TTIE SCT?A"NTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 8. 1894, ONE CENT A Word. Vtatt$tf all kinii iosi Unit rawe, t ttpt Situation! Want-(i, which art (nmrtti FHES. Situations Wanted. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES SITUATION WANTED- I? iti.u ji. Ink cur 'U HV A YOINU horses or drive r urotertou. ninu 1TV i vo s veara ejperlulice in ury eiions sior. Mm ItlU Washington aVeilU Sciantou ATION WAN TED-BY A STRONG young wouitn wlo is willing to Jo Ml kind of hoUewurk Will lake hem wssmii ,i ironing or go out by tbe day AddmsJ U Wn! Sid. Ml'lAlIoN WaNTKH-BY A YOINU iirl to iak ci ii cuiidreu an ci so k i) wll Scrsuton nmt Scranton SITUATION W ANTED'- Bt VO! NO married nun mu yuais expeiuioc m t: . butcher buSlBSSSI uu IS tuku n gvvd employment J W. Arnold M lc I'ii. i s 111 XortU nbwNlti Wan' CRD - BY A YOCNO light hvue i k ol t.lUJ Scrantou, Pa AS WITH AU'LKNOoNs AND BVIR ings to spare olTCAHON -lrl Il do M ll tHvfc Jo billing. would writ up -nun ; Muyitur, iddrveelug or other work la that Hm om.-k tad aecurate. J. J. K ..'1 Spruce street, dtj OITUATION WANTED BY A VOL'SO 3 girl to do second work, expel lucv and good referru. c. Addre W, II H., US Rail' road avenue, Bcrantoai W kNTS A ,.i k .it honie, 4 A' Xlirtiu avenue. I U'Y STL'NOORAI'lll: la potttlou In offlca or will Ki leteu.e Addre A F II port s a HIDDUi AURD i ADV, it hotiMkeefei or uttfaai l:Lig JJ,i omw reiei vUiea Heuaskeeper, MbUM Help Wanted rrrnjlo U'ANTRD-PtANO !dv Aiders J PLAYER YOl'NU Q . cars) tribune ;au oiincy a l Agent Wanted U- ANTED- TWO TOCNQ MEM OF OOOD addr. to call OB buOJBe b"Ua n.,v.jv mu: lo.- gcod men. Aiyiv tVnU I "Ml am un'oNAi. CI RAN Wanted l X . PUSA4ANI 1 I MKSISHKl' OK room witli U ru. oautiaUv :eil. pftvaja laiLi.y ;reterreJ. ,idUie. m trut, B. cara TriOuii oSloe. for Sale jnoit sals a PLATFORal M'KIN. I w.i"ii. :d fur Male or reu: In B. r. ftUatalEalBELI ICE ruK kLE 1 ma a: fie. ir Ul.rUor M H ah Pa. Moanow. Pa. DELIVER .U IN VRaN M laaira of W U H Ri. Olark - Kua R AALl Hli'tvOKY BICYCLE, SEC in J UaaJ. goo a oadlttia. Call at Rat'Ub a odUa. a. R. CDi'K't ". r'ARM. SlXt'K a; -' I V B I ; .E K VCRt J aBl utetial: J at. ill nru ava. i;uR SALE R EX CHANGE FOB SCRAM J ton prvprty-A tirin ..wage grow -n nr.ln. f . -i BBftl va;.te FarU f- t'i oraava tetioa ta K'.orula. AiLlrv r. E NETTLET'.'S. Lai.' PiorUw for iert. POI RENT PLAT. VSU PENN AVENl'R I lt. iird. cs x,m uau.UBjt. S HM ' ent.r irraa: Apfh PBaSEHN HoW Ei.L. ilar. aaati and Mechanics Bank. l'uK RENT IN BURR BCILDINO WASft r ington arenua. a teve daairable ..n.'ea BM na: Kan verv ra..aa:.i Caa ba ae a b b.tiii:aa; ro- uidi aptiT to bCKR. t Nurtb Sia.a aiaana. i rabtt tar- :.j 'anitor la HAltl.E A I' R HEN f A r .-e.a a -.. LAROE TiTOREh" OR RO. lamr uf i. J.. Cuu From Philadelphia lo lUrrbbiTg by Trolley Will Soon Hi Possible. FROM HARR1SBURG 10 SCRANTON Will lie tht NRl Mov in This Net Wok of tht- Eltctrlc turftc Rail vs.iys That Gets IU Powtf frotn the Wii ) New Milting OoiR" pany Formed in LuMtna County. Other Sprightly Gleatiingk of Indua IriaJ News . J Uotsip. A Lmiciieiter, Pa . dUMtoh aty "HarrltbRrg jointd to I'luttiieipliia hv a iroilar tbnt la now it ueTtaiiity. The; PwRRTlftvlR TraoliM ooaapiur,whtoh will construct the road, veator.lay took chars of all ttii IcRtiio rallwajj lino in this city, ami this plRM Will bt lb ivntrr ottM svatam of eleptrio r.iil wavg that will rerioh from tlut atiite cj.iltal to th mitronolla, Tht line (roa HurUbnri to Ltnraittr will bt nearly atr.ii"ht. BalWMQ LtDOUttl ami l'hilnJelphi a niimlier if tOWUI Will 1 tOUf bad ,tbt Ur;et of Whlth Is Weill Cbstttr it li utd tintt tht trip of RBOttt 100 tnileit Irom Htrrla 1'iug to Phlladtlpbit etn bt rasdt In two hour' Work will li btRUQ early q the spring- on lb tracks, Whloh will t e toUdly tOMtrttottd." I It only a ontttioo of time until the people of MtRBtoa may r'..l 10 PhtUdtlpnlt, If they choose to on trolley car This CODltOg ipring Will doubllest see lha completion of SQ RRbroktB chain of electric railroad! fro'ii I'orest i'it to 5-u:i b'.irj. Tho tUitsiOR link, from Sun I'tiry ty Uarrltborf, will c;uie la g loJ titu j The KtjrBoldl v Mover t'oai com parry, limited, iithe aame of a ntweoal mlniog ootipaay just orajaaltad, an ) ttie in jviug: apints in which are ( 'uarles H Rtynwdi ami W A Moyar, of Ktngttoa The two men nanir iahoyo bYe for about two years been ItUHMtt fatly optrallay a cuim w.isherm work lagOVtr AO immense culm hauk at Avoudale, the refuse of asveral year' work tn the Ued As'.i vein. a', a tune wbeu no .z "s below "jtove " were mar Atalile atd everrtk'.ng e'se went to til .lumn. i'he mroiiaotable coal they have beea. and u w and will be taklag from tbll Via; bank for virs to come, aver aa from 00 to 80 per ceut. of the Mlk But Ibt tract of land lurrou-id-iui the bank aad from which It was taken was never worked except as to the Red Ash ftia, aud the new com pany ia formed to further develop it Taa old slope hat been f ouod to be id reaaotiably good BOadllltO aud can be easily put iu hue snaps. ThttttOtioa of a new breaker will bjtm la about tea days. The company expects to b giu tukioz out csal before miry moD'.bs bare paisaJ Wilkes-Barra Record. Lugtuear of tut Mainteaaoce of Way Joaapu T. Kichards, of tbe PeDnsvi raDia railroa ', la comtaenllag on the rttreocameDM inaugurated by tba company, aaa zona on record with the laaemou tDat in the department of maiutenance of th war the saving; for ISM amountel to l,TuJ.UU0 Never before bad economy been mors rigidly enforced. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stccka and Bondi NRW York, h'eb. ". Sliglilly higher prlcea frooi Loudou und a ili. position oa the pun r the 1 1 -in Winston bni 'i to take in their contracts lirmicht abtrat mi ail vnin e of In I 'i in prlc'i s. QtUaral llec trttt lad tiiuii-" on fayorblo rtiuiore iivp dtntly put oui for tht pnrpom of tortiai tlinsuin tii to rnynr. Sugar, litlllr and OhleagoQai wsw also nrai at that Una, rue railway iit iftbatQatBti! sold off fructlou:illy owiug; to the continued depression In tho wheat market. The UrsiiKeis und bttMORH I'aetttc sold down )(, but lattr on when the Itdssttlali ion sharplv the whole lilt unproved. A Midden dsniand ml in for tbo Imlustilals abniit - o'clock, Bugar rltlnR tti so... ln tillers lo'.V, Cotion i)il to'.'S, Lena to 80, Thme prices i.howed idfaUOH of WsO, The nun ket then become Qultl until juii prsvlODI totha clos-, when mi Httaclt win oiada on Weattra Union, rordag tba stock dOVTb to 8SM This resulted lii a gouerul dsclln and tht lowest flgarts of tnsdsy weio reached In a ii'irubur of caes. TBS market closed Weak Total MlSS Weie III .US ibares. The toil .wing esapiats labia ahowiag tiie ,is, i Buotuatiwns in aoilvu sto, ks m Huppiie,! aad revised dally bj uaBat l'uiier. stock bioLuia. IRJ V y.iuilng iiveiuie: tip i. Ui.h Ing. Am Cot I'll Am Sugar. "SM A T, .V 8. P lit. Cull, bio, oiita Cell. N.J l ine. A N. W KKlt. c.. n v Tist4 Ohio, i a 0,. O., OistBli L. .. H ' i Col . ItuokVVal . T D, . II IbT D.. L, W. ItKki D . r. K BHsj Krle I&H Q, R, (Y, Luke Rhore E N ll'iiiliattaii Hie . I'., . Jj..t lia.i N ,v N I N V. Ceiitial N . Y .. i .0 W n v . n. a w IT, s. V, Co Nvrlh Pas Niirth Pao. pf . . . Omulia Pas, Mall Rock Idaad, R. T.. it, f.ui r . o, i i Tessa Pac unloa I'ae YN abasu, pf W, I'uiou W & L R W. a U I pr . . . Mail . ia . jt" . IOO ig . i&B . lOH . I, ! i s . . i. Ml . MM liQ :ir . tv . lg . 11' eat. MU RM Bj iiitiu ;u.ig II u4 Kit ' ' ItRu n U6As tm tiH4 in Ills WOK Itvfj ll.lg i; Htj s'.iv i; e-;H ae-s IHZ Ms? 11 rii nig 4 Low eat. I's (MS ooka RfM Jm mi ISMS IllslJ vu lit, 11 I'iSM Mis .si, lllll IMS W i iiS I71 ; IV illlg m IBM lH) i m (k CloS- lag, iu lIH IfUU m KI tl: ijjtl iWM .H'la IMlJ i Ml Uis nil in, , ijig inig HI S'lk Is i N m sv Chicago Oralu and Provisions. BCBAMtOR, Feb, (.Tba followluc ipiota Uoasare euppi.e-. uud r . t. I dally by l. BarR PuUar, stock ... YVyouiiug ava uue. WHEAT, i ipeanva Itigueat 1 oweai Cl.isiug 0ONN. Opening Highest 1 u.vool I Closing OA i s. C'lUBlUg Highest Loweat Cl'Slng POKK. Opening Highest LoWrat Closing LAKU. Opening Higheat Lowest U- slug. . . sh Kr Oueuiug. i Highest.. Lowest . . . Closing. . . RIBS. Fab, jsls bau Itafsj UK 314 511 I ISB3 I. Mil l-;ao IkRU TW ;i T3J Ml Bet 6J) May. aw RiM Bits a: M m au wU WH IM lvll tip Mt 71 m .. I .J ON eii: IU'.' July tUJS HM KH 3 8s us MU ml ',1M Cnffa is rendered more wholesome and palatable if int. -u, I of using milk or cream you use tbe i .ail liorrtou Kaglo In ami Condensed Milk, or it you prefer It unsweetened, then liordeh's Vviileas Uraud ICveporated Cieoui. Trb world la always Interested In Lbs cine of oootRnptloa; vet us prtrtnUon l ot far mors Inportanea. Ur, (VoodHKor wiiv PtBt nyfBp Is gu.irunti'od lo euro i on ns and onlds. Bold hv nil deuleri on a guarantee of satlifuctloli " FOR BENT A LABOR I""F..1: BOON AT asi Spruce street, l&tiu.r at III Wym i Bessjjafi MR, FRONT O Uulbert s Biaata from April I, In- T'OR BENT- THREE .-. r sevoil Retx ier V A store. 117 wyeaaBsf avessaa, TOR REN 7- rWO-RTOBT BRICK bWEL A bo'iae; niU,frn .aipro'. emani IV f rsatcsatTj AMlp te MAURICE COLLUfR, '' "!'. Wst a. a..'jia . , Tr.-j Manufacturers' Bounces that the Sao company, of t'ltteburg Ti LET FOR A Of TEARS I fa: of ir i.uSg ra..- a.L leeaaa POR RENT -FURNISHED PROMT Hooil r srl:h r.svrfi vary Jeairablr 4 Adams aeaa w rpo RRNT-aTOktR JSMi ok FCKNUHLu I nail on Or ma Ritlg street Very 4eturs- ale kaatteataad ea .aaa'..-. leresa addIt Ul E NtTT.'.ETij-V (. a. WOODRCFF R'Si.Micai. Loet. f OST-PO KET BJJR CONT Ai.VINli A 1-i sum ( ; and -amaMe t aors t tMea js... S' iei. and Wr.ruing run w.Wi l r, sday aftertax. K.'darwhl t- rswaraed i.y framing tame te P Mann. . .rner s.nlutr. s'.snua SLd .pf m e slrsait, Specie Noticca Rstord an Carlos Coal Pa. wh:b owns 'i.Wi acres of coal lamli io Texas. has contracted with the Southern I Pacific Railroad compsny. to furnish ;t 119 . j'j tons annually. S A. Johnston, tt.e oresideot of tbe company, states that It will Luili a railroad twenty lix miles long at a cost of $.30 J, Ooo to de velop tbeee mines. This U one of toe most important cos! deals which has ever been made in toil country. The PhiUdflphla .journals report a great scarcity in that uity of pea and buckwheat sues, which constitute IS per c-nt. of the output This demand is dne to the growing popularity of these lUsa aa domeetic fuel coal, owing to their romparatiye cheapnen Pea coal hltttltRg in Philadelphia at ill 40 if. o. b net. and hnckwheat gO.tO, 1 h:se fijares sre an advsnce of i) I cents in ths last two month I'HF. lOI.liiRP. IN' I ..f..u.f.s- r . i. :rnenta. Vol .mas P kl. I B CIVIL WAR.' Laalles fir. , .i .,l. ar wktaiee. v ui,n foi.u. kl'sry pigs ilinatrated. Over 'sOipegsaj a.s Mat raior it la &exi:ds:l sold on aay raontbly 'lallvarad o.cnoiato r r,i,K,ifi , s!.t r .Northasar-rri ntsMylyaala, IfKAL Ti'. KLTs AS KB HAD AT . ' 1 t Bel ipro'a stresit anl Iranklln t,u Twenty taaal ttgete for 4U . taMe board ;ii Proposal. SKALfcl) 1'KOPuaAL-l WIL.U lib KK i-etved at fba jfn ,f ti,e (iv 'Isrg. Beraatea. Ha., until ;... e sleek p nv Wmi t.eselav li, J!, iskl. to linprovs, N'ay An ava . sp j loach to the AlbrigM sii bridge ones iRa fiBegtwsaas river, ine i.i on p ossn.eiit consists of nprppiag tt Laikof saM rlvar, and be-sdlong tba aaioa The II enginaar ' ia tbe i .pi a potior ll aubic yards and tl.s i.u killing it lino eabb yards. Plan sol ipeHaVattSSM for tbe work is at the ofllei ot thi i-ity o'er:. BbMers shsll ancloaa with a b prouosal tbe uiu of fifty Oollarr. cash or ertineil i keel a n guir agbtee to execute a toatl aat if aaar.lsiJtbe same. In case the bidder to whom tnacon . - . . O .. . 1 B ... . . . . T'i ?ian iiisvv iiiu iitiiuvi oiiii.s ioe.4- I ..... mvp. ,n a a 'ontrs'.t for Ui wore wltbin tub .lars 1 which will iriateilally Changs Im r award thereof. th fifty dollars ettclOMd .'li proposal shall ba torfslta-d to tbi OMy of Boaaton Tb Itr rssrvs tbe iigl.ttorH Jed any and all Udl Byordari f ti,eity . ojulis. N T ;.a i ....i , oity clerks dcrinton. Pa . Feb 7 IBsl. Ml- II LARBOtTI iRPUtTRIAL ItRMB: ieorge If, Pullman, Id an lattFfttW. is iiotad as saying. ' The interstate law has been a greet detriment to the rneds, bat tbe situation ll not so had as lorrxt tblnk Our buainsi shows a much smaller tailing off la January then in Ijsornlier. The Rknm nd aDd Danville order for eirht paaeeug-r IfltWRMMlFM his been Is 0 the Baldwin Loeomotiee wnrki and ihe K.ebmoKi IsOtOtJOtrFt work". Tba I win warks wi.i build live of the - i lea and the Richmond works trie other ,. res. Tne delivery will b-, made in March Beginning Monday the Heading OOtOpS ny'i shops, in tho city of I'o a lin.', will Work Rve days Instead of four, of sdght bonrs a day. They bare been working four davs a week for two weeks, Tbe Pennnyivaola hsa adopted as Its s'abdard a rail weighing N pound t to fit yard and or Iwt long, ItSttrtjOl '), wlm b has been laid heretofore, and the ends of 1 the rails Insten l of helm MtUtrt, f RBt tO face, form a rullre joint. It Is clairnsd i that in th'. Use ef a OtMOOt rail tht daSger In passing oyer curves will he greatly le ser.ed, whil ) great, saving In wear Will r'snlt A new schedule i' promise I by the OffJ r ials of the Philadelphia and Jtsadlog rail road for Felt. II. The company at this lime will also adopt the standard rules pera READ tiooof the aviteru. Theee rniei nre r adop'ssd by tb Peuniylytnlaan J '.'tirnbir. land Valley railroads. The PenniylvanU Radroad' rorupnby is endeavoring to carry oat Its policy ot re moving all grade crossings In city limits, partlculsrly on tbe New Y'ork division. Shipments of coal and coke over the railroads are becoming much heavier. New freight ratee on Iron and steel went Into effect Monday on the Penney, and freight agents reporta number of domands for curs. Au Wednesday closed all the anthracite collieries. iiuperintend-'iit Mitchell of tba Wvo in I rig division of the Luhlgh Valley load has the following new orpe of asslstrinU 'ISTATEOHl'b.ORilEUOTTWALZ.LATB gBBBBt B Jenkins, ehlef clerk; Messrs ls of Ransom, in tbe county of La'ka Kolaud Water e and John B Lynch, dergs; Medley l'nuiHr, sienograiiliur. Moairs. Wlnlacg and Uardo are with Mr Eiser on the May re dlvlslou. Trains eo the Hurvey s Lake branch to Lake Oanoga leave Mondays, Thursdays uinl Baturdavs only. 1'rains to Noxen, Harvey's Lake nml Intermediate poluti run the same as before. A pretty tower Is building on tbe West Sid station, of tbe Wilkes Birrs aud East-em. OEAI.ED HHOPO-SALS Akfc INVITED i . ror tbe coMtrucrioii of a Boulevard from Bcrantot to bimhurit, in snigiTnaane witu plaRS and epectncatlons on file at th office OS ! i i.l v1 i o uurlng the weak , orninnn. Ibg Monday, February S Proposals will he rceiyd at the oBlce of Col 0 l H buon maKer, Ttsasurer. Comuionwtaltn htlldlng. ,craiiton, Pa., until neon of Saturday, rub ruary IP, lg. i HAH. C MA'I i CI ' it i i fjaalnger, legal wauba i.turs ur asiuiniisiratiou upon un abov named estate haying bu grsnteil to the underglgued, all persons having rlslms or demands agaUrtl the said estate willpl.-ase present them for pa) merit and thus Indebted thereto will please make humsiiiute payment to ELIZABETH OOTTWAIA Adm i. JOHN F. HCHACiO. Att y for Estate, New York Producs Market. N'tw VoHK, Fab. :.-FLoL'H-Moio act lvj easier WhsaT Moderately active for export, dating Steady; No. 9 red, store aud eleva lor, 04 Is, no I Ho. ;adoat, tJit,!3'. 1 f- 0, b., tiitiyfan uugraded red. '.CsflSo.; No. 1 bortbem, none. ; options more active, OS ii t. irregular, closing weak at ,a"4e. juilc- etcrday; N o 'J red closed, r'ebiu aiy. 64 sc; March, 64:.c,; May, l!7-.c ; July oa-,c; August, rj:ic. ; liecenjber, 73-,c. corn Hull, Heady, N'o. 2. 4Jc eleva tor: 43e. afloat; options were dull and cloved sieady n: yesterday's price; Feb ruary. ttSat March, 4if.,c.:' May, 43i-,c. BARB 'BpotS a e iuiet and Urmer; op tious, dull, tinner. February, 3s -,e.: Marcn, i-.,c. ; May. 34; No. 2 white. February, AOuJo-.C. pot prices, No. 2, 34H' aMktst No- white. HatSHt.; No. a Chicago, i'c; No. 83,c.: No. S white, 3J -.C: mixed western, BltJOWe.; whit do, 8o jaSOHc: white state. !7Ha 40JM, Bin Ouiet, uuchauged. Lecv H Att.'- Dull. iicri'ko Bbbf Qalttt flrn, ('UTMr.ATs-lg'ulef. steady. HtoDtta- ffotalnal. Lard Quiet, about stead yi wes tern si earn closed at st v.iaT.t'O: city, ?'.e. ; option ssleg none: reSned, qoittl rontiiien', 10,80; loath America. 8.d0; compound, H'ariWc. PORR Fairly active, steady; mesi. III.. 7511! 85. BomnFatr datnasd, fresh, firm; state dairy, IBa.'lc : do. creamery, I'a'Jlc. : PenBeylvaBta, do., 97C. J western dalrv, 11 ,al7c.; do, creamery. I8IV7U0.; do. factory, IQalSKC.) Blglns, r.7v,c., laRltBtlOD ereamary, I Seiko.; roll, I2in i nrKSI Moderately active, steady. gOOR Quiet, about steady. Ice house, lhellc ; do. per cas, O,35a9.701 western fresh. I Salflc. : llmud, 10a 1 1 c. ; loutheru, I4a!fc. Philadelphia Tallow Market, f'mi Abit ciiia. Feb. 7 - Tallow w dull and weak wll h flee offering; and a iglit deuiaml. I'rues were: Prime city, in hogahcads. I ,a5c. ; prune country. In hog. heads, s .c. do. dirk, In hogs heads. 4'.a4c; cakes, tiiCl greuse, 4 .I4K.. a From ths Mou'hi of Babls. rool.'pM Fuji Calltr Is vo'ir nianiin In Little Willi.. Yes'ui, die's iinlairs ' cm Id ii her hulr fallal Weil, i n not disturb btr, i ll call again Little Willie OtLfOtl Won't dislurli ber. lis Is her Mundav hair she's OORtbIn' now; she can lnav ll on do chair an' finish It when fat go borne. - - as Bpsulmsn Cases !i II f'llffoid, Nw ('easel, Wis, wn tronblsd with oaaralglS and rheunialisni, his stomach was dttOrdtred, Ids liver was effected to an alarmlug degree, appttlt fll BWay, ami ho wa lernbly reduced In Itesh and strength Thian bottle of Flue trie ('.liters r nred him. IdWRrt) MtpRtrt), HaisiiBBrg, m,hd a rnnnlai sora on hi leg of ight jianra standing Used three BOltltS ol I r. hitters end