THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING-. FEBRUARY G. 1894. , GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Modes and Fabrics Our Fashion Monthly, FEBRUARY NUMBER JUST OUT Describes and contains the Leading Fashions, Latest Dress Materials, Stories, An ecdotes, Humorous Illustra tions, Valuable Information, elevating and pleasing read ing for the home. GIVEN AWAY to those who call for it at our store. Dress Goods AND- Wash Sills Special attention is called to our Extensive and Desir able Lines of New Dress Goods and Wash Silks. There are many Novelties and the variety of styles is simply astonishing. kVJCA H-PP-NINGa An Entertaining Bulg-it of Nwi from Our R.ifular Corrmp-mdnt. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Avoca, Pa., Feb. r, P. F. Hnghes, of Carbondale, spent last evening with friands her. A new postmistresi has arrived at the horns of Postmaster Fitznmmons. Mother and daughter arn doiujf wA Tne new store of the Langcliff Coal ;ompsny will be ready to commence busmen the b'ginninu of nxt week. An infant dangler of Thorn OaU was buried in the Lingcliff cemetery :n Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Eugene Dicker have gone to house keping in the Cannon building on South Main street Attorney L. .1. Baxter attended onrt at Wilkes Barre today Mr. and Mrs. John Burns will enter tain a number of their friends with a party thi evening. St. Mary's fair closed on Saturday evening. It was a grand success. The net proceeua will atnonnt to.over $0,000. An infant child of Albert Coles, of the West Side, died yesterday after noon. The funeral took place today at 3 o'clock and was well attended Inter ment was made at the Lingcliff . Uiss Mary Earl; was a visitor to Pittston today. S. Block, the clothier, has gone to New Y'rk to purchase spring and sum mer goods. T. W. (iraham spent Sunday at bis home here. Mra. John Curran ia visiting in Scran -ton. The Epwortta league of the Metho dist Episcop il church have elected the following officers for the ensuing yar: President, E. C. Kellara; first tic preg ident, B, H. Campbell; second vice president, Mrs. N. E Hopkins; tbir! vice president, Mrs A K. Ferrel; fourth vice president, Mrs. F. Mnck iow: aecretary. Miss Kate Campbell; treasurer. Miss Ella Kietb. e CHRISTIAN END tAVOR SERVICE 4 jitsrestlng Sessions Held at the Taylor Methodist Episcopal Chmoh. Special to the Sr ronton Tribune. Tayi-or. Pa,, Feb. .I The Cnriatlan Endeavor society conducted the acrvica nt the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening. It was the nnniver aiiry of the founding of the first society and the exercises were very appro priate. Charles Nichols, president of local society, acttd aa leader of the nesting. "Will Grdan made a ahort addreas. He said that the Hociety was five and a half years old, and when first organ ized it bad only seventeen mmlers. It is now in prosparons condition. Charles Dibble chairman of the lookout committee, ap ke on "The Year in America," and Alfred Humph reys, chairmau of the missionary com mittee, spoke on "The Year Abroad." The pastor, Bav. W W. Smith's subject was "Practical Undertakings for thia Society," which waa very In teresting. Anthems, recitations, etc., made the exrcins vary notable a well ai very profitable to the large congregation, Four Big- Succeaaea, Having the needed merit to more than make good nil the advertising claimed for tbem, tie following four remedim havo reached a pbouomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery for Coneomption, t'ongtis and Colds, eiich bottle gua'snteed Elec tric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver. Htomach and KidneyB. Bncklen's Arnica Halve, the heat in the world, and Dr King's New Life Pills, which are a porfect Dill. All thesti remedies are guaranteeo. to dolaat what la claimed for them and the defter -.vhoso name Is attached herewith willB Klad to tell you inure of them. Sold I... aHBahuwu Itmn' ilrmr Rtorn " THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS route town oorrasponflanta of ins tbib- I'M: should alga their utDM in full to oaoti uews letter, not for iublic.itlou uut to guard Stfuiuat Uecoiitlou.l JERMYN JOTTINGS. General News Notes of Interast from That Enterprising Borough. Special to the Scranton Tribune. JtBatYV, Pa., Feb. .I The Jertnyn Water company will rais ttisir dam all ffflt aa soou as tlm weather will permit This, with