I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING." FEBRUARY .. 1894. 7N-' IN 'S BEST F R1ENDS ..-' 00 . 1 '.'5 ... i :3 ... 1 30 ra Our Series or the World's Choicest Boob Eagerly Sought Alter. MUCH DELIGHT IS EXPRESSED The Splendid Quality of the Bindini and the Remarkably Low Prices at Which the Various Volumes Are Sold, in Connection with the Tribune Coupons, to the Headers of This Paper, Cause Admiring Comment from Thousands of Book -lovers. The popular Inter! msuihsUd in the inanuiticftit chi boot oll'or iud by TBI Tribcnk ontinUM with no tijtn of nbstemsut Several iiutsltneuts of the rariout series have DMO ordrre I ami eshanitod. but the demand still continue. Much appretiatlon is M prenssd for the business enterprise whloh enables r)i.Ur of tlii pr to ecure, a t prices ordinarily paid for cheap paper-OBUtnl bookt, standard works of the biheat literary quality jbonnd bound tu a uiauuar i-juimensu-rW with their worth. The handsome Mtt of standard auth or!, in superior Kutflislt Telluui cloth bindinir, are greatly admired, and are being purchased wito. au avidity that makes an early selection advisable to II who have not yet availed tliemielveJ of this uuprecedeuttd opportunity to equip their libraries with the vf ord's tuudard literature. Clip yoar coupons out and MMS) from the (Mowing titles: STANDARD SETS. Ueorge Klliot 3 volumes C'eoper 3 volume Cooper, better ticdiu-3 volume Dutcas s votum faacker W volume very Hue ... 3 00 CXfORO EDITION. You have generally paid S3 cents for a paper MVOrtd book. We propose to tfive vou an elegaatly bcuad book, suuiusd in ;old, fres!i iroiu tue ires. printed in large, clear type, for M cents. Von can gt almost any title in thii series Over 1,000 have been so'.d in the past few days. b.'OK IS THIS SEKIt Omestnois, Old ana -ew. adt Lynoe. DukeVdeeret. Children of the Abbey. Kffle Ugilvie. Tom Criagi' Lojt. Vicar of Wakefield. Arabian Xigh's Eutevtaiumeut. Deldea, or tbe Iron Hand. tjgaae Aran.. The Countess Eve Toe CoBfeesious of a vYuuiau. Zsnont, It Eataw Baled Hav. Wooed aud Married. Two Years Before tue ilast. tm bia. All Sorts and Condition of ilx Red Rjver. Tom Brown at Oxford. Ked Gaun'etc. , Tom Browa's School Days. ihirley. I Strang' Story. Yiver Twist. .l . !.-.....' Lei'oi;. "kliil on the FblM ttck s swnetuear:. 'oSn Hali'ax. Jnelm Chillingly, aet Days of PofSptU. The Spy. Pigr-m's Progress. The Foragers. Daughters of He:h. Fein Holt. Heart of Oe Id. K-sceil of Oroysioa. Fair women The Bondmaa. Chaplet of Pearls. Frederick the ureal and Hi Co art. Armorel of Lyonesse. CharlemoBt. M Helo. biaacbaampe Lime Kilo Club. An April Lady. Aurora Floyd. A Marked Man. CriDps, The Carrier. Rufflno. The Honorable Mia. Lady Maa le s M ... i Itetta, The Pansiaas. Border Beagles Bride of Lammermoor. Life of Daniel Booae. The Rival Pr. ces. ifoily Bawn. Murdered in the R'ie Morgue. Reproach of Annersley. Kendworth. Last of tbe Mohicm. Shandon Belis. Old Myddleton's Money. Romola. The Mysterions Ilnd. Mystery of Orcival. The Second Wife. Monastery Search for Basil l.yndburst. Rob Hoy. Tbe Home of tbe Seven UabUj. Violet Vivaa. Tbe Wage of Sin. Vivan Orey. Strange Adventures of a f'beatoti. Beyond Pardon. Tbe Antiquary. Birds of Prey. Tbe Firm of Uirdleston. Fern Leaves. j Cbarles Ancbeiter. Fool