t Four Billions Of loss in a year is a steep price for Democratic "reform.'' cranton (tribune. And the Worst Of it is that the country hasn't yet got Democracy's completed bill. EIGHT PAGES--56 COJ. SCBANTON, PA., TUESDAY MOBNING, FEBRUARY ;. ism. TWO CENTS A COPY. EMOGRACY 1 COMPUTL 1AT1H GONTRO 8 A BAD B i 1 ElTo DUTHWA1TE AND THE CUCKOOS The Iwbn lioui OsteOtytCtl to the Uniittu- logical Title. DISCUSSIONS IN THE SENATE r niove two liiivs of notice. Again the orowil broke into appreciative cheer m Williams enunciated in dangsrous iiiut, biqi of tho crowd shouting: "u sh-uld be done." Wilttiuni further Slid that if tho foreign snsrohtsts reinforce tbs ployed there would bo worm work fur t tie police The epoiker wee repeat f.lly cheered. IS LIABLE TO PROVOKE WAR A BIG FIRM SQUEffiD. Well Fun In the House During the Hawaiian Debate --Mr. Morse Called to Order Upon Account of Having Used Un parliamentary LongUOgO Mr. John son Pictures Scenes from the Comic Opera of "Liliuokalam." -The Fed eral Election Laws Debate. V vjiuvux'N. Feb. 5, 'HF. house bit to ren-Hl the tod OrololOOtlOO laws wis debated la the senate during moot of the session, Mr. L'bsud!er v K-p , N' H.I leading off with a Speech OgalOSl tho Mil. mi Mr. Flryo (Bop., Me. i it Instrated the necessity for such law bv what be called the "twiestol l tale" of th- Tammany election frauls In the presidential election of 1868 the wholesale naturalisation of foreigners, the "repeating" and the wholesale false resitritiif. H ask-d Mr. Faltuer i Pem. , 111. whom cohal sought Ut for biO special SntSgOttlSt, whether such a system of dishonest prootleoo do not justify the exietenc" of the federal statute' which the bill proposed to repeal, but the Illinois 100 ator refused to make such on admis sion. The discussion was participated in by several members, ana theu the bill went over till tomorrow. The auti-optiou ipiestion was brought up by resolution to refer to the judici ary committee the Mil intr luced some weeks ago by Mr George tDetu , Miss i After some remarks oy Mr. B-rry (Deui., Ark.,) an i Mr. Wishbura Rsp., Minn ,) no action WM taken n the m tiou, Sir. George not being in the chamber. The senate at 113 ad journed. HAWAII B THE HOL'SE Tho Hawaiian debate was resumed in the house to lay by Mr Morse, of Massachusetts, who had five minutes Before he hal proceedel for a minute, however, Mr Outbwaits called him to order for uaparliatwotary language. "To what language do you refer'.'" asked Mr. Morse. ''To the insulting, iinpident and unparliamentary lan guage just used," answered Mr Uu:h watte. Mr. Morse, according to the rnle. took his seat, and the. words excepted ti were read at the clerk's desk, as follows: "And yet. strongs to tell, at the command of their master, tne great Grover Cleveland, his cu:koo in the house and senate, stanch Southern Democrats, the loudest suouters for a white man's gov-rnm-nt, disregard a.l their ancient tradition about white man's supremacy and the white man's government." The speaker ruled that the lang'iaj; wan unparliamentary to speak of mem her of the ;house and senite as being controlled by their masters the presi dent. Mr. Horn explained that he woull withdraw the words "controlled by their master, the president " Before Mr. Morse could procaea his time ex pi red. Mr. Johnson of Indiana took the floor and made a strong speech, ar raigning the course of the present ad ministration in atterantintr to restore the deposed queen. He drew a vivi 1 picture of the effort of Mr Willis, and evolved out of it all the plot of a new comic opera to be etllsd "Lilionka lani " He drew a picture of the opera playing to packed houses throughout the United States to the inexhaustible amnaementof the people. Resuming the courseof his argument, he contended that even if Mr. Stevens had been gnilty of conspiring in the rebellion (which he denied) Mr. Cleve land no right to go back and review the completed acts of a previous admin is trntion. The president, he mid, was ably secondsd hy his secr"tsrv of state, who had no canse to stand up for Mr. Harrison, who had defeated htm for the Republican nomination at 0 ilcago in 1881, and who hal D ide It iinpissi ble for him (Grrsobam) in all time to come 10 secure I Republican nomina tion. Tnat, he said, was before Mr. Greshan descended to his own level in the Democratic party. THE LOTTERY MUDDLE to Postmaster General is Dtr:nlned fitemp Out thn Evil. Washington, Feb, 5 Up to this afternoon Postmaster General liis.sell lias received no official inform ition of the proposed or actual resurrection of the Lonissna lottarv .ml tne establish ment of its headquarters at. Port Tsmpa City, Fla. Genoral liissell is thoroughly siiva to thefjcsHslty for prompt and vigorous action in the premises and in osse the fact is estab lished that the lottery company lias again opened for business he will exer cise every power in his control to stamp it i.ut with a view to a thorough exter inination of the evil. He has aak"d the state department to take np the matter with the govern ments of ail the Mexican end South American slates, ami if p issible secure action by which the ... me of making drawing in one country in order to evade the laws of another may Pe pre vented. ANARCHY IN LONDON. Socialist William. Addresses a Meeting of the Unemployed, London, Feb. 5 Another meeting of the unemployed was held at Tower Hill today at which the socialist leader, Williams, announced that a demon stration would be made in Trafalgar square on Saturday. He declared that if the police interred the procession of the unemployed would send them to heaven by chemical parcels post. This statement, was greeted with cheers by the assembled mob. Continuing, Williams declared that a piece of ex plosive the sizi of a pen u v. which could could be carried in the pocket, would Known River Coat Opsrators la Financial Trouble. PinsurKii, li , Feb. ." An execu tion lor 1180 lhK was mind this morn nn: by S. S. Smith, trustee for tha I'nion National bank, against Horner & Huberts. tOO Wtll known river coal operators The amount is to cover a debt of 178,000 duo the plalnttB Oi Saturday a jn U'lu nt for 88$ 000 0OT eriug a debt of 889,000 w ..s entered by Stella D. Hays against Simpson Horner individually.' It is not yet known whether there are any other judgment c reditors ol the firm, 'there are, how ever, several units pending for Jittered t .mounts No statement of tho BUSO oial condition oi the firm has been giv en out. The assets consists of coal Ian It, beats and barges. It is not yet determined whether an assigmujut will be made, Tne partnership betweeu 11 iruer and Roberts has been in existence thirty years and has been rated anOQg the loading river ooa firms. BIG wSjBAL IS ON. Giant Opirators Ar Said to Ba UmWr tbe Market. CBIOAQO, Feb. 5 On the board of trade it is whispered that Philip D Armour, Marshall Field, John W Doatie, George M Pollman and other magnates iu the local financial and commercial fi -Id, together with Aldi sou Cammack and his crowd in New York, are "uuder the wheat market'' to the extent of Untold millious of bush els, aud they have laid the fouudatiou for a gigantic deal in breadstuff. Two years ago it was Rockefeller. Mackey, Blair, of New Jersey, and Ar mour. Last year it was Armour. Rocke feller and Jack Culahy. It is reported that from 60. 00" 000 to 75,000,000 bush els have been hedged and sold snort for May delivery. Against this vast volume of sales there are 01.000.000 bushels of cash wheat in Cnicago elevators, and 10, 000,000 boshels additional in the war huusrs of Dulut'n. Milwaukee and St. Louis Minneapolis l out of the ease entirely, as the wneat at that point conl 1 not be got away from the millers. Settlement on terms satisfactory to the "longs" would have to be made on any where from 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 bushels. THEY OESIRE TO LY.1CH HIM. An Angry M b Clamors fir a Prisoner in Lebanon Jail. LWAXOR, Int., Feb. 5. Tbe pros pects for a lynching bee here tonight are very bright. Saturlay night Frank Hall, a negro, assaulted Mrs. Ak-rs a widow, who lives aline with hsr chil dren on a farm four miles east of Leb anon, holding a r-volver at her head while be accomr.lish d his purpose He then fld bnt was snbs-qnently ar rested at his home and brought here The news that a mob was organizing in lucsd the sheriff to hustle toe pris oner away to Indianipolis Tais morn ing Hall was returned for a hearing. A mob at once snrround.d th j ill and an attack is expected at any time. 4 About 11 o'elook the county prose cutor mounted the jail steps and pleaded with the mob to disperse. He told them that Hall would be vigor ously prosecuted and said that the jailor's wife was dangerouily ill an t tnat the noise muhtprov . fatal to her N'o attention was paid to his words At noon the mob was trying to get a leader and demand the prisoner. DOES NOT W NT REISA. loops at OT McLaughlin Manlfsate No Anxty for Capture of tho Fuglilv. New York, Feb. 5 - Inspector Mc- Lsngaiin was ask I I'm afternoon what he knew about William Reisa.an Itslian,who Is reported to have escsped In I'lttston while under arrest there for a murder OOtnfflltted In N'ew York. Trje inspector sai 1 he knew nothing whatever about it-das, nor about any murder ne may have a inmitted here or elsewhere. certainly did not want him. -. NOTABLE GROUP OF DEATHS. Andrew Kenns, a well known business man, r,f Camden, N. J. Kx-State BeMtOT Willies Henry Kirk, 81 years old. of Newark. X. J. Lieutenant Charles t Kminerirh, United States navy, at .Mare Islafld navy Bard 81 M. BatfliitOU, I well known cnsl ship per and miner, aged Wl, of Haltimore, Md. PrafeoMf Bdnood Protmx, ebemln and member of the Institute, at I'aria, aged M years. Edward A LlppinOOtt, years old, a wealthy wagoa oallder, of Atlantic City, N. J., at Chesterneld, N, J. 'I heron Persons, the young captain nf the BelVatiOfl Airny at Phanixvilln, I'a. ills home Is at IluiUon, Mass. Frederick BoottjgeT, 7i years old, who Intrddoced the eUItnre of grapmnt K.: Harbor City, N. .1., nt Lower Hank, N. .1 , Theodore 8. Barton, a pronslnsdt New Orleebl broker and tZ-pTOsideOt of the Htoi k exchangn. lie was killed by an overdose of morphine. Mrs. I'rlsrllla Vanlnrn, aged 87, at I'itt.hurg, Pa. Him was n famous teinpor ance advoeato, and the heroine of the Itmi peranos rruiadt of May 81, ih74. Henry Newman, 111 yems old. an nvan geh.t who worked to eavi, drnnkaril and lalleu women, and founded n mission hear ing his name In Jersey City, N. J. At Wells, Minn., ye terday Morton H Wilkinson, United Hlstes senator for Minnemift from IH.M to IKI1,,, di"d of aimp lexy. Henator vvllkins n was 76 years of nge. I). T. .Innea, of Illinois, chief clerk in the life saving service, in the treasury depart uirnt at VVaaliiuuton, He ha. b ill k two weeks. Mr. Jones was Ml years old ntik has been in tin, truasury for twenty years. At Southamplon, Kit?., just after his ar rival by steamer New V'oi k. Frederick at, Somers, a promiiieut t 'aliforniau and member of the Lotus club, New York. Ho was formerly an editor 01 the Call- forma Argouant, and latterlv nroprleior of Current Literature, New York, and promoter lu hurone ut a type setting machine. The PlHylul Allien ul Hillish ami French Tfoopi in BoOl THE PECULIAR MISTAKES MADE In a Recent InCOOlitaf Ltetw'een E-ii(f-lish anil French Military Polite Forces, Six Are Killed The British Are Mistaken tor Natives- Lieuten ant Marit Ainoiiu, the Victims. This Is the BiCOnd Battle Within a Few Weeks. London, Feb s. fi DI8PATCH from Sierra Leone A save that a detachment of British IpA military police encamped in the u U Sofia country were recently tired Opsin by a Prenoh force, The British returned tbe fire aud killed six of the French force. Several of the attacking part) were captured. It was only a short time auo that a force of British consisting of ttisuitieis of the West India regiment and it de taohtnoa! of the military police, the latter uuder command of Captain bendy, was tired upon by a French force under li e command of Lieutou ant Urritl, near