2 THE SCBAKTON TRIltTTNE TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY C. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants cf nil kbtdt riuf that MWoA, r ,( MhtBlicma RFInlf4WkM Bra (Bairtad Situations Wanted. f AX WITH AFTERNOON' AND EVEN .'I ing to spare would writ.1 up stnsll fi t of book's, do billing, copvlng. addressing M ctlier woik hi tut lino tunk and cturute J .1 K IX Spruce street vil v Cl R ATION WANTtD B A VOl'XO O flrl to Jo second work, experience and good reference Addret W M. U. . Itt Rail' told avenue. IcftrtMk LADY STESUilHAPHEK WANTS A potitiou 1n office or will work at homo RtBtfaaco. AMlw a F . tet Mirtin avenue, CltV. l' ANTED BY A MIDDLE aiIL'D I Al'Y vv a position as hOBBakaauar of OUM tvtuit for nursing Itlperweek. ben cf teicr euct gtvBB. MHNH Housei eo., i . I'lllnme yrhVc Help Wanted- Females. i 'ot'K wan TED at MO yi'iSCY AVE v mi. 1 '!' GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Agents Wanted. U 'ANTED OOOD SOLICITORS ONLY tin--., having successful sxpsi lone bead apply 11 u AaSrawa tteretkri Barantoo i uouMrela Aaaoctatioa, Limited. Trsdsra' lUuk building. La.-kaw anna HMM U-ANTED two YOUNG MEN OPOOOD address to call oil business house. Btaadjr MnptoTSMnl for good men. Apply NATION Ai. CLEAN rOWSL COMPANY. Arcade building. For Sale h' OH sale FRESH JERSEY row ok belter calve, yearilug or two-yar-old Jersey bull, registered; sired by Pedro Hugo, atoont PedKi ah took Or it priM at the late World stair. HE.NKY 0 slLKMAN. atspfewood, ayue.i 0 . Pa I'OR SALE A PLATFORM SPRING r wagon and bout lor sal or rut lu iiuirv of B E. SI M ut. iRKLL. MoMOW, t's ICE FOR S AI P-DEl.l EKU IN SCRAN I ton at tV. per ton luquire of V H SMITH oi V a IKKEOKD, Wart Sum nOH SalE Hk'KoKY BICYCLE. she end baud guodcouditu-n. Call at Kepub 1 an offlc. A R. tUO LIT. FARM. STOCK SHEFFIELD. t-1i I'uK sale - ; ACRE I and utensil. J 51 Monroe ave. VOR SALE oK E.Yi'HAN'iiE FOR SCRAN 1 tou property -A bearing onus grovo lliftaaalllg iu production and value yearly iu the ..ran section In Florida. Addre F. E. NETTLITOX, Lake Helen, r-'lornu tor Rent. L'vR KEN 1- r'i.AT.i'PKNN AVr.Nl'E. T 1st, iird. 4th Boors brMldlng, No. 311. Catrstrt Apply to FRANKLIN How ELL II . : . - i : M ci. i '. Bank. l.'oR REN f A LABOR STOREROO&X No. I 131 Pern avenue. Inquire of P. J.. Con way hotel t'OR RENT -A LAROE STORE ROOM Al ii Spruce street Iuiiire at HI Wyoo lug avenue. l'OR RENT- rHREE K'.'cMS. FRONT ON r second rloor. over X. A Hulbert s BKPik rCre. 1 17 Wyoanus' av-uue. from April I. In quire iu the store. roR RENT TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL i ling houae; modern improvemont.i. IU Forest court. Apply to MAC RICE COLLIN'S, aieuf. .'.'I W-st La.'u. The Latest Phase of the Coal-Ta)piug New Railroad Fever. LINE FROITI SCRANTON TO BOSTON Delaware nnd SchOharU County New Yorkers Approached with Right-of-Way Proposltionr. by Projectors ot lha Now Lahlgh, Oatlktll Mountain and Boston Railroad, which Prom ises to Convey Anthracite Directly to New England Market-. -Other Intelligence ot an Industrial Charat ier. Although the frost is sdvnil inches clei in the ground, the uutira iieri oJ of now railway bulltllnif liu iHnd up for 18M with it boooi.a blffand a bang Wo bava nlrea.lv followed tlio course of the new bituminous outlet Into which Bokla" & .'ox purposes to weave Ins IntaNlttng little tut-v rosil, the Dela wart, Buaqnananna and sohuvi- ki 11. Ami now a RlngltOD, N. V , dia patoh unfolds to us the lilowitikT poati bilitiaa of ii second Kraut trautporta tioit scheme which in ready to bud mid bloom with the iliwers iu sprint; The dispatch lays "As h result of th- mnet Ingi now balng bald in Dalawara county towns ami of the couforencoa between iHiulowuera and tha DTojaOt otsof tba Lahlgh, (.itskill Mouututn sud Boston railroad much right of way has been (edited in I ' uv u and Sehoharia comities, aud reslJentH lon th-' proposed rout are sattgittne that tie road will be built. The projectors s.iv tha j the proposed road is to be an iu.lepeii- Idaotllnt aud uot a connaotlng link between th ' iturio aud Wasteru and ' ih Ulster aud Delaware. The new road will run from Deposit, where the ' trie i(ives connection with th Scrau- tou coil fields, to Albauy, or near tbre. where a connection is made with tb Fitchburtc line ttius reaching Hot ton aud othsr easteru cities Tins is the hue In which various enterprisiuK correspondents have BOttght to enlist cvtuipsou A Watltius, hut the actual status of the project is not generally uid'.eved to hare progressed far bevoud where it stood last summer : . u is, on paper. kawunna avenue. TO LET K8 A TERM cF I Part or a!l at three bund red fee ici.m alone railroa.! avenue. Apply at YEARS f V 41 J -i Frai.tiu V jH REN r-Fl RNlsHED FRONT KooM. C wita lastb; very deaiiabl. tt' Adams .vaaoe, Tt REN'T-BTOKE axoii OR FURNIsHED hall on Mratin K:d atr.