TUE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE Til V RSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 8. 1894. STELLE &SEELEY NEWS FROM WEST SIDE MR. J. L. STELLE will continue the business under the tirui name of Stelle & Seeley. THE KVER POrattAB WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN UKKAT VAK1KTY. AI.Sll PIANOS AM) ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Topular, reliable ami wlthlu your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Htv taken over 100 Ural premium! hi iLi past tlfty year. Other make of Mario.. Four makes nf Cigaiis iu beautiful uvr MH our stock before buym. We hv the i;oodv tor prieM r KwrjabiUg m Mm idumc lma, STELLE k SEELEY IS4 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton, Fa. bEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITUIS G, B. 8c Co , hrpret,! en E.u-h C'gar Garner, Brown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H. B. WARE RPKCIAtJttT. EYF, FAR NOtdJ AM) THROAT. iTV IMP i.M u-To w r at. IRQ HOCKS : '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL W K. 'Az. V -.: iiaeu, u la New Yor ou b.ii:ie. WilUs a. Davenport, el Pittsburg, is the guest of We-, isle trk ads. Councilman T. B. Uori m Sew York. Be w.li return thu roo : Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wioum and Mise K h-. : : i" i; Wn'.::;:.. Misses Masgi Lloyd and Jeie l.w'j.of P.:t.roa, caiisU on We: S.de ft.ead ve lerday. Mrs. H. F. Taagar, of Mulberry stnW, 1 er:-r:Aiu:ai Mr LVLiaa Waitmao, of w V rk. RsV :n.r -- l Bttrk, P. t, M:t. i secured the pottioa of chief txk leeper 'or i'dertakar Oareu tu-::. Mrs. Swra:.?;.wif of Kjv. H.C. BwetSt lel, cf Br i.ya, hi th-i jieet of Mr. ."! - 1 i-. . Mr r. i Mm V Z. Wood, of San D:fo, Cal . .'.-.:;o Mr w d or .ther. rMeffnglasas H. F. Ferber, of S.ath M :c arena. C K. Bofeatta and wife, of Scranton. regietered at :hs Eoropaw hotel, Wil-hap- r:, M:: ! Mr. Tho ma " irdaa and isoshter. Hat tie, of Wt fi'tatva. w-re tb jfaets of Mr W V. i. . R ,rtn iaoi- -- : i;.v Joeeoa J. Curt, of the Valley Hon. P".s:v ws am ,it tu visitor to th city --f lay Mr CwTtwB b- rema hand ad a past Laua.ord of toe Westmm-t:r. Uappenlugs of a Day That Will Interest Hyde Park Readju A WEDDING ON PRICE STREET Miss Jane E. WUIiams and Howell D. Phillips tlio Contracting Parties. DMth ot Mrs. Henry Burporliolt. Ei.lortainnient and Dobato This Evo nini; PrtMnUtton to Attorney J. Aiton Davis. TlM West Bid. oBm o( tli BfntAJTMM Truditi la looatad at W South hiaio nv Hue, whan abaorlptlont, adTtrttoaawaM ami conmuahMUooa will rMtin pooipl tttUtitMUj A very pretty weldinif MMBlOtlT Mrfortnad I nt erautai t the Dome of Mrs IV V. William Oil PrtOt tret lb COntMGtini! tiarlie wer It ilauvhter. Mita JitUi K WitUttina. an I 11. well 1. IMulltp. of Liia'l'ii street l ite oereinonv was ptrfDrtthd hv II v IV 1. .loues. of Hi T r-.si'U (nro w- iti.vi.ii eharoh, kl t Iu otMiuon) no uctllrat upper w nrvhd t Mm intimate friends Htl relatives. KahuteUmMt fhii !! An tBMrhitnmeut n.i dtbutt will ocoqi m the BinMon M 'tiiodnt Bpla copal oharab under in, laaploaa of Blinpaon etaaplat of BpwotMi laagaa i :u r. will N tiianv atwaonona, la alttdittl a Worll't fair art gallery, for a iaw of which an idnlettOD of a eanta will ba ohargad, An kntaraaliaii iiter.irv and BOaiOal jirogrsmme WlH l reiulere.l. Tht debate i. RaaolTad, "That nature is more plaaalOC to the eye tlutt art " Jadfjaa of debate. I, H Pile, V liaylorl rbomai and Al fred .iodtili Maaie will ba randard by a parly of mala otoea nodal the laadarabip ot William W U'ns. Ptath of n Et:tnb'. Woman. Mr !nrirti otT, wife of Uenrv Hnr gerboff, of the ttrm 01 W .'gut4!i Hnr I (Wboff, of l.ai-kawaniia avenue, died vetr.lT at her home on North Lin DOla sveuue after an tllnesa of aeveral weka. Sbe wa s woman ll known , n this side. whra sue had by hr seiiisl. harpy deposition aeiiuired : many friends. Bat husband and tiv atntll children survive. 