8 THE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 3. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Hamburg and kiss Embroideries. WE HAVE now open aful on sale the newest ami most desirable things in the ever-popular Embroideries. Our stoek of last season's goods luul been reduced to a very low point previous to opening our new ami beautiful collection tor the spring of 1894. The goods eaiue direct from the makers 00 the other side to the wearers on this side,, with only our own moderate profit as distributors. CamVriite BigingS, 1 to 13 iuebes. from 1 to BQ cents, C:;iubrio Insertions, to 3 In oh si. from 10 to oO cent. All-over KiubroLVrv iCaiubri.o, M inches widti From 50 oaats to L JO, N linsook Embroideries, 1 to 10 inches, from . to OSatS N ilasook insertions, r to 3 Inehsatrom from 10 to 50 cnuts. Niasook All oTr,90 iuohes wide, from 80 cents to $1 S3 NainS'Xil; Flounejnct, i inches wide, frcm M ceuti to $1 SO Full lio of Colored Embroideries. Col ored Groan'. with White Embroid ery acd Whit Liroaais with Colored EmcroiJry. All the newest thiag in Pciat de Wioe. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS We have re-marked twenty lines o: last season"s goods in no way unfashionable at prices to satisfy the most THE NEWS OF f NEARB TOWNS exacting. UP AT CL-mK's GKcEn). Standard, Lrim sr.! Jfaaales Educa tional 7-.-wi Penoial T-iptoi. Special to tlut Seranton Tribune. Clask 3 Gazas, Pa.. Feb. I The mtuiM struct oar vicinity ia fail force last nif, presumably giv-u oat by a dramatic troupe that played Uncle Tern's Cabin at the Summit on Jan. 12. Mm B. F Courtriih: and Miss Msrit H-md attended the faieral of a near relative by tne name of McFarlane, on Satnriav laat at Plymouth. Mr Floyd was a MOSTM at J. D Ayleeworth'i over Sunday. d. F. speneer, of Toompeon. left for his home on Wednesday evening last It is annonnced that an agency for the Spencer Steam heater has been es tabliaaed here H. E. N'.rthup returned to Stroud bnrc on Monday last, after a montn'n vacation. Mrs. Samuel Polhamns is reported as improving from r.er ulness, butintill not able SO sit np. About twenty know now how the measl?t feel as SOsTSS of them nav-i had them vry severely. Onr public sonVil will re-open on M.rnity r.ext after a vacation of five week. It is preenmaolv nre now that the school bnild.ntf. N'o. 1, will be heats'! by the new ttern heater. TOiit or town correspondents of Tn a Tilin- Drh inonld etgtt their netnei l it full to eaoh Uowa letter, nut for publication uut to guard acniiiai deception. I FOREST CITV CHURCHES. Vriof Mention of the Houses of Worship and Other Btiilittng-a. Speciui fo the Seranton Tribum. Foukst City, Fob, 8 During the past twelve months Forest City has mi the erection ef some liandaomo buildings, among them beiuir Man, t A Leonard's block, K. J. Onrond's building, W. J. Maxtr's blook, Prod Btruub's blook, Belts blook, J Ma DoDald.s liandiome three itory blook, Henry O Noll's blocK.aud iiuuy others, Two now ObtUehOS of handsome itriio t tiro have been erected during the past Otr. They are the t'ouirrosiatioual and Preobyteriao churches The Congregetytnal ohnroh is situs tod on Delaware Street oq a hiindsoiiin plot of ground at a considerable orfcv , tlon soots Miin street, overlooking that street and the streot below, and h nod view of the biuutiful stretch of hilly woo llutid on the Rati si le of the Laoltswanuo may be obtained from the ohnroh site. The chinch has a base mont which it used as a lecture room and fcr jirayer iiieeliiirs The main room has a seating oanic ity of 800 persons. For the past five TtOM the church has been organized, but has ulwavs mt in a hall, The membership of the ohnroh is large, bnt for nearly six