The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Fittings f
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
a I They Receive Sentences for Tlielr Various
H Will Have lo Spend Three Years
anil a Half in the Eastern Peniten
tiary -Pleads for Mercy for His
Wife Sentence Suspended in Her
Case-Miss Dinman Robuked by
Judge Gunster- Other Sentences.
08 Penn Ave.
Grand Display
Laces and
AT -
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Pc
Window Shades,
inQs, Rusrs, etc.
12 7 Wyoming Ave.
The switclijiei. ar :.i:.'.a w..l iu.J
Irs annual ball in Music hall oq Feb. tt,
L I'. Kearney bu become prorjr.etr of
the Se Asrd House oa I ireen K:dge strut.
Thx Adonis Dancing ciaa wilt give a
pre-.en ten icciai at fcxjeiir bail to;
Alexander Salvioi wut present "The
Tt.r OufdMMI a, tin A;ederuy of
iluaic this evening.
The. yscrant n Torn Vereiu will bold ltd
twenty-seventh annual masquerade ball at
Turner ball this evening.
TbeiiufaJo Herman Insurance company been (-ranted permgui io by the state
department a: Harnsbargtoon a branch
office in tbt uy.
Tne Green K;dge Beptaeopfc will install
ofhcers tcnignt in their nail on Uic!son
avenue. The ;atallati .i exercises w..l be
fallowed by a sccis! seaswri.
A meeting f the ial inavters and
the chairman .f the corntn.ttee of the
HdHWlw on will be held tomurruw at
M a. ru. at 107 BpMMt vreet.
Miaa Anna LoysTatf, of Oreenwood.
while skating TTnifnnHllT afternoon
fell and sustained aerivis inj iriea of the
brain. Hbe it alowly Impr ovlrtif.
The .Sunday School cuis taugiit b T. J.
Snowdea will give an entertainment
Thursday evening at Asbiry Methodic
Episcopal church, (ireeu hilgeu
Judge Archibald on Saturday ordered a
epecialterm of criminal curt for the week
beginning May 7. Tbi act. on was riads
necessary by thi increasing ie of the
trial list.
The court .Saturday fixed the salaries of
County f'omrniaaionere .John Uemutb.'itlM
Roberts and b. W. hoberts ut ''. 50 per
day. the name a pawl last year, and as ll
provided by statue.
Frank Hnow attempted to force an en
trance to the residence of William Walters
on Robinson atreet yesterday morning.
He was severely lectured and discharged
vhen given a bearing
Tbe Ladles' committee of the "Karaoed
from Libby" entertainment will meet, at
tbe Young Woman's ChfMlM IHSfllatlOO
rooms this afterooon. Final relorris for
all tickets sold must be made, and It is
highly Important that every member of
tbe committee attends the meeting.
Second District Republicans
lu pursuance of u resolution of the
standing committee of the Republican of
the Second Legislative district, a conven
tion will be held lu the arbitration room
at tbe court bouse, city of Ucrautou, ou
Tuesday, Feb. 18. 1801. at :: o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of electing one ! . .rate lo
represent ssid district nt the state conven
tion to be held at ilarrlxburg, i'a., on
Wednesday. May A 1 VigllHiice com
mittees will bold primaries on Saturday.
Feb. 10, between tbe hours of 4 and 7 p in.
W. H. Mixlaii, Chairman.
A. J. Kolh, Secretary.
Hcrantou, Pa., Jau. 3J, l-.l
The unfortunates convicted in court
during last week went cullen up before
the judges mi Sitimlay for sentence
John Rowland.' who, with his wife
Mary, was convicted of having III lit'"1
to their house ou Albright avenue.
Ureeti Ridge, received the severest sen
tenoe. .
Whsn called before the court Uaw
lund nfked Judge Wunater to ha merel
lul with ids wife. He was willing to
have the prartUy for both Impoied on
bin, provided stitt was allowed to go
tree. The judge said that h was con
vif.i'rd that it was U iwlaud who
platiued llis job and that Mrs Raw
laud whs only an Instrument in his
hands, lie then imposed a sentence of
$100 due, costs ami one year and six
mouths in the Kasterti penitentiary.
At the last term Rowlau 1 was con
victed befon Judge Archb aid of hsv
lug. with the assistance of Joseph Mit
obo, defrauded the Merchants and
Mechanic hank of ttnscity out of fsVK)
After. iudge tiunstei' tlutshed Judge
Areliluld sentenced Rowland on that
charge. In doinil so he said "Wj feel
'that you were the heed and front of
' that larceny from the bank, and If it
1 had not b.'en for volt, as the moving
nrit in it. the eritttt would not have
been cotutnitted R.nvlanl then re
ceived a sentence if il, costs and two
vesr in the psmteutiarv. to beglu, at
I the expiration of the first sentence.
Mrs Rowland was ueit called to the
bar for sentence uti I Colonel F. J.
Fitziiintuous. one of her attorney,
1 made a plea for mercy in her behalf.
1 feel it is my duly to say a word in be
( 1 1 ibis uutortiuiate WOflXaA. (U has
beeu iu our county prison live months,
I during which tune she ha lost two chit
I dreu and it occurs to me this wouiau has
j suffered all that she should, and more, when
everything is taken into consideration,
tier husband aakad tbad farcy ba extended
t- t'.s wile. It seems to me that that re
qui st oven comiaj fron him, sbauld have
weight, and I ihiuk it is my duty to
submit to this court that sheh.u Dea suf
ricieutly pumhed.
Judge ( ssftud ifftotad by
tbe unfortunate WOOMn'a lamftitab'.e
plight and s li 1 :
1 Lae i jught the advice of ray bretlren
oa the beaca with regard U this case and j
I feel disponed to be merciful. 1 hsve no
doubt that Mrs. Rowland knew what was i
blog done, and that sbe had mental (
ability enough to resist the temptations
and advice of her huband. it she had I
! chosen so to do. I lo k upon her as an 1
J obedient Wue' she was led astray by her
husband; sbe bad tbe power to resist, but
d.j :. '.. fherefore she i guilty within
i tbe eye of tbe law At tbe same time
'I think her condition and circumstances
so far have indicted a great deal of
punishment upon ber, aside from the pun
i Uhment wbich the law ought to indict
; upon her. We cannot let the case go en-
lirelyi we have g6t to keep our Jeyo upon
thie woman The facts and circumstances
' wbicb have surrounded her make her to
' some extent amenable to tbe law. We
will take your owu recognizance. Mrs.
Rowland, in the sum of to appear
I here at the neit term of court. Now go
j home and take care of yourself. If you
behave yourself we shall not call you here
I again, bat if yuj do not you will be called
' up for -entence.
juwc was doahv.
I Mm Annie L)iogtniu. tbe comely
yiun Hydo Park woman coovictod of
! improper relation with Abnolom Ar
, no! J, was called for ssntence, and in
I imposing it Judge (iunster remarked i
i tee I.ugman, you are making a great
; mistakeiu thinking you can live with tbe
husband of another woman. I am sorry I
a lenten - yn to jail; if I had tbe
power to do SO I would send you there.
Th? maximum penalty for the offence of
wbicu you have been convicted is tlOO fine.
Tbe sentence of tbe court Is that you pay
llOn to the directors of the Scran to i pior
district, and pay the costs of prosecution,
i William began, convicted of wut-
only shooting at K A Himomon, was
! sentenced by Judge h 1 wards. "It was
a mistake of yonrs. Mr. Degan,' the
' judge declared, "to take the law into
your own hands, but 1 no not propose
to imprison you because of your ago
and because of your good charactor.
'ire -uten':e is that you pay the costs
of prosecution and pay a fine of 7fl "
Joseph Mitcho, who was one of Row.
land's accomAllcs in defrauding the
Merchants' and Mechanics bank, was
sentenced by Judge Archbaid to pay a
fir. of t0 coats and spnd two years
in the Kistern penitentiary.
gISDKm i 1 1. 1. i SA'fl.TtliAV.
Saturday morning four verdicts were
brought irto court I u coses trisd Fri
dsy. Patrick Kane ws returned not
guilty of keeping n tippling boue and
tiie prosecutor, Pntrick Callerari, di
rected to pay the costs. Josspb Ur
jnoas was exonerated from the charge
Of bating been Improperly intimate
with his servant, Miss Amelia I'rogo
lotkv, and the county directed lo pay
the costs. Alexander Konko and An
thony TofOaki were reported innocent
of the charge of having assaulted and
assisted In robbing Frank Walsh, of
In the case ngsiust lislthassar Hurber
and Frank Rica, charged ny Stanislaus
.-linnie with assault and battery, liar
ber was found not guilty and Rica
guilty. .A Vardlot of not guilty was
taken in the Oatf against John Mcl.sf
sky and the county was directed to pay
the costs. A verdict of not guilty was
also taken in the case ogalust John
Leydan, charged with assault and bat
tery by Mary Leydan, bis wife. She
did nit appear an 1 was directed to pay
hu costs.
Something- New
In photos at droves', 415 Spruce street.
Third District Republicans.
