The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1894, Image 1

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Four Billions
Of loss in a year is a
steep price for Democratic
to? I
nnnnu!nm wt" in w w ww - - - -" rMsjyv A', r-'iv ,y
I B I 1 1 1 H I V ! fl -7:?rWH-
And the Worst
Of it is tint th 3 country
hasn't yet got Democracy's
ccmplcted bill.
i A
Be Will Call Up Un ttgllone BUI HtMtt
fore Reported.
The Election Law Bill to Bo Discussed.
A Lively Debate Anticipated on the
Stewart Bond Resolution - The Con
tested Election Case ot O'Neill vs.
Joy -The Pending Nomination of
Wheeler H. Psjckharn as Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court.
W JLBBINQ ion. Feb. I
'!IE tariff bill Uvia- tv-u for a
tiuio re'.ireil to th i seclusion of it
senate committer room, the
features of tbe week iu Qonuros
wul be tiie vote ou the bill to repeal
the federal election In the seuate, OQ
tbs McCreary il.-twaii.iti r rmtttttOU in
th Iku- and nerhaps on th- Stew in
resolution -declaring ttgaluat the pro
posed treasury bonds issue to the Ma
lta Th election I iw ropei! bill coin 's np
iu the sena'e tomorrow afternoon and
it i ti bdieooed hv Senators Gbaud
Ier !'. if, Bawley, Harri'. Boar, Fry
nad Vest, Py ur-eme;!t the discissi 'it
-is to close Tuesday at 4 o'clock, when
the 'iate will proofed to v.te oa tae
b:ll and pecdiu amenruients.
There may bt a truii fur pree h
deuce Wndues lay, as Booster Teller
h is even notice of hi-i intention to C ill
np th edobratwl MeQ irrahati bill,
whil Senator t u is .:ive!i ituiUr
notice respecting tue bill to pro Tide for
the erection of a new Koforament
printing office. Either of thes bills is
nre to .ive rise to debits and in iiy
diflkaHtt lie in w lit for In printing
ofdee till in particular, mainly bciuse
the senate and bouse committees
bavins jurisdiction. over lb subj-ct
have f.ilen into a disagreement
respecting the (election of a site.
Farther pi 1 10 lot a lively div in
the senate Wednesday is to be fount
in the fact tuat the Stowarl bond reso
lution will again be tak t. up in tue
motniag hoar with some aliases of
finding n more permanent resting place
than the vice president's table if the
discussion is not protracted beyond the
limits of the looming hoar. The in
terest in the egsCUtiv SsaSiOQS daring
the week will depend largely upon
whether the committee on th- ja dietary
which meets tomorrow morning upon
the pending nomination of W neeler H.
Peckaatn as asaociate jodgO of the su
preme conrt.
Mtt. bland rs lAMOim
Prcceedin.'S in the house this week
will have a rarity that has been lack
ing for two meatus rut. After the
Tote on Tneday afternoon upon the
r-solntion relating to Hawaii. Mr.
Bland, of Missouri, will call np the
siker geigninraire bill heretofore re
ported by him from the committee on
c inatre, wunts and ma.'orea liy the
provision! of thi. MM, the aecretarf of
the trrasnry i rfirecUil to issne tifcy -five
millions of certificate, rep
resenting the seigniorage of toe
baliion now in thi rsnry, pnr
cnued nnder the.Snermin law of 1800,
Mr. Bland is sanguine mat the bill wili
pass without terions opposition or de
lay. 'T see no rtsoon, said he, "wny
the house should take more than a day
to consider it. The snbject has been
thorongnly discussed and every one is
as familiar with it as lie can hope to be
at least in the coarse of this term of
"How many Republicans will vote
for it?"
"More than thirty I should say. jndg
ing from the nnmner wiio have, told mo
they wonld support it. The Democrats
who opposed the passage of the
Wilson t.jil fur tha repeal of the Sher
man law fast fall, will, I assam-, Vo'e
witn me for it, and many Democrats
who voted for the Wilson repeal bill,
and iiiive been disappointed at th laok
of results therefrom, have expressed a
willingness to help pass the bill. I be
lieve that two-thirds, if not three
fourth?., of the Democratic members
are for it."
'H'w fast can the bullion r coined.
Mr liland, aod the seigniorage MMNM
an actual fact?"
"'Oh, that depends upon the willing
ness of the officials. Thy conld tnrn
ont seven or eight milli ml a month if
the mints were ran donrde time, bat I
don't expect, thfv will do tha'."
When the Bland bill is out of the
way (and probably not more than two
dnys at the ontaide will be given to its
consideration) the contested election
rase of O'Nitll vs. Joe from the Elev
enth district of Missouri will come tip
on the report of tha committee on elec
tions to oust Joy and seat O'Nrdll.