'l'Ua funeral ; notice will j;i?ir later. Fucral af 3iunl Moor. The funeral of Samuel Moore of Uci-son trt. who met a tragic death on Tuesday by being run down bv a 'locomotive in the Delaware, Lack wauna tnd Western yard, will oconr tbU afternoon at 0 o'clock. The re mains wilt beoinvy-d to the Penn Aveuue Baptist chureii. where servicse will be held I iteriunt wlil le made at to V?aabbnrn street cemetery. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Vm'.tr 'tj head.se short letter of tn:ert anil be pahsi vhea accoopaaied. for pub l -.r-.c .- -.-r THiTitra' mil aot o haid reetwiaibte for upioiuci ar CswaTdatete -.: Btptii. Ciiur of TfcTribcsi: .-..-I.--. ; Moaday rr. r: .4 p-arel an ataMa from the Dunmore correspoaderit in rejari lo the Uagh that wa r.:.cg ha.1 a my ip!i. touching tbo coming election osj ton th inat. AP though 1 take very little intereet m sorni of hi r-ff.ar r-gar-iiog the aptraot for boroufla favors ar, 1 a r.oih 1 might fel thaaaful for the credit givn to nu of bt i..g cooaidered aa teaaal mac, which I think rather a rtr- sp-, laana of humanity in the closing of tbia etaaMMtk eootary. I must say that I f.. ic duty u mseif anl the eU'zeo of Dunmore, compelled to reply la 'be first place, I think it no sen-. flee to giv mraeif the chsn-: to be repudiated by rri7 f-.low ntizea. Ills well known Vi Jama Young, who hi now Ibe chairman of the Rpubii'n party in the borough, that by hi edMBUg Mr. Oibbona i to Repab..';n nominee or ritner raodldete for tax collector, and it la well known that Le, a mil m the majority of aald ticket, are Ixm' crata. I ran a an inde r.i. ' 1:, : '! : .(. tr.. ,.r: .o , ar t,-.-tie. If y ,ar correepondent l.a o.nvinced the voters that I Lave no cr.anc what ever to be elected, then be will have ac complished bn pnrpos, for thtn hundred 1 wonid probably remain at home on elec tion day instead of going to tne polls and, sure aaoaadi I won j ba brfi babntv Two yer ao I rn for the same position against Mr Itoiand, nd if ,arnes Vonng told ma the truth that day. I would have b-en elected nad lit been a acrei ballot then aa it now l; for BtaaM tome that Mr. iMri, one of the aspirants for the position Vf,w, wnt round the p.ll that day and foood out that I was running ahead and Mr, Uwher'a party were called upon to give him np and vote for Mr. Iklurid. Thu cauwl the result of the elctlon to give Mr. ii.vnver about iV) and to Rive m .'ef. anil Mr. HrjiMd NO Realizing this to he a haul light bet ween Ml. Uiboon and Mr boland, 1 think thorn Is a very uool chance for me to OMM out vicfjr if toy friends will joat come 1 1 the prills on the 20th nnd perform their duly as citizens and not be mi-I'd by such atate-jni-nt as your correspondeiil reported OH Monday, Feb. 6. I assure you all who mav be inteiesteil In tlnv election, that I am running solely mid honestly for the posi tion, and not against the Internet of either of the other gentleman only a fur ua It may be to benefit myself. TOBI MfiKKAT, '4 Kltn stroel, Uuumora. M Wants Bttr Llirht. To the Elitor of Tnt: TUntTKbi hlK Meridian street taxpayers want to know why they can't have one light at lea-t at the intersection of Meridian etreet and Luzerne avenue. There Ih no place in more need of a light than this spot. We ure aiked to vide for bridge am! vote fur pnrks, when we )invn ban asking for a light that is a necoKlty and can't get one. It you want our vole on the bridges give us a light, and that before election. No promises. We have been traveling in the dark the last seven years on pi onuses. The long-suffering taxpayers of our vicinity do cot intend to vote for any bridges until they get some benefit themselves. For the paHt several years they never received any benefits from the city only what they paid for, according to contract, and wo think We are entitled to one light, at least. D. J. CosuRova. Mus,lo Bom Exclusively. Best ronde. PlaV any dexlred number of tnnea. Gantschi & Hons., manufacturer, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrisl organs, only IS and $10. Bpecialty: Old munlo boxes carefully re paired and improved with new union. A Fressnta'i jn Made. At 1 man tint; of tb Royal Arcanum kidtta, N'1 Si. held last evening at Clark's Hall, on South Msin arsnuo. Attornev Alton Davis, pis, regent. wi ;:-::'-1 w::'.. . beautiful watch i charm as a token of respect for past service. After tbe presentation Henry May was initiated into the order. Niwi ia Bnfr Form Mrs J T. C'riramings. of South Main av-aae. ia earTriag from a paralytic stroke. Mrs Aan Williams, of MM Wash Dr.rne street, di-1 yesterday. The fun ataJwill take place on Saturday from her lau reei leuce at 1 HO o'clock. In terment at Washbnrn street cemetery. Mi ilabl Dershimer, of Eynon tr-et. ia recjveriu.: from ber recent accident. Mr and Mrs H B Brown, of North Sumner avenne, left ytrd.iy morn ing for Pnlladeipbla. Mrs Brown his teen surfering from cancer for several weeks, and U on her way to the Uni vertity hospital, where an operation will be performed in a few days. The tea given by the Latliar Aid so ciety of the First Welih llip it chnrch in the churcn parlors from 4 until o'clock ysaterday attartKKrn, was larg ely ettandbd, an 1 a g.ol time waa had B l Frbr, of Hvde Park avenne, is receiving congratulations on the ar rival of a liveiy baby hoy at hia horn Miss Lotti George entertained MaMMla last evening at her home on North Kebecc avenue. An enjoyable; time waa bad for rasny hours in play ing games end other social diversions, after which refreshment! were served The ltd-lfod fixed for Feb. 22 by 8t, r)vid e lodge, tr ler of Ivorites, to take place in St David nail has been postponed nntil March 21 The choir lad by I), Q Iticharls, which will oofSpeta for the fi'f) priz at Wilkat-Barra on March IT, will meet for PtbatfUl at the Waalihurn S ret Presbyterian church this even ing Mrs Morgan F, I wards and Mrs Evan Davie, of Wilks-Brra, were the gueste of frindon this elde yesterday. Jenkins & Mnsrave, driiggista. on Hontli Mam street, are making exten sive improvements in their store. Ask your grocer and hulchnr for ('arr' homo mads minoa m 'at cash store. Is anthoriza.l to collect n. ws items for the Dunmore depart tuent of Thk Tkibunk. All personals or any Item of interest noted and left in his care will 1m promptly attended. Tint Tribune wishes to give its Duu uiore readers a newsy column each day and will be thankful for favors received iu this manner. The Bpwortb league hold its regular monthly meeting at tho Mthodist Episcopal chinch Tuesday evening. The following delightful programme was rendered iu an excellent manner: Duet Misao Kinney and (I I'owoll Hi d.igue K.llis and Lvta Duet Powell sislins Ksay Mr. J, Raswrllna Duet Misses Powell and Kiunuy The essay read by Mm Ktsierlino m 1 on tha snbj e of leagna work and .a written by Uiai Julia Labanon, of Bingbamtnn, who permitted it to he rand at the meeting of tm league. A v..ie of thanks w tendered her for her kindneai MissQraoe Boglawu th aconmpani) for the evening. Till'' TKIBUNI In Its urti.de regarding t ie boisterous conduct around the "COravHf' Sunday night did not wish to cast any rellm'tions 011 the polio force and should have stated that they Wi re at supper when the affair hsp p nd, The present foron does very I'flh lent work, the only trouble being t ut it is Inadeqnata tooopawlth all eruption! that h tppeu, Mora man iik. the pratant nJBoaN wit it is used id AMUSEMENT NOTES. Bella Arcbar, the wondarfnlly hand some woman with miicIi hand on eyes and called "i'alk's iniii'h pliotogialied haantyi" li now itarrlng on lha roud with hr own oornpany ol oomadiaoi In Bidnay Urnndy 'soomady, "An Arabian Night, and will appear at the Aoad my tins ayenlng, Tlty KHINll ilKNKIl M IUN. " The RIiIbi Ueiieratlon," m which Mr. William Barry 1 starring this sea son, mad a pronounce.! mucus in New York, when presented there a short lima mo tlr Barry's Irish comedy work is particularly unuiHlnir, nnd so cording to the verdict of the New York critics, tho best sesu 111 that city for many years Tin play will b pre sented at the Academy tomorrow mid Saturday evenings. ABOUT WELL KNOWN PERSONS. w K Heck, member of tba legislu ture from the Third district of this county, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Btob has a delightful home two miles trom Moscow, whara h antartaim many Sciantom ins, esp daily during Iba bunting and trout tishiug seasons, lie devotes himself to lumbering and farming with politics sn.l legislating at hi diversions. Mr 11 -ck'a frisiuU are urging that his mine be placed 011 the Republican county ticket next fall. Postmaster F. M Yaudliug was able to be about the city again yesterday after a severe 1111 1 painful attack of ! rhutuatism. Before his illness he was convinced that the hordes of ofti'e seokers by whom be had been besieged was an intl ctiou that could not b surpassed. He is now couvinoed, how ever, that rhutuatism :i even a greater infliction. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE Happenings of a Day That Will Interest Many Tiiliuno Readers. SECOND ANNUAL CELEBRATION Young Women's Christian Associa tion Annlvaraary it Will Take Piaco Tomorrow Evening Much Good Accomplished -Candidacy of Cooro Okoll for tho Shrievalty A Very Popular Man. Books I Booka I Books 1 During the coming week we shall offer to the subscribers of Tin- Triuune rare bargains in books. We Imvii n larcn lino of briirht nnd pop ular v, .lumen, elegant Iv bound, that wn intend togivu to the patrons of the paper lit about . lie fourth of the usual price. The following hat will give you an idea of I he inducements and the uniiHiiul op portunltlea to secure valuable additions to your library. Keipiliir 1 1 11,1111. 1 Tba World's Fair (New) Pictorial History of the 1 1 rent Pilgrims' Progrens lHlust'oil) Earth, Baa and sky Marvelous Wonders I ,lfe and Works of Spurgeou Pictorial History of tba Blbla Museum of Wonders From Polo to Pole Pictorial History of the U11I- Manager Martin Swift of the Scrsn ton Uase Hall club cam down from his .borne in Archball yeBterday to disenss mutters pertaining to the club with the directors of the association. Mr. Swift says ttiat the tmm Scrautnn will pot in the fiell the coming season will be secoud to none iu the State league. Deputy Prothonotary Myron Kssson returned ysterlay Lfr jin a visit to the Suniushaiina county oil fid Is Mr. Kason is convinced tint jthere is oil beneath the aurfaoe of the laud in the suspected district, but would not ven ture an opinion as to Its bsing found in paying quantities. Physical Director Weston, of the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium 1 a great admirer of bis ket ball. IU was so well pleased with the game between his team and the N'aiiticoke players in this city last Saturday that tin is endeavoring to nave th two teams brotwht together in the arm iry ut Wilkes-Uarre. - OVER ON HIS NEIGHBOR'S LAND. NORTH END. I he Trio Dancing class has re or ganixad and will hold socials every 'i ncsday night A benefit ball was held at 'lompsny H armory Monday night for .John Oook, of Ohm Bidgt, who, it win he remembered, lost his logon the rail road some time ego. The Ancient Order of Forresters held a social at Burke's hall, Oreen Itidg. last night A moat enjoyable time waa had t,y all Who attended. flsrr'a bom mad mince mat is now being sold by several dealers here DUNMORE. The regular monthly ineetilig of the Epworth league was held in the lecture room of the Methuditt Episcopal church Tuesday night. After tha rou tine business hail been dispensed with, thu entertainment committee furnished an excellent programme. The temperance lecture under the suapices of the Loyal Legion at tho I Id Fellows' hall lust evening was Interest Ing and irntruotlvo. The lecturer waa Mrs A. M Holvey. Many a curions eyn is tnrned toward the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern tracks every day when Kngiim 17, the now compound, comes along with Its train, it is the peculiarity uf the exhaust that attracts attention, and which is only half the number heard on ordinary locomotives. There is something strange looking about the huge machine as it moves along, seem ingly without an effort. Tba steam going first to the second cylinder is of course not heard, as is the oan in the ordinary type when both cylinders exhaust into tbe outer air, Harry Spencer, bead olerk in Price's Mr. J. !' Munson lev kss tha Aid of the Law AsralnstC. P. Davidson C P. Davidson, Thorn - Northup, If. S Lewis and B. S Lewis, jr , were charged with forcible entry and de ta! oaf before Alderman Wright yester day, and warrants were Issued for their arrest. The complainant was Mrs .1 H Munson. She owns a property on JelTerson av-nue and Mr. Davldoin owns the ad joining lot. A few days ago he began to ereat a building an l tore down the line fence batween the lolaaiid. as Mrs Munson ullages, is erecting the build lag psrtially on her laud. 'ih men named Iti the warrant with Mr Davidson are his workman H S Lewis and Mr. Dividson entered hall yesterday afternoon in the sum of etch OISPOSINC Of THE REVENUE. O. W. Wsalpfahl Maila Chairman of th Kstlrnata (lorntnltta. A meeting of thn estimates commit tee of BOnnlill Was held last evening anil C W. Wastpfalil was elected chairman. There wr present hesldee th chairman. QolOMl lorg Hau ler son f 11 Glemont, 1 toiieri. Bobiaton, 1 H Darles, w. .1 rbomai an t W. B, McDonnell The com in 1 1 tee la evidently deter mined to go slow on new improve mania, for a motion mad by Colonel H mdersoti waa ndoplad that prevenla the consideration of all Improvements until the appropriation neceaairv for the maintenance of the other city dt partUMOti iraaf ranged, Adjournment was made till Tttaoday evening. - - ARGUING FOR A NEW TRIAL. Attornay Dlehl Bays Vsritlnt In th Baird Onrtta Date la Uejuat. Attorney W H Dlohl made a lengthy argument iu court yesterday for a new trial In the ni of M. M. Knitd against Walter II. Curtis. Mr Hand aueil Mr. 1 in 11 for malicious prosecu tion and at the Inst tarin of common ideas was given 11 verdict of filH). Mr. I iehl argued that the verdict was uu just Judgment waa reversed in the four cass of th New York, Luke Erie and Weatern Uuilrond company against Tlinmiia Sullivan and In th ease of .1. mies Orltllii against Fillru Plsuinery. The case of Patrick Burke against Patrick V. May. rule to strike off ap peal, was reported settled. BUSINESSJWTICES, Kelnhart'e Market, 18 and It Lackawanna avenue. Every day from A a m. to 10 a. m. Round steak, lie ; sirloin steak, 14c; standing rib roast, lOn.; chnck roast, 8c. ; boiling meat, 4o.; fresh pork, lo. ; pork sausage, 12'to. Tho Young Woman's, Christian rmo Olatlon Will celebrate its Hooond Mini varaary at the rooms of tha aatoolatlon on Oadar avuii" tomorrow oveiilug. A Kioial programmaof raraaioallanoa has been prepared and it is expaolud that the rOOmi will be crowded to ovel Mowing. Tha organisation haa baan prolific of plandld result and it has good reason io oalebrata, suiting with nothing but 11 desire to a 'Ooinpllsh good, it has aeeu tba fruition ol It fon.liiat boptl Thn rooms are all that could be .In sired and tint at l.uo lance hs shown a marvelous luoraaie. Every service, every sntSrtaiUlUSnt nIiuws new facaa while noli ot the oi l members have fallen from tha ranks Tbaaasooiatlon Is working much good in lb SOmmun It V and the desire in gSUiral that Its growth may iUOfSaaa in tint luture to OOrraspOnd with IIh pset record. Will Make a Hir.inic OaiulhUte. (leorg i'kll has linen fruiiieiitly uiLTvdbv his 1 1 lends to stand for the nomination for th ehrlsvalty. Till deairo on the pin t of the latter has been of long HlaiuliiiL' and Is so thoroughly grounded that many of them have OOma to call him nothing but ahurill' lie has finally yielded to the de mauds mada upon him and has entered the race for the nominal 1011 In real earnest A more persistent worker does not exist. Mr. U n 1 1 is known to every Kepiiblicau of promlueuoo In the county, and his record aa a worker 1h unexcelled. 1 hi that a. i t he is not very popular with Democratic loaders but ho bus done many favors fur the rank and tile that will be kindly re membared, ChaiUa Cuby'a Kapii lance. Chrrles Cuby keeps an oyeter house at Pitta! .11 avenue and Hnech etroet, and he was fonu-rly proprietor of the South Side uiuat market 111 the Kraiuvr building. On Tuesday he wan reclining on a sofa iu hia ailtu room, seeking relief from iiwutul and bodily fatigue. While thus engaged he was eurpnsel by a visit from a couple of stranger who made theiUHslvea pit,, ut home. They requested the pleasure of his company us he wan wanted on u serious charge, The constables, for such they were, mistook Cuby tor an other man thvy were iu soarch of, and they lost 110 time in departing when they were made aware of the mistake they had made. A reciillar Injury. William Walter, the terpsicborean instructor, is employed by the Scran -ton Wood Working company. kTwo weeks ago lie had his foot injured, aa he thought, very slighly. He paid no atteution to it and, the injury ceased to bother him. Monday night, while en gaged aa prompter, Ills foot reminded htm very realistically of the injury it had received, and an investigation on Tuesday showed that oue of the bones was broken. Death of Mra Richard Z ilagsr. Mrs Blobard Z.ileger. of Alder street, died last evening at 8 o'clock after an illness of four weeks. Sue is survived by her husband and oue daughter. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon CHIEF SIMPSON'S REPORT. Showing Wh.it thi Police Forci Did During January. Following is the repifrt of Chief of Police Simpson for the first month of the year 111: Total number of arrests. Ill . native born, 77: males, 123, married, 50; minors, 111 Of the crimes for which arrests were made, drink produced HI, while lis nt these were drunk an I disorderly mid HI were arrested for lighting, The other crimes catalogued, with the number of arrests, nr aa follows Disorderly conduct, H, vagrancy. S; us- so: larceny, trespassing, abusing families, I each; suspicion, nuisance, gambling, 2 each , street walking, ills, charging tirenrma, felonious wounding, pointing firearms, pu king pockete, and resisting an nlll -rsr. 1 each. The total number committed to the county jail was Id of which 5 WON sruinani number rsqolrad to furnish bsll ftir appearance a! court, 2. s.-n-MOOad to work on the chain gang I discharged at hearings, is, amount of linos collected, f 192. Science of l.ifi- i.ifeof Illinium I. Ml 1 1.. 1 in 11 Mm rors .1 HephllH Shepli's PbOtOgfs phs (JOlunbtta, the .Navigator,.. Uear UalaBD ISianley's Travelal Webster Dictionary in one half Russia (CUT YOUR COUPONS.) (in prasantation of two of tbase 1 .,111.011 ., ttobscrlbers of TBB 'I lilit I UNB may puichaso any book in the 1 ah,. ve list rice. Price), 12.60 I M n m .ho Si. M ,H0 2.7S ,71 J.7 M l.M ,W 2.7.'. ,H 2.7.1 ,n 2.73 .8() lir.D .10 2.75 tOO I. Ml .Mi Lw .Mi 1,00 1.00 UM 12(1 .60 .HO .85 Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Cloth n for Almost Nothing? DRlCESon brand-new Suits and Over coats in our windows will convince you that wc are about giving them away. Martin. 6c IDelany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. u u i I, CV THE COLUMBUS MUSIC HODSfe no Northr-astern Penn ari'J Organ's. Tho A N 1 )eparture. TOR Ono Week, commenc ' ing Monday, February 5, we will have a CHINA CUP AND SAUCER Sale, when we will sell Cups and Saucers for less than ONE-HALF Their value. Remember this sale will be for one week ONLY, as we posi tively will not sell a cup at the sale price aftar next week. CHINA : HALL WE1CHEL & MiLLAK 116 Wyoming Avenue. tn'r.t hOMilar muoi'.al otfablkhmont in yrvania Th; h irhett arAo of Piano? l'!'.( pricea obtainabltj anywhere an-J the most liberal tomr; o':r off o rod to pnrcbasors aro r,omo of the loading inducementts Look at the list CI II li HAT ED 8ohner Pianos. E veretf Piunwi, ln;e & Soir;' Pianoi, Mi'hlin Pianos, Popular Pease Piano:. THE WORLD RENOWNED Ei ley Organ,, Story & Clark Organ;, Chicago Cottage Organ:, Paace Organ:, Ai.i a.. c :. :-. ,1 y. .a Vs.'-.lai..:-1 orjit' t'y go haul. 1 The Holidays are Lore, and thin is ths pl' to bnj Pianos for a Ccrist". .- Preaant Prices are lower than aoy othar music store la Seraoton. Spec Attntition Kamembar always wh'-n you utart out to aearrh for a Piano or Of gau that Christopher Colnmbus points with hi right bLi to the exa':: .. you want to g . No here it Is: OPKiSTTE CDLtmBDa MONUMENT. zzp.A.r.'z::, pa, 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ouernsey, r rop. w a as mum. uf nun i mi s. Leetnrs to B Delivered by r plain IIOMba B. fes Bf Balvatlon Army. Hluir Captain Blanoha II I'm, uf tly Salvation army, will deliver an address In the ( Ireen Knlg I'lviliylvrlan church this evening al 7 15 o'clock II r auiijcct will lie, "The Slimn of "ur Citle " Hh will he accompanied by her sec