THE SCH ANTON TR1BFNK- MONDAY MOliNINO. FEBRUARY 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, (tpi Situations Wantid.which are incited vats. Situations Wanted. u no tioii an hous.'kc 'per or uurs ,s per W o ' K terms tor tiuriti riLT ansoc giveu Audi Otflce det of le Mi Housekeeper, MMM 1 I NCU V Jl's v 111 Id office. SITUATION WANTED AS O counter man or lartender 5 Lerlencf. tfood teleiehci J. V. S C ITU AT ION VANTED--TO LEARN THE O If ber trad or Work lit s IttM Ad.lres-j i. n STONE, Piled ird. l.uewns county. P, Help Wjnwd AT 1001 WANTED nuv. fcmjlifs n ijuinoy Agents Wanted I ANTED A HAL Kill VN, MO I" IN weekly cu do in.Ue with our good n any locality, will prove tt or forfait JldO. Salary or tnnillltMlm U you i'i ofer. 'the rO iiillauf.ii raw Hour-' Work otten rsiuei a week's tti. Address, "MANl?PA0Tl 8 KKV P O. Hot -A Host. u. y.ii-t. U 'ANTED- TWOYOl'NU MEN OFOOUD addles Jo call on dusi'ics, douses GEE L NEWS 0 INDUSTRIES steady employment for good M Applv NATIONAL CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade building. For Sale. i-oi: 8A1 r v fresh jersey COW OB r noiror calvot. yearling or two ear old Jersev dull. registered: sired dv Pedro Hugo, a want Pedro wh . 'ook t'r.t pvu at tiie late World's fair. HLNhY O. SILKNA.V Maptowoo.1,, otivtio io.. PA. I 'OR SALE A PLATFORM M'KISU r wagon, sad mm hiy ealeor real In quire of B r, si'M mi .HEi.i., Moaoow, Pa ICS FOR SALE-DELIVERED IN SCRAN 1 ton at 6V. per ton lauuire of V 11 SMITH or M H. Ul'ITOUA Clark's Sum Btlt. I'll. 'vK SALE HICKORY BICYCLE, SBC sud baud, goodivaaiti'.'u. call at Kaput U'-au ornce. A. K. EDOr.iT, 1 VR SALE - r and -it: tiki FARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, s. V.CRK J M Monroe ave. I 'OK SALE ONE 1 Btrtter, also at a Ba.'ga:u. Doe. L'oR SALE OB EXi'HANC.E FOR SCRAN tun property -A Leartui orange grove increasing :ii production ami value yearly m tbe orauge section In Morula. Addre P. E. NETTLEToN. LakeHelwi. Florida Nktt VOBT TYPE in' now Ablet: cheek Duncft. i! '.: .. & J , rara Tribu&a of fer RcnL X)B KENT APRIL 1-THI ROOMS NOW X by tti Tetrpliono EtUauio. DM LaekaWA&u avenue Arply at the otfi'-e ol Lvhitb Sait Mining Co., Tuir,l HatlnI Bank bOildiaiC i.. S. and E C FulWr OR BENT HOCSE JT WY0M1N0 AVE J una from April L Eie'.'eti r",MiiH. all the ni'xleru hRprowUMtt . ran: S"iO oer month Auply to F. H. CLEBONS, Co La. kawauna avau ue. IMR RENT A LAHOE STOKER' H.'M. NO. I' IS! PMaaWMA Inquire uf 1'. J.. Con way Hotel. L'OB RENT A LARUE STORE R0 U A t V W Spruoe itreet. luo,uire at 1M Wfoai iUi( avenue. Eekloy B, Coxe Said to Bu Inleroslcd In the N w Coal Railroad. FROM PITTSBURG TO NEW YORK The Delaware, lutqtthanna ntid Schuylkill Is to Bo M ulo P.irl of a l ine Which Will Cut the Richest Portion of tlti Western Bituminous Area in Two and Afford a Direct Outlet tor Soft Coal to Tidewater. Other Newsy Jottings Relating to Now Developments In the Field ot Industry. A story which it i !..: I for what it ta worth lint it that tha recent actlv ily of Hurveyinit oorp m tne lower eud 01 Lttltrni COUOtJf meant that EokltJ B. Ouo'l I'.ihv road, tile Dolawara. SuMQohMna atul Boborlkill, i to be ' matlti (ho OonntdNOf link for a ureat roa,l Ottwtftl PltUbnrg and New jfork I city. After leaving. Suuarloaf Ihe roa'l. i i explained, will parallel Ihe rVtnney to Keeeoptek JnnettoQ and will cross ' the tracks of ttie Northern Central itt I that point and cross to llerwick, the j river Mini (panned bj a larj;e iron anu aflat leavtAi BerwTok the new line will extend to a point wh to n oonneottoo. win i made ' with the Central lVnnsylv. -I uia and Western Willtes-ifirre and Weelero I at i Iraugeville, I 'a From Orange villa to VYataootowo, a distance of thirty Bailee, the Wilkes -llarro an I itern.Whicii road hat beeu iicipure,! by tiie new company, will be mod From W'ltsontowu tiie road will pKNM the river to White Oeer an I rim along the U nite User cr-eii tappinf Mimcv, , atontgOmerV anl Motitoursville After reaeiiinw; YV iliismsp rt tne roi l aain crosses the rirer and makes almost a itralgbt line throimii tne rich agrloal- ' taral country to Mill Hull, where it connects wllD tliat pirt of tue roid ' already in operation from Mill Hall to Hellefonte. Here is nls) made tit connection with the lieech Creek railroad which is BOW rapidly pushing it line from Qail im in Clear field county to PitHbarg.golng tnrongb Indiana at:d Westmoreland counties The new road and its connections will tap tive-tUttis of tha bitmuiuoui SOftl fields in the state of i'euusylvanu By the present arrangement the lteecli Creek deliver their coil for transpor tation to the sea board, and when traf fie is morion smoothly, over 1,000 OaM of coal aru delivered from th Beech Crsek to the K-adini at Newberrv junction daily. The eastern outlet will oe arrived at by the new line to istrou !ibur((.at which point connection will be male with the Delaware, Lack awanua and Western. burned 1,810,000 tOttS Of bituminous coul, in d 40,000 U ns ol nuthiacitt) liitit year. I.inileriiian a; tjkuer will not re open the lluniholt colliery, near tlazlotuu, until suit utile royalty Bgreeute&tl cau ha made with the l,ehi(h Valley Coal company, which owua the laud. Buckleu's Arnla Salve. The Dent snlve in the world for Gate Pruinen, 8ore, Ulcer, Halt ltheum. Fever Mores, Toller t hnppeil llnnds, Chllhluiua, Corns aud all Bkiu Kriiplions, and poel lively Hires Pttaa, or no pay reipllrod. It it, guaranteed to (jive perfect Hallstiii tiou or niouey refunded. Pries ceut pr box. For sate by Matthew Hi ut. Tin: world is always interested in the euro of consumption! yet it prevention Is of far Bore Importance, Ol Wood's Nor way Pino Byrap Is naranteed t euro OOUgbl and eolds. Sold by all deiilois oil a Uiiniautee of satisfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bunds Nkw York, Feb. tt. The Industrial ttocktatiii lead the share xnarket In point of activity and advance, agar was tint real feuuuo, moving (mm TOW to mh.. The stock wat in iuTk demaud through out, It appears that there hit boon u ma tonal iiicioiiseiu Ihe uhort iiitorost of late, ow Iiik" to a belief that the placing of n n on i in- free list would sauce a break In toe pi Ice of the slock, but tho expected break did not come. Hatsido of tho demon st ration ngalimt the hurts, Htitir us well a lead were strengthened bv rumors that the senate will modify the Wilson bill materially SO far as I hoot produote are concerned when the new tar ut measures eoinc before n. Chicago Qas lose to (itl t, l.eadllj. SVbiaky, whilo linn, mads no tarn for tU'i day. Uaaeral Blec trio loot Jg?i Bbe rail way list was hold la chock early in the day. St. Paul was lath er weak, taiiiiiii The itreogtb of the nduttrlals Dnallf turned the whole mar ket in an upward dlreatton and spaonlatlon lofi of) btrong witbprlcei anywhere from V to Olff per cent, higher than yesterday, i he total sales were W,003 snares. Tho foil wine eompHMs t i.. snowing tn d 's tliictiialion in active Htooks I Hiippliod and rei ised daily b I. altar A Puller, ktuek brokers, III Wyoiulurf avonue: Opeu- liiab- LOW Clos lus. oit. est. lii. I'OK KEN 1' THREE ROOMS. PROS V ON j J second floor over M. A. Hultert's nnaifi store. 117 Wyoming aveuae. from April 1. in- i ,,ulre tB the store. I'OR RENT- TWO-STORY URd K DWE!. J' ling bouse; m,.dera improveuieuts. 315 Passat COOTt Anply to MAL'Rtu'E I d. LIN'S, agent. r21 West Lackawanna avenue. rptj LET FOR A TERM OF tEABS 1 Part or all of three bund red bat uf yird room along railr CM Apply at 'M t'ran'klia avenue. L'uR RENT - PL KN ISHED PBON C BOOH, 1 with batb: very desirable. CM Adams avenue. REN 1 ST' 'HE SWI UK PCKN ISHED ball on Green Ridge street. Very u-sira- la location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F I NETTLETO.V or C S. Wu-jDRi PP. Republican building. Specia Notices. ''"''I'HE aOLDOBB IN OC R CIVIL WAR." t containing Frank l.eelles rmoiis aid war picture. Two volumes folio. Every pige illustrated. Over nil pages As n di caior it is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly paymanta. both volumes teUrerad complete Address P 0 Mooly. KM .- -matin avenue, ajen f.,r Nortbaaatern Pennsylvania. VIE At TICKBTI (AS RE HAD T Hi ..f.rner spruce -ttreet and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal ticgets fur $f..'iU. Uood tadle board . HBOPOBALS WILL BE BECBli til no.ii Februaiy i. isss, for Proposals. Omi e or rat STtvcss Cum. Co , i wist Pittstov pa. i drivin rt i i jiioei on a gride or I., degrees from P.tuton to Cbeekei vein, T bv Is feet lis ta ...e of l.V to in ret waat Blast , ram tatM by May I, lH For further informs fi..ii spply to W. O THOMAS. Sapt SJKAl.EK FKOPOSALs ARE ISVTIED i. lor the ci.nttructif.n of a Boulevard fri m S- rtntou So Mmhunt. in accordance with ahUM and specirtrations on file at the office of tbe I.. 1 AO o. during the week commenc ing Monday, PsbrMry I f'rop,l will le r ceifed at UM ofllce of c,,l t, ff Srhoon maker, Treurr Cotnnior.waaltn building. , s, ranton. Pa., until noon of Saturday, Pat ruary lo, ism ( HAs c MATTES Orphans' Court Sale. OKPUA.'.'S COURl SALE ESTATE '.I Antbony H-ckman deceased By virtue of an order of tho orphans court of latent I wanna county, fliere ill M expoi.