-at Verv daaunt tie location and ou reasonable terms. Apply t- F E. N'ETTLETO.V or C S. WuoDRL FF kepuon.au bulldlo Specia. Notices. wf? he' sol' uFer iToi: r' crnL w a ay 1 containing Fran!t Leslie s famuim old war picture. Twu volumes folio. Every pige iliustrateiL Over BDnagaai As anedu (atat it la unexcelled sola on eaay monthly psyataata. b-.:h volutnea delivered complete Address P. O Moody. JMJ FranKlin a7enu, aaentlor N'ortheaatern Pennsylvania. AfLAL TI KF.TS CAS BE HAD AT 111" .'I c.rner Spruce street and Franklin ave i. ie. Twenty meal neJtaM for $lMt. Uood r.i jle board Propose s. SEALED PROPOSAL.-! ' ARE IJJVflKD D tor the o nstr.ietiDU of a Boulevard fn.m S. ranton to F.lmhurit. in accordance wltu plana and specification on file at th.- ones ..t ll I. I &: ' ... dunne the k i onuasnc in,' Monday, February- " Prripcaals will b received at r.he offl-e of Col C. (i Scboon baker. Treasurer i'omwor.wealtli bnildina-. ft. ranton. Pa. . until n.in it Saturday, fe" ruary K, lew. i HAS. C MATTES I'hlef Engineer. Rei. atate IOK ALE- SINOLE BOUIBi I0IQO1NC1 avenae; very desirable location. AnDly ( F REYNOLDS, or WILLARD. WARREN K.VAPP. ftMao WTLL Btrv Modern newsroom C1 house, all improvements: term eaay, cor L ;r Msd er.n avenn and Delewar street- Ap j, v Harry LEJU ll.WO WILL BtTT VERY iF.8IRaP.LE LOT O corner Madiaou avanus and Delaware street Terms eaav Apply HAF.'RY LEF.s. Foraritori Who'.aeale Varkete BCRasToa. Feb. .'. Faoirs ao fiio Bucc uried appl, per lb., te7e.: svap orated appleje, Italic, per lb.: Turkian pruhea, tyMtti Engllah currants, Jae.; layer raisins, t!..5al.su: n-iiiseatels, ll.2fia 1 M par box, new Valencia, Dal per lb. Bkaxs Marrowfats, tJ.0a2.6.' per bushel; mediums. tl.SOal.iKi. I'KAfl-oreen, II SSal.HO per bushel ;pllt, )!f.SOa3.0Oi leotele, kalOc. per pound. I-'otatobb hKc. per bushel. Onions -OOaTOr. per buahel. HtTTia Soaaoc. per lb. chimb to Li -v. Pr lb. Eoa Freeb. 17ihc,: pickled, Iflalos,; coolers, 13aUc. Pot'LIRr-Ohlckeni, dressed, lnJallKi:. : '.irkeys, - Miats name, lit.: Urg. lujc; skin tied bams, K;.. California bama, S:.,c; shonldsrs, 8ic.: dry salted belli, H;-.,c; smokad brealcfaat bacon. I-.;., fresh pork loins, pic; "Wyoming" pork sausage, lie; Wyoming borne made sau sage. 8-pound pail, larded, lie,; bul-cb-era' eauHage, Hc, our own make; trash porlt shoulders, 8c.: fresh pigs' feet, He; fresh pigs heads, Co.; fresh spar rlbi, Sc.; trash leaf lard, lie.: trash kidneys, be. doe.; rough ssusag meat, hc: tongue. UJc; plucks, Sc.eacD; Whole bogs, 7J.0. com Meat at 117; short cat, IH Labd Laaf to tlrs at W?.c; to tuba. IOc. in 10-pound palls, lOXc: in 5-pound palls, 10'c; t-pound pails. P.'-,t. par pound. link Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, He. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel. tMOat.70; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 18.78; Urabam at t.'UO; rya Hour, at gl.Mii Buckwheat Flour 12.6.' par cwt. Fisd Mixed, per cwt,, at II .00. QRAIN-Ry, OS.; corn, 48to52.; oats, IPal.'c. per bushel. Rtb &TRAW Pr ton, lltelo. Har-Per ton. 11018. Buoklen'e Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kueuin, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin EruptioiiB, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ie guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price U5 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. A dispatch from Wilkes Dnrre says "Superintendent Morgan K. Morgans, of this city, who is in charts of the l.hi",u and Wilkes-Barre C'oal com paur's West Side mine-, was waited upou Saturday nignt by a committee representing tbsemuloves of the miuet, who made general complaint about th powder fariiitbed them, which, they sy, has not sufficient j.jwer aud will not "blow th coal" as did ;i triad ' previously used. Tuey alsj have h complaint about the hoisting of men Th mining law says that when ten men coma togetb-r at th loot of a shaft it is tba duty of the company to 101st them to the top, b it t lis law lias beeu brolcan in almost every mine in the valley. There are lines, it is claimed, when as high as forty and fifty Btan are compelled to -:and around ttie bottom ofa shaft be fore they are accommolatail with an empty carriage. Men are kept at the foot of the shaft from one to two hoars i in some instances. This move, it is i be'uved. is the tirst of a number which will be made toward procaring better trastmtnt for the miners, and this movement is expected to extend all along the valley aud end, so it is hop.