mouths they btVO been without a ptstor, RfV. Khyt Morgan bevlng been their pastor, hut Who It now located at Wilkes Uirro. Mr. Morsfau took a pronttnont part In the i nildittgOl the church. and much credit is due huu for the SfOOtioU' of this house of worahtp The Coogrogotioual Ohnroh m:mO rs may feel justly proud of this church, wtnch is a worthy ad dllioQ to our town. The ProsbytortM church which Wtt Itarted lots last fall Is nearly OOtn pleted. with the exception of p'.atter Ing and some ether work. The church is of the same design the BlutDOOn Preobytorisn ehepol Itissituatod ou (Tppel Main ttreet, adjoining the resi dence of Benjamin Maxey. This church, like the Couretatiotial church, has a bosessent which is used for similar purposes. This society has been or laaiSO ' for a number of years and met ia Maxey's bill for a long time, start ing at firs with a Suuday school, with William D. Brydea, sr , as superin tecdeut. Kev M. J. Morgan who at present it at the Welsh settlement, was chosen as pastor until about a year ago, when he resigned on accoaut of poor health. The auditorium room of the church will seat 173 persons nicely Sunday chool is held every Sabbath in the basement. William Jetmiugs. sr., is superintendent, J. D. Caryl secretary, SBd E. C Boabam treasurer. The Pioneer church, of Forest City, or the Methodist, which was dedicated In lSs), the society has a bandsocae pmoti.ttre under construction oa Oun- iai street, facing toward Main street and at the rear of their church. Rev. J. C. H a"an as been the ensretic and popular pastor of this caurch for tae past two rears. The Baptist church society is not building, bat has a handsome church on Delaware strest, which will be dedicated in a short time free from debt. The Episcopalians have a neat stone church opposite the Baptist edifice. The Catholic chnrcn adjoins the Bip tist church property on Delaware street. Their church and dwelling property are amjn the most valuable in town. DEATH OF S. E. RAY NOR. Th seTitial Inng healing principle of the pine tr" has finally been sajoOSM fully separate and refined ir.v. a perfect congh medicine. Dr. Wood s Norway Pine Hyrnp. Hold by til dealers on a gaararuen ci tatitfaction. o MINOOtU MUSINGS. Patrick Harrar's c s Stoek A Cold Day for Purps ftftfrial 1$ the ftrrrmlon Trifrtto. MllrOOBA, Pa.. Feb 2 .William .Thomas has withdrawn from tbe field 'as a candidate for jnstlce of tbe pa see, leaving a clean rnn for the present jus tice, p. T. O'ifara. i'atrick Mnrray, of Dtvis street, purchased a foil, blooded Holsteiu beifer last week. Mr Mnrray says it Is no nse to keep somtnon stock in this vicinity. Everrett Campbell is visiting friends at Sqnnretop. M, vV. Ctttfck anrl John H Kelly witnessed the parforrnanoa of "Mrs. Grundy, Jr." ar the Academy of Mrisie last evening. M. J. Carroll, of thitplace.is visiting friends at Sport Hill. A nnmbr of children t Oreenwood enjoyeil a slsighride tofiypiant yes terday. They wsre chaperoned by Miss Delta Knapp. Yesterday was a hard day for dogs A number of dogs belongiug to Green wood residents nad fits and died in stantly. Ex-Supervltor Patrick 'Coy no ia a candidat ' on the Citizens' ticket, and bis friends predict a re election. T. J. Coyne and John J. Diskin, of this place, attended Ftther Connolly's fair at Dickson City lust night. SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. ELDRED. i)lea at the Home uf Her Daughter In Wilkes-Barre. Special to the Seranton TrtbuM, HoNCSDALft, Pa,, Feb. Word was received here this morninir of the sud den death of Mrs. J. E Eldred at the home of ber danghter, Mrs. Lee Btearns, at Wilkos-Barre. The body was brought to Honesdale this after noon, Mrs. Eldred was 08 years old and is lurvlved by tbree children, C. P. El ured, Mrs. Lee Stearnes and Mrs. T. Hebort. The funeral will be held from tbe home of C. P. Eldrod at 3 p. m, Saturday, tirely different styles of bridges, winch will be submitted for tbe adoption or tbe councils in a future not far dis tant. One is the plan of a massive stone bridge for Sixth avenue and tbe other is for a modern iron bridge for Salem aven tid. Tbe plan for the Sixth avenue bridge provides a thirty feet roadway and two eight feet sidewalks. It is to bo con structed of native stone mill it is esti mated that the cost of such a bridge would not exced sn.nM The plan for Salem avenue provides for a modern iron structure of auDiciout width to sacuro uni form roadway and Mdewulka. and its estimated cost with abutmonts would be $1,000. THROOP HAPPENINGS. A Fire Company to He Ortranlnd The Citll.na' Callous. ,s'i(Vlii to the .s'lTdafim 'JWf'UrlS. Throop, P,, Feb. a The Oltlions' caucus was held at school No. " of the Second ward, when the following olll- oors wore noniustodi Judge ofoloo' tlon, Pstrlok Oosri inspectors of elec tion. Henry Armitrongi John It Mc- Donsld; assist mi asseisors, John L, Kvans, I'atrick MoDfNUOttl vigilunoe contmittOS, l'ainck CosgroV Miohaol Walsh. If vou wish to become acquainted with the news of our town, subscribe for Tin: TRIBUNE Chaila Lsppor le eonllued to his home by IllutSA Mist Tillio Hartley it still on the tick list. The meetings at the Baptist church oft Sunday uXI will be as full ws: Prayer meeting at 10 ;i I a in, j Ititile school ut '.' p in and proOOhlng servioos at 7 p in. Meetings at the Methodist Episcopal ehuroh are as follows (':ajs ihsetlng, 10,80 a. m ; Sunday school at ' p. m, ; preaching by the Her. Mr Divius at 7 p. m Watch Tine TtUBUNS for tho evonti of our town. The Rot. Thomas Biker, of Justus, returned home on Tuesday last utter two Weeks' hard labor among our Bap tist people. 1 he body of coal known as the ('lark vein has been reached in the in on abaft of the l'ancoaat Coal c nun toy of tins place, The young men of thin vicinity Bra anticipating the organisation of n tire company. It has be-n rumored that a prominent OitlseO of BorBOtOn has pre sented the boys with a hose cart. Stephenson Atliertou has added ureatly to tho appearance of Iuh prop erty by the erection of a uew vorauda and fence. Will Oleudyke is ereotiug a new cage on the old Meed plao '. It is to be hoped he will eaten the bird. Miss Jennie Tellt'ord, of Blakelv, has returned h in after a week's visit at tbe home of Mits Hannah Indian, of this place. Mrs. Jones, of Oneida, NT, Y , is visit ing her dau.diter.Mrs. H. W. B.dlman. James Philips has moved into his uew houte on Sanderson street. Cnarlot Gill and wifo vitited their sick sister at Peckville. Mrs. George Haverly has oonsented to take charge of her old class at the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. The friends and relatives of Peter atanchorn attended the ohriitening of a young son .at the Stauohoru resi lience. Gerrome Syker, a promiuent young man of this place will leave for Arkan sas ou Feb. j The choir of the Bmtist church ihet on Fridar last to prepare for their Eas ter exercises. Dancing class is well attended at Walsh's hall. A. Well-known CI Inn of Carbondala Joins the Silant Hoet. fyecial to the Seranton Tribune. CaBBDBDaLB, Pa., Feb. 2 Thursday morning at 6 30 o'clock occurred the leath of Sanaa -1 E ftaynor at his home oo Lmcola avnn It was in May 18M when Mr Raynor was stricken with paralysis, from which be never fnlly recovered. Mr Raynor was born in Mo i trose nxty-six yesrt ago, and hat been a resident of Ibis city for aixty two years. He was one of the oldest living members of the Presbyterian chnr' h, having joined tbat communion in WA, In lfe-Vl he was ordained a deacon, and in M'i he was installed an elder He also, as the Sabbatb school tnDtrintendent.served the longest term of ny in the history of the chnrch. Many years ago he was a prosperous merchant and tbe position he last held, which was on account of ill health he was obliged to resign, was that of teller in the Miner's and Mechanic's Savlags bank Deceased is survived by ids wife and two children, Francia, wife of Dr. 0 T. Mnak'ir, and Q rtrnde. Tne funeral will occur on ,'wtiirlay afternoon at. 8 o'clock from nit late residence, 'id Lincoln avenne Services will tat conducted by Rv. Charles f,ee. Tbe pall bearers selected are as follows, and all of whom are tne eMr and deacons of the First i'resbytTian chnrch. Dr. R. Oilman, J E Burr. C K. Lalbrop. H. Bolton, W .1 Male, Jobs B H ft, H H Ma jor, George Norrls, N. Mohrs, P. H. BnggS and John Mulligan. ' Onararoeed Care. We authorize '.ur advertised drtigglat to tell Iir King's New Discovery for Um anmptlon, DoUgbS and ( olds, upon this SOUOltlOB, If yon are anili tnd with a OoUgh) 'old, or any I.nng. Throat ordinal trouble, and will nae this remedy aa di rected, giving it a fair trlal.and ntpeilencn no bSBSMii you may return the bottle an 1 hare your money refunded. We could sot make this offer did wn not know that. Dr. King's New ULcnvery c.nld im relied on. It. never diaappointa. Trial bottbm free nt Matthew BtOSi drug store, l.argo tine fJc. and tl. - -A STRAIGHT TICKET. Republicans at Clark'a Oreen Are Qatn Ing Wlartom Thie Year. geafful to the Scrttnton 'tribune. Cl.AItK's Gkkkm, Ph., Feb, 2 A Re publican OBttcnS was held hern on Fri day evening last and a full ticket named for the first time In a number of years. Home little contention arosn even at this caucus, as some will still insist on a People's ticket. It seems passing strange that a If. -publican township cannot have the privilege ef holding its own caucuses without dictatorial influences being brought to bear upon It. a ' CARBONDALE BRIDGES. Our Sister Olty Contemplates Spanning tbe Lackawanna River. Special to the Hcranton Tribnn. Carbondali, Pa., Feb. 2 In accord ance with the city authorities' knowl edge ef the fact that two new bridges are needed in this city to span tbe Lackawanna rlrer, City Eagineer Frlolt has been busily engaged for seme time In preparing plans for two en- From the Moment of Birth use CDTICDRA v sm i i . SOAP It Is not only the purest, sweetest and most refreshing of nursery soaps, but it contains delicate emollient properties, which purify and beautify the skin, and prevent skin blemishes occasioned by imperfect cleansing at birth and use of impure soap. y()t list's ' " eew tnat u M"i'lr applitatiun uf I he CotlCinU Kbmkuirs will afford Instant ic1k(, i ' " i anil bleep, sml puna to a tuecriy anil SOOSMattl .1 1 SIS lorlui- iH,;, 1 ! i 1 1 . i m u ,' htUOOrt, ami not tu uk them wilhout a inuuieui'. del iy is to fail in your duly. Curei uuJc in cluUliuod ate ucalliaueul. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There lire hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, conic to the College, COMMON BNOIilflH COURSE. BUSINESS OOURHB. SHORTHAND corns,: j. j, WQ0D) proprietor NMW YllAlt OPENS JANUARY t, FUR RUGS rConibination Goal and Sheepskin Rugs. rine Angora Wool, all sizes. Real Leopard, with full head. Sold throughout the world, Prlos, CtmcusA, joe. Soar, tte, Rssui vunt, ft, Pottib Q and CmhM. COStt, Soln I'miis , Hoklon, Mass. s URUi. a nii ( mat. v .1.1, 1-. oln rmiis "All ahoul Uaby'fe Skin, - and Half," mailed free to any ail In Pesos M. .1. Collins ihem ) and John Brown (Rep.); School DlreotorsW, 11. i .