-d to MMtc ale on tbe premise m, ' -dr avenue, In the Btf of Sr-ranton, in said ooVBty, OB Tneda . the J rath day or P. I.r.ury. IWi. at tocluck p. , tbe following desrrlU-t real est it to wit All that certain lot and pieo of land rttaeta in the tail to nsinp of pMVldenca ! .w the SMn ward M tbe city of Soranton. in taeeennty of I.uzerr, 'now LaeaawaatM : and state of Pennsylvania, on the westerly i I -of Cedar itreet 'now avvanaA betejl lot numijer thirty-nine (:!' In ftouar Of blo' k ! n.imlier five otj upon tne town plot of the town 'now itv of SrrMiton, made hy D l oghlan. Innded t I e duly registered ami rei uraed ale. Said lot is rectangular and is twenty six feet eight lie hen (jtttsm s fncBe) i width and one hundred and forty fsti in 1 foul and mineral reserved with the fight to mire and r mo ve the tume it 0S Tetd in dead for said land from .lames A rinttrong and wjfa 10 the ald Anthony He. kiiian, dated the Ittb day ..f Mnrdi, A. li. tBTe. mm recorded .n th county of Luzerne in deed book No. 212. pag5. 1X1. All improved rlth a single two tory frame dAelimg house iitoliiutbuT ding thereon. Term of sale Twenty five f25i pel n.l. of Ind on day uf sap. and balance on conflrma. tioh of sale JOHN I I.RBEH. Ailmitilstrut.r, M P. riANDO, Attorny. Am. t ot. Oil Am Sugar A. T. ,V S. 9 .'an. So Cen. n. J Ohic. SS N. VV , 0 . B. y Cbic. Uas..., C C. 0, St. L.. 001 . UookVval, T P. k 11 p., L, & w D.etOVr Erie i. B. Uo Lake Shorn L. & N Manhattan Miss. Pae Nati Lead K, Y. N. E N, Y. Centrul N. Y., O. A YV N. t S. YV c. s. r. Co North Pac North Pac. pf... Omaha Pac. Mall Reading Rock Maud H. T St. Pant T..O. ft I Texas ft Pac L'nion Po Wadasn, pf W. Union W. & El W. at U E pf... ;su li? llll b.4 id; 14 llVu m MM aiW isii Mi t is UilU lu M . ICSi . m UN '. si" . UM . Mi in lot 704 Is.U WOj, ittrii ill ,u m iSi ill k'Stj ilfst 1UIV4 It oliN lejH MS iS Hlih, Ml m im m i6i ill itfji lu.l i7m Ism at' is" IttM m w UH lid lt ai'n It M 111) m iM in i;.i sow IP. 1UI vtiv; 1614 SM I8TW ItiiL. T. I IS'a MN isii TO mi Id U7U 1 SIM MM afj UM iiii laf ION E Legal .''STATE OF WILLIAM MATTHEWS Luck wanna, and State of Pennsylvania, .eased. Letter testamentary upon the adore named .-l et. having bean granted n the undersigned ail i-Tsorm having iTuims or demands against thetaid estate will present tbem toi payini-nt and all those Indebted thereto will pleuumaku in mediate payment to MaRY H MATTHEW'S. RICHARD J. MATTHEWS, CHARLES M. MATTHEWS, Executor. He raiituu. Pa. WILLAKD, WARREN it KN'APP, Attorneys Real Catate. l?OR HALE-SIN OLE HOCSE, IKI5 OlINOT J Anply SB nvnnue: verv desirable lucntlon O. P. REYNOLDS, or WILLAKD, WARK ft KNArr. y .' .' WILL BUY MODERN NEWS ROOM tic bunse, all lrnprtivemsnta; term easy; cor ner Madison avenue and Delaware ttrteb Ap ply BARRY LEES ffl.1,400 WILL BUY Y'ERY DESIRABLE LOT J? corner Madison avenue and Delaware Itreet. Term eatw. Apply HARRY LEES. It is the opinion of that alert journal, the Philadelphia Stockholder, that "the reduction of freight rates has wrouirht more real harm to the railroads of tnig country during the put year than the panic Of I8M and the snbie.pient dill oeaa in general butlnesA Tuit state ment i supported byapplyng the ratal obtained in 1899 to the tonnage of ls;i3 Had the Burlington, for enraple, re ceived the isy:-rate last yeir itt nt esrnm.'s would have increased $24,49), 000, and the company conl I have paid ii per cent, in ilivt lends upon Itt pres ent issue of stock, the Ht. Paul's net earning' would have bean f.'l..Ql,OU0 larger, and a dividend of 69 per o-nt upon the cotnmon stock would have jaetined; whi e tha Hock Itlnnd cottld bare paid 'J8 per cent, in divi dendt. a. it earnings would been In creased 111,115,000, Had the passen ger rates uf 1891 prevailed in lStfii still detter returns onld have been made. The above figure bear out the eouteu tion of The Stockholder- that the sal vation of the railroad of thia country lien in the maintenance rates at which a profit can he made Rate wan never pay, and are invariably followed hv the establishment of lower ratet." Yet it is a fact that the railroads themv-lves are to blame for this condition of af fairs, Their policy of ditcriminatinst m behalf of a certain taction or certain clans illustrated In the iunltaMe difference btwn the rates tnat pre vail for anthracita and for bitnmin hh coal levied for similar hauls- tiasb'en the direct means of the recent reaction that baVS taken placs to tneir own d-tt risen t. Sparks prom Busy Forges: The Calumet foal am f ,'oke . otnpany at Oreenabnrg, Pa., ha started up Ut work after an idles of several mouth. Ktvinft esitdoymeot togOO men. Workmen boring for coal at Point of Avre. Isle of Man, itrurk a linn bed of salt which will mor than repay them for their outlay, hut found no coal 1 me half of the Hunt, Pole and Italian formerly employed at the Poncoyd Iron work, have left for other part. Jacob Cole, the last ,r the deputy slior iff- employed on the I ehigh V alley ral' 1 0 id nt tt o time of the strike, mute lea ud at. BsstOO la-t Friday. The Heading's nvdillnonn I'ri'lav car ried II 000 lOBS of OOOl to tl lew to Pay asaeter Unyi ol tho Kea tin i rallro id, denies I he story that in the 1, le a t of economy the receivers' had dupensed nitli bis depnr! mont SB erintt n lent Dayton, of the BfoottTl Imrg Oar works, clalmi tliat, when thOSB works hi, lit two eight-wheel II a", t an, gave thjtn three oils of paint nml lettered them, all within twenty-nine hours, It bent tie-refold. 