the iucre ited ca pacity promiaed by the Buahbrook Water company, will give ua au abund ant supply. A necktie tooial under the auspice, of the Primitive ohnroh will be held Feb ltl, the proceeds for the benefit of the church. One of our townsman finds fault with our board of health for not enforcing the health ordinance. They should go further and compel the authorities to sewer the town The item of expense is nothing couiptrad with the doctor and undertaker bills that so many h ive been compelled to pay during the past six mouths. Ueutlomeii of the town council, IB the BMM of humanity, we ask, will you give us sewers and do it at once. Thomas M Oriftiths attended the meetiug of the Republican couuty com mittee in BeraotOO Saturday. A. F. llatteuherg and children spout Bandar with WiIk -a-lUrrs friends. T. V. Powderly, jr , aud Lsfi Liod ley. of Soraiitou, and C E Biker, of Bi'Ktou, called on the trade M iivl ty. Patrick BlOOmsf VHited hia daugtlter in Sera u ton on Siturday. Mi.-s Uoul I is tiie guest of Miss Car rie Murray, of Second street. The eouunHtM appointed to take steps toward organizing a Republican elnb will meet at the Press office to night, RY. A. J. Sanford conducted the services lu the Baptist church Sunday. Night school bvgan in the old Oath olio church last Friday with au attend ante of twenty-two. Mioses Qllligat) and Mullen are the teachers. A number attended the lecture of Roswsll (i. Horr in Carboudale Satur day evening Misses Lizzie Winters, Ella Mnlbol las 1, Grace Squlers, Angie Birs and Professor Bovard attended the local in stitute at Arciibald Saturday. Profes sor Brovard's talk on ''Examinations" was much enj iyed aud was hiahly Oomplimtoted By duuty 4Superiutend--nt Taylor. Upou the invitation of Olive Leaf lodge, a number of the members of Rushtirook lodg--, 8od. Independent Or- ler of Odd tallows, atteuded divine service in Carbondale Sunday evening A child of Howard Elmore la sick with the scarlet fever. Dr and Mis. M J. Shields atteuded the funeral of Mrs. Aitkeu, of Carbon dale, Saturday. TOLD AT TAYLOR. The Political Pot is Bailing Ordinances to Be Infirc -d. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor. Pa, Feb. 5. Tne political fever is growing frarnsr both ticksts are putting on a stitt tight. John u Jonea and Alonz Hendershot are run ning a neck and neck race for tax col lector and their traiuera aay both are in good trim, and as they corns in on the borne stretch it is hard to predict which will be left. The burgess is enforcing the ordi nances, and is kept busy in granting licenses to peddl'-rs, hucksters, etc. He means to have no one skip bis aye, and if any one desires to do business in thia borough they must tike out a license. Everyone will u- treated accordingly. The Price Library aasociation recep tion committee will meet Wedii'slay night, and the aasiciation will mset Thursday night to elect a secretary. Morgan P Daniels was a visitor in town on Sunday. The Young Peonle's Wesley leagu of the Pyne and Archibald Primitive Methodist ennren will give a free en- tainment on Feb 23. Let us have a it nod boird of trade, one that will have push and one that will live to do sotnsthmg to commun- orate itself for generations to cotne What say our enigtic citizens? James Barnett, an accomodating young man, has been promoted to the position or general Bgent at the Central Railroad of New Jersey depot. Miss Susie Morris, of Grove street, .iscomuanied by Miss Hannah Jenkins, of Hyde Park, left today fo New York to purchase their stock or goo Is to open a millinery store lu Scranton In a short time. A donkey hitched to a hand sled, on which were seated four little ohtl lren, was an umnsing incident thatoccured on Main street yesterday afternoon. I he little ones seemed to enjoyed to." mirth with delightfulness. They Btllud fun serosa the world famed Lwrfi wana river. ' MOOSIC MUSINGS Notes of Interest from te Lively Vil las Down the Valley. Special to fas Scranton Tribune. lfOOtUO, Ph. Feb. !i Oscar P,iyn.of Scran. ton, spent Sunday with Birt Lewis on Main street. Miss Lizzie Bo'sard, of Minooka nve nue, is visiting with frien Is in Penob scot. John Alexander, of Plains, spmt Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. James Brown and Mrs. Thoms 0-rnmell, of Honth Main street, called on friends in Avoca Sunday. S. J. Corby, of North Main strnit, spent Sunday with friends in Mill City. Miss Bertha Cile of Dumnore, has returned after visiting at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Timo thy Parfrey. A new boarder, a boy, nrrivnd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Drake Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs F. H Johnson and son, Baft, spent Sunday at the houi'iof Mr. and Mra. George Tregaltos, of North Main street. Miss B' H'ie Hinds has retnrne I after visiting at the home of Miss Kittie Johnson, of Penobscot. Mrs. James Hamlin, of California, is visiting at the noma of Mr. P. S Ham lin, of Penn avenue ' e H. B. Durkky, mate of steamer Arizona, had his tool badlv jammed. Thomas' Kc- lectrlc Oil cure I. Nothl ng equal to 1 1 for a quick palu reliever. " DEATH OF JOSEPH LEPP. A Well Known Cltlzm Katplres After a Two Yeara' IUnee. Special to the Scranton Tribune. JKHMYN, Pa.. Feb. 5. Joseph II. Lapp died at his residenoe on fourth street early Monday morning. The de ceased, who bss been sick for nearly two years, was unexpectedly taken worse while bis wife was at church Sunday evening. She was at once sent for, but be was unconscious and did not again rally. Mr. Lapp was born in Providence Mav 10, 18411, aud was com paratively speaking a young man. Until his last illness he was one of the most rugged men in this vioinity and was employed by the Hillside Coal and Iron company at the Erie mines. The ruueral will take placd f rom the Methodist Episcopal church Wednes day at 2 p. m Interment will be in Uose UU1 ctrnetery. e HONESOALE MISCELLANY. A Few Thawed Notes from the Valley of Cold. Special to the Sci anion Tribune, Honksdake. Feb. 5 The mercury in the thermometer this morning ran down to one degree below zero, mak nig the coldeat nighi here this winter Charles V, Bentiey alill stands at the head of the Exchange club billiard tournament, having won four straight games, scoring 11)0 not ta. Kev V II. BerghauH, of llarrishurg, Pa , will officiate lu Grace church Ash Wednesday morning and evening. Services at 10 ISO a. m. and T.ilO p. m. Miss Fannie Sparks will deliver a lecture in the Metholiat Episcopal church on India and its people next Friday evening, Feb. 0 Admission, 15 cents. Miss Sparks has been a mis siouary in India. Alter tnu lecture refreshments will be served i'here were n number of sleighrido partita from llonesdale into the sur rounding country Saturday evening. Thomas t roasley, jr., passed Sunday with his parents here B Crossley aud P. A LaBsrr are at home. Thomas M. Fuller, ,1 Kirk Hose, F. B Whitney and Da Boll Weston leave lor New York tomorrow morning for several days stay in the metropolis. Ilenjamiu Gardner, jr., passed today in scranton, Miss lMiie Muir left for Scranton this morning A Honea lale board of trade was or- gainznl last spriu.'. flltny pirues would like to know if it is frozen up e PECKVILLb POINTS. A Record of Sociul and Other Huppia lnga of Interest. Special to the Scianlon Tribune. PECKTILLE, Pa., Feb. 5 Born, to Mr. ami Mrs William Wallace, last Saturday, a son Mis. John Corcoran died at her horns at JfS.iip last Saturday. The remains will be taken to 11 awley lor burial to day. A large sleigh load of young folka from this placa took a sleigh ride to Carbondale last nveuing and put up nt the home of Mr. aud Mrs. William Babcock Fred Melbourne, of Philadelphia, is visitiug his father, Joseph Melbourne. Harry, the little son of Mr. and Mra. Ueury Oberts, is sick with measles. Hoe Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Scott, is very sick with pnenmouia. Mrs D. Kelley, who has been visit ing frieuds ftl Clark's Summit, returned noms yesterday of Pittston, spout and Mrs. Henry increasing here in People know where Alfred Stockton, Suuday with Mr. Chapman. The i itmi'NE is circulation daily. to find what they want. George Liwis, of B-lmont, is visit ing his cousin. Cnarles Harding Clara, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery, died at their home on Mill street on Sunday evening of measles, aged v years 7 months and D days. The remains will be taken this morning to Mill City for interment. The Kev. Willinm Stout, Wiarton, Oni, states: After being ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors for Scrof ula end blood disease, I was cured by Bur dock Blood Bitters. Write him for proof. DURYtA DOINGS. Musical and Literary Eymts Masque rade Ball Hullding Improvements. tmcu! to the Scrant tn Tribune. Dukyka, Feb 5. A concert will be held in