THE SCEANTON TRTBUXE-TIIt'ItSDAT MORNING. FEBRUARY 8. 1894. T IN 'S BEST FRIENDS Our Series ot the World's Choicest Books Eagerly Sought Alter. RUCH DELIGHT IS EXPRESSED The Splendid Quality of the BtndlngJ and the Remarkably Low Prices at Which the Various Volumes Are Sold, in Connection with the Tribune Coupons, to the Readers of This Paper, Cause Admiring Comment from Thousands of Book-lovers, Tbe popular lutonst uistiilsstai m th innKuiticMit ehaap booit otter mad hv Tiiv Thibi'vr mmtinuss with m tijiu of ttakMBtai Btmal lutaUBMU of tha various ssrifS have besn Oraarafl aud sihausfcid, but the dsuiuud (till continues. Much appreciation is x reiid for tlis busiuess tnterprise whtob enables rsa;lsrs of this pUM W snir. a t prices ordinarily paid (w cbeip paper-bourni book, standard works of tb bigiwst literary qnslil bauud bouud iu .1 manner i-jinuumu rat with ibfir worth. The handsome ! of standard auth or!, in supsrior English vellum cloth biudinirs. are greatly admired, aud ure btiug purr-Based vfttti an avidity t!it wake au eat! y saleclloii advisable to 11 who have not yt availed tlisnitflvm of this unprecedented opportunity to equip their libraries with tile word tndard literature Clip your coupon out aud select rotu the taHswlltg tides' STANDARD SETS. Ueorrfe E'.Uot S volumes WW Cvir i volume . 1 -J Cooper, btUfi biadiu-u luuies ... 1 ; 1uumm- W 'u:ut J Dickaai- lv volume J J TteekW 10 volumes- very h'.e . . . 5 WJ oxfORD eon ion. You have gMKtaUj pud 83 eeut for a paper covered book We propone to give von an elegantly bouud book, itamped'iu io'.d, fresh from me prsss, printed in Urgt, clear type, for .'" ceuts. Vu cau net almost ay Hals n this series. Over L0Q0 have been sold in the vast few dys. BOOKS is ruis BaUUt& Cttestauts, Uldaui sw. E-ui Lyuoe. lit secret. Children of the Abbey. tale ugilv.e. Tom Cnnnle's Loir. Vicar of WakeaV.d. AraOiau Nights entertainment. Deldee, or the Iron Hind. Aran.. The Cjuattss Eve. Tee Cvufesaiviis of a VYouao. Zauoal, '.' il.iuw Baled Uav. IV .ued ami Mimed. Two Years Before tU M.w:. Znubia. All Sorts and Condition of Mix Bed Rover. Tom Brown a: Oxford Bad QattsJatt. Tom Brjivn'i School Days. Shirley. A otramje Story. O.iver Twist. Monsieur Lecoq Mill on the Finn. IJ'.ck i Sweetheart. John Halifaz. Keuelm Chillingly. Last Days -it Pjuipeu. Tbe Spy. Pilgrim's Progress. The Foragrs. Daughter of rieth. Felix Holt. Heart of licld. Kestell of Oreystoa. Fair women The Bondman. Chaplet of Pearls. Frederick the ureataai hi Coord Arrnorsl of Lyoues. Charlemoat. Self Helo. Biancbaampe Lime Kiln Club. An April Lady. Aurora Floyd. A Marked Man. Crtrp, The Carrier, P.iffino. Trie Honorable Lady Maude's ataala. Marcia. Tbe Parisians. Border Beatles. Briil of Lamnwrmoor. Life of Daniel Boone. Tlie Rival Prince. Molly Bawn. M ordered in the Ban Morgue Reproach of Anuareley. Kenilwortb. Lest of the Mohicans. ebaadon Bells. Old Myddietoa s Money. Romola. Tbe Mysterious Island. Mystery of OrcivaL The Second Wife. Monastery. Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Rob Koy. Tbe Hf.use of tbe Haven liable!. Violet Vifaa. Tbe Wajea of Sin. Vivan Orey. Strange Adventure of a PLeaUii. Beyond Pardon. The Antiquary. Birds of Prny. The Firm of (ilrdleston. Fern Leaves. Charles Ancheater. FonI Play. Uold Elsie. Martin Cbnzzlewit. C'baados. Catherine. Patbflnder Oar Mutual Friend. Pickwick Papers. A Pair of Bine Eyes. Tbe Prairie. The Hamau and Divine. Yeneaese. Tb Btcry of an African Faro. Cousin Poa. Crown of Wild 01lvs. Life of Kit Carson. David C'opportltsld. Child's Hlatorr of flnglau l Tbe Fairy of the Alps No Name. My Loid and My Lady. Ton ut the World in BO Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues I'nler Ilea. The Phantom Sbip. Jane Eyre. Jon. Knickerbocker History of New York Lady Audley'e Meeret. A Hardv Horeeman. Jlouse on the Marsti. Tbe Owl House. Old Curiosity Shop. Nick of tbe Woods. Wtt, Hnmor aud Pathos. Qaeen Hortene. In the BchilliDgsuourl. Pioneers. My Heart's Darling. Life of David CrocLet. Lady Caetleoiains'a Dlv.'rre, The Sin of loost Aveliugh. W.,oilcraft. fl .it Hour with (iroat Humoriils. Half Hour with Oreat btury Tellers, btlae Warner. Half Hour with Oreat Novelists. History of tbe United States. Southward, Ob. Her Dearest Foe. Oreat ExTcttione. Orimm's Kaiiy Tides. Glided Cliiiae. The Vendetta. jEsop's Fable. Waverley. Vixen. Faith and Uufnith. Tbo Deemster, a Start. Scenes from ( lerical Life. Charlottn Temple. Orilllth Oauut. Vraconselos. Masterman Ready. Master Passion. Old Mamsvlle'! Secret, Tho LerouRO Case. Mnrub In the Hank?. Sloauo Siiuaro The Wigwam and Cabin. Uny Matinerlug. Hying Duteluuau. Madeod of Dsre. Marry Luriequor. Guildaroy, Don tguixote. Donald Oi ant. i'.ii up by the Rea. Other Peoplo's Money. Otfiamar, Barnaby Rod Deonb btfVat, I'ora Thorue. The Dovu In tbe Eagle's Xeit. Tho First Violin Madcap Violet. M I'lhcbampe. Richard Hnrdis. Tho Parting of the Way Forty Liars and Other Llai The VleoBU'S Urlde. Kiitsw. Far FTOa the Maddeniug i iowd. Amslian. Draa as ot Ltfaj Famous of tafaJSOtOi Murv St. Jouu. Alice Shadows -.. i Siiubeatns. Alas I I'Lra, Ihe PhOOOlOiaa, Bwtts Family Hobiusou. Ron O More. LmlteV Famllv Physlciau. An E,j.v4'tiu niaoaaa, Andoraon' Fairy Tales. Vanity Fair. The MofUfctooe Erhj liirghteyes. 1 weulv Years After. The Scarlet Letter. Tho Partisan iUe Scout. Merle's Cruaad BjirOO Muneba'iseu. Katb.trli'd Walton. Con'gsby. The Arundel Motto. Is I i.'e Worth l.iviug. Pnuco uuabiuw. Uarda. Will K-ilty. TbaMoui of Warsaw. The Wviitnr O t. B) rlu i'w le I'oid lialsat Rboda Flmutln. The Yooaj Ouk. Stiavge i e of 1- .tekyll and Mi. iuyde. RUGBY SERIES. This series contaius over I'D litis and is peculiarly adapted to boys. The author are inong the most noted In tb? lutld and the book are all literary gtus. Fifty cents would be a good bargain, bnt four coupuni and M cent taktl the prixe. B jOK. IS tlU9 SKHltS. Peep Pown. The Boys in the Forecast'... Roauoke Island to Mr.rfreesboro. Fopuiar Natural History. Barbara Triumph. Stories from American ILstory. The Smugulers' Cave. Erilnz the Bold. Adventure Amouj the ladiaus. The Ride and tbe Hound. QUbtrt the Tra velar, Parents Asiistaut. Audubva the Naturalist. Barlia' Letters. Banff Fairy Tales. For; S'imter to P.-maoke Uiaad huol Life, or Torosj Years a: Wolver uu. i)cean Wmf:. The White Elephant. My Tour in EuroDe. Nature's Yjung Nobleman. Qaocoynt, Fraak Wilduian j Adventurers o:i .and and Water. Aunt Diaaa. The Oolden Magnet. Ruund the World, btonea A boat Animals. Yooug Voysgers. Oracle Uocdwin. 0rman Fairy Tales. Famous Men". Boys' and Oirls' Story Ilu)k. Boy Ccnuueror. Y'oung Folks History of Oreece. Adventure! of Famous Sailors. Boys of tbe B.ble. The Adventures wf Rob 1W. Yonng Folks Book of Birds. The Young foresters aud Other Talaj. Salt Water. Eoy ri:i7rs. Yr.ung Adventnrer. Old M".tv's Travel ou the Continent. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children, ttaaiey drabame. Orey Hawu Fairy Tale frm Uretann. Wild Sporn in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Legend torrent .6 Bo lib ern India. Cliff Climbers. Pirate Island. Edgeworth's Moral Ta'es. i',ung Acrobat. Dick Chevelry. ' Perils of tbe Jung's Through the Looking OlaiS. Dirk Kodnev. Our Y'nnng Soldiers. Bnsh Boys. I ir-.-ntal Fairy Tales. Yonog Fott History of Rome. BaUlM Fairy Tale. f.ri- Dane. Eight Years' Wanderings q Caylon. Fort Pillow to the End. The Fire Brigade. Orsndfather's Chsir. lackaaapea and Other Tale. Young Folks' History of OerBaoy. talfrasjaboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain f.'ave. t'lant Hunters. Tbe War Tiger. Pan) Blake, iiaroo Mm,' luusen. Edg.-worth ' lassie Tales. .Taclc Whenlur i'our.K Folks Natural History. VoutJij Folks History of Franc. Wonders of the (treat Osep. The Wolf Boy in Chins Tbe Magician's Show Box. Mark fceaworth. Lr.ka Benuett's Hide Cut. Adventnres of Famona Travelers. Sandford and Merton. In the Wild ot .Vew Mexico. Tb Tiger Prince, The Had Eric. Number 1. COLUMBUS SERIES. 'I his series 1 the triumph of the age. All the poniilar books, over 1.U30 till, bound iti cloth, Rtamped in gold, at IS i cents On young man took forty books of this series, bad all of Dickens', tha I ill of Eliot's and a aplendtd line of misoollaneous works fur only 0 Tna print ia large, the book are now aar for thn pleasure of reading they do work. Airr Fairy Lillian An Old Mans Darling. Al'an (juarterinain. Ah In n Looking disss. Arabian Nights' Kntertaluuiebt. At tbo World's Meroy. Bonnie Dura. Brld of the Tomb. Camilla, Child's History of England. A Dateless Bargain. Th Deer Slayer. The Duke's Hecret. Dedlee, or the Iron Hand. Dick's Wanderings. Doubly Wronged. A Desperate WOtttaO, A Dreadful Temptation. A Deathbed Man luge. East Lynue. Essay of E'.la. TboFrozsn Plrato. Oiiratns' Honschold Fatry Tales, Ouy Kenmer1 Wtf. The House on the Marsh. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker. Handy Andy. tranhoa, Jacriai'liua. Jane Eyre. John Halifax, Qentlemen. Lady Audley's Secret. Last Days of Pompeii. Tha Last of the Mohicans, Lorna Doona a i .iie'h Biamorsai LittlO OoMen's Daughter. Lit tie Naus. Mr, Fortatquai an Andraao Romance Tne Master of tbe Mine. Matt; a Tale of tbe Curavau. Mullv Bawu. 1'ho Nun'n I urse. Mid Main'sellu's beuret. UlTM Twist. The I'atutlndiir. Tim I'lonwiB. The Pralrlo. A Pi nice of Darkness, QOeeale'l Teniole Srcret. 'i Rrprosch of Auuealey. Rublokon Ciusou. Houioln. Itory O'Mooie. The Rabbi's SpMI. Thi' Rose and the Lily. She. Thf Sketch Book. The bwiss Family Robinsuu. Secoud Thoughts. Strange Case of Or. Jeykyll aud Mr, Urdu Tutu Urown's School Days. Tour of the World iu Eighty Dave. Twtttty Thousaud l.eaguen I'uder the Sea. The T wo Orphans Two Years Befor the Mast. I oder. Currents. A Vacraut Wtfa The Witch's Head. Willitt It,., i Won tv V ait lri- A Woman's Fate. A Wife's Crime. Adam Urde. Crooked Path. Caidiual Slu. Blind Love. Doyle's (lames Wift iu Name Only. Janet's Itepeiitauoe. Muster or llaliaiitrao Ivau tbe Surf. Lady Valsworth'a Diaiuud. For Faith and Freedom. Weo i tie. '.'bristmas Stories. Cot Qoarltoa A Family Affair. A Mental Suugale. For Auother's Slu Mysterious Island. Redeemed bv Love. Pr incess ot Thule. We T wo At War Willi Herself. .!i-'ng Husband. Batw eon T wo sius. I i: an Muuehauseu. Evil Oeuiu. UNIVERSAL SrRIES. T he OOOKI stubruce tho works of the IBOat renowned authors ou subjects of science, history auil fiction are really iiuiiiiiu tho i. I taudards aud are worth mora than double the amount which tho readers of Tub TRIBUNE have to pay. They are bound iu a nnlqM cloth cover with gold top; BOOK! IN Tins sKRIt;,. Horse Book. Humphrey Clinker. s liyierion. rvtng'l Sketch Book, trviuij's Life of Washington. Ivaahoe. Jromy Taylor a Holy l.iviug. Junius' Letters The Koran. Last Days of Potupeii. l.ejeud of the Puiriarchs au ProphOtt Liver of Celebrated Men. Lives) of Celebrated Worueii. UaCaulay'S Biographical Essays. Mlddlemarca. Mill on Liberty. Mrs. (.'a idles Curtain Lectures. Natural Law in tho Spiritual World. , Night Side of Nature. Nodes Anibrosiauae Dae Hundred Years of a Natious Life. Outre Iltr, Obiter Dicta. Pas', aud Present Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Hu arcb's Live, lu one volume. Pruse Writers of America. Pee s Talaa. Pn s:ott' Miscellanies. Baalitisaof Insi Life Religion of the Ar.cient World. BoOMfOUCault s Maxims uad Rejec tions. Sir rn Private. Ssrtor Resur u. Say n.v, (Vtw and Otharwlsa, Scumlta'3 Ancient MUtory. Schmlt2's History of F.cglaud. lahinita's History of Orrere. Scbmitz s History of Rome Beeksrs Aft? r (iod. Self Help. Seneca's Morals. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Smith's RJectcd Addiesses. Tbe Spectator sp.-nceron Edacntlon. .-terne's bentlinontal Jr.urney. Story of an Afncnn Farm. Taiuu's ilistorv of F.nglrsh Litorature. 'I hackeray's Early and Late Papers. Tales for tho People. Tlin Epicurean. , Thn R. ign of Liw. Tbe Unity of Nature. Vanity Pair. Vathek. Westward Ho. Wllhelm MOsiei's Apprenticeship and Travels, American Humorists Ancient Religious Aft and Life. Artie Discovery. Bacon's Essays. Bavne's Essay a Bedn's ( harliy. Biogrnphia Lltersrl. My Literary Lit and Opinions. Brown's Hiblo Dictionary. Brown's Concordance Bnffon's Natural History. bonyanYl Holy War. 11 .tier's Analogy of KsJIgiou. Bulwer's Wit and Wisdom, t'arlyln's Reminiscences. I Tievnssn'R Advico to a Wifa and Mother, OonfaaslOU of an Englitb Oplam Eater. Confucius and Mencius. i ook's Voyg. Creasy Decisive Battle of the W orld ( urious Myths Classic Comedies, t las'ic. Essays. Cyclopedia of Eminent Christians. Daniel Dcronda David tjopMrfuU, Don Oulxote. Early Day of Christianity. Eliot's illeorgs, Essays. Egypt and Babylon. An Ej;yplla p Princess. F.b'Ct vc AfTlnitle. Emerson's Esays. hirst and Second Bertaa, Eminent Atneticaus. Essays of Ella. Famous Warriors. Fox Book of Martyr. Helkle's Ufl sod words of Christ Oreat Oeuerol. (Jrent Thoughts from flreok Authors. Onsat Thouglita from Latlu Authors. Highways of Literature. Ths Hermits. Ileroas and tlero Worship. Hlstotlcal Evidence. History of All Religious. History of Middle Agiw. History of Nurway,Swdn and lienmark History or the Ottnman Empire. History of the Pilgrim Fathers. History of Kusm. History of Spain and Portugal. History of France, History of Ustraany, History of Holland and Belgium. History of India. History of California. History of Charles XII. History and Poetry of Finger Rlugs. Cl It CIS Constipation. ClItF.H Constipation. CUaUP Constipation. Acts On the Bowels. t write that yon may Snow the kooiI 1 havi rss elved from U. II. H. 1 was all out i health aud suttiTing wlibeOB stipatlnh and blllonsnosa I tiled Other mrdieiuea, hut tliov failed to do any good At bat I bough a botll.' of B. II H and DSCON I hud n'd It til 1 wuut to work aa well as vur. Ol s Nn.soa. Bui UJrrUiton,Warinco P Complexion Preserved OR. HEBRA'O VIOLHREAM Heiuovet Frteklss, Pimplas Uvr Mol, BUekhesds, Sunburn and Ta, and ta t-1 tho aklu to I : list bawntSS, producing a Oear and naUthf com pleilon. Huper lor P all luio ..r r,.M,iln hint TK'ltlTllV r. '...,..,.. i . . . i , .. ...... t , i ... ,i aVljraSaWSM usavu w ow w. fcj. ,ui mwmm, VIOtA SKIN 80AP lnioiuiisH. u klu 1 ell, ln llosp, uuaull f lao USUI, ..J tdnstl ,tvl k ii. uutv. sUiluwl; !"" n tt&aiui ai drass Prios 'i) Cents. G. C. BITTtMERdvCO.,Toi.cDo.O. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufactursrs of tbe Celebrate! PiLSKNKR I Lager DEER WANAMAKER'S Photographic Panorama OF THE WORLD'S FAIR Now Ready 1T1JV hnrmlebS. At all For sala ly Matthews Hi us Morgan a i .Morgan Urns. slid Ensossso it ths Hihiist Minn al AumoniTiis EiTfflOLlNHALER nave you rrnnnLJ l.iAi.itit will cure v., i a WOBOfn ul I" "ii (it '! fl tiuni iiiU, Moi i ', liiiiun.t UrouihUU, Of DAl t I. V 11 It . Atdrl AUlffll'llil It-UiVilV. COiiVviilllt Lu Clan r in i i 1 ' l v to i:" OQ fimt Indlt-ailuD of i 4 KiitlkUrd 1 4o EtsrU rrrtuuiic ut H a" ntlrB('tiuii.'uaiaf)ttfutl 0? money rufuinlt'tl Prlti . AO eta, 'l i 'ul tr-v ut Itriitiglits. ltia!lfttfrei.1 inul. tiU MBMi H. 1). . . as Mlr.lTt.iH liter, i. . ,01. 1 o xs m -mc a. w f m MCTUTUni 1 1"' f"1'"1 Kutl Httftnt remedy i r Sfll-rV I nULs ttllisklnolss-niPfcK.'ti' h Halt Rbeuminld Hsireniiuri.. i'm. tVottdrrfui rain eUj I.. i iMisFtt. ! ct. .i hnu pi in llaLi ii ,v iiibII prui.Riil Artslrwisn nn gln.- Dnl.fTI CAPACITY 1(X),(XX) Bbls. Per Annum. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Mauufttr'turtrs aiiJ nalHri t Fur Hula tiv Mrittlu'wa Br" oruu br uutl 3Ii)rKttii fc Co OILS' Burning! 1 likrliaf 'iftff viav qnn9 Ilso Snaftlog and Journal Greasi Officii -ttl Wst Lackawanna A va VuiiK.S: Msridiau Str.x. l V :.WMPvz 1 hm0 1 i urn Hit K V. ft . bunr, Aer. ;, Mi. The Flour Awards ' "Chicago, Oct 81. Pht first offlcia' niiuouiicemeiit of World's Fair di plouius ou liour has been made. A medal litis been awarded by th Wurld's Fair judges to the Hour uianu faotnrad by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the i,;rent Wasbbtirn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports thu Hour strong and pure, and entitles it to rink as tirst-daia patent flour for family :md bakers use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL Something new. It is a (reat Education lor any Man, Woman and Child who reads The Tribune and takes ad vantage oMts Grand Offer. It consists of Over Three Hundred Photo graphic Views of the Sights and Scenes of the World's Fair and Midway Plaisance. It Is Issued in Weekly Parts, or Portfolios. Each Portfolio Contains 16 or More Different and Distinct Pictures. Over THREE HUNDRED Views Shown, No Two Alike. All of the pictures are of e(jual interest and importance to complete this beautiful and exhaustive pictorial history of the World's Columbian Exposition. A W HOLKSALEAOKKT! SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL '1 lie above brand? of enn be lnid at any of the followitiK merchant, w bo will ncrept Thf. TRIBUNE FLOCB COUPON of '.'j on each one hundred pounds of Hour or 50 on each burrel of flour. Eeranton F. P. Prhsa, Washington avenue, Ouiit MeJs i Brand. Ityd') Par k - i iii wm & Davia. Washburn St. OiM Meilal Brand; swsspb A Mn,rs,Uain aventiu, Superlativo lirami. Qreerj itiilc a LBpenear.OoliI MeiisiBraruL liuninor'--K P Plioa HulJ Mmtal Hrarnl. Olypbant' fames Jordan, Bupsrlative iiranj pBUnorer I). Manit'v Bttperlatlva l)rsui. rrovldsnoa Fenner ,t rh,sti,eH n Mairr uv. anta Superlative bMUMtU, J Ulllsple, W. Market ativet, Modsl Urand. PeckvUlS fthaffar A- Keiser, Superlative Brand JetmTn-C, t. Winters j Bnparalatlvs hrand r'arbondale U B, ( lark, Qold Maslsl Brand. Hdiiesdale. J X. Kostur 6c Ota Gold Meils Brand llonesdale- WJ. S, liourk .Suprrli.tivo Bran 1 1 idturi-S. t. Finn Su. (.i.dd Medal Bran I Uuuldsboro - 8 A. Adam. U, Id Medal brand Tubyhanna Tobvhanna l.vliiKh Lnnibl Oo . Hold Medal hr uud EViercereau & Connell 07 LACKAWANNA AVENUU. DIAMONDS, and f ine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, C hoicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties, MISCEUANnuS SERIES. This series 0011 taint over lui) titlss, embraoioic the best works of all the famous nuthors and covering thn llelila of science, art, philosophy, history, and riot ion Utrh book is printed from large type, on flue paper, and is sub stantinlly bound. Ths rejrulur price is 75 cents, but yon may have tbem at DO cents Bonks of this olass usually re tsil from $1 toTl 'io Uv ttniinu refills sxtiu fur puituyt any oj (A i,uo.;j mi. seal t mail. Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. T CHICAGO, niiaoil, on the inore of Lake tficbiaran, from May 1 to Ootobfat bO. lfcyo. Mood tbf Maic City the Jlieaui City that catued tht whole uild to halt and eaze in iron der aud amazement. Thi was the crowning MtdeTementin Americ r-. history of 4U0 yean. Every nation 1'rom Gieeulaud's Icy Mountaiil' to India's Coral Strand," from darkest Africa to the islaud ul ;); -pouted forth their riches as tribute to the World's Culuinbiau Esp lion, that it should be the most marvelous display ol ancient aud in i ern limes. All that the human brain had conceived, that humau ski could execute, was there. All this wealth of the earth and genius uiiud was concentrated there within an are of 033 acres, of which J.". ' acres were covered with buildings that aloue tost Twenty -three lliili Dollars. (July the spirit aud the pictures of thi?. the eighth and great- eat wonder of the world, remain with us. The spirit will make our nation greater and all humanity better, while the pictures make a pic torial history that Will tell the Itory to all the children of men. The Photographic Amoranui of the Wo; Id's Fan is designed to perpetuate the glories of the Magic City, for the t-utertainmeut of tLc multitudes and for the eaitg hteniaent of posterity. It presents vivid and realistic views of Grand Exposition Buildings, with their towers, pinnacles and glittering domes, pictures of State and Foreign Buildings, of massive Arches, of Colonnades and Peristie, of noble Ststnarj and Egyptian Obelisks, of Sculpture aud Mural Decorations, of jetting Fountains, of beautiful Interior Exhibits, of Venetian Gondola., glid ing over the deep Lagoons, of Pa Uioiis. of Foreign Village. ..1 Cafes. of the Wooded bland, stud many other attractions of the Dream City, Including the famous Midway Flaisauce. the bazaai of nations, or the side shows of the W orld's Fair. Every vestjgeof the World's Pair ia fast passing away. Already tire has played havoc among the bnildiugs. while a small army of men are al work removing everything In the form of Buildings and exhibits that was dear to the sight of the World's Fair visitors. But thanks to photography, it ramaini for the enleitaiumenl and edirieatiou of the mill til mlns and for posterity . The "Watmmaker Panorama of the World's Fail" is a vol urn inously illustrated. histon of that great event, It is a history that la both highly entertaining to the young and old, aud instructive to all. ll is such a Volume that should be in CVerj patriotic home. lu order tb have a complete, continuous aud connected historv . it will be MCM Bar) to have all the parts. iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiemiiiuHMsiuiiifsMumfiaHiuiiit'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CUT THIS OUT. m m The Tribune Order i oh thi: WANAMAKER EDITION OF i World's Fair Art Portfolio 1 Foote Sc Shear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. IN WEEKLY PARTS. COUPON, February 8, 1894. LIB, HI!. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa s RESTQREDMANHOflO DR, MOTT'S M lit HUM PILLS I s 3 a Kl ulUia-NUAi'-lLUUSlNU or Suls by 0 Mi liAKltls. Ui-uukIiI TIkj sr. mt rctiH'il)' for nervous pmstrstlon anil nllcorrousdlsonses of Out semTit'lrti nivHtis of eltber sax suelias Sorvoas I'rosiruttrrt, 111 ' , Itise or tstst MsnhiaU, ImpoteLry, ISlijliti y Emissions, Youtlifiil Krnrs, II Mcr, tal Wunv vxtii'sslvt. us of TotiliTo or Otilum. Which luiHo Con : niiuihtion mid laaaiHSs. Wlrh avara S1& asaliv m urm a sntii.ii usr- at Sl.OO pi rboi, abolt sviuihtion uiiil lusaatty smpi- n. euro iortc.os. r : Wlrh evvrv M&ordurwoirlTAawriUi'iisiisr or reriiuq ino niorxr, oid at si.sw p. r doi, a doi jK. atOT'fa VUkMlCAI. CO.. CisrTCWad, Oslo. faun. Avaunt. Semi or bring 2 Coupons of different dates, to- g gether with 10 Cents, and receive each part of Mag- j nificent Photographs. No delay: no waiting. Part first j is now ready. A new part each week. THE TRIBUNE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St, CUT THIS OUT. as iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiuiiniiNiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiR Kach part can be obtained by cutting out two coupons of different dates, in this col umn, and sending 10 Cents (not stamps) with each two coupons. The other Art Offers are still open i