THE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY (5. 1894. 3 STELLE &SEELEY NEWS FROM WEST SIDE MR. J. L STELLE will continue the buiineia under the firm name of Stelle & Seeley. TBI EVFR POFUtiAB WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN QEEAT VARIETY. PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS ropular. reliable and within your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Have takin over 100 Brat protnlutni In tLt fast fifty year Ol'.ior mikes of Ptno. Four make nl Pi pans in beautiful new designs. 8 our toidt before buying. We liTe the good. Uor prieea are nguu Bvwythiitu m the LUIMC UUiV Happenings of a Day Tint Will Interest Hyde Park Readjn. INHUMAN ACT OF FRESH YOUNG WEN ; They Induce William Slanccy, a H.ill Witted Fellow, to Drink Beer Con Ulnlng I Drug and Then Cut OfT Half His Hair-Rov. D. P. Jones Will Go to Columbus, Ohio. rThe Woat Sid offloa of th SOTUWTOa Tmiii'Mt i located at i j- South Mstn mix, woOfO aulMoriptloin, adVBrtlieUWetl ami eoiuuiuuioatioua will receive altentiou. STELLE & SEELEY S4 Wyonilntj Ave.. Scranton. Pa. mm of ThE GENUINE POPUUH Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. & Co. rmprooH i'ii F.'.t'h C'3-rr Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. IUIU1 lll'l -t. ltv Willlism, or as is bettor known. "Billy" OUnoer, appeared before Al derman Morgan vestrdiy and prO rure l a warrant for the arrest 01 .1 sines Konuodv and William MrNichol. whom he charged with felony, dim eey, who is in a rather demented state, and la frequently made tne mitt of Ignot ant ridicule by person who pnsieaa WT , I little of What is termed "Humanity, (stated that he was on LtUBerae stre-'t Saturday afternoon and entered the house of Ifiomas l ' me lamer ofoneoftha defendants. There were several in the plaue, and (llancey was prevailed upon lotakea drink otlr in which drug had been Placed The erteet w is IOOO I0OW0, and ii was In a ded stupor While hi WU uncon scious his hatr was elippet from one lidejol bil head and his mointacti was mutilated ui a rldiculuoi manner. Qoorgf c'.'l'ovfs. of Tenth street, ap peared m behalf of th- plaintiff, The alderman ht 11 aoh of the men in the QUI o( 800 bail to appear at the next court ot vjinrter eessiou. hi Borprt Patty. DR. H. B WARE RPUt I I LIST. EYE. EAH. K06B A-NO THKOAr. ITO lt.K A, uc To fiJFFIC HOURS : '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. Jlichael Sweney, of New York, is the Bnea: of his sister, Mrs. Michael Joyce, of Pittston avenue. Harry W. Storms, of the Wilfred Clarke Comedy comyauy, is in the city for a tew day on account of the company hsviuic cancelled its eug-iuenients '.a the western portiou ol the state, the result of the $50 theatrical license. Tae company will be gin a two W'eks enaemeai at Philadel phia next Monday. COURT MOUSE NOTES. Sijhs warning persons not to spit on the tiled fl:ors of the corridors have been posted. Fmnk Rica convicted rf having m! Stanislaus ZUnsky, w. yesterday sen tenced by JuJe tdwards to pay a tine of ti" and costs. Attorney S. B. Price has been appointed by the court master and examiner in the case of Mrs. Th-rssa Gibbons againa". P. F. Gibbons, guardian. Thomas F. L'onneil. Joseph Antol, Mary Cunningham, .Vi olph Bender, Michael Ln-ftus ami Joseph Thordat yesterday re ceived their dnal discharges in insolvency. In the estate of John Wool.iey the return of ra'eof A G. ii:more. administrator, ihowmgthat a pro'iwrty on Washington avenue had been sold to A. F. Daffy for triOO, was confirmed nisi. The repor of the distribution of the fund arising from the estate of Patrick decease', by Attorney C. ti. i-tard- auditor, was