Play. Gold Elsie. Martin Cbuzzlewtt. Cbaadoa. Catherine. Pathfinder. Our Mm ... f'riand. Pickwick Papers. A Pair of Blue Eyes. Tbe Prau te. Tbe Human and Divine. Yencssse. Th Story of an African Farm. Coosln Pods. Crown of Wild Ollm Life of Kit Carson. David Coppertleld. Child's History of England. The Fairy of the Alps No Name. Mv Loidand My Lady. Toiir of the World in t)U Days. Twenty Thousand Liajues Voder the Sea. The Phantom Ship. Jane Eyre. Juno. Knickerbocker History of New York. Lady Audley's Hecret. A Hardy Horseman. House on 'lie Marsh. The Owl House. Old Curiosity Shop. Nick of the Woods. Wit, Humor and Patuui. Queen Hortense. In the Schillingueourt. Pioneer. My Heart's burling. Life of David Crocket. Lady Castlemains's Div .rre. Tbe Sin of Joost Avolmgh. Woodcraft. Half Hour with (Ircat Humorists. Half Hour with Great Story Tellers. bilHB Warner. Half Hour with Great Novelists History of the United State. Southward, Ob. Her Dearest Foe. Great Expectations. Grimm's Fairy Tale. Gilded Clique. The Vendetta. JEsop'e Fablss. Waverley. Vixen. Faith and Unfaith. Tbe Deemster. A 9Ua Start. Scenes from Clerical Life Charlotte Temple. Griffith Gaunt. Vrsconselos. Mastermau Ready. Master Passion. Old Mawsi,lle' Secret, The Leroncjo Case. March in th Ranks. Sloaue Square Scandal. The Wigwam and Cabin. Guy Mauncting. Flying Dutchman. Mac) tod of Dare. Marry Lnnequer. QnUderoy. Don Quixote. Donald Grant. Cast Up by the Sea. Other People's Money. Otliuiuni. bornaby Kude. Dennis Duval. Dora Tuorue. The Dove in tbe EtgWa Vest. The First Vtoliu Madcap Violet. Melhcbampe. Hicbard Bordla The Partiug of the Ways Forty Liars and Other LUi. Tht vicontt'i Brid. Kutaw. Far ProU the Maddening Crowd. Aureliau. Drama of Ufa Fatuou or Infamous. Mury St. John. Alto. Shadows ami RnnbiaiBI. Alas! pbia, th.. Phooaloian. Kwit I'nuily Kobinsou. Ron O'Mora. Ladi' l'uiiiv l'liystclau. An Kgypttao Princess. Anderson' Fairy Tale. Vuuity Fair. Tbe Moonstone. Fno Blnhtoraa I ivrutv Years After. The Itatiol Letter. The I'aitisau The H'out. Swrlo'l Cuisade Hr roil Munchausen. Katbartue Waltou. Coolgsbv. The Arundel Motto. Is Lift Worth LiTlBg. I'riuces buushiu. I'arda. Willy RelUy. Thaddeus of A'arsaw. 'i'Ue Wooiuv O't Syrlio. Twice Told Tale. Uhoda 1'lemmiug. The Young Duke. Stiauge i'ae of Dr. Jekvll aud Mr. Hyde. RUGBY SERIES. This series contains over 100 title and is peculiarly adapted to boys. The authors are among the most noted in the land and tbe books are all literary gems. Fifty cent would b. a good bargain, bnt fou.r coupou aud M ctnt takes tue prize. BOOK- IN Till-: SERIES. Doep Down. The Boy in the Forecastle. Ri-anoke Island to Mcrfreesboro. Popular Natural History Barbara's Triumph. Stories from American History. The Smugglers' Cave. Erllug the Bold. Adventures Among the ladiaas. Tbe Kirle and the Hound. Gilbert the Traveler. Parents' Assistaut. Audubou tbe Naturalist, ilarhe's Letters. Banff's Fairy Tales. Fort Sumter to Roanoke Island. School Ltfe. or Taree Years at Wolver on. Oci'an WaiN. TLe Wbite Elephant. My Tour in Eurono. N'.itcrt- Y'ouug Nobleman. Gascoyne. Frank Wildmau s Adventurers on Land and Water. Aunt Diaaa. The Golden Magnet. Round the World, S'.ones A boot Animals. Young Voyageto. Grncie (jocdwm. German Fairy Tales. ramons Mn. Boys' and Girls' Story took. Eoy Conqueror. Y' .ucg Folks History of Greece. Adventnres of Famous Sailors. Boys of the Bible. The A lvnfures of Rob Roy. v,uni Foiks Bock of Birds. The Youug Foresters and Other Tales. Salt A'ater. Boy Slave. Young Adventorer. Old Mrr- 's Travel on the Continent. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. Stanley Graham.;. Grev Hawk. r'i: v Tale from Bretano. Wild Sports in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Legends Current in South ern India. Cliff Climbers. Pirate Island Edgctvorth's Moral Ta'es. Y'oung Arrobst. Dick Cbevelry. Perils of the .lung'e. Through "he looking Olau. Dirk Rodney. Our Y'oung Soldier. Bush Boys, i mental Fairy Tales. Y'oung Folks' History of Rome Spanish Fairy Tale. Eric Dno. Eiglit Years' Wandering in Ceylon. Fort Pillow to the End. Tee Fire Briaade. Grandfather Chair. .lack anapts and Other Tale. Young Folks' lll.tory of Germany. Mnlfreesboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain Cave. Plant Hunters. Tbe Wr 'i iger. Paul Blake. Baron Munchausen. dftworth'i ' laeslc Tales Jack Wheeler. Young Folks ! atviral lllatorr. Young Folks Historv of Frauu. Wonders of the Great Deep. The Wolf Boy in China. The Magician's Show Box. Mnrk Bta worth. Luke Beonetl'M Hide Cut. Adventures of Fainnus Travelers. Har.dford and Mrton. In the Wilds ot New Mexico. Tbe 'I iger Prince. Th Red F.ric Number BL COLUMBUS SCRIES. This aerie Is tbo triumph of th age. All the popular book, over 1,00U title-, bound In cloth, (damped in gol I. t 18 centi ' ii young men took forty books of this strie, had all of Iloken', II of Eliot's and a splendid Una of miscellaneous works for only $0 Tht print is large, th books or ntw and for tbe pleasure of reading tiny do th work, Airy Fairy Lillian. An Old Man's Darling. Allan Otiarttrmaln. Ah In u Lookiug Dials. Arabian Nlgbts' hlutertaiumant. At the World's Mercy. Bonnie Dora. Bride of the Tomb. Curnllle. Child s History of England. A Dine..- . Hargnin. The Deer Slayer The Dnke'i Kenret. Dedlee, or the Iron Hand. Dick's Wandering. Doubly Wronged. A 1 ' ; ' .i ' Womnn. A Dreadful Temotattnn. A Deathbed Man lege. Kail Lynne. Essays of Ella. The Froxn PiraU. Grimms' Household Fairy Talus, Guy Kenmere's Wife. Tbe House on tho Marsh. Tbe Hon. Mrs. Vereker. Handy Andy. Ivanho. Jarqnetiua. Jane Erre. John Halifax. Gentlemon. Lady Audley's Secret. Last Days of Pompeii. The l.a; ot tbe Mohicaus. Lornn Doone. A Life's Remorae. Little Golden's Daughter. Little Nana. Mr, Foi tesquo; au Audrean Romanca Tne Master of the Mlue. Mat I ; a Tale of the Caravan. Mollv Bawn. The Nun's Curs. Old .Mam'aslle's Secret. Oliver Twit. The Pat uf! nd or. The Piuueers. The Prairie. A Pi luce of Darkness. vui enin' Tsrrlbl Secret. 'I he Iteproiich of Auuesley. tlobtn-on Crusoe. li.'tnola. liorv n'Moore. The Rabbi's Spell. Tht Rose aud tht Lily. She. The Sketch Book. The Swiss Family Robiusou. Btcoad Thnughi. Stiauge Case of Ur. Jeykyll and Mr. Hydt, Tom Bros n'a School Day. TVrr of the World in Eighty Day. Tweuty i'houud Leagues Under Sea The Two Orphan lo Years Before the Mot. Under. Currants. A Vagrant Wife. The Witch lleud. Willie Rtfllr, Won by Waiting A Woman's FaOt, A Wife's Crime. i dam Bede. Crooked Path. Caidinal Siu. Blind l.uve. Iloylo's Oames. Wife in Niune Only. Jantt lipeutance. Master ot Ijaliautiae. lvau the Serf. l.ud.v Yalsworth's Diamonds. Fnr Fait hand I'luedoiu. Wee Wtflt Christmas Stories. Dot Qatritch. A Family Affair. , A Mental Struggle. For Another' Sin. Mysterious Island. Redeemed bv l.ove. Piluces of Thulc. We Two. At War with Herself. Mi-siug lliubund Between Two Sins. Baton Munchausen. Evil Genius. UNIVERSai SERIES. The books tmbrace tho works of too most rttiowued nuthorg on gabjects of scieuco, history and rictiou are really among the recognized standards aud are worth more than double th amount which the readers of TBI Tribune have to pay. They are bound in a unique cloth cover with gold top; DOOKg IN TUIS SERIES. Horse Bonk . Humphrey c'liuker. HyLerton. Irving' Sketch Book. Irving' Lifeot Washington. Ivan hoe. Jeremy Taylor's Holy Liviug. Junius' Letters. The Koran. Last Days of Pompeii. l.egeuds of the Patriarchs an Pro, beta Lives of Celebrated Men. Lives of Celebrated Women. Macaulay's Biographical E-says. Middlemarcb. Mill on Liberty. Mrs Caudlt'l Curtain Lectures. Natural Law in the Spiritual World. Night Side of Nature. Noctes Ambrosiaune. One Hundred Years of a Nations Life. Outre Mer. Obiter Dicta. Past aud Present. Planetary and Stellar Worlds, l'iu arch's Lives, in one volume. Pr. se Writers of America. PosVl Tales. Pre ott Misoellanhs Realities of Irisi Life. Rolig;on of the AocitBi World. Rochetoiicault s Muxuus aud Reltec tions. Suru Private. Sartor Kesar us. Say map, lU f and Otherwise. Hcumitz's Ancient History. Schmitz's History of England. Schmitz's History of Oreoce. Schmitz's History of Rome. Seekers Af ttr God. Self Help. Seneca's Morals. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Smith's Rejected Addresses. The Spectator. Spencer on Education. Sterne's Sentimental Journey. Story of an African Farm. TainA's History of F.uglish Literature. Thackeray's Early and Late Papers. Tale for the Peoole. The Epicurean. The R-ign of Law. The Unity of Nature. Vanity Fair. Vathek. Westward Ho. Wllbeltn Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels, American Humorists. Ancient Religions Art and Life. Artie Discovery. Bacon's Essays. Bayno's r.stays Promotes Digestion f ftRlOUUREO. wft7 the V r M IH0AP0 I Ilk lIKhil' !-' CtTRK DYSPEPSIA :ukes DYSPEPSIA l It I S DYSPEPSIA Having suflnred from Dy , ptpala tor three yearn, I oe. olds I to try BtJIWOCI Hlooh BlTTRM "il afttl uslliu out bottht 1 round inysblf so lnuea butter that I was .-i a t toil another; after taking this I flail myself so full y w tored ihnt I do not d4 any inoi.. luedii iue. feuhiitf truly grateful to H B H Mm. U Wnnt, Talwig.Oneld Co , N.I Indapo rnaae a wen Ei Robinson s Sons' Photographic Panorama OF THE Man of HINDOO REMffOV i ROi I t'k'a I it in AliDVk: it FA 1 l.i'rt lit tio II . in v i roiia piiwuMi l iti'iiitf Mt iii..i HuftftU. Hiuilt'riiifK- SigTitly Kiulu itullf. tU..eU4Hl Ul UMl Ml".', kfiVtfi I -mii. kiy ini niiif In nttUi'ii 01 Uitii i " i .UuitiiiMMi in i i oryoiiiif UuuUl I II " ' ! H I i ' I . i 1 V moi unit StSS I. I ... till l-l Nl II) . v riii n riMt-ii k "" "' lu pare W rellimlea. Ilon'l Irl IOI, lllilii III. II.I...I , i ' hrll ,I ny Alfid vl (mfruloM IlilUtoohsvlnglNIHPa naiieetbsr 11 I.,, iiu. nut get It. we will wnd il by nmii a pun reeelpl oCarivu. I'toiiulilui lu ssalM savelopi free, &toei n, I. i.i ,.l II, ill nil.. , .HI III., nruuraf.nli. SOLD by Matthews linn , Wholes.ile un.l Keiuil ptaaaislti SiICAMuN, l A. anU oihur Lead init In ilgglltl, Every Woman Sometimes needs a reli ablu monthly regulating medic inc. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are iiroiiiut, safe una euriutu In remit. 'I'he aemi' ih Nat's) never disappoint. Ment anywhere. 1.90. I'ealMeilkiiiuL'o . t'levulaud. O. Hoi.i b joiin a PHELPS PnarnuaUt corner yoinlni; uvenue uiul Siruu vtioec Horanton, IV W 8 Lager Beer Brewery tlniiufacturr of the CeUbrateJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'3 VIOLA CREAM Removes Frselilti, Plmplsi, Liver Molei, Blackheadi, Sunburn ami Tin, auil re ttorea the (kin to Its origi nal fresh ilea. )roduclng a clear ami nealihy com plexion. Superior to allfai.'u i.fhuintloii.i and TX'ifeitlv iiH.L'L. H,ol Iliu.l. ! forSOett WORLD'S FAIR ISTow Ready Per Annum, harmless. At all fienil loi Circular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP '"'I'lr iiiiou...iii , ..j Mi.n, :-u.y, U1..H ..1. ! fjf tL I .mi tui ellLoul . ill lur llif i,..i . i Absuluuif pule Uld u-, -n . levdl Price 25 Cel.. O. C. BITTNER & CO.,To:.too. O. Pot sale b Matthews Bin .Morgan BfOMUld Morifan Ac (Jo. a --rt& . r , Jiom tht ft fi rei'tiine, A'or. f, SM The Flour Awards "OhIOAOO, Oct. Sl.-Fbe first oftlcial announcement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal ha been awarded by tbe World's Fair judcej to tbe Hour manu fat-lured by tbe Wasbbnrn. Crosby Co , in tbe gr.'at Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee report tbe flour etrong and pure, and entitles it to ronk ns first-class patent flour for family nnd bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL U HOLK8ALBAOKNTS. Something new. It is a Great Education lor any Man, Woman and Child who reads The Tribune and takes ad vantage of its Grand Otter. It consists of Over Two Hundred Photo graphic Views of the Sights and Scenes of the World's Fair and Midway Plaisance. It Is issued in Four Paris, or Portfolios. Each Portfolio Contains Fify or More Different and Distinct Pictures. Over TWO HUNDRED Views Shown. No Two Alike. All of the pictures are of equal interest and importance to complete this beautiful and exhaustive pictorial history of the World's Columbian Exposition. Part One Contains Over Fifty Photographic Views. Part Two Contains Over Fifty Photographic View3. Part Three Contains Over Fifty Photographic View3. Part Four Contains Over Fifty Photographic Views. All Separate and Distinct Pictures. No Two Alike A l ' i harity. BioKr.. . t.lterari. Llt SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand.'' of flour can be ha 1 at any of the following merchants, who will accept ThkTiuhlne flul u COUPON of SO on each one buudred pound of Hour or 50 on each barrel of flour. r'cranton-P.P. Prtdtj Washington avuui.?, (told M-l. hritud. Hyda Par k Caraon A iiavia, Watbiirn st. liol.l Medal Hi anil', J'pu A. Ikar, Main Hveir.iH, BnparlatiTa Brand. Groan Rtdfl - A L.Sponrer.Oi.ld Modnl Brand. lliinniore-K H f'rli'O. H.jld Mudnl Brmid. Ohrpbant- .Ihiii.-k Jordan, Bnparlattra Brand, pumnwe F.J). Manlay, BuptrlnUva Brand. Hruvldencu F.'nni.r & ?hap.'ll N naln ave- nue, BnparlatlT bnndiu J GHIlMpinj w. Market ntl e.it, (iuld Modal Brand i Klr, Suporlativo Snperaiatlv.i I'lH-krlUe-Eliaffer Bland .lennyn - C. U. Wlntem .V Brand farbondale- B. B, Clark. Oold Medal Brand. llundale-J. N. Kuiter & Co. Uold Medal Brand Hnnaanafl WJ S. lienek.Sniifrlntlvo Brand 1 alton-R. I, Finn Sun, Held Medal Brand QotUdaborO- S A. Adama. Uold Medal Brand Tulivhanua- Tolivliannu & l.el.ik'li l.mnbj Co., Uold Medal Brand My Literary and OpiDltraa. BrOWB1! Bible Iiictlunary. Bniwn' ','oncordance. Buffuii'B Natural HUtory. liiinyan' Holy War. Untlir'a Anal'.K.v of I'nliKion. Ilulwar'n Wit aud WUdnni ( rlyl' lleminincHiicm. Chevaase'a Adrico to a Wife and Mother, Confession! of an I!ni(llxh Opium Eater, Confuiins and Mencius. ( ook'a VoyUM, Crrasy'a Decisive Battlen of the W oil4 Cnrioua Mytha. Clnsaic OontdlM, I'lamic Kaaaya (JyoloptdlnM Eiuiaeut Cbrlitlau. ImnMI Ieronda Iavid OopptrneUi Don Ijotiote. Kailv Days of Chriitlanity. Bllot'i ((worn) Bentya, i i i i and llatu Ion. Au Knyptia-! i'rlnceif. Blaol tb ADltiltloa. Bmtnen'i KnMjti, First aud Hecoud derive. Kininent A uif r icuna. BeMtyi of Ella, Karnoiu VVarrlorn. Foa'ii Book of Mnrtym. Etalkle'l Life and woida of L'brlat Ureat (ianerala. (treat Thought from (Iriiek Anthori. Ureat Tbonfhtl from Latlu Authors. Illljhwayso! Literal lire. 'I'he 1 1 . i mite. lleroeannd Hero Worship. IltatorL al Evidence. llltry of All ItellglouD. in tm v of M 1-1!.. Agea. lllntory of Noi -way, Sweden, aud Denmark Iliatory of the Ottoman Empire. History of tbe 1'ilifrlin Fathers. History of Itiiaaia. History of Spain and Portugal. History of Franre, lllalory of Uermaoy. History of Holland and Belgium. History of Inilln. II I 'm v of California. History of Chaile All History and Poetry of Fingor Kings. MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. This aeries oontnius over 100 tittM, embracing the beat works of all the famous authors and covering the fluids of icieuci. art, philosophy, history, and Motion. En'li book Is printed from large type, on fine paper, nnd 1a tmli stanttally bound. The regular price in It oeats, but yon may have them at :0 cents Books of this class umlly ro -tail from $1 to $1 23 Hi, irndiup . ivhIi MtVl fat tunlnge uiiy uj the louki uill tit aent lis ihuiL Mercereau U Connell 307 LACKAWANNA AVUNUt DIAMONDS, and l'inc Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling- Silver Novelties. T CHICAGO, Illinois, on the snore oi' Lake Jlichkan, froo .May 1 to October 80, 1693. stood the Magic City tbe Dream City--that caused tbe whole world to ball and raze iu won der and amazement. Tbis was tbe crownins achievement iu America's history of 4U0 years. Every uatiou from ''Oreenland's Icy Mountain to India's Coral Strand." from darkest Africa to the islands of the sea I poured forth their riches as tribute to the World's Columbian Exposi J tiou. that it should be the most marvelous display of ancient aud mod era tunes. Ail that tne human iir.uu had conceived, that human skill oould execute, was there, All this wealth of tbe earth and genius of mind was concentrated there within an are of 633 Acres, of which 250 acres were covered with buiidiuos that alone ct Twenty-three Million Dollars. Only the spirit and the pictures of this, the eighth and great est wonder of the world, rehraiu with us. The spirit will make our uatiou greater and all humanity better, while the pictuie make a pic torial history that will tell the story to all the children of men. The Photographic Panorama of the World's Fair is designed to pcrpetuale the glories ol the Magic City, for the entertainment of the multitudes and for the enlightenment of posterity, it presents vivid and realistic views oi Grand Exposition Buildings, with their towers, pinnacles and glittering domes, pictures of State and Foreign Buildings, of massive Arches, of Colonnades and Peiistle. of noble Statuary and Egyptian Obelisks, of Sculpture and Mural Decorations, of jetting Fountains, of beautiful interior Exhibits, of Venetian Gondolas, glid lug over the deep Lagoons, uf Pavilions, of Foreign Villages, of Cafes, of the Wooded Island, and uian other attractions of the Dream Citv. including the famous Midway Plaisance, the btxaar of nations, or the side show sol the World's Fair. Every vestige of the World's Pair is fast passing away. Already fire has played havoc among the buildings, while a small army of men are at work removing everything iu the form of Buildings aud exhibits that was dear to the sight of the World's Fair visitors. But thanks tu photography, it remains for the entertainment and edification of the multitudes and for posterity . The ''Photographic Panorama of the World's Pair'' is a volum inously illustrated history of that great event. It is a history that is both highly entertaining to the young and old, aud instructive to all. It is such a volume thai should be iu everj patriotic borne. In order to have a complete, continuous and connected history, ii will be neces to have all four parts. Mil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIHIIIIIIIIUnilllllllNIIIIUHIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllU CUT THIS OUT. i The Tribune Order Ice .'. S kateS, ! World's Fair Art Portfolio 1 is s All Prices and all Sizes. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING StWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS LIME, CEMENT IN FOUR PARTS. COUPON, February 6, 1894. Send or brinr 3 Coupons of different dates, to gether with 10 Cents, and receive each part of Mag- g nificent Photoorflohs. No delay; no waiting;, as each I o i part is now ready. THE TRIBUNE, Cor. Peon Ave, and Spruce St. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. ISA hi RESTORED MANHOOD Ttiotnatrmo(y fortierTmie prostration and nllnenruuiiiliscusen of hux. itui-iii, ivtvuIiii rrosuaii' v. ran- DR. MOTT'S RCSTSSIRB PILLS ! tin. WMUM .itVHianffltliur iit uruial MuiibiHHl, litipiwwT,NIbtlr fCnjlMlunii.Yi.iillilul knur, Alonlftl Worry, excutslTu uwiit Tobscco or Opium, which lea.l to Con sumption and Insanity. With ovary M order w Klve n written Bunr- Htiti... l.i.nirfi orriiliiml tho money, tluli (ura.tt. 1111. UU IT'Mt IIEMIIA :l Ultlt ANU AFTKIt U81NU l urKul by 0. M. IIAKlll, iimtsi-i ' ' 1 . on Avenue. t si.ou ptroot, ooxes CUT THIS OUT. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimni All lour parts arc now ready to be de livered. There is, therefore, no delay in curred in waiting. Each part can be obtained by cutting out three coupons of different dates, in this col umn, ami sending 10 Cents (not stamps) with each three coupons. The other Art Offers are still open 4