-d, in the complete abolition of the dock iog system ' Work on the Jeddo tunnel ii pro greeting at tb rate of U0 feet per month. There still remain 5,800 feet to be driven. Week before last a record was mud by tue driving of a beading 841 feet Tiuring the last week in January eighteen reporting Laztrne comtv collieries shipped total of o ! 800,uof tons nearly tue average weekly output of last year. 'ambr'.a is the eighth county in the production of biinmiu .us coal in the T'nited State, 8,068,58 tons having tieen rained within its border last year Westmoreland county is first, with s.Tyi.OCa tons of a product lust year, Fa ye Its is second, dearfleld third And Alleghany fourth. Pennylvania ni a whole mined last year considerably over one-half of ail the bituminous coal in the Ciuted States These esti mates are mads on th amount going over railroad seal, not taking into account tba coal nsed near the mines. The restrictive measures decided upon by the anthracite tales agents iiave been sucaeaiful, nnd while gnxs earnings has fallen off largely, expen se have also been reduced to a mattr ial extent. Resident of Lebanon are endeavor ing to get the Johnstown Steel com pany to remove to that place. A com mittee representing the company hat been Invited to visit Lebanon and in Its advantages. The new Itee 1 plAnt will require a capital of $4,000, - At the annual meeting of th stockholders, to beheld Feb IK, a vote will be taken on the proportion to In crease the Indebtedness of the company from nothing to 8,O00,OQ0 It i bt lieved that Sorantbn conld offer a good Inducement a any other city In the state. Wny shouldn't the committee be Invited to make inquiry here' The attempt to maintain the price of nuthraclte at Chicago has hot been successful and sales are being made at a low prices as have prevailed. The eastern trade i stagnant and tbera are well grounded rep.irts that some indi vidual operator have cot price tw nty cents a ton. Pea and buckwheat con tinuetobe in good demand anil are firm In price. The mines will work three day this week. VaHIOUS iNDUiWRlAI. NoTaVs: The flrat coal whs run through Oakdele breaker Thursday of lust week, ). J. I.-wh (it Treinoiit. becomes super intendent of I .vile colliery In piece of J P. Bosle, resigned. The Heading' odtput trill be increased to 33 pur cent. Many of the railroad employes of the Valley road at Packertuu are onlv work ing two days a week. The unforced idle ness i caused by the slow demand fur coal. Three thousand mines are lighted by electricity. A now steam hammer, said to be the Urgent iu the world, recently put up In the Krnpp (Inn foundry, at Kssen, is so delicately adjuated that It could bo made to beat out a hair spring. The Pennsylvania railroad locomotive between Jersey Clsy and Pittsburg burn H ii. 1 100 worth of coal dally. The Palisades railway tunnel on the New Jersey side of the Hudson river will pierce a mile through the hardest Ulud of trap rock. There are IU,6S0 street rars, 17,1)74 elec trlocari and 4,B0r cable cars operating on the different struet railway line in this couutry. A great exodu of foreigu workmen from the coke region of southwestern Peuuayl vauia is in prograia. A ipeclal meeting of the stockholders of tlui Kiiu railway has boeu called for March 1). Week before lai-t's Improvement in iron nnd Hleel continued last week, stocks of raw and tluiuhed material iu consumer-' In. nds being estimated I o tous small er t hau a year ago. It is und -rstiuid that, while the stock holders of the Dalawara and Hudson havu yet to approve the proposed Issue of stock, there il no doubt of their coiillrinlug the rSOOnlmendatlOO of the director, us it is greatly to their Interest to do so. liegiiiuiugMouilay thel -tiding company s shops will Work live day, msteu t of four of eight hours a day. Stockholders of the MeEaWMBB railroad will hold their annual meeliug Iu New York Feb. SO, In industrial lines the number of ft. tablisliiiieutsruopeiH.it last week is more than ten to OBt of the number reported shutting dowu. Three departments of the I'.dtsvilie Iron aud Steel works resumed Operation, The Carbon shoo factory mao started up. The Bterret Creek Ooal oompany, of Paokvllle are remoilelllug their coal bleaker. Philadelphia vessel owners are holding mil tigalust low coal frelghu. 'I'm world is always interested iu the cure of consnnptlon; yet Its prevention Ii of far more importance. Dr. Wood's Nor way pine Uyrnp is gnaranteed to cure coughs ami Bold. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, FINANCIAL AND COMMtHCIAL Stock aud Honds New YOBJC, Peb. 5. During the first hour of biisiuesn ai the stock exchango the trading was ail In the Industrial stocks to the seclusion of the lailwav list. All the industrials, were in demand, especially just after the opening, when sugar soured up to SSIf, Chicago to lUS.'s. distillers to ,. lend to ,HJl4, uud do, preferred, to TVW, Total sales were 1W,0B8 shares, of which lol, Oil shares were industrials. The foil .wiuii complete tubte auowiug the da I, fluctuations in aetivo stocks is suppllud and revised dally hy Laliar A Puller, stock broker. Ill w yoiuing avoniis: Opens Hlllh- Low Clos ing, est. eat. 1 B Am. Cat OU v-n -sty UW -sj Am Susar si SVU SOU tsi A. T. AS. I U lit IP Can. So olW "dU il il Can. N. J Chic. J N. ll'la K'll4 Ml 1UI C, B. Q 17 77 70S, 1i Ohio. Ua Usi, CM, Ui 0.. Cm O.ASt. L... ml 'M S' srs. Col. ll.H-k.Val. 1 X U. ttU i4 I l fc'-'i P.,X,aVw IC7H n: 'w IsJM in:l D. it Oi v IMS mU Hie Ml Erie IsM WJ lo'a (N a. u. Co Mm mm nu MM Lakenlioro IJ8 lJs MJIZ Ira xs W4 Wh I4 Manhattan ItilM iH l-J Miss. Pa.; '.'4 ti 2: Nat. Lead 'Jul, MW JU?n N. Y.XN. Ii Ilja i:(J Us llti N. Y. Central lull! lOlK ltd HU N.Y.. O. V IMS li'S llVa lsi N. Y.,s. W ism M mi-, let u. s. c, Co liu l?M Ifia IfM North Pae 4ti 4U 4Uj 4I North Pae. pf IT'g IMi 17(i IIM Omaha 374 8T4 117 Vi S7i PBO, Mail . -i l )sj I7M I7M Beedraa Itoek Island 17 , K. T St. Paul ial T..C. & I pjs TexaaotPae Union Pae Ilia WatmsM, pf I Iti W. Unlou Mj2 W. i U E IBM W iUKBi rt 2lM B7, mi OTIi 17k 511 8tit DM lt:4i it's M WH sn bij ITfJ W liu hi, iuu mc, um, 4Hiu 4ai4 ins Chicago Drain and Provisions. Scrantow, Feb, j ThB taUoWtng quota tions are supplied aud 0 rrertod daily by La Bar it Fuller, Stock l.rokers,l-l Wyomlna- ave nee. WHEAT. Fei.. Way. July. Opening '.'As CSM MH Blgnett.,... .)m ti4 ies Lowt , IWi CSH Closing Ufa 4' CuR. Opening 4 '-4 87'h ?M UiKhest ::ij ; 3s4j Lowest :i4l o7U 8SS Closing; :ui b?M 8S(, OATS. fY H SH M Hlifhest St:? -:v . Lowest i!7ts ml ffl Oletaj rfj mi M pork. Opening I'-'fti U.i IJSU Highest 1 Hi U'77 11WU Lo.v t Iftti HY, I2SI Clcsln l:'t)5 U75 J.'SU LAID. Opmunu 717 'ti 7I. Hlgheat 747 74.' 744 Lowett 747 7i 743 CD sing 74'. 7i'J 749 SH ItT RIBS. Opening CjR lil" Highest BM 47 Lowuat HJ7 IH7 Closing BBS 8i7 New York Produce Market. New Yon. Feb, r.. Flour .Market Uior Hefiv,. with puces about stead. WiMf.K whkat- Low grades, fw8,46j do. lair to fancy, ti IbAaVTtl do. patents, AJ.'diaJ M; Minnreota clear, ; ; v ti: do. Itralghta, WstHABU; do. patents, Id Sua 1.15; low estnis, if.0oa8.45; city mills, t :'..". do. pntents, V.l0a4.3o: rye mixtures, 3 809 SO. superfine, .7Sa'.'. IU; fine, 1."6 alUO. W hiat Hpid market very dull, lower, with option; No. 1 red, ttore and eleva tor, IJ.Iari.VjC. ; nfloat,07c. ; f. o. b., fi,c. : ungraded red, tiilnOtlc. ; No. 1 soiilu ern,7UJa0, options opened firm ou de 01 ea- ad stocks and II rmiir rubles, fellas :,v. on nn increase on pnsiage, small India mipiii'-nts and weak wet, dosing weak with finding moderately active; May most nctlve; February. tW.c.; March, Wlo,; Btay, SBJiatJalf T00l Ueceniber,7..' ..- i orn Spots, dull, easier; No. l. i'iH elevator, 4Ha4;i)tc.; option opened Jc off on weaker rubles, increased on passage, light OipOrt demand ami reported large pUNBaBM t the wit for May deliv ery here, closing weak nnd fairly ecnve. May mostactive, February. ttkfO.t March, 43 April, 44V-; ty. c. UaTS-BpOtl fairly active, tinner: op tions, dull, Una; February, Bnn.; March, :i7c; spot prices, .No. . (HVaMiC. No. 8 white, NllaBBWr.i No. 'J Chicago, UV 3J1V-: No. 8, ItMviC! No. white, hfia t''4r-' mixed western, HftaWln. ; white do , " .- white state. 87a40V. I i i. ...rs. Brai family 1111 eitra met', Ha8 !). kkkk BAatr-Dall BlIluMOalT, 'iift':itii BlSJ -yulel. city extra ludia mess, tips 'o COtMr Tk (;uie flnn; pickled bellies, VX; pi' kled sboiildert, t:a7 , pickled bams. M. MiiiULts- Nominal. I.aho Vniet, steady; western sleniu cloeed, 7.i9ki Cliy, 7a7Hc.; February, 17 8'., nominal; May, 7. ..I. noliilual; r- IbbBj dull, coatlnen, t.90i South Ainer ii a, 18 HU BOBtpOUnd, Oa'ic. HtnTR-Ouiet; line it.atuery firm, atate dairy, IBaH'J'-, do ereamery, I7e'41c. ; Pniiylvanis, do, CTa'iTV-: western dilry, lIXBlfai do. creamery, I Y ; do factory, I 'alOc. ; Klglu. S7a7V-. Imitation creamery, UalVr.; rolle, Itnli: 1 in. -i Moderate demand, steady; FEBRUARY C, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your ohoioe of three btaattfnl plotarea, ''Telephone Olrl' "he ilrering Chrhttnifti maenti'' nnd "Maiden Swinging." Bend h until op tiit'Hscngi'r or bring coupons iik this of three differ entdntei, witii LO cents, itainpi or coin, to , TRIBUNE OFFICE, . Cor. Penn Ave. nnd Spruce St. state large, Ua!l3tc : fancy. 