'Jhn Koblnoor and Indian Ttidge, two of the Reading company s largest -coillerle. at Shenandoah, Inivo been ordered to re sume work niter nn iilletios of several weeks. This ineiiut employment to over 1, 1200 men and boys. There is nil enormously Increased dn loand for gondola MM box .ar on the Heading The iSnw York and New Lnglaiid bual tinsM foi the year Just closed will show a roiisiderahle Ions in grot, but the falling off In not will dot tie ho gmat because of the heavy retrenchm"iit made. The average of anthracite coal price of Schuylkiil oolllerle In January was 13 (W 4-l'i, as against : s 4-10 In Deeember. tiMft-In in January, last year.and t l :'l T 10 in January, two year ago. Tho cold map of the past fow days mn terlally reduced the stuck of coal 011 baud and given the market a healthier tone. Pin coal, which has been retailing in Philadelphia for f: 50 a ton Wheu all Other sizes have commanded ('.&, has been raised 15 cent n ton by the Heading Coal and Iron company. Burke Brother, of Hitranton, have begun the grading for the new Central branch from Franklin Juuctlon to ButtoDWood. Th work It to be puihed aa rapidly as tbe weather will permit. The Central's car repair shop nt foal port Is now working ou an ayerageuf three days a week. HiinpMin m Watklns the other evening gave a sleigh ude to about two hundred of their breaker boyi. They ware driven SO Charles Bruad Si Co s oyster houe in YVilkes-Btrre and were served wlthan ele gant lunch, after which they wera driven home. The New York Cental and Hudson Kiver rniroad operntel nearly 3,000 miles of track. ownt oo" freight locomotives aud 4,TWS eigui wneei coal cars. Tbe 0 ompauy Chicago Orli and Proviilon. I IScBAMoe. Fed. . -Tbe following imota tioiisare supplied and c rrectod daily by La Bar ft Fuller, stoek brokers.!-! Wyoming avo hue. WHEAT. Feb. May. Opening el, ' I Highest UlV, Lowest 011,1 to Closing 10 1 11. CORN. 0 pen 111 1 Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATS. Ouening Highest Lowest Closing. P( IR1C Opening Highest Low- tt Closing LARD. Opouing Highest Lowoet CI sing SH It 1 Itl lid Opening Highest Lowest Closing ms gal K'.Vi J.ti". IKK, 7t; ;u 7J7 7U saj Sal NU ta m 91 nsi an a; x 127U Errs IM 7lJ Ts.'i tej Si) G5J HI.' tiv: Julv (5l m asu Mm ISM MM ptli VH-I, Flesh means strength to .with stand chronic ailments, coughs, colds and disease. Sound flosh la osscntiul to health. Scott's Emulsion tlio Cream of Cod-liver Oil, enriches the blood, builds up iiesh mid fortlflei the system against sickness and chronic ailmonts. Physiciunx, the world over, oiidotso It, Don't be deceived by Substitutes! IrtSt'eSkyaetttaSswaSiM Y. .. m BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL HHVSM IANS AM aURORONa, I VII O B, DEAN I Ml HIM if Ihe Eye, Nos 1 ' l liKiiil ainl I.111 ,11 I H A j, cON NI'.I.L, OfBc I ' in , line. col Her H. I'llllicue m urilg hlore. Olid. 1 lioura 1U 1 .0 t Hil l IllMINII. I .Ut Wfirlllll. bft'tt. e istrmtt, ovur K.-Mi.ltjiK't). Vino nt. himre: i- . . ui. . , I ' tu 1 Mini .80 in Hiiintiiy, ' to J in. W. & ALLEN, oilliit oor. Leukav wuiuik nml "niL'tnii nvi'H : nvor inin- ud athiie ItOlfl olticti hwiiiH, lUtol'.'u m. uul Bio 4 p. in.; meiilng ut icmUuikx, rl'J N. U HiihltiKtuii n f, lUC.i. 1, KUKY, I'mctlcu I nn i loci tu Dim. J' iMM pf tbt Bjrt, Km', Kott Md 'riirAt: otHco, 11! Wyuiuliig tivo Hotulciicti, Vina tttlrut L M UA'i'KK. Mn WKntiliiattuii Avtmuu. 1 JU tu .1 mid D". hours, i . 'n in , (Md toe p.m. lOlIN L WEN TZ. M tl ( 'olUlliollwenlth dulldllnI l esldehcj 711 Maillsoiiave: office hours 1J to 110 4, f tu ; iunda 2 in to 4. evenings at ir. ... ... .. a specialty made of dl't naes uf tho eye. ear. hum siul throat and gyneasdogy. I R. U D Ml. HRAY . ipeuiali y made on dit I t eases of eyo and sklu.'JI'.' Vyomhig Ave Oltloe hours: Until lu a m i to 1 ind 7 to S p in. MRS. lilt KINO, W) MULBERRY BTBKBT, At i 'iirdondale on 1-1 idavs of each wis-k. p., Office und 1 1 I l I.KISAHV St KOKIINS E. STI'IUIE, Veterinary Surgeon, Den tixtry a specialty i gold medalltt of On I ollOj taili Xetorinai v livery. :ai Dix at., uear Telephone No. 41 I goon, lilt of Oltd-e. Somiuer'1 vuller'a carriage shop. im yi:iis. I M. U RANCH'S Law ami Collection ,,t tl . Boo. No, III Spruce St., opposite Forest House, Bcranton, Pa.; collections a hpeclalty throughout PeniiHylvauia; reliable correspond elite lu every county. lESSCt'sft HAND, Altoinoys and Counsel. J lots at Law. Cominonwealtb building, Washington ave. w, H. Jtssi p. HoRAoi K HanD. W H. Jtaet'e, Jr. It ' ll.l.AliD, WARREN Jt K.N API Yttor udlican nevs and I. ounseloi s at Law. Rep dliildlllg. Wiistlington live.. Scralitou. Y WILt u, Atloriiuys aiM llors at Law. oltd'osi. and f Library building. Scruutoii, Iv rroawnutR Pattbrsoh. Wh mam A. U lu OX WILLIAM J. HAND. At- Coiirisellors. Cominuii wealth building Rooms l:i 9U and II ITENRY M SEELY Law la lie i i PATT'ERs Colllllell A HAND. . Y tornevs and Connolly & Wallace EMBROIDERIES and Laces claim our special atten tion for the next week. We do not hesitate to claim the finest and largest stock of these goods ever shown in Scranton. To substantiate our statement we only ask your in spection of our line, The newest effects in K mbroiderieq are the GUIPURE and IRISH POINT. VV.- have an endles-j variety of ex clusive styles. Colored Embroideries are also good for the comino; Reason, especially for trim ming wash dressc ;. See our line ol wide-margin good-,. Lace Department I; replete witli evervthin'r new and desirable The POTNT TIF. VF.NTF. T.ACF.R AND GAL00N8. The latest thing out. CONNOLLY & WALLACE EMBROIDERIES AND LACES Room New Yoik Produce Market. HBW York. Feb. u. KloOm Dull. What Firmer, very dull; No. '.' red, store and elevator, iiii . f. o. b., d.atSi 'jC; ungraded red, MaOTO, ; nfloat,rJ7)atii)ic. ;Nu, 1 uorihern,70,1sJ'Hi 1c. ; options opeunu weak and declined faVC.; rinsed steady a j,a,'c, over yesterday No. 'J Februaty. Cti ;e,; Mnrch, 6jc.; .liay, till.'.c. ; July 71c; Deremher 7tl i oiis iuiet, flmort So, 2. 41X1 ele Valor, UMO.S options were dull and closed ftrtn, February. I'ltiC.; March, 48r. ; May, 44 Sc. UATa-Dull, tlrmor, QOlet Steady I Feb ruary, .Is ...: .Mann, ol.,-.; May, ."IXc; gt Jincej, NO, '. d4nH'l!,e.: No. 2 white, tMaoWc.) No. a obtcago, soaSSUc.) No. 8, Hie,: No. a white, H6,l;e. : mixed western, SJogOe.) white do, . white etato, SUfl 40C. IIBKr-lJull, firm. i: r Hams - iuiet. t isaon iiHtK-Miiii. f 'urMKAT - Firm. I.Aitb - Cjuiot, easy; western sleamclOSSd, IT.Cft; city, tkr.i Fehiuary, 7.80 Maich. 17.75; May. rellned, quiet, eay; roa tlnenf, ls.10; South America, tt Oil; coin pound, uyedc. f'oKK rair demand, -dandy; ttieu.&u. I ' i 1 1 ',' net, unciianged. CBBBSBQnlet, steady, BOOt Weakl Ice bouse, italBc.t do. per cnte, f !.M)na..VI; western fresh, ItUa 15V.: limed. Ilal2c; southeru, -Ittjal&Sc. --a Philadelphia Tallow Mnrktt. Pnu.AiiEl.riilA. Fet. Tallow was diilland nnchangra e iuot,)! ''Ily prime in noffneans SfC country prima. In barrel, Co. do. dark, lu bar rels, i . ' , cakos, 0X.; grease, 4ia4)ia.. flpeilmeu Caiet. H. II i lirJord, New I asiel. Wis, wn troubled with neuinlgla ami rh eiiiual ism, hi itomarli was tllsoidereil, his liver was affected to nn alaiuiltii: degtoo, appetite fell ii way, mid he was teiriliTy reduced in flesh nnd strength I lueo bottle or r.lec irlc Hlttere rnreil lilm. Edward Miephetd, lUrtlsbiiiff, III , bad It fiiiihing sore on his leg of eight, year' landing Used three dottle of Itletltrlc lllttera and seven boxes of Buck leu Atulca Snlve aud hi leg U aouiid and well. John Speaker. Catawba, O., bad live large fever sore on hi by, doctors said lie was Inriirnhle One bottle F.lectrlc illttert ami one box Bucklen's Anilea Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat thuws Bros. FEBRUARY 5, 1894. . TRIBUNE COUPON Your choioe of Unci! bMBttfol jiicliiirs,'"l'eli-plioiie(lirl," "Dfl UVeriug I'liiiiitiuiw Pre8eut" nnd "MBldoni Swinging," Bend by mail or uipssoukoi' or brlK cinipiins Uko this of three differ sjatdttea, with lowuts, itsunpi or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. nnd Spruce St. publican building f 'RANK T OKr.l.L. Attorney at Law. X tt. Coal r.xctiange ci anton. Pa. falLTON w. i.usvrv, i Att ys, i-7 Wastani r. H Vi IN BTOIti'H. I ton av . C. H. siinare AMES W OAKKoitD. Attorney at Law. rnoms S3, 6 and M UocnnKNi wealth dT u QAMUEL W IOUAR, Attorney at Law. i' ofttca. hi; spruce at . Scranton. Pa, A. WATUEs, Attorney at Law, 4IM . Lackawanna sue.. Bcranton, Pa P. SAIITH. . rooms U, v, CottasaUor at Law. Oflle. W CouimoTiwealth linilding I! PTTCHBK, Attorney at Law. nonwea th dollnlnc. Scranton. Pa C. COMEHYS. Itl Spruce st. DB KEl'LOUI.E, Attorney-Loans ueg tlated on real Mtate security. 40s Hpruoe, l I' KII.LAM. Attorney at Law, IJU Wy I . omlagaveBae, s.-ranton. HUVBYOUR DBRDS AND MORTOAUKS written and acknowledged bv J V. HROWN1.NO. Attorney and Notary Public, 2v .inuiotiwealth idnlding. s( HOOI CHOOL oE TIIE LACKAWANNA. Scrsu ton, i'a, prepares bOTS and gil ls loi 'OOUsat or busltiesi thorcughly train young children Cstalogil at rcuuult. HIV Thomas M can.. WAlTtn 11 Boat i o(i TM'KR'S KINDERHAKTEN tid School, 41- Adams avenue Pupil, i Ived at all tluiea Next term will upen liinini v W s M'. Ill I Is Is i LAUBACH, Burgeon Dentist, Nn, Hi Wyoming ave. R M. bTHATTON, office Coal Excbsnte (', LOANS 209 WASHINGTON AVE, Opp. Court HouBe. RAItROAU TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. f 1 k HIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION umiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiu! jsQAIjEMY Ol MUSIC OUR MONDAY, I Kit. B Bagagement of tb PBmoui Romantic . ALEXANDER Anthracite coal uwd leaiilliieis and . oinfort. exclusively, Imuriug TIMS taui.h. m BrtVi r iav II. IM4 Train leave Scranton for PllUtou. I llarre, etc , at S.lii, HIV 11 :)u a.m. OM, 3.00, ' tU,t.0U. ;.S. 1100 p in Sundays. S.UU a m, i.uo, s.oo, ;.iu p. m. For Atlantic City, H lu a. In. l or New York. Newark and ElUabeth, S 10 ! leiuiessi a. iu, ILHi lexpn-n with Hulfe. parlor can, LM lekpiosn p. in Sunday, i.'UU , p. m Poll Mat i H ALLSSTOW,BnTHI,. NBM, Eas'JoN and Philaoili'Iiia, s ill a in . ' liLS0,S,SU fiiw lexcej.t I'blladelpniai p. in. I Sunday. 'Aj p. in. For Lt.o BRABCR, OCRAM lOiov io. etc., at I din 111 . I.'.HU p m. For Reading. Lebanon und HairUbuig. ,ia Allentuwn, p. 10 u. in, 1'.' . :10, 5.1)0, p.m Hnudav, '.' U) p. in. Eur Pottsvillo. LUIa, in , M M p. ui. Iteturniiig, leave New York. loot of Liberty stroet. North river, at .Id (aSpress) a- SS., I I lu, ).;I0, -t.Hniexpnjs wltii Uuffei pallor can p. lu. Sunduy. i ... a. in Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 8.41 a. m , U.Oo and 4 :f) p m Sunday, ti X a. in. Through tickets to all points at lowest rate may be had on application in advance tu the ticket agent at 'hi station. II P. BALDWIN, Oeu Pass Agent. I. II nl.HAl'SEN. Hen. Bupt, CURTAINS SALViNI EHI03 VALLEY RAILROAD 1 Train lcavci S. ranton ior Philadelphia and New York via. ii. a; 11 iR I: at b a-m . 1'.' 10, 4 ami 1I.H5 p. in via O . L. A- YV. R. K . s US, 11. 0 a. in.. and EDO, H jU p. in. Leave BoraBton for PtttStOn and Wilks-i Barre via D.. L W. p.. It . kOt, HJUa. , 1 3d. & 60. 0.417. O.s j,, ra Leave Scrauton for White Raven. Ha-detoti. I'otUvlllo and all point on the Heaver Meadow aud P, tUVUM Urauchas, viaO AH. R. Hi. at s n in U lo, :. i lr, p.m , via D , L. W. K. K . so? I.' loam.. IBl lOOp-tfl Leave hcrantoii for Betbleheui Easton. Reading Hurrisburg uud all Intermediate Iiolnts vis D. 4 H R. R a a.m., P." M), S3. 11 .' pin. via D . I. a: W. R R u. II so a. ni . I SI lJU p.m. i Leave Soranton for Tunkhanno k. TuwanJa, Eluura Ithaca. Oeneva and all interniediati point via D. & H K R . 1 B) and llJfj p. ui.. via D h tt R. 1: . ii Ma in Lao p in Leave Scranton for Rochester, Bullalo. Ni ngara Falls. Dftrott Chicago and all point west via D. & H R. R. LAS.IS.11M p, m . via D. I.. W. R. 1! and Pittstoii Junction CB tVl a. m. fur bulla u ouly I 1 30 u s p. m , yia E & W. R R . 4.111 p. m. Fur Elmlra and th" west via Salamanca v la D. A H K. R atS.ISp, in . v ia D . L. & W R R. . Ii, 0.00 a. iil and Sw p. ni. Pullman parlor nd sleeping or I.. Y' . bair cart on all tiains between L t B lUBOtleU oi Wilkes Uarro and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Seaptnalsa Bridge, Kol.LIN II WlI.hl'R. ilen Supt. Bait DlV l.'HAS S. LKF.. Qaa. Pass Ag I Phlla Pa. A W NoN N EM ACHF.R.Asi t dsn P.i. Ag t South Bethlehem, I'a. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Are worth going a lobg dimmest o 1 e. No eucb cullecilou can be found i.eaier than New York or j Philadelphia, and IheD it is not nr- j passed lu the matter if uslcjueand ; exclusive denigbs, or ticbcua. ; daibtites and delicacy oi male rial. In a word, our ( urtain stock this fall reacbat our dig belt ideal of what is should be, and cannot fail to inrat lbs approval ot ib most refined and aillllic taste. Yet all ibi does uot mean Ligb prices, t ... jl contrarr.tLevtlue; we now offer are submitted for ycur inspection. Of course, we' ve every make, und among tbem will be lound the very clciceH crea tion in Brusaelt, Irub Point. Swim, Nottingham and other Lace floods; also tbe New SnowQake Swig, with fcilk Stripe in contrasting Octets. Also lull lines of Silk Stnpts, Tapestries, etc, made to trier. And aselec ed company of.players under g glraeUea ol w jj WUkinaoB .l fuiuaa S great nasterpieci tat THREE GUARDSMEN m I To be preeCBtt t vita fcke tan." caat & nt. m oiaiescend etfevts and accetaorie, as e,ii during ble lOCeM engageiueat at the Stat Theater. New York City Pikes Parlor, f 1.00; Orciienlra H. Orcbei Circle aud two Brat rows Balcony. ;Sc : re matxatsr uf Bajeogyi fxai . Oaiiery. -jtv ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1 1 EIDAY, l i.ll. u Cosgrovefi Grant's Comedians The Dtizcjcler A Pare Comedy tbatia acuj.tinuuuxiound of merriment Interpreted by tbe fol lowing array ot Paiceuisabd Y'audeville ArtitU I Jos. A. OTT, ANNIR LEW:s Max Bulei. P. T. Ward, Jutn P Curran. 1 Jeua Hatcher. Ann.e Wiltixrth. Oracle 4iv. I lor. Albert Hart Howard U.'abax. VY. H Way Seat on bale Saturday 5 ACADEMY 01 MUSIC. SillllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllS I Hia & CORNELL I THURSDAY. FEB s. 'Tbt Talented Draaaaiic ai:;i: BLLE ARCHER lr..i a .ever c .mpaxij- of couiedian .u fc.-i... OrunCy'e bea.-.itui coUieJy. 5 AN SCRANTON, PA. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiir 'I'HE I I lllli REPUBLIC Savings und Loan Akso on ta h,.v on eiiKter terms and pav you better on liiveatment than any older asioelaMsB lYill on H. N CAt.LEN hi. I:. I i i, e- Hank liiiililnig I I Mil. ami iti si ,i n in ra WESTMINSTER, IIMilti Wyoneng av. Idsiin Ill-sled with steam: all mod srn Improvement c M Tiicman. Prop lEUMtRM HOTEL, 3x7 Lackawanna ave nue, McianWii. Rates reasonable. P BtBOM n. Proprietor Uhe'l'MlNSTPR HOTEL W O. BCBBRCB, Manager. Sill cen Hi stieet, one block east of Broadway, nt Unlco Sipiare, New Y'ork. Amerlran plea, tsMipsr .lev and upward 'OYNE liOUSi Buropaan plan; 'good A ' rnoiiis open May ana olglil loom open May I last l lled with the ' and lilgtlt Bin mt P H. coynk. PrenvleSnt ( KAN 1 1 'M not sn , near O . L. W pa , i , it P tetifer depot I'lindocted on the Kiiropean plan, Virion KOON, Proprietor. I 'I4AND CENTRAL. '1 lie largest and I...; I eiiulppel lintel lu Alleutown. Pa . iat 'l and 1 : N per day vnion Id IMiistn, rrnpiieior. I)' in o i i RCT8 AVIS ,y HODPT, Arohlleets Rooms E mid '.H I oitiinoiiw ealth o lit e. Hci aiiioo. 1' I. W a L I KK, Architect, l.lkrarv lauid I i, due Wyoming avenue. Scianton. rj L brown Aicti b ArektMjIi Price I . i niiding.itn w asnlaitea AvaY,fteMinten ir MISCELLANEOUS OKTON? D. hWaHTS 'WItol'.kA liimdnr, H and U Dime Hank dutldlug. Bcranton, Pa MROAROEB BRO'i'HKIti, PRINTER!' mppllei, PiiVidopivt, paper bap. twlna YVarehuiisa, 130 Wnilitngtoii ave, Sciantun. Ps I? RANI P. BROWN A ro, WHOLE I aale dealer In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Ch th, v W. Irfickawaima avenue BA1 I.R'S ' ORCHK.STRA MI'MBJ FOB dalls, plcndsi, partlea, reeeptlnna wed dings and nnncert work furnished pvjj. tarmi address It J. Baur. roiiduotor, 117 Wyoming see , over t inusl, etm a I.'ZRA FINN A SUNS, builder ami contra., lu tola Yards: Corner olive st. and Adami ave ; corner Ah st and Peon nve , Sciantun. anon, p R. CLARK & CO, Seislsmeu. Florist J. and Niirsorymeii; store I4U Washington avenue; green it. iw,i.tri Nurih Main avenua; store tclcpliolie TSJ II AS. ORAM D UNION TEA CO.. Jone Urua Willi. , (.. s. JOS KUETTEL, 61.I Lackawanna avenua Scranton, I'a , inanuf'r of Wire Screen. DEI.AWARr. AND HUD son Railroad Commencing May iv. IsyJ. trains will inn a tullow Tralti leave Bridge stt.sft St itiou. Scranton for Pitt . iriik .... ... u ... arlUla i" i, . ntc i e. eic Mt. mm Tmf'"' ,,-"- '" "-ic. m m m i s a- i in .; . (. 15, S.II Um r and 11.85 p. ni. ftf Pol New York and Phlla delphia. ? 00a. 11, . It 10. . S5. '.'Is. 4 pi m,d II il P ni Pol Hoiit.ilale i from Delawaie Lanka Wanna and western depot'. I.W, IHl, 10 lOa.m , 1X.UU tOo S. 17. .M0 p. lu. For Caidun.lsle and Intermediate stations. 0.M '. if. 3ti. lu.hia. m . isuim IT, ;i M,l m. a Kj and m s,n p. in . i loin Bridge fetreal Depot, LQ a in.. s.Kaud II Bl p. ni. Feat oxprew to Albany, Saratoga the A4i rondack Roantalnt, Boston nnd Raw Engbjid point 5 40 a ui . arm in at Aldaii li l Saratoga I M p in , and leaving S, i anion ut 3 p in . arriving at Alhany ktSSPp m, , Bart toga. IS .A a. in , and Boaion. Tin m The only direct runt tat Ween the ,ual hold and Boston "The Leadlm; Tourists' Route of Amerd u' to the Adirondack Mountain ra sort, Lakes Oeoi ge and Champlaiii Montreal, etc Tine table i ShoWlna loi al and through tram service between Stallone on nil divisions Dels wste and HudHon system, may be obtained at all Delawnie nnd Hudson ticket , ltd s H O Yol'NO. .1 V Bl'BDU'K, Second Vice President. lien. Pas- V. . DUPONT'S 5I1NINH, BLASTING AND SPORT1NU POWDER MkLufactuiedat tbe Wapwellopen Mdls, Lu rerne county Pa., and at WU mlngton, lielaware HENRY BELIN, Jr. 1 General Ageut for the Wyoming Dittrict, I uB Wyoming Ave, Scranton Pa Third National Bank Building. ARABIAN NIGHT rioducedio L .bUoi. : veare Daly s Theatre. N T.. fOU Blgkta Siandaru. Theatre. N Y V l....; aie opens Tuetdiv sourtTtss THOS FORD. Pittit vn. r JOHN B SMITH A SON : Plymouth Pa K W. Ml'LLIiiAN. Wilkes Hxrr.v Pa Agent for the llepauuo Cderoloal Com pany High Eipi.mvea Week coa,mencli.c!MOM)AY. IBB :. WOXUEhLAXLVS NEW STOCK DRAMATIC CO. IN TWO GREAT PLAYS. Mondav. Tuesoay and TTlflnatflty, THE GYPSY QUEEN. Thursday, Friday nua SitTurc. Pygmalion and Galatea. Preoeded by a Screamibg Farce ADMISSION in SO and SO CENTS opera obaxISOSn tieresemd. by number, everv a' teraooB. from LM to IM, for the e-.en ;.. . . ntertainineat. rVrformaceleveIy afterno..n except MoBOayi Md Tlmredaya at Sac and .veiv ivetuaj k s u ihk-ti open at l Hi1 ana 1 : 30 r m N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, v. YOM1.NO AVr, SCRANTON I DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WRHTBBN KaII.RoaD TrslBS leave S. ranton ae follow p. pics, lot New Yurk aud all pntuta Kast. I Ml. S.50, 15, s iki and 0 Ml a . IS V. and 3 p. in BiprtHM loi Eastoii. Trenton. Pindolelidna and Ihe loath, M IXI and " 50 a m ; 1S4.1 and ) ID p in Washington and way ttatlutkV .' 40 p in Todvlitlins a. coinoimdiiion. Ii lo p, III. Expr rs do liiiiglnimt.Mi, 4iswego. Klniiia, (Nulling. Hath. Dansville. Mount Mo; lis and BurTalo. li IU. Ilia, ui and I .'4 p, in , inaUiiig . ioe oaneeeMoaa t itutr!. to w p.aiit tu th West. Nul tllWeKl and Southwest llnrTalo a Mhimaleldm. Pill u. ni lllnghaniton anil way statlotm l i, p in NtcholKvn and wav station. 5 41 p in Biiighaiiitoii and F.lroira Kxpres. tuli p in Express for Coillaud. Syracuei'. Oswisgo. Ctic and Rd hlddl Sptlng,. 9 It ,. snd LM p ni. Ithaca, Sl' and IU0 St ni ami I SI p BL l or N oithumdei land. Fltutf'ii. W likes Ilane PtfatOtttli. Blnomaburg and, Danville, making close connect Ions at NuTtAuiiilverland for WllUamtport, Rarneourg, Baltimore, Wash inaton slid the South. Noitliumdeilund nd Intermediate stations. (.Oil. V JDa. tu add I ' i.i,,! ec ,, m. Naiitleoke und Intermediate stations. MW and II. in a m Plvmoath and lutel mediate still Inn. I -I. ml V ,., in Pullman parlor and aiarplra; cuache M all express train l or detailed tiiforinatioii. jaicket inn tables, etc , apply to M. I, Smith, city ticket office. 3 Lai xawannaaveiiue. or depot ticket offioe N EW YORK. ONTARIO AND WKSTEKN Railroad. --,.. . n ,,. .. , ;n table In ell i i Nov IV. ISU3 Train dvare Bcranton fur Carboudale MO, n HO, 1 1 05 a ui., 4.50, S 1W p. ni For Hancock Junction and main couuetiou II 05 a m . 10 p. ra Trains ltava Haacnck Junction r..i BtaiS line connection for Scrantuu. eOO a ui , i.Oi P in. Train leave f arboudalti for Scianton 7 SI. Vie a.m.. I lo. ., 3i. n dip in J 0, ANDERSON, QaneraJ Passenger Agacit, New York. T, FL1TCROFT, Dittrict Passenger Ageut, Sciautun HTICINAV A V SON ll i nitOTHKRO Aim Kit A Ml II II Al W SI I 1.1 At DM I II I?RIK AND WYOMING VALLEY HAIL It ROAD Tralu leave Scrauton for New Y'ork and iu termerilat point en the Eri and Ilawluv and local points at 0 V, S.45 a. tn. and :tS4 p in. Train leaving at 3.45 a. ni. aud 3tt p. in. are through train to and from Hones lad Trains leave for Wilkes Harre at S.I0 a. in. und 3 II p. in. Dl A MAC j btrfftt Btrnrk of Qrt ' ORGANS 1 a t ,l , s, e7T8si Ml SUM, MICIvl II YMllsU n su , i re. i.ic- FOR THE LENTEN SEASON aii binds Pratb i tsd received gaily, I'aucy v lt,l it hi I in i . Ilonele 4'. ol, taiuioiitb HluHtera, sail Mack, lei tloeknvvav. I'lieaiake H. AVCTUDC' Maurice Htver Cove mm V 0 I L It U ' on, i , Suit Shell Clems. thMmpt, Seallnpi, Be, W. H. PIERCE, PKNN AVE. DON'T FORGET Tliat we are headouarteis for everything in the line of WATCH ICS If you hav e anv Idea of purchasing anv kind of a atcb. ladv s or gent s o old or Stiver, you will make a griev ous itiUtake It vou do not give u a call and get our privet, which yon will find far below all otners. esneclally in all the high grades at Elgin. Waltham and Hampden iiiovements If you have any doubl and are at all posted oti prices give uaa call and -a will have no trouble in convincing yon.Wettlll havealarge tt.sik t,) dispose of. and vvi.l otter you won derlul inducement in Jewelry. Silverwaie, Clocki and all other goods which we have in stock C. W. Freeman l'inn Ave nnd Spruce St. I BLOOD POISON I auo. i.rlav giiarruit. taneked tn ftVui WANT ADS Inserted in THE TRIBUNE rate of ONE CENT A WORD. I pvrtUtti.fnUy oureAl I I 111 tolaldtvt be I I Ody M'Arr KuarrtntT. bockJ h Vhi 000 cilbI. I InmillVf! proina aniu iwaav ' ' - ' aim a llfoliMiipe.pJtetiiJ.frely ntmi WbB latKfArltlfa I mil iml. Our Myk(r? Pfimisdv Willi TIIE LA Kit EST CHEAPEST BEST The Tribune Pa