cot. firmed llaail In as' Conn yesterdav. rney W. W, Lathrop was yesterday tea by the roars master examiner case of A. D. and F. M. Sjencer, Ire coal operators, against the New Susquehanna ami v en tern Kailroatl r page licenses wT granted by Clerk lUrts l nomas ysf.prilay to artln anil Agns Dwyer. of Dnnmore; pannon and Kridzec .ally, rtcran- kseph Powell ami Annie Mezog, o( It yesterday iiirecteii ' iiarles E. Fommittee of Lir A. F. Burr, to pay hand to Airs, l.ibbie M. Burr, wife iurr, and the further sum .if H0 on : day of each montn until further Arcbbaid made an order yester- imitting Lawrence LoOgUia, of Jale, to tne n kia- or Keraze at tibia. Tnonali Loughlin is only 1.S age he wa OMVMMd at the last iur of Isrteny. estate of Leah Powell a rule to ippointmear, of appruisers in par was 'liscnargen yester- piiiiou of Ji.dgt Archbahl. The ellmg the real Mtatt in question Ifor March 10, return to be ma le Ircb term of eovft lition of Atnerizo Mumford, ad s rai I esterday is- Mry ft. Chnrr h, ailrmnistratrii of It ate of fl. E. Church, deceased, rll- ; her to file an acrount as ailminis- It Is retornable Monday, March It ordered that, Marion 'A'. Finn. Ian ot LnlO A Capwell, bi given sion to receive a proportionate I of the principal sum of a c,..rrn.o in lands located in Wyoming the pr port of H. H. Capwoil. iid, and thorennon to give a release 1 Capwell s claim to the ptoperty. Wagner was yesterday in the Ins UOnrt app.i.t- I K'iirlian of John It. and Mary Foster, minor in of Mary rotter, dectaisd. lie Jrected to give a bond in the sum of each, .btiirias .1. VV illtaTJM wa Intid enard.ati nf Im minor cbhd ol land Margaret. Morgan, deceased, and tisl to givo bind in the sum of fHW. A pltaunt siirp-iss party was ten dered Miss Strati D ivies at her home on Lafayette street last FriiUy evea -inr. Those present were Misses M .rtha Xichids, da Jam-s, Gertie Lloyd, Gertie Boghoa, tlrtis Bsarer, Bdlth llivis, Celia Lewis, Jennie Hi-gs, l'erth Uorgao, Lint Ooomba, Wionla Stevens, Emily Holly. Minnie rbomaa, Alma Beddoo, Nettie Lewis. Marrietta Dsvis, E nily Evans, tF'rtie Frtantan, Lizzi-". Morgan, Jennie B- l rtoe. D'Uft and Sadie Koapp, Cora Keee, Viola Evans an I BantO lUvis; and Archie Mears. Albert Darie, rh mas Hopkins, William Thomas, John K Hughes. Alfred llevan. George 1 Rsrnolda, David Moraly, rboinoi How- ails B rnamiu Jenkins, William Jami- sou, Edward Watkius, Eldrigh Doogh ertv, Willism Hughes, William P, Lewis. Harry Reese, David and Arthur Evans, C'narles aud John CaJuygin. Benjamin Allan, Hsrry Davis, David GMbtM, George and Frauk N'iohols. aud William Harris. More Qhiekaa Stealing. Thotnai MoAndrawi anl William Lewis, of the Back Rad,wore arr-sted yaaterday on a warrant la sod by William" ti'iinn. who charge 1 them with stealing five chickens (torn his nen coop. At the trial th prosecutor siid that Lswia and IfoAndrawi wer found with two of the fowls in their possession. Cue of the c iicksnj w is found in tiw ban nary of Tnomss Mc- i Donongh, who rest ls near tuers, and ; who thinks thrt it was placed there by i the defendant. The defense claimed that the hns were given to tbetu by j some unknown person on the road i Alderman T. T. Morgan held them ia H')0 bail each to appsar at court, Bui wa furnished. Rev. D. P JJnee Will Leavs. Darin? the services in the Tabsrn cle Congregational clmreh, on Sand iy evening, the pastor, Rev. D. P. Jones, announced that after a week's consid eration of his resignation be had de cided not to recall it, but would go to Columbus, 0. A week ago the mem oeri passed a resolution asking Mr Jones to remain, and ha took a week to consider tha matter. Mr. Jones will preach his fareweli Sirmon nei; Sun day. He will afterward go to Coin in bus where he wil! take charge of bia now pastorate. He has been a zealous worker during nia stay In this city, and has gained high recognition in church circle. He will be tendered a a farewell reception by the cborch. Rhsarmli for an Eisteddfod The Hyde Park Choral society, which baa been organize I on this side for tbf purpoee ef onapeting at Wilkes Barre on St Patrick's Day, will meet tin evening in the Welsh Bip'i't church for rebaanal, William W F.ran, the well known musical dlreccor. i the leader. The competitive nlention Is ") Great a the Dpth, ' from a ori totlo St f'anl An lofltatlofl It ex tended to all singers to tie preterit at the rehearsal this evening Betlnff Hla Wif. George Smith, of Ln.erne street, was arrested yesterday by Co .stable John Davis on a warrant, charging him with brutally beating and thfll deserting hla wife. The cage wa heard in the offlci of T, T. Morgan, of the Fifteenth ward, last evening, and Smith was held under bail to appear at court. Music Boxta Exclusively. ede. Play any daalrra number of all tsrll 1 to Sons., iriimnfacturers, uit street, l'hilitdi Iplna. Won- trial organs, only t and fl'l. lOld motic boxes eariifiilly re- Improved with new tunes. vs lypewriters nnd Ivlison Is for sain and rent,. Copying led. l'hoiiograjilis ri-nted for nter lain men t. Telephone (juuster Jr., 4.10 Kpruoe Books bv Expree. Any person ordering ten or more book h one time may have them seut by ex Iress prepaid. . New Bicycle. 4 A new bicycle worth tTA will be sold for U, The, machine is guuranleed nnd is a Ire bargain. Machine may be seen at the mbuue ouiue. sv- BUSINESS NOTICES. Relnhnrt'a Market, 8 nnd 88 Lackawanna avenue. Every ay from fl a. m. to 10 a. m. Ronnd steak. 11c.; sirloin steak, 14c.; standing rib rosst, Oc.; chuck rontt, 8c.; boiling meat, c.; sh-ioi-k, J2tc.; pork sausage, 12)0. In tareetlng Nw Ilotas '1 he employe of the Oxford, fi 1 II n V tie 'l Dodge mine will receive their pay today The efficient services of Walter Di vio, of Washburn etreet. have been MOOred by the. Waahbiirri .Street Pre D7 tartan church, a organit, Louis Hancock, jr., of Eynon street, is erionsly ill. The tiineral of the infant child of Mr and Mr. D. M Thoma. of South Rebecca avenue, took place yeaWday afternoon. Rev. D Jones, of the Welsh Congregational church, conducted the service. Interment wan made at the Washburn H'reet cemetery. Tba Lsdi"' Aid society of Hi Ply mouth Cong regatloanl church will (oi I it at th anniversary Imnnnetof the Enterprise lodge, Loyal Kiight of America, No. 21, at Clark's Hall, on Monday, Feb III. The bu nker boy of the Central and Sloan mines were given a freesleigl ride to Glyphant yesterday by the Delaware. Lackawatina and Weett'in company. Harry Murphy, of Wilkes-Barre, ia the guest of Frank Dawson, of Meri dian street. Mr. William York, of Jackson slreet, is ill, Mi Ella Williams, of Avotnlalo, Is the gnett of friends on this side. Jamai Hartley, of West Pitttton, wa Inre yesterday, Mrs. Ann E Stenre and Miss Sarah Bates, of Cooperstown, N, Y., are spending a tew weeks with their ne phew, Willis A. Bates, of Sontb Main uveuue. Mrs. Evan P. Daniel, of this aide, i viBitiiiT friends in Shamokin. Carr's h rae made mine meat is now being sold by several dealer here. AUTOMATIC TYPE SETTING Wonderful Revolution Wrought by In vantors in Two Year. 1 Itaianrw OoiaiapoMlaai It was the rivalry In rving up the very latest new that, about the middle of the preaant century, brought into existence th device by which pap.-r, drawn from continuous roll, waa tatomatloallr severed into uuitable sheet piutud on both side from cylin drical terentpye and delivered in proparly folded condition at the other end of a single ill aohiiie. It is only in till present decade that the work of 'ooinpoaltlon" or setting ol the typo matter itaalf hatbeea brought up to she aama high grade of speed and ne -curaoy t v tiie lately perfected art of aotomatio typo settlag The lypa-oompoaltora' maobloai now before the public tall mainly under tWO general heads or groups, namely, those which operate npon suitably con itrnctad movable types and those in which tha "matter fi cast da novo. line bv line, at each composition 111 mold beds composed of assembled matrioea. Both clasa of maohineH are operated by dapraailng "key" like those of a type writer and hot h (anally disistise wholly with the neoessily of direct manipulation, either tor oompo attton or for distribution, ntul thii avoid a serious source of error. Tills radical and important change is se cured by htgbl ingenious devices, bearing some resemblance to th Wards in a lock, by wliirdi th' types In one class slid and the matrices in the other class are aiilomstieally returned to their receptacles in readiness for the next "job." Even the seemingly difll cult work of so called "justification" is automatic, for the spacing qnadl, having been brongbt into position by depressing their appropriate keys, are so constructed as to be capable of such simultaneous dlttenitOO to cause the nutter to completely and tqaally fill the line. So much is the operation like that of type writing thai an expert type writer very soon becomes a goo I and rapid comDoattor.tha operator having merely to depr as the proper keys, and for the rest, the machine itself d iea the think Ingandaeti the oharaotere with tin erring precision The typ.-.suttiug macbiM would seem to bl crowning work of the long aii.l eventful brain of Improvement! in the ancient art of recorded speech. ... PERSONAL NOTES OF 1867. Haw the Dolmte of 9,'iaatoniane Wdre Chronli Is I bv L ctl Wi tters. The BOBANTOM TbIBDNI has received a copy of tne Dally Register of Jov. 5, 1807. As will be' remembered by the oUL-r residents of the eity the Register was a Democratic paper, and for that early dav was ipiits a creditable jour - nal, viewed from the standpoint of a newspaper writer of today That Serautotiians lu 1 s7 liked to have local tiows written iu a bret-zv style is evidenced by the following per onals from the pen of "Peep 0' Day." They will doubtless be read with great interest bv old residents of the city: A. A. Chase, esq,, positively denies any relationship with the chief justice. Dr. W heeler at last accounts had gone fishing. Lawyer Ward has nuit horse trading and sim nered dowu. Herbert is goiug to sing in public one of these days. W'hittnors the elder has renewed his age aud begins to look ipaito youthful. WeatOOtt is about to electrify the four sipiare walls of the mayor's oitlco with his elocution. It is said that McKune is seriously en tertaining a proposition to insure the home that Jack built. Lawyer Wititon is daily charming Dr. Masser with his fine reuditious of Shakes peare. Dr. Squire is getting to very radical. He now reujinmends the use of porter aud don't think that pork la at all hurtful. Jim Slocurn and his frionds are about to start a savings bink at the head ot Salt river, where green backs are said to be pleuty and copper heads scarce. The editors of the Republican have made arrangements for laying a p.ieutua tic railway to all parts of the earth for the purpose of relieving the telegraph of th-ir heavy news. Captain K-ibinson, the gymnast, is ar dently