1 8 TJITC SCRANTON TKIBTOE-WEDNESDAY MOTCNTNG. FEBRUARY 7. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Modes and Fabrics Our Fashion Monthly, FEBRUARY NUMBER JUST OUT Describes and contains the Leading Fashions, Latest Dress Materials, Stories, An ecdotes, Humorous Illustra tions. Valuable Information, elevating and pleasing read ing for the home. GIVEN AWAY to those who call for it at our store. Dress Goods Was l is Special attention is called to our Extensive and Desir able Lines of New Dress Goods and Wash Silks. There are many Novelties and the variety of styies is simply astonishing. THR02P HAPPENINGS. ecial Oithrlnj, S:'.hMdM and Other F!aaTit E7anta TVrssly Recorded. Special to the Oceanian Tribune. Thkoop, Pa, fib. i;. (.iite a ro mantic scan) occurred on oar strset on Monday lsf. Two prominent youai? ladies of Oiyp'iunt Irov druv into oar town, bt'.nif oat for a cutter ride, when their horse beeame unruly. The you-ig ladies, rhronzii excitement, lost con trol of tile bone ami woul 1 h:ive had I runaway tut forth titnjly apperanc- of one of our prominent rnn-tg mm who took charge of the apirit.d hone and drove the yonnij ladles safely home, which added greatly to the pleasure of one of the younx Udies. Johnny da serv-s much credit for the bravery manifested, bnt it is likely tliat bo will be more than repaid if thin continue as they are now. Mrs. Cutler and yonn? daughter, of Pittston, ar- visiting friendi in towa. The street were ljft desolate on Sun day eV'Tiin last, owin? to the cold weather, tint on those occasions the lads an'1 lafnis resort to the Kitchen. The Baheior' club of this place is about to disband. Henry Lie and wife, of Providence, pent Siindav evening in town. Richard I'arf-ry is going to organize a jflee clnb of young men. If tne young m-n av-til themselves of the opportunity they will soon reach to beintb of success. A social gathering wjs hel l at the new residence of Mr .fumas Phillips Quite a nnmber of fnen Is were present and enjoyed themselves to their hearts content. Mr Charles underwent sn operation on Friday last and is now on the road to recovery. The braker boys were tendered l ileigh ride on Friday nigbl last by Su perintendent C. D. .Sanderson of tne raneoMl mine of this place. LemOf) Fahringer is still on crntoh. Miss Agnes Orn-r, of floranton. sp.iit Sunday with her sisters, Mm Bilie Orner and Mrs Wiiiiaro Liwyer, of tnis place. liny Tiik TRIBUNE for home newi Four Rig Baoeesete, Having the needed merit, to morn than makn Kood aiithe advertising claimed fur Ibam, the following f''iir remedies have reacbed a phenomenal sale. )r King1! New lscovnry tor Conso option, Cottebs ami (olds, each hot tin una rBOteed Elec tric liitters, the great, remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bnekwn'i Arnica Halve, the heat In the worlil, end )r. King's New Life I 'ills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to 9u jntt what la claimed forwent and the denier whoio name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you fflOTfl of tbern. Sold byiluttlmws Hum', drug store. j COLLEGE SOCItrr ELECTION. Students n K.yatona 'cadimy Choose Offlcrs for h fhl Ma. foeefalfo He flevejnfon fWAaNe; FACTuKYVii.i.n, I'a , Fab (!. The Phi Mil society held the first meoting of the term on Friday evening. Feb. ii. The following officers were elected: For president, VV. W. Denison; vice president, W. K. Thompson secretary, K. J. Dunklee, re elected; treasurer, C. E Wilson; critic, II L. Fassett, llbru rain, W. J. Matthe n The aocietv is In it flourishing condi tion anil an entertainment in the form af n mock trial will be given In the near future, Bucklen'a Arnloa Salve. The beet salvo in tho world for Cuts Bruises, Korea, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns mid ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or BO pay required. It isBJaiiriiiiteed to give perfect satisfaction or money r. funded. Price H5 cents per box. For Bale by Matthews Bros. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report PriVI Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE THE NEWS Of NEARBY TOWNS out or town oorrespoQ tents or tub Tutu ukb should sign their nsiuss In full to oaen UtHVS lottl'l'. U.t for IHltllllMttOtl Hilt t ...1 I sgainat deoeptlon , 1 STKOUDSBURG NEWS OHuttars of Interest in Monroe' Mini liutf Capital a Luge Deposit. $p4citx to 'St SBrOBfOB inbuilt. STROlTDSBUItu Pa., Feb. It The King Daughter Circle of Muisi will bold a Yankee supper with bidden Utenn on Feb. in the evening, at the honaa of George Ib-ake near Bnttar- mnk Falls, for tht benefit of the Miusi Union ohapaL Adtntaal n 10 Beats. KaOli person i entitled to the benefit Ol the ticket atter entering the house. If it should he stortnv the supper will be held Friday evening All are invited to soma and enj y this supper Several yeara ago the leading Inanr ince ooupaulea combined In holding no i stes and rating tOWm and oitiea Stroa Isburg has never bean rated nnlil recently. When our people coin to renew their inanranoa they will find a higher price will have to be paid, ranging from lo to '.'" per cent., and even more in lorn iK'-s. Bast Slrondaburg is similarly affected. It ia claimed thai insurance 0 inpaniaa have barely made expenses for the 'i tat few ye irs. The Bible olnaa under the instruction of Rev, Mr Kemp had for their lesson Suud iv morning the elevsnth chapter of Jo, in. Bright, diligent pupils are searching iu tneir ctiar.ieter. R-v. Mr Remp'a mode of instruction and his acqaalntanoe with the Borlptnra enables him to m ike exercises of the more interesting and instructive na ture for a class of student. l'herj was a large deposit made iu the bai'k here the other day. it was tne states appropriation to the Normal so ool. at;d amounted to fij.lXli), widen is one of the largest deposits ever put J iu this bank at one time. L'p at Wilkes-Birre and BorantOQ the new railroad from Wilkes-Barre to Strondaburg has been dubbed tne Pan (her Creek line. Tne name will answer. ; We were al way a compelled to refer the i road as the new rud from Wilkes Barre to Btrondabnrg because half of the time we did not have thj correct litleat band, and f ir fear of confusing it with a oatnber of Othera in tliat direc tion from Mauc'u Chnnk that are al most similar, in title, the Panther Cr-ek line will go. Bat hadn't we bet ter drop the creek for tne s Mi of brev ity'.' ' OEATH OF MRS SPEICHER. An igd and Kepctea Archbald Lady Fasi Awsv. Special to the Se untnn Tribune, ArcubaLD, Pa., Feb. '. Mrs.f J-?orge Speici.er.an ags l resi lent of Arcbbald, d'.sd at tU9 residence of her daughter, Mr-. F'-ter Miller, last Monday after noon. Bgd 7o years. Mrs. Speicher was well known for bar rainy lionpit able qnaiitiaa and kindly disposition Sue is the mother of Joha and Josepi, Speicher. two well known merobantaol Kankakee. III. ; Mux Speiclier, of Arcii bald, a machinist and inventor: Jacob Sp-icher, of Parsons; Peter Speicher.of Jenny n; -Mrs 1'eter Miller, or Arch baid, and Mrs. John FerglUOn, of O y phant. The funeral will tak place on Wed nesday morning. Tne rem inn wid b conveyed to St. Tnomat' chnrcn at 10 30 and a high mass of requiem will t Celebrated, Interment will bemad; in Archbald Catnolic cemetery. ' e - MISS G ft t EN SURPRISED. Numerous Frlr,di Extend Congratula tions Up in Her ; Irthdav. fifyfrinl to the Hrrriat'ii Ttibwtt FaCTORTVILLI, Pa., Feb 0 -Abont tw-nty relatives and friends of Miss Nellie A fj'reen tendered her n birth dar inrprise party