O'Neill ssys that never since tno Demo
crats on the commilt'-e heard tha
evidence and read the law of the state
have th v had any doubt of the justice
of his claim.
Tho Formr Publl.hsr of a Chambf rbur(t
P'PT Pa'eea Awnv
PBUiAPItPSIA) F-'b. 1 I-nwis A.
fih o-in iker iieil tndsr at hiH lato resi
dence, 'JH North Klevonth street. The
di'censnd was prominent in the Interior
of the stste for many yars, being the
publisher of a paper at Chainbersliiirg.
He removed to this city and retired
from business. He loaves a widow and
a son, Professor John V. .Shoemaker, of
tho Medico Cblrnrgioal college, and a
dimgbter, Mrs Helen P. L wu.
The remains will be Interred nt bis
former home, Chstabersburg.
the Hoor. An iron "shake bar" nisd In
iffaking down the gratsa ol the lu:
naoet waa tonnd in aoornat covered
with MOO I and in dtod hair
The nolioo believe the motive for
murder was revang notwithstandiiiit
the fact that Koos was robbed of $tl,
tbaamonntol biiwttk'a MUtr puJ 1
h i in last tuglit.
Ho Will N. t Jtaaapt Noiniuatlou to
tl rrmuteno.
CaiOAOO, Fob. 1 A special to the
Tribtiot from Oltolaod,0 .snys: "Tha
Moral of tue viu to Oolnmoos of John
C Uowdv, Obalrmaa Of the Indiana
Etepnbllean statu n lotttlva oommUtaa,
is out, phalrmM Growdy wai i
oradiud msasangar from ez-PrMldant
Harrison and h oarttod with him na
inranoaa of good will and inbatantial
aid In t ie governor's oomiog ttht for
tho praaldentlal nominatlou two years
lonoa. Harrison does not want the
Domination and would not accept it.
m i so ho has Informad QoTtrnot tic
Since his great bereav.Miioiit h has
00 ameition ezoopl to liva useful and
dignified !lf, devoted to bis profession
in I his stuiiea, and turtlienuore, he
believe he cmld not Mrvtvt the worry
and work of another auip:iign itud
term as president.
It Will Be Held on Tuesday Afternoon.
The Antngtmantl Have Not as
Yet Been Oomplotadi
PittLvitKi I'.it.v. Feb. 4 -Pi many of
the churches of tiie various denomination-"
today th death, of (J'or- W.
Child wis feelingly referred to by tho
officiating olorgymen, and his pawing
away was pronounced a pttOHo loss an 1
bereavement. The arrau5em-nts for
the funeral of Mr. (.'uilds have uot been
complete ! yet. bat it has Seen decided
that it shall bs hell at 1 o'clock fa
day afternoon from St, Jama Protest
ant Eplsoopa church, of which Mr.
Child wis a rsotryman for many
years. Who will be asked to b-
pall-bearers is still undecided as
it is difflonlt to made a
choice for tiie sad honor among Mr
..ills' frieu Is in this and other cities.
Bn th question ol the place of his
iiitermaut ;s still a matt-r of doubt.
I Mr. Cuilds had a lot in Lanrel Hili
; cemetery, but to msny of his intimate
friends it i-in' appropriate that tie
shoullbelaid iu the same mssoleuui
in Woodland cemetery that contains
the dust of his friend and eompinion
of life, the lot A J. Drexel. Which
ever is decided npon, however, the in-term-nt
will oe private.
The employes of every departm-nt of
the Public Ledg-r meet in the compos
ing room of the paper this afternoon to
t ke appropriate action upon Mr.
L'hilds' death. Th meeting was called
to order by L Clarke Davis, managing
editor of th- piper, who moved that
Colonel II Rlebards Mtvtkie. ctshi-rof
tha Ledger, preside. Colonel Muckle
took the chair and after a few fel
ing and touching words in refer
ence to to object of the meet
ing, called np n Mr. Davis to
address his feilow employes. Mr.
Davis spok eb qu-ntly of Mr. Child1
many beautiful traits of character and
his sympathetic and kindly relations
with his employes Speeches were
made in the same vein by William V
McKean, the aged veteran editor of
the Ledger; Mrs. C. F. Hallowell. of
the woman's depirtraent; Dr. William
Hilt, for the local stuff ; Hanry 9 Utiles,
assistant cashier: John W. Kester. for
the compositors, and Joel Cook, busi
ness manager of the paper.