engaged upon the very difti ultnnd dangerous feat of lifting himself up by the seat of his unmentionables. Sir Henjamin Finch has under considera tion a proposition of matrimony from (ueen Vic. The perllont end dangerous contract for lowering harley Brook s coat tail has been awarded to Mansfield. . AMUSEMENT NOTES. "The Datller,'1 which will be seen at the Academy tonight, i a full of fun and frolic, mirth aad music, a an egg i full of meat. It i the greatest remedy know for the "blues " All of the old favorites, Joe Gtt, Max Miller, the Original (.'tipper . larUtto. John P. Cnrrao, Jessa Hatcher, and Annie Wilmttth Cnrrao are retained, while Annie Lewis, than whom no morn charming nrtilt grace the farce com eily attgi), will be seen as Kitty Star light. AN Alt AlllAN HIOHT, At the Academy of Mtnin Thursday evening "An Arabian Night" will be pTod 0 0d hy Belle Archer's company of America's representative ooiuedians, looided hy the beautiful artresi, Mis Belle Archer, nnd including Nuoh namsH Robert. Hickman. (!narls But ler, Frnnklyn Roberts, Charles Lyonnl, Mis Fannie Denlmm Rouse, Fl Doe Marlon and Lonisn Galloway. This company insures a first class perfntin anO( of thi wondatfully suecusatul comedy. TIIK UKKQ iiknkhation. William B'irry, formerly the nnior of the partnership of Barry A Fay, will preaetit Ills new play of Irith American life, "The Riling Generation," at the Academy on Friday and Hstnrday even ing "Th" Hieing Generation" i to be a capital play of It class, BVOOO I ng 111 mirthful lOOldlOtt, brigul dia logon and llvly, c.stoliy muic. NOTES OF SOUTH IE Happening ol Many a Day That Will Interest Tribune Headers, A SUCCESSFUL MASQUERADE Given by the Scranton Athletic Club. Many loautlful CostuniL'S Worn. Surprises Were Numerous at the Untn.iskliiK Robinson's Ice House Burned The Work of an Incendi aryShorter Paragraph. Book 1 Book I Book 1 During the coming week wo shall offer to the subscribers of TBI Tkihunk raro barguius in books. W e have a birge line of bright and pop ulnr volumes, elegantly bound, that we intend to give to the patrons of the paper at about one-fourth of the usual price. I'he following list will give you an idea of I he WdUCeUIOntl and the unusual op portunities to secure valuable additions to youi iiuiiiijr. lO'UUlul' 1 ' 1 till l - H ADONIS CUSS SOCIAL A Numlur of Vihiuk PMBtl Enlrtlned In nn Knjoyuhle Mannar. At Bioalalof ball lait night Ihomonv burs of (lie Adottll Dancing clas gave a very enjoyable soi ial which was at tended by about forty couple. Mi Katie Reardon furnished themutio and the dancing was In charge of I'rofeiaor Edward 0' Mat ley, The following enmmitts looked nftnr th enjoyment of all present: Re ception committee, Joseph Ilaiinou, Bdward Ooleman, John J, Gordou ami John J Dmnelly. floor OOBtmUte), Charles O'M.lley. M utln ( I'Miillny, F.d ward Black, Ignttl Imeldolpf and .lames Walsh. MM NORTH END. The Women's Obrlitiam Temperance union of Providence will meet today at 2 110 o'clock p in, All mimbera are re quested to be present. Mr. Wills Benjsmln, of North Main avenue, i retting quietly thi morning and appear om better. There is now some hope of her recovery Aak your grocer nud butcher for Carr's home made mince meat. The Scranton Alhletin club main 'sined it reputation last evening as an entertainer of the first quality. The masquerade ball given under its aus pices was one of the most successful lu tm history of the organization The attendance was s unn smaller than (t has been at similar preyioiiH events, but what was lucking in uiluihera was mad up in fellowship, aud 110 one of $ the many that attend ml could complain ol loneliness. The spirit of good nature pervaded ail who attended. Every thing was conducted mist dlOOroUlly, notwithstanding the faot that every body 011 joyed themselves to tutor her hearts content, The anmaiking took place shortly after II o'clock and there were many sin prises The disguise were in muat instances perfeot and congratulation1 were numerous. For Hie bullet Mr. Robert Robinson and Mrs T II Spruk wei the must conspicuous by I heir beauty and the novelty of their attltes. Mrs, Robinson's represented a Scotch lattle, while Mis Spruk' was a bride for a second time in her life, ilther pretty maskers were Mm. Dan Gelbert, Mrs. Max ZIllemaD and .Mils Lulu Sunday. John F Bcheni as Santa Clans was good, an I E J. Robinson and C J. Roaar as c our liera of soma European court made ef leetive hits. F.Very form of life was represented an I the event will long lie remembered by the participants Hayes orchestra furnished music, and beautiful souvenir programmes were given to the ladies. The gu.itle men 111 eh irge wore: Master of cere montei, Bmil Bonn; committee oi at rangamenta, Onnrlca Roaar, George Wirth, Cbarlei Dlosing, 1'eter Marker, William Fox, Peter NenU, Win Smith, Albert Westplahl. KllUiind Robinson, reception committee, B F. Moore, 8 s Spruks, Ouarlee Weetpfahl, P. J. Hie key, Jacob Mautz, Rib Robinson, Charles Neuls, Simon Liuer, Eugene Scbimpff, George C Qriawold; floor committee, Philip Brer, C iarles Lang- mau, Henry Kohrick, William Jntis- en ; prompter, Wiliium 11 Walter. An Ice Houii Burned. Robinson's ice house, situated on the Mead -iw brook at Irving avenue, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning The fire wnt of incendiary origin and the destruction of the building was complete. It was insured iu theiutn of 2,U0O. The ice house was not stocked this year, for the first time in its history tor several season past the lea hai been secured merely because the house and the pond were there to be used for that purpose. It hai for several lea sons been a rendezvous for tramps and the fire yesterday is supposed to have been caused by them. The rvgular meeting of th South Side board of trade will be held this evening The Keystone Social club vill hold its annual masquerade this evening The visitiug KriogOf verein from Wilkes Birre will be met at the Ceii tral Railroad of New Jersey station this evening oy their South Side brethruu - OFFICERS PUBLICLY INSTALLED. A Very Pleasant, Social Tim Indulged in Afterward. Conclave 109, of Gren Ridge, Im proved Or, In of Heptaaophs, held meeting at M tannic hall, Dickson ave mie, last evening and publicly installed officers as follow for the ensuing year there was a InrL'e utteudence of mem bers also a number of visitors: Past arohon, M. E Sanders; arclion ) E Neeld; provost, H D liaise prelate. W. H Fouo I ; secretary, M M Bennett; treasnrer, U. G Stevens financier, J, W, (rpeuter. inspector J. O Keese, warder, G-orge Gltieon sentinel, J S. Wolfe; trustees, George Sanderson, S P Hull, T. J. Keily. The xrclte wre conducted by District Deputy J. S. Miller, assisted by Suprome Arclion F. L. Brown After the installation the members and visiting brother repaired to Frank I Smith '1 on Green Ridge atreet, where a line collnlioti wa terved, apeeches made and cigsrs indulged In. t H I ACTION WAS ILLEGAL. Pol Oidinanet Has an Irregular Intro Auction, The pole tsx ordinance will endeavor to run the gauntlet in common council a second lime, having been introduced at last nighl's meet tug. W II McDonnell, of the Second ward, entered a formal protest against Us coiiHiilerstlon lln held that lest night's meeting was but an adjourn mint of the apvciil mecling called to consul".- the grading of Itebecca ave line nud that nothing else could hi legally considered Ciqitnin Mnir at mired the members of contieil thai In the event of a b gal contest their work would be nullified, but council acted on the ordinance uevrthele. THE 0RDIN tNCf CAME HACK The Brownie O d ataoi l.,vi mu a Tax on Patee Is Raturnad, At tha meeting ol oommon council Clem Million iu fui med I be b.j ly that OB Friday between U and II o'clock m lie received a package through the mail and he judged without, opening it that It wa tne pole tax or linauca that had been taken from his office. Ch airman Moir luoke the anal of th envelope and line enough there was the die'iims tit tint had lnin Introduced and inferred to t lie license eummittee on Nov. 'A IN8, It migat as well not have been sent back fur a new ordlu anoe had been pruseuted for conaldora- tlon, I'lle World's Pair (New) t2.60 1'n Im ml 1 1 is 1 hi y of the! limit Civil War .100 I'llgrnns' Progress illlusi'ud) 'J M Knrtli, Sea nnd Sky I! 75 Ifarveloui Vvonderi 'J.75 Life and Works of Spurifi on I. Hi Pictorial ItisiMry of tu Bible 8,75 Museum of Wonders 2.75 PlOm Pole 10 Pole 0.75 Pirtorial History of the Uui. ted States 1,00 Boience of Life 8.75 Life of Barnnn 1.50 I111I11111 Horrors IM I aephus 00 Bbepp'e Pbotograpbi 11 hi 1 'oiiiiubiis. Uui fsTavlaator. . . Hear I'oliiinu iStauley'a Traveli) Webster I fictional y Bl one half Itilsniu I'll.- .0.1 .HO ,80 ,00 ,88 .r, .80 III I 00 .HI HI 1 00 I 85 .50 (CUT YOUR COUPONS ) Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Cloth is for Almost Nothing? PRICES on brani new Suits and Over coals ill our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. ui pi 1 iillpnlis 1 1,1 iii. 11 of im, i.r then Hnbeoriben of 1 HK Tltlli- II NK iniiy purobaM any lihovo list. book in tin, ; 1 1, I, cv A N Departure. FOR One Week, commenc- I 1 I ' O J I ' A I sV jf f A bUl UUI J we will have a CHINA CUP AND 3AUCSR Sale, when we will sell Cups and Saucers for less than ' ONE-HALF Their value. Remember this sale will be for one week ONLY, as wa posi tively will not sell a cup at the sale prica after next week. CHINA ! HALL WEICHEL & MiLLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. Martin &. Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. THE COLUMBUS MUSIC HOUSE Is the most pojjular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn cylvania. Tin.- highest grade of Pianos and Organs. Tin lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers arc some of the leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sofimcr Pianos, Everett Pianos, Vose & Sons' Pianos, Mi' hi in Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. J HE WORLD RENOWNED E stey Organs. Story & Clark Or yam. Chicago Collage Organs. Palace Organs, Aud all kinds of Musical bUr:hiuiln constantly on hand. J he Holiday are here, and this i the place to buy Pianos for a Christina rreeent Prioeajira lower than any other music ttore in Scranton. Special Attention -Remain bat alwajra when VOU Mart out to eearcb for a Piano or Or Ku that (,'Lriitojiher Columbui point with lis right ban i to the exact plac you want to go. Now here It it: 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, 1 TZ OPPOSITE OI.VMbCS MONVMEN'T. erioii rxr f f " w . . .". -. . . . , r 1 - 'A 1. J Do You Need Do You Need an Ulster? an Overcoat? i YOU and do, our now is the time to store is the place buv one, to get it. rrninrr o 1 to sell every one store this winter. Bern imp wp nre which we have in our Price is no object, profits have now disap peared, and you can buy one very cheap. Try it. assort inotit of v,-i- iiinia).-,1 THCY FILL THE BILL. wanava to most conplat lia' fnrntihing Qoom that iu m ryi, cir 10 inn inHii' fSiiin,. ,it ,uir nt-w sliaih's mid ili-slmis .,. Tils arr rtpMUUl at traotlv. Th ir Hlllng t Baara wnMi (fivoyoii mi I's.aisi' lur Iksiiu witliout all xoits ot ng ami itylta, Christian, 205 Lirknwanna THE HATTER Avrnin I In 1. Marvel of Dental Bcience Anaesthene nnd ol tbe boIc A reeeai discovery prnpei tj Hen wood . .& DEN I (8T8, 316 Lackawanna Avo Wardell, iir th us- or thli ramarkabli dtaooveri tth am aotuall; remorad without pain in to nnat agtrevatad oea Looal in its sp plICBtloil, VWlahli' in lt i'inHistiun ninl atMolntalv harrnl! nud nffiolanl In mi-ri ss,i AN.Ksl'HI NK ha. th unquallfld I'll doraamoal ul tbmal reputebl phyatolan. a Well a Utoniandi who bav bnrcllvM io ts woarfiil por ins Hnnwoodaad Mardell are tha inlu' Iva ownari of tail Invatu inla dtnoover and arcaalaglj In thtir praotlo with hratofor aahf ird of raiulti Ml Hi" liinhsr ursdi's of tins-lniiioiil ami an THE CLOTHIERS FOR THE PEOPLE, 220 Lackawanna P. S. Look for our name before the door tcrin. Make no mistake. Ave. before en- AT Special for This Com ing Week. Men's CorV Goodyear to b Sole Lace Walt, ft Shoes, i:rad. Man's Cork Sole LOI Shoes, hand aWedwelt,t)S trade, to ba Ladlee' Dongola, Kii Button, Patented Tip, (ioodyar welt, Common nu last, all Jl.oi1 (trade, to be Ladies' I'm Kid BttttOB.COrk ol. haml tnrn, Common Sense laf, only a few pairs of thrin 8 trade, to be .. Ladiea' Dull Dongola Button (lollble Holes, Comm ) 1 Sense only. $1 grade cltajfd ic at Misses' BtralRhl Goal Button, iprinp heal, ill m 11 to 8 djl mi O 1 t . ' $5.38 S2.50 $9.00 12.89 ;: $12.00 A Rich CLOTH JACK E T, Full Skirt, Balloon Sts?vt'.navy.lilat k and inn. Cost to make, iJiti. Now 15.98. We will give j on tin- choice of 40 Jackets, all this Benson's m a k e, Noi one in the lot iliat cost loss than $12 to $20. .1 A.CKETA9, CliOTH CAPES FTJH CAPBS and WRAPS, It will paj you to sco i ins offering of Tailor-made Garments. grade will oii at . Hoy' School Shoes, lace, sizs 11 to t sell at i attnn and , $1 IB will i ,i . i ... . t'HOWM Plains niadl Nlln imitt'rtAla. IMi HHIIinK Wit IK Mfnlli trou nit liiisis ..t PRESENTED WITH ROLL TOP DESK. H. Bchubart, of th PruiUntlal Com pany, Rtraambsrad by Aaalatant. II. Huhulwrt, iiprintendnt of th Prudential ltttiranoi rompaay, wa prontml with a liaiidsom roll top tlnilc on hii fourth y ai iu periuteuduiit. The irHitaiioti paech wa mad on bahalf of th Rtaff hy J. Grady, assist ant. inperiiiteiitUiit, of l'ittitoii. Mr. Bcbubert felintrly ruHpnudt and nlatiid that h wa (irotid of hin( th leader of tlio ltitl!lKnt and aKRrvi iv atalT of agents aud asaiatanti In the Hcrantou iliitrict. Tha ft. Orovo' photo, 435 rjpruce street. SLEDS ATI COST! FLOREY & j HOLT SPRUCE ST. i 4 Scranton, Pa. SCHANK'S Arcade Shot Stow. W VOMtNG i. ft need room for new us mrr m a, nmwfwmj G. W. OWENS I. mlic & Co. Tailor . Cloak Mako-s ami Kurilora, l iSJ HPWtlOK ST . H K3 cot 1VT Mill ss ssi SQUARE Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Sperlnllst. on tho Kyo. Headiflhoa nnd Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eyo masses nnd Spectacles at the Lowest Plftoea UNt Artlllclal Eyas inserted for Y 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poat Offic. h:t 11I1W OUT. I "THIP AROUND THE WORLD" Portfolio of Photographs j COUPON. February 6,1894 svntl or bring in 2 Coupons of different dates, together with ,i trots, :nnl receive this Album of rare Photographs. THE TRIBUNE, Cor. Ponn Ave. niul Spruce St. CUT THIS OUT. I illllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUUJ