I TETE SCUANTON TRIBUNE -MON DAY MOlTNINt. If EBB UAH'S 5. !Sft4. LIVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS TnK Scrantox TninuNK's Pittston ile punmotit is in olinrKt' of J. M. Fully, 10 Whom news items BM complaints my be referred, AN EXCITING POLO MATCH. Hookies Def-ftt tho W.st Sid Tram Aft er a Hard Struvule. One of the most stubborn and hotly ?ontt'trd game of polo eter fonfh( Ip .his leotloi tui)!; place at the Wyoming rkatintf rink Saturday evenins notwtnn onms roprfxtMitini; t!n Hlui'k l)inmml ":lmk ind Ladder oootpes and Weal Pittaton Hose ooauaay, from tbl place, 'I'm' fact of tin" 'atnt beltlg mi Interesting one when properly played, oaoeed renewed lntereet, and h n re sult the rink wis crowded it few min uti' after tiu door bein;; thrown open. Tint the tiiHiiv peaTI wliioh hTe rolled by since the roller kU itiiu eruz was nt i;s height did not lesson the skill dltpUyed by the ikaten Id former m:s wai apparent tojetery on, The game started noon after S o'clock and tatted exactly one hour and tuirty minutes, roenlting in a victory for the "Hoohiea" by score of 3 to 0. The result w.is received with great appl tola and the victors are correspond ingly happy. THINGS OBsfcHVEO AN." NOTED. Viewed from : dmaterested stand point, thitif; politically are pretty well mi x-1 iv. so r ss ttie routing looal i election is concerned Caargea and eOQnter Obarirea are freely mate by tin I represent ttiv-.' of the several partita Jus; what Ihe reenlt of th-'so charges will be It hard to foretejl Boaat have I one so fr as t luve I atari ed iu au out of towu p iper a statement to the i effect that a certain active worker in the Reform ranks once upm a tune opened an envelope belonging to a i plloaan and abatraottd i portion of the I S contained therein The Individual I to whom t!i charge la direetadi atakta no denial &s u well taoaru during po'i'.ical ti.u-'s ta.ich abn is to hi ex pec tad,' auJ be :.ie eandi late good, bad or indifferent, he generally, is m d the t.iret forsucU abuse. Personal abuse, howev r. It to be deplored aui ahonld be discontinued, f r l'. is neither edify ing or honorablu so far as deceut peo ple are Concerned. L.ke the boome rang, In ulna :im 001 of eeery to, it generally recoils with fir s;re.tet force aud with tnucfi mire disastrous re salts tho.'e parsuiti suca despicable uietiiods. T:;e present tigli: is ou cal culated to improve th interests of the town, not a pereoaal issus b-jtween the pttaatal candidates. Therefore have done. Lonis L Downing, of th- Wit Side, contributed the follow-rig pretty verses, nad'T the caption. "Mother," to yesterday's WiUet-Barre Leader: lhar's a tombstoie ov-r yoader, in the churchyard on the hill, Thet I think an awful sijiit of an' am sure I ever wi 1. It'amt lohigaa somearinni it, nor it dida't cost a iigtit. But mv th'Uts tara ever to it. an' ee- oecially so at nihc. It's ben thai a i thaac many years an' it's leanin' toward tun jrouai An' it', almost to tight amid the bijer ones around. But fer ail it's modest ahowia' 'lonxsile of any other. It's dearer far than all the rec fer by it sleeps my mother. Ef yafj hed a m tth-?r. boys, that's as kind and good as tier, A'.Iess thinkin' o' yonr good as o' mine she alless were; A speakin' gen-ly to yoo, when you ben behaviu' bad. And kind o' mothenn' of it down when she talks it o'er with dad. I say. thet e( your mother it ez good to you as mine, Lovj her whiie she's liTin' yet; respect an' treat her kind. Fer the t:m- is san-iy comin', just as sure as sore kin be, When tbar II be a new stone somewhar' an' yon'li think the same as me. Mr. Downing, altluMgha v-ry yoang man. is a cl-iVr vsrsi ' writer, an l many of his c .laipositiona find their way into the co.ninna of tne metropjl .tan journals. Candidates for state delegate to the ft publican state convsntion are be ginning to pop noon the West Side Among tnose prominently m-ntioned are, E A. Oofty, jr., an Justice of the Peace James li E ir't. Kre the time rMI around a lively conflict is prophesied. In the evnt of eithir con testant beinz elcf.d, th district will be well represented. Certain indivi-flaeU who evidently have not taken tne trouble to acquaint themselv-a on the law governing the qualification of candidates for offi-tc, have become imbued with the hallucin ation that James Kennedy, of the BaoOnd district of the Suth ward, who is a candidal for councilman, is not qnalified. The contention is based on tne fact of Mr. Kennedy having re moved fr'.m the state some two years ago an l located in an dher atat-i. Ad mitting all this, th fact of Mr. Ken nedy having returned and tako'i Bp bit residence here last July brings Ufll witniu the pale of the law governing inch cases, for it specifically sets forth that for a voter to regsin his residence requires but a six months' rssid -ne in the state. That the art of photography is keep ing anacs with the art an I tOltMt of the times is fully illnatratxd by the many specimen, of work which are to re seen at nvery photograph studio, not alone in Pittston, but in every city as well. The high standard of the work which is at preterit tieing turned out by our local photoirriphers is evi lencd by the large business they ate doing and bespeak volumes for tha op erators' abilities. PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. Evsnts of Two Days NarraWd In Telling Paragraph. Tomorrow evening Rarry iu "The Hising Generation" will bo the attrac tion nt .Music hall. The diagram opened Saturday morning and met witn a In hi n lvance sale. The following persons from this vicinity hav been drawn to s-rve an jurors to report March li: Pittston township. P. J. Kord, hotel : Pittston, Martin Holltraa, hotel-. U T. Smiles, tnginttri Thomas OT.iien, clerk; Lawn, Anthony Brown, miner; Avoca, Jaiues Murd ick, miner; Michael Cal fey, hotel; Jenkins, P. Durkiu, miner Mrs. F,:len Uougher, of Market street, who has been a sufferer for wars from p iralysis, died Saturday. District D'puty (Iraud liegeut ,l icob Prong will install i lUceis-eloot of Pitts ton council, No I8i Royal Aroauuui, this evening at 0. Members will please attend, Shaf tt No, B tod li. Barnun and Old Forge, of ttie Pannavlvania Coal company, will resume work this inorn Ior and ill othtra will bo idl. Dr. Parkt will deliver an address no- fort the iiiintsten.il molting at Iht Young Men'rt lliristian association rooms this morning at II a.m. The addraaa will bo of the nature of a talk on his fifty )eara' rxperitnot In tho ministry 01 Pit ston. ! A PLT1Y SWINOIER. HR!atsA Tale of Wo and IttUttt Tliirty-Kiv Cent fBttlaltt Mtovvaataa SfWbaaa Ol D FOI ttl', l'a., 1'Vb I A stranger called Qpon J. I WilliMUt, the well known and popular proprietor of the Peni pert net Home at Rendhant, Wtdl dratted and suave lie unfolded a t lit that made the tender heart of the philanthropic John D Williams throb. Ht said, with tho tears welling up in eyes, that he had only just joined tile tirm of Jones Broa., and coming trom Taylor with the team and wagon he was mn Into by a beer wagon, which took off out wheel and two springs. It Wonld coat him 11" oenta, he sai l, to tel egraph to Wllktt-Btrrt. When be called John D. Willlami was Inking a si 'st i. aud hit good ladj asked him is your business particular rht r iply Oame, "Yes, if 1 oould ouly s-e him for two minutes all would le well " Tme, good and honest J. IV Williams was relieved of 83 oenta i liokly by a stiark who had bitntrto lofi Randhnn alone Moral When you hnsbinds feel drowsy, lot your wives hold the reins, tiud less trouble will ensue. ' o MR BXtlGHINQ PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. M. V Fsdten Entertain a N'imbsr ef Friends, .pecitii ti the HttmaftW Triiua '. PbiOSBURO, l'a, Feb. 