seven boxes ot Duck leu e Arnica Halve rind his leg Is Sound and Will. John Sneaker, Catawba, , had hv larir fever sores on his leg, doctors said ho waa Incurable. On bottle I'.lcctrlc Hitters und on box Bucklnu'e Ainlca i-alve cured 1st us eatlrily. Hold by Mel Ibews Bros. Re i Estate Ior BALE-BIN OLE hoce, nji gciNcy J avenue; very desirable location Anply O F, REYNOLDS, or WILLAHD, WARHE:i A RNAPP. cjMt WILL BUY MODERN NEWS-ROOM bou, all Improvement: terms easy; cur per Madison aveiiu and Delaware atreea Ap ply HARRY LhltS 021,400 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT O corner Madison svenue aud belawara SV eot '1 ai ins easy Apply HARRY LEE BuokUn' Ainloa Bales. The best alve In th world fnr Cut BiuiHea. Kotm, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever rjoree, Tetter Chspped Hands, Cbilblalni, Corn and all if km Eruptions, and posi tively cure Piles, or no pay rqulrjdT It I ll guaranteeu io give perfect satlstactiou : ok money rel'uuded. Price kS ceut per i box. For tale by Matthew Bros The new offer made to Tribune readers on page J ll is the best i iiic vet public. made BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAL I'HVSII itNs AMD kl mil iins. K. IM.A.S, p. i tlu Ky Nn iil itfitl Kur. u Sin ui si iti.i t. 4iiiu i ... colli I I) 'I I l rtlick A .1. lUNNKLle, t'lHi" iivuimt'. cm iiii ,Si,iuij rt tin tmi. e btiuri o m o . RJ p i i w Miiiuiitun hi l vol, tiVtti' t NtlM U h . , i 7'siK llli) Bt. H Ji te ft, HI Mllti i tut Mild ii HiiiiUm, V to -i i iii I K fi B, ALLIEN, Otttoi oui Utolr X' HUtihMMli.l WaislttllHluh U.Ohl tivm i.uiu tJtlls ( liiitll i. 10 to if ft lu Mill uttUiUKJ mI iuUliud, Hs( D" SI .1 shoo atol'r ll i o 4 p iii : W sahmgtoii a 1. FRKY, Praetlu luuiiad to Dis u... . ol l,e I. VO). Ll.l. ... ae slid Iblosl. oltli e. I H : Wyoming aye Kaiidriue, i.'g Vine it real jilt L U OATEB. HO W uelilligtull AvelilH 1 ' Otno hours, a to v u 1 Hu to ii ami tO I D iii I OHM L WRNTS, M. I. omooa lii aad tj si Oomiuouwoulth building, leaideuca 711 Mudlaouave; nfltca hours 1) to IS, 1! to 4, 7 to 1. buiidavs '1 H) to I, svenlngs at isaideu. e A specLalt) inado ot iti'susses of the ays, ear, BOSS si.,1 iruout and , , no . li ML BRAY, siie.lulty rnsilauil Uis enaen or v ana agin. .t; vv yomine .via Offloe honrSI Until loam i to 4 and 7 to r) p in. MHs. UK KINO WMCLBKHRY BTRKB'f At Cai 'tawdtiS on Fridays ol ea.-b weak. I ' em XKItCKINAKY M llt.LONs I.' M l RUl.. Yi-reiuisiv Suiaoj Is. rlstry I specialty: gold madslis' of On tario Veterinary Collage. Orb. -a. Summer's livery, itti I'u st uar Keller s can isgo ,L..;. Telet.holie No ll : l.A Y Kill. J 11 C. HANi K d Law aud UolleotlOS of . Iii e. No SIT Bbi uce St.. onieisite I'ore'. House, B. canton. Pa.: , ollectlous a ipeetaity tbroogboUjI Pennsylvania, reliable ooiruspoiid euts lu every eouuty. TERRUPBR HAND, Attorney sad Coswmp sJ lore at Iw, Couiuiouwealtb building, WusbingloB ava W H J iei p. i .. a -.. i B Hs-sn. W 11 J ESS l! P. .ill U'll.l.ARD WARREN A RNAPP, Attjr nevs and Counselors at Law. Republican Hilton. I'H. Atlorueva and Counsellors at Law; oBlces U aud 9 Library building, bin anion. Pa. HcntWCI i, H PATTBitsua. Hum i A Win ox A LFREbHAND WILLIAM J HAND. At is. torueyi and Couriaeliors. Commonwealth building. Room IS. 30 and ti. HENS! at BBRLY-Law offlesa la He publican Ijudding Hoou Sciarilou, Pa. MILIUN W. LOWRY, i Attys, 7 Waahiug C. H VON sTORi'H ' ton si C H euat; IAMESW. OAKIORD Attorney at Law, i Connolly & Wallace A Great Opportunity for KID GLOVE Buyers. For La dies and Gentlemen. 50 Dozen PIQUE GLOVES. Four-Button Length. ENGLISH REDS AND TANS For genuine 3erviee there is nothinzto equal it. and they fit perfectly. Sold by our neighbors as a bargain at a dollar, and really so, but our price ia 87c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Houae. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL , RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIUH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anlhrscit coal us. 1 ev.usivrly, lusnilrig ii.-aniini.-Hg isrid caasfoyt, TI4A TAIILI. I . lllti U . IS. IMJ. Trains laavc IvrsUtOO roi PlttStOB Wllse-, Hatre, etc , at 8 In, P IA i.. uu. llllllllllllllllllllllllll OUR o0, f, W, 7 J ll 0.S n i uu. s.isj. , lu p. Ill ru 'nrnlav s V ifj a m , Koi Ailautiv City, tins. in. For Nw York, Rewara and RUgsbstb, i aith Hi Sunday, : 11 get bulldina Washington ave.. L)AT rKRttON V WILCOX I ? RANK I OKRLLi Allorueyat Law. I , l oal r.x lialige I'iouiss,! Si snd UY Conimobweulth b i g QAMUEL V. EDUAR. Attorney at La ir Ofllce 317 Snrucest Mcrsnton Pro L P. c. A W ATRKS, Attorney at Law. CI Lai-kiiWHrina ane Hrranton. Pu P SMITH Counsellor at Law orniw rooms M, (A M) i omuio.iwealth hulhiiug H. PITCHER, Attorney at Law. Coin- uiiinwsaith building. Scrauton, I'a C. COMEOY8 -CI sipr iioe St. li REPLOOLE, Attortiey-Losns nug.i tinted mi real estate scurlty.4U Sprue Kr KILLAM. Attornev at Law. 1JU Wy a omlng avenue, Hcranton. HAVE YOUR Dat.DS AND MdRTOAOKrs win:., i and acknowledged bv J W, BROWN'INO. Attorney and Notary Pubil . 2 L'limmi riwealth BnlMInt- I). It HOOU OCHOOL (JF THE LACKAYVANNA. Scran is tou. Pa . prepare boys and girls tor . olisgi or hualueaa ti. i-. .gbU trains young cbildien Cstalogu st request R v Thovas YI Cams, Wai.iih H 111 II L vTORREB rKR'S K1NDRROABTRN 1 Scbool, 4U Ailauis aveuus I'upili nt ail times. Next term will op.-u M riceived Isniisi v HI V I ls (Vu it m MrtA'i no. LAURA CH, Smgeou Dentist, No, us v omlng ave. on. al BxebSnae ; FEBRUARY 8, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON JfOUr i lioirr Of IhrfSJ bl!Ulltlflll pitliiicH' rideubuUdUIrl," "Dgi i llYoriBR CkrlstiaiRi niMrato'' itnil "Muidt'UH BwUlgeHg," Heud by mull or uit'ssi-ugcr or brlqg coupons liko this of lbm ditler jent dales, with 10 cents, stninps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Psnn Ave. aud Spruce St LOANS mid Loan Aseo Isi ion will loan on rnoiiev on easier terms ami pa) you belter on Investment than any olliei association Call on S. N CAI URN Hi n, Imue Hunk building Tci HE VI I tTIIINttl I it II IU Wyoming avu It lis bealeil Willi steam all Ileal Hut I I I IMI III ITA1 It M I T sen Improvements ' M Thi mvn Prop ri lEOLKR'R HOTEL BR Uidusranna ava it ane, Bcranton, Rates Nnsvsastae, f Zirui i ii Proprietor UKST.MIN' I I II Hi i I'LL W ll iOBlNl K, M.uiiig.-r Hulssiitb slraal, oim I look east of llioailwsy. at L'iiIoii S.juare, New York, American plnn. Ill oO pel ilnv and upward (SUYNB Hill SK Itureaeaa plan; .good ' rooms Oiiori day and night. Bar sup. piled alln the lu al P II COYNE I'ronrletor CJCHAN TON Hiit'MR, nekr I' I, W p l s , g.i ' pot ( olidui led mi the I illopeau hlsn, II lull Koi II I I I . I I . . r I i HAND CENTRAL. 'I be large! and besi I ..oiilupel hotel lu Allsutonn. Pa . rslal . and si M day viiion 1 1 i' 1 1 -iiv 1 1 letor am hi i trio Hill I'T. Al.llllerls Rooms Hi, ui i I W AL I KR. Library build liur Wy In avenue Herantoii. I g A Is ,o I ' snd Cri oiiiiiioiiweallh b Id V E. 1 I BROWN An b It An hits. I, Price i s bautinnii waiagtun Ave.Bcrsntae " 1 1 1 ' 1 SIISCI 11 S I III s li sWaii'I's WHOLESALE lumber, e snd u Dime Hank l.uildl ,g I'- i s n ton. I'a YIHIARU.K BROTHRHR, I'KINTLHS 1 1 niippll, erivaiupea. paper bags, twin W in house, 111 Washington ave. Bciantuu, i I . u ri in 1 1 ii pHANR P, BROWN CO,, WHOLE 1. sal dvclei in YVuodaaie, I'mdag and on (.'H.tb :en W l.S' ikaWaina avenue BAUER'S ORCHESTRA ML'sio halls, ulrnlos. parties, leisutiona. FOR ' e e.,.sw. i.',yi."i won illngs snd ooncerl work furnished For terms nil dress It J. Bauar, rsjiiduotm. 117 Wv 11,4 ave , ovr 11 mil. -i t s rnusle slur. s.LtA FINN SUNS. and uontiao- tors Yards: ( 'orner lllive st. and Adams eve ; l ornsr Ash st aud Peun ave., Seiantuu ! -KKI. ( R. CLARK A CO, Uvedsmsn. Florists I f a and Nurserymeir. storo II Washington serine; green ho'iae. IJ.I N'urvh Main aver, .... tore telephone 7h ri vs OHA.ND UNION TBA UU. .lone Bros Wlltk m RM v. u-spressi a ru . n fj fegprot luirloi vtr. D au 'exprevsi p. 11 11, Foil MAVCRnvxK, ALLBBTOW1 BlTHI.I IIKkl EasioH and LFHIA Slil a m ' lilRiltO, fj'Si leiuept Pluladelpuls . p in. I Sunday, w p ul For LOKO BkaNi H, OCBAM OBOVK, et. at MU iu . I'J.SO m l or Reading. Lebanon and llarrlsburg v,a I Allentow 11. 10 a. in . li 110. i.wi. p.m. bundav . .'Kip. ru v ' For I'oltsvlll. n ID a rn . 13 :sl p in Hetiirulug Urave New York, fool of Liberty sireet, Noith river al (esprissi a. in.. LIU, 1.30, S.SO . esorasi with Buflei. pai lu: car 1 p. in. Sunday, l.rin a in Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal MJ a. in . ;'.u0 aud 4. 3J p ui. Sunday. 0 gi a. in Throuvh tickets to all polnisat lowest i;., may be had on unpllcatlon in advance tu the tlufctt agent at ih sta'ion. H P BALDWIN. lien Pass Acent. CURTAINS ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1 lldaj and Salonla) leb y and 10. WtVI. BARRY A.'.d H.s COBpaal ot Mn Maatis la it, Ns Funny Conway, T V ip Ds eiw m P a. v. ' v 2 '"ss.Ji.." VeJsya..wa, s. .. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiis li OLHAUBIN, lieu Supt. J EU03 YALLIY RAILROAD Train leaves bcranton loi Philadelphia and Haw Yen vda. D a Hih m al a in 1 a 10 -'. aud 11 at p. m v ia D . L W. R R e oj. 11 -u a. m., and 1..I0, 6 sj p. m. Leave Hcranton f.,r Pitlston and Wilkes Barre via IV. L St W. R R . Sg, !1 -Ala in . 1 iu, MS, 0 1)7, e.Ds n, ui 1. a,e ciautou ror White Haven Halietou. Pottsvllle and all points ou Hie Beaver Meadow aud PottavllU, via V 4:11 R R. at ea.n.. 11 10, IM. 4 lo n.m . via D . L W, R Rul.RL II I" in.. 1 Ol a. n m Leave hcranton for Beinlehein Easlon. R.-adillff. Halrlablirtf and all InLarrnMlllMtM points via D. 4- H R R la.UX.laJa, 11 U ji.m ,rlaD.. L If, B. B .bus. n 86. m 1 3j saw p in I Lc-av e Scranion tor Tiiukna: . Towaiida. Elmlra Itbais. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. A H R K.liS and 11 86 p m via D L. A W. R. H.. M0 a m. l.Jup rn Leave 3, canton for R.x Lester. Bultalo. KI agar Fall, tieti olt. Chicago aud all points west vlaD ft U R. R.. I W. 15 11 i p m v ia D L ft W. R. R. and Plttstun .1 unction yjj a. ui for Buffa'o only; I JBtXal p m , v.a E ft W .'R R.. 4.1b p. m For Elmlra and the west via Salamsu -s via D, ft ll R. R att ilp. m via D . L ft W. R R . ii. BJ a. m and tn p. m. I'ullmsn par loi and sleeping or L. Y, obair i srs on all trains beta mii I, ft B .1 unction or Wilkes Barre and New York. Philadelphia Buffalo and Sa.spenslon Bridge ROLL1N H Wlt.BL'R, lien Supt. East D;v CHA8 H. I.BK. Oen Pass Att Pbila Pa. A W NON N EM AC1IER Ass't Dsn Pais Att Smith Bethlehem. Pa. An: Worth goiug a long distance to see. No such collection can be found nearer tbau New York or l'biladipb)a,aad then It is not sli pBSStO io the Btatttt of luiqgeand ejrilusive or ilthnet-s, daintiness and uallCftCt ot mate iiai. in a word, our Cnrtalaatock Ihli fall reacbei our Llghsit ideal of what ig should be. and cannot fail to meat ibe apptovni ot tbe ruuit rtUnsd and art nut tatte. Yet all this does Lot mean higb prictis. On tbe contrary . be values We now otte: are g.binuiel for your inspection. Of court. w ve every make and euiobg tLeiu Will be lound lh vry cbcicest cr tione in Brussels. Irish Point. Swiss, .Vottingbaniand otbei LattOocsli: also tbe New Miowflake Bwis. with Silk Utrip- in con'.iesiinir colors Also nil ilLei cf Bttk Itripe, Tnpsttrlea, etc., mJe io crder. Fracbfroiaaran at tne Btar Tbeate-, New Yora, where ,t wi vef su--oeesfe:. SWEE1 BIVOKBJ PRETTY OIRLS ORACEFULDAMCERS, PlAL":iI'L'L SCRNERl Sale op.'. Wedueedfcv. Wtet comii.e( mg'Mu.N i a W ( J N L E k L A N D ' SVVe I STOCK DRAMATIl CO. I aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiis I HILL i CONNLLL I SCRANTON, PA. JN TWO (iRLAT PLATA RtlsdSV 'i..J.y ': . W.. THE GYPSY QUEEN Tburauev Friday and Batardaj Pygmalion and Gaiatea ADMISSION. It. ta and St Cl cri, chairs 'ii Ui-sf! t -. r arr'-' i eieri ssraeoa frosa lb v i m. , , . rterttasl Parls)tiatceae ... ei"sp: ktiinn :.!..' TLuoiayt . . eery evsuslag at s IS Dote ituessvl . . ! u P :.: niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiF DUPONT'S NIN'lNi'r, h LASTING AND -:PORTlNi) POWDER WanwaUapaa RUlls I Pa. adatWlf DELAWARE AND Hl'O son Railroad Couimeni ing Ms) I.V isdi i lain will run as follows Trains leave Bridge Street Station. Scrauton. for Pitts ion. WLke Ban e. etc sun. 11.07, 8T, lot: a m . 12.10 I.SS. .' I I LIS ti 15. sale. mid ILn p. m. l oi New Y'uik audPhila delchla SIX) a. in If 10. 1 ii SM 41ilud 11 R) P m For llonesdalecrrom Delavvaie l.nokawanii.-, aud Western depot i. 7.00. 1. s iu . U i ill.. S. 17. ,Y)0 p ui. Foi Carl'O'.dale and .nn-i uie.liale -tati..i, ...40, 7 00. a Ho. 10 IU a. in . 12 UU m ,.' 17. J. Sj,J lu. ii Ji snd H HO Ik in . tiom Bridge street OSpOt, .' trl n iu.. '.' iTan.l 11 rfi p. m Fast eliirsiss to Alusiiv Sart..g IkeAdl Hilda, k Bosnian, Boston and New England poluts, MO a. ui., arriving at Alhan 1H.4.Y isarstora .' 93 p ni . snd lesvlng Scrsntoi. at :t p in . arriving at Albans at i V p in. Sara log M M Bj m and Boston, i 00 a m Tne only direct rout lent a eeu the i oal field slid Huston "The Leading Tourists Rout of Am, Meg' (a the Adirondack Monnlaln re so'le Lukes lleolgi and I hainpiaill Mold I oal etc '1 line tehles showing loi al and through train sen lee aitween i i - on all divisions Liels ware and Hudson -.stoui, uiav be oblaluvd at nil Delawaie and Hudson ttckel II II YOVJiO, .1 W HI'RIUCK. Second Vice PrafUeai Oeu. Pass a i. Mabufactuiadat the rerrie oouniT mington, Ur.sssr. HENRY BELIN, Jr. I C.enersl Agent fur the Disir.;:. ; Ul Wyoming Ave., Scranion Pa Third National Bank Building. Aoisvirs Titos FORD, r ,lnHS B SMITH ft SON; Plymouth Pa I. VS ML I.I.IC.AV Wllkee-Rarres Fs Agents FOI the Kipauuo v'l.elnloa. Oast iiai) s High 1 xi hieive i ! i - N. A. HULBERT 3 os RUETTRL tii Lsokawauns avanu. tnanuf'r of Wlr Si-rns I l'.l A W A RK, LACKAWANNA AND U E8TERN HaIi K.'AI' Trains bava Mrantsn as retlowi Eiprssi im .N.-w Yolk and all bOtBtS Knst. 1 ju v .W, i It, 1 in and v H .. m ill 11 and .1 SO p, ui. Fspress to, Kal. n, I'leuloii Pluladidphlli und the Boatll, i sis) and V fSI a tu ; Hi) and g fs.1 p Hi Washington ami way klAtlOBS ' 4U g in Ti hvliamia aoi oBHUOdatloO, 0 hi p. ui, I vpr sa for Bliigliiiiutoii, Oswego, rl'luiiu. Corning, Halli HansMlle Slvnuil Mnnls and Buffalo. 1.' 10 D l.'i a la, and I .'4 i in , mating Clots ceaSBCtloSI al llufia'o to all points iu the West. S'orlhweet and loathwtSI Buffslo scMUilu. dalluii V 00 a Bk ' i I way stations. Lis, p m Nl.Tiolsuii and wsv station. 0 S p m lllngliaiuioii and Rlrulia K prase rJOi p. m Kxpreae (or Cmtlaiid Svraeii Oswego l'tica and HI. hllelj 'pi lugs. . IS a in and l.S P ru Ithsi a. " It and (I'd a in nd I VI p, in I or Nviitbuiiikssjlaud Flttston WY.l.i Hans I'ln Ih. Hloomsbuig and lianvlll. niaktOS hate OOBBSOtlnas Si Northumberland lor William. i i Rdiiehnrg. Haltiumi Wash lugloli rt ri si the Kuulh. Noilhumberlaud aud iniel iuedlata stations U0U. rls ru and I :m and HUT u in Nantlcok und lntrmdl(a stations ( aud 11. Bj i in Plyiunuth aud luttiuisdiat ttlltlolll '."aid is. Its p. in I'lillman parlor uinl ilssplio; Ins on nil ssprvss Mains I i it. ml. il luforiuatloii. pocket lliustaldas i t. . spplv to M. 1. o1Uith. i'Uv liutsi oBlcs. .awantui avenue, or depot ttnkst ofll.-e City Music Store, - w lOlllNU RTRjs aCRANIO NllTXW.tY A HOM DKCKRR IIHOI NFRI see Hit Mi II A HMk Hi t 1.1 dt II kl I II PIANOS S's, a Isi... sloe of first olsas ORGANS 1 1 NEW YORK. ONTARIO AMP wuTERN Railroad, B rsiitoecMvuien Tim table Iii . n." t Nuv H. isss 1 i iii- brave Scriitnn foi l arboudal 0 50. 8 Al, 11.03 u n, , 4.50. ii lu p u 1 or HsuctM'k slid main conuecimus 11.06 lu 1 10 p. Trains wave Hancock Junctlou foi main line connection fm Scrantou. tiOU is.m f 04 m. 1 cuius leave Carboudale for Souaulou 7 SI. I4.. a. iu.. 1 in. d 144, (i Ifn m. C ANlMJlijON '.sueral Passenger Agent, XSiv Vol k T. FI.ITi'ROFT, District Passungei .S'gei t. Si laulou isBtl'MlCAI. Mi ll. IMMHSU MUHIC. I IC KfU I FOR THE LENTEN SEASON AH Muds 1 resli Flsk iscslved dally Fauei sin ok. , i Hallbat, iiui.eiest Cast, v aruiuutl. Htoal., 1 tall Macksr). i RaekawaTi thesMpenke n.. , Maurler Rn.r lose ami . lllll t' I'll .1.1 . . DOM T FORGET That weai heettatnrkM far evarj tbtag ... the line cd VA ill HIM IT roa Bars av .e of puvcbss.i.g ai.v ktad at a Watch lady'eor gaat'i Qoid oi Bnww yc wU! mate eriev OS u.istake U you do n.vt g us cai. aad g, : our which j, vu wiilrlni tar belctc all otner. cepeclaV.y tn all the high grades of F c ' Walthari and ris. )-!:. ii, renie-.ts If . .. I.svi-anv ..o.. I is srul are st ad posted en price gi osa salt aad w a;.', have to , ei v r.i v . . VAVilV.r ',arge k to diep.. xS. and wi.. otTsr you won dsiluj ii.dui-nint m Jeweiry. s..vrware. c . kl and al etAer foet vrntcn w Lav -t st. ck C. W. Freeman I'eun Ave aoJ k.rv.ce Bt Atlantic RetiniDg Co. Raaafaotarers nd Livaiersm llluiuinatiD and Lubricating OILS Lingeed Oil. -NsptUan mid Liaio hues of all gradei A tie Ot easa, l'laiou Grease aud Colliery Coup pound j alto, a large line of Paiv tatiiue Yt'ax Candle Yo nlso lumdls the Kamous CROWN ACME OIL, tbe ouly family safety burning oil in the insrket WILLIAM MASON, Manag.r. OIBce Coal Kivhaug. YNloming Ay Werks al Pine brook. OYSTERS soli si,, ii Clams. Mir Imps. vnllups. ftr W. H. PIERCE, PK.N'N AVK 1-MilEAND YVYO.MIMC1 VALLEY RAIL III RiiAU Train Uavs Sorantau tor Nw Ynrk aud its ter mediate points on tbe Kr is snd Hlv aud local points at 0 5 Oai a. ui and IN p iu. 1 rain lavlng at Itli a. m and 311 p in. are through trains to and from Hemes I ale. Trains IsaV for Wilkes Ban. at I u a. ai and 8 ll p. m. IAN? . Iluierted In THE TRIBL'N'E at the rule ni ONE CENT A WORD. Anti Spasmodic it is You aaa not ,,'ligh if you try i try bard after applying Costs IM MAtthtWs eros., Scrantou.Pa. A Handsome Completion buneof tb greatest cUariuaa vsouiun co posseln Pfitrom' CouruzioK t'oWDaa gives It,