THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY (. 1694. NEWSY DUN MORE SAYINGS. Crisp and Spicy N-ws Served In ft De laotable Manner. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Dcnmore, Feb, 5. The scenes enact ed at the "oorners" Sunday evening were disgraceful enough to briujf a blush of ahuuiii to the cheek of the most disinterested citizen, no matter how deeply the question of Sabbath ob eerTanoe aff.eted him. Any stranger p.ieeing through that seotion of town would come to tho conclusion that no suihlnnoe of law or order existed. The creators of the disturbance were eight or ten younic men whose winters passed numbered about sixteen Every time n sleigh load of grangers came through the street they were greeted by a chorus of ear splitting yells loud enough to be heard for Hooks. Not being autisfleil with the nmse of their months severs! pucks of lire crackers were proeurml and shot off In the middle of the street. Their hilarity lasted for fully an hour, dating the time people were on their way to church. The uames of those rowdies can be easily procured and the police should make an example of them. At bis been mentioned before in these aolumne. there is not enough police to keep order and council should not neglect increasing it. The Young Ladies' Missionary 10 ciety will hold their tron ami 0k social at the nun on Frid ly after noon from 9 until 5 o'clock. Anyone wishing to secure fresh cakes for Sun day or wish to replenish their stock of common or ftuo aprons can do so by attending this social, where a selection elaborate enough to suit the taste of the most fastidious housewife will be offered for e.ile at very low prices. Miss Nellie Kuight.of West Plttston, spent Sunday with relatives ut this place. Mrs G. W. E Allen is confined to her home by illness. The fear In winch the Democrats hold the Kopnbltosn or Peoples kioket that isin the find this year is fullv demonstrated by the in lasemsnts they are offering opposing osndidstss to be tray their party. The much ooreted office of borongh solicitor of wbiob they own one-half is the latest prize tby hive concluded to sacrifice to the political whirlpool. A committee of four approached a candidate for prominent office the other day aud without any preamble told him the office of borough solicitor was at the disposal of one of his relatives if he would only withdraw and labor for them. Needless to say, the off-r wis spurned Instantly. It is for tins office that the Democrats have put a spragae in the wheel of borough progress dur ing the p 1st year apd neglected busi ness that should have been attended to. The vote has stood 3 to 3 all year, and every proposition to do any busi ness was promptly sqnelched by the Democratic committeemen boiuse the Republicans would not surrender to them. At last, this much prized office they bare promised to relinquish all claim to in order to save their tottering old machine. Mrs Bnekalew who has been visitins Mrs, M Cnamberlin, returned to her home ut White Haven last week. The Epworth learns of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold their regu lar monthly meeting 'in the lecturj room tonight The usual musical and literary programme will be rendered. The League's monthly gatherings are always of the most enjoyable kind and a pleasant evening is anticipated. Th "Assembly" is thinning favor ably of holding its social on Feb. 22. instead of the 34th as was stated in yesterday's papir. There will be a meeting of the men of the Presbyterian church held at the church parlors on Thursday evening for the purpose of making arrange ments to hold a social during the fir.t week of March. It will be for the pur pose of comm 'tuorating the freeiug from debt