11 ?4'all4'c. : do. small, lOaiaKc. ; part skims, 4alUc. ; full ski ins, Hjn.ic Kous ljuiet, about steady, ice house, I80.1 do. per cnie. -.0Oa3.fiU; western freeb, Usllc: limed, luallc; sootbern. 14a!9c. Fhiladllpbla Tallow Uaiktt. Puilapklpuu. Fob. Ii. Tallow was dull uud uuebauged. l'ticcs wero: Prime city, in hogsheads, 6.V-; country prime, in hogiheads, So. do. dark, in bogs beada, IHalkCj cakeB, 6a; grease, 4Sa41o.. . ' " Specimen Case. 8. II Clifford, New Csssel, Wis, wa troubled with liuuralgla aud rhcumatitni, hisHtiiinnch wns disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, nnd4o was terribly reduced In Ili Sh aud atreiiK-lli Three buttles of Flee trio Bitter cured Lim Edward BbepbarU. Barrltburg. in , had a running sore on hi leg of eight yeais' standing, (.'ted three lioltlet of Hloctric bitter aud seven boxes of Buck len s A mica bulve ami bis leg I louud and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O , bad nve larifo fever sore on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Klectllc Hitters and uuo box Bucklou's Arnica Salvo cured him eulinly. Sold by Mat thews 111. n BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Cllsll IANS AMI Nl IK. I ON-,. Ott U. H, I'l.A.s, UiaeaaNof the r.ye, N. Throat and Par, oui .Sprucu streut. oppo site court house. itif A. J, ionm'.i.i. Ofbee -in wVngton aJ aeiiu. ooraer spi n. streea ovur I raiiekn a ill ua store. Itesldurieo, M V'lua st litlleo nonm I u. and j twl and 9M t.. ;.au p. m Iwiday, I to 8 p m. DP. W B ALLEN. OBlee cor. Lack, wanna and Washington aves j . Loom aid shoe (tore; oiluo boins, )u to 12 a. in. and 8 to 4 p lu ; at lualduneu, BUIX Waabjugton nve. u. i . I. i it..v. Fraetio limited tu Di MJ ease of tliu Eye, Ear, Noao and Throat; utile IU Wyoming ave Restdenoa B98 vine bli ot Dn i M UATKB, i Wublaaten Avnas Ulliej hours, s to V am. Ive and 1 to s p.m. I nil N I. Wi.NI, M h, UiUees H and ai I ('uminonwualth bulldlriK: realdcnea 711 Madlumavo; ofHee hours, la to Is, I to 4, 7 to I; fcuudayt Jlftl to 4. evening at laeidenoa. A tpeclalty made of diseases of the eye, uar, not and throat I . -. : .-clogy. nit. Q i) Mi hkav ipedaiti made on di eases of eye mid ikln.VUi wyOmMf Avo ditlee hours Until lu a m . J to I and 7 to II p.m. MK8. UB KINO. aJuMCI.BKKKV ISTKKK f, At Carboiidale on Pridaya of each week- vkikminahi buhukomb, l,s BTUBQE, Veterinary BUIWeOB, Ilea Is, tlstry a specialty, gold: Inadalla'. of On tario Veterinary College. Office. Mummer s livery. ;.i Hi st. ueal Keller's can -tig bhou. Telephon No. tin. i.am VKBfl. I U. C HANCK'H Law and Collection of J . rice, No 317 Spruce St., opposite Forest House, Herantou, Pa,; Collection a apecialiy throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ants m every county. lEHJtUPB B 11A.NLI, Attorueve aud Couuiul ' Ion at Law. Commonwealth building, Washington avu. W H. jKasi'P. Bobaoj i Hano. w ii JBaapr. Jh, Ull.l.AKU WABRKM t K.N AH I'. Attir ney and Oonneelors at Law, Itemiblican l.uililimr. Washington ave.. BoraBtOn. Pa. PATTEUBOM B WILCOX, Attorney aud Counsellor st Law. ollieea u und Library building, tiurautou. Pa. ltoswsi.L H l'ATTBnsos, Wii i i 4 m a. Wilcox A LPREDHAKD, WILLIAM J HAM). At ti.rueys and Counsellors, Commonwealth Uridine Rooms IU. -0 und '.'1 Hl.NKV II HSPLV i-aw offices in Ito publican bulldiiik' PkANK T OKtl.L, Attorney at Law. Kooin 1 5 Cai Kichaini.- Beraaton, Pa. MII.TO.N W LOW m. C II Vi is BTOBCH, Att'ya bin av.. -i Washing C. H. Hiunre AMKB W, OAXrOHD, Attorney at Law. I ' , i.i ... i . Conimouweiilth I. Tu LJAMCKI. W. KIKIaK, Attorney at Law Oflle, HI SDrucest . Seriuuton. IV T A WATRE8, Attorney at Law, til Li, Lackawanna alio . BwantOU. Pa i P SMITH, ( ounsollor at Ijiiv. Office. I rooms 14. M, M Coinmnnwealth luilldine ' K P1TCHEH, Attorney at Law. toiu V . inunwea th bullnliiL'. Seranton, t'a. C COMEOTB. ffJI Spruce tt nil HEPl.oni.i:. Attorne Loans neo . tilled on real estate seeurltv.tos Bpraee 1) r Kil l. Ml, Attorney at Law, SifU Wy onUng avenue. BeraatoB, HAVE YOl'Fl DKIDS AMI MoitlllAUKS written and acknow leilged by J W. BltoWNlN'O. Attorney and Notary Public, Onni mo n wealth Rut Idlucr. RGMOtSLa OCHOOL OP Till' LACKAWANNA Scran 17 ton. Pa . prepares buy and girls fol collegt or biisiiima: thoroughly tialua young childran C atalogue at request Kev Thomas M Cant WALtaa h Hi'Bi.t. MISS WdKi Khl'KK s K1NUKKUAKTKN and School, 4U Adams avenue PupiU rreolved at all time. NeitUrm will opeu tioisrv 'Jfi in s l isTs. I ' t.AUHACII, burgeon Dentlet, No, llj s ' , Wyoming a .- K. M. BTHATTON, oOo Coal Exobuia 'l-lll, BKPI 111,11 Savings and I. oku Asso I elation will loan vou moBtif on easier terms and p ay you better ..n liivctllii. nl than any other aatoelitlon Call on H. . CALL EN DEB, Uliiie flank building noil isam) BKBTAVaVANTa. '1 Mil: WEBTallNBTBjk, 11781 Wyoming I av Room heated with tteam: all mod em improvements C M Tai'MAH. Prop y IEOLKK S HOTEL. RR Lackawanna avt fJ nue, Seranton. Hates re.itonabln. P jtiaOLia, lruprlvlnr Ul EBTMIMBTJER HOI ki, W o. B0HKNCK. Msuager Bliteentb street, one block east of ttinauway. at t 'nloii Hguare, New York, American plan, :i rj n.t Jay and upward ('oVNE HOUSE, kurouean plan. gooJ J looms upon day anil night liar'sui piled with th Vett P It. COYNE. Proprietor CI If AN TON HOrsK near I) . L W pas ijl tenger depot OoBonoted on the European plan. Vfl roH Korii Proprietor. t KAM) I I.NTIIAL. 1 he largest .nil " I 'io.pol hotel in All, .no. wu Pa , ratal I J and I'.'.M per day Vlc i on II lUiivrn Proprietor. I) Aiiciirn i t AVIS Mot'PT, Alchltects Hontoi :i, t.'i and SB ( iitnmonwsalth b ld' S.-ranton p L WALTER, Archltsot, Library build Ii, in. Wyomine aveaue. Boranton tf L. UKOW.N. Arch 11 Architect. Mat J i.uiidiiig. ial Wtshlugton Ave.,Serant..n si isi i i LANKOI s NOM'fOrl L' HWAHTH W HOLK8ALB lumber, 8 and u Dim Bauk building. Heianlon. Pa EOABORE llltoTllEUb, PKINTKK8 M huovli'-s. envcloiits. nauar bans, twlnu Warh')use, 1UU Wathlngtori av, Seranton. Pa In RANK P. BROWN ,v LU, WliOl i I tale ,i. i . In Woodwaru. rnrdage and Oil Cloth, '..si W. Lackawanna avenue "l Al'K.U s OrtCHEBTRA MUBrTJ EOH I) balls plcnlos. parti, recaptlona. wed dlnga and ooncert work (uruuilied For tarms addres It. .1. Bauer, oondunlor. 117 Wy,.iuln ave , over HulberC niuaic toru. Vv.li.v HNN.t son s, bulldtra and ...i.uai-' J i tort Yants: Cornsr Ollvu at. and Adaun ave. ; corner Atb it. and Penn ava , Seranton Ml IIS. C"i K (T.ARK CO, - i. Florlatt 1 . and Nurterymou; atora lit Wathlngton i. v. ..in., green home, Idulf North ilaln aveuu; store telephone Tsj TEAS. UKANH UNION TEA CO.. Jones Hroi wiitr: m ni i vs. I OS Kl'ETTKL, fuj Lackawanna avenue, el Bcrantou, Pa , inanuf'r of Wire Screen. Connolly & Wallace EMBROIDERIES and Laces claim our special atten tion for the next week. We do not hesitate to claim the finest and largest stock of these goods ever shown in Seranton. To substantiate our statement we only ask your in spection of our line. The newest effects in Embroideries are the GUIPURE and IRISH POINT. We have an endless variety of ex- Elusive siyies. Colored Embroideries are also good for the coming season, especially for trim ming wash dresses. See our line of wide-margin ooods. Lace Department LiJ2pl5 ae X!fivw3rtWng new and desirable. The POINT DE VENISE LACES AND GAL00NS. The latest thing out. EMBROIDERIES ID LACES CONNOLLY & WALLACE 509 WE! ,VE RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. J LEHIGHAND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite eoal uatd exclusively, lusunuK leutilliiets ami iuuiri.it. TlUt TABLt IB BVffBCV JAB 14. 15111 Tram leave Hrranton lor Pittttnu Wilkes Hairn, ate , al (S.ln, U.li, II ;io a. ,., (j jj, j oij, 8l.0Sj, Vfk lu4 P- SuaSairi (w a m, i Ou, ICO, ".luo. ui. Fur Atlantic City, 1 1(1 . 111. "or New V.,rk. Newark anil BUubatB, e IU leiorets; u. lu . 1'! Jl ieiuics with bullet parlor ear .. J II) itsprem u. in. Sunday, SOD l. in I-oh MAL i II CHI NK, Al.LES'lov. n.Ulihli HI M, EAsTOB urnl rBILApBLVBlta 1 10 a IL 80. 8.10, 6 00 iei,:ej,t FliilaalnW 0 in. Hundav. LOB D, at. gat Loao ijiia. a, Oct ax QbBvb, ata., at s.IOh, m , I'.itU l in. I'or HeudinK. Cebatmn ami Han Isl.tilv. via AllcDlown, 0,10 a. iu., lmi vou, p.m. Hunday 110 p. III. lui I'ottsville, 1 10 a in , 12.88 p. 111 KeturnlnK. leave New York, foot ot Liberty slrect. North river ut 1. 10 feipiessi a. in.. 1 I", 1,88. 4.30 ic-iprusa with Buttel uurlor can p. in. Sunday. 4.H1 u in Leave Pniladelplilu. Baadlng Tennlnal, S.IJ a. m , 2.00 and 4 3) p in. Sunday 11 27 a. 111. Through ticket to all points at lowost raiou may U- had on anpliuailuu lu advance to the ticket u-eut ut the statli.n. II l' BALDWIN, J. H Ol.llAl'SLN. Ut" Hen Supl. ailUIIHIIIIIIIItllllllliliiiiiiilliHiiHij OUR CURTAINS ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY, t'JSB. 0. Cosgrove t Grant's Coinedians -IN- 5 The Dfixcler iiiiuiiiuiuiuiNiiHiuiinmiiiiiisS T IHtOa VALLEY ItAlLROAD Train loaves . rauton tor PhttadatpBJa and Now York vis. L a. H IB K at t a.iu . 18.10 2JI and 1 1 si p. n via U , L. A . K H . 05, 11 0 a. iu.,and 1 .ti. Hiop in. Leve Sciautcn for 1'ituiou and Wilkes ttarre ia I).. L & W H. B 8 88 II 10a iu LM, 180. 0.uY, 188 p. m ..., Leave Seranton f..r White Hat en. Hajletnn. t ottsville uud all poiut on th BaavW jMgdOW und Pottaviua branches, via 1) 4, H. K ut sam, IU in, 2 as, 4 )tlp.in. via D 1. W. It. K .siu. 12 10 am.. 1.80. ajop.m Leave Kranton for Bethlehem. Eaatou, Heading Harrisburg nnd all ii,teru,ediat poiuis via bull K R , s.t m ,ltW, g.Ss 11 p m ,via II . L A: W. K K s oe. 1 1 31 a. m , 1 Su J.6U p in. 1 lav Seranton for Tuakaaaapck, Towaada. Eiiuira ttkaoa, Qaaava und ail intorniaAiat point via D. 4 H R R.. 1 H and IL88 p. m. via D L. Jt W It it . it QB a in.. LJo p. in Leave Seranton for K'uhester. Buffalii, Nl agara Palls, Detint. ChtoaflO and all points JWft vial. 45 H. R. R , l.S5..15.ll.8i p. lu.. via U I. & W. H. It. :,nd PIttstou Jam Hon . Ji u.m foiBiiffH'o onlv. 1.30as p. in, mhE i vv . K H., 4.1o p. m I'or JSUoln and the wet v la Salamaiics. rla n H K. H ate lit., m . via D , L. 4 W, K R. 0, 1'.jlia. m and 6-iiT p m. 1'ullnian parlor 1 nd sleeping or L, ". ( hair car on all trains between L at B .lulu tiou or N likes Barre and New York. I'biladclplila, Hullalii and BMpanaioO Bridp-e Hi 'l.LiN H WlLBl K Uen Sapt Last Dn . .rV?,?; Wft p" A't. Phila.fa. A U Nli.NN-KMACHF.R.Ais't Qjii Pass Ag t South Bethlehem Pa. Aie north going a loLg dietauceto e. No tueh collection csu be fouud ucarer tbau Netr York tr Pblladeljjiia,aud tkeu it is uotiar paaatid iu the matter at unique aud exclusive oaMiyu. or richuet. daintiness and delicacy or ruatt rial. Ii. a word, our Curtain etock tbik (all reacbe our blgheit ideal of Wbatle should be. and cannot all to r.-.tet the approval of ibe uiott rtliueu aud artistic tastee. B , Vul all till doe. uot meau high 2 X fJ Tll-lCft (In ,I,a n .,. .. , I. a . .. I M f 1. ... . 1. .......... 11 1 we now offer are submitted for your inspection. Ot course, we ve every make, and among tbern will be round the very t hoi Lett crea- 110ns in Brussels, Ihth PoiDt.Bwits, Nottingham aud other l.ace (iood . alio th New buowflake Swiss, with bilk btripu ju cuutrattiug colore. Alio full line of biik S-tnpes, Tapestnet, ate, made to crdtr. a i trot comedy that it aeoBtiBooaaroaad of merriment Interpreted by the tol lowintr ariav ui larceur and Vaudevlile Artittt llai Idlller, r. T Ward, Jehu V Curi.i. Jets Hatcher. Aide Wllmsrth. ijia' .e (ia. (ST. AJoert Hsrt Howar j lirabaa. W H Way Seats on aale latardai S I ACADEMY OF MUSIC THURSDAY, I ii . 1 he Taletted Dramatic Artlat. BELLE ARCHER And a clever cumpany of enmeditu. la 8:3l cv i uuu) t uaauurul corned) , ARABIAN NIGHT 1 1 oduced in London ; yean Lialy'e Thestie, N. Y . I0o uigh:, Staudard, Theatre. K Y , oouuLt, Sal upeM Tustdai . i ACALLMV OE MUSIC. imiiiiiiuiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiis i HiLL & COULL I And Hi rrlday and Saluruay lab Hand 10. WM. BARRY Company of Merry iuker .sew 1 uur.y 1 nmo th SCRANTON, PA. S T r3 "p" v'"' r.3v,;T""-'" Prsokfroa a run at the bier Thaatti i -tk. wtere it was very tarnmrui 1 .......................5 WEET 8INOEB8 PRETTY UIRL aaaiaBBaBBitiBsiiniiiir: un.,i.u. L UANCBBS, DBLAWABE AND HUD --uN RAtLBUAD, Coiiiuiericlng May is, i-eij. trafoi will run as tOOOWl Tralus leave Bridge Street Station. Seranton for Pitts- W wl(XM iise HMrre, etc., Sim. J Mmf "': in 12.10, f i M m 1 4 ia turn r ana u.w p, m. nF i'nr Now York und Vlnls delphia. 100a.m., 1? 10. :sx Mt 4 IU and 11 80s in For Honesdaie (fron LYalawar Lacks waun and wesUru depot ', 7.00. e.du. In. lu a.m , 1J ui m 1, 17 8 IU p. in. loi I'si Ismdale and intermediate ktatlOBI i.40. ' 00, r.oo. 10, 10 a. 111 . 18,00 ra ,i 1;. 3. is,:, in. , nd V AS 11. in . from Bridge btrt Dtpol I'QJ a iu. , V. ITntid II lAr- m. I'att ..Ii.ress tn Alb.iii). Saratnga the Adi rOBOW k oaatMBa, Bust. m nnd New England Knots. (1.411 a 111 , arrlv-nj at All.anv 12.4;i SaratotH I !SI p, in , and leavin Serant..n at l p in , arrlv mg at Albiinv at I 80 p ui. . Sara toga. 1161 A ui , and B.'ttoii, 7 si a m The .inly direct Mala BM Ween the coal fields ainl Huston "The Leadln Tourists' Koitte ot Atnarka" to the Aurondaak Mountain re sorts. Lake Heoi ge and Ohainpluiii. Montreal, etc Time tiililes sin. wing local ami thrmigli Ham service betneen itatloaaoB all divisions Dela wan and Hudson ev -lciu, may lie obtalaad at Delaware and Hudson ticker unices. H w roUNO, J v BuRDtCK, S.-..n.l Yi. President (leu I'aa. gt. DUPONT'S S11N1NU. BLASTINO AND SKiRTlN POWDER Manufactured at the Wupwallcpen Mill, Lu seme county Pa. and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. tteneral Agent for th Wyoming Dlitrlct, 118 Wyoming Ave., Seranton Pa. M. id National Bank Building. beactiful'bcenery . Sale opens Wednetdav. aJMBnpRftaavaMfiJ aanctta THOS POftD, Pittit-m Pa A'HN B SMITH & SuN . Plyuu nth T. K W MVLLIOAN. Wlrket-Barr. Pa Agent fur the Repauno i heuiical cUi patiy'a High Kxtlosives N. A. HULBERT'3 Week comn.1 u :: tJMONPAi I KB S W O M)E r l a nds new STOCK DRAMATIC CO. IN TWO QBEAT PLAYS. Mondav. Tue-dsv ai.d 8fad&day THE GYPSY QUEE Thursday, FriOaty and Sfttuij. Pygmalion and Galatea. Pre eded b) a S.-reaming Farce ADMISSION, 10 -.'O and 80 CENTS Opera ehattaoaa be reserved, bv- sumher. everv a' ternooo. fram 1 30 to 8 80. for the evening entertainment l erfci matn'-ef every afternoeL eicept Mondays and Thursdays at U SB. and eviry evening at r Li. Doors openat 1.80 and 7 30 P M. 'City Music Store, - WYOM1NU AV. SCHANruii. nBLAWABG I M K.WVANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD TialnslaaveScrauli.il as follows Raprea for New York and all points Kast. ISO, It. 80, S It, s.wi and Si a in . 18 J and M p, tu Kipress foi Laston, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 5 l 00 and 8,10 a iu , li,V and :i .VI p ni Washliigtmi nnd way itatkms J 111 p in Tnbylianiia ac -uuiiiiiuliitloii, 11 III p. iu. Bspr loi iMiigiiainten. Oawato, Rlmlra, 'ruing. Ilath. Danav III,., Mount Morris and Buffalo. 1.' 10. 811a 111- ed I 1 p. ill . making I'loa connection at Buffalo tu nil point In tht West Nurthwest and Suuthweti BuSalo iici-orninoilatlon Hon a. 111 Blngliaiutou uud way KatloiH 1887 D 111 tflcTiotton end Way statluiia. 1 4,S p. m. Blnghaintmi and Kliiuta Eiprest, DlVS p. in Kiprt for Cortland. Byractt, I4swgc. t tlcaand Klchtleld Sprln, l Li 111 and I ts p in Itlinct, 1 1 and lima 111 and 1 il p. 111 Kor Nortliuniberland.Plttitiiii.W like Banc Plviiiouth. Ulooiusi urg aud DanvTIU, making clote euuiKcttont at N'orthuiuhiirlaiid for WURaaMBorti namBurg, Baltimore Watli lugtoii and the Binith. Niiitliiuubsrlaud and Intermediate sttlont. U4. t'eO iu and 1 :iuatid407 u m. naaticok ami lBtara4la( ttatiuna mi and 11 i a 111 Plymouth and Inwi SMdUto stallons, H.VIand H.:W p. in. Pullinan patloi at d tlevplng coaehiis on aU tpret trains Kor detailed liiforiuatlon. pookll tlinttahBM, etc . aprily tu M. I. Smith city tlakatttlM W t.ackwannaveniie, ur depot ticket office 8TKINW.W SOX ' UKCRKH lUttVrilKHR an 1RAMCU M BACK HI l l I . .V It t I .Ii ii PIANOS J R ) J It Of fit t 4?ll ORGANS MCSICAL MKH4'HANDISk Ml sli . H r. iu NEW YORK. ONTARIO AMP WtSTKHN Railroad. Herant.in Dlvltlou Tliu. tabl In effect Nov IK 18KJ Trains leave Seranrun for t'arboudale O.iS), :, 11.05 a ui., 4.S0, 0 I'l p ni l'or Hancock June) Ion and main cunnectinnt 11 liii.ni , t) 10 p. tu. Tialna leave luucook inn 1 en for main Hue connection for Seranton, nOil a tu , J.Ofj t) 111 Trains Wav Cirbondale f..r Scrautoti 7 V4, 4J am.. 1.1(1, ,I.!M, D.L4 p 111. J r ANDGKBOS. lotiornl Pastt'iiter Ageut. New York T. PI.ITL'ROPT, District Passenger Agent, Seranton FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kinds I 1 ... 1 1 H.li recelil daily , ancy lululltit Halibut, Hoiieleat 4'oT, Yariuoiilh Dluatert, Mill Mackerel. Ileekauav. 4TieapRk Bay, AVCTDDC Maurle Riser Cotra II I 0 I Fill U Bluerolnt vawtuttv lufl Shell 4'lamt. Shrluipt, Scallops, Ac. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AYR DON'T FORGET That we are hoadcjuartet for ei el ytlilng in tbliue of WATOtiBia II you Bava any mm of purchalng nt kind 0! a Watch, lady t n glut t. Oold or Sllvsi . you ill mak a g riev ,'U. mistaken vou do not give ut a call and gt our prlc, which you will And far below allotner. eaptcUlly 111 all the high grdtcf, Klgm. Walthaiu and Han.pdu movemeutt 1 If you hve nv doutvls and are at all potted : onpncetglie iia call aud we will hav uo trouble in convincing you Wettill haves large stook todltpo-e of. and will offer you won dtiTul lnduceuiutt m JawWy, silverware. Clock :.nd all cthr gvudt which we have 111 itCCk C. W. Freeman ft un Avo aud Sprues St. PRU6AND WYOMIMU VALLKY KAIL Hi koaii Train leavo Seranton fur New York and lu t' 1 mediate point on the t'.tw and Hawlev and local point at 4 . v 1 a. ui. aud ItiH p lu Tp..ln I.,.., I,.., -. 1 . . 4 a. - Z . -.'n m . p.w . ui HUU Oat J' U. are through trslns to and from Honeadale. 1 mi l, leave iui vv naei cisrre ai o so a. m auu Hi m. WANT ADS, Anti Spasmodic ltn S'oucS" not i-ougb If vuu try: try iir. niter uppivtu Costt 'flc Mallhews Bros., i. i 'auton. Pa. BaBaaB Insrrtea in THK TRIBl'NK at tb rata ot ONE CENT A WORD. A Handsome Complexion la one of the greateat charm a woman can poetess Pouoxi's CompleZion Powuaa it.