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Padden entertained a sleigh load of young people from Archbald ou Friday night. Sapper was served by th- hostess iu her usual kind manner, after which sougs aud other amuse ments were Indulged In until a season aide hour, wneu they all departed for thjir homes The uuests were well pleased with their er joyable sleighri le . EASY ROAD TO KNOWLEDGE. Kow in InvBstmsat of 10 Cents Par Day May Purchase a Whol Library. The poor man or woman should understand that the edition of the En cyclopedia Bntanmca which we are offering is an excellent work, and is au exact reproduction of the original Edinburgh edition, and that it is of fered tt the exceedingly favorable terms of only 10 cent per day. Thla it so low that almost any person may procure the work, which is, in fact, an entire library within itself. But one condition is imposed upon the pur cu iser, and that is that he shall be a subscriber for The Tribusb A good idea of the completeness of the encyclopedia may be obtained from the followiug recital of it salient fea ture: Twenty-five large quarto volumes comprise tne set It numbers a total of over 2'J OoO pages, or an avenge of slmost 1,000 pages to each volume. Tnere are 16,464 articles, each averag ing in lengtu one and one-fourth pagtt. An average of 112 specially written and signed artic.es are found in each volume, a total of I -IM Four fifths of the entir-f work consists of 16,859 pagH of articles prepare 1 oy person special lv fitted for th-i w.,rk in hand. Over t. 000 spirar.e illustrations are to be fonnl embodied in tho work. 888 engraved plates, besides 071 maps and plans, in Blading 88T colored maps, making a grand total of nearly 10,000 lllustri- ttOM Ali of this vast amount of informa tion is brought up to date and is the only form in which such an linmensa amount of knowledge is presintel to the public at such a low price and at such ridiculous reasonable termt. Uerambar this offer cannot run in dfiaitly. In fact it must soon las withdrawn having run lo iger than was at first anticipated. Oft your sot from th front of th hos'i Kou truss. BOALDi, BftVttH and all pNin mid soreness of Mix Rtth, the grnnd bousehold remedy Is Dr. Thomas' Eoloctric Oil. Be suro you got Iht genuine. 1 1 The Nw Tlench'e RuiQuah sire, forest OU Km, nk t. Grant Berriu is tho name of the new Internal revenue collector fur this district. Th mrller symptoms of dyspepsia, such ss distress after eating, heartburn, and rotational btadaobet, siiouid nut bn no-jit-dad. Take Jluod'u Hursaparilla and bo cored. HooJ's Pills are the best family cathartic tnd liver medicine. Harmless, rtdiabla, lure. Wlien Ttnliy was si elf, we (tare her Pastori. When she was a (tlilld, Rhu cried for ( 'astorla, When she ls:ame Miss, she clune, to ( 'iwtorta. V huuJie Lad Cuildreu, she gave them Castorla, ACTUALLY STARVING A Prominent New York Man Dies in Sight of Food. WHY COULD THIS BE SO It Is Clearly Explained, and the Fear ful P mil i 1 Mi: Is Hanging Over Other People Fully Revealed, "Thousands of men and women in New York and throughout tha laud art ttarving altuougb they nave plenty of money to buy mo btttQ 10001 Tbtlt startling words were recently Ottered by prominent physician, tvbott retidence, titnatod Inont of tht best parts of Fifth avenue, is daily thronged with fatblOUtblt p ith nls lie made the above rem ii'.il)le st ileiiisui to a reporter lit tho coins of nil inter view. "I lay," be OOntinued, that they are starving to deatn -tlowly, bot tartly, Hut the p ty of it is that few of them realize it, llott of them eat plenty of food, often lle in luxury, but still they remain thin and euiaolattd, appear to be consumptive. Yhy is it. 00 yOU ask I It is simply because tht food they eat does them no good, Tbtlt lyatODH do not iissiinilat it, or extract the pro per amount of uonrlauinent from it. Ni wonder they grow woth, p ile, thin and puny. In plain Buglltu, thoy are tarviug to death exactly at if the,' were up In a dung ion and given only halt the amount of food tbey need. Nine out Of overv ten people you meet are suffering from th most terrible ill teaaeof modtrn tnui-s, that It, indiges tion ami the inability to assimilate the food which la eaten 1 know a promi nent man who died recently from just tins cause. " "What do you advlae tnoh people to do, doctor 1" the reporter asked. "I will tell you what they ought to do and What they ought not to do. What people need in a ileih former. Scientific investigators have proved that a pure starch fool is the only tl-sli-fonuer which builds up the sys tem aud is instantly assimilated by weakened digestive org urn. 1'aUing advantage of this tact one of the great est tolouttata tho world bat oval known devoted a lifetime to experiment and research. He at last obtained a true fUfth-forming food, tho essence of nonriahmeut, a pure starch food. It is known as Patkola, . 1 "This wonderful preparation is taken during tht meals just as it is put up Its immediate elf ot is to enter the sys tem, directly assimilate aud enable the food that la eaten to be likewise digest ed. Tne result is the extraction of every particle ot of nourishment from the food eaten, added to that imp irted by Patkola Unlike tho ood-liver oil emulsions and other rancid, fatty mix tures it can b" enjoyed by people who hav- the weakest stomachs." 'Youdon't approve of fats, then, doc - tor?" "By no meant, Their nie for gain ing flesh and strength is a relic of bar birjsin They give neither strength, flesh nor warmth. Millions of thin, p il, consumptive persons remember the delusive hopes of recovery th-y were led to indulge in by the advertise ments of these fat and oil compounds or emulsions, and how their hopee faded into bitter dissppolntment. How can anyone expect to get well and strong by taking nauseating, sickening doses of oils and faU'.' "I will ball you another remarkable thing about Paskola, "remarked the physician. "It is artificially digested, so that it is absorbed at once, it re quires no dijesting when it enters the stomach. In this way Paskola imparts strength to the wtak, and makes thin, fragile persons plump and robust. Tnere never has been anything riike it for promptly relieving exhaustion and tir-d feeluu. People who take Pas kola are advised to weigh themtslvel when they commence taking it, and ob serve the wonderful effect produced af tor a short time. Thoy will find their weight hss greatly increased end their general health jTaatly improved. The progress of science is Indeed wonder ful, and in no way have I been so im pressed with this fact a by this groat discovery, Paskola, which is certainly the grandest thing for weak, thin, de biliated people that was ever brought ont. I urge overyono who needs heal thy flesh, more tumid vigor and strength, to try Patkola, and they will be astonished and gratified at its won derful effect upon them A pain i inlet giving full particular" respecting Paskola will bs sent on up. plication ta the Pro-digested Food (Jo., IfiH Moan St, New York City. Beecham'a pills arc fa tilioumess, bilious headat he, dyspepsia, heartburn, 'torii'l liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, Idtsofappe U'te, sallow skin, wlv n caused hy constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent bause of all of them. Hook free ; pills 25c. At drugstoft s,or write'B.K Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New Jfork. t THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST . UNIQUE OF ALL. A Trip Throrigh the Colum bian Exposition. 72 leiivcs, printed on one Hiilc only. Shotting till the pl&oesof Interest on main grounds and Midway Plaimnoei Bice, 5x7. BmboBBed paper oover or full eioth. t: Two Coupons and 25 CENTS takes mbossa 1 cover. Two Coupons and 40 CENTS takes n'oth oovcr. Add 4 cunts for postiiicu If ordered by until. The Soranton Tribune. What is ANNUAL CLEARING SALE 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Oaetorla la ir. Bamael Plteher'a prescription lor infantH and Ohildren, It contains neither opium, Biorphiii nor other Narcotic substance, li is a harmless substitute for Pareffoiiei Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. guarantee Is thirty years' nse ly MlUlons of Mothers. Coator la destroys Worms and allays ftoverlshness. Oastorla prevents vomi' . Hour Curd, euros Diarrhoea and wind Colic, Gastorla ipiiv;s teething trouhlosi euros constipation ami flatulency Oastorla asslmllatte tii food, regulates the stomach ami bowolSs li'viuB healthy and natural aleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend Cr r.toria. M Oaetorla laaaexoi Uenl i Ildae fr enlt' iiri-ii. Koibers have rapeatfdlr told roe ot Iti good affoot upon ibetr oulldreo." Da, U. (!. tlHiionn, l.eivi'11, Mush. Oaetorla n ti"' beat lemedr for children nf vatota I mn acquainted. Ihopetheil rlsnot far distanl wbeamotherawilloomuvtur tho real Interest ,f their children, and u' Oaatorla i stcad uf theartouaquaek nostruma which are dtetrarlas their loved onto, by foroing opium, rphloe, soothing syrup i"i other hurtful ORi'iit ilnwii tln ir throats, thereby MBdlB h. iu u premature uruvoe." Da, J. V. KlNrliKLos, Oonwey, art. Cantoria. " Oaatorla Is eo well adapted to i iiiHrn thnt i raoonuneod it aaauperiortoauf preeBrhpeloaj knuwn to me." H. a. Aaoaaa, m. d., Ill Bo. Oxfnrcl St., Ilrwlilyu, R, V. " Our physii'liUM In lint i-lnlilmi's dejiart neat bare spoken inhiy of (heir xi-i BB00 III t Ix-lr niltslilr luviulii-il Blpi l'a:.ti,i in, unit ultliiincli wu only bivo m ; our iiii-iiii-.il : i ' i i . ( what li known us rofulai ,mhIiii;Ih, yi-t '.viuru In-n t OOHtiei that Om nerita f Oaetorla ima woo us to wk whl fuvur Upon II." Umtku HoaetiAL n.i Dtsvawaaav, liir.Um, llusa ai.lkn c Barn, ., Thousands Bemnantn Of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Pat Capes daring Bale at less than cost of uiateriat Every inch oi eounter l oom covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. LadleVFelt Hsta, this ssston's styles iou. each. Gtoyii Winter Wl.u 0e eaob, 300. each. U"HCH $1. 50 each. HOSlliliY, UNUKKWKAIl AN'U NOTIONS AT QUABTEit OF VALUE, COMB, IT WILL J'A V Yor. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Tlic Contunr Coinpiiny. 11 Murruy H-trcrt, New York City. Z-JSt 'ifTfntiaee,e-w-;-gi,--rvjiieetT&ia Mercereau & Connell aoT LACKAWANN v .v l'13NUU DIAMONDS, and I4inc Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling- Silver Novelties. Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SbWhK PIPES, FLUE LININGS. LIME, CEMENT Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. Atlantic Refining Co. HeMfaotnrefa nn'i Dealers in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Llnaasd Oil, Nspthsi and iw lines nf nil (im'Iom AxU Qreaae, I'inion Orniso mill Collinry Cum pound . slao, a large lino of PSt raffloe vx Isodiss w nlmi liaiiu the Panotu CR0W, ACME oil, tiin only family aafety l.iMhin ml in tlm mnrki'l. WILIIAM MASON, Mnnngir. Qffleei '''ii Exchange, Wyoetlos Ae, v orhn nt Pine Bfeefc THE Thatcher IS THE BIST. Ont prlcoe and sen tha 1 ti rmico mid bn con viiirnil. A full linn of BEAT BBS, Aiijiollo end (lati.o Door feBBgSt CONLAK'S IIAHDWARE I'lTTHTON, PA. For Delicacy, For purity, nnil forlmprovpincntof Hip com plexion, poibiftf eiuilH Pozxoni's l'owdur. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. MOO IC POWDER CO jATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and All C LUBRICATING WlLsiO Atlantic Lead nmi Freneb Ebra I'm Lntl)MI oil. Turpentine and Varalshsa Komly-inlxoil Paints 111 nil OOlorSj Qlldera' WhlMngi I'BriB White and Ralsomlna Oil' Itiol, Miillllo Dust nml Wlmloiv aim dooms 1 and 2 Commonweaitti M BCRANTON, PA. MINING ttnd BLASTING POWDER Made at tin MOOSIC nn.i BUSH' DALB WORKS. Ijiilllin A Hau l l'ovilir Co 's ORANGE GUN POWDER Blectrlti Dattnrtei, ftuu for azpioi' inK iit. Safe) Pueeand KrpBiinoClirniu al C,'s High BsplOJiVSI THE Upholstery Department OF" William : Sissenberger tppoiits 1'iiptist Ob,ttrob, Pcmiii Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. H.1 PUT v M a' V?:!- Z"? 1 1 - i 0 yd rtt if r. PUZS i. .A i rir mm b p I m 9 -. -If si 1 THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE BAST WHEN Vol KNOW HOW $800 IN PRIZKS Will. BK DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING TUt: PUZZLE IN rHESHORTKSl SPACE OI TIME FOR SALE BT ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOT SI'ORBS, oil SENT TO ANT ADDRESS I PO. KECtlPI ol PRICE, 90 CENTS, BT COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. Ita AND 111 SOUTH ECTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD AUCTION, AUCTION AT 'Bargain Stores i ; ? Pen n Avenue, aV i MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 SURDAMS A CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws. Hammers. Tinware, Lamps, Hpsiery, Gloves. Notions, Fancy and Other Goods. Sign Keel Flag. . ,. w i ra y 0 T ' RESTORE SPvm vigor i i m.l . . tin N.-w rtn,-.ii,-l Wii r,Y .it crln ; '.- l So i with URITTFN ylCAXAM Kt .. .v. x?.v. - r.'- te, Uc eel ryew swasieee, 'i-.'i tsfSmanf ITOSistiv .-rv.... . IfrL (''l.nffc Irr.blw. lr.l l j.Mnjilte, ftf tassa,at.lipet k J vislt.eli ReslecSli Wiit m eriifi ii- wiitin turnnti'f irf-ic cr tt'uc the mou. Ai .- TKM. KOKQIB 00.. CHlMt, Okl, For aii by john ti. PUBLPS, Ekariae.cUt oor. Wyoming Aea. aad ByructSte, PCIKIltllll, I'll. 4 mmm restored 3lj Mme. tejeb s Te.s ItejioiT.Ieaof BnUnPeeetwl "NERVESECOS. t...... 11.,..,..,,., Wk ..fnlnK. I Mnl,. i .1. NklitlT Rmlssloni Nrr-.ii.ni'M.iiUilrlnnn.ll. wscl row" iirUTeOnintoielUipr k pui.i b? Qrerrxertttw. iiliniii J" nlrsi s . tot scee, i'tnn nrstlesalaais vhMaleee t.' Inermlty.vjy iMien or InksnltT. Can hi tried Ir rest pe el SI per bos reraNSj A. em ...... ..... s., i n .ir,,.-.-i.i. ai-i i.t it. i eiFOK AND AFTER llSllfi uoeuer. aaiirws SiMf ikute., staseafi fimt, cStMSe HA FirS:1i in SOTStton. Pa . by II. C. SAXDKHSON. .Drtfist, cor WaahlnCtOI nil) Bdtuoo atTMta, Spring Ginghams. Wc have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Priecs than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WKREHOUS PITTSTON, PA. Ei MT. PLKASAN r AT li! PAH owio tii" eeal naallV fer dotntetlo oaaM4 rr sii sif i-s. SNiTerea m imr i"""' el tu city t loweel price, Order loft nt mv ofll.'o. Mi. its. WYOMING ATS HOB, Raar raerik Brei loor, WriM National Bank, or nont by mail or tslepboaeto tho utaei nu reeetee prompt atteatfotfi .... Bncold eonfattete will be msoerac tho sale anddeltven oi Bockwbeal Ooel WM. T. SMITH. Hotel Waverly Ktirornvin I'Iah Kirrt-clsas Hnr Bttnohed. ), lH)i for lioigiior e) Knuvl's Tnnhiuusor H, E, Cor. tlitli end Heft hhfo Most deeifabl for riisiilonts of s r. r.o.n; ryhnuiA. All QOttTealeneee tor trsvolers L) and triMii Brond Street m . : nnd the Twelftb "it Msrkot Strot ntAtlon. lw kirable for rMtlnx Hamr,toiii.iiis ud POJ Tl in tho Anthrsolto Keiclou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR.