THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY MORNING. FEHLIUARY 5, 1S!M. STELLE &SEELEY NEWS FROM WEST SID MR. J. L. STELLU will continue the bimtin-4-4 under tUe firm name of fctelle & Seeley, Til K l.VKU POFtJLAB WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN QRKAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable aud withiu your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS li've taken over 100 Brut rrouilutns la tit rast lifty years, Other mikes of Pisnm. Four mak.w or Organs I" bSBOtlfttl HR tolgnii See our Itotk More buying. We Imve tin goods. Oar prieee are right, Bvaryiblug .u ti. U. libit llildk STELLE & SEELED IS4 Wyomlnn Ave.. Sr.ran'.or;. Pa. EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS I THE GENUINE POPUUfi Punch Cigars HAVE THE IMTUlS G., B. & Co , feNBriMtW) on Each Cigar Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'a. mini 'ii. ejUAui, DR. H. B. WARE sri ci u.tsr. EYE. EAR. SO;-E AND THBQAX mm nnnn to u.j . ; uvbiw :35 WYOMING AVE. lEUSOAL Happeuinjs of a Day Tint Will Interest Hyde Park. Mim, FL!!fl FLAM WORKS SUCCESSFULLY A Number of Hyde Park Merchants Victimized by Fakirs Urownies' Entertainment at Mors' Hall Bur Jars Enter Raid's Butcher 8hop Christian Endeavor Anniversary at Washburn Street Church. Mrs. Chambers, ot Yonkers, ft. Y., is tbe truest of Mr. E 0. UiuiruicK, of Green Ridge. L H. t'b.n:nbers. nf Onaon, is the zaest of b;s sister, Mrs. M. i. fine, ot csaad:r.u avenue. Mrs. ft M. Stoddard of St evens villa, N. Y., it? visitiui,' Uer sju, wuo it a student at Wood's college. .1. .'. UaaoiBf of Fittaton, and J. B. WkJtMtfll, ol HerBBtoo, Ml batnrday af ternoon for Hiuleton lo attend the twelfth anniversary teieOration of the Christian Endeavor uuiou he.d Sanday m 'ruing at Audetiried ami In theeveuiuija: H izleton. The many BarantoO friend of BOH Jtel lie.'er cf .1 ,hu D. Green, formerly ill Y. Pi:t-tun bat now uperinteudeut and general ntaaamr of the Superior Wis., stove work', trill be interested in the an nouncement, I her comics marriage t' C. A. Chaff, a prominent banker of Superior. The ceremony will be rt-rforaied tomor row at West Pitt-ton by R-v. Dr. McLeod, pastor of the First Preebg terian churea of ttisciiy. ImmssiS lately af:er the Kerv:ce. Mr. and Mrs. Cbaae will depart for the W bome BOOM thai awaits tn-.'oi i Su perior. Misa Green is an accomplished musician and m at eUarming ostess. The best wishes of a larj circle of friends will follow her to hut periaueut western Boar. The Cfcaaabariatn Lir.d Companv. !di(ar :):. troii Tribi jte; E tcfcsBd find letter fr'.m Humphrey B. i 'han.riTiain in answer to a letter writtea him who abroad, which you will please pULliHli. It was not written for pablica lion as you wdl sen by wh it It rplllslBS, yet in ft roeannr will somewhat GOBtM lict the aenstation made in an article of Thursday, Feb. 1, of yonr napr. Wiil inrther state tuat I r.hinx that the Scran OB people have U"t now nor have been latarteied in the Fort Worth property, but will ?ay rhat t lev were interested in the Ptie'uo UOOSOlidaMd Land company of Denver. TkatockWat sold in the mar ket by one I, -wis F. Newmaa, who mis represented th' matter and the facts in recar 1 to the company's bnsinesa in every respect, if tlw reports of those who have rioted the land are trne. I wonld dao aay that I have bad two conferences witiiH. B Ch isnhfrlain. and he states to cm :' Ua irill give as ell the information in his possession sad convincn( that on the part of their eomp toy it waa an error injudicm'U'. I asic all of the Hcranton atockhoiciers to suspend judgment nntil I present the information that f now and thall soon have, and if dettrad, have the promi-e that .Mr. Clmmberlain will meet Ha at ton, and if he cannot then show that tn f.u ure was unavoidable and not brought or. by th ir company f r specnla tive j.urposes I, for one, will j in with otl.-rs to bring him to jmtico. I have no confidence m i-wia f. Newman, who ia now in Bpringfleldi lli and to in terview him U IkaJMM fntiirem regard to thee mattera. Very mprtttMf, A. ij. BrocitM, Jermyn, Pa.. Feb. :!, l-!4. The letter from Mi. ' hamberlain is as follows: New York, Feb. h'H. T. D. S'torkpr: Dsajt 8u got hart Monday, Tuesday Dm cruel and raid WM made on mo jf dlmjilflad customer and I bnva btall in hot water since and been obliged to pent DOM consideration of my accumn li r i-il mail. 1 hope to got to it first next wiek. Atn accused of selling stock In a oom j.any which hud DO title to the land. Ev ery dollar we received was paid to the pnrcl nb of the land and a telegram from Fort Worth confirms rnv statement that we have always had DM session and own ership nnder a deed md declaration of tt Hst. Every one reads the accusation, no paper publishes my denial, or few. Yours, II. II. (.'iMMHKIII.AIN. i RrmNriTOii 'iypev. liters and Edison Photi' graphs for sale and rent. Copying Work executed. Phonographs rented for an evening's intertainm-tit. Telephone U'M-i. Edw. Gunster Jr., t4i Hprnon treet. Anheuanr Huch Boor. Loala Lchnian's, bpruoe ob Mr.slc Boxrs Exclusively. Best made. Play any det-ircd number of tnnes. GantKohi A: Sons., manufacturers, 103CI Cbosttiut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only Id and lift fipecirdty: Old music boxes carefully ro PBired and improved with new tune, i , Beadleaton A Woeiz'a and Ballantlne'e Alee are the best. E. J. Wau.ii, agent, iM Lackuwauna avenne. New Biayole. A new bicycle worth tb will be sold for 8fi The miichine Is guaranteed and is a rare bnrgniii. Machine may be seen at the 'irlbuuo ofiluo. BUSINESS NOTICES. Belnhart's Market, 88 and 8."i Liiekawanna avenup. Every day from 6 a. m. to 10 a. m. Hound steak, 11c. i sirloin steak, 14c.; standing rib roast; 10c.; chnck roast, Sc.: boiling meat, 4c; freeh pork, J c. ; pork sausage, l;,c, Til West Sid (e of the BOtAltrOM TutBUini U looated at 19 Boaih Italoava Hue, where nbwrlptloui, adrrileiBBM ami conununloatloui wlU raoaiTi pronpi attention. J Pot same lime put several bnitOMI QDQaaa, but Hpeci illy drui stores, hsv,' boon visited by yoaog ntn who lltTt worked sue 'sstully want is e illed the "ll.iii-H uil" game, The BOheme i to make i pnielias '.i.'eiierally mailt and have tUfgs lull zobaned The man will then rf OelVt a lai g' Rtnonnt of small oUnuga In return, lie usually savs that ha OOM not e ire to carry so much loose money m his cloth and will return the coin and vit bis large bill back, and then tender i smaller plco to py for the krtloU When the ll iti-lt iinmer has the loose money In is baud be pockets itreral pieces witboat the clerk's knowledge. He Ihed p.isses tbe rest h ick, and gen Tal.y the clerk doss not think of count ing it. (.'ii Saturday last a man wear tug a cap aud a re. I mustache outer I lb drng store ot J. J l ivies, on south Main iiveuue, and ask.-d for a certain drag, but the clerk tohl bint that it could li d be sola indiscriminately. He then bought a package of cigarettes, aud gave in payment a bill. While obanging It, the clerk who it a mm of keen judgment, had his suspicions .roused. Tue stranger also notioed :!ist be was being closely watchel, and did not put his h inds 00 the change, but told the clerk to put it back, and change $0 instead. Tbtl was doue, and UO more qnastioni were Blked. This man visited a drug store on North Maiu avenue with tiiesamj result. Christian Ecdavr Anniversary. Tue members of tb Obrittian En deavor society of the W isiiburu Street Preebyterian church wid iujt tomor row evening to celebrate its anniver sary. Uev. Thornton A. Mills, of lie inorial Presbyterian church, Wllkee Barre, will b tbe sp 'aker. Tbemeeting to be held on Fri lay evening by the City Christian. BadeBTOt union will take place at Ibl First PreibyterlBU dbnrcb instead of the Plymouth oburcb. A Vet of Thank). An interesting meeting of the Welsh Philosophical Boeiety was held iu the rooms on South Slain avenue Saturday evening.. Duriug the evening Eh tnetei P. Davies iliscoursed "Theoretic li Ms cfianics and their Welsh Derivatious. " ifter which a general discussion fol lowed. A vote of thanks was tendered to the unknown friend who presented the library wita $1,000. Th Erswcisa A.-i Th large number of West Side peo ple who failed, owiu to the crush, to obtain even standing room at the two receut Brownie entertainments at Young Men's Christian Association nail, will have an opportunity Feb. 10 to see them, as they will app-ar iu Mears' ball. The churches ou this side hare taken the matter in hand and its tuccese is already assured. Th ova at Wark. Thieves entered the butcher shop of W. A. Kie l on North Main avenn-, on Tnnedsy night at a late hour by means of a rear entrance and stole a small amount of money and giveral bottles of pickle i goods Interes ing' N-ws Ttotss. D. E. Smith, the well known liquor dealer of this tide, attended the fu neral of his brotner, Stephen Smith, at FltetTtllfl yesterday Mrs Randolph Jones, who is a pa tient at thelrsrmsr. hospital, PrHladel phia, is rapidly improving The funeral of LaQra K., wife of A V Call, of the Ilrisian Hill, occurred yes terlay niorning at 8 o'clock. Inter ment ma do at Newtonoemetery, Ihe remains of QeOTge, ion of .Mr and Mrs, Tbotnai Jones, of Bynon street, were interred at the Washuurn Btreel c-iritery tti Saturday. Rev. T. J, Collins, pstor of the Ber anion Str--et Iisp'ist chore i, preached at Sayre yestrdy, An entertainment will tie given nnd er the Mltpio of the Simpson chapter of the Epworth league on Tnnrsdsy evening at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs, Henry Eergerhoff, of North Lincoln avenne, Is seriously ill. William Oram, alderman of the Fourth ward, if able to bs ont after a severe illn-s Mrs. William li, Ow-in, of North Bromley avenue, is ill. Mrs L. H (libbs. of Bonlh M in aver n , la in New York city, r i ig the funeral of her father, W. H. Uil rp , rif that city. BeT. Off McArthnr, of New York city, who will lecture in the Elm Park church on Thursday availing, will loo tnre In the Jackson Street, Baptilt cbnrob next I'riday evening. His sub ject will be, "Chips.frotn Many Shops " Waco council, NO, 40, H iughters of PoMhontM, Improvod Order of Bad Man, will give m entertainment an I social in Mears' Hall ou Feb lo An infant oblld of Mr. and Mrs. I). M Ibomaa, of I Is South Mam ft fen tie, died on Saturday, The funeral will occur this afternoon. ft?, R. N. Harris, of PitlltOO, 0C0U' pled tb pulpit of the pi moutb Oou- gi :n'i I'm 1 c llrcli yes-e, William 11. Owen, of Nortn llromloy avenue, is itrrlotulf ill. Tbe Hyde Park Eitorary and Debtt ing society will m et this evening In its rooms on South Miin aveiiiu. Csrr'a home in id uiiuco meat Is now being sold by sev i d lealera here. DUNMORE. The political light U now on at this place and ou all nlH 1 1 in leadrrs nvH assistants are working tho csiiiiaigu with a vim never Before, exhibited. That the Democratic party already feels Insecure it shown by tho many artifice! they are using lo bring Voters Into the fold. Republican, candidates have bten approached, hut to no avail. They are in the final to fight and not to Is-tray their party The contest this year is not confined to any partial isr onlce, but of course, the office of luirgoss is most spoken of. At firHt lMnocruts were willing to back Duggaii to the extent of two vote to Iiurka'a one, but have now become lets demonstrative and acknowledge a close run. As to the election of the Renub lican candidate, Michael Cum. ion, to the office of street cominitHioner, there is not tho least doubt and it is expjatod that, if popular sentiment counts for anything, Mr. Cunuiou will have a complete walk-over. Ilu slrjet work and expenditures, compared with that of diu successor, shows that ho did more work with lem money. The oonnollmen, Taylor and Webber, are cousi lersd a strong team. Several years ago tiioy ran together aud wer both elected, Taylor has sines remained in the cou cil aud is looked upon as one of tho leading spirits of that holy. Tin humorous incidents of th c imp tin ire beginning to show tbemtelTat, Tho latest lau,;h is at the exiinusu of John M li nt who has declared himself in tbe field a a stump candidate tor tax collector. Wuy Mr Hoffatl should siorifiee blmselfon the political altar Is more than his Iriotidscati understan 1 as he does not have the slightest chance of being elect I at even his nearest friends have refuted to sign Ills nomination papers, Were it other than John Mdl'itt tho Uspiibliciu leadera aay they w mid beliefs idtna ou- had bribed him to run, but in honesty of Mr Moffatt is s well known that no such thOUbtOBU be eu- tertalnad by them ami they hops that he will before long Srtj the error of hit w iv and retire from tin tisld A num ber of friends have signed his nomln t -turn papers, but when Interviewed claim that they did it merely as an act of friendship and that when it Oplll IS to voting they will not SaOTlttoe their party's interests. The Junior Christian Endeavor so ciety of the Presbyterian shuroh held a plsasant socisl in the ohnreh ptrlbrt Friday evening The children acquits ted tbemselvei in a or editable manner iu the musical programme they reu dered. Eight refreabm mts were also served. The st. Mary's Church choir had a sleigh ride to Arch bard ou Thursday evening. Eillie Wool, of Avoei, speat Friday afternoon and evening with fiiou Is at this place. The Assembly bald a meeting at the offloeol Hr Hopkins Saturday night an 1 m id s arrangements lor a social to be held OU Feo. 84 The council and school board will hold their regular monthly meetings tonight. Electric lights have been Introduced into Price's cash store. Mr. aud Mrs. 11. F., Marshall spent Suuday at 11 iwloy. Jessie v ui V7ormer, of Part Jervis, is visiting hr aunt. Mis. A. C. Van Warmer, ou Elm street. The hills in this vicinity wire in ex cellent condition Saturday night and a 1 irge number of coasters enj yed them elves. Cheery street seams I to bj the most popular street. The Consumers' lo company has Commenced harvesting ice on Lake Arid, and large trains of ice pass over the Erie and Wyoming Yalluy railroad overy day. John Warded is rapidly improving and is now able to arise from bid. The Young Ladies' Missionary soci ety will hold an apron and cike eocial on Friday afternoon of this week. Notice of wiiere it will be hold will be m i Is later. Martin Doud and family, of Oregon, arrived here last Wednesday. They contemplate making Dunmore their fature home John Decker, of Susquehanna, who has been visiting at the bom of James Madis in, has returned home. Mrs. W. L Pnroell is visiting friends at Plymouth. H. B, Spencer is about to erect a buildiug 00 his Drinker street property. Jntnes Hannon, of Old Forge, visited friends lierUst weak Mame Johnson, of Hyd l Tark, is vis iting Kit Clark, of Cuestuiu streit. Oar popular street cir conduttor, Prank Spenoer attended a hanquut at Peokvilla Friday night, NORTH END. An ititrsting and novel entertain iii-nt Will take pi AOS at Company 11 ar mory