No. 2 school house Saturday evening, Feb. 10, by the Duryea Mu. Ical and Literary society, for the ben efit of the Duryea Baptist Chapel. A party of Christian En l-avor-jra of thia place attended the Curistiau En davor union at Pittston, Friday eveu ing. They report having had a good time with their broth-r En leavorers. Mulharn & Judge, of the) South Side, have the contract for building the new Polish church, and have already begun operations The M.'ieqneradi ball held at Fier stein's ball Safirday evening was largely attended, and the masks worn by the Jolly people war vsry Appro priate. TEMPERANCE CONCERT. A Pleasing Entertainment Qlven by the Silver Lik i Qaartette. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Dt itYEA, Pa . Feb 25 -Rev. O. H Mead, cf the Silver Liks quartette, oc cupied the pnlpit of the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday m iming ami preached an eloquent sermon, taking f r hia an Uject "Light," and proving to the large congrxgation present his ability as a speaker. In the evening the quartette gave a gospel temperance concert programme, Inottl ling some choice vocil selections An appropri ate address was delivered by the leader, tne Rev Mead. The quartette will give one of their concerts in the Methodist Episcopal ehurdli Monday evening. -o- . A VALUABLE INVENTION. 8. B. HIIU' Devloe for Throwing Light Rava Around i Curve. Special to the Scianton Tribune. Jkkmyn, Pa., Feb 5 O ir popnlsr townsmtu, S. B. Hills, has luveiilnd and patented a device for throwing tlto rays from the headlight of a locomo tive around a curve. It is now being tested upon one of the large steam roads. Tbis will, if aucceasful, insure Mr Hills an income which will place him among the) millionaires of our land. Ua has Boats of frinnls who wish I dm Micceaa. efi NTFT1 In He- hand of a Rurtron f Ives you a feeling of lorror and dread. There ia no longer necessity for .. lie use In many diseases lurmrriy regarileu its In- eurable without cutting. The Triumph of Conservative Surgery Is well illustrated by tbe fin t that RIIPTIIRF or Breach, we 1 la now md- itally cured without the knife and without pain. Clumsy, dialing trusses can be thrown away I They never cure but often Induce In llsiiiiiintion, strangulation and death. TUMORS "u" liui. Klbrold ( Uterine ) and I umuiio many others, are now removed without the perils of cutting operations. Pll F TUMORS ''"wcver lame. Fistula the lower bowel, are permanently cured with out pain or resort to the knlte. STflNF m ""' 'Ns'I'It, no matter how OIUHL. j cnmlifd, pulverized, waeh- ed out and iicrfe, Hv rt-inoverl without cutting. QTRIPTIIRF Urinary Pnaaage is also 0II1IVI wni. removed without cutting in hundri'ds of cases. Eor pamphlet. refercniTS and all particulars, send 10 cents (In stamps) to World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. m Main street, Buffalo, N. V. CARBONDALE CHIPS. A Prominent Couple Wedded Other Notea of Oeneral Interest. Special to th Scranton Tribune. Cahuondai.k, Pa., Feb. 5 Monday morning cards were received by friends in this city nntiouucing the marriage of our most popular photo grapher, W. B. Foster, and Mias Jen nie O. Dernd, of Dan bury. Conn. Tne marriage took place on Tbii'.-sday, Fell. 1, at the homo of the briJe'a parents in Danbury, Mr. and Mra Foster ar rived in this city last evening and have taken up their residence in rooms at the corner of Sixth avenue and Main street. Tim young piople of this vicinity ar making the best of au elegant sleighing and Hleigh ri ling parties are being ar ranged every day. List evening four tiitrtiea left this city, one went to Don to Way mart and two to Dun d iff, Professor Carl Hessler has arranged to givo a very entertaining recital in Association hall on Friday ovouiug of this week. YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. The Carbondnle Organisation Will In Futme Ocaipy Elegant Rone. Spcciat to tfie .u-ranton Tribune. Cahhondai.h, Pa., Peli 0 The third floor of the Aitkeu bull ling, corner of Main street and Salem avenue, has been leased for a term of three years to Branch No. 121 of the Young Men's InatltQe, a Catholic beneficial and edu cational society of thil city. This or ganiz ition has been in progress a few years and lias held meetings in the Catholic .Mutual Benevolent Associa tion ball, on Bslern aventi', and now that the sum of money wnich is in their treasury will allow it, they have decided to secure these splendid quar ters, which they will fit up in au elu gam style. Tbe hall will bo completely reno vated by the aociety, mid when com pleted will have in it a library, parlors, gyinnaiinin and a matting room. Over $1,000 will be expended to alter the hall and furnish the rooms. 