6 THE SCRANTON T1UJJUNE -SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF TWO P1TTST0NS CARBONDALE TOPICS. The Sciianton Tribune's Pittston de partment i8 iu charge of J. M. Fahy, to whom news items and complaints may be referred. Sleighinff rjurties are numerous and onr hotel meii are kept busy while the (port last. The diiiRratu for William Barry opens this mot nine. In the windows of J. B Kirby and O. Ii & C. O. aims store lare frames eontilotng nreity photographs of Wil limn Birrynnd compauy, who number twenty-six people. Thomas Ethtu presented "Dr. Jeokyl and Mr. Hyde" to an audiauo at Mu-i'.' hall last erenins which packed the bnildlnn from pit to dome. The show gave excellent entisfnotiou and was literally applauded Tonight the attraction will be "The Black Flat?." The members of the Avooa and Pitts too Curling clubs are in high glee oTal their proposed trip to New York Mon day evening next They will go in a special car ovur the Delaware, Laolta wanna and Western railroad to plav a series of games with the Tnistle club of the Metropolis. The game will be played on 'antral Park luke. Light members of the Pittston club an 1 '.welve of the Avooa club aud four lovers of the gam will comprise the party. The management of the Anthracite Drug store has engag d the services of a valuable pharmacist in the person of W. Stanley Klonowski, a brother of Kev. Theopholis Klonowski, pastor of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church of Wilkes-Barre. He has purchased a half-interest in the store, aud will, hereafter, assume the mtnagemetit of that concern. Mr. Klonowski is a first class druggist, haviug spent ten years in the practice of that profession in Buffalo and otner cities. U. is an ac complished liniru.st, anl speaks the Po lish, Gerirun, French, Lithuanian and Bastion languages, as well as the En glish fluently. The following persons from here have been drawn as jurors to report on Monday, March 5: Kiward Barrett, merchant; F. R. Barrett, store; J. P. Carney, blacksmith; Thomas Uoban, laborer. Yesterday being the Feast of the Pur ification, better known as Ctndlemai Day.servioes commemorating the event were observed iu the usual mauner ut the Catholic cl.urciies of this place. Services were hell at St. John's church at 7, 7.30, and 8 o'clock this morning. At the latter services candles were blessed and distributed among the faithful, of which there was an unusu ally large attendance Similar services were held at St. Cassimir's Lithuanian church and St. Mary's German church. Mr. tiouger, an undertaker residing on Searle street, was mile the victim of some unscrupulous individual a few days ago, Mr. Gouger obtained per mission from the officers of the Luth eran church, located on Wool street, to hang a business sign on the building. It was a neat and attractive one an 1 was quite valuables During the suc ceeding night sotneSniscreant either through a spurt of meanness or pure deviltry destroyed it. Mr. Ginger is much incensed over the affair and promises to make it very uncomfort able for tho perpetrator if he is found cnt. The Lehigh Yalley railroad telegraph office at Tompkins located near Ore gou was destroyed by fire Tharsday night How the fire originated it un known. William Barry, who for years was a partner with John Fay under the name of Barry & Fay, will present his latest play entitled "The Rising Generation," at Music hail Tuesday evening nest. The general verdict of those Who have leen Barry in his production was that Qe was funny, the play funny, the company excellent and the entire en tertainment one of novelty and laugn ter from beginning to end. The hospital trustees have given out the following card for publication: Whereas, Since the completion and oc cupation of the hospital our attention has from time to time been called to the thoughtful and generous contributions of onr people; aud, Whereas, It is our desire to express our acknowledgments for their kindness; therefore, be it Resolved, That the board unanimously returns its sincere thanks for all girts of whatsoever kind presented to the hospital for the benefit of its suffering inmiites and we especially thank tfce kind ladies who have labored so unremittingly to that end. Resolved, That this resolution be given to the press nnd that nil kind hearts which have shown interest will accept onr public tnr.nks in lien of more personal acknowl edgements. W. H. Rctledoe, Secretary. SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. Serviois and Toplos m Various Churches of Honatdale Tomorrow. Special to the. Scranton Tribune. Honesd ale. Pa., Fet. 2 Gorman Lutheran Church Rev. William Schmidt, aector. Morning prayer and sermon, 10 3D a. m. ; Sunday school, 1.30 p. m. ; evening prayer rfnd sermon, 7 p. m. Baptist Chnrch Rev. C. F. Hall, pastor. Morning service with sermon, 10.20 a. m ; Sunday school, 11.45a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6 80 p. m. ; praise serviees, 7 30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal Chnreh--Rev. C. A. Benjamin, pastor. Morning ser vice and sermon at 10 30 a. in. ; Sunday school, 12 m. ; Epwortli league, 6 30 p. m. ; evening service and sermon, 7.30 p. m. Presbyterian Church Rev. William H. Swift, pastor. Morning services and sermon at 10.30 a. m. ; subjeet, "Redemption," the fourth of a series of sermons on "Great Truths;" Sunday school at 12 in. ; Christian Endeavor at 6 30 p. m; 7.80 p. m. there will be a popular meeting in connection with Christian Endeavor day ; several brief addresses. Grace Chnrch A clergyman from Brooklyn, N. Y., will occupy tho pnlpit both morning and evening. Morning prayer and sermon, 10.30 a. m. ;Snuday school, 12 ra. ; yonng people's service, 6.45 p. m. ; evening prayer and sermon, 7. 80 p. m. The tortures of dyspepsia, the sufferings of scrofula, the agonizing itch and pain of salt rheum, the disagreeable symptoms of catarrn, are removeu Dy Mood s Harsnp rma, Hood's Pills are the best aftor-dinnor pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa When Baby was sick, we (rave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When alio became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla, General News Notes from That Flourishing- Citv Carefully Culud. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale. Pa., Feb. 2, Tha fn neral of the late Mrs, Anna Moore Altken, who died on Wednesday at midnight, will occur Saturday morn ing at 10 80 o'clock. S rvices will be held at the residence of H. B. Jadwin, 58 North Chnrch street, after whioh i he remains will be taken to E kdiile, where interment will be made in the family plot by the side of her husband Subscribers to the Carbondale Leader were anxious to see the earrier bring their paper lasteveulng, as all stood nu equal chance in winning the handsome 480 sewing mucliine. which this enter prising paper had offored as a prize to their subscribers. The lucky number which draws the prize is MM, but the name of the winner is not known. Last oveniiu occurred the reopening oi the ekatiug rink at Duulaff. and a large numoer of young people from this city participated iu the euj iyable amusement once more. Last night iu the M. N, Watt build ing occurred the subscription dancs, which was purticipatvd iu by Carbon dale's select society people It was un cer the rnannatnent of W. N. Sadler, jr., and W, J. Hamilton. Musio for dancing was furnished by Bauer's or chestra, of Scranton. Refreshments were served and a pleasaut time in general was enjoyed. A cottage prayer meeting was held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Laiueraux, corner of Archbald street and Eighth avenue. B. J. Max-iy, of Forest City, called on friends iu this place last evening. Mrs. Frank Stutenger, of Lincoln .iv-Miue, will leave today for Syracuse, X. Y., where she will make a two weeks' visit with friends. Mrs. I. S. Jones, of South Church street, is vlsitiug relatives in Scranton, Mrs. H.S. Bolton is the gnest of her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hobbs, of lionesdale. SECRETARY WINSLOW RESIGNS. He Refuse to Further Serve the Prioa Librarv Association. SiHcitil to th Scranton Tribune. TaYLOR. Pa.. Feb 2 At the busi ness session of the Price Library Thursday night Fr-d Wiuslow, the g-ueral secretary of the usaociaton tendered his resignation. It was a surprise to the members, as Mr Win low was In his third year of ofli i aud he had filled it with dignity and grace, that the members cared not in parting with his valuable servios. Ev ery effort was used to have him recon sider, but of no avail, Mr. Winslow has been a hard, indus trous aud painsworking officer of the Price Library and it is witn the deep est regK-t that be leaves. The association will maet next Thursday evening to elect his success or. Who it will be has not yet been considered. In Holland. Mich.. C. J. Doesbury pub liehes the News, and its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, caturrh and asthma. ' A VIGOROUS POLICY One True Source of Personal Force and Courage. Tremendous Capacity for Accomplishing Work Vig orous Digestion and Calm Nerve3 Accomplish All. Paine' s Celery Compound a Remedy That Does the World Good. Closing out the bal ance of our The ndmiration accorded certain pub lie men is due to their spleudid moral courage. Ureat moral courage and determina tion are impossible without a eturdy ligestion, a healthy liver aud a vigor imaly nourished nervous system. No one can imagine a R 'ed, Hill, Cleve land, Russell, or any great champion of his party in parliamentary debate witn a badly nourished brain, a weak diges- m'diate improvement of appetite and grsduil guin In weight. Tnia remarka ble remedy sets to work at once to nourish nerve centers and purify the blood of harmful hunnrs. It was. the belief of Prof. Phelps, of Dartmouth college, the discoverer of celery com pound, and he so stated to his classes at Dartmouth college, that only when the system is perfectly nourished in tissiw, blood and nerve "M'tiea, it it at following prices: A LIVELY SUED. It Creates Graat Havoo Upon the Streets of Carbondale. Svecial to the Scranton Tribune. Cabbondale, Pa, Feb. 2 Yester day afternoon at the corner of Main street and Salem avenue was a scene oi much excitemeut, caused by a ho attached to an unoccupied cuttei which came down Salem uvenne at h breakneck speed. The runaway passed several sleighs ou its course with whir it narrowly escaped colliding, nntil i arrived in front of the Leader office, where stood a horse bitched to a cuttei occupied by two ladies. Into this tb runaway crashed, but fortunately ii collided with the rear of this vehicle, and the horse being firmly held no fur ther damage was done. The runaway horse continued its flight. TAYLOR TWINKLINGS. Brief Items of Interest from Our Regular Correspondent. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor, Pa., Feb. 2 A sleighing party left here last evening for West Pittston. The Christian Endeavor society of the. Methodist Episcopal chnrch will celebrate their anniversary Sunday evening with appropriate exercises the post-master hght has been lost sight of during the borough political fight. Harry Rivenbnrg, of Old Forge, was in town Thursday. Rumors are in circulation of the nuptial knot being tied on many of our young ladies and gents at an early date. One Pleased Book Buyer. One young lady bought a set of Dickens, in vols.: George Elliot, 6 vols.: Cooper, 5 vols.; Dumas, 6 vols., for $7.10 -a beauti ful library bound in English cloth aud stumped In gold. Beecham's pills are foi oiliousness, bilicrus headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free ; pills 25c At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co. ,365 Canal St., New York. THE GEM COUPON. THE MOST UNIQUE OF ALL. A Trip Througlr the Colum bian Exposition. 72 loaves, printed on 0110 mile only. .Showing all tho places of interest on main grounds and Midway Plaisanee. Size, 13x7. Embossed paper cover or lull cloth. Two Coupons and 25 CENTS takes ombosBB 1 oover. Two Coupons and 40 CENTS takes oloth oover. Add 4 cents for postage If ordered by mall. The Scranton Tribune. 4 Russian T.ynx Circular Cap , "I Inches, lM Else trie Seal Olronlar Capes, 21 in s.vs Astrakhan Circular Capoa, 21 in 9.88 Wool s.ai Circular Cap 14 in li.ll!) Htuiio Mart -n Circular Capos, 21 in 411.00 Brown Marten t ircular Capes, 24 in 49.00 Otter Circular Capes, 24 in 60.00 Seal Sacques Real Sacques, Inc'es long 11.10 00 Soul Jackets, 211 inches 100.00 heal .lacketH. 24 inches long 6U00 Astrakhan Jackets, !it inches lon 33.00 Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape, JU Inches lung, with Butterfly Capo fss.oo Otter Circular Cape, :ii inches luiig.wlth Buttarflj Capo 108,00 Sable Circular Cape, 110 inches long a" 00 Astrakhan Circular Cupe, !) inches long 22 110 Klnctrin Seal Circular Capo, !) iu. long.. 2U 00 Uray Crhuraur (.'ircular Cape, !Wlu. long 3) 00 40 dozen American B-al Mulls at. ...1(125 each 1 lot 1 1 cliil, Iran's sots at UHc. each 1 lot of bluigh Hobos, pliuli lind fi each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. Thousands l!emnauts of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capus during sale at less than cost of material. Kvery inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's Btyles lOe. each. BoyB' Winter Waista I On each. Muffs 30c. eaoh. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY. UNDER WEAK AND NOTIONS AT OUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city tion and shaky nerves. Only the healthy man, whose organs are doing their duty, is firm, convincing, mug natio, courageous. A in m of ideas needs sound health to carry them out, aud a clear, cool brain is better than a Bhaky one, how ever brilliant. The met) who can work long hours under pressure wins suo cessess, and fame or failure depends oftener on a strong stomtch, healthy nervous system and plenty of reserve force than on great intellectual power. Be well. Get nu of liver and kidney possible to drive out the special dis orders from important organ? like the 'iver, kidneys, heart nnd stomach. Pai lie's celery como.iud todnyeiu ains the strontli of thousands of ird-workad m -u and wotnon who innot take vacations and feel the ef ' icts of the unnatural demands made mon their strength nnd nervous en Igf, Patne's celery compound is th ;roatest bloo.l and nerve remedy tha1 isl ever in tha history of medicin c ime within t m rsach of plain, hard working pso (J rjo - ) A j yy (Zr 0 Si Cft ' A M f Ms and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. ANNUAL 1 LE 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. A. B. BROWN I S BEE HIVI PITTSTON, PA. PUZ THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable ns a Souvenir of the FHir. QUITE BAST WHEN YOU KNOW HOW ftiiOO IN PRIZtiS WIIjIi BR DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THE PUZZLE IN IME SHORTEST SPACE OF TIME. FOR HALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STOKES, PRICK, OR J5 C SENT CNT8, TO II V ANY ADDUESS t'PON KECEII'T OF IE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. AND 111 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. z P Q p Pimples, Blotches Eg L ! L ! L 1 and Old Sores 3 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT r M(,in,;, and potassium Catarrh, Maria z Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linseed Oil, Napthas nnd Gaso lines of nil grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease nnd Colliery Com pound j also, a laro line of Par rnfHne Wax Caudles. We also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tho market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Wyoming Ave. S Makes Works at Pine Brook. W'ikness. JPaino's celery coraponn l I will take avvny the sickly, dopresieil uiiiimliitious fseling that coiiish with dyapspsia, disordered liver and nsr vous weskness Palim's cflry com pound will fill the veins with blood that is red and rich in foo.l for svery vital organ. The first noticeable elfnct of Paine's celery cr.mpuuud is tho iui- Hon. Gsor,? F. Moras, one of tha most prominent of the Govsruor'a C'lunoil, of HaaaaohttMtto, is one of the liay State's molt sulntnutial manufac turers and business men, a veteran of the late war. a popular Btid conserva tive olllian. His autograph letter ia of intarest to evry on. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring'and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. MT. PLEASANT AT RBTAIIf ronl or Mm txwt quality for domi'stlo usa,antl of nil slzea. ditllveruii in auj part of tbs city at lowoHt prlco. Ordor left at my officii. NO. 118, WYOMINO A VFNUR. Bear room, first flrer. Third National Bank, or aent by mall or tnloplione to the mine, will receive prompt attuntlon. Hpecial eontraoU will m mado for the sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. MQOSIC POWDER Rooms 1 and I Commonwealth BId'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at tho MOO8I0 nnd HUdU DALE WORKS. S Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison gr Rheumatism and Scrofula sll-" P. P. P. purlllos tlietiloot,bnlld9r.rt Sw the woik and U'bilit:itud, kivos alronffth to weakened norvos, rxpels dlaeiHO. giving tho patie nt health and hnpplncRH where alcknofls, gl.iomy feelings and luultudo flm prevailed. For primary, st-oondiirj' nnd tertiary syphilis, for blood polaonlni:. mercu - rialroHon, malar'.u, dyspepsia, and in all blood and akin diseases, like blotches, plmplos, old chronic uhvrs. aj- tetter, scald hena, boils, erysipelas, eczeii a wo may Bay, without fear or s- c ntradietlon,thai V. P. P. If ihebest atta blood pnrltlerln tho world. and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures In all cases. Ladles whose syatoms aro poisoned and whose bloodls In an Impure conrti- m tlon. due to menstrual Irregularities, aro peoullsrly benodt ed by the won- S derful toalo and bloo.i elea:ilng prop eriUsot P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, PoUe y Hoot and Potassium. trg. ei'niNnFiKLn, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1898. t can speak In thn highest terms of your modiclno from my own knowledge. I was anei te i n ner. whhbi 'nal cart disease, plearlsy and rheumatism for 3.') years, was treated by the vory best physic lana ano spent hundreds of dol lar, tried every known remedy with out llndlng relief. I bnve only taken one bottle of vour P. P. P.. and can cheerfully sav It haa done me more good than anything I have ever wkon. I can recommend your medicine to all eudorers or the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YKAKY. Springfield. Green County, Mo. and Kjdnsy Troubles ire fnttrcly removed by P.P.P. PricUlv Ash. Poke Boot and Potas- slum, th"e graatest blood purifier oa W earth. "9 AnsnpEKS, O. . July 21 , 1891. . aj Mrs-Fits. Lippman Bros. , Savannah, m Ga. : IDEAKSias-I bought bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark. , and py It has- dona me more koo(T than three mm months' treatment at. tho Hot Springs. Hand thr je bottles 0. O. D. Wf Kespcctiuny yours, JAP. M. N.WTOS, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. J. D. Johnston. 7V alt vhom it map concern: 1 hero bv testify to the wondertul prcpctiea of P. P. P. 'or eraptlona of the skin. I Buffered for poveral years with as un alghtlv and dlsairreeible eruption t niv face. I tried everv known reme dy but In vain, until P. P. P. was used, aod am now entirely oured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Oa. Stain Canrrr Cored. Tettimony from the May.tr of Seqvin.Ttt. SEQfin.Tm., January 14, 1S93. Mkssr0. urpjtAN Bao.. . Savanhab, Oa. : timtlenrnl bnvo tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the akin, usually koown as skin cancer, of thirty years standing, and found great relief: It rurlflea the Mood nnd removes all Ir ritation from tho seat of the diseaso aud prevents any SDrcndiug of tho sores. 1 have taken live or sis bottles nnd foil ooniident that another oonrfa will effect a eiire. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and etotnach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. It. Rt'ST, Attoruoy at Law. i Book oo Blood Diseases Mailed free. ' ALL DBUQOIITI BELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, I.lppman's lUorh.slavannab.Oa 3 i 3 i riiwuHiiiiiminiuHmwiift LnfeBkl ft Rand Powder Co. "a ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric I'ntterii's, Fusoi for explol ing blasts, (safety Fuse and RcpaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives MANHOOD RESTORED! NSKVESKEDS. . - ' :i rtsivt i jr. si. T.i ut purr si I n.r.oo. slM e'isps. sucli ns Weak Meuwry. Loss or Ilraln Cower, iu lolli-no, naeiuinusih Los(ManBOOa,HlghU Emissions. Norvou.rss,al) drains and loss Of power In Generative Organs of cither sex caused hy over exrtl.m.yoolht'iil error, axoasslvaasa of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Intiritilt. typ-isii.-otlonorlr-nnltv. Can hecarrlodln vest pocket. H per box. o Ii r by mall prepaid. With a HS order we give vrrlt'eiiuiiarnntee to ciira .... ....r,, ii,. nnnn. Ciroulnr fr,v. laid i andrttnutt. Ask for It. take br.FOREANOAFTtBUS'KG.i: u taj AddrAi neivc MMJEo CO., Hasonie Temple. Cmaau.iu. For Sale in Scranton, Pn.,byH. C. SANDERSON. JDrucist, cnr. Washington hihI SbrUM streets. WBt T. SMITH. Hotel Wayerly Earopnan Plan. First class Bar attsaharl. Depot for Dergner 4s BlUtsra Tannbiouavjr Man II, E Cor, 15tti and Filbert Sts PhUadi. Moat deairabla for roaidonta of N.K. Ponn' sylvaula. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Btroot station and the Twelfth and Market Ftroat station. De sirable for vh it ing Sorantoulaus and peo- le In the Anthracite Keg lou. T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and see tha iurnaco and b Con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauza boor RangM, CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, A Hand8om Complexion la nno of tho groat stt ohsrms a woman con possess Pozzosi'n Oohplexiok Powdu gives It, M JJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists DKtTF.r. 8lt)l CO., loc'p. rap'tai, 8i.ooo.on0- BEST 1.80 SHOE IN THE ORI.O. ucril i ii iolur earned, i id nanek Doiifalai Ktd rtnt (dfroo anywhrre In Uie V.s.,pni receipt ofCaah.MuneJ' Order, ".1 Jttitar sucrif in a dollar This r.iKlioa' Soli ton llont delivered Postal Nolo for U0.: lfnn.its everv wav tho hoots sold la all relnil. stores for AND DEALHK9 IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlnntlo Load and Frouch Zinc, I'uto I.lnai ed OH, Turpentine and Vnrnlsliea lieiuly-mlxed I'alnta In all color. Gildera' Whitinir, Turls tVliito anil Kulsoinlnn, oil- Vltrol. Slarble Dust and Window Glass. ourselves, therefore we ,!unr- apue uie jm, riyie iitoi wi'h. md If any one is not uamaed Wo will refund tha money IP MHam store this boot ' Ohm rtenso. Dexter Shoe G&., j.'-'-i i or BKDlI QDOtbor pur. or UoBUB m mm C, D, B, k Si Uoh 1 to H nnd half ntlyour nMf i at m i u . I IfoiM tilled Cb(a lot;uo FREE FEDERW. ST.. dobtOk. mass. to iittiltrw. m d . J Inserted In THE TRIBUNE at the irate of ONE CENT A WORD.