I G TITE SCHANTON TRIBUNE TIT UTtSD AY MORNING. FEBRUARY 8. 1S94. LIVE NEWS OF II PITTSTONS The BcnUXTOH Tkiuunk'h Pittatan de partment ia in ohtMS of J. M. Faliy, to whom nmvt items ami comiileiuts may bo rott 1 red. PRETTY WEST SIDE WBODINC. Mil N.U... Law and H. a Warnar United In Wadlock. The pUaMSt home of Mr. ami Mrs. Otuirlea Lnw oi Kxtter street, waa the settle of mi InteTttHng lOOlft) event yestrluy, it being Hie marritg of thair ilttai.'liter. Mini Nellie, to tlatiuitn II Warner of Wintret, lit. The ceremonv took pleoe at 1'.' M o'clock, unrronuded by a lnrua i-oni-ourse of re-liitivt-e ami friemls. K-v. T. W. Swan, pMtOt of til Wast EHtntOQ I'resby teristi obarob, perform., tlin OWtnoOT io Um north p.trlor, iiuii I bower of pilm,firiie ami bank of roses Mm Anna Law, 11 mter of In bride, mi bruUtmaul W litu the bridal party tutored the parlor to tbe ttraint of the Lohengrin raddin tutrcn, tliey pre ttiited a pretty light, I'ht bride looktd leauttful in a continue of brocaded white Chine tilk trtmui'd with noli lace. The groom wore the couvou -tuuial black. After OMgratalattoM bad been of fertd thoec preeenttat down to a OholOfl rep.nt wtuoli bad been prepaitd by caterer Mrs I'rak. of Wyoming, Tbe newly we.Kled eouplo left ou ihe B o'clock Lehigh Valley train for an ex teuded wadding tour, Upon their te taru thev will leave for the gTOOBk't home In V tut .-Set. Among the out-of-town raMtt were Mr. Heujauiiu. of I'uenixville ; Mr. au.l Mrt. Bitten, Blinbtth, N Y. , Mr. aul Mr. Kerr. Yonken, N. Y Mins b'.va L.et'ch, Wtlket-Uarre. Mist K.deubcck. Ktattwi POLITICS CHOWING HOT. Objtcilont t3 VoatUuatloa Faptra of Both Part tt la B i Flitd. The political pot here, which has been tiuiiueriaj farioutly tince the local uv. tuiutK'us were mide. uuy uow b tail to be about rtadv to boil over Fuel waa lass uiht ad.ked to the polit ical fires ta thi borough by the circula tion and siihiai of objtctiout to the uomiuatiaj certidatee aud papers of the candidate on both the Republican. Democratic aud Qtiaau' tickett. Thie moremeut is cauied by tue divisions and lllaaaillimil In the rauk of the par ties fating divided into two or more fnctione. Tbsre aw forir sets of objections to Da filed to toe certificate aal papers oomiaatiag Mr. MaLmey. ;These allege that the uomiuatious are irregu larly madt not properly certified or sworn to. Against Mr. Seibei'l candidacy there are to ba tiled two sett of objections, one to the nomination paper, tbe other to the certificate of nomi:ation, the Utter, it being claimed, having been died too latt and not being .rop-rly certiS-d. The former it alleged to be improperly mad oat and sigatd by tue parties mak'.ag it. Obj?ctione are to be filed also, to the recommendation papers and certificate! of aweeaey aad Corcoran for council man and school lirector, and of Don nelly and McN'amari, can '.i late for the tame position, in tue N'mtu ward. , - . 5o 'tier sarapar.;ia baa the merit to hold the coctUecce of entire communities year atwr rear, tt Hood's sartapar.lla. It posaessee curative powers peculiar to itself. H ).'! P Bl are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from tue best ingredients. 