1 MISSIONARY WORK. Stirring Me-, gi H.ld In the Interest of Gospel DlsH.mtnation. Sccial to the Scranton Tribune,, Pa., Feb. B Missionary s -rvicea wero held Sun lay and tonight at the Primitive Methodist cburch of the Pyne and Arch bald. Tbe collce tions were very gratifying and will be used in Home mittlonary work. The Sunday morning services were pre sided over by William Press wood, a locsl preacher, and the Sunday evening s-rvices by the pastor, Rjv. O. II Boughton. Tonight's meeting was a rally meet ing in which many of the members of of the church took part, among whom were David Lloyd, jr., William Press wood, and the pastor. A BASKET SOCIAL. Entertainment by th. Young Ladiea of a Jerroyn Chuteh Sjiecial to the BctXMton Tribune. Jekmyn, Pa., Feb. ."i This evening at Enter) rise hall the Young Ladies' guild of St James' Episcopal church hold their basket social ami entertain ment. Tbe programme is as follows : Selection Temperance Band Dialogue, iho Widows All to." Solo Nellie Hogarth Poem aud Tublcaux, "Tbe Song of the Seven." Song John Hogarth Dialogue, "The Lowboy's Cousin." Solo Nellie Degrnw Medley Ueorgu Lee Selection Baud After the entertainment the baskets will be sold. This church is strug gling hard to keep up. Come ont and help a good cause. A SLEIGHING PARTY. Pleasantly Entertained at the Horns of Mr. and Mra John Ortsdale. Sjiecial to the Scrnuton Tribune. PlOKVILLE Pa., Feb. 5. A party of young people from tierantou took tbe Advantage of the sleighing last Friday eveninit and called on Mr. and Mrs. John Grisedale ou Hickory street. The party included AIisos Flora Long, Maggie Kaufman. Ella Sinders, Maud Cooper, Bertha McVey, Mattie Siokler. May Roberts, Jennie K iitfm tn, a Ada Aleiander and Joe Waguer, Charles Doerson, Eugene Hall, John Leonard, George Day, Robert Cooper, and Wil liam Hall . Hood's Cures Mrs, Mm a Sputh man Of Philadelphia. A Weekof Writing Would Not Toll the Story Scrofula for Seven Yearn Cured bu flood's SiirHapartlla. "A week ilcvoteil to wrlllng would not he suf- floicut to teli of tbe good Hogd'a BarnparlllahM doueino. Seven years ago a running sore ap pesrad on my ankle, which grtW worse until It entirely covered my tool and the hones caino out of my toes. Than the sores sppearco on my other foot, rluht arm nod hand. Hides were eaten In my lower limbs, my arm was one (treat ore from the shoulder down, and Mio bones cumo out of two of my Origan. Words Cannot Tell My Sufferings. I could not sleep and had no appetite. About three years alter the first appearance of the dis ease my husband road of what Hood's Sariapa tills had done for urs, and BTfad me to try It. I was confines' to the licit at the time, hail flven up all hope. However, 1 commenced iklna tne ineillclne, and before I had finished the bottle uld sleep and not only eat, but enjoy my loud. Now the 8orea are All Honied Up with the SXOeption of onn spot on my limb. I thank nod for havlog dli sotad my huihaad'i ai tentlon to Hood's Hiirsapurllla, otherwise I should bare been In my grave. I can now niovo about with the aid of crutches, and will always need Hi' ii assistance, but anyone w ho had seen my condltloii when I commenced to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla would marvel that 1 am now alive to move at all." Mus. Maiiv ni-i.akman, UTitr. Latona Street, Philadelphia. Dr. K. Grewef Tbe Philadelphia Fpeclallst, Anil bin iiMioolatoil ,un of EiirIWi and (ier man rhyslcluiis.aro now purnmnoutly located Temple Court Building :it t HI" ST. Hood's Pills oure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundlc. aluk bead ae he, ludlgeatlon SCRANTON Where lliey may l .. . UIUd DAILY AND M Mi.H, The Doelor Is a graduate ot the University u Pennsylvania, rormarb) dsmonatrator oil pbysloloay ami mrgery at tho Medico Chlr argjoal College, of Philadelphia H.. Is also aiibonorary member of the Medloq-Chimr Ileal Association, mid was physician aud anrgepn in chief of ihn mont noted Amerloaa and (lerinan liospiials. comes highly indorsod by Ibo leading professors of Philadelphia and New ork. His many years of hosnital czperionoo nn allies this eminent physician end BQrSjeon to correctly dlaifnose and treat all ei and liisu.iies with the most llatturinx s access, and hi lu.h standiou in I he state will not all w him to accept nnv incurable case I.OSI SIMPiel, ItKiTOHI'.D WKAKNK.SS l' ViliMI NKN llltEO It you nave oeen kivi-ii up oy ymir physl cian call upon the doctor ami iw examined. Beenrea ins worst eaaesof Nervous iiehinty, Hcrotula, Old hores. atarrb, I'llee, Kumale Wmkness. Affections of the Ear, Hy, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Jleafnoss Tumors, ''nu ceis and Crienles of every description. Con siiltation in lii.'lisb and Herman Free, which thall he -onaidercd sacred and strictly confi dent lat Rice Hours; f) A. SI. tn I'. M. Dally. Sllntllly, II u. in. I,, N j, n,. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CltOANIZKI) IMJiJL CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, SAMUEL BINESlPrealdent W . W WATSON, Vice I'residont. a. a Williams, Cashier. DIRKCTOHa, SAvrai. HiNKs, jamks M F.vrnnAiiT, lltVINU A. riSOBi PIBBCI B. FlHLBT, JOUPH .1 JbRMTS, M. s. KtMl.HKiu, Cuas. r, MATTHIWS, John T.PORTSB, W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Tliis tmnk invitos the patronage of hmllUM und i: i ii, gt'Ufrully. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement lire. 10, 1S0S, called for by llio Comptroller il the Curreney, III IK KS. l oans SI, '.'114, 4 7.". 40 Overdrafts 740.S8 United Mutes iiiuida Other llnniis 448, ID 7. TO llanklni: House M.074.46 I'reiiiiuuiK mi I', s. Bonds.. 17.448.76 line from r. s. Treaanrer 10.000.00 Una from Hunks 891,130.09 Cash i: ii 's MOS, UU8.U0 MABILlTIEi Capital s.' 1 i Sill plus -lo o, ,,,o,i I'n. livid, ,1 I'rollis 80,0,1ft. SB Clrealatloa 168,000,00 Dividends I lipoid 1.888. SO Depanlta,' 1, 788,886 80 Duo to Hanks 66,684.07 V.4U;t,U!8.lltl WII.l.lAM CONN KM, President KO. II. c ATI. in. Vlee-Presldonfe WII.i.i am h PKI K, Caabler DIRKCrORS, William Connell, Oeorn ll. Cnitin. Aifi-i-d Hand, Henry UIId, r.. James Aiehlmld, Willi,,,, 1'. Klliltll, l.llther Keller. Tills bank nflVre to depositors every in, I niy trarraated by tlieir balances, busi ui,es and responsibility. Special attention BlTen tn liuslness ac counts. Interest iald ou time deposits, B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, W1RK CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. Brandt Clay Product Co, OFFIOEt Binliauiton. N.Y FACTORY: Brandt, Pa. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer, and Dealers i OILS Burning! n rt isstteaiiu, w . my Mi also Shafting and Journal Greasa 0FFICK:-721 West Lackawanna Ave. WOHKS: -Meridian Street HOW TO MAKE MONEY There me hundreds of yonps men ami ynuii"; women in tlii-i country who have splendid ability, hut tbey have never heeu wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. Ii'yon are tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSB, BVSINBSfl 'Oil Its H. SHORTHANU cuts,, p j, W()0D propriet()r m:w yi-'.ak QPExa January i. FUR RUGS Combination Goat and Sheepskin Rugs. Fine Angora Wool, all sizes. Real Leopard, with full head. Baby Carriage Robes Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or Satin lining. Large line to select from. Moquette Rugs (Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices. SMYRNA RUGS, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4, SMYRNA MAT3, 50c. each. These are bargains. COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50c. and upward. UMBRELLA STANDS, EASELS, SCREENS, 4c. KERR 4 SIEBECKER CARPETS AND DRAPERY, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF" THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. V7i7"ll)LE many iinimf.irturprs mil Jpalcrs ara making extravagant stata tnetits concerning the merits aud durability of medium or low gri pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the famous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application,' E.C.Ricker&Co. 123 Adams Ave. NOT MANY Days loft of our Odds, Ends and Remnant Sale, but still a few choice things, maybe just your selection, are here. We Are House Furnishers 81 That statement will never become threadbare; and we don't have simply a spatter ing of everything only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets. Lace Curtains, Crockery. Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frifrerators, Lamps, Clocks, Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses.