Those Who Were visitors at the World's Fair will want the Waua maker Portfolio as a some Dir. cranton Those Who Wore unt, will waut it he it is in' a liberal I neat ion ia art, mechanics ami descriptive literature. EIGHT PAGES-56 COLUMNS. f j; A.llMl, . , 8CRANTON. PA.. THURSDAY HORNING. FEBRUARY 8, 1804. TWO ( IENTS A COPY. t vB - THE BMTftNN GAT II AID EDUCATION SENATE PISSES THE F Fi BILL It Decides That Dishonesty Shall Not Be Uis couragwl at Klectiuus. MR. STEWART THE ONLY BOLTER The Silver Senator from Nevada nod the Three Populists Join with the Democrats In Inviting Electoral Corruption-Senator Cameron Makes His Second Speech -The House Passes the KVCreary Resolution MAing, En-Minister Stevens De mocracy's Hawaiian Scape-Uoat. w tstiiMiivv iw TBI etottag debet, in thossaat on the turns bill to rcpl t f.deral lscUoa law was BK iitWrestiu than that of nuy pi W kSHIKOTOK, ret- debate, 10 the seusl. tiie IU,T IntaiMMDil than lliatoi auy tue vims day. It was opened ty ttoar (Bap., turn. . Bad snood by Mr Bt. (lem.. nan Mr. Boar' sptMh was , bittsr arraignment al the Democratic party in regard to 'he election fraud on of bi bbssbUoiis being that wherever there was a crevice in the protection of tit freedom of Iba ballot there th Democratic puny would be found trvintr to break through, ami an other betn,: thst lbs 1 1 m STOOld BOBM whu the Dem erst would ueeJ fed eral elect. on laws. It forno other rea son than to protect thui against each otbr. Th Democratic position In favor of the bill was stated by Mr. Gray , Dtn . Del .), to be that th election law ought to be wip'd out, not only be cms thy wtrt .it wir with every tra dition of self government, bat because thjr buttressed ap t le very fraud which thy were professedly iutnd-?d to de stroy. SENATOR CiMEKON SPEAKS. Mr Cameron. I Rsp., P.. i faood an opportunity for stating that, a secre tary of war, he had interfered to pre eat electioa frauds in ItRt, and that the rnit of hi iuterferen.. ta was that Mr TiUu wa not president of th United State. All amendments that wr otfer-d to th? bill wer- rejected, and th bill w.a pass-d without nmendme::" yeas nays IS, the only saespttonfl to its being a strict party Tore, bdaa that one Republican senator, (Stewart, tfa ,) and the three P pn'.is: senators. iAiln, Kyi and Puffer. i .Ot"d w.til tDe Dera'fc.TatS. The till had bo passed by th house on "Jctober 10, 193. and U a simple repeal of all the statute relating to UDrviors of lction and special deputy nunhals. The tenet ad journed at b' N p m. DCLL DAY IN THE B06SS Today ii the hoaa.wa c'liefly de voted to role calls and lion or. were alout eTen between the McOeary Hawaiian ISBwlalloO and the Bland cntonsm bill Oq ths first roll call 177 member voted, and Mr Springer ruaoe tn point or oraer mai mis wa a qnornni, owir.g to vacancie in the Sown About one hour was consumed in dijensHin? this qasstJoa and it finally wnt over without a decision, and a econd roll-aall was ordered, when the MeCkoary resolution was adopt!, yea 177, rays 75 Mr Boateils (Rp., Me called np his privileged resolution which he introdnced just before the Chnstma holidays, an t on a re and nav Tote it was defeated, ye-n 'ri. nays 159. Mr Bland Dem., Mo i called nphis silver eigniorag bill, and on his mo tion to go into cornmitt of th whol for it consideration, th Republicans and som eastern Democrats began to filibuster, and succeeded in tying np the honse until 7 o'clock an I in delay ing action on the bill. At 7 o'clock th house adjourned. DEMOCRATS WHIPPED IN LINE. Only Tbrse Membar. Fall toSappirt th A !:.-.. . ration. WaaHiN'iTON. Fb 7 Th adoption by the bouse todty of th foreign f fairs coBDrnit:e's resolution can.uring ex-Miiiiater Stevens for his conrse at Honolulu, after a Irg'.latiT battle covermg a period of five days, finally dispose of the Hawaiian question a. a "qneition," to far as the house is con cerned. The debat ODOO th rcsoln tion and the possibility of a certain D emocratic defection when they were pot to a Tote, was followed with deep interest not only by the BftfMaot, but by bis coiiitllntional advMrs, tiie lnsmber of hi political household, o to apeak, as well. It was expe-;;d by Mr. Mrarr that a very considerable rni'ii or r,f Democrats who are not oTerly friendly to the administration would vote with the Republicans in opposition, th ar gument being that the resolutions een aured a foreign minister, Which was an action never before taken by th American congress. As the debate progressed, however, the opposition within the party line gradually diminished until when the vote was taken thin afternoon only three Dino crats were found in opposition. - POOL TOURNAMENT. hundred squire feet of the glass roof 0( the building fell, nearly burvlng a detail of firemen, who were lighting the tire directly beneath the portion of the roof. All of the firemen escaped without injury except minor bruises and cuts from tilaas. It is thought that asirsteiustio effort is being made by intend! irio todt utroy th World's fair building. Kirly this morning a small Mi was found in n piln of ruhbish the building which was easily extinguished slid the police claim to have evidence that both blas.s were the work of ail incendiary. SENATOR QUAY'S VIEWS. H He. No Doubt That th. Wll.ou Bill Will Pat. PmaallM, lb On Monday when Senator i lay pasted through Pittabvrg OU his way to Washington, be talk.d to a friend on the Wilson tariff bill. The gentlemen in rJUMtlon ikd Senator Qoaj very frankly if he thought the Wilson bill would int. a. Ho said lie was dssirous of knowing as the messure would have great weight ou kit bnsine.s. Senator Qoaj replied: "ThaDono- crats are in powtr and ar able to pas the oi. i and it will be passed. CLEVELAND AN ARBITRATOR i Will Docltlti Urn Dispute Between Brazil and thf Air ;n in. Hi public. OVER A DISPUTED BOUNDARY rhi Papers in the Controversy Ue IWOan Argentine and Uraiil to Be Presontetl to President Cleveland, The Arbitrator, on Saturday The President Will Examine Am unit Maps ami Modern Document!. A Decision to Bo rendered Months Hence. GEORGE JONES HEARD PRODI. Only Surviving Creenbacker Issues Call to Himself He Desires More Currency. THE foriini boundary Braill bi public v Btandina of th Playar. at th. Philadel phia Conte.U. Piiii.AUKM-iiiA, Eeb. 7 -Pool tourna ment snore: First game, Tate, 150; Coata, 121. Second game, Stocker,10U; Slier ins ii. 151). The Btanuinsr of players is as follows: Sin rinun won 'I, loslU; Tii'o won 1, lost 1; Coata won 0, lost 8: Keogh won 1, lost 0, Dougherty won 1, lost 0, Sum mer won 0, lost 1; Wilson won 1, lost 0; Stocker won 0, lost I, FIRE AT CHICAGO. th TnoendiarU. Att.mpt to D.stioy World. Fair Building-. Chicauo. Feb. 7. At 4.40 f.b.i after noon fire wa discovered in th roof of the southeast corner of the agricultural building in the World's fair ground. The fire wa soon under control and tbe Jiimagn to tbe building waa insignifi :ant. Twenty caaaa of exhibit wer -owewhat damaged by water. Ont WaHeVOToji, Feb. 7. Heorge O Joues, ahnlrfltan of the national com mittee of tue National Greenback par ty. today issued tbe followiug call for the preparation aud signing of poti -lions by those who favor a largely iu created volume of money "National Green hackers aud all other who are ia favor of the immedi ate issue of a large increased volume of constitutional money and of perpetu ating on our statute booksthat decision of the I'nited Stats suprsme court, rendered March B, ISS-t, which iu ub stance waa follows: That United Stat Ugal tender uots. commonly known a greenbacks, when issued by direction of congress, It meet the requirements of the gov ernment or the necessities of the peo ple, are constitutional legal tender rnouey of tue United State, and all who fav r tbe fre and unlimited coin age of silrer are hertby requested to mt in their respective cities, town, village and aeiirbborooods on Satur day. March 'i, I4M to celebrate th tenth anniversary of that important de cifiou.aud then and there to prepare and obtain signatures to patulous to their senators and representative in con gress, requesting tuem to sue lily enact law authorising and directing the turther iscue of greenbacks and for tbe immediate repeal of all laws relating to the coinage or ut of silver that lisve been enacted since January 1. 1878, and to re-enact all laws relating to silTer tbat were in fore on that and to immediately forward (aid peti tions to their senators and representa tives in congress at Washington. TRANSFERRING CASH The Oold Depoolt.d fir Amount to $28,000,000 Washington, Feb. 7. -Treaaury offi cial today hgan transferring to the cash balance the gold deposited for bond. In ronnd figures this amounts ta a9, 809,800, The stated balance to dsy tai.ds: Gold, IM 111(88; cur rency, 14,081,788; total, 117. 11 5.32 Figures could not be obtained today to show whether in addition to tbe gold paid in on the bonds the treasury in the iHual court of business gamed or lost gold. . -FLASHES FROM THE WIRE. Ontario voteil for prohibition by 81,730 majority. The Vesuvius has sailed from Fort Mon roe. Vh. , for a cruise in tbe Mouth. New Orleans husinets men have ap. pealed to congress not to repeal the sugar bounty. An earthquake shock was felt at Keeler, Cat. and Hawthorne,, Neb., on Monday svenlng. On mam dug 17,000 of gold in an hour from the new mine at FarOOIQ Hill, near iJenver, CM. The third man, Albert. Narsker. has lienri rlty.rned at Newport, Ark., to liang as nn Ollphanf. train robber. Qovernor Klr.wer has renoininatnd Nr. William T .lenkina to bs health officer for the port of New York. !'tnr Hchenrk, azed 79, droppwl rlea l at the funeral of llankir Kdward WoaNi i" a Friend.' church, Nw York. After geltlnir her half cut short, band, some young Clara li iedy, of Oaleon, O., ran away from BOBM in male attire. Tbe "fickle" winter wnathsr in the peach-growing section of Kn lucky has left little hope of any crop of the fruit. At Lawrenrn, Kan., t'hsrln. lirskn 'alally shot Harry It -eves for Intimacy with Mrs. Drake, then committed anicldn. A jiilt threw ' ondnctor 11. A. White off the teareiid of bis train at i'lne liairen Kla , and he was run over anil killed A neighbors believed aged Mrs. Mouth well and Thomas ', of Forest City to lie White daps, both were shut dead. Mr". Allie lllock f'arr was arresteil it Denver, CM , for oompllclty In the mur der of hor hnsbaud, Harry Carr, an attor ney. New York city will at once expend 1880, 000 OB park improvements to provide work for the niiemployeil, lnaTV,tNB noon aft orward. Historian 11. II. Maiic.roft, has linen ex pelled from th ('nllf'irnla BOttftf of I'm neers for writing ininged tiiiltnth ahout a mem her. 'ihe nominee for rollertnr of internal revenue at lioKlnn, li lwaril Hunovan, lias underKotin a severe suritlcul operation for appendicitis. Supposed rich gold mines in the Wichita uioiintiiiuM.l Ik Inhoinii. werii simply ".taltnil tracts, fixed up to draw immigrants anil sell the land. Comedian W. II. ('rami had his colored servant William Bill, arrested In New York for stealing tl.Hlft from the actor's overcoat pocket. Chairman Hut eh, of the hnu e agrlcul tore committee, has introduced a new anil .option, mil, which he has urmn en gaited In preparing for many mouths. The barn and outbuildings of J. 1). Ell wood, six mile distant from Hyrarhore, 111., together with 150 I'ercnoron horses. were burned early yesterday morning. Tbe barn cost over 17,000 and the horses value will bring th total cost above (SO, 000. Tbe origin or the ore is unknown, Wabhinoton, Fob, 7. al iitiis-nlatiou of the v controversy between hi I the Argentine Ite. will be mail Saturday next to Pridnt Cleveland, who is to arbitrate the dispute. The territory in question, known ns 'The Missions. " lies at th juncture of the two coun tries with Paraguay, and has been the subj.ot of controversy for many years. Ths claim- of tho two parties largely deptad up hi the identification of a river marked on an ancient map, and the search for proof bearing upon this point bas led ton thorough rausacking of th archives and libraries, not only of the Argentine aud lirnzil. but of Portugal, Spain aud the Vatican, to that there tins been accumulated in the baud of the commissioner who pre pared tho cases for thsir respective countries narty everythini; iu exist ence tbat could throw light upon the discovery, occupation aud history of cbe country. The Argentine Republic committed its case to Dr. Zeballos, minicter to the United States, and ever tinue his arri val here latt summer tie has oeen busily engaged in its preparation. He win present to fresnlsnt lveiaud a brief in support of th contention of his country comprising 880 punted psgf. 1 tie "record of the ce ac compauyinir tbe brief consists of five larg volumes of original documents in manuscript and nn itnuieuie portfolio of maps arranged by centuries SOUTH aVHUGA'a HRST ItAP. Included in this is th first map ever made of South America. There is alto a small library of the official records of Brazil and the Argentine Kepublic, in which i sat forth In full every docn mont referred to or quoted in the com missiouar's brif. Tbe minister' early framing In tbe newspaper held is man ifessed by the orderly and couiprehen sire arrangement of the case, aa well as in the elegance of the typography and binder art m which it l clothed. The Brazilian commiision consist of liaron Rio Branco ?nd General De CastfO Ceruueria, with their advisors and ttacus. Since last full Baron Bronco bas been in New York. He will reach Washington Saturday morn, ing and be received by President C'lev land with Dr. .eballos at th white house in the afternoon It will b several month before th decision of President Cleveland can be announced THE TERRITORY IN DIBPUTft The possetaion of the country lying between tho Uruguay and Parnna river bas been in dispute siirco th early years of tbi century. The Mis siones, as it i oalled from th number of Jesuit mission long ago eatablishad throughout It territorv, is a province wtll worth the lrorts of two republics to Rciinir. Within its 88.080 square miles is to bo found every diversity of country, the stretches along the river bottoms and upland plateaus affording valuable grazing and timber land, and its little explored mountains being slid to hold rich initinral deposit that only await further settlement to de vtlup, Such in brief it the country the rightfnl pnasestion of which Brazil and the Arirnntine Republic bav asked Preside.,! Cleveland to determine. . - CARPENTER MURDER TRIAL. He.aationAl D. vulnpmant Are Expc-td s. th Cas Progr..... Mil I I.INT'AV N, ft. full, i Hie in ttrest in the Carpenter murder trial is increasing. At the opening of the morning tetsioii of court to lay, Judge Lyon overruled th motion by the d"fene to quash the arrav of jurors and several other prnlimiuary nm lion looking toward the continuance of the case. At II o'clock the jury had besti snl.c.led, and District Attorney Hchwnyer consumed the hour from tbat till noon In opening the case The i . i in mil ion of wiln.asiw bsgan at the afternoon stisHion in the prsseno of th largest crowd that over gatherad iu a court room here. The evidence Htibmitt'iil served to establish th fact of Hi" murder and fix the location of it Sensational devclopmcuta ar looked for iti th trial, as the chain of oi renin ilancea outlined by th commonwealth iigainat damns I) Curiieiitar is strong i Lilian's friend iu New York and had visited llnrluusii suvurul timea iu penitentiary with reference to the luovemllt in hit behulf, and promised to do all ho could for him. District Attorney GUrtDOB BiirUigh did not think thorn was any likelihood of Brk nan being pardoned. If there was any alli inpt lo free ti i in th district al - ome) nines would have something to say 111 t lie maltr "There Is no danger of Berkmiin be ing pardoned," suld Superintendent of , Io n G Mara. "mi may rest as Kilted of that. But if there is uuy at. tsmpt to free him th pollen depart ment will do ull,lt can to prevent it- le t Liu ui Is a dangerous i riinlnal anil is only safe when behind prison walls " . LINCOLN OUT OF POLITICS. Think th Nomination Will Uo to Har rison, HcKlnlev nr Hd Lot, Cal., Feb. 7 In con versation with a reporter tolav, ex Seeretary of War Robert T Lincoln aald: ' You know, or leustwisu 1 will tell you ho you will know, that I am ill of politics, aud that InmnlUtiil- Iug Ktrictly to private nlTaira. but will give you my views on th political outlook. The pros pect for th Republican partv nr brighter than they nav ben for many yeBrf. It It too bad the party should have had its future blight by the (In ploruble stale the country is now in; tint this state of all airs Is What Will insure th" success of tbe party all over tbe country, Idon tbouBVB the Wil son bill will pass the senate as th bill tmw stands It hat no features to rec ommend it to tbe upptr homo of con- groat Mr Lincoln would day nothing ou th Hawaiian question He believed, however, that congress would do what was right in the promise. Regarding the probable candidate of tbe Repub lican party in 18, be said: "1 think the nomination lie between three, Tnoinns B Red, of Maine, ex-Preti- leni Harrison, and Governor McKin- ley, of Guio. NR. HARRISON WILL LECTURE. Th. Kx Prldent te Dnlivtr a Onurs In California. Ini.i a n a i', I ml , Feb. 7. - The dat lias been fixed for the departure of ei-Prosident llnrrlsiii to California where b Will bnllTer a course of lc tinea on legislative law at the Stan ford nnlvsrslty lis will leave here Feb. 90, accompanied by hla private secretary, Mrs Mcivn, and his grand children, and will go by way of southern route to the I'aoiiln coast. Tho ex-presldent will occupy rooms iu the Uiiivantty building, ipeoially tilted out for his convenlano and comfort, while Mrt. McK and her children will remain iu San Jot. The party will be gone six week. a IT RECALLS HOMESTEAD. An Attornav Trying to 8. cur a Pardon for Anarohlat Brkmn. I'lTTSHDiKj, Feb. 7. Attorney Firled man who defended Anarchist Bsuer and Nold, charged with complicity with IJerkiiian iu the attempt upon th life of Mr. Friuk, admitted today that he bad been in communication with SKINNER IS SANGUINE. An Injunction Issued in the State dustrlal School Case at Boiling Springs. In- MODERN olio ARE WARRING The Mission Factions Are Hostile Oyer a Land Contest. WRANGLE OVER THE TEMPLE LOT A Peculiar Action Brouirlit in the United State Court Dispute Over Joe Smith's Dreams Reminiscence of IU32 A Bitter Fight lor a Piece ot Ground Which lb Regarded as Uuyond Price. Ka Till: long the Re ter Dl Oharol take the Bland ill hit own defense, and whether or not the testimony fur the defense relating to Martin Burke and portion relating to Patrick G'Hulllvan honld be omitted. The mutter was left largely to the decision of Mrs. Coughlln, the faithful little won, an who has bn in constant atlendanc at the, trial. Coughlln'a father was also appealed to frequently by the attorneys. Th priBOBBf himself bad little to lay and wat evidently trutting lo th judg ment of the others. PROFITABLE FINLEYS " r3 RAPID PACE INOEEO llAldtibiiLKii. 1'.. Feb. 7 - The Dau phin county com t. just prior to ad journment this evening, gran ted a tem porary injunction restraining Gtorgi W. Skiuner from acting at a member of tbe State Soldiers' Orphans' Schools commission, aud also restraining the commission which meets tomorrow from taking any action looking to tbe approval or purchase of the site for the stat industrial school at Scotland, Franklin county. Th contention of the petitioner who are citizens of ! Boiling Spriugs, whioh hat ottered a sit, and others is that Captain Skinner Is disqualified to act as a member of the commission by rea son of ills accepting the federal ap. pointment of pension agent at Pitts burg, an incompatible office uuder the constitution A further heating that been fixed for next Monday afternoon. Captain Skinner Is here and thinks he will able to bold his seat. A SMUGGLER SURRENDERS. John Matthews, f'harued with Conspir acy to Defraud, Is Under Pall. Nkw YnitK, Feb. 7 -John Matthews, of the Urge firm of Pitt V S,-ott, for warding agent of Loudon, I'm is and New York, who is charge I with con spiracy to detraiM the I niteil Mates osteins, surrendered hiiusell Inlay anil was held ill 5,00(1 bail for examination. W. T. Todd, cashier of the firm, and Thomas ft Jones, a in -nilier of the firm here, have gone to Kurope. It is claimed that the government has lost. $100,000 in duties through trick operations. sy- - MARTIAL LAW TO CEASE. Th Qov.rumsnt at Klo d. Janatro Has D.cie.d to that F.ffct. Rid ik Jamciro. Feb 7; 'I'll gov- riiiuent has decided that martial law shall cease on Feb. 'if aud that the presidential lection shall take place on Mar 1, in accordance with the con stitution. Dr. Prudeiits d Morse., president of the senate, it the only can diditt yet named for the national presidency. He is a civilian from the state of Sao Paulo. It is posaibl that he will be acceptable to both sides. IN OUR OWN CUMMONWF.ALTH. Applicant will be examined in April at. Harrlshuig by the Slate i'harmacuiulcal board. Th Lehigh I'resbvterv at BhBaahdoali resolved to found an Italian mission at, llnr.leton, Allegheny City's I&.000 books iu the pub lic schools may he turned over lo tbe Car uegie library The senate tins confirmed lha nnmlna tloti of J. II. Mercer lo be post insster at Im... in lung l'a The Consumer's company will in May next reduce the price of gas in Heading from i:,!. 10 lo A party of fifteen coasters collided with a street carat Huston, mid Miss Kate Hums suffered a broken leg. Suspected of robbing many Lehigh Val lev freight cars at White Haven, Theodore Knore was sent to the lockup. 'Ihe Uetall Farm Implement Dealers'. s soulatloii at Urn i i ."ii elected William hborllldge, of llnllefolitn, president. Lawrence Keating, accused of wounding Kli hard Arinoiii at t ho iilliertou riot, last August was held in 1 1,00(1 ball for trial. Word was sent to W. C. Hock, of Tre mont, that, the body of Kngln Manner, for t Iv of that place, IihiI been found at Mtddloshorough, Kr ,aud murder is feared At Indiana executions aggregating ni'o.ii , weui i' 'i i i i nuniiisi r, .1 MUldrBB and the Him I Lick Manilla, luring company. Milldiun conducted BI tensive fire b.lck works nt Ilia, k Lick This throws several hundred men out of employment. Iu a lit of Jealous rage Mary X.avilla. at Norrlstewn, threw a bucket of scalding wnterover Andrea lli..uga, aged 115 years All the .kla pealed off bis face and his condition is critical. Until are Oroeks. The u annul was held to await the result of Urotiga's injuries. A couul of colored prisoners beaame obstreperous at tbe county uilioe. liar- rlsburg, ami threatened to kill Warden Hrluser. A detachment of police under Hergeant McUanii found It necessary to shoot several limes mid to light hard in 1 order to get the prisoners Into cells. Kashas Cm . Mo . Fb. 7. ong delayed eiiuity dill or 'organized Church of Dat- Day Saints, against tbe diurch of Christ of Independ ence, to determine the title to In famous Mormon lump." lot in ludn pandenOB, Mo , was taken np fur trial in the United States circuit court yester day. The morning wat consumediin read ing the petition and answer iu the case, in the afternoon Judge Kliniinds, of Illinois, spoke for the plaintiff and was followed by Colonel Southern, of lude ii".nl for tbe defense. Arguments will be concluded today. The suiL is a contest between two factions of the Mormon church to de termine the ownership of n piece of ground iu tbe City of Independence ou which tbo Monuous expect to erect someday n tamule which shall be tbe most magnificent ever reared by the band of man, and from which on th Inst day of the world, it is be lieved. all good and faithful fol lowers of Joseph Smith will ascend direct to heaven It is claimed tbat in WM an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph Smith and informed him that Jackson county. Missouri, was th Bi tot location of the Garden of Eden Tbe spot where th Lord it laid to have appeured to Adam and Eve is identical with tbe Iocaticuof "Temple Lot, " and there th prophet determined to erect a temple and dedicate it for that purpose. Tho property is regarded by the con tending factious of tbe church as more preciout than all tbe fabled wealth of the world Four years ago tbe reor ganized church brought suit to dispos sess the independence branch of the much-prizsd property, aud, although the coila of litigation to both side bar fur exceeded tbe aotual value of the property, they ar determined to fight on for its pouaision through the court of lust retort. MR. DEPEW DENIES. Dnoune. a. Rldiculau. a Story that He I. to Marry Mr. Elliott F Sh.ptrd. New York, Feb 7 - Mr. CbaanoB M. Depew dsnUd today the report pub lished iu the morning pap.r that his marriage to Mrs Elliott F. Shepard was among the possibilities of the near future Wheu shown the story, in his private office at tbe Grand Central station he said: "It is ridiculous. 1 have only teen Mrt. Shepard olicetmc the death ot her husband Then to a more aerions tone he added Mrs Sticpafd's husband died only last March. Mrs. Depew died in May. It ia not customarv to consider a second marriage within a year, at least, of deaths such as these. It Item lo me a very cruel thing to ban.' Mrs. Htb'ptrd's name around like t his. tt is altogether alumni. People must at auv rate see each oilier before anything of the kind could lie coul.m-plrtsd," . m BOUND TO LECTURE. Sims, th A. V A. Man, !av He Will Return lo Knukauua APPURON, LVYiB,, ('! 7 Piofessor Sims, the American Protective Asso ciation lecturer, who was arretted her Inst night on the charge of libel, preferred by Peter Router, ninvor of K ml, an .. a, gaTe bonds in the sum of 18,800 fur hit appearance at the next term of court, and was relented from the custody of the slienir Sims and followers returned to Gshkosh on a midnight train. On their war to the depot tboy were followed by a crowd of hoodlums, who threw eoine atones; but, so far as known, only one man was bit, and he BUttarBd but a .light contusion of tbe skin ever one of his eye. It Is feaiad that last night's work is bul Hi" prelude to a fierce battle be twren the rival fanatic. Br for bis departure Sims said that he did not propos to be kept from .peaking iu Kankauua, aud that with t! 500 good and true Am. i lean PrOBBttlVB associa tion men, he would return to deliver the lecture Ititoudcd for the ears of the KaukaonBa A Tunkhannuok, r Elouss with a Wllk. Narr. Hw.Uiy Lady. WlUCU BiRBB, Pa.. Feb. 7 Mr. Keibel, a prominent toeiaty woman, th wife of AJhcrt Belbtd, a well kuown merchant hern, list eloped with Dr. PkSB, formerly of Tunkbannock. It it believed that th.y have gone to Ne braska where, tin, is a ..-. lag physician. Pace is u faacmating I 60 inch, 32 Cf?Ilt3 I .. B-1L.I I . juuug ii in miu ju.h. . nm is a very handsome woman. She leavi t behind a most beautiful child aged ft yari, who is being care.d for by Mrt SeitH's mother. UR Reduction Sale of LINENS will com. meiic: Monday, Feb. 5, and continue one week. We quote belr.v a few figure in Cream and Bleached Table Dam asks. Napkins to match when desired. 56 inch, 23 cents. Recent trice, 2C cecti. 58 inch, 28 cents. Recent price 85 cent. MR. WILBUR A WITNESS. He Gives Important Testimony in the SuitB Brought by I. L. Rice to Oust the Reading Receivers. Recent price, 40 cc-nti, 64 inch, 39 cents. Recent price, 18 ctnt. 68 inch. 45 cents.. Jt'.-cetjt price, 93 cLt. 72 inch, 55 cents. iiecent price. C5 ceat. 72 inch, 68 cents. decent price, iO cents. 72 inch, 88 cents. Recent price, It, 72 inch, $1.05. Recent price 72 inch, $1.19. Rci;t priaa 72 inch, $1.75. Recent price 80 inch, $2.10. Recent price, t"- 25. 90 inch, $2.25. Recent pric. 8! 5 1. Dinner and Lunch Sets, 81 50. 83. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye. IHt EUTTI PERCH & BUB3E3 rFSCI'J FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSH. CHAS A. SCHTKRF.K A" CO 'S PERFORATED ELECTRIC Ai.d OA uiiiiiod LeatLer Bel dag. H. A. Kingsbury AQSMT SI 3 Spruce St, SoiltaB, Pa. HUGH IS ABIE 10 WALK. lb Report Tbat H Ha Bn flnlleltln Car Far. I'mmu mi, l'a , Kel, ?. The story toltBrapntd from Harrliburg ys tarda) tating that SughO'DounollTthB Isada! of the late rTrttWBBtBBfl strike wa In that city soliciting alms to sake him to Philadelphia is untrue O'Donneil came down from Homestead today, to deny the storv. II. says while ha ia not. BB wealthy as h. once wat, h was not i n ll.-iins burg yesterday soliciting aid. notthBI is he In want, nor it hi hair grey, as thu dispatch stiitinl -SS - THE END DRAWS NEAR. Th Defense's Testimony In he Cough lln C. Abnut OompleUd. OBIOAOO, Pah, 7. The end of the famous Oonghiln trial is nnBZDBCtodl near at hand. At the opening of court today Judge Wing, of the defense, ob tained an adjournment until tomorrow and announced that the defense testi mony waB about completed. After tb court room had !een cleared t'oiighliu, hi father and wife, together with Judu W ing and Attor ney Uonnhor, held a long consultation 'Two questions were earnestly discus es.! Whether or not Cougbliu should Philadelphia, Fob 7 B P. Wil bur, proBioont ol the Lstblgh Valley railroad, wa the only witness tfall afternoon bsfore the mastet in the suit of Isaac I. Ric to oust th Readtn reeeivere. Mr. Wilbur testimony re lated entirely to lb I Btoah trstisactioas bv which tbe Boston am Maine and New York ami New England were secured and was iu its eisentit! details slmilrtr to that given by tbe olhvr membrrs of the hoard of mana gers who have tBStiBod. Mr. Biju' vcatiUd t' know if the cisrj, boms t7UU.lHW, which hsd beau paid on ac count of the stocks, ba I bn inclule ) in tbe assets at tet forth iu the state ment and why tbe announcement of the transactioni appeared in tbe form of a foot note in their report. Before Mr. Wilbur coul1 reply to the nnattonfl Mr .Tonti ti Johnson ronn. i- - m . . sel for Mr McLeoJ. l nt -rjosed and TOWBU and tOUnter-pan?S stated that the money wat treated byit , . tbe r.ceiver as a contingent ass- t at COlTeSponClingiy 10W a the receivers were threatened prices. SeO OUr "CheTUb" at the time with a law suit 5T . . . by Prince & Co., of Boston, be- uruuiieb yuill ai SoC, am cause of their refusal to comply UVg TjJxrplsinr Mcirnpill at with certain dBmanda and th.y took I Jl? A-c!bl0r ITiarseilies &l that manner of letting the security $1.95. holders know of tbe tratisictions with out acknowledging the company's lia bility and that they hopjd to counter act any tBtion Prince ntight bring by pleading breach of contract oa his part. The hearing then hi". j lurnol until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. . MANSFIELO RIOTERS. Thy Will Be Anaiirnei Before a Court of Juttlc. on Mondsy. PlTTBBURQ, Pa., Feb 1 The Mans field rioter will b call-? 1 (or trial on Monday. Ture will be fitty-eiitht of them tried togBthsr,and when they ar arraigued before t lie bar, there will be scarcely any room for lawyers, wit uesses aud jurors Tbe number of de fendants wi.l be larger than iu any trial that ever ooonrod iu Allegheny comity, and the district attorney is figuring in all sorts of plan to gt th case before the jury in an intelligible way. The chief ttOUbl will be in iudenti fioatiou of the pri-oners, as a large t umber of lhm will resort to an alibi as a defense, and th separating of the innocent from the guilty may prove bothersome to the jniy. IN THE GRAND CIRCUIT. Pittsburtr Ho: semes Ar Endvorine tc Onto. Recognition this Season. PmSBURO, Ph., Keb. 7 Pitttburg, after all, may be repiesented in the gratiil circuit next year, A number or horsemen are eiuUavat ing to pnrohase the necessary amount ol ground ;il- jolning ths halt rail tract at lioK'i Hocks, to enlarge it Into B mile tr ick. The oWUBrB of this property, however. realizing the value of the ground for Moing porpoBSB, have raised lite pric to Bnormoni ngaraa, The racing people arc t moot the property owners Saturday and if rea sonable term- i- in be obt itnod the Ian I will b purchased and put iu shape aud tins olty will b iu the grand cir cuit next BBBB00 i, - , THE QUEEN IN GOOD HtAll H. Rummsto th. gff0t That She Rod Kx litd Wer Unfounded LoMDOM, Keb 7 -OthtB despatches having arrived here today from Amer ica station that rumors WSfB in circu lation to the effect thai the ouoeu was dead, the representative in tins city of the I uited Press sent a lelegiaui ot Inquiry 10 QoUBrnl Sir Preilerlck Pon sonby, her majesty' privat secretary, who ih with the itieu at Osborne house f A reply was received from Sir Fred erick this afternoon st ittng that th qUSBD is enjoying line health AN UNKNOWN SfEHMER. It Bnn.ath tb Waves Off Oap Eattrai WsVIBIMOTiin, Feb. 7 The life sav ing service bas received no details of the sinking of an unknown steamer on Ouler Diamond shoals, Caps llntUras, North Carolina The keeper of the elation there simply telegraphed the fact, adding "no signs of life." Th point where the toiiiner stink, is fully ten miles from the shore. Hop is entertained from th fact that no signs of life are visible, that the rrew may have been taken off by it passiug Vessel. Lewis.Reilly Davies Reliable Footwear. m .ii ft &r y if 1 r'cet of BTtl Lewis, Will 8 . tcrlpUoa tlttd at Reilly & Davies. ' ererv StOUtUS t '1 N V.H. SlOBpt iiturdT. WEATHER FORECAST. VKHiNOToa. l-'eb. 7. Forca$l fur rauisjrfay.' foi safra 'eiinsilr inici, ruin, ienrmr in 1 1 n(i ul uurfion, south icinds. For BMStBm niisriinfii, rail., south icind , fcrcoiiifni; runuMc. I We Examine Eyes Fwc of ohorga, ii dootor i:t needed you arc promptly told bo, We ;iLso oaraittee g per feci tit. WATCHES A I' COST tor otio week only. W. . II Hi ARCADE JFWKl.Kli. 215 WYOMING AVfc.