Adlisou B linrk, chief editorial
writer, presented r-soluti-ins that were
unanimously adopted expressing the
sense of loss felt by the employes of
the Ledger in Mr Child' death. It
was also decided that the Ladder em
ployes attend thi funeral in a body.
Head of John Rnoa Beaten Almost
to a Jolly,
ClUC'AUO, Feb, 4 John Hoos, a Ho
brew 50 years of age, and a watchman
at the San Diego building, was bvnt
olly murdered some time during Sun
day morning in the boiler room of the
building. When found Koos' face and
betid were beaten almost into a jelly,
and blood and brains were scattered
over tho front of the boilers and ou
Motlt'iii RomiBOt Tlial Almost Rlftifl Hit) Fa
moot Om of Old.
Ferdinand Ingruth, Pitteion Italian,
Gets Revnng Upon William Resa,
Boarder, by Putting Deteclivos on
Hit Track; but William Is Wily, and
He Shoves His Brother, Joseph,
Into Detective Whalen'l Hands anil
Seeks Parts Unknown.
Hisrtal es (a flteroalo IVlftaaa
Pi itbton, Pa , Ph, I
EARLY one month ago Ferdinand
Ingmth, an Italian, who keeps a
padrone hoarding house on South
Main street was arrested at tho
Instano of William tie a, a boardsr,
who charged that tho landlord ha I
taken a certain inn of ino ivv belong
ing to the plaintiff, Tue cssj Was
hoard before 'Squire llibbons, Who
bound ngrnthoVW to a hearing before
the grand jury
Angered by this,
nniet investigation
I' pou pretense of
home, he went to
ngrnth began a
of K sa's record
revisiting his old
New fork, where
fh Pna-illt Ar. OiA Frl.ndi and
Will Rpr for Chsrltv-
N'f.w York. Feb, 4. Jam J. Otff
btt andCharly Mitchell, having aef
tied their dilT'renoi an I b-o:ome good
friends, have geie-ron-dy volunteered
to box four rounds at Grand Central
palace, Monday night, Feb. 19, for
charity's sake '. is intended lo make
tnis as n-arly as possible an exact
representation of the seen in the ring
of the Duval Athletic dob, at Jsckaon
vi It on Jan tb
"Honest" John Kelly, who wns ref
ere of tho great International fight,
has consented to act as master of cern
monies at this bread inn I benefit, and
all the men who figured aa MOOndl,
bottle hol lers, time keepers, etc , will
tio on liun l.
Two 7ifroes ' Arrestad on Runpldon at
( arr.'ln and Looked Up
PntiaAOgLratA, Feb "Two negroes,
were arreeted here today on iQsploion
of hnving some knowledge of the mur
der some we. ks ago nt Camden, U, J ,
by a burglar ol William Kalren, a
baker. The two men admitted to
acknowledge of the negro who coin
mi Had the burglnnjr nnd murder, but
denied having any hand In the affair
them. elves.
TbeV gavo the name and a descrip
tion of the man tliey accuse and detec
tives went across the river to Camden
this evening to auek for the murderer
and assist the Jeray olllor In arrest
ing him.
bishop of Ha
th Qalvteton
Cardinal Ln'gi S-rallna,
Un, Italy, awed U,
A. 0, Mills, lerretaty of
i lex. 1 1 otton axroange.
John II. Ilcdie.1 a well known 001 oper
ator, aged 7G, of Beading,
NetbUlel A. Balab, founder of Kala
mazoo (Mich) college, iiged NU.
Colonel H. (J. Hlayuiaker, ainj 0(1. of
Lanrnstrr, Pa,, foi merly uiiief engineer of
tlio Kenning rniiroaa.
At Allnntown, 1'a., Dr. Charles J. Koch,
ga bo, lortnwiv eoitot or unooiie pa
PUV In rhlladelpbia, llaltlmore, Chicago,
.oi i:. '-ii io III., aud Alleuiown.
William Bankcti long well known
citizen of liuckingbam, Ducks county,
Pa., suddenly, after telling his wife that
he "felt terribly bsd about the heart, uud
was lioiug lo Ulu.
tteea hud first located after arriving iu
America several years ago; and found
that ROM was WttUtod bv the atttbori
tie of Gotham for tiie alleged mur ler
of a fellow countryman, w ioiu, it was
eltmd, Be had, dntlng a brawl,
twice stabbed in the heart. Ingruth
dtd not Immediately dtooloaa his
knowledge of this crime to the ( lotham
authorities. Ha decided to t ike a more
certain course of revengj,
William's OTXVIR ggoapg,
Returning to Plttston be eoatmuui
cated with A. Ksybandi Husigtia, of
859 South Fourth strost, Philadelphia,
the Italian consul iu the (. i ikr City,
aud told him that he knew where Rosa
ciinld be found The consul forwarded
the information to the New York po
lice force, who iu turn put tho case in
the hauls of Detective Whalen, of
Wilkee-Barre, Last tvening, Detective
Whalen came to Pittatou prepared to
arrest Bo ou a warrant charging him
with mur i-r. The manner in tvbioh
he was b .tll'd iudicates that Kosa is a
personage of no ordinary intelligence.
