THE SCE ANTON TRIBUNE SATUKD AY MORNING. FEBRUARY 3. 1894. STELLE &SEELEY MR. J. L. STELLE will continue the business under th firm name of Btelle & Seoley. THE EVER POPULAR WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN GREAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable aud within 'yonrreaoh. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Bare taken over 100 first premiums in Ike past fifty year. OUier makes of Pianoo. Four make rf Organ In beautiful new designs. 8e oar stoik betore buj ius. We have the good, tnr prices are right, I. very thing m the H.umc Uue. STELLE & SEELEY 194 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULftft Punch Cigars NEWS FROM CHURCHES The Leading Events of the Week in Scran- ton's Religious Circles. WHAT THE CITY PASTORS ARE DOING Rev. J. G. Evans, of the Welsh Bap tist Church of Olyphant to Be In stalled Next Tuesday Rev. D. P. Jones Asked to Reconsider His Res ignationCedar Avenue Church King's Daughters to Celebrate First Anniversary. preparation to celobrute Us seveath nmversary on nlk 18 Lental season tiegniH next Welnns- uy and Rev. E L. Miller, of the Holy Trinity church, will conduct (our ser vices each week, besides the Isuuday service. Neat programmes have beau printed aipl will bu distributed tomor row. A special service win oe neiu nrb Saturday afternoon for children, t 4 o'clock. The Holy Trinity church is reiolved to make a tinal effort to clear the re maining dbt. Pyramids will de dia- i tu tod tomorrow among young and old, into which apneial otferiug can be ic 1 1 during Lent. The Women's union, of the Holy rinitv church, paused at their regular mewling last Thursday to purchase a chaudolier for the main audience room. HAVE THE INITIALS G., B. & Co, IronriM nn Eaoh Cigar flarney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. LUtui HUUaS! BtlUAtUL DR. H. E3. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. VTOU.BO A.H UOTu i.3i r u. OFFICE HOURS: 35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. T. H. Jones, of Booth Main avenue, was at sintiugton yesterday. James W, Davenport, of Shamokin. was a scranton visitor yesterday. Miss Katiu Melley, f.f Mabauoy City, is visiting friends In Providence. Joseph P. Phillips city engiuoar, is at Beaver Falls inspecting the Iron work of the proposed Parkor s'reet bridge. C. G. Uarrinon, counected with the Edi son Electric work, at Schenectady, N. Y., Visited Scran ton frieuds yesterday. Mies BioknaU, formerly clerk under tax Collector Woruiser, has goue to Chicngo to prepare for missionary work, at the Moody institute. The Philadelphia Inquirer of yesterday, Bays: "W. II. Peck, cashier of the Third National bunk, of Scran ton., aud one of that city's most progressive business men, is at the Qirard house." The Shenandoah Herald say: "Mis Car rie W, Faust resigned her position ns teacher in the White street school build ing nml will leave for Scrautou on Monday next, to accept a posi;iou in the Colliery Engineer office. MiM Faust's mother will move to Scranton on April 1." A sleighing party comprising Mr. and Mrs, Harris Lillie. Mrs. Justine Lazarus, aud Miss Lazarus, the Misses Schooley, Miss Pierce, and Messrs. Miller, Schooley, Lewis and Bechtold, drove from Plttston Thursday evening and were entertained by Mrs. L. S. Richard, on yuincy avenue. Attorney S. M. Reynolds, of Terre Haute, Ind., called ou old friends in this city yesterday. Mr. Reynolds formerly resided in tats city, but sevoial years ago went to Fiudlay, O., where ho was inter ested in the oil business. After a time he went to Terre Haute where he now prac tices law. He is brother of Attorney H. C. Reynolds, of this city. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Eugene O'Rourke, who is well and favorable known, not oulv as a clever delineator of Irish character, but a an excellent singer mid ague dancer, will make his second appearance here this evening at the Academy of Mnsic. He will present the Irish comedy-drama specially written for hitu by the actor author, Mark Price, tutitled "The Wicklow Postman. " 8ALVINI A feature of the appearance of the world famous nulvini at tho Academy on Monday evening in "The Three Guardsmen" will be the fact that noth ing belonging to the theater will be seen in the production, evtn the ttage furniture iB orris 1 in the com pany a baggage cars. Die supporting company include such artists as Will iam Redmunil, John A. Line. William Harris, Eleanor Moretti, Augusta de f orrest and Alias Maude Dixon. THE DAZ.f.F.R If the word unique can be apply to any comedian on the stage today, ami ht him bettor than it does Joseph A OU. of "The Dazzler," we don't know who he is. He is original in everv movement and expression, and audi ence are convulsed with laughter at hi mere appearance on the itage. At the Academy on Tuesday next. - BnOKOTON Typewriter and Edison Phonographs for sale and rent, f 'opy ing work executed. Phonographs rented for nn evening's entertainment. Telephone 2343. dw. UuuBter Jr., 486 Spruce treat. The German church of Pricehurg i making rapid progress. The trustees lias seenred a lot, aud i not paining the ch irter through court. The work of erecting a home will begin a soon spring opens. The Calraniitlc Metholiit church of Bellsvuo will meet next Tuesday to elect three trustees. The Ladies' Aid loolety of the Bille vu church gave it annual report last Sunday evening. Daring the year they paid fiOO for neoBssary repair in the church and now have $29 on hand. The Biblical and Literary society of Dellevne, bold weekly meetings iu the C'alvinistic Methodist church. Last Sunday they proved their love for the chnrch by presenting $30 to the fund. Ltet year tney did th same. This so iety ha on it roll some of the leading ttzens of Hdlevue. Next Tuesday afternoon the West Side pastors will meet at the home of Kev. K. G Jone, when a paper will be read bv Rev A. W. Cooper, on "A Brief ttlanes at Rational isui, or The Relation of Reason and Faith to Ra- igion " Many new members have been added to the Christian church, of Providence, aud next Thursday the la lie will hold free social, to give the chnreh an opportuuity to got better acquainted with these. Baptist A Macedonian call took Rev, T. J Collin from the city to labor for a few lavs at Sayre, Pa. A sweeping revi val has come upon the cuurcn or rtev. A. Ii. Browo and the special rvices held have completely exhausted the pastor. O.i innrsdav morning a tele gram wa received by Mr. Collins urg iiiii him to eouid that day to aid tho avre church, ine reverend gentle man lett. und will not return to bis pulpit for the morroiv. Kev. A. K-yn olds, of Waverly, will occapy tin pul pit of the clariton Street church. Jiext I' ;sday afternoon and evening Rev. J. J Evans, pastor of the Welsh BaDtist .inch of Olyphant, will be nstallei In the afternoon ttev. u. J Willia? and Rev. W. Thomas, of Taylor, will preach. In the evening Rev. W. F. Davies will deliver the onarga to the pastor and Kev. vv. a, Jones will preach the charge to the chnrch. Very successful meetings have been held in the Welsh churcn of Provi dence during the nast week, and the interest nanifested has decided the pastor a d people to continue them for next week again. The coming of Rv R. b. McArthur D. D., New York, is anxiously looked for by many in onr city. He ia one of the beat orators of the day, and has thoroughly mastered the art of public speaking. He will lecture on Thurs day evening in the Elm Park chnrch, and on Friday nveuing in the Jackson Street church. The doctor should be greeted with full houses. Congregational. Last Sunday evening the Tabernacle church, by all but an unanimous stand ing vote, asked their pastor, Rev D. P Jones, to reconsider bu resignation The reverend gentleman did not give them a definite promise to do so, but cordially thanked them for sticn gratifying manifestation of g iod will. A Christian btidearor rally will be held at tn Plymouth church next Fri day evening, when several interesting addreses will bi giveu by those active and interested in the movement. Rev J. Twyton Jone, of Pittsburg, called on friends in the city this week The reverend gentleman is very sue cessfnl in his present Qeld and added to the church twenty-one members by confession of faith during th nijuth of January. The