Wanna, who, it was subsequently explained, mistook them for natives. Captain L'lidv, Lieuteu ants LiltOU and BoUghtOO, a sergeant and twenty six privates were killed Ttu Britien at once responded to t tie fire and shortly afterward the French retired. Lieutenant Marit! was wounded aud was captured by the British. He explained that the attack was a mistake on bis part, be thinking that the British were natives The attack was made in the eailv morning before the sun bad fairly risen, end in the dim light the mem bers of the West Indian regiment, who are negroei. were thought to be Sofiaa aud their nfllc-'rs Arab. Lieutenant Merit! subsequently died from the effsctsof hit wonuds and was buried with military honors by the British. SUICIDE OF GODFREY MAY. First Attempts to Kid His Wlfs and Than Bhoots Hlm.alf. LaTKOM, Pa, Feb. 5 Godfrey May, one of the best known merchants of this place, attempted to kill his wife at 3 o'clock this nfternoon aud then com mitted suicide by shooting himself through the heart. May came here from New York about a year ago and opened one of the largest dry goods stores in the city. His wife was cash ier Recently he began to find fault with his wife's business methods an. I quarrelled with her frequently, Mr. and Mrs. May were at the store today until noon. whn they went home for lunch, and al I! o'clock neighbors heard pistid shots in May s house. gJRuihing in they found May lying on the floor shot through the hesrt. He hal the smoking revolver in his hand. Mrs. May was bending over li-r hus band almost frantic with a bullet wound through her hand. Mrs. Mav Stated her husband had taken her to task about business mutters, and in the heat of the argument shot at her. He then placed tiie weapon to his heart and fired, killing himself Instantly, SKINNER'i VOTE OBJECTIONABLE. Tha K.sult of a Wranwl. Over a Site for an Industrial fichonl. HaBMSBLTM, Pa., Fob. 5 --As a re suit of the controversy over the selec tion of a site for ati.lndustial school be tween advocates of Boiling Springs, Cumberland county, and Scotland, Franklin county, the attorney general lias naked for a writ of quo warranto to OOQpOl Captain Groorge W. Skinner, of Fulton county, to show by what authority he exercises the duties of n member of the cuiilint tee. Ids contention is that Skinner's vote decided in favor of Scotland and that in view of the farts I hat he holds a federal appointment ho had no right to YOtC OT OOOUny a seat as a member of the commission. Attorney General lleusel has fixed Thurs lay for a hear ing. e SUPERFLUOUS AUDITORS. Pottiville D.slr. to M . ...... with Ser vices of Num. rou. OltHale. PomVtLLB, Pa, Feb. 5 At last fall's election the people of this county elected a controller and three county auditors As the duties of then officials conflict, the clerk of the commissioner's offloo refused to give the auditors the books lor 1808 so that they could be audited. I be auditors then secured an hUiicIi inatit on the clerk. A hearing was given the matter before court today. 1; has now been decided to withdraw the attaobuieot, and the commission ers will nsk for a quo, warranto to ouat the auditors, as they era not needed now that there is a controller. s BIG BlOZt I i SAVANNAH. Fire In a Oroc.rv l ." a Liaa of About $200,000. Savannah, G, Feb. 6 Fire sterted this morning al 10 o'clock in th guano warehouse of Wilcox, Gibbsci Co. The Savannah Grocery company's six story brick building was consumsd. It wa. worth 1 180,000 aud Insured for $180, 000 I he fir 1 1 - x t. extended I to Komi 's Wholesale grocery, a thiee-story bin d tug. The stock la valued at $150,000 , insurance, HUM ooo. i he DUliaing De longs to Wii 'ox, Gihbs & Co , end is velusd at $100,000, insurance, $W. 000. It is still burning SOLD BLACK DIAMONDS. An Importer of Carbons 'Suff.rs from Flnanolal Stringency. New York, Feb. 5. Simon Dissan, mi; rt r nfcirnoiis, assigned tod ay to Leon L"wis, giviog prsferenos for $07, 400. He has been iu business many vein s and was repot tad heretofore to he worth over $;I0II.IMI0 The assignment is ascribed to dull business, the finan cial Stringency and heavy losses ir en dorsing for others which he had to pay. His trale was ohialy with mining peo ple in the wsst and in l'iiiiisylvani.i He sold the block diamonds used in drilling. His liabilities are reported to be very heavy. s - WIFE MURDERER SUICIDES. A Philadelphia PolloemaO Kills Hla Wife and Ulow. Hi. Brain... PuiLADILPHIA, Fob. fi. Oilier Al belt Lanabanof the Ninetseth district, committed suicide this morning, hy ShOOtiPg, in the statin of William Hog era in the rsarof lib Lancaster avenue Officsr Smith of the a una district, was notified and wsnt to Lauahsn's home, 4(188 I lei ion avenue. He climbed 111 the window mid found Lsuehan'S wife lying in the hallway dead. Her face and body wore mutilated and it is sup posed that her husband killed bur and then committed suicide, Mrj. Kate Lsnabnn, who was found dead at her home this morning und who is supposed to have been lulled by her husband, I 'die. 010111 Albert Lann ban, who was found dead in a stable with lua brains blown out, was a hard drinker. It is supposed thst I.anahau went home this morning atier coming oil duty, aud finding his wife drunk and no breakfast ready a quarrel took place and Lanaliau beat the woman so badly that stie died. Realizing what he had done and terrified by the awtnl result of his auger, Lanaliau want to the stable near his home aud killed him self. -v WANTS A JUDGE IMPEACHED McQann'a Resolution Aimed at Judge J. r, kins Not IV p ilar. Washington, Feb. 5 Mr, McQgun( of Illinois, attempted inisuccessf nlly to Secure unanimous Consent in the house today of a resolution to investigate the notion of Judge Jenkins iu the North ern Pacific railroad objection. Mr. McGhUlD, who is chairman of the Labor committee, wanted to find out wuetber Judge lenkius had ubnsed his powers to oppress the employes of the Northern Pacific and intimidate them so as to restrain them from striking If he had he wanted the judge Im peached. THE SILVER COUNTED. A Shortage of $904, S olen by Ander son, la Revealed. Washington, Fob. 5. The count of the silver vault in the treasurer's ollice was completed this morning. A short age of 04 was found, all of which was stolen by Anderson, th young mes senger. His friends, who are highly connected politically and socially, are making every effort to have the affair settled aud have agreed to reimburse Treas urer Morgan if the prosecution is I dropped. FiNLEY'S Ax- fcssJ V 8s N -1 n f t f A 7 mm .a - B r' K U 7 1 : ' l f : ' " VtpJ ? A BAD CASE OF CONTORTION. Police Ji sticf So yo hare been fighting, ebt Didn't this tnn of yours bite your ear offf Mum MoTaBRYRS Never lunched me yer 'finer, I did it meself. FUNERAL OF MR. CHILDS. Bishop Potter, of New York City, Will Officiate Bishop Whittaker and Rev. Blanchard Will Assist. Philadelphia, Feb. 5, Blsbop Pot ter, of New York, this afternoon tele graphed that he would olfi. iate at the fuutralof Mr. Guilds an I he will make the address at tbe church. The regu lar burial service will be read bv Bis .p Whitaker, of Peuiiiylvania; R ?v, Dr. Bodice, of the church of the Saviour. The lute A. J. Drexel was a communi cant at the latter church. It was announced this afternoon that the following will act as pall REORGANIZING THE READING. Five Million Dollars Have Already Been Placed in Philadelphia on Coal Accounts Plans for the Future. Philadelphia, Feb. 5 An after noon pap?r s.i)s: The revised plan for the reorganization of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad will sbortlv be Issued pTODably in a day or so. It is being withheld pending the satisfac tory completion of negotiations for dis posing of the floating debt.. It is known that $8,000,000 have already been placed in Philadelphia on the coal and coal accounts. The intention of the plan is to ruise euough tnonev to hearers: J. Pierpont Morgan, of New i pay off the Speyer loan. The release INTERESTING EXPERIMENT. Hla A Bi aton Man to Try Ills Faith in Power to Beat the World. Boston, Feb. 8 -Within two weeks a well known clubman in this city will start on a novel trip around the world Under the name of Paul Jones, on a wager, be agrees to start without clothes or money, travel .round the world and r turn with $o,000 iu one year. The start will be made from the Boston Press club. FLASHES FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Secretary of State It omero Roblo, of Mexico, isdyldg at toiler. ireto, Mexico. Safe breakers got (I ,000 from the Arka dolphin Lumber company's store, at Ds lark, Ark. Inmates of tbe Rhode island state prison are making 8,000 pairs ol "hail leg" bjots for liraziliitu soldiers. A gold rjoin assignment of ji.vi.ooo i. coming from Prance to New York on the steamship La (Jhampagne, Mexicans hnve released from prison Web terWillet, a young American, whom they srrosted as a revolutionist. At Wellevllle, .. the Pioneer Lottery company's ISO workmen won their point and resumed nt the old wages. I'tnrlng vengeance from a vendetta, as told by a letter, an unknown Italian shot himself In Central park. New York. Bcperlntendent Brookway has been re stored to his position in control of the stain Reformatory at EUmlrs, n y. Iiueliug in the streets of llrookhnveii, Miss., .lames A Ktiglanil and Leonard, two old enemies, shot each other n ally, If the Immense now crop of coffee in Central America the steamer San lllns has landed a great caivo at Sail Francisco. For embezzlements . itiug l.;t,l)iKl ei I'resldenl, Lionard, of the defunct Manta (Asm bank, San rranoisoo, has been ar rested. Ohio ( lit, Fellows are nuked In aid Mrs. Schuyler Colfax, the penniless widow of the ex-vlce president, who Was a promt rent. Odd Fellow. In the almshouse vnrd nt Springfield, Mas., n llol.tein bull ran amuck and gored nml broke t In. ribs of both John Lin dell and John Weir The Bdteon iteii Phonograph company, in New fork, hns been notlOT-d of victory In its London suits to restrain infringe mollis upon lis patents. A first marriage, contracted when Prank i one, of U n ine, Wis,, wns only 17, didn't free bin from bigamy when, after his majority, In. married again The bite Senator It. L. I'nvenport's voungost daughter, I' nines, who is worth f.Ml.oisi, has eloped from Klkhart, hid , with II. sackctl, a Hllhoiiette artist. Suit, for 110,000 damages la brought ngnlu.t Mayor Hopkins, of Chicago, by William Oorbett, r Buffalo, hurt In a col Union Willi one of Hopkins' teams. Fur charging Arthur B. Booed, of New ..k with connection with the Sng iiomn i niowing ano mo n arueu mm dei Dr Mary Walker had to pny (I cents dam ages. Ill probate court nt. SI I'nul, Minn., the suit of Mis. ureyrer, as first wlfeof the lute Commodore Kittson, for a dower In terest lu t he commodore s .l,0ik),oirj estate, Was dismissed. Silicon large .pinutity of arsenic has been found in the atOUMOB of the late Her mail (Iroenke, at Haciue, Wis., his .vldow who has married again since Ins death, lies b..eu aui-pcctod. As executrix of the Horden estate nt Fnll River. Mass., Eniin.i L. ilordon, has certified to the ispuil distribution of their murdered parent a estate between hemelf and her sister Lizzie, who was acquitted of the llordeu uiuruers. York; John R, McLean. Washington Cornelius Yanderbilt, Oiauncsy M Depew, General Horace Porter, Judge Edward Patterson, Colonel Frederick D, Grant and Hon. John Bigelow, of New York; Enoch Pratt, Reverdy Johnson, General Felix Agnus, and Charles F. Mayer. Bilti more; E. P. Wilbnr, Bethlehem, Pa.; Dr. James MacAlister, Frank Thomson, Judge Henry Green, Judge Craig Biddle, Frederick Fraley, Henry H, Paul. John Lowber WTelsh, Ferdi nand J. Drei r, George 0 Thorn is. Will iam Al. Nng-rlv, L. Clarke Davis. Richard (' Dale, Clement A. Hriscam, William V. McKeau, Eugene Delano. Isaac H. Clothier, Charles 1", Warbur ton, Joseph M Wilson, Richard M Cadwalader, Joseph u. Roeengarten, John Russell Young and Colonel M Iticharus Muckle. of Philadelphia. lelegrams of comlolence wore re- celTed today bv Mrs. ChilJs from Henrv Wattsrson, J. S. Morgan A Oo . the London bankers. Hon. Hoiirke Cockran. ChaUUC V M Depew. Joseph Pulitlter, Hon Hugh J. Grant, Sena view it iu thst light by the finance company of the Raditig collateral, which it now holds, will provide sufficient funds for that pur pose. There will be no assessment upon either the stock or preferred income bonds. This may be regarded as a cer tainty. Working capital will be pro vided by having the general mortgage bondholders fund tbeirjeoupons for five years The net earnings of the company, which would otherwisa be pud out for interest will then be available for current needs and permanent improve ments The next provision of the plan suggests tbe only real difficulty. It is said that the holders of the three classes of preference income bonds, aggregating $53 000. OOJ, will be asked to waive the clause iu their bond whicn obligates the company to pay interest if it has been earned. While all capable financiers agree that the Reading caunot be success fully reorganised except on this basis, it is a serious question as to whether the preference income bondholders will 510 AND 512 LACKA. AVtNUE. OUR Reduction Sale of LINENS will com. inenc: Monday, Feb. 5, and ontinue one week. We (juote be! ow a few fijures in Cream ami Bleached Table Dam asks. Napkins to match when desired. 56 inch, 23 cents. Recent pi ice, 30 ceuts. 58 inch, 28 cents. Recent price. 88 cents. 60 inch, 32 cents. Recent price, 40 cDts. G4 inch, 39 cents. Recent price, 4 cents. 68 inch, 45 cents. Recent price, 05 cents. 72 inch, 55 cents. Recent price. 60 cents. 72 inch, 68 cents. Recent price, 88 cents. 72 inch, 88 cents. Recent price, f 1, 72 inch, $1.05. Recent price, $1.20. 72 inch, $1.19. Recent price, $1 60, 72 inch, $1.75. Recent price. $0. 80 inch, $2. 10. Recent prioe, $2 SO. 90 inch, $2.25. ReeeDt price, $2 50. Dinner aud Lunch Sets.Towels and Counteif pane, it correspondingly low prices. See our "Cherub " Crochet Cuilt at toe. and the Ex celsior Marseilles at LD1 I m Dill U THE EUTTA FERCHA ft BUREi M'FCIT) FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, tor .1 Donald I amerou. Senator Will iam H. Allison. Uieherd Watson Oil ier, Governor McKinley ami the LolUS lub, of New York. Spvcial trains will leave New York, Washington an I lidtimore tomorrow morning for the accommodation of fu neral attendants The funeral promises to be one of the largest ever held in Philadelphia, lu addition to the large list of purtonnl uiiiUHintances of .Mr. Childs, thous ands of people in every walk of life who did not know him personally. seem to feel his death as a personal be- reaveui'iit. and hundreds of th. in will undoubtedly strive to gsin admittance, to the services at the ohurch tonoi - row Besides the personal the dead philanthropist and the gen eral public numerous organlsstlOUS and societies will be represented by delegations at th funeral The vestrv of St James' church, of which Mr. Childs was a member, Kill attend in a bodv The 888 employes of the Ledger will assemble in the composing room of (US Ledger office at noon and will nisrch to the church in a body. During the services the Lulgei ollice will be OlOSOd so that all the em ployes can attend. The officers, faonltv Sttd woman's advisory board of the Drexel institute will go together t the church. A special train iesving New Y rk at 8 o'clock will bring about thirty members of the press olllb of that city and a delegation of N'ew York editors and publishers, a delegation of New York Typographies! union No. 0, and a delegation from the Interna tional Typographic l union. A commitee Iroiu the Boston Press (dub will come on from that city. In addition to the above delegations will be present from tne following organi zations. The George W. Child's chap ter of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Presbyterian Minister ial association, the Typographic" I I'uions. No I nud 2. the btortlOUl tural society, and numerous others S. essae DA I. A MA's MOVE MINI!, The Brasilia!! tUSUTRent Still Continues in a State of Activity. London, Psb, fi. -a dispatch ro ceived Irom Rio Janeiro this evening, layi "Admiral Da lam-,, the in surgent commander, arranged to Innd troops at Niohteroy yesterday, aa he had been iiiloimej tint two regiments of the national guard, stationed near 1 that city, weru likely to destrt tho government sh soon ns en insurgent force appeared The plan waa dis covered ashore aud the landing there fore was abandoned The national guards showed no sigtiB of disloyalty when approached by Admiral Da dame's agents." Another dispnteh says: "Admiral Da Game has given forty-eight boms notice tnat he will blockade Rio aud has disposed his Host accordingly. This step is intended to assert belligerent rights for the insurgents. The action of the foreign commanders is tiwalltd I with anxiety." COMMUTED WITHOUT BAIL. Thn Murderer of John Saunders Now Awaits His Trial. CHK8TKR, Pa., Feb. 5 After a hear ing before Magistrate Berry and the coroner's jury at the same time this afternoon, James Lynn, the accused murderer of John Saunders, was com mitted to the county .1 ul without ban to stand trial. The principal witness examined was William Piles, a young man who witnessed the quarrel be tween Frank Farrell, of Philadelphia, au l Lynn, the defendant Bis testimony showed that Saunders had stepi.ed in between the men and in friends of I that wav received the fatal stab wound All three men were under the iiitlueuce of liquor NEWS CF OUK OW STATE CHAS A. SCHIKREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT S13 Sproce St, Scranton, Pa. block railroads and Clarion and McKeau i treat snow drifts highways Is Poreet counties. Struck by a train as he was driving serosa tbe railroad tracks at Lebanon, Q, 11. Shirk was badly Injured. Manager W. P. Kelfer left Ada Gray's company in Kea.ling because ber aowll wedded luisbiind, he savs, Intel fered w ith business. The i tobanon bankers, Induding Cashier Riese, of the defunct Safe Deposit Hank, who were arrested OS charges ol embezzle ment, have been freed. The I amCrCC colliery, operated by the Mineral Railroad and Mining company. resumed work t Bhamokin after a lengthy Idleness, giving employment to 8,888 mo. Two furnaces oi the Pax ton Kotitng null at Hsrrlsburg Ware MOWS in yester day. Instead or the Chesapeake Nail works suspending operations today, as wet announced, only tin. puddle Mill will closed. K. A Rankle, who shot and killed Amos Kwing, the highway robber, at Valley I'orge 00 Saturday evening, was sionar tted this afternoon by the coroner's jury. Ho was released OU a liaboss corpus pro- seeding nud admitted to bmi. The second mid third lifts of the Hazel mine slope at llazlelon are caving in. The Mine IS Operated by Pardee A Co., and Is one of tho largest lu the legion. One thou sand men are thrown OtttOt employment. ThS mine Is situated near Cai anlierry. On Saturday nfternoon a 7 year old boy named Lewis, residing with his patent,, at Qreensborgj was Insteatlj kiiini by the accidental discharge of a gun fn the hands of all older brother who was Bra paring i go, hnntlng, The top o( the little fellow's head wns blown off. The county commissioners of PottSViUs have effected a loan id J.lo.oOtl on notes divided between tWO banks. This money is to lie Used ill paring outstanding orders tor last year's debts. The county com nttoetouoro SUM decided to levy SDOt ial tSZ tblS year tO pay ofl this temporary loan, Lewis. Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. Feet of everv description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Win does svery s veal eg at ti.'.io p.m. except atiir,lsy. WEATHER FORECAST n COLD WaRUINOTOS, I'eb. 5. Forecast fur Tuimlnu: r'ot Meters IVnii- ' iplaanfo, nil; sstderfM souMsra portion. norM ivtaels, For iseff it nsaweanra, generally fair, iSsrmer, ii in.! tliijtiny to son th, , . We Ex 8 Eyes Fur oi charge, I in doctor is needed you are protuptlj tolil so. We ulsii partwtee a per feet tit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. t j. wa, ARCADE JEWICLEI!, 215 WYOMING AVE.