Sevral months ago, Resa's brother.
Josepji, came to this place. Joseph had
just landed in America and sp ike tue
tnglish languagfl very brokenly. Jo-s-ph
was walking with William last
evening when Whalen approached
Whalen asked which of the two was
William Itesa. William, eosnting
trouble, qnlck as a fl Mb pointed to ,To-s-ph.
Before the latter, in his bVoken
dialect, conld proteit, WhsUn had linn
securely bandonffsd and waltz id off to
the Lnzirn County jail. Th-re the
d00ption was exposed, but when offi
cers today tried to find the genuine
William, behold, the latter had ll id.
John Saunders th Vn aim of a Slasher
at Chester.
CBKSTEB, Ps., Feb. 4 -John Saun-
der., who was stubbed iu the Itomaob
during sn altercntion lust night by
James Linn, died at 1 o'clock this
morning at the Chester hospitnl. The
police did not jet wind of the affair for
some time nf tor the fight, bntsncceeded
m srreatlng Linn at his boarding house
shortly nfter th death ofSaunden and
he is now in jail I licre wire few
v.itupsses to the i,ffair and Lvnn ro
fuses to say anything. He has employed
Frank Farrell, of Phlladelptna, was
with Saunders when tho fi lit occurred
but, as the men had been 'Linking, lie
rineinbers vry little about it. He
was nn acquainted With Siunder but
had requested him to direct him to the
residence of John lioly nftor they
ha I made a stop at .lames MOnMloa
hotel. William File, a young nWM
per carrier, ssdsted Baunderi to fitt
Chanan'l drug store, wh-ra th i fl nv of
blood was t-inpnr.irilv sinpp I aulsiib
seinntly M was rem lfd to the hos
I. vnn, who 1 1 ' 1 th-' i.l ililniig b ii- a
good reputation nnd isa nan ofifnuniv,
whiln tlie murd'ied oi an was BO years
old and unmarried.
i e i
A Line to IG V.x endad to the Boinnrsat
Coal Field.
JollNSHiWN, Pa., I'ob. 4 General
Superintendent F L. Bhepperd and
civil Engineer A, 0 Bhand, of the
Penoiylvanl Railroad o itnpnoy,vliltil
JohOltOWn In a special ear Saturday
I ftef nOOd and viewed part of a pro
potvd route for a branch line of th"
Pennsylvania railroad to tho John. on
Company Bteel work and tbnoe to
the Bom 'I r set county coal fldds.
The proposed branch is the result of
the determination f th" Johuon com
pany to build a gow Hlnid mill to cost
10, OOO.OOa
- 1
Well Known llttstonlan Expiree Sud
dnlv in IVlnda ir BotL
f jirentl tn th fkrunton Tnlmnf.
Pitthton, Pa., Fb. 4. Samuel Fll
ley died suddenly this ovnning III A
suite of room located iu the Windsor
block. His dentil is Hiipposed to bo due
in one of the vassuls of the heart be
coming dilated
lie wa l"i years of age and leaves il
wife so 1 four children
Clt zoie in This Stale Who Have Been
Sucneaifiil Appliotnte.
WAgHTMQTOM. Fob. II The following
piOllon haVt been granted: Ponnsyl
Vspla, orlgiual. John U Taylor, Wust
Auburn, BttMUb Abnk ; Samuel It. Pat
terson, Heaver Falls; Peter Gulp,
Hnntsville, Luzerne; RdWln Watitins,
Troy, Bradford: Abrahani Hedeuy,
Milton. Additional, Amos K. Lo.uuaii,
Increuse Charles P. Brown, New
Cumberland, Cumberland 1 r"dn,
Uarrlok Price, Hear Lake, Warren,
original widows, etc, Hannah Hull.
Lltlti, Lanoaiter; LuoJndaMllbv(AII'
ghnyi Bruala Myers, Chain bar burg i
Martha ,1. Ileikel. Ileuveiine. IGuulnii,
Bophroll Allen, (mother,) Now Brigh
ton, Beaver; Bllen Brenner, Wiimore,
Cambria 1 Clara LaUhaw, clarion,
Clarion; Sarah A h'ntz. Didton, Lali-
osater; Maggie A Boblnion, Bbaron,
fror; minor oi Joseph Uiut, Gap,
Lncatr; Barbara Koch. vTtlllami
port. Eiyoomlngj ntloor of Aiimrt igi
ley, DallutOWn, york Mexican war
survives, increase, I'Vederick Pinker,
- - ae
Pathl J ISaph Viuuunlill to Link Afier
I (nt 111 11 OatboliSS 1" America.
Nkw Yoiik, Fob. 4. So rapid has
been the Imigratlon of Italian Catholioi
to this country and to South America,
it has been deemed advitabla by the
propogmda iu Homo to delegate a rep
reaentatlv to loo after their Interest
in the western world It is understood
tnat tins stop hni been t aken ou the ad
vice of Mer. Satolli. Iu purMunco of
the plan Father Joseph VincMitili, of
tie Roman Catholic order of Bt,
Charles BorOUlOO, has been sunt from
Rome, lie has Jult arrived In ; this
elty. Un is looking over the ground
preparatory to entering upon his work.
Aftr he has accomplished a portion
of the work laid ou'. for him in North
America, ho will go to Boutb America
10 Inveatlgnte tho condition of th
church there, so fir as Italians are
concerned, He will visit Argentina
especially, which oountrv has lately
been a mecca to which many Italians
have gnno and Wnerc that element of
the ohuro 1 is strongest in South Amer
ica. e
The Fmissary of the itawalian Piovli
ionnl Oovemmenl Under Arreet.
CbIOAQO, Feb. 4, Th Herald today
says: "C C. Potior, the alleged secret
emissary of the provisional government
of Hawaii, was locked up in a cell Ht
the D (plain street poUoeitatlon last
night. The charge against hnn is ob
taining money under false pretenses.
Potter claims that be is a victim of un
pleasant circumstances, and that the
charges against him are absolutely
without foundaton. 8 says that ho is
ail that he has representel himself to
he, and that ho is more than capable
of paying th debts loi has contracted,
lie says he is the secret agent of the
Hawaiian provisional iiovernmsiit and
that his business in Chicago was to
carry out Instructions received Irom
President Dole.
When taken into custody he had in
his pos-tessioa $7, .ID) in sugar bmds on
the Homer Hawaiian Sugar company.
H" also had a hand satchel containing
(BOO worth ol j-welry.
. -
Andraw Wagnsr Throwc Himielf Into
the Juniata River.
Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 4 - After sev
eral futile attempts at suicide within
the last four days, Andrew Wagner,
sgod 50 yars, living with a larue fam
ily at Mapleton, stealthily left his
home this morning, and throwing him
self into the Juniata river soon disap
peared beneath its surface. He was
rescued and restored to partial con
sciousness by savers lnsasuies. It is
thought ho cannot recover.
Wagner had beu temporarily de
ranged through dpoodnoy over long
i lleneea and nndu religion zeal
t'nelo Sam's mints coined 111,887,400
Worth ot pieces InKt h.
Dr Talmage, tb Brooklyn praachar, trill
taken live nio iths trip around tun world
Tlnouirh day tiains between Seattle
Wash., and Vancouver, H. ('., have been
still ted.
Tin- treasUry ot long Island City, N. V.,
Ii empty and officials are ehargad with ex
Tor 1800,000 the Arthur Hill Lnftlber
company, of New York, has beOghtablg
tlinuer tract in ( intari'i.
Misais ijpi Dehiocrat voted wal iena
turini oaouldate mul pay leglatatori
salarieM during the ilei dlOQK,
Meld by a live year's OODtraot, liabhi
Prledninu cannol leave Denver to accept, a
call from t Israel, of Boeton,
Nowi'ort New- line the only it irk in the
United S'ntei iliut c an in i i'iniuodate the
iteamshlp New xora and rails.
a box containing old opln and jewelry i
woiiii NVerai tnousana uotisra, vras
fonnd in an old Wallhaiu, Mass, hous v
Beoana Bnerlff Oolwn, who wants to
liainj nun l"i er Hub slatier, at I'inevllle,
Ky., ia ill, t he eve in e in ia poetponod a
Itatnrnlns to hie meat market, after
brief absence, M. P, Erlcksonof Bt, Paul.
whs boi dead bV I thlf, who was robbing
tile till, and lacaped.
T i present a splendidlv bound copy of
bis bonk to tb saltan, F i Thompson
Nw York clubman, will travel to Con-
itantluople, 8,100 miles,
i aptored by s mob, near Bt, Loblt) after
n lirulal assniilt "ii a yi'inu; mi l. lorn Dm
y, ttatBbi was rescued Iiy iillleers just
iu time I" Have a Ivuelung.
