
72 inch, 55 cents.
Keceut price. 65 cents.
72 inch, 68 cent3.
Recent priac, 65 cents.
72 inch, 88 cent3.
Recent price, $1,
72 inch, $1.05.
i Recsnt price, $1 25.
f72 inch, $1.19.
Ksoent price, (L50.
72 inch,$l. 75.
Recent price. $2.
80 inch, $2. 10.
Recent price, (2 85.
90 inch, $2.25.
Recent price, $2 S3
Dinner and Lunch Sets,
Towels and Counter-panes
at correspondingly low
prices. See our "Cherub"
Crochet Quilt at 95c. and
the Excelsior Marseilles at
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Verdict of the Coroner's Jury in ths
South. Orange Disaster.
BoBOKBM, N. J., Feb. S. Tbe coro
ner's iury. chosen to investigate the re
cent Delaware, Lackawanna ami West
em railroud accident near this city, by
which twelve persoua were killed and
many injured, rendered a verdict this
afternoon They found that Rear
Flagman Wnsston, of the Dover ex
press, neglected his duty in not prop
erly flagging tbe South Orange train
when his train wae running at a slow
t ate of speed, and that failing so to Be,
ie primarily caused the disaster Thev
also lound that the Delaware. Lacka
wanna and Western company did not
have a proper signal system between
Newark and the Hackensack bridge.
The jury, after being called together
today, listened to the depositions OTB
nnmher of lh victims of the accident,
who are lying in Si Mary's hospital,
this city, and Christ's hospital. Jersey
City. The testimony waa, in substance,
a criticism of themanner iu which the
railroad company ran trains in their
efforts to connect with ferry boats,
there being no less than three train
mo (0 meet the S HO a m. boat All
testified that, In their belier, bad an
automatic block-signal system been
used the accident might have been pre
The jury brought In their verdict
alter a two and a half hour delibera
The Games at Philadelphia Keoeh to
riav Tonight.
Philadelphia, Feb. 8 state pool
tournament score First game. Wil
son ISO; Summers, 74. Scratches,
Wilson I. Summers .V Second game.
Dougherty, 100 j Coats, lla. Scratchss.
Dougherty 4 Costa I
The game was the shortest in tho
ertoe, only fifteen frames being
played, A great deal of interest een
ters in to-merrow night's game be
tween Ceogb and Tata,
The New York bridge bill is to be QBeV
steered In the hoeee ooosnilttBs oa ooaa
merce today.
Democratic bouse leaders are thinking
of mON Stringent suppressing of filibus
tering by the rules.
Attorney Heneial I leiisol spoilt several
hours in Washington looking after business
in the departments,
Senator Bmltb. of New Jersey, is strongly
talked of for chairman of the DeiuooratlO
ooBgi saslonal committee, Keltehoover says ho has
never i bought, of running for the judge
ship f Cumberland county.
Attorney General Olney has requested
tht removal of Warden .1 H. Hurke, of the
District nf Columbia jail, for lax discipline,
Etepraaen tative Draper is likely to be the
successor ol Mr, Boar In the senate from
Massachusetts, if the latter shall docllnoJ
Beary m. Brainier is iu Washington,
looking aflor his chances for the Norrts
town (Pa.) SiHisttuastership, which will ho
vacant Pah ft
Thomas C. O'Connor, of tfahaooy city,
l'a , is the only Candidate for postmaster
there, and the present official's term will
aspire l'ob. no
WAaHiNiiTne. Koh, 8. Forfait
fur Friday: MsV eattrrn
Hraiuyfeanw, rata, east kriads,
fncreaf'Hg iik fvict.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tan tied Leather Beltiag.
H. A. Kingsbury
513 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa,
Lewis. Reilly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Fot of ovry dMoripliOfl fltUd at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies.
'loBo vir orotiintf nt iV!W P.M.
oxoopt SatunUy.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge, fa doctor
heeded you arc prompts t old
sn. We ulso guarantee a per
ftft lit.
A T cost for out' week only.
I J. KM,
il, .-,i-