-ti, and .1. L HeLsughUn (Reps ); High Conatable W. (i. itynoldB (Rep); Tai Collector Kd. lJuutiier (I) -in ) I' li SO ia election day, when the new offloials will tm selected, MAPLE CITV MUTTERINGS. Evanta and IncManta of Wayne's Capi tal Entertainingly Tnld. Sptrial to the Scionton Tribune. Hosi.siiAl,K, Pa., Feb. 3 Tuo La dies' Ail society of thn (iermuii Luthe ran church are sunn In 'ive a fair in the ( ,ira llmise. A large number of articles has already heim contributed to the society. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDowell are at the home of Graham Watts, on up per ESast street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donovan and Dlrby have returned home from their visit with relatives at Fort Coventry, N Y. The heavy snow fall, followed by very Hue sleighing, is in miring many farmers into Wayne's capital. Miss Mary Menner left this morning for a visit at Easton On such a line day as today has been, a ride over the snow behind a fast horse is surely exhilarating, but pe destrians and drivers of slower animals are in danger of life and limb. The plnco for speeding a horse is not in the borough, but ou same lets frequented road outside, e NOTES FROM OLO FORGE. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best snlvo in the world for Tuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, (.'happed Hnnds, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, anil posi tively cures Piles, or no pay requlrod. It U guaranteed to trive tmrlect HiiUMactinn Of money refunded. Price 'ia cents per box. t or sale by Matthew bros. . FOREST CITY NEWS. Vigilant Mlchaal Walsh. Parsonal and Other No'es of Interest. Sjteciol to (At Sernntm Tribune. Forest ClTY,Ps.. Feb. 2 Coustahle Michael Walsh took five prisoners who were PoUndors to the county hotol this week. They were engaged in a fight abont two months ago and run away, but returned this week and the vi;i -lant "Micky" nabiied them. Many of tho law breakers have wished "Mickey's" visits lik angels would be, few and far between. BariiuninF, Maxny intends instill ing tomorrow with friends In tho Eluc tric City. Miss NsIIid Oiirttina, or Aldan ville, spent Wednesday in the lurough as the Knelt or her cousin, .Mrs. John Cun ningham. I.sfavetfo I lacker has been chosen to fill the vacancy cansnd by the reeiicua Of Thomas llrown, sr., to the office of common councilman. Kev. I). I. hapnen'a aubitot for Sun day morning will he 'Memories of the I'ast. In the evening there will be a missionary servic", as announcod in Thursday's TtHBUMI Tne f,rystl Lslll correspondent to the Forett City "News" lays, "Th wind blew HO miles an hour nt that place Monday and Tuesday." It Is a Wonder thev are living to tell tho fact. GrOOfgS lirnlu in building a neat reii dericn on South Main street. The following registered at th" For sst bouse yesterday 0 J Horton, Blug hSIStOO. N Y , F D Stevens and George R BsSOb, M I) . of Seranton, Vf J, QoidSfl and P ,1 QdinUOU, of Pittl ton I sj, It K en. of VVaymart, B 0 Pordhsm, Ron trots; Frank Amu, of Blngbsmton, N Y, DESERVING OFFICIALS. Borntigh Ollh era Who Will Retire with Unanllled Reonrdn. fivreiot to the gsreeiM iwseso FmiitHT JiTv, Pu., rob, 2. - The fol lowing lire the retiring borough ofti enrs who have fulfilled their duties In a deserving manner llurgess John Mc Donald (Detn ). OounolTttlOU W. O, W ntts anil .1. L. Harris (RspS,)) Ant -tor Frank Bood (Don i. Justloes of tl o Msatlug of the Safety Investment Loan Company. Fnerial to the ftraitioO, Tribune. ' Oi.o FoBOB, Pa., Feb. 2 A branch meetiug of the Safety Iuv 'Stm-nt Loan company was hell at ex- Stint re Ke ojfh'B offlcrf on Thursday evening, when the district manager. John W. Pike, wns present. Action was taken on several