The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Sharp, shouting pains,
hack ache, side uchc,
chest pains and palpi
tation relieved in ONK
Mi mm by the Cun
cur a Anti-Pain Pla
TKK, the bit and only
pain-killing plaster. It
leatoce viuu tlttfritiiy,
and hence cures ner
vous pains and linis
cular weakness.
Price : five, $1. 0. At an ilrucsists or l.y
Bail, Porrn Drug asuChism. com-., Bcatta.
Modes and
Our Fashion
Describes and contains the
Leading Fashions. Latest
Dress Materials. Stories, An
ecdotes, Humorous Illustra
tions, Valuable Information,
elevating and pleasing read
ing for the home. GIVEN
AWAY to those who call for
it at our store.
Dress Goods
Wash Silks
Special attention is called
to our Extensive and Desir
able Lines of New Dress
Goods and Wash Silks.
There are many Novelties
and the variety of styles is
simply astonishing
A BioqiV. to Hon. Qalusha A. Qrow.
Nota of Psrsmil Intrt.
Special to the Srrnnton Tribune.
MONTRO-B, Pa., Kb. 7 Mrs (. W.
Bakr ii in'Carhondale, c tiled thr by
the death of her brother-in-law.
Thorns R Evan.
Myr n Kasaon, of Scranton, was her
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Brl, an asrsd and respected
lady, died at her aoma on Cnaruh
strait ytrdy.
A bfir.rjnet in honor of Oalnaba A
Grow will soon he giv-tn by the Sus
quehanna Legal Association.
Hiss Grace Lano ia visiting friends
in Binghamtou
I am glai to note the reappeaance of
(..'attain W. D. B. Ainay on the street
yesterday after several days of sick
ness. The connty commissioner ha7 been
making some needed improvements In
th conrt home.
Frank Morris, of Binghamton. ia vis
iting hia father and mother here.
Mm. Bnrlelgh, of Rochester, N Y .
. the giist of her sister. Mrs. D II.
At the band concert on Tuesday
night a oommittea of citizens was
pointed to aid the band in procuring
lunds. A. B. Smith, jr., A. fl MeOol
Inm and John H. Conrtniftit wim cho
sen to act on the committee, which
means if anything can be dona it will
be well done.
William Baker Falls Under the Ontario
and Western Car Whasl.
Pjfeitil to th yrrun ton Tribuiln.
Fokkst City, IV, Feb. 7 -A very
sad accident occurred at Ararat .Sum
mit this morning abont ; :i0 a. m., in
which William Baker, cigar -maker,
age 28, and a resident of Biol Dtintoa,
N. Y., catnn near losing hia life. lie
attempted to board M. Oorman coal
train and ilipued and fell tinder the
wheela, having both legs crushed so hi
to necessitate amputation below the
knee. He was attainted by Or Blukes
be, of this placa, company physician,
and Dr. Birdsal, alio a company phy
sician of HnmiU'ihanna.
He wee taken to hii home ou the
Erie "Flyer" which reaches Bingham
ton, N. Y., about 11 30 a. m. U ia re
ported that hewaB reiused the hospital
ity of the only hotel at Ararat.
Four Big- Succeaaee.
Having the needed merit to aiore than
mako good all the advertising claimed for
them, the following four remedies have
reached a phenomeuiil Bale. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, each bottle guaranteed Elec
tric Bitten, the great remedy for blver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica
Halve, the liest in the world, and Dr.
King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect
pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to
do just what is claimed for them and the
dealer whoae name ia attached herewith
will be glad to tell you more of them. Bold
ty Matthews Bros', drug itore.
lout nr town orTun Tuts-
I'M: should slim thiir Haul" in full to itauU
aws letter, not for publication nut to Board
as-must dooepHoa.)
Dry Places About Town--A Qrunil Skat
injj Qeateet Peiaasa nw.
stffini to tht- flbfaaioa fWeaae,
Forks i' City, Pa . Feb 7. Mie Flo
al. AlUu has been eutert lining as hut
RUMt the past few days Miss Charlotte
Uili d, of Carbondnle.
The following war refusi'd licenses
for the aal of intoxioauta in this
borough by ButQUahaUoa county's
court this week. Robert 0 Jones.
Antlionv i'stersou aud Mrs. V, L, Kent
J, w. Roberta, of (Tntondalt, wa lo
town on Imtlnoas yesterday,
Attorney A. M. O'DotlMll was re
iiewiug MqaalOtanoM la Carboodale
Howard V. Johns, of the flrm of
Johns Msxer, enjoyed a ri le behind
his pranging steeds to Carbondalo and
J rreeduian has moved his store
goods from llitfgitis' block to his new
quarters ill F J. Osgood's block
Tbo popular salesman, John 11. Nea
Ion. of Carbnodalti was looking after
the trade in town this week
The Hillside collieries in this place
will resume work tomorrow and work
three days, oach dav throe - fourths of
a day, or two aud one- quarter days for
the week.
F, J. Osgood has been contiued to his
home by illness during the past week.
Superintendent W. A. Mav, of
Scrantou, was in the borough today on
OS iai business.
The Pioneer Skating rink at Dandaff
will be opened Friday evening, Feb.
8, by a grand skating contest betweeli
H irry :eeli. John Morrisen aud
Oscar WoMMOOti of Carbondale
Skating will be lodalged in until 19
oelook, after which dancing will be
Indulged In, "Ouly this and nothing
Miss Hattie KuUti nnd brother,
George Kutan, Who have been visitiug
their uncle, Dtiuel Kutau. iu this
place, and friends aud relatives In Car
DOUdale, returned to their western
home Id Chicago yesterday.
Iho number of pupils enrolled in the
Forest City school is as follows, begin
ning with the highest number: Miss
Chamberlain's grade (primary), 110;
Miss Leaning's, 100; Miss Adams', 07;
Professor W.G Trim's, 65; MissOreg
ory's, 5!'; Miss Fuller's. S8; Miss Kev
uold's, 5o; B. F. Maxsy's, 51; total. 571
pupils We will soon have to build a
new school house.
Mr. and Mrs A, M. Gillett. of Gib
son, spent yesterday with relatives in
this place.
The many friend of Dr. Corson, the
mention of whose illness appeared in
In Tribune a short time ago, will be
glad to learn thatth venerable doctor,
who is 07 years oi l, is recovering by
the use of his own medicines.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church will giv- a so
ciable at the home of William Pente
cost on the East side of the mighty and
majestic Lackawanna rivir tonight
Those wishing to attend will be con
veyed by sleighs free of charge.
Itfapi Ctty Thaaw-Ooera Dstirs a New
Play House.
Special to the Srratitoti Tribune.
Honesdalb, P . Ffb. 7 This village
it happily blessed with many features
that make it a pleasant abiding plac
for its residents and an enjoyable re
sort for visitors But withal there is
one thing lacking in the amusement
line that is mncl) desired by our p-n-ple,
and it is hoped that some enter
prising person will soon come forward
and erect the long wished for opera
At present there is no theatre hr
where every man, woman and child can
go and fel that tne eveuing is pleas
antly passed. A theatre pronerly and
p!eantly run would be a paying invest
ment. It is often eai'l that Honesdale
is not a show-going town, but if the
facilities were furniihe.l and good plays
MBWed, tlirs w told be no better pay
ing town in P'nnsylvanu than the
Maple City.
Wanted in Honesdale, an opera
A Fw Personal and O'h r Notes from
the Uppar Valley.
Prirrtalto the yernnton Trthune.
PICK VI LLC, Pa., Feb B, Dan Dorris
is erecting an elegant new house oa his
lot on Grssiv street.
Cat Kolls, of Jail stret, is building
an addition to his residence.
Mrs H. H. Jenkins, who has been
indispose! for the past week, is im
proving. Mrs I ieorge W. Thomas and daugh
ter, I la, is visiting Hsv. aud Mrs. John
Bo we in N'ew York.
Bnperintendeot W. W. Petereen, of
the Ontario breaker, gave his break r
hands a sleigh ride to Scrantou i si
Tnesday evening. The boys all rpr.
having had a good time.
The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Cole, of Bell PlaOP, is very
siek of scarlet fever.