retafjr, Llautaoanl Offana, and ktajor William Hopkins, of the eastern Pino lylvanla and West Virginia division, HIM Col will alio deliver an address lO the H I I'reabyterlau c'mroli on Jsffsrson a van ua on Prldu evening. Hhii is uu educated and glfled voung person, with a World wide platform SiplriSBOa Miss t',.x has travwled tbfOQgh todlt, BaglaOO and the prln clple lltlei of the UOitod States. The party will b sntartatnad vrhlls I i i Hie home of City Treasurer It 1 1 Hrooks. . New III. V.'U A new bt6jT0lS WOrtt I'.', Will las tqU fur i 'I he BMcblna Is gnaraptaad and la a rare baigaln. Machine may b aoeu al the 'Irlliune uniun. s Ailtlatiaar lluai li llnnr. l i.ula l.ohiniin's. ICd Spruce -L Th i irovas' photos, 411. liaga BOI 1 atreet. READ The new oiler made lo Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. saaortmaai of Vef aplM aleil THEY FILL THE BILL. e nave tin. moat enmplete Men u nirllSablng i1imI that t" the e e el p. the taste. Sim,. ,.f ,,,ir tl sliaile and deaigtia in Ties re eajH-clelly ut tractive. They are selling at IgnrsM in. h give you no excuse for bumg without all oit of ailtu. and al) lea Christian, .11.1 Lxkawanna THE HATTER Avrnuj. Tht Great Marvel ofDeutal Bcienoe Anaesthenc A reccul tl IM'I lJf pro port mill of 111. Henwood k Wardell, I IS I S. 31G Lackawanna Avo. WHAT J 0. 8EAMON88AY8 ABOU l' A N rVSTHK N ft mis 111 swoon ,v miu 1 , aiiei having eleven teeth oatraeted ut uiieU b the painless mathod, i pre abaaaa n eutlrelj snllsfaetori In even particular, j, a si aMONl 4jeese)ei , SLEDS AT COST FLOREY & HOLT SPRUCE ST. Scranton, Pa. MHaBfggiH s3Sl S PRING Stvle: of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. Special for This Com ing Week. Men's fork Sole Lace Shoes. Qoodyaar Walt, f-i grade, 'i to ba . - 1 $5 98 0 AT Man's Cork Sole Lsoe Shoes, baud ia wad wait, 3 grade, to bo Ladlao' Dongola, Kid Battoo, Patented Tip, Goodyear rait, Common sense last. all IfkM grade, to lw liinlies' Puie Kid ButtOO,OOrk soles, hand turn. OommOD Baaaa last, only a few pairs Of tin in S grade, to be, . . Ladlaa1 Doll Dongola Button, double an)aa,Common sens.' only, H grade oloaed i ut at Miases Straight tloat BnttOO, spring heel, eiaos 1 1 to 8; H grade will soil at Hoys' School Bhoaa, 1 UttOn and lace, M II 10 '.', t 93 will soli at S3.98 $9.00 A Rich CLOTH .1 AC K UT, Ft Skirt, Bali ne i Sis.-.li.l.'' and tan. Cvi t- make, ,io Now I9.9S. We will give 0Q Um ohoioi of tQ Jacketa, all this MaMOo'a tnako. Not one in Hte lot that ivst loss Uuta U to 20. AT fjn .) S2.7s) $1.49 1 1 j $12.00 J ACK BIB, CI tl"H CAPES n K CAPES aud WRAPS, It trill pav you ta soo this offWing of Tnilor unuln Carinonts. We need room for new Spring Stock. Visil us. SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. w VOM1NQ At li sj Str) 608 W. OWENS & Co. i aiii. - HI 'li COl Tailor . loaW Makois and Kiirrlvrs, i i'i r . K'T I ll )l IIH BQUAM Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on thu Kye Headaches anil NervousuesM relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Kye Ola.H and SHii taduK at the boWSel MOSS ltuat Al tlUoinl Kye. lusjrt.-il for !' 30s SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. jgiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuis ill l I lls l IU I . "IRiP AROUND THE WORLO" I Portfolio of Photographs COUPON. 5 February 8, 1394 Coninin-i Semi or bring in ! of different dates, together with ."1 oenta, und receive lhis Album !' rare Photograyfaa THE TRIBUNE, I'or. renn Av. and Sprue St. Ol IT this OUT, illlllUlllllllllllUilllUIIIIHHUUUUfi