loans to In innde shortly. This society opened up a branch here two years aito. and it has neen the means of many owning their own homes, nud it nppears to bo doing a booming buti -nest. Our well known local Nimrod had his portrait together with his dogs and gun taken this morning. The TlUBUMl is increasing in favor day by day Hnd nobody wonders. Deacon Stark, with bis usual kind ness, has taken a leiglnng party to night. Traveling and religion mixed. Baby Carriage Robes Sheepskin and Goat Robes, with felt or Satin lining-. Large line to select from. Moquette Rugs (Three sizes.) At Special Cut Prices. SMYRNA RUGS, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4. SMYRNA MAT3, 50c. each. These are bargains. COCOA MATS (all sizes), for out-door use, 50a ' and upward. UMBRELLA STANDS, EASELS, SCREENS, 4c. Dr. ED. Grewer The Philadelphia Fpecialist, And bis sssoelatod itaS u EnoUali u,l Ger man Phj'BiciaiiB.ttre uuw la-ruiaueutly lucated Temple Court Building .11 1 SPRUCE s r.. SCRANTON Where lliuy niuv be consulted tlAILY AN'D SI NUAY. The Doctnr Is a graduate ot thfl Cnlveraity ef renneylraala, formerly demonatraUir of physiology and rorgerv at the Millco Chlr nrKical College, of Philadelphia. He ia also an honorary member f the llodloo-Chlrtir-gical Aasocintlon, and was pbyateUu and ti.ri;eon In chief of the moat noted American sml Ocrman .; . comes highly lndnraod by the leading iirufeaaora of Philadelphia and f,ew i.rk. His many years of hospital cxnerienoo en ables thla eminent physician and Burgeon to rnrrectly dlagnoae and treat all defnrxnit.ea and dieoAsoa with the most flattering auccesa, and Lis I i.h atanding in the atnte will not all w him SO accept anv incurable case LUS1 HAMHUUI) KKkTOKKD. WEAKNEKB K vm si; SIS CCRKD If you Uave neen given np ey your pByst, rian tall anon thl dis-tor r.n.i Ve examine.1 He enrea tni" worst caaesof Keg VOUS DeblUtT, Be ro falsi Old 8.rea. i atarrh, IMos. Kemail Weakness. AfTiv-tiona of tbe Bar, Eye. Nose snd Throat. Asthma, Heatuos. Tumors, fan- cots and Crli pUS of erery d.crlptlon. Uon snltatlon In Kncllsh and Herman Free, which shall l e considered sacrod ainl atrictly couti dential. (I Dine Honrs: 0 A. M. to t) 1'. M. Dally. Sunday, II a.m. to '' i u. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPETS AND DRAPEBT, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. Hood's Piaises Itself Kidney Troubles Brlght'a Disoaso Curod Now Able to Work and Sound OS a Dollar. A. It in iix- bund or H bumsosj r rivet you a feeling of inrror and drUSO, Thern i no longer ncceaalty for Its use In iiihiiv dlacaaes formerly regardcil as In curable wllnout coiling. The Triumph ol Conservative Surgery Ih well lllunlrnted by the fact that. RUPTURE ttattll cured without the knlle and without piTn. Clumay, i-hnllng frutwa can be thrown away I They never cure hut often Induoe in 11 1. 1 i ii i i t ioii. hi iitaiKiit.il inn sml death. TIIIUnRS "sm isn, fibroid (uterine) mid I Ulliuno nuiuv others, are now removed without the nerlli of cutting oucratlom, Pll F TIIMOR however large, Klttula rILC lumuno, , Suvun of the lower bowel, are permanently cured with out lisln or rcaort to the knife. CTnWF In the llhulder, no mnttcr hnw O I WISE, large. Is omshed, pulverised, wash ed out and perfectly removed without cutting. CTDIPTIIRC of Urinary I'Hsange Is also OiniOIUnC removed without cutting In hundreds of esses. Por pamphlet, refer, neca and ill particulars, send 10 cents (In stamps) to World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. m Main Street, Huflalo, N. Y. JWr. ,ofiti .'mi i ton. or Boottdsle, i'a. "I do think llnnd's Hal napnrllla Is 'wnrth Its welghtln gold.' For four yenra I suffered misery wllh tSI rlbln pains