Monday evening The Company charred upon the "fort" and took the enemy completely un awares and deman led an unconditional surrender A satisfactory compromise was finally eff-cted hy the company, proving that tOey were only friends in disgniM, after which they were giv-' n a cordial welcomo and the freedom o tne "fort. T hey then proceeded to enjoy them selves as only a u onpsny of jolly yonng people can until "dinner time," wh-n thr were a-rved witli refreslmients. Tliey took their departure in the "wee small" hours wishing the hostess many inch happy returns of the day. ' I ,:. u nod Indication In their worst forms are enred by the nso of P. P. P If you are debilitated "nd inn down, or If yon need a touic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength end vigor take P. P. P., nud you will he strong mid healthy. J" or shuttered constitution! and lost manhood p. P. I'. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potessiuini is the king of all medicine, P. p. p. is the greateet blood parlfleT in the world. For sain hy nil druggists. -. WILL PRESENT A CANTATA. A Htaaln Kntertulr.m oit to T)Uiveri liy Rtrotidsburg Behool Popllk gpsstol to tns Soraaton ?VI6ane BTBOtTMBTJld), Pa.. Feb. S, lln Fri day evening, Feb. 10, an entertainment, will be given by 'the member! of th Model school. It Is in the form of modified Cantata and will be a very pleasant affair presented in a Vary pleasing manner, Those who attended th one givnn last term nBVeaOQlf idea of what the children in this department are able to do in the wny of entertain ment. The price of admission is 2 5 cents for adult and l " Oantl for children. PRICl BURG PENCILLINGS. Interesting Bits of Nwa from the Orow ii. ir nli nli of flrranton. Wirriiil to the Scranton Tribune. PUOgBORQ, Pa., Feb. 0 What migiit have bnen a serious conflagra tiou was happily averted on last Sun day night by the prompt arrival of the Eigle Hose company. A gentleman driving through town gnvo the nlarm and Storrt' engineer blew the whistle, but quicker than it takes to tell it the lire laddies were speeding down to the scene of tho lire, which waa a r.ew hotel in coarse of erection owned by l F. (lallughor in Dickson The boys soon got on u stream mil the lira was ex 1 1 tightened bi'foro much damage was done A I1 dander employed as footman in Jeriuyn'e abaft met witfc a painful ao ci. lent on Monday, Ha waa in the act of pushing a car of coal on the car riage, when tne engineai hoisted with out receiving the usual signal, The carriage ascended, taking tho poor fel lOW along and wedging him up against the roof, and nearly crushing the life out of him He was removed to his homo and is in ii cpilieal condition. (leorge Waite, of LtendtlaU), called mi friends iii town on Moll lay .Miss Minnie Shafor, of Pittston, Is visiting frienda on Ii issbank street John Grilllgan, of M mi ativot, is recovering from his rioent illness. The Bcranton Colore I Qiartetta club sang at St l hoin is I ur last Utgnl and attracted a largo crowd ,1. It B ias, of Wil'ies Pure, ami Mr. John Klward', of Caihondale, are staying at the Central. WAFTED f-KUM MONTROSE. The sleigh Boiu Jintfia Merrily; Coming Miiti'litiiMilitl Kvent. Special to the .'l inn mi sVtoaae. MONTROBRtPa,, Feb (i, An ducated bear leading two It ill ms u'oim I town w is tho attraction here on Mond iv. Owners of fast horses are ihowlng them oft to good advantage tbia line I ilgbing. A Stereoptioan exhibition of World's fair vi.