of the church aud will be a fitting occasion to welcome the new members who will join the church on next communion Sunday. It is re quested ".oat all gentlemen belonging to the church will be present and lend their aid. The young child of Preston Smith, of Sport Hill, died Sunday night. Fu ieral services will be held today. The attendance at the Methodist church Sunday school was 330 on Sun -day last. Mrs. A. M Holvey, of West Pitrston, will lecture at the 0 Id Fellows' hill under the auspices of the Loyal Lsgion on Wednesday evening, Admission free. Druggist Lndwig received some se vere cuts yestsrday, the result of a fall on the ice. The nimrods of this place have been hnnting bar on the Moosic mountain during thi past few days Bruin was seen by one of the emploves at Gipsy Grove, who sounded the alarm. They are still following him. FROM FOREST CITY. Granting- the Rii.way Franchlie, Per sonal and Ohr Intoreaiintr Topics. Sveria' to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Pa., Feb. 5 Dr and Mrs. 0 E Taylor and son Claude, spent Sunday with Jermyn relatives Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Maxey Saturday, a danghtr Superintendent William Walker, of Jermyn, epnt today with friends in Forest City Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, of Clifford, spent Saturday and Sunday with her danghtsr, Mrs. Thomas Dtvies. The Hillside colleries in this place will be idle until Thnrs lay, Feb. 8, and then work three and three-fourths days for the week. Mis Cora B Evans, of Gibion, re turned horn- yesterday after spending a month with hr sister-", Mrs. Uoij i min Msxey and Mrs. J. L Wustgate. The borough fathers will meet to night to decide the question of grant ing a franchise to the Railway Exten sion company. Mrs. John Connollv, of Starrnccs, 1 visiting at the home of F.Cnnuinghain, sr., on Main street. e)i 1 MISS TASSHOLD'S PARTY. ENJOYABLE BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mr. William Bryrten, of K.n-nt City, Surprised by Numtrons Friends. Slwcial to the Scranton Tribune. Forkst City, Pa , Feb, 5. The many friends of the Delaware and Hudson mine foreman at Vandling, William Brydsn, sr.. paid him a very pleasant surprise Saturday evening in the shape of a birthday party in honor of his 51) h birthday. The party first gathered at the home of George Tovey to the tiuin her of 150, and then proceeded In a body to ti" bonis of their intended visit, first making their presence known by their singing iu front of the resi dence. (Quickly the whole house was open to the party and theu congratulations were iu order. The Forest t'nv trass band soon made its sppsaranoe and strains of BWOat music were wsfted to and fro through the air to make .he occasion as "merry as a marriage bell, Riohard Jones, in a few appropriate remarks, presented Mr Bryden with a gold watch aud Obaiu ax u sllirlit lolion of esteem in whicu he is held by the residents of Vandling Mr. Bryden resp"iided in a pleasant manner, mid was glad to learn that ilia friends were so numerous AlUOOg the other valu able presents Mr Bryden received were a toilet set, smoking set, and a silver nut set. Later in the srsning a bounteous supper was ssrveil. After wishing Mr. Bryden many more pleasant birthdays, the company il parted abont il 80, .11 having spent a vry enjoyable and an evening long to be remembered. OLD FORGE GOSSIP. Intsrestlnir Newa N itea Dished Up for Svccial to the Scranlon Tribune. Old FoituK, Pa., Fo . 8 William Qlossengsr's fnueral took place in Wayne county on Friday Ut, and was .'tended bv some of our citizens, to whom he was well known ll was m at hospitable man and those who were wont to go hunting in that part were always mil welcoms to his loine, Ho mil a charming and de lightful h st and will be mnoh,missed. The Silver Luk qnartstts condnsted thes-rvics at the Brick church on Sunday evening to the complete satis faction of the crowded congregation. The following registere 1 to 1 iy at the Old Forg-t hotel, E J Fallon, pro prietor: Peter Oorssllos, Milwanki", Pa. ; Johu Outencamp and Jo in Ward. Wayne county; James S. Willtami, Pike county; j icob Cloes, Forest (.'as tls. George Cavill made a business trip to Sorsntoo to iav. Mr. Van Horn has completed his contract for laying th- witer main along Sibley road p ist the White patch. T e Importance of keeping the liver nnd kidneys iu good condition cannot be overestimated. Hood's Barsaparilla is a great remedy for regulating aud invigora ting these organs. Hood's PilU act easily, yet promptly and effectively, on the liver au I bowels. MINOOKA IT MS. Brief Notes of News from Ecranton's Lively Suburb. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Min'ooka, Pa, Feb. 5. Miss Lizzie Murphv, of Taylor, is visiting friends in Minooka. Miss Kate Cusick, of Main street,vis ited Taylor friends on Sunday Greenwood mines are idle today. M. J. Gavin, of Sliarpsville, Pa , who is visitint friends in this place, will re turn today Thomas ijuigly, of Plainsville, with his wife, was thrown out of their cut- ' ter last night whil-i driving along Main street in front of P II Lliga-ins' grocery store, bat lu-ikily neither was injired Some of the boys got into an empty hcuse on Main street yesterday and put ud papers and bottles and candv boxss making it appear as if it were a new, store. William Riley, the famous pedes trian, who has visited many climes, has made his appearance in this place igain. Misses Schuer and Upra, of Soath Scranton attended the pirty at. the home of Miss Mary Tasshold on Main street Friday evening. - . For Burns, Scalds, Bkuisks and all pain and Koreness of tu-- : - .i. the grand household remedy is lr. 1 nomas r.olecr.ric Oil. Be sure you get the genuine A SURPRISE PARTY. Pricabura Knighte of the Qiidsn Eagla Visit Their Brethren. ferial to the Hrranton Tribune. Old Foroe, Feb. 5 Old Forge Castle No. 339, Knights of the Golden Eagle, received a surprise party on Saturday night, consisting of their brethren, J. M. Wesley Castle .S4H, from Pricebnrg. A most enjoyable evening was passed. Refreshments were passed around, and songs, recitations and speeches were the order of t IS day, many of the brethren distinguishing themselves in their several pirts. A Number of Young Quests Entertained at Her Home. Sjtrrial to the .'.Oicmfou Tribune. Minooka. Pa., Feb. 5 Miss Mary Tasshold, of Greenwood, tendered a party to her friend Friday evening at her home on Main street in honor ol her eighteenth birthday. All the young ladies appeared in brilliant eostnraes, the reigning hello being attired in blue silk. Dancing was indulged in until the wee small hours of the morning when all left for their homes wishing their hospitable young hostess many such birthdays. When Daliy was sick, we Rave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she liecanie Miss, she clunir to Castoria. Whw she had Children, she gave tbeiu Castoria, A SCIENTIFC ESCAPE Bcccham's pills arc fo, uiliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores,or write B.F.Allen Co., 365 Canal St., New York. THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OP ALL. k Trip Through (he Colum bian Exposition. 72 leaves, printed on one Hide only. Mliowunjr nil the places of Interetl on main grounds nnd Midway Plaisanee. Size, r7. Bmbosied paper cover or full cloth. T wo C iupnns and 25 CENTS takes embo8se cover. Two Coupons and 40 CENTS takes cloth cover. Add ! cents fur postniro If ordered by mnil. The Scranton Tribune. h 's2.-t.-t Ex'5r . VC 1 Bv list - TO 1 V. v I A j; 0 VI. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: RossIm Lyni Qroatov Ospm, -t InetMe. $t.m Bleotrio Sual Qlronlw Ospe M i Mi Aitrakbiti. Olronlsr ci"t. I" Ml Wool h' Oirealsr Cp 4 In U.M Stone Murt'ii Ulroolsr Cspee, M l i.tiii Urouii .MsrU-u 1 ncuU Cui'i'H, in 4.1.01 Cttor Circulur OS.Mii -4 in 'M-M Seal Sacques Hoi Bseques, ;w inc. m long 1180.00 Hwil .InckolH, ft inclies MfcOO eal Jsokete, '4 laobes ionic i"-' AKirukiiiiu Jaokuti. iii inobes loiw ii.W Circular Capes Seal Olronlsr Ospe. 80 Inobes long, wltbj Butterfly Onpe $ Otter Olronlsr Ospe, 80 inobse lona,wltta Bntterfljr Cspe Bnble Oironler Onpe, 801 ones Iihik ss oo Astrskhsn circular Ospe. 111 Inohee Imk SI w 1 lootrlo Seal Circular Onpe. 80 in. Ioiil'.. N 00 (ir.iy Orinuner OlroaUrCspei 'W in long 00 uo In ilc.cii American H. al Mull' at. ...Si -fl rch l lot lebililren's sets at Wo. eseb 1 lot of .sleigh Bobee, lined W esob Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons, GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. 11 CLEARING Si 10 Diys, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods, Cloaks and Par Capes daring sale :il less lliiin cost f material. Every iuch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever Bhown. Ladies' Felt IIat, this season's stylos 103. eich Hoys' Winter Wsiits 0o each'. f,l.Dlr' 30c. each. clok8 $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE COME. IT WILL 1'AV YOU, Great Clearing Sale. THE Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Farrier in the city. Atlantic Refining Co. Mitiiufui'tui'urs end Dealoru in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linseed Oil. NapthM find (iuso lines of all grades. Axlo Grease, Pinion G reuse nml t'olliory Com pound ; also, a large line ot Par raftine Wax Candles, We also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tho only fniiiily safety burning oiljin the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. oftVo: Coel Exchange, Wyoming Avo. urks ut lJino lrook. Thatcher IS THE BfST. Get prices and lee the furnace and be con vinced. A full line, of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gnuz9 Door Ban gee. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, I'A. 6 BONDS for SALE To Investors. Till: SCRANTON Axle Works have issued of 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds, interest payable semi annually .These bonds are t run for ten years, from Xov. 1, 1893. Only a limited amount are offered for sale to investors. These bonds are lirsi mortgage on the entire plant of the company, and are issued for the Durpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the denominations of 11)000, 500 and li)o each, for further particulars address S. B. MOTT, Financial Agt, idiom 'J? nnil Commonwealth BulWff, SCRANTON, PA. Hotel Wavcrly Kuiuposn I'lnn. PlrstolMS I'nr SttsOtieS, pepot for r.i'iicnor A 1 iik1 Tsnnbinuaor Best H. E, Cor, 15th end Filbert Pbllida. Wont tlcRirablM for Itsldfntl of N K. rnn tylvniiia All OonvciiwtlOM 1nivlors t fttid from Broad Btreet ntatlnn nnd tbt) Twuttta RQd Market BtTOet hUtiou. Lrc tiruMe fr vintttiK BoTAUtonlaili anJ pao tie lu tL Aiithraclto Hetou. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Ensossib it Tm Hiohiit Mioiot Autmositiis HAVE YOU f ATA EtDLf HEADACHE MEURAUiW will our you. A wfindi'rful btHin to RnlTtrori from i Morn Thrunt, Indurnva, Hroochltli, irllA V I'EVEK. Afm.h immediate relut. An pfrtpl,,nl romeflT, ooiiTPnlont to rrT In popknt, reiiftt to Tin on flrnt Inillcstlon of cold. Contlnnrd Use ESfeetS IV,n,nrul Cure. HatlHfftctlonsimrRntocnornionr.y rofundftd. Prlrr, SO rim. Trlnl frn nt DnivgliiM. ItdirlaU'reil mull. SO cents. B. D. CDSEMlIt, Mfr., Thrm Itiwri, ILcb., 0. J, i, Ot'SHMAN' m UPliTUfll Th" "urvHt nml safrnt rnmoilr for Itltn I nUU ll kln dlosua. Kiwnis.ltch.HsIt IlhPilniolcl lores, llurnd, enu. VoDderAil ron, rdv for PI t.V.H. Prlcn.CS vt: nt prim- n mm IIwteorhyniHll pn-pnld. AtMrowa aa nliuTn. DhLITi For sula bv Muttliows Bros-.Morgau Uros.snd Morgan A Co. m:ui:it lltOI CO., in-'p. rnpitl. ItKsl fid HHOH IN tHU W(IKI.t). "A iloltiir iae4 it ii dotfef suniel," v ThUl.ixllrH' Hnllil French IoiiKi,IhKIi1 llut ton Moot dstivtrsd free sftyivhsfe in ih u,4v.on Mill ot I Isslli Money ord.Tr, Postal Nto for 1 it, KqriuU etevy wty iim boots I In n'l rctidl ulnrr- for tJ.W. p rniik" lhl 1'oot oufselves, lusrefets wo M-ir-itttfss tbe Jtot ttfU anS twor. io. tl If nltyo;io In not ' vn win reluM lbs teooey or rml nolhcr inlr. Opcrs loo or 1 oniinon N'nnc, widths ', i, B, SB, h7vd 1 to mill hiilf Iron. BSeoTtfeOf SIM.' ( III MM, I'nli). loges wast r f h i MmW.V . X JuU 'inf. ; V mm i- - l m i'.:? mm s i "vt.j.v 13 Dexter Shoe Co FREE FEDERAL ST., 1 HON TON. UASS. Speclol t-rrn'. It iviAfflfl, ARTOHE HARTMAH 906 South Washington Avonuo, Totrtrtotgr MS builder of Cnnerete ris;nin, Concrcto Sfocks, I'oUt.i, tiuttrr unit Cost Bins, Wot OeUsrs ijrio'i iii. OMeri nmy be loft nt Tnompebo & Pra.t, Will u:iik & Oo Main nil I SyOoO StJeetS, or at bcruutoo Htovo W.jilt.. Alio Foiiti'latlons, lliiuroa, Kmb Wlro Tunnels aud Collin l''laiuior Uardon Walk, Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELLCO. A. B. BROWN'S BEE PITTSTON, PA. HIVE, mm mm Rooms 1 and 1 Commonwealth Mi SCUANTOV, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER JlnUettlu .MOOSIC and RUSH DALE WORKS. Lsfflln A: Knnil l'owiler Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batlerios, Tuso for exploJ niR blasts, Safety Fuso and RepaunoChcinical Co.'s High Explosives THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR IS THE BEST. THE WESTON MILL CO,. CCRANTON, PA. PUZZLE. I IsMHN k ajmniMi mwm li"-tjrrf-rwMsWfiiweswsswefrT-rTTi THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as n Souvenir of tlie Fair. QUITE BAST WHKN TOD KNOW J!W $300 IN l'IMZi:s WII.I, BK DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THE PUZZLE IN I Hi: SHORTEST SPACE H TIMK l'OH BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AM) AT TOY STORKS, OR BENT To ANY ADDRESS UPON KECEIPT OF PRICE, 'jr CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. 119 AND in SOUTH BUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MI). En n R Pimples, Blotches Ii I anfj oid $ore$ , PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT p . . and potassium Catarrh, malaria Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism rand Scrofula s- p. p. p. pvirtltvthMbloo.l,haildsnp AWMm t"'1 voiik Mil tiebilitati'tl, jtvos mm' atronfrth to wfuk.'inM nerves, li s- dijtpimpN.ijiTins; thw pitlonr health antl m, pApplntM where iloki mm ieellD(t end IamUthIo iirt prpvaihui. m For primtrr.ifoondary nnd I VPUOSt WWOOd ,Oiroiiiner. tOi K B" si-- HsUpottoDi nftlerlA. m ao1 mmw f" Wl bit od nnd ikln i . bioCente RejipiMt old ohroolc art. tetter, OstldnesUi, mmttt pt rrnia went Mft wluoat fer of " contradiction, tli it P P. P. U th jfl ' blond iurfftr in thr wor mmt posltlvo, spi'LHlS'andpermiinont curt'S intll ceiel. mi hadu wlii'-t iritemi M p W" nnd whom' bloo i reeondl" 4fee- tlon, dnetomt u lrre.fnUrlilei ti: ere peoullarlj benouti ; j r tl aerraltonloi eeonlni?! 0 . Srtletof.P v Prlokl Aih.Poko piootend Potattiant. m ppmrai ml d, tfo, A Lff t th, 1693 m9T ioan ipee In I he nig 4r""" ronrmeaiclne tron m, . knowledge, i "! hbert duei ie, ; . 1 i itleni I M jraari, waa treated by !!' mm nhv-u-ianH ana ppoiu hundreds of dol fnfr. t ru l l poniedJ with- oni finding relief, bar only ukan Ona bpttlt 'f T.uirP. P. P., nnd OM oneerniluf aa; t- urn doun neaore inotl thrtn :w 't: i hive arartatefte iota rttoininand your nedloina to nil inflerari oi tba idoi diaeaaea, MM, H, M. fBARTe IpHofflaMi Qreen count. Mo. and Kidney Troubles Art' cnllrelj resMVeSI P.I'. P. '? PricklT Ast . slum, tb'o sreatt-st blood purifier on sW earth. '09 Asfrpffs. O. . Jolr 21 . 1891. B1 MrsR. Uppman Bros., Psrannsn, On : DkabSies 1 i ol ey jniir P. P. P. al Hot prin. Ark. .and It has ,1 DS me n r ooa ihnn three month" trarmeniKt the Hoi Spnugs. Mend three bottles C. O, U. - 1 Bespectfolly Tonra, mmm JAS. M NEWTON, Abcr.livn, Brotvu County, O. stT , npl. J. I. Jotanaluu. k9 th eff wAoa U may confirm I her- r brtoMitv i. thee ndertul properties of P. P. P. lor eroptlons of iheeku. I ltrm sufTero.i for soverel years with en en" " slirhtly and dlstuureeable erui-tion on m my laoe. I trlea eTerj known rente mm dv but iu Tstn.untll V. P. P. was used, W 6lLOdby; i. 11. .KiHNSTON. Mtvai.nah. Oft. 1 mmWe SiUIn Cenecr t'liri'd. kV Tttfimenproiuiht .);. ;.7X. Bbquik, Tsx. , January il. i S Mnssjts. urrxaK Bs - Ssvannsh, w 1 trlo.l your P. sp T. P, (ora dtiesae of the skin, usually known as kui rancor, of thirty xvnrs mtF mm9 j'ur'tloa the blood ami removes all lr- rust ion front tl ' mW nnd i.reT.-nis any inresdinK ol tho aoralx bottles ' and feel eontldeni that another coarse .-mfjf will fl.vt a -. r.. it has also relievo. I nie trom lit.; i !.. and . u'li l triiibios. Yours truly, mifS Attorney at Lew. Book on Blood Hsinn lolled free. ALL HKl'liillST!. PKLL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. 9 PROPKIRTOM, J l.lpiininn'a ltlrh.sia Hiinnh, fia THE mft) aaaaa. v'l as Weak Meniorv. Lata of Power. lleadaeho.W skefnli NERVE SEEDS. riii.'s4.rf.i r.J; re. ' . J . .,, H . A... a W.-ali Mrai, rv. Laas of Uralu Power. HonOaoho, W aketll.liesa. am v'-ii LoWMnnh M.MIjbtlr Kr.ts.i an. Nerval- w,. all .train. ana loss oi nn O) ... I ... ... ...1 ,, ...AHIn .n,,.t.ri err.,:-. OsflN e.'t.vs'siv.. use . I i..baei. or stt-nulaiits. Minor isn.i to IntlnuMT. r,in- , ...... - ......... -.,.. , ........ ...,.o. a, m I ,...r no , . M . I . i prepaid, With a Mordei wern " '" guitrnnjec teeare ,i. .. . . a .i i i .ipii....,Kta a i or 1 1 . t an i llo UANUAFTtnUSHN oother. Metes, inKTl iied'to., Mtsi me Kapie, cuu-aoo-iu. For Sitlo In Bomntpn, Pa., by H. C. SA. DER80N, Priyrjjlet, cor. e.isliingtoD iiiri SopuM itftel k emm .3 m v( Uphorstefy Department matthbws BROS, OF Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion mustuso Poizoni'n Ptrw der. It produces a soft and beautiful akin William : Sissenberger t)losite baptist Church, Perni Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suit3, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. Druggists AND DKAl.l'.ltS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlitlltlc l end nnd I'loneb Zl no. Pure Unseed Oil, Turpentine unit Vitrnlaliea. Iiendy-mlxeil faints In nil color. Gliders' Wilting, I'm Is Willie nml Knlaoiulne, UU' VltroL Marblo Dual and Window Ulaat MT. PL K AS A NT AT RETAIIa rontof the best qtulltl Tor domoatle use.aml rf all hI.os. delivered in any liart ot tbu city at lowest iiriee Orders left at my offloe. M). 1 1S, WYOMING AVI-MTK. Rear room, Ural lloor, Third National Hank, oi sent bj mail or MeMOMtO tho mine, wtU receive prompt atteiitfon. . . BpeolsJ eontraete telll bo mnuo for tuo sale and delivery Of Hunk wheat L'paL WM. T. SMITH. RLQ0D POISON ZT5SXX I - . FVtn ale Wen - Iragnt pnmt ua iw--$r biok, luatwiM from I llfofiom rt plcfiirp.l.lWby mtil WhpnHotSriini I I ti'l Mercury fell, Our Mag.lO Remedy I I not tlTtly cars, rook KHHim ro., i hww. I . L ,