In my hru k and IrmiMa with my kidneys. Thn dnctni . thought i had Brlght'l inieasr. tinny n lime I nun to give un win a. and conUnually grew worse, and whin I sat or ItOOped down I had to bo helped 110, At last had to give up and ia In bed And rettMMII sU Innit weeks, it wai then i began to take Rood's Harstpot llla, and I 101111111111111 Unit II was helii- llill me altlioiigh I hud 1 1 lold nothing would help qui and thought I Would Hnvo to Die. Hut I continued to Improve (III I am now In per fect health and have as good a back as any man In town. Today 1 can dp a BOOd day's work, nud truly leel that Hood's Marsaparllln was a (eoU-acnil to mo. I am aa sound as the bntt dot- Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures lar that was ever made, and I want this state ment put Into print to that everybody can see what good It did mn. Every word of the above can ho proved by a aroro of pcnplo here who know how 1 suffered and bow I have been eured. I took but six botlles. I think no one etn pralso Hood's HnrRnparllln as inuca as II will praise Itself." .loHNlUxTOtt, Bcotldalo, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills aro tho beat after tHnner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try a box. 1111. TRADERS National Bank of Seranton. oroamiiid iswx CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. SAMUEL HINBRIPrealdent v. w, waison. Vice Preeideuli A It. WILLIAMS. Cashier. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Seranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. VXT'HU.Emany manufacturers an3 doalfre are making eztrai tl tucnts ooaoomiag the merits nnJ dumbility of mtvlinm or low a;r-i pianos, inU-nding purchasers aboull not fail to examine tbe famous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on applicstt.a-v E.C.Rickerlw Co.1 3 Adani3 Ave, MUUTOUS, stiit'r.i Hint.. litfiNo A niton, .lltSl I'll .1 .1, 11 SI, V Ciiah. I'. It ATTN I Wl .mil . M KvrninnT. PlIROS II. KiM.sv, M H, UVMlllMU, .imiv 1 rouriH. W. W Watson PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL 'I'M., .mutt itlTllM Utt i'..ti t'liano of bulii(iui inrn Hiitl tli Bll gfin'rHlly. Third National Bank of Seranton. Statement 1 n, 18S8, railed r..r bj tii, Cekaptrellet ol lite Ottrreuei! in SOVItOl S, l. nana ...j. I.vei.ll iilns United Mui. -. Honda Older Honda Hanking House PteUllnUtl on 11. H Heinle. Due from U, h TteSimiet.. Hue Irons Hanba t'aali v 1 -i ' 1 SO TSO.SS " mm mi .. 44H.f47.7S KN.074.4S 17,44:175 in nun on .. .Tti. 1 ait on 17:1. li.it. UN S,4OS,O0S,OS LIABILIXIM (apllnl 100,000.00 Surtilni gtii.ooiiiiti tllllllvllle.l l iollls ftO, llflft 11 Ireuiattoa iH'i.oon.oo Hlvldemla I .1,11,1,1 I.NN'J ,10 n,iostie.' l,TSS,BftS mo Ho., to Hanka HO,ir.'4.07 SVS,SS,4S8,SS 11 1 1 111 roNNK.i.t, Preildeut, .I H II. r A'l I. IN, Vice rie.blent. tritUAM X. VIA h, ( 1, abler DIUOTOM William -li. i.e.,,,-,. II. Cut I In. AHmhI llnntl, Heni-y Hollo, Jr., .Inmea Ar, I, In, III. WIIIUui T. S111III1, l.utlie Hvllnr. Tills bank isiTiira to depoaitors every feelllty warranted by ib. lr linlunr. s, buel- miee ami reNponsllilllty. Hpeolnl attenllou tin n tn bualnnaa eo eouuts, Intereat pa nl ou 1 line deposits. 3 HOT MANY Days left of our Odds. Ends and Remnant S.ilc but still a few choice things, maybe just your selection, arc here. We Are House Furnishers m That statement will ncer become threadbare; ami we don't have simply a spatter ing of everything only, but a Complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture) Carpets, Lace Curtains, Crockery. Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frigerators, Lamps, Clocks. &c Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure- -in homeopathic doses. BUdf MSI