25c PITTSTON CGNOIMsaTIONS. Evntt of lavtl7 Iitaraat to tha Raadart of tht Tribune. Tha Prsbyterin Sunday school will bold a social in the lecture room of tba anarch tomorrow evening. A. pro zramme consisting of music by tbe Sunday school orcbettra and tbe church choir, addresses, etc.. will be rendered. J Q Hiichner, Pitttton't funny man, will be prestnt and will llafcll the resibilitiet of tnoae present with some of bis etjeechee. An alarm of fire was sounded from box II located at the corner of Main and hailriad Greets, ytterday after noon about 2 30 o'clock The alarm waa mala on tue supposition that the honse of J imes Le,ar l, located in Oregon, was afire, aa smoke was seen escaping through the windows. The amok was caused by the bnilding of a fretbly ttarted fire. The fire companies responded promptly but their service were not needed. While answering the alarm of fir yesterday the Niagara Undine eornp my had the misfortune to break a truck. The funeral of Samuel Filley oc curred yesterday morning from his late home on Warren street at 11 o'clock. Rey McA-.ulty offlr.iated at the services. Only tha ftrnily and a few intimate friends wer present. A fjnsrtette composed of Mr and Mrs M. L Ptrrin. Mist Jssie Ptrrin and A L. Towner sang several appropriate bjTBM There we't a number of fl iral tributet. Interment waa made in West Pittston cemetery. The pall berrs were Cnarles William', 'itorge J. Llewellyn, Oeorga Hsnjamiri, Iltrry Warner, J C. Hltcbnor and Charlet Pi.illips. TnOBMI Kranois, claiming Wilkes Birre as his place of residence, was discovered by Chief Keating nsrly yes terday morning sitting in front of the Anthracite Drug atore vtster lay morn ing iu a comatoat state. When tha Chief attempted to lift him on his feet he found one of his legs waa broken. The nnfortrinate man was takn ta the hospital for treatment. Franais, when (jnettioned as to how he caint to ba injured, was at a loss to account, for it. All that was mortal of John Hchoon -oyer was laid to rst in the West Pitts ton cemetery yetterdny. The services were held at tha family home on Maple street, and were continued at the Mthodlst church . Kev. Dr. McNulty officiated. Cealdes many relatives and frinds there were pfeaant HMtoMrN of of W G. Nugent post, Uratid Army oi the Republic ; Wiuola tribe, Improred Order of Red lien; Blaek Diamond lodge, Knights of Honor; Pittaton oastle, Knights of tha Golden BtgU, The church choir furiilthed inusic. The pall-bearers were L. O. Wlldontr, W. 0. Breutou, N. J. Smith, Joshua Davit, Careou Tumiikiua aud II. L. Travis. The .'1'hutU Cornot band baa re-organized and are once more rtady to aorve their friends. Among those who have connected themselves with tba organization are: John, Thomas, Alex aud Georire llastle, Aaron Hone, (lll Ivrt Alexander, Robert Reld, John Moffat James CitnpbtU, James Mr llale, Mr. August, Mi Hrown, Timothy t'avanaiiiih. Thomas Flynn, li Wll liams, JatQea Wulsli and John Dough erty. The band lui accepted invita tloni to furnish IBQllC for the Rltck Diamond Hook aud Ltddor company's fair Feb, Bl'tO '.'I and fir the St. Pat -rick'a Day parade The ineiiibeia will met for practice this evening, aud on Tuesday CVenlng of next wetk a Deal in, will be held for the alaotlon of ofti cars. Yester.lav Ash Wednesday, was ob servad with rattgtom tervioe In the Catholic and BplMOMl churclius tf thit place. At St John church, ser vices were held at 7, 7.80, and S I . o'clock. At the conclusion of tht lat ter service, the ashes having twen blessed, the members or the OOOgraga lion proceeded to the altar and had the sign of Ihe cross uu i on thtir fore titals with the blessed MOM DJ the priests. Rev. Heurv Fckel. paator of the West Side Trinity tharon, has pre pared the following setvics for the anion MMOn Sundays 10 BO a m , morning pruror, Nrnton and holy com mnblon; -t p. tu . onftrnwtlon locturaa; SO p tu , eveuiug prayer, litany of ii nttonoOi ud saruion. Dattv (agaapt VYednaadayt) 4 HO p iu evening prayer and meditation. Ev.-ry We luesday at 7 l0 p. in. litany twith penitential of rtv.-e aud address. I'll rector will, ou on the Sundaya in I.eut, preach two dlatlttCt eerie of tenuous, one iu the morning addreetod primarily to the bop til d, an I the other in the eveuitu addressed chictlv to tue unlelievlng and ibonghtltot. The I morning erit,' with the azep tiou of the laet aeruiou (wbioh will be spcotal with respect to Holy Week1, Will be on the themt of tht tightn chapter of Romans, ss follows: 1 Dead I'uto Sin '.'. Alive I nto God; . Bnfloriagln Bona; 4. Helped bv the Spirtt; 3. Triumphant in Christ; 0 God's Lave. The general topic of the eveoiug termo.i will be "Plain Facts of KxLerietic- and Revelation " Tha s'Veral title will b; 1 God, 2. Soul, i Sin . 4. Cnrtat . S Church . C. Growth. An invitation to anv or all these ttrv- ice is extended to the public. Mr. Blatence, of Wilket-Uarre, passed vesterdav is the guest of her Bts:er-in-law Mr. Henry Wiseman, ou W Uliam street. John D. Green exptctt to leave for his home in Booth Suprior tomorrow. Mrs John Touhill is Tinting her daughter. Mrs. E. D Hoffman in Scran- ton. Trinity Guild will meet this after aoou at the retidencs of W. G. Suells. For Bi'rxs, Scalds, Bnumi and al ram aud soreueas of tue rl-.h. the grand hou-ehcld rem-dv is Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc Oil. Be sure you get the genuine ' charactenstij i in town today Professor E. AT FAIR AVOCA. Tht Rscrd of Interesting Harpsninira Ccnip'ltl by Our Corretpondnt. Special to the Scranton Tribune. A v. Pa, Feb. 6 Miss Miry Morahan, or Inkerman, is tbe guest of Miss Agnes Morahan. Mist Lizzie Whalen is visiting in Parsons. HnghT Jennings took in "The Hust ler" at Seranton last Evening. E. J. Ward is in Phila lelpnia. Mrs Sittrly and Miss L. Graham, Ttaitad Pittston todsy Jim Toulill, of Pittaton, was in town today. Mrs Hale and Peter Flannery, of tha N'orth End, were quietly married at St. Mary's church on Honda; evening. Mrs. C. E. Clark has rtnrnel from a visit witn her sister at Mill City. Mian Mary Bohan attended the play in Pittaton last evening C and W. Boland, of Scranton, were SAVING UP. Beecham's pills arc foi Ijiliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe-til-, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen -".,365 Canal St., New York. iI.Dougher attended the funeral of an aunt In Pitleton yester day Ash Wednesday was celebrated in St. Mary's church today with two rnasaes, one at 7 and S o'clock Hits Msme Fogartv, of Kingston, it visiting Mist Ell O Malley. The fnnaral of John Cummings took place yesterday afternoon at II o'clock and wat largely attended Interment in St Mary't cemetery Mm Anna De-hie ia on the tick litt. Adam Clark is able to in around after his recent illness Assistant Poatinaater Li lift waa a vis itor here today. ALL ABOUT AKCHBAIO. A Bundle of Nswav Note of the Day Taatafullv Arrangad Hftertnl tit th Hrmixtitn Tribune. Aie:nnAU, Pa., Feb. 7 The teach er of the public schools enjoyed a sleighride to Providence last Monday BfaTM Mrs. Thornaa Ilattlt has rtcoyertd from litr recent lllnss. Misses Mary and Annie Murphy on -trtained a number of friends at their h'irna on South Main ttreet liigt M'm day night. Vsrlons giin-s and vocal and instrnmeiital music eerTe I to en Tertain tha yisitors and the affair wan very enjoyable. Mart J. Hwift wat in Hcranton yes trday on hneiness connected with the Boranton Base Maii olob Contractor C. L Ml, of Jertnyn, waa In town last Wednesday. The Misses I'TannTr. of Dunmore, cilledon Mies ullllt Whit, of Church itfett, laat Tntsdty Misset Annie, Kati", Maria and Btrab Cimgrove attended the I'arretU Higktina wedding nt Csrbondala Inat 'I uts lay. W J Maliady called on Carbondalu frltndl laal Shnday. Lenten services are held In Ht. Thomat' church every Wudnetday and Friday evening, John Gllgiillon, of Scran ton, passed latt Hnnday at his former horn on Main street. Dr. P. H. Kearnty, of Hcranton, mado a professional visit to town laat Wednesday. - It Wouldn't i a Bltr One. IVitnhhialim J'lttt. It might not be u had idea for Ornnd Mntter Workman Sovereign to pauae and take au inventory of his schiuvemeiita. Wlien Baby waa IKfk, we itave tier Castorla. Wlien alio waa at hIM, alio crle.1 Tor Cantorla. When Hlie bucanw Mlw, she vluny tu I'astoria, Wlum nil had C'tillUnn, ah gavu thuui Caalurla, "Saving up" it an education in itself. Smug up for an education is good training for a child, much better than tavlug up for tha mouey'a tako or for tba take of spending the money ou itt selfish pleasure. And you know, if you have children, that It' jmt as av to teach theffl toeaye in a good cam at a bad one. Kitier, lor the child la very quickly interested iu a good cause. You can in ike tha children tave up for their own education. Tha great thing is to gut than iuterttud To a child properly hnudltd inch an ed ucation ia it pleasure, not u tuek. The reason children AN not. as a rule, Interested in their tudis it be cause they am iimmIIv given several books on u few nbjeoll. Generally on Nuhjicts they nro not interacted In subject in which timy uro not naturally fitted to excel. Lei a chihl one Bad out, however, iu what grOOVC its natural talents II ami von will as it bend all ila COerglei in thai direction With a par elit e wise help 111 the proper channel it is bound to be a "cut above the common. " ThO wnv to help ia to give 'your child a library that contains Information on everything. Information In an entertaining form Get it intcreited in a plan for saving up to get this library, aud when I your child will Htudy it with avidity. There's only one library full of inform itlon ou all suhj n't. Full of the latostiiitoiiiiiii.nl The lliicyclonedla lli'ltauiilca. It is essentially one that will interest, th Tilling, in that tt contains Information on overy subject known to mankind. THB TRIBUNE offer this library fori short time to its readers at only 1.98 per volume, which is lets than one fourth the pricu of the Kugllsh edition . i'oa oan bnv it for $8 down and mi oente a day (piy.tble monthly); on receipt ol $' tlit complete eel will betntit Mis b il inoe to lis p kid iu monthly payments off. THB TRIBUNE supplies fre to eioh purchaser a dims savings btnk for your child to drop its dime In evtry day. thus InOOloatiOg the great prin -citde of economy aud- for tht lake of education Yon can call and see the the complete let at TUE TRIBUNE BQOyclo pedla Department, 187 Spiucietre.it Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Coloring! and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons, GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Aim CLEARING A lilj 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods, C&oaks and For Gapes daring Kali. itt lens than cost ol' material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. La-lin' Kelt HhIh, thia aeaaon't atyleg 10:. eich. DOfO' Vititnr Waltt I Or: each. M,1" 30c. each. Oloalm ....$1.50 each. HOSIERY;, UNDER W1BAB AND NOTION'S AT QTJARTBR OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL J'AY YOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. THB Can you tfford to let thit opportunity p its bv ' Address TRIBUNE Ency. Oepl Spruce Street B F I Closing out the bal ance of our Thatcher IS THE Bf ST. Get prices ami ten the turnitcii ami bn BOO vioced A full lino of BRAT EES, Appello uikI .... I ,..( Rugtii CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, I A. DRAIN TILE FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B RICK Best in the market. Brandt Cay Product lOi OFFICE: Ilinghomtoti. N.Y. FACTORY: lir.mdt. P .rt!K u Bi . -ir.ro Indapo Man of e." tit "'.x maae a we Vr7 fffll M INDAPO mi mimr HINDOO REMEDY f; Ml KKHI I.T h ' Ml i Pai !. Nit'fiiif ntn4e S'lMhtlr Km!" ilfifn. IK., Mttimd liy punt uliusi'i, fflvrM vum and n to ilirunktn nrffiHH. rtri'l iil' Ifljr nut tmrtlv Mftof ILmI M ....I I in .l1 r vi.nriLr. F.mllv ni il .1 In p'.'itnt rm i.mt n p-)rkiifr- bii ror a.ou nMi i writ) n tjiinrtaiitft- In curt- nr mnnrf rfmntird, lonl lt unr trip .i ! dr'iiriri-'t "'dl nnny MM ol (mitntitm lniltit ..ri hi IMMI'll nurii' ntlici II h" h-io nnt got ft . wo will wild It if mull up'iti MfMlM of nrlr. f'nitifihlMt In crivcV-tif froe. Addrrs Or l ntl VI. .I. ..1 ( o ,rrrt, hlrmn, III. , or o.ir if o-H. SOLD by Matlhf m lies . Wlmlostr and Krt.iil IntiMitv SCKAN'lON, PA , and uthcr Leid iriK ImiffKisN Every Womaii BollMllMI nnode n rti nlilii niunthly regulating mrdirino. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Arc IfMlpti. f'' nnd mrtnln In rnn)t Thn iffnti If " lr. rMHl'm iM'vT AltMMOlnl Honl Riifwhorfi 'f0. It4fj MeUlf IneCo , (It v.Hnd, O lOM y .1' flN II. PABLtl nmrniRnUt MfMT Wyoming nvtnn ftti)) Hpnu-M Ntrfrtt Horuiitdii, I'm. Lodles Who Valuo A rf flni'fl rmplrtlfui rntiRt iihc Vitr.tnnVn i-v iter. II priHltinrfl it Rdft rimI ImRiiUful h It fit. at following prices: Russian Lyni CHrenlar Cap -a 'I inch"s. 94.90 Eleetiia8eal Circular Oapet, M in S.M Aetrakban circular Oapat, si iu n.w Wuol : h Circular Cap a, ".'I tu 14.UJ Stunu Murt'ii Ciri:ular Capos, 24 in tUOO Broun Murtcu circuu Capet, .1 in 46.00 Otter Circular Capes Ii4 iu 50.U0 Seal Sacques Reel SaciifR, :is inc os lon IMftOO Beel Jeekete, -ii inches iouSO Heel Jaoketa, si inches bog on oo Astrakluiu Jiu ki ts, ill in Inn louj 35 .UU Circular Capes Seal Circular Capt, 80 Dohtt limir. w thj Butterfly Capt $aj f tutor Ctrculur Cape, :tu inches long.wlth Bntttrfly ( ape 106.00 Beble circular Cape, tVlaebee bag it 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, 3D inches long St ll Utetrie Seal Circular Cape, ;m In. long.. 2il UU dray Crlmmtr Clroalar Capt, nttv long B 00 liiil(..n Am.-ri.'.iii B-al Mull's at....jl i." each 1 lot . f cliil lren's anta at Mo. tech I lot of Sleigh Holies, plush liii.il ...,J:t each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only I'nichral ETarrlW in tlio city. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. MOO IC POWDER CO BCRAMTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Undo at the MDOSIC nud RL'SH bALE WORKS. Llfflitl A Hnnd Towder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectrir Uattprira, l'usos for explod ing blaats, Safety t'uae and RcpauiioChciniral Co.'sHigh Explosives le. PUZ THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Yahinblt as a Souvenir of (be Fair QUITE EASY WHEN vol h ?i"v 800 IN PR1ZK8 WILiti BK DWTfMBCTEO I'l 1Hni DOIKO fill PUZZLE J.N THE sHORTKtsf SPACE il TIME FOR SALE BV ALL NEWS COMPANIES BTATloKERS AND Al T'v STORES, OK SENT TO ANY AJJOKLS I r N HLC t.il'l "I PRICE, "5 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. 112 AND 114 SOUTH ECTAW STREET, BALTIMORE. MO Q n p Pimples, Blotches 8 ' 1 and Old Sores PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT T , , . and potassium Catarrh. Malaria 5 Hotel Wavcrly Berepean Wee Krt eleei Har att ichi iii't ti'r lii 1 u !' i.nai'l a Taiinhnjuaiir llwr N. I Cm, lit. and Fllfot Mi., Philadi Moat dtelrablt foi rttklttttt of n k Pmb! flvanla All OOnTtnltOOtt lot trarnlara tu tint frotn llrnail Btrtal "tall ri and Ilia 'I fifth and Mtrkel Htro'-t ntatlon t). IraliUi fur tIkIIIhk SoiHiitoiilanx and 11 I In In thv Anthrartt" UhkIiiii 1". J VICTORY, PROPRIETOR THE Gr.M COUPON. THE MOST UNIQJJF OF ALL. A Trip Through (he Colom bian Exposition. i'i leaves, printed on one Hide only. Showing nil the plaoee of Interest on main grounds snd Midwiiy Plslisjiflti, Si.c, 5x7. E!ni bossed paper oover - lull cloth. Two Coupona and 25 CENTS lakes pmboAan i oover. Twi Coupons and 40 CENTS takes cloth oover. Ailil i Oentt for .... If nrJarnil hy niitil The Scranton Tribune. DBXTBH NHOK CO.. In, ',., ( i.pHaLl,U00,nn0. BlUrff i ftii ill OH in nil uoitrn. "A riutlir arrt it t MVr ftrnrd." , ThUJ n.iii-ai'soii.i rrtncti Dftngola lUJiiiif Ion Boot QcllTtffd rnM nnj wIim tn th 11 I on riTfiiit of 4 h. Honey QMtr, nr ii roM for ii.no. F.iiunU eve i v wv the hm fnlil In qII roliill slnrts tot oursnlven, llirrrttitn wo M0f .i.t. ii.,, tii Mti,t mm i nml If niij DM DOl Atlslli il n will rein tui i lie Qinnry r "ini mioiner nmr. i,)imii 'l'ou or 'imnuun Hfiiee. mMth- (', I K. RK. m i mm imir iIxm. tSVriif y"ur ultr; wo irff fff yon. Ilustrated C1it FREE Dexter Shoe CoTKi Bpttlut tnin t.i peeArit. AHMEHARTMAN 906 South Wishlnflton Avenue, Contractor and bulhlnr of Cnnrrtto TUifglng, CoiinrtUi lUliJoka, l'otati. liuttor and Coaal Bina, Wut (Villuit ilritvl an (-)rclnra may bo left tt Thoiupaou A Pratt, Will unit A Co., Main ami Kynon HtrueU, or at Hi-rnnton BtoTO Worka. Alto Koundatlont, Clatarna. Fiah Wtra Tunuola aud (Jotllua. KlaKilug fur Qarden Walks, Wjtei IT. j 'C.I .,1 E t,.i CI t'JK etvu tvjiin acBV" j , .v THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR IS THE BEST. THE WtSION MILL CO,. BCRAMTON, PA Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula t T. P. T. vnrlftf tbe Noo,V bol!dnp tho fMli AT..1 dObUetttOO, T" strengfth to veakoiioil ntrve, exptl t dismt.ji-iT': V Ut patient health and Bw- hftri'inea whore lrkns, srlimr f - BgtMld laaalirjilc fifft prevailed. gfl For priBerr.MOjodor and tertiary nTphlllM, for blood iolamlnn. rirru rial poison, maUru, d.Tnptpaia, and sw in all Mood And akin dl.paf. Ukt blotohea, pimples, old ohronlr nlfOlO, tetter, acnld head, bolln, erysipelas. mm otaenm mai ?wi , without lear of pontradlction.witt P l P.UthoboM tfO-' blood purifier in tht- worul.nnd mnkt8 ponltlT. lOOOdl KM permane-nt cures In all Oitoji ladles hoe ayttems are ptlaoned and whof e Mi-hv11 in an impure ooodt" afefe tlon. .nc to menmroal lrreularitU, are peculiarly benefited by tJie w-n a" dori'ul tonto and bWii oleanslnf prp tp iftloeol P. r. P rnokiy Ah, pofte EOOl and POtOMtQS ama HruiNoriFiP, Mo., Auk Stl I 00.H speak In t Micheai CARnt ol t 1 vonr inediolne from my OWO persoaol KOOWlodfO. 1 waenffei'itiflwlth lioart dtloaserpMMltJ and rheumatum tor 0 tii ttMtod by tp Tors l,et pbvioUnfi ooo toooi ii ' InrV. ir-od ovorv known rmedi oHoa out hudluK relief. I have ool tftkftO mm , n-' botili of roor l r. Pi and oan ehoorfoliy wit it Ai'no flfn,,,w aflOk aOM t iimh auMlilittt 1 ha f eer tsken. ml 1 oan reootnniend four medicine to all at euflerorv .'t tin bo e " 'eav. amH MM U U VI UU'. pri&(tala, drOOB Wunty, Mo. and Kidney Troubles 5 Ar- cnclrfl? rrnoioa bj P.P.I. ST Xe grtiataM blood , ..-.l; r .2 tw mf kfKi jk . BaTai naa. Sprinri Irk ,tad aeSJ nasa. Read tnrt bottltt ( -.aSJ Bf'svi'.;:...:! ronra, v vn v Ar-eMM-n, Br. ca OOMtTi IX tf Capt. J. D. Johnalom. mV prtf 1 hp?., "aaw bi tttl - 1 the wotidtrful prppr: . iv . 0) ciP. r r t.ir ernptloiui of tht kin I 1 . id for 5fVf-rtl yart with rin ;ir- "aw ntht: n,i dlaarretablt trnpti, .n gpl m ico. Itrtadtvttj keowerttatr ej but tn TtJn.antll P. p. P. w uiJ, tad am d e tnUrtlJ nirpd. grt .SlfTip'. JftHNSTOK, f svar.iifcb. Ga. --Sw kkln Canwr Coi-rd. SF r,'!-,)."!-! ' - ... TrT. Ktsji is. Tmt.. .lannarr 14. Mat, mi k,-i Lirria.i. Fno. &arani-h, "eW q 1 21 E I r I r a dlae of tDt.ktn. tiMiaily known a nkin teaotr.el ' irt j s - 49 Handing, nnd f,-un.1 sr4t ptlr- t m p'.irifioa the Mood ami rrir, v .-. I Ir rtttiton feoa 'ti, teti i t 0 d .otso and prt'tnt n. n'rn . rir ,: t : 0 aor.1. 1 havo taken fire ar tlx Ntilfta tl 1 U It at I ' 0J) Hi offaot a -nrfi. tl haa a!. rtlttVtM g nt rrora lndtrtatliin and atotuach 1 trcnblet Vonratrolj, . mt OAF1 v KfaT, Ittarnay tt Ltw. BF Ml U M DI5:';'; 1 M Put 1? ILL DMraatSTI SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PKORIBTOU, rt9 I.lppman'. tlliM'l.fannh. r44U444444444U44444444444444444i IS 15 MANHOOD RESTORED! THE Upliolsleff Department pnHEws bros. Druggists William : Sissenberger Opposite Hapiiat Ohnrob, PcMlll AviMlllO, Is replete with line and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. NEPVESEEOS. uw, 1.' er alltarVM au ra, ee. ni'h n. Wrak ICejponr. Viif emin Power, BNeeacbe. Waathilnttai Uii Yanhmxi. Mshiw Rr,uiii. Hettettlittt, Mlqrtlat ad pjg ol i-'""' i'.voii.m 1 f li'liariH1. inluni or MIB.111R v tilih li'mt ii' uuiniiii. . v i-,i- 1 mi 111 pi lii,i nt I ttaalt i . ran liooariltdln tsi piv-V,t ! in-r li.it. fi i'"t Iit 111 ni 1 iiraiiald With n Sli orrtrr Aoalvr ,. rlllfa iiir.inl-r I., rnr Im'f ...n.,..l tti aniiit. ("Ir.Mil.r 'rn i,..l 1m 1 .trumlatu A'k fi'rlt. tk iitFOKEaNOaFURllSING at othtr. Addrtta Mint 1 1BJ . ., atttotie lYroplc can-auo. iu. PorStVls in Boritntoti, Pa., hy U. C. 8tVN'DFJSON. DriKcist. cr WimliinirtoD 'mil BOPUOB ftreots. ami DEALERS 1 N BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic 1 1 ;.i I mul Fronvli luo, Pure Llneeed oil. 'I ni pun 1 1 no mul Vnrnlahea Seed) m 1 1 til l'nlnta In nil rolora, Ulltltira' tVbltlnc, I Hi is Whit,. ,,,,,1 Kailanmlo uir Vitrei, Murbio lluat aud Wlntlon Glaaa M l PLEASANT AT RBTAIU fValof tlin boat quality tor dorai-atto uao.and cf allalata. dollviMvd In atif trt of ttiu city at lowit nrlra. WCen Kft at my offlitv NO. IIS. WYOMlNi; l!..nr r.inm. flrat floor. Thlr.l or aniit bf mall or toWulioua to tlm 1 1 . . t.riiitint atti'ntfoai. Spcolal oontraota wfll bo mtilo (or tho aala ami oeSrerr el Uuotwhaat col AVE NCR, National Hunk, tn in., will WM. T. SMITH. itauaaatt nnrnl J 1 taeotar 1 I rt. ndfriU.r.nH. NwIM by 4jrol.j0. Ir Vii. , i.-ni. ml iw-ff teak.iaTatnltt from I af.ft..'niiilf ml f,...bTiil WlHoBirtBpntif I ind a.i.'iiifio. out tMnoln tamtdi in I I aottlnlr nr.. fOOt KtalDt Oil . '" I f