.inim B, Brewaur. sec rotary of the
Washlnirl'Oi I'ark eluh. 'lied at the Well
Itilit'in lintel, in Chicago yesterday morn
ing of congest ion of the brain.
in ih rloi Hodlgr,th first, to Introduoe
uiioie vines into Kiig Harbor, and the fl i nt
in New Jersey to drill OUBl rate that a aue
ressful business could lie made of wine
roltore, died it Lowes Dank, n. j., gd
1 1 yenra.
Suit, has been brought by Irvinir I La
kins, Jr., of New York, ngiiinsl Helen
Harry, th actress, who ia Mrs. Ilnlnu in
Drtvat llfek to reoover 99,900 on a claim
wiiiuh Fran B Pi ott, formerly man-
ager for Helen Hairy, has assigned to
llo klna.
Ifev. James I.. Meagher has been ai
pointed to estalilldi a piititiug Iioiiho in
New York ii ii i ii r i he control nt the Cat nc
be church and in eh'iracler aoinething like
the Alelhndlst llooll t-oliCeril. II ll
which has the matter ID Marge Is called
thn Christian 1'iess association.
The Home correspondent of the I'nited
li'ess aaya Unit tlm cnan or the Hev. Ill
Hlehard Huitsell, whose trouble with
Archt'ishon Cmiigan resulted in his re
moval from his parish charge In New
York has been fully tei"itoil to the vatl
can, but as yet DOdcOlllon on it has been
Ht. Hev. Hlslnip Hall preached hl first
larmon in Vennont at ht. rauls church
Burlington, Vt., yestenlay morning. His
audience was limited only by Ihe size of
the church. It include 1 many people from
other ilouoinliiatlons and n number from
out of town, who remained iu the city
after Friday a services.
-ss,y mil HK t-W 7
ti i,i t .l rfi i
ma i - t m
w if ' ar i
i i isest w,. . - Til
"rm. . W M .' . i I
.. - -r Tar: ( i.? - . ;
- . I J-.lV H -Wrt I V
mm iiiESTiEiT.
j - ,., . i
i I vi Vt
V,' rri
Am i, ornm I nott That Is tbaqueetlooj
Ami I have no bltney In laying,
Tim sooner it is answersd tii" better,
i have been off the throne now for tome
few moons
Which period, it is heedlee to remark,
Are becoming more nnmeron at thdy
gmw longer,
Ami tur wbatf
simply be causa a few sneoulativ Sfankesa
saw tit to aqoat on my baautlful Island,
iuer wuion thoy man tnemselvei ti
That byaomoeortof International fllm
My property had become theirs.
Bui it badn't,
'iatlier 'loiiinl inn my subjects;
Hear me out,
I am on Ibis throne, or will be shortly,
To stay.
Pin a bticki r.
Go get on your good clothes.
Prepare t" celebrate my restoration.
I - bonnd to roma
start the red dree.
Bring fortb tb ta-autiful Hula Huila girls.
Let iho Plalianoa dance proceed,
He Hoits to Defeat the Wilson Bill
by Tacking on the Free Coin
age of Silver.
PrrreBOBO, Feb. i Senator Quay
nrnved al his home in Heaver last
vening, His health is aain preoarf-
oui. lie will, however, return to
Washington tomorrow. Senator
Quay' proposed amendment lo
the tariff measure have caused
-...s-1. talk throughout the
ountry. The local Populists in par
ticulsr are pleassd. TheenatOT hop-s
by tacking 00 the free coinage of sil
ver, the repeal Of til- state bank tax
and providing for Ihe purchase of 145-,
180 Ottno is of gold p-r month and tin-
issue of notes therefor will cause sin h
lissetisions iu the D-micratic. nary
thai the Wilson bill will In defeated.
When seen at bis home iu H 'aver. li.e
senator had not much to ety in expl tu
ition of his coursa Ht could give
no assurance that his tactics would kill
the new tariff me asure. He sai l he
knew the Democratic party of ol '.
While the Democratic senators won d
undoubtedly make for ipecifi I
protection lor their own sections, th-v
wonld lik-ly line up for the bill ou the
final vote.
Senator Qojiy continued: "Th" Dmu-
ocrats liavo a ma.iarity of three, I
think, over the Kinublloan and npu-
lists in the senate. Whether this ma
jority can bo OVtroomt or not is a (pies
turn. I introduced th" amnumentl
without oontultation with other Repub
lie in senators. 1 d a not know what tnev
thing about them, aud can't say
wi.ether they will vnte for the
amendments or not. Mv object, ot
i.'iirae, is to defeat the WiUon bill
This is the only way th silver QUSI
t ion can be revived sgiin this session
Hid it ought to phai the silver men.