Pursuant to a resolution of the standing
committee of the Republicans of t lie I
Third legislative district, a convention
will be bold in the arbitration room In the
court house, city of Scranton, on Tuesday,
Feb. 6, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. to., for the
purpose of electing one delegate to repre
seut said district at the state convention
to be held In Harrlburg on Wednesday,
Mav'A ltftM.
Vigilance committees will bold primaries
on Saturday, Feb. 8, 1894, between tbe
hours of 4 and 7 p.m.
K J. North of, John McCkindm;,
Secretary. Pres. Pro Tern.
Scranton, Pa., Jan. 87, 1894.
Ik voir want the later styles and finish
in photography, you enn get it at (iriftin's,
Wyoming avenue. We are introducing
uew novelties constantly.
FOI It of these irourONg, pre
seiitoil at Ihe Tribune Ofllee, cor
ner JVmi avenue mid Njiruce slreel,
entitles the holder to all Ihe prlv
10 l1 - of the iinpnrnlleU-tl offers
for distributing popular book)
Hiiimiif our readers. The offers made
bf The i management are
as follows:
10 ( I VI S und I our Coupons for
any volume in the ( 'uluuibus He
ri. Over 100 titles P Select h orn
W. i' nnd Four roiipnu for a 10
VolnSne set of Dlrkeh' OOSBplOtS
Will ks.
HO CKNTft nnd Four ( oiipons for
any hook In the llugby Series.
'.'.". Of NT8 and Four Coupons for
auy hook In the Uafard fserles.
niiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii
A Nsw Fcranton Organiaaticm Booming.
The meeting nf prominent Scran
tonians on Friday for tbo purpone of
organillng a Scranton Directory of tbe
Republic Saving and Loan association
of New York, brief mention of wbicb
was tu ado III THE ThlblME Siturday
morning, appeal to have crtnl con
sidorable interest. Many coinmeut
were hoard among bnilnes men upon
the aopraoadentad start which tbe as
I mlal i ui secured.
W nre since informed that the
ui inbership of tli BorantOD llrancb Is
189, and tile sunsciihed capital over
9,700 shares, or f.'TO.OOO.
Mr L (i. Oadd. tieueral manager of
tha association, was p.eseut aud In
ddly izplainud the system. Many
questions were Itktd) an I the answers
inaterl illy Increase I tbe subscriptions
to stock, t'olousl F Ll (.'ass, Jr.,
niauagerof ngnnoiaaol the asiociation,
who has been ill the oltV several days,
was also prailtlt The systoni is
iiiiiqu.', no fee of any nature are
ohargedi payment limited, txpania
Hztd, nisunug (OOnomyi Hsuurity ab
solute. The following representative rltlitsns
of Scranton were uiiauluioiitlv elected
nffloen and dtraotori of thi branoh i J.
V. l'eck, president, James M Bvo(
bart, tlrst vice president. Colonel V. Q,
Bohoomakar, aaoond riot president, s.
W Kerr, third vice president; A. H.
01 iy, secretary . S N. ( 'allondur, treus
Brer; Watson lUehl, general attor
neys aud counsellors; Messrs II 'I'.
Koelber, 0 M Trnman, A R limb,
B, it Franklin and Jottph F- Bno
meistei', apprufssl 0 uiiiiiiltes ; direct-
on, Messrs j. w. Pok, Jamai M.
I'verhart, U tl Sehoonm kr, Sauiiul
aloGaObin, S. ll, Kerr, V W. Watson,
P, It Foster. George D, Taylor, M T
Keller, M. B, McDonald, Louis Conrad,
M J, Stone J K. Loveland, ('. 1).
Finn, Jacob Boll. J ! Bailey. W W
Latbropa, Dr, it. D Qardnir, John
Bsnori, Israel llitteutieiidsr, Dr J. L
For Hi am, 0 M Hatnawav, Jjiin L
Hull aud W S Dllbl,
The branch meets on the last Thuri
day of each month at U p in Full
Informntiin of Ihi lyitam oan be
cured from N Calleuler, Resident
D. rector, Dime Rank Building.
Qtneral atamgll Q idd and Colonel
Can lift the city today, and will orgau
Liaalirgl l.acal Uoird iii Kaltimore,
Md., uext week.
I lis Slock Company Will Bag n Its Work
Tog ay.
At Wonderland this week the Wou
deriaud stock company will make its
appearance for the first tune. To say
that the company is good would be su
ptrflui 111, tor Maosger Davis never has
iitiything else. It comprises artists
from the various companies that have
played here during the past season aud
with one exception all are favoritss
with Scranton audiences. Thi excep
tion is bu actrts who was never before
seen here.
The plays to be produced are: To
day, tomorrow and Wednesday, "The
Gipsy Qasen," and Thursday, Friday
and Siturday, "Pygmalion aud Gala
ten." Seats for the evening perform
auces can be Becured ut th box oflics
during tbe afternoon
But Hi Wife Refused to Act Like
Charlie Mitchell.
Thomas Cawley, of Pine IJrook, was
brought to the station house yesterdsy
by Conatable Roche, of the Seventh
ward, ou a warrant issued by Alderman
Cawiey mint have purchased a gnp
nly of spirituous liquids on Siturdny,
for he was so drunk yesterday that he
imagined ba was Corbett aud thoug'ut
his wife was Mitchell. 1'nlike the lat
ter, Mr Cawk did not wait to get
the knock-out blow, but put herielf
beyond the danger of barm by placing
ber pugaliltlc husband beblnl the bars.
Internal Revenue Collsc'.or Herring
Take Charge on Saturday.
State Senator Grant Herring as
turned charge of the internal revenue
ofllue in this city on Saturduy with
very little fortnniity.
As stated in Tim TlUBOMI last week
the oflice will remain iu this city.
Herrings father will be cashier. Sev
eral well known Democrats aspire to
be deputy collector, to succeed Mr.
Jones, the present deputy
- sa-
hunife of sdltorisl inanuKeiuont of the
Hi RAOTOI TnttUNt has just lieeii niinouni ml.
l.ivy s. Rio hard nccasds tr. Leete a msn
aging editor, the latter retiring. Mr It. i li
ard hs for two year Ix-en th a-ociate edi
tor of the paper, that the present changii,
so far ai It will eltei't the read rs and patrons
of that es';ellent Journal, is mure of an an
noam emeht than an actual ehaiige The lie
port hardly kOOWS whether Tin: Hum
i n or Mr. Richard Is the morn to
I mgratalatefl upon their mtiluul
good fortune, both have Iti
goijd wishes and slueere regard. Apart
nfODI I in I huh M s cliarai'tnr as a parly
oi gan whl'h must ueeessatlly excuse ths
hnrteomlng of lack of losMpttldeBl Ihonghl
anil action for the pidltli al a Ivautage of its
owners r the piollts of tu aim kliold !, it Is
lib Of thi nlOSt nergetlO, enterprising and
all e nawrtpap-Ts in i'eonsvlv.inla, and It is
cerhiln that It Is not aurpnaaud among It
eott temporaries of the interior. Tbe Report
liiiiimaaainl ilnanntionniil mold with n
Dors freQUSfltly thSa with any other of Its
esleem-d IXOnaBllfi and always with tlie
kiiennsi cnjoyin tat, haoami it raoognliid li
it un ablaattd worth) adrmary tint knew
how to maintain an argttSMBt with dignity
and good spirit
A Verdlrt from Lnasrae.
M'lira. gajfr MlA '"alio
'I'l ilitoi ial puK'nif mit' esteemed ruiitoni
porary, the Hi HSsToa Tniiicni, Is sclntlllat
Ing these balmy days with all the tin- and
brilliancy of an old mine forty 0 mil dhHUOOd
Knaders want snap and pith now. not ills
sertstlons and escays.
En v ths Coal Diptrtraent.
We rude with sstlsfaetlon thai Llvy B,
JUlhird has beafl made tiianaglug editor of
the BoaAHTtll TltlUVI. w ith M hp h he h id
bsai prevlounly uunuaetud as associate adilor.
As an authority on thv coal trade Mr. Ulch
anl.has iloiig enjoyed a wide reputation, and
his writings In that nirtiiailar Held have been
feature of Thi Tnmoni, Beth in io h
From a Neighbor anl Rival
St'ntnton Titntt.
l.ivy st. Richard, who now has sootrol of the
editorial disllnles of our ssjimid eeilein
porsry, THt TmIVKS, Is oboe! fall of lit r
ury resources that will curtailil) make the
editorial puge corruseate and i ill o to
the delLihtof his readers. There is a capable
hand at the helm, and i'llxTnillt NK director y
are very fortunate III their choice of an ed
itor. Uur wishes for his success are only llni
lied by the full extant of our capacity to
Another Boms View.
dbraafou FW rVesf,
1 r. Ml- a Norton Leete ha resigned th
iMltorlal management oi Tor i unit;.. , Llv;
H Richard, n talented writer, who has long
been assistant oditoi' of Tun ramt.'Mc ii now
Its editor-tn-ehief, Iln has tlmabillty torn akv
the paper bright aud full of sntpy
"How tu buy kitchen goods cheap. See
Battiu & Co.'s ad, this page."
Critic Describe lonipmy fc's lldadiome Hew
Hoaeidale Hour.
Major Whitney and Lieutenant Walter
A. Wood Responsible for BlCUrlflg
tbo New Building for thi Honesdalc
Quardsmen -Spring Inspections to
Begin Feb. 20 Adjutant Millar Con
duct!; School for Non-Coins.
Company B, of 11.0,- u: -. is tbi
most fortunate company In I lis rigl
ment, In that it occiqii-is and owns the
beHt urniory, not only iu the regi
ment, but Is Is doubtful if there
is a company armory In Hie elate that
can exael it. llis a substantially bitill
armory with nil tha necessary appoint
ments for comfort aud convenience.
Tbi dull room is 75 by io fnutaud i
well lighteii by hid inwndMOiBt llghti
faiteued to tiie side wall and cross
beams. Whim these llg-ht are all
turned 00, Ibiy lW a very bindlOttl
effect to tho laive drill room and
I lac tit up everv poi lion of the room for
drillini pnrpOHl most desirably. Tbi
entrance to the drill room from the
street Is so constructed that the com
pany can inarch In Ot out at a
right ibonldir arui witb pirrMtiMi'
ToeJJarmory li a two itory front. The
door ut the right ou the Brit Hour leads
to the olli.-ers' room, a very cozy and
commodious apartment. To the left is
the company room, i i ted up with lifty
cljriit lockers, man has a locker of
his own to which he alone holds the
key and is responsible for the safety of
Its contents. Tns locker are so con
sit octal that the rill-, Kreutcmit, knap
nek aud the entire equipment
of mi inlistld man can be
tored without crowding. This room Is
quiet large nnd will be used for com
pany meetings Adjoining the olll 'ers'
room is the quartermasters' room, which
is also used for a cloak room upon the
Decision of a ball , in the rear of then."
rooms is u kitchen, witli a large range
foreookiiqj and all tho necessary ad
junct) to a first class kitchen. I'p
stairs are ibandiomi ladies' parlor und
a tiolet room The basement is to be
fitted up for storage of boavy company
baggage. There will also ba a bowling
alley and rills rang! running the en
tire length of the armory. There is
no tire used in the 1 uilditig
It is heated throughout by steam,
conveyed to the armory from the
electric light station opposite. Coin
pany E is to be congratuluted upon
owning tno handsomest and lost com
nan v armory in the state. It is very
commendable to the company's enter
prise. The bulk oi the credit for this
new armory unquestionably jroe to
Major Geore"" H. Whitney and Lieu
tenant Walter A Wood. It was
through their en tiring efforts that the
aruiorv fund was started and the ar-
inorv built. Thuy superintended its
construction ud can feel well jiroud of
their effort. Tbe unw armory will no
doubt be an incentive for enlistmeut in
the comp any.
As was anticipited list weak, the
s ii ing inspection is upon u Grdsr
have been Issued tor intnection by
Minor Wright upon the " following
Companies A and 13, Monday evening,
Fob. -C
Companies 0 and D, Tuesday inning
Feb. 27.
Coinjaiuy L, Wednesday evouiug, Feb.
Company V, Thursday evening. .March 1,
Company li. Friday evening, March &
Couipauy 11, batutday evening. March 3
The colonel exp-'Cti every member
will be present at thie inspection. Ab
soutees will be court marlialed, except
iu casss wbero the absence is caused by
sickness. Armories and all state prop
erty will be closely inspected. This In
cludes, of course, tbe new shoe. A
hundred per cent, attendance will give
the regiment it tremendous advautage
on general average of rating, Lst
every officer and man be at hi post.
The fust uon comtnissioiud cftkers'
school of the season was held last week
and was conducted by the Instructor,
Adjutant Miller on Thursday evening
The non-coms of companies A, li. C, 1),
F. and 11. assembled nt the Scranton
City Guard armory to take part in the
Hrt. Tho at lend no was fair nnd the
knowledge of guard duty very good.
Ad instant Aliller accouipauieil by Ser
gut Major Conk ling met the uou
cotns of company B at their handsome
new iirmory last Friday evening The
attendance was poor but the knowledge
of guard duty was good Adjutant
Miliar accompanied by the sergeant
major will meet the uon-coiiimlssioned
oflicere of company G at Montrose ;next
Wednesday evening for Instruction in
the Iii si lesion.
That part of reginientnl order No fj
which refers to the abssnco of it DOS'
commissioned from two of these les
son without valid excuse or who doe
tiotexhtbita reasonable degree of in
telligence of I will be rigidly en
forced. Make no mistake about that this
year, "OOB com." Read the order
catrfully and feel insured that everv
letter will be enforced. TIihtj are but
two things for you to do to avoid
trouble, namely, 'hri present" and be
prepared ut these schools.
Majors Mattes an I Whitney will bold
a preliminary inspection of their re.
peotive blttllioni the uiut two weeks,
the object being to prepare the oom
oanies for the more rigid inspection of
Mj r Wright 1
All the eoinhiissiotied olllcers of the
regiment will assemble nt tha Scranton
City Guard armory tonight, without
uniforms, fyr the purpose of organlz
ing a regimental board of The
objiet of tbls orgauiz itiou ia for tho
mutual beneiii of the entire regiment.
Tbi commission of Captain M iiir-
nard, Company I), will expire Mareli I.
and that of Captain James Molr, Com
pany 0. May HI.
Adiutant Millar aud Sergeant Major
('oiililliig were haudaomely entertained
by Major Whitney and tbi OfflOMl of
Company F. Ist Thursday evening
What have become of the adjutant
general's report for lait year; also the
inspector of rlil practloe report of the
regiment for last year; also the badges
and medals won by uuirkameu last
year; also the uew armory boom of last
yesrV Have am, theso important mat
ters ueeti reiegaieu to the accomino-
reason of hard
dating pigeon bole by
Elxtetn Friioners Ten of Tlum fram
th North End.
Mayor Connell'a Sunday reception
yesterday was the largest held in some
time. He had sixteon culprits arraigu
ed before the bar of jnsHoo,ten of them
being from the North End,
Drunk and disorderly, and fighting
were tbe principal oharges, although
two women were in for street walking.
These were discharged Jack Woods
(rum Peckville was liberated Saturday
ufteruoou and was brought back again
in tbi evening, when next he breaths
tbi lit of freedom tbo winter season
will li ended. He and a fellow nam o !
James Sullivan, a Provideuce young
in an with an nucoviabls reputation,
went the only two of tbo sixteen to be
committed. The remainder paid tneir
lines or were discharged.
It Aroused th Angar of Jamsa Dunn,
th Leckawanna Hiateeman
Detective "Mickey" Moran, of Cr
bou dale, is on of the most confirmed
practical jokers in thncounly. Last
weok James Dunn, the Democratic
statesman of Lnokawntiiia township,
who possesses all the agility and pbyil
cal perfections of Grovnr Cleveland,
was a juror, und on him the defec
tive played one of his practical joke.
Dunu was made to appear v.rry ridicu lous
mid qultu warm about thu collar
In the presence of a court room full of
people und bo deturmlued to Iiuva re
venge. Saturday morning ho stepptd up to
the motion table while Judges Arch
bald, ii unaicr and F Iwards were Jon
the bench and called attention to tbi
festive "Mlokiy'l prank in a fervid,
luipasiiniioJ speech.
' Your lionon.' lie said, "1, n juror,
have beeu insulted in the presence of
that lovely lady oil the ceiling with the
scales in her hand nnd I demand jus
tice uud protection for myself and her "
There) was no denying such a gallant
appeal and the court directed Mr.
Dunn to prepare an ullllnvit letting
forth the facts lu tho esse, on the filing
of which thev would grant a rule to
show cause why Morau should not be
arraigned for contempt at court.
After that Dunu sal down and
calmly discussed the situation with
himself. He coticluled that he would
forgive the insult to himself, but could
not overlook the (act that the goddess
of justice had alio been insulted, from
the fact thut the insult had beeu of
fered to him in bet' presence
Then lie glanced upward ut "tbe
lovely lady with the scales'' and he
fancied she smiled u forgiving smile.
That settled the matter. Dunn hunted
up Judge Archbaid and told him bo
would not proceed against Morau, as
ho was satisfied that it was all a joke.
Dumas' delightful story of "The
Three Musketeer,' will be presented
at the Academy this evening by Alex
ander Salvini. perhaps the best expo
nent of tbo great author's idea. Sal
vini, in addition to being an almost
perfect actor, is an almost perfect
swordsman. He Illustrates to a degree
the bediity and the race of the only
fair wear.- n in existence where a little
man is not handicapped by a big one.
The swordsmanship is, : however, only
a concomitant to the story, even if an
important one. Little is there left in
Dumas' great story that is essential,
that Is not followed bv the dramatizsr,
and nothing is left undone that the
dramitlait would wish to luvo done.
woen ii person is wearied and run
down with tntiltitu li nil business cars
it good physician will recommend the
putting away of all busines earn and
change of scene. There is no better or
essier way of following this gooi ad
vio than to vilt the Academy tomor
row ivining and see Cosgrove and
Grant's comedian in "The DaBSllf. "
Mill iislle Archer ha concluded to
return to the stage as tbat is where she
belongs Bbl will begin a starring tour
under the management of Joseph Gard
ner aud Robert llickmann.iu tbo come
dy of "Ah Arabian Night," by Sidney
Grundy, supported by an excellent
company of artists, composed of Rob
ert Hickinauu, Franklin Roberts,
Charles Butler, Charles Lynch, Flor
ence Marion, Fannie Denbam Hone
and Louise Galloway. At tha Acad
emy on Wednesday evening.
-- i
Unauceuful Starch of One of the City'
School Janitor.
An amusing little story is told at the
expenie of one of the janitors of a
city sobool building and run as
follows: Tne principal of the school
has been in tbe habit of leaving what
ever instruction he bad for the janitor
on the blackboard Tbe other day after
school the janitor came in and as usual
went to the board to see wbat order
had been left him. During tho dar
there bad been ome quostions placed
on th board and all had Iveen ereaed
but the one which purzled the poor jan
itor' brain. "Find the greatest common
divisor " The janitor studied tbi order
for awhile and, looking wit, said:
' Shure and i that loot agiu'" Th
next morning when the principal came
to the school room he was met by th
old janitor who wih.l to tell Infn
tbat he did uot tind what he was or
dered to.
"Shure or," he said, "oive looked
high an' low all over tha btiildin' but
sor, that common divisor is gone in
It Will Paee Into the Hauds of Philadel
phia Hn
Saturday nlghf the amusement place
known as the Eden Musee doted its
doors. The only person to mike
i iv out of the lioiu since ll wis
Opened wi Zimmerman ,V Snyder, who
conducted a tree and easy resort Boy
der was treasurer of the place and
wdieu he bad secured $1,800 lie disap
peared, leaving many creditors behind.
It ll now MBonnted that Joseph
Jermon, of Philadelphia, will take
hold of the place Mr. Jermon i
known u a succtsiful manager iu bur
lesque and vamUville lines The sec
ond floor of the ten will be cutout
and a balcony nliotd there. A large
itnge will bu erected and iu a month
or so the home will be opened.
- -
Very Rtyllah
Th new pfOPm photos at lirovei.
' ' -
The Republic Savings
and Loan association, of New York, hav
ing sold over r'.otHl abates of Its slock lu
Scranton, litis called I meeting for Friday,
Feb. at i p. in,, nt its office, Ldme Hniik
building, for the purpose of electing offi
cers nnd directors. New shares will also
be offered for sale. F. B. Case, mauagsr
agency department, aud L. O. Uadd, gen
ei ui manager, will be present aud explain
tbe plan and purjloses of the association.
Come aud bring some one with you.
1 -se- -
Erglisb, You Know
TkimiMOtypf at Urovea', sVATi Spruce.
Relations for Its Obbervance lo the Diooe
of Scranton.
It Has Been Observed Ever Since the
Tiiuu of tha Apostles What For
merly Took Place on Ash Wednes
day lent Established in Imitation
of tho Fast of the Saviour Those
Who Are Exempt.
At all the masses at St. i'uter' eathe
dral yesterday morning the regulations
for the observance of Lent qy Catholics
in the dloceae of Scranton, prepared by
Kt. Itev. binhop o'Haru, were read.
They ate;
I. All tho faithful who hsve completed
tlielr tweuty-flrst year urn bound to oh
serve the fust of Lent unless dispensed fur
legitiinule reasons.
'!. One meal a day only Is allowel, ex
cept ou Sundays
ll This meal is not to be taken until
about noon.
4. Oa IbOMdari on winch permission is
granted IO oat menl, both meat and fish
aie not to bo used at thu saiiie meal even
by way of condiment.
.', A collalio.-i or partial meal Is allowed
In the evening. The general practice of
pious idiristiaus limits lie quantity to tbe
fourth part of un ordnmrv meal.
V Bread, butler, cheese, fruit of all
kinds, vegetable und li b, ure permitted ut
thu colluuon. Milk and ugg are also per
muted. 7, Custom baa made it lawful to drink in
the morning some warm liquid, such as (el
ai.d coffee, or thin chocolate made with
H. Ncnelty and custom have authorized
the use of lurd instead ol batter in prewir
ing ttsh. vegetables, etc.
U. The following persons are not bound
to observe t ho fast, viz: All utder Iii years
of age. the sick, pregnant women and
those giving Sick to lufant tuose who
nre obliged to do hard work, and all who
through weak cannot fast without In
Jury to their health.
10, By dispensation, the use of flesh meat
will he allowed at any time on Sundays,
and once a day ou Monday, Tuesdays und
Satuidays; inept on the second Saturday
iu Lent, and Holy Saturday
II. Persons exempted from theobligatlou
of fastiuit, br age or laborious occupation,
ore poi ii. iu. -d toe use of meat at any meat
on those days ou which ill use is granted
by dispensation.
i. Those who may have any reasonable
doubt as to their ability to fast or abstain,
should seek tbo advice of their pastor.
Baob morning during Lint massn
will be celebrated at the cstbe Iral at
'i 30, T, and 8 o'clock Every Wednes
i iv evening there will be a srrmon at
7 30, followed by benediction of tbe
nlsied sacrament, and on Friday eve
nings there will be nations of the crois
followed by biuelictiou. Lent is
inhered in unusua'ly early this year,
beginning on next Wednesday.
Ash Weduesiay s tbe day on which
the faithful consecrate theuifelves to
the seapou of penanc on wbich they
have entered, for s ;ch L?nlis. Iu the
early davs of the chur'en it wa9 on Asb
Wedueiday tbat tbo public pens. was
imposed oa sinners. The bishop ptit
ashes on their heads and tben witn toe
foot of the erosi drove them from tne
church as trod drove oar first parents
from the Garden ofEl-n. Theie sin
ners remained separated from the faith
ful until Holy Tnuriday, three days
before Easter Sunday.
Lent hai been obterTod ever I ince the
timeofibe apostles. It is intended to
strengthen the soul and restore its
ilom nion over the senses ani wa
established in imitation of the fortv
days fast of tbe Stviour of mankind. I',
is brought to n close by the lo'eun ser
Vices of Holy Ween.
BMCtXIMO February 1 DeWitl will j. re
sent every tenth person to the amount of
on d ten Cabinet, a 10 by JO gen
uine baud worked Crayon free of chaige.
No coupons and no compulMon to buy a
frame. We give from one to three every
day. You will surely be tbe lucky person. "
McBhidk's new Turkiih bath. Kvery
thing new. Out'. Spruce street, opposite
Court Home.
CaMAMmi butter, fancy, SS oanta Ooui
Special; good Fetaiy
Copper Boilers, $2.00
Wringers, . . $1.90
See tra display of Agate and
Bint nnd White Ware at rrices
never thought of,
FeeJ, Meal and Cnrn
Highest Grade Minnesota Patent
Flour (sacks) 3
Highest Grade Family Flour 3
Graham Fiour, 50 lb sack
Itutabagas, per bnanel
Sola Crackers, per poond
Sila Crackers, per lb. by the obi
1 lb box Baking Powder
j lb. box H iking Powder
i lb. box Baking Powder
Hrisr Wood Pipes
S lb. pail of Fruit butter. .
Lead Pencils, per doz
Pure New Orleans Molasses, per
Pure Syrup, per gallon..
Hair bruihei
Bomb brushes
liix Stove Poltlb, per bottle
A First-class Tea that we can
Bunt Tea. "pounds for.. ..." 1
Choice ('off o at
A Hirst clan Coffee at
Smoking Tobacco and a Cjb Pipe
with each pound
Bconrioi, per pound c,
I llle Powder, pirpound
bluing Paddles, worth 10a
C. niied ilnapberma, worth 15c
Preserved black oerii.r, worth loo
Mb. pa.kagij Fa,.,;y baiaiue,
worth He, at
Cumntl, per pound
Bound Muckered, Worm IV
barge Jar Preserve, worn, gjj
rnmbllM Preserve, worm '!Jc.
Sslutarll Water, p.r doz. quarts
Biltttaril Wate,, ,,er doz ;,intl
f I Siioea at
; Bboci t
I Shoes at
. j;. Shoe st
Urge Clothe basket, wortC 'JJc.
Medium Clothes b-i worm
Small Clothes bssket, worth 70e7
White Wash brushes, VOTtbil,
And a great many other
things that we will sell at
about one-quarter of what
they are actually worth.
; We will offer a number of
' fixtures in about a week at
less than one-half their
Dr. Hill & Son
lei teeth. $5.50: best ecu $5; for fro id caps
and teeth wrtnout platee. called crown and
l-rldge work, call for price and refereooa.
TOWALOIt. lr extractia.- trtth srithov.1
palp. No ether. No gas.
Best Sets of Teeth, $S.OO
Inoludiug fhe painless txlrnctinj
of teeth by au entirely new pre
cues. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
latt WYOU1NU AVhi
mn n n n
Have you ever Huntington tried
For oysters stewed or oysters
At Lackawanna avenue 413
You'll find the nicest you have
Open Until Midnight
Eureka Laundry Co.
Ccr. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
OOtm Horn: tijl ahi.
AU kinds of Lluudry work gusrauteil
the best,
e a
: : ;
This Is
i Inventory
Small lots, in all departments, to
close out cheap.
Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15