The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 03, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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1 Pipe f
I Valves
I Fittings I
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoimng Avenue
Poor Direclor Gibbons and Attorney Scragg
Enbauge Compliments.
10B Pnn Ave.
A. 8. WARM AN.
( irand Display
OK -
Laces and
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave.
i baric :Sauiuelsou died it the i.acka
unona hospital yesterday.
Kugeue ij liourke in "The Wicklow
Postman" will be at tiie Acadomy of Music
this evening.
Wood's college it ies not suiter frjtn the
Lard times Nearly 000 students attend
b .th sessions.
i It Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company will pay Sloan and liampton
mine employes today.
Mayor Conned yesterday signed a re
lease (or Sarah lirioies, who was com
Bit ted to t he county jail Jan. 21.
The Keystone Dancing class, of Uly-
I bunt, has postponed their social. It will
Le held on Feb. n, at O'Brien's hall.
Some colored men applied to the mayor
y sterdn for license to conduct a boxing
match et Mcslc Hall. Twne not granted.
The Rev. A. Bergen Browe, of Hayre,
... JT., will preach in the Baptist chnrch at
V. .iverly tomorrow morning and evening.
Al! are invited.
Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk
ol the Courts Thomaa yesterday to Michael
Walsh and Margaret Harris, Scranton;
John T. Casey and Maria May, Scranton.
The students of the Young Men's Chris
tian association educational departments
w. re sddrpssed on Thursday evening by
II c. Shaffer, of the Srranton Savings
.larnee BMMfUd .larne liesmond wer
before Alderman (. B. Wright in police
court yesterday morning charged with
lighting. rJach was committed to the
t ouuty jail to serve thirty days.
A movement is on foot to establish a
kindergarten in the mission chapel used
by the branch Sunday school of the Second
j'resbyterlan church, at the corner of
Ada.ns avenue and New York street.
John F. Snyder has been elected treas
urer of the Lackawanna hospital by the
di rectors of that institution. He will snc
reel? the late K. c. Fuller, who wan truss
n i -r since the founding of the hospital.
A sleighing party from the store of A.
M. Atherton A- Co., Providence Square,
visited Mr. and Mrs. William Atherton at
their home, Woodlawn Farm, near Clark's
Hnmmit, Thursday evening, and were
loyally entertained.
The Kim Park Sunday MbOOl is now
conducted on the plan known as the
graded system, a f eatnro in Sunday school
worn which Is very attractive. A large
number of visitors aro present every flan
day to wltnese the exercises.
A match game of checkers will be played
today at Henry Baker's, ttj.i Peuu avenue,
by teams representing Scranton and Pitts
ton. The local players will be E. C. Poet,
John Carmicbael, U Brown, Hunry Baker,
E. ('. Mellon and John Leurs. The Pitts
ton team will be captained by Bavid Mc
Art. Hcv. P. A. Hulbert, a prominent colored
divine, and secretary of Livingston col
lege, Suleebury, X. ('., will be the speaker
at the gospel meeting at the Young Men's
Christian association tomorrow afternoon
at fl. 45. The song tervice will be led by
Tallle Morgan, who will be assisted by Mr.
t . in mei bill, and the quartette.
The Scranton Basket BiUjl team will line
UP an follows this evuniug wbeu it plays
the champions of the state from Nanti
roke: Koese, home; Davis, right forward:
Koch, right forward; Biroher, center;
Coleman, right center; Jay, left center;
McOouldrlck. goal keeper: Nallin, right
back; Foster, left back; Williams and
'Junking, substitutes.
Secretary Many bus secured E. F. See,
W. E. Miller and Oeorge F. Warburlon, of
JSew York; W. 0, Douglas, of Philadel
phia; and .la i I .-Man Gordon, of Boston,
five of the most prominent Young Men's
C'bristlan association secretaries In tbe
country, as speakers for the anniversary
excerclses of tbe local association, which
frill occur early iu April.
CoUKoriJiAir Daviis tells tbe Telegram
fcbout the licensing of poles,
Mr. Scragg Invites Die Director from
the South Side to Examine tbe
Cour t Records and See Where the
Irregularity Exists Mr. Gibbons
Invited to Repeat the Accusation
Outbide ol the Poor Board Rooms.
Tbe poor board met in regular ei
sion yesterday afteruoou. Presideu t
LangaUff was in tbe chair and all the
directors were present.
Mis. Swan reported that eh had
leurned on reliable authority that Sir,
burns, the old lady that Sirs. Sailer
wished to be paid for keeping, did not
have proper care. She wished to have
Sir. Gibbous investigate th ctse. Mr.
Gibbon stated that Dr. Slutiley huil
told bitu tnat Mrs. Hums was not tit
to be removed to the home, and was
very indignant when Mrs. Sailer's
good intentions were assailed.
Sirs. DugKau, of the South Side, had
five ohildren and watited soui-s help
X'he board was perplexed somewhat as
to its proper course of action. Mr.
Gibbous stated that iu similar cases
help had betore been given on the ver
bal report of Attorney Scragg. He
thought If tho attorney would furnish
a wntteu opinion the board would
know how to act. The case was refer
red to Mr. Scragg.
Dominic McMahon had an order tor
relief. His wife is gradually beoomlng
blind and her head is swelliug. He has
four children, the eldest of which is 10
years. The case was referred to Diree
tor Gibbons with instructions to have
Sirs. SlcSIabou takuu to the Lacka
wanna hospital and thechildreu placed
iu dome good institution if the case
was as represented.
Sirs. Duggau, of the Associated
Charities, reported that in her travels
she had come across a sad case in the
Seventh ward. The family was that of
John Howley, of Gordon street. His
wife wss seriously ill and Howlev beat
her while she is iu bed. The case was
referred to Director Tropp,
Superintendent Beemer's report for
i he month of January was re-id. It
showed that Jan. I there wrs DT in
mates in the ; received during the
mobtb,15; born, 1; discharged, IM : died,
2; total number of iumates Feb. I, 107:
males. 1 18; females,
Oaidoor Pbyeiciau Gunster's report
shows that he had made ST visits; be
had 19 old caseB and 90 new oases, 1
birth and co deaths, '-' insane patients
exiinined. Outdoor Phvsiciou Paine
reported having made 68 visits to 13
patients, 1 insane examination. Oat
door Physician Slsnley reported hav
ing made !1 visits to 19 patients; had
1 death. Uotdoor Physician Murphy
reported having made 20 visits an I
given 9i prescriptions.
Mre. Pettigrew, relief ageut of the
board, reported that since the last
meeting she had investigated eighty
four cases, fifty-one of which were
found worthy. G. H. Von Storch and
P. T. ikell, auditors for the district,
reported that they hud fouud the ac
counts of.the treasurer for the year 1S9I!
to be correct, and fired the directors'
snlaries as follows: John B Gillespie,
162.80; Thomu Shotten. $187.50; John
Gibbons, 1980. ; W. S. Langs tuff. $250 ,
Mrs. D. W Swan. Q'ti. ; D.iniel Wil
liams, $K30. ; P. J. Murphy, $230. ;
Charlea Tropp, $250.
Benjamin F. Evans, resident physi
cian, reported that 121 patients hid
been treated, sane SO mi l insane -11;
males 78 and females 46; number of
patients in asylnm Jan. 1, 135; received,
3, total Feb. r, 138, number of pre
pared, 308.
Attorney Scractr announced that ho
had received $470 from Attorney Wal
ter Briggs to apply on the Slary Bine
case. There is still $514 55 due. He
also reported that Attorney B. F. Kil
iam had stated that he would pay up
what was due on the Mrs. Koney case
in installments. Mr. Gibbons did not
think this was exactly proper and made
a motion to the effect that Attorney
Scragg pursue the delinquent and se
cure immediate settlement.
Attorney Scragg stated that he was
present at the meeting of Jan. It) as
long as possible and be lud learned
Ihtt after he left a member charged
him with certain irregularities in the
lunacy of Mrs. Cunningham. He
wished to state for the benefit of the
member in question that everything
whs regular and as his papers from
court would show.
Mr. Gibbons at once jumped to his
feet and stated that he wonld not take
back the words he had uttered, and
that the attorney should havi given an
Itemized bill to the woman's relatives
when they asked for It.
Mr. Scragg stated that it was the
members' privilege to oanse an iDTCStt
gation if he saw fit, and he wished be
would. ()n word led to anotO'-r, and
finally Mr Gibbons asked the board's
attorney why he did not have him ar
rested for defamation of character? Mr.
Scragg replied that "he could not do
so for what was said in the meeting,
but that he would if it was u 1 out
side." "All right," answered Mr (Hbbons,
"I will repent it as soon as I lenve this
"1 dare you too," exclaimed Attorney
Scragg. jumping to his feet.
"Well I will," responded Mr. Gib
bon), and then President Langstiff
grsvel commanded order in the room
and the debate was over for the time
President Esngstaff appointed the
following committees for the year:
Home -Tropp, Swan and Williams
Pnrohaslng Williams, Shotten and
Fiuauce Tropp, Shotten and Gib
bons Hulos Shotten, Swan and Gibbons.
Proposal for It Comtruotion Have
Bn IuvluJ.
Bids for the construction of tbe new
boulevard to Elmliurst will be re
ceived all next week. They may ba
addressed to M.ijor C. C. Mattes, of
the Lackawanna Iron aud Coal com
pany's engineering department, where
the plans and specification may be
seen. Work on the boulevard will be
gin as soon ns practicable and will be
prosecuted with expedition.
Tbe boulevard proper will be at Ar
thur avenue and Mulberry street, nod
a high bridge over Nay Aug fulls will
exhibit this beautiful body of water to
the traveler Crossing over the tunnel,
tbe road will cross the Erie tracks on
an overhead bridge. Klmhurst will ba
reached by easy stages, tlie maximum
grade being 3 per oent. Tbe road will
terminate at tbe residenc of tlhief En
gineer i loin v Webrum, at Elmhuret.
The road will vary iu width from
eighteen to twenty lour feet, and must
be constructed in tirst-clags style, with
a top dressing of red shale. Tbe grade
in either direction will be to slight that
a horse can trot the eutire distauoe
with,, ill . 1 i tVi . 1 1 1 1 v
The especial feature of tho new
will be the direct approach from the
city proper, the absence of dangerous
railroad tracks uiid the entrancing
sonic beauties of the territory through
which it passes. The fact Unit the
road is to be built at this time, wheu
work is so scarce, is another feature to
recommend it.
Constable William Reese Received $1.50 or
tliiniiliating a Prisoner.
Judge Gunster Delivered a Stern Lec
ture to Such Constables Ho Said
Reese Should Bu Indicted, Con
victed and Removed from Office.
The Rowlands Declared to Be Guil
tyJohn Walsh's Brave Conduct.
Other Cases Heard.
Z FOUB of ihene COUPONS, re-
S m-n tod hi ili' T tbllllft ;OflW, cor-
m iter IVim avfiiuft hikI Hprure lrt--l,
S cntltlf' the Iinlcltir to nil tho pflv
M it )! ol 1 i id n n '.t i it Hi' lt l ntlVrH
lor (1 1st 1 1 but I tiff popular book
IIBlHig QMT lyfcdtfti Tlit olfm in lid p
2 hy Tho Tribune iiitiiiiMeiuuiit uru
g follows!
Jg Ifi CVMT8 mill Font Odopottfl fr
Any voliiuio lii tbfi Coltiiubuit he
rn r)(-H. Over 100 titles toselect from.
Mauis of Prominent Sorautou
Who Are Interested.
A branch of the Kepublio Hivings
aud Loan association of New York was
organized in this city yesterday in the
omc of Resident Manager s. N. Cal
lander, The branch hue 140 ini'uibers
holding fUO.OM worth of stock.
The following representnti ve oitiltni
of Soranton were unanimously uleute I
officers mid directors of the branch : J.
V. Peck, president; James M Ever
hurt, first vice president; Colouel U.G.
Scbooumaker, tecoud vice president ;
S. G. Kerr, third vie president; A.
B. Clay, secretary; S, N. Csllendor,
treasurer; Watsoti .. lhehl, general
attorneys aud couusel; 11. T Koehler.C
M. Trumau. A. K. Kanb, E 15 Frank
lin aud Joseph F. Baumeieter, ap
praisal committee, directors ohosuu
were J. W. Peck, J. M. Everhart. tj,
G. Scbooumuker, Samuel McEscheu,
S. G. Kerr, V. W. Watson, F. B. Foote,
George D. Taylor, M. T. Keller, M. E
McDonald, Louis Conrad, M. J. Stone,
J. E. Loveliind, C. D, Finn, Jacob
Bolz, J. G. Bailey, V. W Lithrope,
Dr. H. D. Gtrdner Dr. J. L Foid
ham, C. M. Hathaway, J. L. Hull and
W S. Diehl,
Subjects on Wb'.eh It. . Sr. MaeArthur
Will Discourse.
An event of much importance of the
coming week will be the lectures by
the celebrated New York divine, Kev.
Dr. It. S. MacArthur, of the Calvary
Baptist church.
Tne lecture at Klin Park church on
Thur lay evening will be on "Glimpse
of Sunny Spain from Historic Hill
tops." This lecture is replete with in
teresting incidents Iu the life of the
remarkable ' people of Spain, and
will reveal historic points in connec
tion with Columbn and his rolation to
Ferdinand aud Isabella, not generally
The lecture on the following even
ing at the Jackson Street Baptist
churcli on "Ciiips from Many Suops
gives this eminent and popular lecturer
full HWing on the leadiug live topics of
tbe times. It will be one of the most
interesting and instructivo leoture
ever delivered iu Scranton.
That I What S:hank, ths Shoe Msr-
ohant, Is Now 1)0108-.
The well known shoe merchant,
Schank, of the Arcade Shoe house, is
now receiving the first of his spring
goods, and has not enough store room
for all he has ordered. There is only
one thing for him to do and ho has
done it.
That is, get rid of the goods he has
on baud at present at just what they
cost iNot cheaper than they cost, he
canse that would not be good business,
and Schank, above nil, is a good busi
ness man. '
Therefore, during February, he will
(HI shoes that sell eNi where for $."i at
$3. And all other goods will b-j sold at
proportionately low prices. But re
member, these cost prices will not pre
vail after the 2vh of February,
BoBaNK'a Aki'ade BHOI Store.
Samuel Hall, of Waverly, Shoots Him
self at an Eirlv Hour.
Samuel Hall, a clerk in Bedford &
Son' drug store at Waverlv, commit
ted suicide at an early hour yesterday
morning by putting a bulla through
hi body.
About 5 o'clock Hall, who resided
wiihhis wife ana family on BstOb
street, awoke and askel his wife to
bring him a drink of water. To com
ply with tho request Mrs. Hall went to
the kitchen. While there she heard
the report of a revolver, aud hastening
back to the bedchamber, found her
husband lying on the tloor. He died a
few minutes later.
Hall was Do year of ago and had auf
fernd much Irom rheumatism. His
sufferings probably unbalanced hi
mind. Coroner Kelly investigated tbe
case yesterday afternoon.
Physicians Acknowledge 1hr 1 J, am
Deafaets, ifOBK, Feb. B,-PbrilCinl have
watched with a jealous eye the lucrensiuif
popularity of the Sound Disc invented by
U. A. Wales, of Ashland block, Chicago,
as patients who have been under their
care for years, haveiu a week's lime bad
their hearing restorod by It. and tlinv ac
knowledge that there is a decrease iu the
percentage of dtiiifnes from its use.
BMlXXIlia February I IieWitl. will pre
sent every tenth person to the amount of
one o , 'i Cabinet Photos, a HI by 90 gen
uine hand worked Crayon free of chnire.
No coupons iu. I no compulsion to buy n
frame. We giro from one to three every
day. You will surely be the lucky person.
. 4ft-
Otttlna What They Want.
Another invoice of the Rugby, Oxford
and Columbus series nf books earns yester
day. It lias takeu a few days to learn the
demands of our patrons We are now able
to order more intelligently.
Tiik manngoineut of theWystia Swing,
after baviug closed for n couple of weeks
for much needed repairs have decided to
reopen at 9 o'clock this morning. All chil
dren are to be given a lide free from '. to
S'J.?5 and Four 4'oupons for a 10
volume set of Dickens' complete,
u orks.
9 ttO CENTS ami Four Coupons for
any bonk In the Kugby Be ries.
95 Ct. NTH anil Four Coupon for
m any book In Urn Oxford Scrim
Mi'Bhidk's now Turkih bath,
thing new. Mai bpruce street,
Court llouie.
Somthln,T Now
In jihotosut Urove', 43.'. Spruce street.
"How to bny kitchen gilods cheap.
Battin Co.' ad, this pagel''
Joseph Gsrjuuae, of Priceburg, wa
tried neforu Judge Gunster yesterday
uu u charge of having improper rela
tion with Miss Amelia Progoloaky
Whu was a servant iu the boaidlug
house wbicfc Gerjunas conducted. At
torneys Joseph O'Brlan and C. Coui
ugys defended the accused and t-x-
W. H. Stanton assisted the
listrict attorney as private couusol for
the prosecution.
Mis Progtttosky says she came to
this country Inst March and iu June
was employed assisting Mrs. Gerjunas
at the boarding house. Ono day in
June Mrs. I i rjiinas told the Hervaut to
take her little buy up to the room occu
pied by heiself ami husband. Ger
juuaa was iu the room aud when wit
ness entered be closed the door mid
compelled her to submit to him.
A few nights afterward Progaiosky
slept on the tl jor ot the room occupied
by Gerjunas aud his wifo, and again he
wronged her. Some time latur she
left the employ of tho Gerjunas, und in
July went to visit them iu company
with another young woman.
THBOWN'o a well.
Gerjunas was digulilg u Weil iu tho
yard mid she went to watuh him work.
Shu says the well was about twelve feet
deep, and after she had been etaiiding
on the eJge tor a few minutes he pulled
her down into the well aud there had
intercourse with her.
Gerjunas denied the charges made
against him, aud his wife weut ou the
stand and said that ou the day of tile
episode iu tho well she was standing
ou the stoop of her house where she
could see the well Nothing of the
kind described by Miss Progaiosky oc
curred there. The young woman who
was Miss Progolasky's companion says
she wont to the well with her. Mits
Progolosky began throwing sand on
Gerjunas and he playfully threw her
into the well. She saw nothing im
proper. Constable William Keeso swore that
bo arrested Gerjunas uu the warrant
sworn out by Miss Progolosky, and at
the request of Joseph Fcudriuk and the
promise of $1.50 ha agreed to handcuff
Gorjuuas alter his arrest.
Keese undo the arrest, handcuffed
Gerjunas and received tht 11.00 fat 10
dointc hy Fendrick. This was done
for the purpose of humiliating tbe ac
cused. In commenting on the action
of thia constable, Jadge Gunster said
in charging the jury:
He came ou tho staud and testified
that ho made this arrest; that he was a
constable and that be made a contract for
$1.50 to put the hundcutis ou the accused.
Why this man seems to bain blissful ig
uoruuee that if his own testimony is true
he ought to be arrested, indicted, con
victed. sentenced and removed from oltlco'r
It's about time that kind of business was
stopped iu this couuty. We have protested
in this court room term after tern against
such conduct ns that, and if wo learn of
any more constables doing busiuess of that
kind we propose to place a heavy hand on
them. Uf what value is the oath of a con
st.iblo Drho would sell his office for a bribe?
At 8 o'clock th- cue was given to the
jury, but a verdict was not reported
wheu court adjourned.
Yesterday morning the jury iu the
case of the Rowlands, charged with
arson, return-nt Joun uuJ wife,
Mary Howl mils, ginl'y as iuliuted.
The boy, William Rowland, was re
turned not guilty.
Noll prosequis were entered on pay
in ;it of the costs in the following
cases A. E. Cooper and Jainos White,
aggravated assault and battery, Johu
E. O'lalley,proseeutor, Emil Sonmidt
aud Max Phillips, assault and battery,
John U. Troy, prosecutor; Darby
Dougherty, felonious wonndiug, John
Boylon, prosecutor; Adam Commisky
mid William Burcobag, false pretense,
W. J. Applemau, prosecutor.
Iu the case of S Zslinsky, charged
with burglary by Frank Rica, the jnry
yesterday returned a verdict of uot
The case of Baithasser Barber and
Frank Rica, charged with assault and
butter by Stanislaus Zslinsky, was
given to the jury at noon yesterday,
but a verdict had not been agreed upon
when court adjourned, A verdict of
not guilty was tnkon aud the uosts
placed on the county in the case of J.
Grnnska and Veronica Granskw.chargnl
with false pretense by Rudolph
in: was a BBAYI kkienh
Alexander Konko, Roma Ukmovilz,
J. Redelevitz, Anthony Toroski and
Paul Redelevitz wrro called to answer
a charge of robbery preferred by. Frank
Walsh, of Carbondale. Konko and
Toroski were the only one who ap
peared for trial. They wer defended
by Attorneys M, A. McGiuley and At
torneys J. J. I'Nelll mid R J. Beam
ish represented the commonwealth.
Walsh runs m livery stable at Oaf
bondale and ou the night of Oct. ? last
greed to drive Roma Ukmovilz to the
Ridge at Archbald for $:l. He took
James Walsh along for company
When they reached the Ridge Roma
began to yell in Polish and attracted n
number of his conntrymon. He told
them Walsh had robbed him of and
they set i m him aud gave him a ter
rible bulling He escaped with Ins
life hv giving them $12.
Jauies Walsh was called to th stand
and identified the two men on trial as
ones who helped to pull Frank Walsh
out of the caniage and afterward as
saulted him. Seeing the dunger his
friend. wa iu th witness drove to Car
boudde to notify the police.
"Did you leave your fritnd behind
in the crowd ? ' asked Judge Elwurds
iu astonishment.
"Yes. sir," answered Walsh, "1 went
to CarboudaleV"
"How far did you har to drive to
( irboudaleV"
" Hi, eight or nine miles."
"Why did you uot remain and help
your friend'.'" questioned the judge.
"Well, 1 did not tbluk there was any
use of H both getting killed," philo
sophically remarked the witness.
After tbe proieeution rested Judge
Edwards said that he men could not
bo held for any thing more than assault,
aa it had not been shown they bad
anything to do with forcing Frank
Walsh to give up money. The defense
was an nil ui. and at I o'clock th caae
wa given to the jury- Tho jnry agrd
an hour later, and will report its ver
dict this morning.
Patrick Caiu was tried iu the main
court iu the afternoon for keeping a
tippling house on Fourth afreet, Belle -vue.
William Colleran was tiie pros
ecutor. The esse went to tbe inry just
before court adjourned.
sour Milk bubbles.
The Cricket todsv will say:
The rumor that William Connell, Everett
Warren, William T. Hmlth and E. II.
Ripple have sold their later! In Thk
Tiuul nic to Livy S. Richard lacks confir
ms Ion.
Anxious Iuouirer No: wo know of no
sui b firm in Scrauton as Wood A Richard,
newspaper proprietors.
It Is perhaps, on the whole, fortunate
for tbe future bappinesi of Thk Tkihone's
youug edlior that the numerous Battering
notices ot him by others, reproduced In
yesterday's Trirunk, did not begin, ' My
bear Rlcbsrd."
- - ...
The Manola- Mason Comcanv Dillght a
Lira Audience.
Tlie Mmiola-Mason company iu
"Friend Fritz" played a return en
gagement at the Academy of Music
last evening. A crowded house was
charmed by the production. The ex
quisite suenes wen well applauded and
when the "Legend of Clnirefontaine,"
"Song of the Wedding Ring" and the
"Bachelor' Song" wer rendered the
audience demanded their repetition.
Certainly no organiztttou is firmer
established iu the appreciation of
Scrauton theater goer than the Mauola
Mason compauy, and they cau b as
sured of au enthusiastic welcome when
ever thny again appear in this city.
The cast last evening was the sam us
upou tbe appearance uf the company
earlier in the teason.
- .
Warm Thanks x'.uisd to a Qensrou
Scranton Merchant.
Followiug is a copy uf a letter sent to
W. T. Smith, treasurer Board of Aeso
dated Charities, to F. Welcker, of th
Fashion. It is elf explanatory i
I am in receipt of your favor of the 2'Jth
itist., iu:losing check for fil.l.'i.b. ingyour
donation of t per cent, of your sales oil
Monday last, for carrying on the work of
the Board uf Associated Charities uf our
city, for which we extend our grateful ac
knowledgments. I note, with pleasure,
that you expect to repeat your geHProus
otter in the near future, und 1 trust it. will
he as successful as tbe first.
With assurance of appreciation 01 your
kindly interest aud assistance, 1 um,
Very truly yoorj
W. Tj hill in.
Treasurer lioard of Associated Charitiel
No RslUf Granted Without a ThorouBh
Mayor Council's relief fund seem to
be inexhaustible Although oulv a
trifle more than $1,001 wis subscribed
mid distributed, tuere is still a bilance
of If'.'iti to relieve the wants of the de
serving needy
Speaking on the subject last evening
Mayor Connell said: "That fnnd is be
ing very juliciously expended. Plausi
ble stories Are not satisfactory evidence
of tbe need of tbe applicant. Tno con
dition of every person who applies for
r-lief is thoroughly examine 1. an 1 if
the investigation warrants, relief fol
lows. ''
He Will Fill Vsoancv Caused by Death tl
E. C. Lyndt.
At n meeting of th directors of the
Lackawanna Iron and Stt-el company
held in New York Thursday, Arja
Williams, of this city, was elected as
sistant secretary of tbe c iiupany to till
vacancy caused by the death of E. 0,
Mr. Williams has been employed by
the Lackawanna Iron and Steel c ra
piuy in different clerical capacities for
the past twenty -six years. He is also
a member of the common cou-icil from
the Heventeeth ward and tax collector
of the Soranton Poor district.
Evsrybody Seem to Think So.
We are convinced that tb World's Fair
Art Portfolio, in four parts, is the most
practical ot them all.
Forty cents soc.ires tbe prize, 10 cents
for each part. Yesterday we received a
large invoice uf Part I, U.
Second Bistiict Bspublican.
In pursuance of a resolution of the
standing committee of the Republicans of
the Second Legislative district, a conven
tion will be held in the arbitration room
at tbe court house, city of Scranton on
Tuesday, Feb. J3. 1891, at 2 o'clock p.'m.,
for the purpose of electing one delegate to
represent said district at the etato conven
tion to bo held at Harrisburg, Pa., on
Wednesday. May '23, IS',14. Vigilance com
mittees will hold primaries on Saturday,
Fob, 10, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m.
W. S., Chairman.
A. J. Koi.K, Secretary.
Scranton, Pa., Jau. 8 1S94.
Third District Republican.
Pursuant to a resolution of the standing
committee of tbe Republicans of the
Third legislative district, a convention
will be held in tbe arbitration room in the
court bouse, city ol Boranton, ou Tuesday,
Feb. C, 1MM, nt '2 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing one delegate to repre
sent said dlstiict at tho state convention
to bo held In Harrisburg ou Weduesdtiv,
Mnv B8L lSiM.
Vigilaiice committees will bold primaries
on Saturday, Feb. .1, 1SH4, between the
hours uf 4 mid 7 p. in.
K. J. NoitTiicr, John McCrindlk,
Secretary. Pres. Pro Tern.
Scranton, Pa., Jau. '27, IBM,
Th Republic Ravings
and Loan association, of New ork. hav
ing sold over '2,000 shares of its stock in
Scranton, lias called a meeting for Friday,
l i b. '2. at 4 p. in., nt It office, Dime llaiik
building, for the purpose of electing ofti
Oers aud directors. New share will also
be offered for sale. V. H. Case, manager
agency department, nud L U. Usdd, gen
eral manager, will be present and explain
the plan nud purposes of the association.
Come and bring some one with you.
LsavoY Mir Orders.
If someone has taken tbo last book of
some number leave your order. Next
week we shall order every other dny.
(Ink dozen of Griffin's ivoryctte photo
will make twelve Christmas preaeut.
What can you present your friends that
will be more acceptable!
English, You Knew
Tbe mezzotype at U roves', 43.'. Spruce.'
Dun t miss tomorrow's IClroira Telegram.
It will be tilled with the good things of tbe
Dsnva Your Ordtr Now.
The Artforttolins, in four parts, leads
them all. They are purely WOI Id' Fair.
A large.involco Of Parti I and II cauieye
terday. Hurts III. and IV. will be ready
In a few day.
direct from Florida.
Best Sets of Teeth, $3.00
Including th painless extracting
rf teeth by an entirely new pie
ces. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
William John, of North Rebecca
avenue, was painfully injured by be
ing struck by a runaway' horse yester
day afternoou while on bis way to
A pUasant surnrise party was held
in honor of Fred Kuhlraan at his home
on Lafayette street last evening.
The Young People's Literary and
Debating society of the First Welsh
Biptist church met last evening. The
societv has chossn E. E. Robstbun, W
A Price and John J. Davis as its rep
resentatives in tun debate for the
Browning cup against the Vespir so
ciety of the Peun Avenue Baptist
George Skllhoro, Elmer Crane, Pierce
Fellows, J. Rese, diaries Brennemau,
Phil Rosir, Lattimer Reese and Georg
Wettliug comprised a sleighing party
that weut to Archbald last evening.
The funeral of Rebecca, wife of Eb-
enezer Urifilths, of Bellevue, occurred
A sleighing party that went to Dal
ton last (veiling wa composed of Mr.
und Mrs. Theodore Miller, of that
place; Ms. end Mrs. B. G. Morgan, Mr.
aud Mr, Jerome Wade. Mre. Weston,
Mr, mid Mrs Georg X.srfass. Misses
Alma Wade Ida Mitchell, Lou Wade,
Florence Irving, Anna Morgan, Min
nie Wade, Alice Irving, Margaret
Lwis, Lizzie Wade and Ray Morgan.
A pleasant evening party wa given
last evening in honor of Miss Celia
Lewi at her home on Lafayette street.
Tbe class of Mies Helen Potter at
No. lb ichool enjoyed a sleigh rid to
Olypbaut yesterday afternoon.
Frank Stetter, uf the Stetter House
on North Main nvenu, celebrated his
fifty eighth anniversary yesterday.
Tho employes of the Diamoud mine
weie paid yesterday.
Csrr'u borne mads mince meat is now
being sold by several dealers here.
- 1
Mrs. Sebastian Greimel, of Alder
street, died voeterdav uiuruiiig at 5
o'clock. Deatii wss due to a cancerous
growth iu the womb. Four physicians
were in attendance, but coul I not ef
fect a cure, although they resorted to
au operation. Two trained nurses re
lieved eaci other in looking after the
sick woman's wants, but the eli'jrts of
all were unavailing.
Superintendent J. H Brook), of the
Meadow Brook (ilk mill, it carrying
ni right hand in a bandage, the result
of an accident nt the factory.
Mri Richard Zuleger, of Alderstreet.
is daugerously ill. Hr death is mo
mentarily expected.
The South Sid Glee club, uuder the
direction of E. H. W illlams. is the la
test acquisition.
Three twisters, must be competent
hands, wanted at the Meadow Brook
silk mill.
Th Celtic Athletic club will have a
ball and waltz contest at Cillery s
hall Mondiy evening
Fred Hsusr.ith h is severed his con
nection with the Metropolitan Insur
ance company. Next Monday ho ril 1
take charge of a shooting gallery on
Spruce street
Mrs. Julia Clare, of Irving avenue,
relict wife of the late Thomas Clare,
fell and broke her leg yesterday. Dr.
Haggerty reduced the fracturo.
How many of our readers have an idea
of wbut u novelty has been brought into
tbecily by the management of tbe Mystic
Swing. Bo and see it. The price has been
reduced to 5 cents.
Knowledge for a Song-.
Lino young man selected 300 books cov
ering almost every subject, and has a
splendid library at the nominal cost of
1 -s -
ToMoRnow's Elmira Telegram will con
tain au interview with Mr. William Con
nell in regard to cougressional matters.
Dr. C. C Lavbach, dentist. Gas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in
(Scranton. H
Vry stylish.
The uew process photos at Groves.
-4t r-
Ckkameiu butter, fancy. '23 centB. four
j '
For particulars about the coming of the
Dollar Pole, road to-niurrow's Telegram.
''The best laid schemes of mice and
men gaog alt aglee."
It was our intention to retain our old
store iu tho Burr building long enough
to cloe out several lines of gools thai
we are not going to baudle In future.
But as it has been leased to Mr. Proth
eroe from the first of February we wilt
be compelled to put prices on the goods
that will sell them quick. We will
bring them over to our new store ai
fast us needed aud there sell them for
what they will bring. For instance,
we offer Shoes, worth fl, at alio.
Shoes worth 1. 'Ms. Wood Pipes,
worth loj , at :t,-. ; Hiir Brushes, worth
lOo.. at '2o. ; 5-pouud pails Preserves,
worth 60s., at 10c ; 5-pound pails
Apple Butter, worth 40c, at lOfl.; sev
eral brands of Bikins: Powder, - pound
tins, worth ','0j., at 4:. : j-pound tius.
worth 10c . at2j.,&l, Ac If you want
a bargain, cometo us. We can give it
to you iu almost any line
The Scranton Ca3h Store,
120 and 128 Washington Ave.
Dr. Hill Son
Fet teeth, So.50; best set SS; for gold cap
arid teeth without plates, ralloii crown and
bridge work, call for price and referero-s
TONAI-UIA. for extracting Uetti without
pain. No ether. No gas.
Special: good Februarj
Copper Boilers, $2.00
Wringers, . . $1.90
See extra display of Agate and
Bin and White Ware at prices
never thought of.
10 IKW
Have you ever Huntington tried
For oysters stewed or oysten
At Lackawanna a.enne 413
Yon'll find the nicest yon have
Open Until Midnight.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor, Linden St, and Adams Ave.
coi nt Bonn sovAiia
All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed
r the best.
This Week Special Bargains
l viui s- in i AND CLOTH rBIMMED
sailors. ISe, eaoh.
4:. DOIBM i.aihes' COMSH, Oni rf
NgUlar SOe article One we have built a
reputation on. On Monday we sell tbeui for
thing for school rtiildreii-all wool. Hon
diiy Me. a pair.
: DOEN HOYS' WAISTS -liurk n.lurs.
Well made, Foulard Cloth. Worth 2ic, Men
I Mill Eg' SEAL ill sil ACQVK.
Full letiuth, satin lined. Regular price, $17.
We don't want to carry tbeiu over this
season. Monday we offer thuiu forSlll 30
$M BE i. i i i n
only, SI3.SO.
U4M 0 PS-Pull band, satin lined. I he
regal! prise Is Bo, on Mouday thy go
for 38c.
13c. each.
SOU CAYS. Price fl aud Bl.SL On Monday
only 77.-.
CLOVES. 40 dozen Men's Lenllr Front
Oloves, wool wrist, lined throughout A
llrst cluss wi'i klug alova Vou50 aaSNo.
On Mouday SB,
Imparted, at a reduction ot 13 per ceut.froui
catalogue price.
SO PER li nt. DISCOUNT allowed
Cloak, Fur aud Millinery De)artuint.