As for Hie repeal of the state bank tat.
that is D mooratio policy, and as the
ptrty named to bo dodging the issue,
I tiioiwlil 1 would give it an opportu
uity to put itseif on record
"I believe in mv gold proposition. and
have advocated it for I one time, but I
would not press tins amendment now,
It is part of the plan to defeat the
Wilson bill als . It is virtually the
Sherman bill over again sxoepl thai
gold ll to be purchased instead of sil
ver. I bellve that if tbo oberman law
had provided for Hie purchase of gold
we would not have bad the money
panic 1 lit fall.
I nay add under the rennsvlvanln
bulking laws out Stat bank issue of
money would be Stable enough, but 1
lou t know bow it would be with
other states. N itlonnl bank money ., ... better than the state
bank issue, In Pennsylvania the money
would be backed by state bond
which are as goo), if not letter, than
government bondi l may say, ton,
that ie a few years at the present rate
of increase there will be money enough
iu the milking fund to wipe ont the
stnle debt, wul yet (his is being done
by the Hepnblican ring.
The senator laughed Imartily over
the last remark. The excellent condi
tion of the state finances and the pros
pects of debt In the near future, he
considers glory enough for tho Kepab
licall paltv in I eunsvlvania. SoUatOt
lnay sai l that if a cei l un nmoiiut of
gold were purcham'd each month thai
iu tan years the government would
have a great reserve, while it would be
adding to the circulation all the tune
R'irloua Dlsatter at Onto City Manv
People Injured'
HlHMIMlllAM, Ala , Feb I A wind
mi l rain storm which passed over
Birmingham last night blew down the
Congregational church at (Data city,
six miles from here The Christian
Endeavor society, competed of thirty
women and children, was bidding a
meeting at the time. I he roof crashed
Iu on thm, burying them h the
debris. Nearly every person in ihe
building wii' mom ariose hurt. The
serious aSMlttSl are. Mrs. H S
Pritchell, leg broken and Internally
injured, will din; Mrs. James Nile.
iUtsrnsJIy injured, Will die; Charles
Olson, thigh broken, probably fatal.
The others are not lerloUtty hurt.
Hall the physicians of Birmingham
are at Gate City and the greatest ex
citement prevail The building was ii
small frame Blruclnre, or many would
have been killed
The Tarltian Anaichlat Qulllotinrd at
Plaoe P Li R; qunlte.
I'Aitia, Feb. ft August Vaillante,
the iinarohist, who threw a bomb In
the chamber of deputies on Dec U, was
guillotined at Place De La RoqUSttS
this morning.
The execution wsb witut8Bd by I
large rabble.
A Hamburg Steamer Tossed About
Forty-Eight Hours by a Hurri
cane Main Mast Broken.
Nkw Yuk, Feb. 4. The Hamburg
Hue steam-hip Teormlna, Csptain
Koch, arrived to lay from Hamburg
after a perilous voyage lasting twenty
t wo days. She enoOUOtered two ssvere
hurricanes in the guif strsm, In one of
which her mainmast was suapped off
close to the deck. Tho Taormina
brought 13.1 steerage pis.eng-rs In
the early part of the voy ige the
weather was fair When near Sabia
Island she enopnutered a hurricane
from the southeast The hurrioaue
continued nearly forty-eight hours.
At 7 o'clook on the utorniug of the
olat. uit., a big sa broke on the deck
and the men at the wheel lost control
of the v-ssel. The bolts in the main
boom were loosened and tha boom
threshed about. Itruok lifeboat No. 3 I
on me stsroo ird sile and knocked it
overboard. Afterward the boom, i wing
ing with tb roll of the ship, carried
away the lee rigging of the main matt,
and the initt. losing its bracers, snapped
off and went overboard to ttarbosri. It
was only by long and troubleepme Vork
that the crew w-re able to clear away
the wreck. Oil in large quantities was
poured on the troubled water while
this work was in progress.
Meanwhile the steerage tisssr,gers
below decks were in an ag mv ol Wror.
Some men w-r for bonrs on theirkuees,
praying, while others 0taggrd about
aud cursed as they Were pitched ti i
way an a mat nv the lurching ol tue
vessel When the mast w-nt by the
board women set earned and soon became
hysterical. All expected t: ship to go
down. Captain Koch went u turn the 1
men and women and by personal a; -peals
succeeded in allaying tb ir fears
somewhat. In the height of the stoim
Steward Hnberiet fell on the deck and
was seriously injured Internally.
The big wave that swept over the
deck broke a capstan stove in a hatch
and twisted the rails and the deck tit-
Th hurricane subside! on Feb. 1,
but head winds were end u itored, de
laying the steamer five or six days.
Shot ThrciiBh the Breast liy a Spar
taneburit CVntab!e
CHABUCSTOlt, S. C. Feb. 4 - A tpse
iai from Bpartansbnrg, s t, hv?: a
warrant was placed iu the hand of the
ibertfffor the arrest of a number of
man named BalleW, William L'-nter,
Perrv Moore and two sons, at Well
ford, for violation of the dispensary
law. About 7 o'clock last night th
sherilfs wont out t l nuke ihe ar
rest. They reached Hiliew's about
midnight, but before t iey got to the
house the whiskey was out in swamp.
Thsy saw Parry M 'ore, an.i tiie deputy
sheriff ordered him to surrender il
Bred on them The tiro wa returned
by the posse and Moore Wat allot
through the lir.
The constables then Went toward
Ballew'l hOUS and order id him to
surrender He did not obey an t Con
stable i uney shot him In t he breast,
lulling him Instantly
Oapture of an Individual Ac.-nad rf
Raving Robbed Twelve PoatoOOSSi
Pmi.M'Ki .nil ,. Feb. 4 A man
oharged wiiii n long lletfol orimei in
various parte of the coimtrv was ar
NSted here tonight upon a description
furnished bv the chief of police of Al-
toon i Tho Ann was Qsorgu Hooper,
It is GrSorg Hamilton, alia George
Boyle, alias QeorgS Harris, and the
parttoulsr robberies for winch bewni
ii 'rsstt I was the burglary of the jew
elry store of Kudisill Hros. , of Altoona,
aud Cramer's general merchandise
store at t Iramsrs, Pa
BoopSS is a aid to be wanted for t lie
r dlbsry of no less than twelve post
oifleee and railroad stations in various
parts of the coiintr y since Sept. 1, IS03
replete Hopkln n - urai"d an Kn-
eeuuter with ibs Boston Bar,
Nt:v YuliK. Feb. 4 .1 D Hopkins,
Orsodon'i booker.sald this evening that
he had in itched Creedon against Dick
Moore, of Huston, to fight in thai city
on Fen 97 for a purs of 19,600, and
that Moore's backer and hs (Captain
Hopkins) had ii side bet of 8,O0Q on
tii" result.
Captain Hopkins 'said that he lo
lieved that Fitxtlmmons was bluffing
and dare not light Creedon.
510 AND 512
lack a. avenue.
OUR Reduction Sale of
LINENS will com.
mence Monday, Feb. 5, and
continue onr; week. We quote
below a few figures in Cream
and Bleached 'J able Dam.
asks. Napkins to match
when desired.
56 inch, 23 cents.
Htctut 1,1 ice, 30 ccst.
58 inch, 23 cents.
lt.ceut price. '.',' cents.
60 inch, 32 cents.
Batesnt price, 40 cents
64 inch, 39 cents.
Keceiit price, 4b csnte,
63 inch, 45 cents. price, U cnti,
72 inch, 55 cents.
Keceiit price, CO cnti,
72 inch, 68 cents.
Beeent price, V osuts.
72 inch, 83 cents.
Kcent price, fl,
72 inch, $1.05.
Htcetit price, (1 2",
72 inch, $1.19.
li cent price, $1 00.
72 inch, $175.
Eecent price, i
80 inch, $2.10.
K-cent pric?, 9 35.
90 inch, $2.25.
R'e-nt price, TO.
D.utier and Luncb S.-ts.Towele and C'ounter
plies at eorreoUlJiug!) ;.,w i.ricts. ee t ur
Krnb" Croobet y a: Ha and the Ex
celsior Mrseill. at L9a
hi m
fhe utu PFiciu k en mm
Maltese Cross
Ar.d Oak tanned Leather Bel ani
H. A. Kinsburv
O er
513 Spra;e St., Senitoi, Pa.
Ii 1 n in n n 1
0 1 IIUIHV ViL UUllUi)
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description tUted at
Lewis, Roilly ft Davie3.
WW rlcwt ovt'W s) von tag it i :0 1M
wamuimiton, Feb, Fbreoosl
fur Ifbadoyi Fw jbu feiui
eytectnfu, sir, soWr m soutasm
( iiiriioa, iierri eiini.i. tor wrst-
1 i'ii feuniufeoMM, pmra(ly fair, ustraier,
uiinuf.s sh(Mno to stmtaeriy,
We Examine Eyes
Pree of charge, fa doctor i
lKi'dttl uti ate promptly told
so. also guarantee n per
fed lit.
AT COST foe one week only,