-ws is booked for Armory hall, Feb 18, The concert given In the armory last night by the Montrose band was largely attended and enjoyed by nil. The band is iu a II inrishlng conditio.!, and discourses excellent music. N. P. Ayera spent Sunday with friends in I. ithrop. Fred Herrick and wife of Forest City, were gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lUrrick last week. A special term of argument court was held on Monday. Rev Dr Hawkhttrat lectured In the Methodist Episcop il church in Wav erly, Pa., last night. Subject, "Four 1'houssnd Miles iu Eighty Minutes," M. E Iledden expects to tnke up his residence in Carbondala about April l. The sleighing is a til to b) unusually tine on the country roads. Cards are out announcing the m tr riigeof Miss Gertrude, daughter of Throop E. Cole, to E M. Blakeslee. The happy event will occur Feb. 14 at .1 p in. Miss Finny Read has been visiting friends in Ctrboud ale. KEYSTONE ACDEMY NOTES. A B sume of the Hippmings of the Hour at That Intititullon. Special to the ScKttntOH TtlbUHt, FaCTi iRTVILUB, Pa., Feb. (I W. M Smith, of South Gibson, accompanied ill room-mate, R B Jaynt,to his homo in Mehoopany to ipend Saturday and Sunday Misses Stella B liloy.Orace and Edith Stone sp tot Sunday at their homes in Waveriy (.'. M. Tiffany, of Lucas ville, Wayne county has returned to school after an absence of one week. Miss Blanche Shelly, of class '81, spent Sunday with her "friend, Miei Battle (iir lner, also of 01. Miss Margaret Downing, a teacher nt Wyoming, w is tne guest of her brother, H. C. Downing, from Saturday till Monday An excellent drill to the classes In physical culture was given by Miss Connor on Monday last, w io, owing to sickness, failed to appear last week Although tiie stu l"iits are sadly dis appointed with the arrival of the re cent snow, Which is a barrier to the excellent iport of skating which ii af forded by th" gentle flawing Nokomla in the rear of the campus they are not wholly cut oil from enjoyment On Friday and Saturday evenings the merry shouts an I jingling b.-lls gave evidence tliat llelghlug partial all'ordod an enjoyable pastime. -av . B, B. DORfRV, mate of stenmor Arizona, had Ins fool badly j iiniuod. Tliomns' Kc leotric Oil euro i. Nothing equal to 1 1 fur a quick pain reliever. -4V CULLED Af CARBONDALE. Topics of Oannral Ititaia-t Bp the Val iv Dleeussed Bit fly 'ferial tit the S innt"H I'tt'ntne. CARBOHDAtil, Pa, Feb. (i I ho msr i a,' of Miss Mary L, Barrett, of Canaan street nnd John llig.-ina, of fJordon avenii. occurred at 0 o'clock this evening The ceremony was par formal in St, Roae of Llmaqhurob, Dr. John Hamlin, n veterinary sur geon of Washington, D C, was in this city yesterday with the view of lo citing her. Mr. Hamlin is very skill ful in bis lln of surgery B. J. Muxie, of Cot st City, made a brief call on Carbon lulu friends lust laal evening. Miss Bva Whitney, of BuiqQehtnna, who has b en the guest of berCOUltn, Miss Lliile Amraerman, of Capaa'i street, during the past two weeks, will Ii aye on 'I hursday for Forest City. The section of the tEpwortli league under the dirnction of Miss i,;in Am merman nro preparing a very unlflUO entertainment to be given on Mav M They urn anticipating a sueces,ful event and hope to add a neat sum lo the leaguers' I nn I, For Severe, Ungeiina Doughs, Weak Bungs, Beading from bungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, nnd Consumption, in lie early Kbit's, Br. Pieroe's Golden Kadlaal Dlsoov- erv is ii sovereign remedy. It. not only cure the oougS but also builds up the strength and heeb of those reduced l'low u bauthy standard by "Wasting Diseases,1' Win not make fat fuiiis mora corpulent B, ft Wiia v, of Ihr t'lilrr, I'nnrcirn c, II je, writes: " I limi bmnoliltis lor twenty yean and over, and i Could not work with out eoiiurhhig SO hard us to lake nil my stri'inrtli HWny. I took live bot tles of Mr. Pierce's Gulden Mi dli'iil Discov ery, and give yOU my Word nuil honor Unit 1 run do any work that there Is to do on my ranch ' wit bom cough ing, I have not taken liny of tlin 'Gulden Medical Discovery ' for ii ycur." Mil. Wll.KV. FilTORVVIL FLASHES. A Bmliet of Newsy N' ' from Wjc ming's lively T i "n. Speeial to the Srrnntoil T-''hnne. Fac oBYVii.lk. Pa.. Feb. M Corini, Wilson is unite Berio h ' 11 With he,, trouble. We are j, d to iiunounce that Dr. A B. Fitch, wbi lias been sick the pas fortnight, is nn, oving. The congreirnii u of the Methodist BpilOOpal OhUrou I bolding siieclnl meetings this week. I the absence of the pastor, It v J. It gel, of Dal ton, took Charge of Hi lu cling Mon day evening, nnd Ruv. S II, Water bury, of Nlcholaon, is expw ted o take charge i i.i , uvoning. The meetings of lh lliptlst churc bae been ditoontlnuid with the ox Ceptiona of Tuesday and Thursdi evenings. Many young people, and sume tlia have passed the "two score and ii milestone, "are nightly enjoying the Ii sleighing in tin vicinity Tunkhai nock, Wavarlv nnd Mill Oily seem i hold the greatest attraction for slelgi Ing parties, although many loads go I other places Tim Women's Christian Tamperano union will hold a parlor meeting nex Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Charles Knapp Suppsf will be serve to the members ami eaoh member hn the privilege of inviting a frien 1. QeorgS Spragu- has sold his bona and lot iu "WMt Bad'' to James Smith Mr. Bmith takes possession on Apill I Mr Spragna will buy or build anotbei bottle in tho near future, Crlt'claing a 7oung I.ady. "She would be a pretty girl lor but one thing." 'What's that:'' naked Charley, i leorge Her face is always covered with purple and rod blotches. Charley Oh, that's eaaily enough dl posed of. Used to be the same way my heir, bnt I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time. Qeorgi What was ltd i barley Bimplv blood eruptloni. Took a short cuurse of P, P. P, ! tell you.it' I he boss blood corrector. The governor bad rheumatiam so bad that yoneould bear blm holler clear across the country every time he moved. He tried it, and you know what an athletic old sent he is now If somebody would i;iy .Miss Daisy n pointer, she would thank Ilium after wards. All the drug stores aell it IN HANDSOM e HONES PALE. Brief Itesum of Perao ial KovemSnts and Sod ti Events, Special to the Scranton Tribune, HOKKSDALB, Pa,, Feb, U. -Mils Liz zie Bentley acted as maid of honor al the marriage of Miss Mabel Door at Port Jervia to lay An enjoyable lubaoription hop last evening closed the fashionable dancing season of Honeadale, Mrs T. Hebert and son. Marry, are vinting Mrs lleborl's sister, Mrs. Luc steveiiH, of Wilkea-Barra Hones lain narties v.- i . v,- ! in. Vitationa to a fanoy dress carnival to De given hy the Social club of Hawley, Tuesday evening Feb 30. The twenty-Brat anniversary of the Honeadale Liedorkranc wai celebrated last evening by a masked ball. Music was furnished by Metzgar's orchestra, and its excellency nrove I rlattirht to the dancers. A party of maiqueraderi imiiauug a iieriuau uati'l paraded the streets and furnished music much to tho delight of many small urchins The music would have been excellent hut each player tuted a different, tune. An enjoyable evening was passed Fred Thomas, llenrv Klier and John Loescher, jr., constituted the roception committee, and Leonard Sadder, Ju lius Bnssa and Henrv Hardairan th 11 )or committee. -a- Tin: Rev. William Stout. Wisrton fast states: After being ineffectually treateu by seventeen different doctors for Bcrof lllll Stilt till, ltd fllaellue 1 l-nu ,i,ril l.tv II,, a d"Ck Blood Hitters. Write him for proof. e- . PLEASANT RECEPTION. A lively Social Oa-herlng at the R-!si- denca el J D. LI iyd Special to th'1 flerxmtoa IVtoane. PrIOBBURO. l'a. Feb (!. A reaanttan was held at the home of J. D Lloyd last Saturday evening Scranton's best society was represented. A splon- tld repast was served in the ar'o Imu. qnt hall to which everyone did justice Sonk-s and other iiiiillseineuts were afterward indulged iu until a i-i. able hour, when all departed, thank ing .1. l tor ins hospitality. officer Eugene ChrUHttt oi Philadelphia. An Offlciir's Battle Ho WJitfht Havo Lorjt Dut for Asslstnnco Ifoui it iv a Qlvtm, and the fnevi table CSIlf. All olbccr I ullli Ho. Tluiiaa Station house, Philadelphia, has bad a se vere battle with a monster, or a demon lie I ii IK llllioiu ulileli I ill II 11 ., ,. Ill let bJm tell the itory In his own words: "I Wnnt to Say n Word shout what Reod'i Bartapsrllla did for me. i was troubled the worst way with dyspepsia. Why. I seals) ataaiaaythlaig at breakfast without distress, ami when i ini ntaaagi to eat a iiitia it would all come ui again, i tiled almost avsrythlni i heard ol to ibid relief, but sun 1 1 offered, At lasi i was told Joel htm I fell nnd what Mood s Saiaapaillla would do for me hy an advertDemeul In apaier. I de rided o try the madlolne, and rcalieH nil ihr ... iii ,......,- a ii w;n W,ut Hood's Hursa parlllaautually iliil for urn that Convlncod me of Its Morlt I esiniut praise It anoUgb. I can eat heartily BOW, although two iiioiilln nito I did not know what It was to lump anything on my stomach. Hood's s i Cures Batldai being cured ol dyipapala, i have been relieved of severe pains In the kidneys. I am willing this should ho used lo tell othrn how tube cared of dyspepnu." orritiaa Bvojuta Ciiuistinr, Xacony Stalleu House. Taeony Philadelphia. HOOD'S PlLLB ears Na-wa, Kick llaadaabs, laal(vaU;u. llUiuuueaa. bvul bj all druggUUk MOTHERS! MOTHERS !! To know that a single applica tion of the Cuticura Remedies, will afford instant relief, permit rest iml sleep, and point lo a speedy find economical cure of torturing, disfiguring, itching, burningand scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment's delay Is to fail in your duty. Cures made in childhood are speedy, economical and permanent. Bold throughout the world. Porrla Iiih-uand Ciibn. Cune., sole pro tore, Boston, nn "All 4boutUUIo,Hklo,tkalpsiRlHalr,''pjliod free. Bar Facial Blemishes, falling hli sndsbnpls luijy rssbi s prevenli d by Uullenra Boap. j-. If tired, aching, nervous moth. OTyra knea the comfort, strangtb, and l v '" ''"""l,H Plaators, they I fjj would never he without them, in rf . every a ay uw purest, sweetaat and iu:ui ui plasters. Dr. El. Grewer Hie Philadelphia ppciaiist. Ami lev nnlMln.1 .... . . r ... '. man 1 lijbicimm.aro uow ponnanenttr located Temple Court Building .11 1 SIMM : ST SCRANTON Where they may be consulted DAILY. AXD . MMlAV. I lie Doefr.r la . ... - . . , . , . ai"iim oi tin university cf 1 ennaylvan a, formorly demonat-ator of VrlT "i-v,i""' H'r;-r' at the lleddeo-Chlr-iirificai College, of Philadelphia, Ue Is also an noiiorary i. ember of tho Medico ( hirur- sure-eon h.-cV, r ? ST1 .""7 .."'T,ao..,Hnu ------ .a i jiui.wi American f.v it 1 '0"",!, highly lndursa.1 Kew York ruiauaipau ana Hi" many years of hosmtal npenenee en Mea this eminent physleiaa snd Burgeon to rorreetly diagnose and treat all det,.rm:tei Silo IOH.I1HAU . . - I Ihn 1 l-l V I t t.e.1 iibi li-i iuk iii-i oni, and (us liU-h aUnding in the atat' will nut i .1111 .11' eill HT,V , , n-.i LOMI MAMMOOII KETOUI Ii Ml I KM in Vol s,, arlKN CURED if von I, .-, v.. . . h - ... , I -111 H.i.-'. ,l. ej JIMir IillVhl cian call upon the dis-tor nnd la? i-xammed. I e cures lli.i u.,rut A V- n, IVrofula, Hid Son i atarrh, l'llea. Keniala n.-Haiiess. Aliectl'itia nt tne Knr. Kve N so and 'I lir,, Aull ,n Tv.nr..Aa- T.. ! ' r ... ... ,T.iir-,., i uiuora. v an- rets and iTieiiloa of every description. O.n i.iiniii.u in r.iu-usu ami Merman rrec, wtnrti hall lie consnlored mcred ami ttrietly- court denual Hill. III, Ml. II l Al I i II I M . ., ... .... ,,, B. a. ,. I,,, fsiltidlly, O ii. in, o v p i,,. I 1 1 1 TRADERS National Bank of Scranton i ItOANIZKD Uta CAPITAL $250,000, bUHlJLUS $25,000, t-AMt'KI, IIINI's,i,i aident. V!JV4.3AT.80N, Vic- President. a ii s ii.i.iAjis. cashier. DIRBCTOna. BAmobl HnuHV JAMBS M BvtnWAHIl inviBO A I inch. Piannan kimh .Ins) en .1 .li.fiiiv i i... ......... , , ' , ... .- n r ii r ii r ii,, cius.l'. Mai riiKws. ,i,,us i 'rourmt. W. W WATSOil PROM I1 1, tNtRGtllC, COlSiSh RVA1 1VL and LIBtRAL Tbti tntik Intttai Ihf pAirotugsi tf hmlinw nifii itmi Bran t'u. inily. Third National Bank of Scranton. Btatemenl Dee, id, IB9S, salted for liv the Com ptroller ot n, cui reaej i,i -oi hi i a, 1 "an 01,164,478 40 tivsrd rafts T40.B9 Ualteil Mei.-s ii.iii.ia 100,000,00 Othet Iti oida 44B, !'47.7A Hani hit Honae Ma.nti 4n Premiums oa V. I BnHds..,, I ;,44:i 7.y Due friim Di B, Treasurer 10.000 no Dae from i , , . i . gf isp.og Cash lTBgMM x 4ila.iiim.iiii LtABtUTIR Capital IOO, 04)0 00 Bnrnlus '.40,00000 I nan ui. . i I'rottta S0,AtlA '.'ti Ireulatlon iiiv.oiin.iiii in, i i. mi . i ..,,.,( i.aa," BO Deposits.' l.Tfl.aatl BO Due lo llunka 811 Ii .' I 07 Hl:i,illi8.mi l l.l.l H CONNK.t.t, Pi ni OKU, ii. Ai l. in. i lee- President WILLIAM B, i i i K, i ashler inula rolls. yiiuiim Connell, fl -ue 11. Catlln, Aiiieii ii in, i Henrs, Belut, James Aielihald, Willi, in T, Imlth, l.illlisr Keller. This linnk offers lo depoallors every faellltv in nuil. d hv llielr linlanepa, busi ness ami responsibility, -(e iiii altentlon given to liuslneaa ao ooantSi liitereat paid on time deposits. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreda of yonng men and young women in tbii eountry who have splendid ability, but they havo never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of .young people, if you are tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College, COMMON BNULlHH COURSE BUSINESS COURSE. SHORTHAND COURSE n t, ,, F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. KEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY I. FUR RUGS Combination Gnat and Sheepskin Rues rine Angora Wool, all sixes. Real Leopard, with full head. Baby Carriage Robes Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or Satin lining. Large line to select from. Moquette Rugs (Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices. SMYRNA RUGS, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4. SMYRNA MAT3, 50c. each. These are bargains. COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50c. and upward. UMBRELLA STANDS, EASELS, SCREENS, 4c. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPETS A.NU DRAPERY, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. "No star was ever lost we ones have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. many manufacturers and ae.-ili-ra are making extravagant stats mama oonoerning the uit-rits ainl durability of medium or low jj.-j ptanoa, iuttuJius purchased bbouid not (ail tu examine the lauious STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application E.C.Ricker&Co. 123 Adam: Ave. NOT MANY Days left of our OJds, Ends and Remnant Sale, but still a few choice things, maybe just your selection, arc here. We Are House Furnishers That statement will never become threadbare; and we don't have simply a spatter ing of every thing only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Crockery. Stoves, Baby Carriages, Ke frigerators, Lamp';, Clocks, &'c. Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses. QBkSteasIts4sVaV-4aaaaaaa1kiVsSaaaL a jBj'tL.HW HaHDQBHpF7jBPaHBBs (
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