The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Hamburg and Swiss
WK HAVE wow open end on sale
tho oewest ami most desirable
things in t ho ever popular
Embroideries, Onr stock of last
Benson's miK had been reduced
to a very low point previous to
opening our now and beautiful
collection for the spring of 1894,
The goods cams direct from the
makers on the other ride to the
wearers on this side, with only
onr own moderate profit as tlis
Cambridge Blglngt, l to II Inch,
from t to 30 cents.
Cambric Iusirtious, . to 3 iuches.froui
to to oo oasts
Al'.-ovor Emfcroi lory (CSmblif). 80
inches width from 50 ceuts to $t.."'0.
Nainsook Embroideries, l to 10 inches,
from IS) to IS cent.
Nainsook Insertions, to 9 1 nob .from
from 10 to 30 teats,
Ttintook All over, 80 inches wide, from
50 ceuts to $1 89
Ksintook Flooncinsa, 48 iucbes wide, 89 cents to t 30.
Fall line of Colored Km broideries, Col
oreu Ground with White Bmbroid
ery aud Whits QrOSSda with O'.ored
All the newest things ia Foiut de
We have re-marked twenty
lines of last season's roods
in r.o way unfashionable
at prices to satisfy the tr.ost
Taclir from Surrounding Town Dl
ca.ion Msthcd of Instruction.
Svecitil to the Scranton Tribune.
A RCHBA.LD, P.. Feb i A very in
terestin local institute ww held in the
central school build-in.; last Sutardty
morning by the sc.iool teachers of
MaySeld, Jermyn, Scott and ArenDld.
Every seat was aoinyied wnen Pro
fessor R. X. D,vis tailed the assem
blage to order at I) 801 The national
anthem was snng n:i ler the direction
of Professor Martin, of Jermyn. Mian
Sarah O'Connor tnen read an excel
lently prepare 1 paper on "Tnt Ileal
School Professor Bovard iipoke on
'Monthly Examinations" and discossed
th qnsstion with Mr White and Mr
Davis. Miss Mirv iiinnan's ciass
gave a lesson in color and form, form
ing many combinations witn colored
piece of wood.
Connfy Superintendent Taylor win
introdnced and after a few word of
enconragemi-nt to tiie tear.Ters pro
ceeded to rend paper on "Or leT in
the School." The recitation by kflM
Myrtle Price which followed was en
joyed by all. Miss So,n-irs, of Jermyn,
r-ad a paper on ' Teaching Fractions''
containing some valnibl hinta So
cUlisims io'lanijnatfe was spoken on by
I'rofessor Davis and tttelsSBfOMf ss
pnsifaMH common to this loSaHtf w-ire
fjnoted. Mis May Duff recited a
ncn fiim "L-mIs," and tne institnte
cl .sd with music nnder ttia direction
of Profesor -VI irtln.
The next institute will be held at
M iy field
The Wife of Snuqmnarina County' Sher
iff Di of Grip.
fij.erial to the Hr.rnntnn Tribune.
MOWTSOSS, Pa , Fet). I. Mr. LoOO"
ard, wife of Sheriff E. A Lonerd,
died at her residence at 11 O'clock on
Friday eynin(r, Fb. 2 Mr Leonard
was elected sheriff nn the K-onMican
ticket last fall, and Mrs. batman was
not well when they moved liere, hav-.-..
been a snfferer from the rip She
had not recovered, but the news of her
death was a threat shock to the people
of the county.
The sheriff and his mo!rrl's chil
dren wilt have the sympathies of all
oar citizens.
He Demand Dnmna-oa fas Ii.Jur; from
False Imprisonment.
Sftfittt to the Scranton Tribune.
BlKOUDSgCBO, '. Feb. 4 W. Biiley,
who repraaanta tbo Now Jersey Uniid-
inir and Loan asioclatlon of Trenton,
ban brought toii at Itelvidore a(alnsl
the East StrondsbnrK National bank, I.
Irwin Johnston of Portland, and Oatb
ier Lowia II. Nicholas, for false ar
rest and imprisonroentlayintf bia dam
ut at 45,0(11)
Uailuy was in company with a yonnp:
man named Pease, of Brooklyn, who
n-cently passed forced checks. He
denies all complicity in the crim, and
now Hues for damages.