Friday, Feb 8, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian associa tion. The members of tlio gymnasium insisted by a Wllkss-Barre class, will work eari:stly to make the occasion the greatest success of the seasou. A valentine social will lake place at the North Main Avenue It iptiit church Tuesday evening, Feb. 18, Th ladies of the church have tho matter in hand and are working zealously to make the entertainment a social and financial success Miss Powell of New York city, is visiting Miss Annie O'Dannull, of Brick avenue, Andrew Peel, of Utah, arrived here a few duvs ago, and will maku till", plans Ida future home. I'n Utrlaker D. D. Jones, of North Main aveuu -, is ill with the grip, AldefDMfl Willi mis, of the First ward, is indtsposed Mrs. Cole, of Wayne BVSUUe, is seri ously ilL The many friends of Jamil May, wiil be sorry to to learn of his serious illnsss. Peter Conway, of Wilbur street, a rnnnrr in the Marvin mines, broke both his legs while attending to his work on Saturday. He was tripped and fell in front of a car, which piss d over both legs, crushing them billy. Sergeant Hpellman and Officer Ghoh' eidle, assisted by a citizen nam d Kline, arrested three Palandsf on drove street yostenl ly morning at 8 o'clock for fighting with their boarding home boss and his guests. A light was in rrogross in front of th Bristol at 18.80 o'clock Saturday night when S-rgoant Hpnllm in nnd Officer CrSOheldl arrested the combat ants. OdC Of the psrtint nam 'd Bftff resisted the officers and had to be drugged to the station house. After nrrlvlng at the lockup he again i i id and m ule a fierce ouslsught on Officer Grlobct lie, Wlon placed in the 011 ha divested himself of his coat, arranged his sus poolers iu a coll, tied it to one of the liars in the cell window and deliber ately endeavored to bang himself, His attempt at self-1 stru t ,u wis frui trated by the tiui'dv intervention of li prisoner named Sulllv in, who alarm" 1 the OjffiosfO II" was then removed from tie' cell and secured in the hallway, where it was impossiblu for him to harm inm .f. Ask your grocer nntl butcher for Carr'a DoUe mud- mtnoe fitJgi IT IV.Av B MURDER. A Blair Ave KaB'a Blitill Fractured in an Assault. Joseph MatullS, of lilair ivenno, is iu a precarious condition His skull Is fractured and tllS nttsiiding physician, Dr. Uullivnn, says he may die.' Henry Smith and Jose ph Judge an tho men wlio OOmmittad the assault, and tho weapon they Usod was an nx K lint h men admitted the assault bsforo Ahlrinsti Blair and were committed. Chief Simpson will have the ltnesses placed under bail to testify in case Matulis dies. NOTE OF WIDE BipplDga ol a Day That Will Interest Many Tribune Readers. WILLIAM ZIEGLEiVS EXPERIENCE His Wife and Daup.htor Thrown from Their Sleigh Ziegjer la Dragged Beneath the Sleigh lor Mora Than a Block Joseph KluuipfT Has a Simi lar Experience Getting Ready tor Church Dedication. Mr, mil Mrs William oegUr and their daughter hid a very narrow es cape from serious injury yestei d tv af ternooil, The party were thrown from a sleigh and thsir esuap) from harm is miraculous They were returning from Simon sou's where thoy had been paying their respects to hotel keeper Weie'ael's fain ily. While coming on Irving avenue from Moohc street the hors was going at aphelty lively gilt when one of the runners of tile cutter struck a rock. Tits sleigh careened aud Ml i. Ztlglcf aji I her daughter WOM thrown out. Thejf got up none the wois for their fall, but were horrified to see husband ami father being dragged along beneath the overturned sleigh, one of the shaiu being under the horse. At Hemlock street there is a vory deep guttter, and this proved to be Ziegler'e safety. Tbe alelgb jolted and passed over him in the rebound, but tho ntotneutnm he had obtained caused him to go a considerable distance be fore he could use his limbs. Ho got up hill the worse for his experience and Started in pursuit ol his stood which had, l y that tuns, got literally and fig uratively out of night. A Hscend Uunawav. The people of Irving avenue had not finished discussing Xieglur's plight when another hois attached lo a box sled came dashing along Th sleigh was unoccupied and the reins Were dragging the ground This horsa was not as apeedy as th former, and two Twelfth ward boys, John Hays and Frank McNallv, captured it bsfore he could do any damage The boys mail the horse retrace its steps, the youth ful portion of th community (dinging to every conceivable portion of the sleigh, it proved to be Joseph Kliimplf's outfit The owner had been lurch d out coming down tho hill from Moun tain Ltko. TreparlnB for Dedication. The Polish societies met ynsterdiy mi l m id preliminary arrangements for the dedication of their remodeled church by electing Michael Suit ter marshal of ths day and directing him to invite thvPolish societies in Luzsrue and Lackawanna c innties. They alto decided to levy an assessment nn them selves m order to raise the 1400 neces sary for the purchase of the high altar. The church is rapidly Hearing com pletion. Tho seats have been ordered and painted. F. W. 1'ilger has a large force of uwu on tho interior decoration. The new stations of the cross arrived Saturday and they are th prettiest to be seen iu this vicinity. They oatno direct from Munich, free of duty and cos' lijod The various figures stand stand out in bold relief and the tffeot is very beautiful. The Cow Was Klded. George Fritz, residing on Maple street near BlaBord avenu. is a tnird working, industrious oltiten who en deavors to rear hit little family with all the euro lie can bestow. Among Mr. Prill's possessions until last Thnrsday evening was a cow that lie prized very much. Thursday night tho animal was taken from tin barn. A search revealed tho animst hidden be tween rocks near tbe Brie tracks and its throat bad been cut, The thieves evidently ha I Intended to complete their labors I'riday night. Their little game was spoiled, however, and they are luclty ir they get oil with that. Shorter I . . i , -i Rev Jacob Butor led the services at tin roomsjof the Young Women's Chris tian association yesterday. Tne Scranton Athletic club members will make merry this evening, with faces, forms and attires assumed for tin occasi n, at G trmanta hull. I ne Krieger breln will hold a masked ball tomorrow evening. A sister society from Wilkes Barro will ptrtioipote, Tbe funeral of Mrs Bebastlan Oral nicl took place yesterday afternoon. . FAKIR Bt I WI1T SKIPPiD. A RetpeOtabl P OtO It Too Hoi for His I.ay-Out. A BOO-ponnd man who gives bis name as BlOWttt and who tins been tigaged as a fakir iu this city for two years off and on, had an OXpefieuoo on BatUr day that ha will remember for some time, Ili shop was nn lower Lickawatina BVanUe and he gulled his dupes with an io game ror in cents no sop a hall of can ly Whloll he took at random from n bx. Be had a hslf doisn "cap pars" In tim room, and 'soma of them would not like to havn their names published. I lies coufe Inratas, by in Vesting 0 quarter for three packages, would oooaaipnaltv bs very fortunate and would win, so It appeared to th uninitiated, two, and oven three dol lars at a clip BlewHtl's plan worked very tnoOOM fully till about 8 o'oloOk when Market mall RbOlnbart and sotm friunds came in. The form T s iw through Ulewitt's fake g tun at once and so Informed him The fakir then thought it was lima ti (dose up and so stated. Among the losei i was a voting man from Atoos, who bad lost 1 1 (hat he could ill afford, Mr Khcinhurt took the fOUtll'S part BO I told the fakir that ' d'ir departing he Would have to re in id the money. His speech and manner Implied that hoiusant what it said mid BlOWttt rslnclanlly yielded. Then tbe other losers began clamoring for tho wealth thsy hud dropped, nnd iliev made it so hot for IlleWitt that he fSOSDSd through a buck door. air. Itlodnhart paid his compliments to th fellow's confederates, ftoma f whom me offioal holding their authority mib j' it lo lbs county court. PkWitt gives a OrayOB free of charge to every tenth person ordering one dozen Photos. You will be the lucky pOIOOB, Parlors IIIO Lackawanna avenue. ' - Th Kag-n. Groves' photos, 418 Spruce stroet. - Books by Kxprnss. Any person ordering ten or more books at one tlUM may have them sent by ex press prepaid. PkWitt'k line position photos are meet ing with great favor. "Sperinl low price sale at Uattin & Co's this mouth. Don't fail to see advertise Books I Books I Books 1 During the coming week wo shall offer to the subset ibera of TllK Tkihl.nk rare baiataius iu books. WO have a large hue of hriLdit and BOD- ular Volumes, elegantly bound, that we intend to give to the patronaoftbe paper at about one-fourth of the usual price. The following list will give rou an idea of the Inducements and the BBUtnal Op poriutiiiies lo secure valuulilu uddittotis to your library. Heaiilsi Tribune's I'll.e Price The World's Fair iNew) 'J.5U I ,N5 I'm I i.i ml History ol tliullruat Civi War 8,00 .ho Pilgrim' Progress (lllust'ud) .51) .an Earl It, BOB mill Sky 75 ,T6 Marvelous Wonders a.75 .f-.ri Life aod Work of Bporgeon 1.60 .on Pietorial History of too Bible 8i78 .ao ttneennol Wonders 8.T5 .w. From Pole to Pole a.75 .80 Pictorial History of the Uni ted States 8,00 .fin Science of I, tfi 2.7,r, .IK UfeofBarnnn 1.60 .Mi Indian Horrors l.fiO ,80 Ji sepbus 100 i.oo Bbopp's Photographs 'j.m i i;.r Columbus, lbs Navigator,.. .60 Hear Column (Stanley's Travels) ,80 Webster Dictionary In one hall Russia ,86 e- a (CUT YOUR COUPONS ) iu presentation of two or tbote Conpoos, Bubsorlber ol TUB 'lltlii cnk may purobaaa any book in the ! above list. - . . 3 Vi lA '4 ' i i i yt yi a 72 yi y 7a A New Departure. COR One Week, commenc ' ing Monday, February 5, we will have a CHINA CUP AND SAUCER Sale, when we will sell Cups and Saucers for less than ONE-HALF Their value. Remember this sale will be for one week ONLY, as wa posi tively will not sell a cup at the sale price aftsr next week. CHINA HALL WEICHEL & 116 Wyoming Avenue. lA 72 i H V V2 A THEY FILL THE BILL. MWobave the most complete assortment of Mens Fnrniabiag u.kuIs that ever sp pealed to ttie eye or to tbe taste Borne of our new siia.ies and deebjtBs in Ties are eepaelally at tractive, The, are selling at Scores which save you no sxanae for baMg without all sorts 01 sizes and styles. Christ 13.11, HATTER 203 L-ckawanna Avenuj. Tlif (iical Marvel of Dental Science Ansesthene A reoenl diexnver) and the sole property of Henwood k ' Wardell. DEN1 is i s. 316 Lackawanna Ave. B the us-of tins remarkabls disco very leatn are a dually removed without pale in he meat agtrarated oaaoi Local in its up plication, ragetabte in Its gompotitloB ami slMKilntelv harmless and'nfllolenl In every qaae aNiSSHTliKNB has the unqaallfiedeB dorsemeal o( the most repatable physlolani as well us thousioMii who have I n relieved Br its woaderfttl power, lll I I OIH eoil lll,,l U ,,v.l.,ll .1... l Slve OWneri of this lOVatn dile dlsnnmnxi I m e using it in their practice wiib heretofore unhoird of reenlta All the hllh ir grides ef mehBlel and CD' oratlve dentistry praaMoed in this ,,111,.,.. n. eluding OltUWM m BRtoaR wuitK Plate made m sMfully iionudi kinds of materials i sleds! AT COST t ,.e FlIBEY & Uni T 48 HULI SPRUCE ST. I Scranton, Pa. Do You Do You Do You Do You Do You Do You Do You Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Clothes for Clothes .for Clothes for Clothes for Clothes for Clothes for Clothes for Almost Nothing? Almost Nothing? Almost Nothing? Almost Nothing? Almost Nothing? Almost Nothing? Almost Nothing? PRICES on brand-new Suits and Over coats in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. Martixi & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. TEE C 0 LUMBUS II HOUSE Is tin; most )opiilar musical cslablisfimciit in Northeastern Penn sylvaii'a. The highest grado of Pianos and Organs. The lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some of tho leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED 8ohmer Pianos, E veraft Pianos, Vo!;u & Son:;' Pianos, Ma hi in Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD REN0WHED Esley Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Collage Organs, Palace Organs, ALdall kinds of .Musical Mer';hanJU) constantly ouhaud. The Holidays are htre, and this is tbe p!:o;e to bay Pianos for a Cbristmai reaent. Prices aro lower than any c;th;r rnusic; ston in Scranton Special Attention -Bomembor always when you start out to search for a Piano or Or gan that Christopher Columbia punts with Lis tiht band to tbo xact place you want to go. Nowhere it is: OPPOSITE 0LUMBU8 MOKWEVT, ' SORANTON, PA. 205 VrASHINGTON AVENUE, Ouernsey, Prcc. - V V Do You Need an Ulster? Do You Need an Overcoat? b YOU do, now is the time to buy one, and our store is the place to get it. ! Because we are going to sell everv one which we have in our store this winter. Price is no object, profits have now disap peared, and you can buy one very cheap. Try it. Collins & Kackett 1 HE CLOTHIERS FOB THE PEOPLE, 220 Lackawanna Ave. P. S. Lcok for our name before the door before en tciinj;. Make no mistake. AT Special for This Com ing Week. Men's Cork Sole Lace Slio'8, Qoodyear Welt, T4 grade, J") i to be tfflaVtJV Men's Cork Sole I, ire Shoes, hand-sowed welt,$5ffrade, to AO be NO.'O $5.98 A Rich CLOTH J AC K KT. Full Skirt, Balloon 81ee vaww v.liliu-k and tan, Cost to make, it, Now S2.89 I, idies' Doagola, Ki 1 Bntton, Patented Tip, QoodyOBr welt, Common SBI Inst, all 14.00 grade, to b 0 Ladies' Khip Kid Button,OOTk soles, band turn, C, minion Senee last, only a few pairs ') ) K of tin m, 0 grade, to Ik. . . Ladiee' Doll Doagola Bntton, doable tolea, Common sens- -only, $1 grad 1 ol is id 1 ui nt 0- J Missos' Strnin'ut ( Bntton, spring heel, sum 11 to if-' 1 1 grade will soil nt Ol. 1 Hoys' School Shops, bntton nnd liu-e, sites 11 to '.'; $1 90 will ft 7 Nil lit .' I C. $9.09 AT $12.00 Wo will givo you the choice of 40 Jackets, nil ibis Beason'a m ; k e, Not One in the lot thai oost liss than IIS to 120, .1 hi K ITS. I 1 OTHCAPB3 PUR CAPES ninl WRAPS. It will pay you to si'o t li is offering of Tailor made Garments. SCHANK'S Arcade. Shoe Stors. WYOMINU WH J We neei room for new Sprinj Stock. G. W. OWENS & Co. Ladies' Tailor C'oak Makers nuil Fun tors, Sfto 5! 'wyfiR sr., CO! KT IIOI SIC SQUARE) Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tlio Specialist on ttio Kya Ileniliinlias nnd Nervoiihiii'sH rellnviiil. Latest ami Improved Style ol' Kyo IIIiihhi'h noil Spoctrteles ut tlio Loweel Prleas. Host Artlliciul Kye iimortod for 15, 30s SPRUCE ST., op. Post Olfice, S CUT THIS OUT. I I "TRIP AROUND THE WORLD" I Portfolio of Photographs ""coupon. I S February S, 1694 s mm mm R Si'ti or bring in 2 Coupons s of different dales, together S witli ,"i cents, end receive this s Album id rare Photographs, THE TRIBUNE, ; Cor. Pann Ave aadSpmeeBti s 3 E BH ssat I am wa ci IT ti us out. niliei.!fllIISEIIIlltliatt!!IIEI!!llllilI(lCI9ljkl!l