A W. Brundsge and Mrs. William
Budd treated a large portion of our
little boys and girls to slsigii ride to
Carbondale yesterday afternoon.
Tub Kev. William Ht.out, Wiarton. Ont..
states: After tn-msj ineffectually treated
by seventeen different doctors for B0TOT
ula and hlnod disease, I was rnrerl ly Bur
dock Blood Bitters. Write him for proof.
- i
Forsst City Poople Enjoy a flklm Over
the Rftatitlfnl flnow.
Fueriul to Ihr Scutnton Tnhune.
Foiu ht (,'ITY, F'n , Feb. 7 A sleigh
load of Forest Citisent enjoyed the ex
cellent sleighing over the snow covered
hills to Uniondnle last evoning and
were present at the revival which is
being ennduoted at the Methodist Epis
oepal ehtirch in that place.
Those who went wero Rev and Mrs.
J. Uogau, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lichen
berg, Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Brown, sr ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cray, Mr. ami Mrs
L. H. May, Mrs. Benj imln Maxey, A.
M. Westgate and B. Wolll.
o- -
Brief Notes of tha Happsnlngs In Soran
ton's Southern Suburb.
Ntirriat to the Scmnton Tribune.
Minooka, Pa., Feb, 7. - A hone be
longing to Michael Kill. in, the huckster
of this plaee, while eating hia dinner
yesterday noon, was hit by a snow ball
and became frightened aud started
away at a mad gallop. Crashing into
the Father Matthew fence, be over
turned the wagon and (lumped all the
fish and apples, breaking the harness
and wagon.
Mrs. John Malone, of Filmore
avenu, it lenonsly ill.
Katie, the 0-year-old daughter of
Patrick Ilesslon, is seriously ill at her
home on Stafford street.
The Young Men's Institute Dramatic
aud Literary association will rehearse
tomorrow eveuiug.
Au IntaraatlQV Umtgat of News bv Our
Ltvtt I'orraspondtint.
.Nieviii to 1ic Srmnlon Tntntne.
JBBHYN, Pa , Feb. 7 T'wo young
genlloiiiou, who hired n horse from
Liverymen Woodmauaeo for a rldo to
Arohbald, going instead to Olypliaut
and then to Osi bondale, bringing the
horit back in such a condition thai lie
dropped down on the floor of the stable
Unable to Httuid, wet arrested and
taken before 'Sijuue RoblnsQO V ester
day. They gave bull tor their appear
ance at court.
I'll viewers appointed to assess the
damage to the lauds adjoining Mud
pond oitnsed by the building of a dam
uy the Kuahbroolc Water company,
met Tuesday and viewed the laud in
The funeral Of Joseph II Lopp tool,
place yesterday. Ksv. F (Itiudall. of
tbo Methodic! chinch, ottoUted, The
Interment was in the family plot in
Kose Hill csmstory.
Annmberof tlie friends of Mr and
Mrs James Allan mot at their rest
denoe Monday evening for a sooial
time. An opportunity wsh given to
all to contribute something in aid of
the Episcopal church fund, to which
they responded liberally.
F, S Friend treated Ins employes to
a sleigh ride and supper last evening.
Mr and Mr. John Powers were
gladdened by the birtu of a sou yoster
A basket social and entertainment
for thu benefit of St. ,1 mus' Fpisu opal
church was held at enterprise hall on
Tuesday evening
The entertainment under the aus
pices of t ie Young People's society whs
a luocew, T he Temperance baud was
present and discoursed several choice
selections. About ''S was realized
from the sale of baskets
A child of Photographer Harvey is
ill with typhoid fever.
The slumber of our citizens wore
disturbed Monday night by a party re
turning to one of our sister boroughs
down the valley. At 1 a. in the shout
ing was disgraceful.
Robert Nicholson, who U i- been ill
for some time with grip, is slowly re
A private necktie social was hold in
Enterprise hall We. lues lay evening
All report a very enjoyable time.
Walter Prior treat d several of his
lady f rieuds to a sleight ride yesterday
Hattie. a child of Patrick Loughuey,
who has beeu sick with scarlet fever is
suffering from a relapse.
A J. Baker wno is attending the
College of M-diciue in Biltimftre, Mil ,
bnrued himself severely while conduct
ing some experiments; but is now
again able to attend to his studies.
William Broughol, of Cemetery
street, who has been very ill with grip,
is threatened with a relapse.
At the night school in the old Catho
lic chnreh. no one who can read aud
write will be received at present. This
Is for the purpose of keeping boys who
have had no opportunity of attending
school. Other towns and churches
would do well to follow theeximple
of this societ y.
News of General Interest from tha Plo
r.aar City of the Vallay
Sfrcial to the Scanton Tribune,
Carbondale, p , Fb. 7 Tne Len
ten s- ason, begiuuing todav, is being
observed by hundreds in this city. At
St. Kose church two services took place
which inaugurates the season of Lent.
The first services was at 6 liO. At the
second which was at 7.80; tne blessing
of the ashes took pluce and the fore
heads of the faithful were marked with
tne symbol of the physical body's origin
and destiny, The s-rinon was preached
by Rv. Father Coffey, who took for
his Uxt these words which are found
in G-nesis: "Dust thou art and to dust
shalt thou r-turn."
There will be s-rvices at St Roie's
chnroh every "Wednesday and Friday
rVenings daring lent.
At Trinity church the first service of
Lent took place at 10 o'clock in the
morning, consisting of morning prayer,
lit my and holy couimnnim. No ser
inon was preache I in th morning, but
in the evening at 7 o'clock the rector,
Rev. J, E lialsloy, preached an ap
propriate sermon.
The funeral services ovr th re
mains of the late Thomas R Coons,
who 'lied so suddenly on Tuesday morn
ing, will lie heli on Friday afternoon
at 2 o'cloak at the residence on Terrace
At the r'gnlar meeting of the Mitch
ell Hose company leal evening the fair
ci mimttee reported that tho profits on
the recent big fair which was held by
this company in the W. W Walt
building amounted to B80.H
II. E May has least-d the building
ami fixtures of Samuel Small on Lin
coln avenue, that gontlemati having re
tired from i usiness. Mr. Mav will on
March 1 remove his meat market from
tliH Arcade building, ou Church street,
to his new quarters.
On Monday evening, Feb 00, the
I'resliy terlau Society of Christian En
deavor will celebrate iu an appropriate
inaiiner the eighth anniversary of its
'The BpWOrth league of the Method
ist church held their rsgular monthly
business and literary meeting this
evening in the Sabbath school room.
A very interesting programme was
creditably rendered by several of the
Jobs linilie, after several years' ser
vice as head clerk in the Olobe store,
has resigned his position to accept a
similar one with a firm in Rochester,
N. Y.
Mrs. Oeorge F Scrantou,
is Mrs. F B, li-niiis' guesl today,
Dr. and Mrs. F. B, Jenkius.of Church
street, are visiting the former's parents
at Montcbilr, N. Y.
Perry Dean, of Danville, Pa , made
a btisln'sa visit to this plea yesterday.
sl . .
S. B Di'hkkv. met . of steamer Arizona,
had his loot badly jammed. Thomas' Kc
(Mirk Oil cured. Nothing (qua) to it for
aiiiick pain reliever.
- - i .
A Wall Known Yotinir Business Han
Pasaaa Awav.
. ., ( in to thf AoMMtOfl Tribune.
Jkrmyn, Pa., Fb 7 -George Eist
InltH, formerly employed by Jones Bros ,
but lately doing business iu his own
name, died yesterday at S a in II
leaves a wifo and three children.
The funeral will take place Friday
afternoon. The Sons of St. George and
the Knights of the Mystic Chain, of
which the deceased wue a mmber,will
attend in a body.
An Ag"d and Kipic;d Oltlaen Joins
the Silent Host.
I l to the Scranton 1ribune.
A voi A, Pa., Feb. 7. Daniel Boone,
aged 77 years, and one of the oldest in l -izens
of our town, died of general de
bility at the borne of his daughter, Mrs.
Joe Fadden, at in a. m. today. He is
survived by two daughters and five
una tiartram liVufib .bihn mill Ihinlwl
of this place; Charles, of Thurlow.l'a .
ana mrs. inotuas. or ncrantou, and
Mrs. Joseph Fadden. of Vine street.
The funeral will take nlace on Friday
afternoon at '2 o'clock. The remains
will bo interred iu the Langcliffe cemetery.
Uar Mnny Fiii nil , Im j v th Plsaslng
Faaturn of in ogmasivo Uuohre.
ffBeeiel.fe las svrealoa 'tribune.
AVOCA, Pa., Fob, 7. Miss Nellie
Oman gave a euchre party to a num
ber of liar friends last nvsning. At
0 BO a dainty repast was Merved which
coiiHtHted of all the delicacies of the
season, Vocal and instrumental mu
sic Were prominent features of the
evening's entertainment 'Those who
w. re pri-aont were Misses Maine and
ii O'Brien, alary and Liiile Whalen,
Bowl I and Fannin Webber, Maine
Kearney, Nellie Calahnn, Kate OuUl
mugs, Maine I'Tl.simmoiiH.'Vydia Con
nor and Msssrs. W. II. ami T. 1'. Cur
tail, P. B, and L F Nolan, Hugh
Frank and Will Jonninga, M. (larvey,
John Met 'oiirlney. All were high in
their praiso of Mils Curran as a
Qraat Hport Ant it-i ut Lake Poyn-
Ulla on Fiidsy Kvulng.
.S'jifi-ml to thr Si rnuton 'IVibunt.
Ptf BIST ClTY, P.. Feb. 7 Au excur
sion train on the Ontario and Western
will be run from Scrantou Friday even
ing to enjoy a few hours at that exhil
arating sport on the "hard water" of
hake I'oyutulle by moonlight.
A brass band and orchestra wilt be
present and those not wishing to get a
"skate on" may have the pleasure of
shaking their p. del extremities oni a
wax lloor. Irani leaves 1'orestCity at
7 OS p iu. ; returning, loaves Poyntelle
1 1 un p m.
Tickets, including, fare, skating and
dancing, may be had from Ontario aud
Western Station Agent W. B Raker.
Has Reconsldarad His Withdrawal as a
Candldat for Bnrgses.
y't'tt tal to the Srrtmton Tribute Pa., Feb, 7 The lenaitton
today was the announcement in a con
temporary of tho withdrawal of David
J Harris for the held of burgess. Mr
Harris is the present burgess and is the
nominee ou the R publican ticket, mid
his withdrawal .. so late iu the day
was the topic of today's conversation iu
all places.
Candidates had begun popping up
and soon had begun to hustlo for the
honors Republican leaders had been
consulted and a cancus wai to be held
tomorrow to fill the gap but, Mr. Har
ris reconsidered his withdrawal and
consented to statnl. There is not likely
to be a caucus.
Nalson Sustains Serious Injury by Being
Thrown from a W.igon.
MCtnl to the seroafoa Tribune.
MbsBOPPBN, Pa., Feb 7. - While Lu
ther Alger and Nelson Conrad, old and
respected citizens of Vose, were on
their way to Mesnoppen with a load of
straw, Mr. Conrad met with a painful
accident. In making the turn on the
bill near Kennard'l hotel at Me
shoppen, the load was overturned
throwing Mr. Conrad violently to the
ground. He sustained u compouud
fracture of the right arm. He was as
sisted by friends to the nearest doctor's
offlcd where his wants were attended
At last accounts he was resting easily.
Mr. Alger escaped without injury.
Domlnick Butk and Miss Khzabath Mc
Shane United for Life.
QklOUll to IA oVrtiafon Tribune.
CaBBOMDAMs, Pa., Fob. 7 Tuesday
evening at 7 o'clock occurred the mar
riage ceremony uniting Dominiok
Burke, of this city and Miss Elizabeth
MoSbane, of Soranton. Tne ceremony
was performed by Rov. J. J Curran,
iu St. Rose's chnreh. The bridesmaid
ws Miss Mary MiSnaii. of Scrantou,
and the groomsman was John Flan
ni iv. of Land street.
The newly wedded couple will reside
in this city, and have the best wishes
of their many friends.
An Excellent Entsrtalnment in Store for
J i in vii I'eopl.
8p9Ciol to thr Sn-itnton Tribune.
JlReTYN, Pa., Feu. 7. -Our people
will on F.b. 21! have an opportunity of
attending a musicale at the residence
of J. D. Slncker for the benefit of the
Christian Bndetfot chapel of Simpson.
It is expected that friends from Scran
ton nnd intermediate , places will be
With the excellent programme
which is being prepared, a good time
is asstirred to all who attend.
M. W. Bom, Kso.. of MM P. B, Marshall's
Orllee, Xtlnnln, tin., wrlta's: " Kor many
years my wife iimh peon a constant sufferer
from Indigestion, sick headache, nervous nis
tratlnn nnd all other eiiin liilnts that Ihe fe
male sex In heir to, nnd. sfler trying many
remedies and oootorfl
with but Utile nr no re
lief, 1 persuaded her to
try Dr. Pleroe'S Favorite
prescription and 'Oold
an Medical Illsenvery.'
Hhe was so out 01 heart,
she returned Ihe nnswer
Hint It would he like
nit the rest of no good ;
but on my m tint, sho
said she would try it, so
I Knt one bottle each :
nnil befofe She hml used
half of a bottle she felt
that It mis lieni'tllluir
her, a ml she has eonllnueil to Improve ever
since, anil now thinks It (he roosl wonderful
remedy on earth for her sc, and reoommends
It to lill suffering females. Slie has nut heco
so well in ten vesrs.
I wrlle this without nnv aolleltiition no t
with a Ins', M-niid will, so Hint you mny let hII
who may suffer know wind It hss done for
her." Sold by inedlelne dealers everywhere.
Mils. Scott.
To Investors.
THE 80BANTON Axle Worki
have issued 176,000 of 0 per
oent. Coupon Bonds. Interest
payable semi annually .These In mils
are in run Bar ten years, from Nov.
L, 1898. Ouly a limited amount
are offered for sale to Investors,
These bonds are flrsl mortgage on
the entire plant of the company,
and are insim! for ihe purpose of
enlarging the works, The bonds
are of tlie denominations of 91,000,
1500 and 9100 each. For further
particulars address
S. B. MOTT, Financial kgt,
Rooma '47 and KM Com Kl nnWMllh Bolld'g.
James Ilebrr Vorman
of Shy Heaver, Pa.
Cured of Scrofula
Tho People will have Hood's
4fr. ni Hum's Krirrlence
"My buy, now 0 years old, had Scrofula Iu
one eye Iitun the lime ho 7M a , illsukarg
hii! all llin time, (if late we have been Klvluu
i. 'ii ii , i Hsrsaiarllla, aud It has done all
thni reedlolae oaa du. 'i hn serufuia has disup
peared, and his yu Is healed up and well. I
Hood's Cures
fully believe Hood's Sanaparllla Is the besl
medicine In the nierket. I keep a federal store,
uml It Is not a trick lo sell llnuil'a Harsanarilla
fur tlui people will have It. I sell more of
Howl's Sartaparllla than all other muni' iues
tofftdlier and the store would not he complete.
Hood's s Cures
without II. My wife has abo been entirely
Cured of Scrofula by lluod's Sarsaparlllu, and I
am heartily thankful tor what it hai done lot
ui." John Huhhan, Shy Heaver, Pa.
HOOt) S PlLLSsta Uia Bt after illiuier PUIS,
assist dlgssttoBi ears asadeobe, i v 3 ... :
Dr. B. Grewer
Ihe Philadelphia Specialist,
And Ids uRxx-lmod itafl of BngUsll and r,er
man JJLyi,kiauB.aro now permaneutly located
Temple Court Building
81 I SPRUCE sr.,
Whero lOey may be oonsalted DAILY AND
The Poetor Is n grailuata ot tho University
or I enmrlvania, formerlr demonstrator of
Pnmiolotr and surgerv at the Medico chir
orslaal College, of Philadelihin He Is also
an honorary member of the lledlco-l'hirur-gleal
Aasoeiatlon, snd was physician and
sure-eon in chief of tho mrwt noted American
ami Oannaa hoopltahv comes highly Indorsed
by tne lenduiK professors of I'hlladeluhla and
ew nrk.
His many years of host)ital rxnerionoe en
ables this eminent physician nnd surgeon to
correctly dlng-noso and treat all deformitei
Slid disoAHes with the moat llattering success,
snd his huh standlne in the statu will not
all lilin to accept anv incurable casa
WBAKNBaS OF im m; MKN ctlKF.n
Jf you nave neen Itveo up ey your physi
cian rail upon the doctor nnil he examined
He cures the worst eaaesof Nervous Debility,
Scrofula, Did Soros atiirrh. Piles, Kemais
Weakness. Affections of the Bar, Eye. Nun
and Throat, Asthma. Deafness. Tumors. Can
cers and CHenles of every description. Con
sultation in Eniillsh and Oerm.m Frea. which
shall lio conaiilerd sacred and strictly couti
oentlal llffloe Hours: B A. M, to l V. M. Iially.
Sundav, U a. in. to p in.
Tl n :
National Bank of Scrantou
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
v. v WATSON. Vice Prseldenk
A 11 WILLIAMS, t 'ashler.
SAMi ti. Hints, jamks M KvFnuvtiT.
InviNii A. Kitten, I'lKMl Kll. Kim.iv,
.IneH'll .1 JuiMW, M N KKJIKIIKR..
V'llAf. I'. MA ITIIK.WS, .IoIIN T. Poltl'KH.
V. W Watson.
Till tiRiik InvitPM Um piitrtmaffa of busineM
tlH'M ;' I (lritlH f I,. i , i .v
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statement DM H. 18S8 ealleil for by
i be Ooeaplrellev el the Cat reeey
loans t. till, 47.1 10
Overdrafl TiOaSl
Dnlted Mates Bonds 100,000.00
Oilier ii 44S. I'J J 7
llniiUlou House 'iH. 071. 4(1
Premiums out), s Uonds..., 17,44S. 78
i from D a Treaenrer .... iooimiuo
bee from nanus Mi,iso.oo
Casa 1 7.i (iini. us
I I Mill I I II I
Capital e'ioo.oiui no
-ii. i.l.i. 440.000 110
I inn. id. . i I'rolltn SO,03MI9
Olreulatloi lOt.OOo.OO
Dividends unpaid I.B8J SO
Deposits.' i.Tee.eae so
Dae to Hanks ftO.04.07
wii.mam i nwi i.i, Presldaak
i, i.ti ii i v 1 1 in. v lea President
wii i.i t H ii l i t K, aahles
William (Viunell. (ie.oire II. ratlin,
Alfred llaml, Heavy lleltn, ,r., .Iu s
Arehhald, Wllllnm T. ismlth, l.utliar
This bank oners to ileposltora every
facility n nrrituled by their balances, busi
ness mi, I responsibility.
Special allentlon iffWen la business ao
counts. Interest ultl on time deposits.
There toe hundreds of young men and young women In tliM
country who bare splendid ability, but they have never been
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has liecn an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you
aw tired of Inactivity and want to do BomeUiing tangible,
(nine to the ( iollege,
SMOBTHAN1I OOUR8E . p g W00D( proprietor
Combination Goat and Sheepskin Rugs.
Fine Angora Wool, all sizes.
Real Leopard, with full head.
Baby Carriage Robes
Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or
Satin lining. Large Hue to select from.
Moquette Rugs
(Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices.
SMYRNA RUGS, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $i
SMYRNA MATS, 50c. each. These are bargains.
COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50c.
and upward.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
"HILE many manufacturer snd dealers ; extravagant it&ta
ments OOBOWnlng the merits auJ durability of medium or low jfrmia
pianos, intruding purchasers should not fail to examine the famoui
Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on tppticatio'k
123 Adam?
Days loft of our OJds, F.iuls
and Remnant S.le. but still
a few choice things, maybe
just your selection, are here.
We Are House Furnishers
That statement will never
become threadbare; and we
don't have simply a spatter
ing of everything only, but
a complete, comprehensive
stock of Furniture, Carpets,
LaCe Curtains, Crockery.
Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re
frigerators. Lamps, Clocks,
Our Credit System
Allows you to pay for it at
mm 'our leisure in homeopathic