Four v u Succeseea,
Ilavinc the needed merit to more than
make is'ood h11 the advertiiliiB claimed for
them, tho following four remedios have
racked a phenomenal aale. Dr. King's
New Diacovory ft ('onsumptlon, Cough
mid Colds, each hottlu gua'-nnteed Elec
tric Blttars, the gn at remedy fof Liver.
Htntnuch and Kidney. liuckleu's Arnica
Salve, the heat in the world, and Dr.
- King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect
pill. All these remedies are gnaranteed to
do just what is claimed for them and the
denier whoso nnmo is attached herewith
will be glad to toll you more of them. Sold
byMatthews Bros', drug store.
Tout or tOWtt correspondents OfVjtl Tuta-
Dni should stira their nantel in full e eaoa
hew letter, not for pabUoatloa out to guard
Vulllsl dcociitloll.l
The Wall K.i'. wu Cavbondale Cltiatn
Laid if Kt.
Sperm lo UM StrOMlaa IVttNM,
OAKBOMDAUt, Pa. Pab, I The
tanaral tarrtoei "ver tho ratnaini of
the late BstBttal B II ivnor were bold
on Saturday tttemoOO at 'J o'olook
tioiu the laaidanoa on Lincoln avciiuo.
Hcv. Chuilfs Laa, put iroftha Pratby
tarian church, preached the funeral
itrmoo, taking for his text the follow
log passage of Scripture; ''Yea, s nth
tne spirit, that they may rest from
their labors, and their work do follow
them,"IJ v xiv, 18, K quartette, com
prs.,1 of Miss Lucv Vanillin, Mrs M
1: Hun. A. p. Thomas and u U. Mail,
rtHidered sweetly two of Mr Kivnor's
faTortU hviiuiH, "Aslo p in Jesus' and
"Abide with M ."
The pall baa ran were selected as fol
lows and were tne deacons and elders
of the PresbvterWn -.liurch: lr U.
Ottman, J B Borri B, Eloltoo, W J.
Male, John K. Moyt. 11. 11. Major,
Qaorita fdorriaa, N Molis,p. u Briygi
and John ftlnlligan, Tha remains were
interred iu the Uaplswood. oem-itery.
I tie Bond offarlngt w ere handsome uud
eama In abnndauoa
Hie following out of town friends
wars to attendant Rev. Jui.)s Rajr-
nor, S. S. Kaynor. Juts F,iunie Uocd,
ol Moutrose; Laui Boalvn and Mis.
Taylor, of Mmeock, N. '.; Mr Chap
man and Miss Chapman, of Wvoiniogi
Mrs M irrlet Weston and Jlav Wetton,
of Booeadale; Mr audMrs K Bardiok
aud .Mr. and Mrs Smith, of I'uumdalo;
and lr. Marii Hunter, of Clifford,
InterestlUK Oamej I'.avad in Isohaase
Club Rooms Chart' Beatlev Lead.
sytxaU to fie Saraalaa IWbaae,
HoNsaoiXB, Feb 4. Lst Thnraday
evening tne Lxchaugs club Inassnr
ated its billiard tournament Mnoh
interest is takv-u in the game, not only
Vy the club meui,.rs, but by outsid
ers. A fancy one will be given the
winner. Tho players are divided Into
clarees; each peraon most play every
member in his alias, A giiu-t Conitt
tutes 100 points, and the member scor
ing the most points in each class at
tho close of the tournament will ho de
clared the wiuuer, Tne cire up to I
p.m. Saturday was as follows:
First cUss Charles T. Bentley, 300
points out of a possible 300; Samuel
Brown, 80 out of a possible 100;(.rjor'e
Smith, 888 ont of a po.-sible 800; i V
Lane, ii out of a possible .00; W. R
Wood, '.Mil out of a possiole 800;
Tjom is M. Fuller, i'..' out of a possi
ble 300; William F. Uriggs. 100 out of
a possible 100; F. J. Tolley. 43) out of
a possible 800; t M. Spencer, 880 out
of a possible 800; W. O. ilawk, 100
on: of a possible 100; Frank A. Hamm.
100 oat of a possible 100.
In the second class, Dr, C E Foster,
100 out of a possible 100; Panl V.
Gardner, 60 out of a possiole 100; D
C Osborn. 78 out of a possible 100, and
R. A Smith, jr., 100 out of a possible
I: will be seen that Charles T. Bent-
lay is iu the lead, having won three
consecutive games
UiWiV Not from Oir Correipond
ent on 'h? Hil'..
Fimruil tit the Scrunton Tribune.
MoNTKOSE, Pa., Feb. 4 -B.1V. J W.
Raynor is in Carhn l ii to attend the
funeral of his brother, the late S E.
Rongh and Ready Hose company
cleared about $7'i at th-dr reeotion.
Adjutant W S Miller, of Scranton,
will be her- on Wedn-slav evening
n-xt to hold an ' fficrs' school.
The concert giv--n by tho P meroy
family In the Methodist Episcopal
cnurch was well received by those
pres-nt. It ia truly a remarkable
family and all have good voices except
the oldest boy, whose af'empt as a tnor
sinsror is a failure. Witn that excip
tion thj concert wag good
The Montr OSa Cornet band will give
a conc-rt in the armory on Tuesday
T. C. Allen has gone to Vermont on
a hnsiness trip.
Tne memn-rs of the Royal Arcanum
lodir, of Moutrose, will hold a banquet
on Tuesday evsning. The ludgS Is in a
prosperous aondition and n-w mem ben
are taking advantage of tho iimiranco
mat the organ) la tiofl affords
The gronnd hog certainly saw his
oriadow if h- cams ont of his hole I is
I n lay, which ntSflS six weeks m r
of winter.
TJypp l aad Ir.dlneatlon
In tliir worst forms ar- enred by the
BSt ' f P, P, 1'. If you are d'drilitatod sod
run down, or if you need a tonic to r ;;
Beebapd lost, appetita, strength and vit ,
tnk P, Pi P., and fOfl will be Strom; 1
healthy. I1 or shattered constitutions end
lost, manhood Pi P. P. (Prickly Ash, Pok
Root and Potamlsm) is t he king of ail
medicines. P. P. P. Is the grenf'st blood
purifier In the world. For sale by nil
Install 1 1 -,n and Binrfiit bv Oonolave
No. 210--A J:r.fn' Follow.
.' m I'll to IU Hi ronton Trilntiir.
BOSISOALS) Fab 4 Friday evening.
Fb. 2, District Saprame Arobon J. h
Miller, assisted by J. ( '. Ilighritsr and
(leorge W. Owiis, of Scranton, In
stalled the following -: . r - of Hones
dale Conclave, No 810, Improved
Order of Hastaaopbs! Past, arahon,
A. J. Rehbein; archon, Hon John
Kobbaob; provodt, William,!. Rlppet;
secretary, C F. Bollook treasurer, D,
B. Mantle; prelate, H. Murrmsn ; in
spector, Frank Shum way ; warden, O.
V. Searlns ; sentinel. Jonn Butler.
After the installation a lmmiiet wan
served by Ferdinand White, A, J Rso
belli acting as toast tri ister. Toast
were given ly lion. John Kilhhach, J.
S. Miller, J. 0 Highriter, U. W. Owen
aud W. J. Briggs.
A Carbondal Ladv u flerioualy InJnrtS
In a Rinawiiy.
FwitO to the SSl'flafua Tribune.
Cahiiqsdau:, IV, Fab. 4 -On Sat
urday afternoon atiout 4 o'clock a seri
ous accident occurred to Mrs. Isaac
Jouea, of South Church street, who was
crossing Main street in front of George
J. Bsnton'a store. A heavy sleigh to
which n team of horses wns attached
came along at a liwly gait and, the
lady, not noticing the iipproachlng
danger, walked right in front of the
team and was knocked down und run
over. TIim team wits stopped and the
unfortunate lady was tajton in tie
Central House close by, where her
wounds wers cared for by Dr. Lowery.
A cut on tho bead was among the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
PC Baiting
principal Injuries she received, although
the aooldtnt may prove mor itriona,
After having her wants cared for as
well potllbla she was removed to her
home on South Choroh itrsit, where
she was made moi.k comf orlahle.
I.ivelv Ilappsnlnif i iu the Maple Oily.
Heiirlu ides Sulre.,.
.s'ls-i-Mii to thr Swanfaa SWsuaa,
30MS80ALS, Pa., Pab, 4 At the
armory of ( oiupany B last Friday even
ing a lum-coiiiinissioned olllccrs' school
was conducted bj Adjutant Millar, as
sist ai by sergeant Major Conklin, of
Scranton. A large iiwuiber of the offl
bars were out.
ThS finale Of Professor lleii henlia
ker's dancing class at Wlilte Mills last
Friday evening was well attended, A
Ian: number of young people from
itoiiesduie attended,
A party of thirty-two from Hone
diin enjoyed s ileighrlde to White
Mill on Friday evening, baiuiuoting at
Hotel NelsoS.
The of the lute Mrs. J. E
El Ire 1 was held from th ho of hor
son, Charles, si B p n Batnrdsy,
Mies Antonstte Borland gave a
sleigh-ri lo party to sixt-en of her girl
friends Baturday afternoon,
A bay-rigging well oovarsd with
hay is the popular conveyance tor
young p oplo ot this vicinity to enjoy
ride to tne country these One tieninga
Master Willie Swift, of H irry Hill
man college, Wilkes B u ro, ll'atboms,
Au Editl s at Stioudsb hit Dedicated
Under Clear Skiss.
Cbjsotol fa fas sereafoa Tribune.
BXBOVOSBUBO, Pa., Fen. 4. The
Shawnee church WHS dedloated lasi
Sunday afternoon. The lerviosi wan
conducted by the putor of the church.
RoV, Donaldson; BV Brown, of E 1st
Btrottdaborg, and Rev. Terry, ofSton
iugton, Conu. The expenses of remod
eling the church and furniture
amounted to 880, the cost of furni
ture alon being 800, The bniidlug
committee was the lute Daniel La Bar,
Frank LaBar and J. R. Transtie.
It was au agreeable surprise to th
conuregatiou and friends of the church
wlien Mr. LaBar annonnoed that 1,400
had already been raised to liquidate
tl a '!-bt. Three hundred was raised by
the Ladies' Aid society, the balance
was given bv Daniel, J. D.-pue
LaBar aud Frank LiBsr.
The remaining debt of IjBSO was
promptly raised by tho congregation
present, and the church is now free
from debt.
The Kev. William Stout, Wiarton, Ont.,
states: Attar being ineffectually treated
by seventeen different doctors for Scrof
ula end bl 1 disease, I was cured by Bur
dock Blood Bitters. Write him fi.r proof.
Rev. Jepjon's 9ermons Yterdny Notes
of Pronnl lnt-reit.
fhiecial to thu dbraatoa lVttaas,
CaBBOMDALB, Pa., Feb. 4 At the
Baptist tabernacle, tnis morning the
pastor, Rev. T, E Jepson. preached his
nsnal eloquent sermon, after which the
ordainance of the Lord's supper Waf
observed and the right hand ot fellow
ship was extended to several who have
recently united with the church. In
the evening ne preached the last of hie
seri-s of sermons on New Testament
conversions His subject was "Almost"
Converted." At tbe close of this ser mon
the Otdatnanoe of baptism was
Miss May Kilpatrick entertained 11
large party of friends 011 Saturday af
ternoon from 2 to 7 o'clock at tne horn"
Of her paruts, Mr. and Mrs. J W.
Kilpatrick, of South Main street.
Mrs. James, of Honeslale. is the
gu -at of Mrs, John Amin;rman, of
Canaan sireet.
Scranton Copitiliiti A a Rual-
n la That. CAlf
ftperiot lotto1 Se,onUm Tribune.
BTROUDABURGi Pa., Feti. I. A part.v
of BorsntOO OapltatlstlWs in town and
endeavoring to secure sufficient en
c inraggment to balld a saw ige system
for tills plitoe. P Is th pnrpoee of the
company, should thy sunn ed in build
iog a sewer, lo rent the same nt a
yearlv rental
Osoat Drehor is canvassing the hnr-
ousb to get th" notiment of the pso
da on the question, an I we understand
v has reeeiv-d IOBM encniiiagomatit
1 rosj the council
Tne Remains Of b R"p(.trt Lsdy Con
llSjO'd to th" Omve.
Nirrinl In th flei union 'Tribu te.
Old eosos, Pa., fab, I yt 1 1
to rest Sarah Jane HiiKhes on Friday.
Tlie followers were g tnooriif ill cortege.
LoVed, revered snd nipeotsdi as ibe
wis, many followed hei funeral sorttga
to NaOtlOOkS, All that loving bauds
could do to nhow tlmir respect was
A llgbl has gone from . but only
to renew in a better world more brilli
ancy than she on earth,
every poison and Impurity from your
bhssi witn Dr, Pierce's Qolden lledlesl Dla
covery. Rneumatlini Iuih Its otigm in a
pObJOned CCWlltiWl of the blood mid 1 id
ways relieved by this r, lliedy which acts on
liver, kidneys mid blood. Ily. pepsin mid
Htoinai h tfOubisS aW most often tlin molt
of 11 dlsi'iisid liver.
Itouwi the torpid liver
bi notion with the
" iJii.eoveiy."
1 feel 11 Bout deal b
tef tliini I did tnit'ire
tnklnir vour "tlolden
Mnie ii Msoovery for
in.,- 1 heuinsilsBi, and it
docs nil tllSt It Is rerom-
mended to do. 1 bare
a dmifrhter who was
troubled with a wink
Itpniaob so ttiat she
vomlleil everythinir
tlnit she nle mid th
" Disco very " cured her
nlso. whlelt I mu thnnk-
Yours truly, JOHN B, I.I NT,
.Id mi o.. 1. Stc.ulifn Co., iid.
J, H. Id NT, VMI).
ful for.
OR SIONEV Ul-.l't'UNB.n.
Lost Manhood
and vliior quickly
ntr.uiliy, I'll-., isiri-ly ciirnl li 1MIAIMI, the an st
II111.I ... 10 1) W i.rlilrn r'isr rlururt. Hultl liy
IlllltlV ellllHslem,
ManULWS 11110 .111 uk', Scrautun, l'.
beelUnS and Snolele Tne Merry Sllnh
B,n Jingle Dailv
tffftfnl In tin' Scrdnton 'Trtbnnt.
MOSCOW. I',, Feb, 4. The lecture
Iu Hie Meiliodial Rplaoopsl church on
Thursday evening y Rv. G A Dure,
of Green Ridge, was largely gttended.
Prayer meeting will I... held on
Wednesday Instead of Thursday oven
Digs until till t liur not ice
Baoramant of the Lord's Supper Col
lowed tho servient fetttrdsy.
The pie SOOlgl at the pstSOSSgS on
Prldsy night was a deoldod snooeas,
Dancing school will hornal ler bo held
on Prldsy evenings,
There Will ho a OSkO and OrSSUi social
at the house ot 0 H Tnvls on next
Thursday evening, in tint Interest of
the carpet band. Admission, 10 cents.
Snow hanks, are plentiful and the
merry Sleigh bells are heard all around
Ekviosttmoi the sleighs overturn in the
hanks, spilling th occupants.
Some of the young folks went to
Dele Villa oil Friday night to attend a
dancing social.
Mrs, Lnoretls Plnn, of Blmhnrst, has
tieen spending the past week Willi
friends 111 Hon place
S. II. DURVBT, Data of StegUUVr Arizona,
had Ins fool badly lammed Thomas' Bo
leotrli Oil cored. Nothing equal to It for
aqulok pain reliever,
Iutsrestlntr Nuctr-ti of N-ws from a
I.ivsly Valley Tewn
Special to tktBocunlon IWeiias,
Priocburo, Pa., Fob. 4 Evan Jones,
of Parker .street, Providanoe, culled on
friends here during the Week.
James Meeban is doing duty as clerk
iu the Fad leu House during lbs ill
nets of Charles Carl In,
The necessary names having been se
cured, a branch of the Now Ymk Co
operative Building bank will he, org in
iz d hen soon.
Attorney Oomegyt mads a profes
sional call upon 'Squire Logan on Sat
urday, t
deorge Lemon, of borsnton, and Wr.
A. Rutledge, of New York, worn stop
ping lit the Central during the latter
pert of the week.
Several largo sleigh loads of young
people .passed through town on Satur
day for objective points along the val
lep. Runaways and smashups ar in order
just now owing to the recklessness of
those in charge of the horses.
It is rumored that the Empire Brew
ery of this place will soon cuange
Nws of Odncral I- from Vu Es
terpriine BeroUSfb Txrsitly T -li.
Snri. ial tit the Scranton Tribune.
ARCHBAU), Pa.. Feb 4 Miss s Mary
Cardeii and l'.ila Boland, of C.irbon
lale, called on friends in towu last
John R MoHale, Frank Lenord, Will
lam Best and Frank Best, of Olypliant,
enjoyed a aleigiindo to Archhaid last
T. urtdiiy.
Miss Mamie Crosby, of Scranton, is
visiting Miss Ida White, of South
Cbnroh street.
AndnW J. Maloney, of Vandling,
visited hi parents here last Thursday.
The society known as tho Archbald
Combaaittve olob enjoyed a slelgbrtds
to Dickson City last Thursday evening.
Atiout twenty couplet attended and re
port an excellent time.
A committee of citizens from Par
sons and Plains were in town last Fri
day evening for tho purpose of Inspect
ing the lectric light plant. The light
question is being discussed in Parsons
and Plains and the c unmitte is exam
ining tho lighting of the various towns
in order to determine which is the
most satisftotnry,
Mrs. Surah Trcxicr
ot PhlladtlphlSi
"Bad Spells" with the
Dlxzy, Faint, In Despair
Hood's tntunpnvtUn Cured,
"i h ive luftored very muoh during the past
lew years from
Hnnrt Troublo
riiylrhim mlit I Slight live a nunitier of yrnrs,
uiighl illr day. I SOUld usually tell when
the SfSrstfattaokS were SO mUlS, on by lerllnit a
ibarp pain in ths heart, then violent Lbunplog,
shoi'tiiess of i'reath, tollOWSd hy SSOldnSSSeOBV
hi( nil over ine, then hh. i aimni mh.
anil then, unless I could he down at OUflt I
woutd fnii whsrever 1 w-ss. 1 never dared tone
lilt Moot for I had to hive help al 1 e ami
that applied wllh vlitnr. I could lie! do any
work, even to sweeping, and had to be careful
ni the least excitement t net very uiueii on
couraKcd at the mil look and lliouiilil
Thora Wr9.N0 Hopo
of evsr finding anything help sw. One day a
friend ttked, ' Why don't you try llOOd'S Satsu
pariiin'i 1 tttoughl it oM 1 tad decided to try II.
and I thank (iod lor U Iw Shu n I bSgSS tnk
I11K It, tin ee years ago, I Icon bad Out one 'had
spell' nod Unit was due lo oan h'ssncs on my
purl, and Iroin that I qultkl) reeoveftd, I ran
not tell you BOW nun h better I feel and lutv
llianklul I 11111. I feel as It I would like In tell
every person hi thu world abolil It I can and
do now do all my hoiHewnrk, even In wiishlim."
Mils. H. 11 a 11 TtmXUSS, Him l-atliner Slicot,
riillailelphla, 1'a.
Hood's ss Cures
I know Mrs. Sarah Trcxlcr from having pur.
ehasail Hood's Sar .apai ilia for .a long time, and
have every reason to hrheve thai the above
itatement Is Inie." K. & I'. P. BROOBMrr,
l'harmaeists.ri-11 l. TbOBpSOIl St., I'hll nlelphla.
Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic,
litle and oSuctive. Try a box. 2G cents.
F)r. K. Grower
Ik Pbiltdelphli specialist.
And Ins MhHoeliitisI ,in ,,f KiiKll.-h and (ler
man rsysleianskars now permanently located
Temple Court Building
:u 1 SPntJOR kt.,
Wttsre tbes m.v 1 uultad DAILY ARD
Hie lioi lm Is a HiHiluatn ol llin IJiilviirsity
cl Peunsylyaala, for marly demonstrator of
physiology ana turgors at the Utdloo-Cblr
uiKii'id Oollegt, Of nfladelpbla lln Is alio
sob irary member ol tlm Hedtoo I all ur
If leal AesoeUtion, and wet pliyslelau uud
tnrjteoi blel ot tbt must Duted Amerleaa
ami Oerman hospital, com blehly Indorsad
hy 1 Im loading pi ule:, eiro of I'hiladu Iplila an 1
nej) "rk.
Bis mtiLT years oi bosoitel ssperleaes ta
sIiIih lldu eiiiiiieiit physlofan uml huiiiuou Pi
torreotly dbignota and treat all ih r,rinit
and Willi the most llul turinu tuecus.
ami his bisk standing Ia the state wul not
nil w him to aeoepl any inenrabls otst
UM'I MAMltOUII 1. 1. - I mil 11
It you itnve Hi-en Btven up uy your piiy.,1
chili t-.dl DPOU the dootOI and he , jfaiiiituid
Hoeorsa lot wont otetsof rfervoos Debility,
herolula, old hcnn nlurrb, i'lloo, Keiutiuj
W'niiiieas. Alt", -ii, ,ns nf the Ear, Kyu. llose
mi Throet, Asthma, DtafuetSi Ttunors, Osn
per end Crlpples of every detorintloai QoU'
saltation In Boslisb add narman rraa whioh
small I maldtred stored and ntnuily SOBO-
in.. Honrsi OA. H, to 'J P. H. I'uily.
Hun, lay, tl a, Dl, lo 2 p Uta
L There are hundreds of young men and young women in this
country who haVe rfplendid ability, but liny have never been
wakened up.
Wood's 'College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people, tfyon
are tired of Inactivity ami want to Uo something tangible,
come to i in- ( lollege.
in mm ss ( oi u si-;.
SHORTHAND OOUB8B n n -m rrr n .
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Coniliinntioii Goat and Sheepskin Rugs.
Fine Angora Wool, nil sizes.
Real Leopard, with full head.
National Bank of Scrantoa
Baby Carriage Robes
Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or
Satin lining. Large line to select from.
Moquette Rugs
(Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices.
SMYRNA RUGS, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4,
SMYRNA MAT3, 50c. each. These are bargains.
COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50c
and upward.
CAPIIAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000, BINEB,IPresldent
V.W. WATSii.y V l'n sidont
A li WILLIAMS, Limlner.
BAtnru Hints, .iami.s m ErCHHART,
IRVIHO A. 1'im h. PiBBCBB,,
.lusl I'll J. II .-. Kl.MKIII.lU.
Cbas, P. alATTHBirt, Job T.Pokibb,
W . W. W atson.
This bank invites the patronage of businos
liieii and nruis gaswrtlly,
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statemenl Dae IS. 1883, railed (or bj
tin- Cuniitr,vll'r ol the I in rency.
VllHOd Mates llollds
Oilier Bonds
Ilniikiiii; Route
Preminttli nn I . s. Bonds..
Dne 1 1 "ill I . s. I reasti ,,i . . . .
iiui from 1 1 it ii is m
I null
l,2III.IT.t S0
,.. 740.33
,,, 2llll.llllll.llll
... I4s.r.,7 7.
11. 1 IS TB
10.000 on
SSI, 1 39 on
1 78,000.08
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenua.
'No star was ever lost we ones have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
V HILE many Bianufactnreri snd I rs ire mak ig extravagant stabs
raents concerning the merits and durability of medium or luw
pianos, intending iurcUast;rs should not fail to ixamine the famous
ninstrated book containing rilnable information on pianos on flpplicatl-ii
s.nis,ii!is.f,ii :
I 1 Mill ITIKS.
Capital SS001000.00
seniles S40.000 00
Undivided ProStt S0,B3S.SB
i in n la 1 1, ni 1SS 000.00
Dividend Unnnld L,88t.S0
Donotttt,' l,7lt,S88 so
Hue lo Hunks SS.SS4.07
W II. 1.1 Ul ( nwi l ls President
(do, ii. i Ail in v Ice-President
un i t vi ii ri.i k. Cathltt
W illiam Conntll, I rft R, t all In.
Alrred Hand, llenrj Uelln, r.. Jataat
An hi. aid, Willi nn T. Smith, lull,,
Tiii liiinu rie,s to Sepntltatt eeen
in, uu, trarmnied b itielr nnlancstx basl
liens nod retpnntlblllty,
Bptelnl i i eel inn aivan to bnslnttt at
eunntt Intoeetl naldoa tlsat denoststi
123 Adam3
HOL1 ( W,
Best in tho market,
Brandt Clay Product Co
OPsWCBi BlnghsmtoB, K.Y,
FAtitOBYi Brand, Pa,
AtHiivifiief nrer, nnd liealers i
1 nhrinaf Inn
Also Shafyug and Journal Grease.
Omt'B:-T21 West Lackawanna Ave.
WoitkS:- Moi ldlaa Street
'Sl' si- ti '1;'.:::WV'' l
Days left of our Odds, Ends
and Remnant Sale but still
a few choice things, maybe
just your selection, are here.
I We Are House Furnishers
That statement will never
become threadbare; and we
don't nave simply a spatter
ing of everything only, but
a completd comprehensive
stock of Furniture, Carpets,
Lace Curtains, Crockery,
Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re
f 11 . v.i- , I ,-. 1 l'!,irl.-C
, iv.1 uvoi .1, , ...ii iwv., 1
Our Credit System
Allows you to pay for it at
your leisure in homeopathic