ChrUtian Endeavor Society o the Welsh churoh, of Providence, will hold a festival on Washington's birth day. The Sunday School of tho Welsh chnrch, of Providence, have taken np the Ukutata, ' David, which they per formed two years ago, and will soon present it again to the public A committee has bseu appointed by the labernaclechnrch to arrange for a farewell meetini; to Rsv. D. P. Jone providing he will not reconsider his resignation. The Sunday School of tli9 Puritan church expect to enjoy the Brownie next Friday evning. They will per form in the armorv. The new officers recently elected in tho Puritan Sunday school are doing good work. The school flourished mi der their management, and the scholars soon hope to go to their new quarters A Chinese bride coming head Eimira Telegram. to Scranton Anheueer x.uscli Beer. Louis Lehman's, spruce - 1 Music Boxen Exclusively. Bast made. Play any desired number of tnnes. Onutschi & Sons., manufacturer, 10H0 Chestnut etreet, Philadelphia. Won derful orrhestrial organs, unly to and $10. (Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. flesdlnnt.on ft WoerB'a and Ballantlno Lackawanna avenne. Alee are the best. E. J- Walsh, agent, Ut Hook- bf If all Add 7 cents to tho price of any found on page 0 and we shall mail your address. Don't miss tomorrow' Elmlra Telegram. New Bioyole. A new bicycle worth 7o will be sold for iX. The niRchine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the Tribune office. BUSINESS NOTICES. Relnhart'a Market, (8 and 8S Lackawanna avenue. Every day from 6 a. m. to in a. m. Round steak, tic; sirloin steak, 14c. ; standing rib roast, 10c; chuck roast, 8c. ; boiling meat, 4c; fresh pork, 12Kc ; pork sausage, 12 Episcopalians. The young people of the St, Dlvid church will hold a sociable and enter tainment next. I ties lav evening at the rectory on Bontb Main avenue. Among the performers will be Mis Margare Gibbs and Mr. 0. E. Burkhard, of Grn Ridge, After the entertainmsu refreshments will be served. A nnmber of St. David's people at tended a social given by one of th guilds of the Trinity church, of Car bondale, last Wednesday evening. Rev. S. S. Marqni, assistant of Rev Rogers Israel, ha deci led to leave hi present field and expc s to enter work in Alasdichmntt The New York Churchman published a very interesting article trom Kev. Al 11. Mill, rector of St. David's, givin a brief hintory of the church from its erection to the present day. Dnrin Mr. Mills ministry tho debt has bee paid, many improvements effected and the membership increased from 3 to 100 Among the improvements sf fected are the remodelling of the base ment and the insertion of a Bteam book henting apparatus The prospeets ar u to origin and the t. David 'a neon a be nave that there Is a future for thai churoh. Next Wednesday will be Ash Wad neday, when services will be con ducted at 10 a. m. nt St. David churoh. Dnring Lent the recter will coadnct daily services at 4 p ra., save on b rlday evening, when ssrvice will be at 7. 30 p. m. Special Lenten servio will fie held nt the Graee Reformed church next Friday evening to be conducted by Kev. nicnaru morns. Lutheran. The Ladies' Aid society, of Christ church, Cedar avenue, is maki Mtthodiat. At the close of the prayer meeting meeting lat week the congregation of Rev. J. Suter, of the Second German church, surprised tneir pastor by celo- lusting his birthday with song mil ood cheer. A very pleasant evening wbh Bpent. The committee or the German Meth odist Episcopal Sunday schools will meet next Vadn6i Uy at the parsonage of Rev. G Hausser. pastor of the First Geriuau,ohurch, when a programme will be drafted out for the next con vention Tub Ladies' Aid Society of the First G"rman church elected the following llioars at their annual meeting: Pres ident, Mrs. G. H .nsser; assistant, Mrs. T. Roth ; secretary, Mrs M. Schroe.ler; treasurer, Mrs. A. Dietzel. The so ciety is iu a flanrishiug condition and its annual report was vary compli mentary to the organization. Th last quarterly meeting for tin inference year of the Wyoming dis trict, vvill be held tomorrow morning n the following churches. Park Place, Hampton Street, Taylor and Waverly. Presiding Elder J. G Eckniau will conduct the evening servioe nt the Park Place ohnrch. Love foast will bo couductod tomor row morning at 9 ;!( by Rev. A. W. Cooper and Rev. I. L' Jones. The Kings Daughters of the Cedar Avenue church will celebrate their an niversary tomorrow evening. They will have charge of the regular even ing cxorcisa, and a run report will bv giveu. i he Cedar Avenue church is about to add sixteen feet to the rear of its diflce. The contract has been awarded to Spruka Urns, The addition will compriss a room that can be used by the Epworth league and Ladles' Aid society. A gallery will b built in the rear of the pulpit where the organ will be placed and the choir will sing. The work will probably be completed in a few weeks The Foreign Women's mission of the Providence church met last We lues- day and elected the following orlicrs: President. Mrs. Mnna Cahoons; sac retary, Mr. Charlotte Marsh ; treas urer, Mrs. J. T. Nyhart. This is the oldest society in ths conference, and Mrs. Charlotte Gar In-r, the retiring president, has held oflije for nearly twentv-one years. Rev. It Colviile, D. 1)., of Bingham- ton, has been called to Hanson Place church, Brooklyn, which has a mem bership of over 2,000 persons. His transfer will probably take place earlv In Annl. Next Monday evening the quarterly conference will be held at Park Plaoe church. Pastor Jones will conduct special meetings dnring the week, be ginning Tuesday morning. Presbyterian. Tomorrow evening the Christian En deavor society of the Providence chureh, will celebrate Endeavor Day, The evening service will be condujted by them, and ths order of service pub liheLby the Utiitsd Society of Cnns tian Endeavor will be followed. The published pamphlet comprises appro priate passages bearing ou the thres lines of activity, suggested by the in ternational convention. They are "Onr Denomination," "Good Citizenship,' and "Beneficence." A!very interesting exercise is anticipated the Ladies Aid society of the Prov ilunce church expect to bold a social ths latter part of next week. A good programme is I eing prepared. Ths cleric met last Monday in Dr. S. C, Logan's study aud passed unani mously to endorse tho plan suggested for the Moo ly meetings, which are be ing arranged for next snininer. The Christian Eudiavor society of the Washburn stroet church will bold its annivorsary mestlng next Tuesday evening, when the address will be given by Rev. Mills, of Wllkes-Barre Ihe committee on mission work among foreign peoples iu our valleys met last Monday in the nmce of Colo nel Boies. It was decided to appeal to the churches in the Lackawanna Pres bytery to contribute to tlio work, and Superintendent Logan will 'probably ail Iress many or the ootigrogatious iu hehalf of the work, the church erect ed at Peckville is doing well. Lnst Snnday thirteen now inembars were added by right hand of fellowship 1 here are other Held just as promis ing, if the necessary funds are forth coming, TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. ('Hi.Rrn op Christ Scientist -Spen cei building, Alii Adams avenue. Ulhle lesson at 18.80 a.m. Church service nt 7.30 p. in. All are welcome. Seats free Christian Chukck North Maiuaveuue. Services 10.30 a. in., and 7.8U p Sermons by Pastor I. M. Kiutor. HiiNiTV BvAROsuuIOAL mission, corner Luke and Kurtz streets Itov. J. (i. Whit mire, pastor. Services. 1U:3U a. in., Sun day school, 2 p. in. St. Paul's Gkrman Chi rch Prospect avenue. Services, 10.30 n in., and 7.80 p. m. Sermon bv pastor K. Killing. Chestnut Street hbhman Church Pastor. Rev. rape, M U, will preach at lu.311 a.m. and i.3U iun. Christian Chai'kl Penn avenue.Ureon Ridge. Service, 10.30a. ni.;8nnd7.80 p. hi; Hunday rciiooi at w.4. for lllblo study Keats free. All are welcome. Calvary BUOBJMD Church--Corner Monroe avenue and (tlbson street, Rev. W 11. Sliibblebiuii, pastor, i'rencbitig 10.30 a. in. aud 7,30 p. ra. Church Pastor J. C. Schmitt will preach at 10.30 a. tn. aud 7.30 p. in. Dunhore Baptist Chapel A. B.O'Neal, pastor. Services at 10. 30 a. m. and 7,3U p. in, Orekn Riuue Baptist CnuRcn-Pastor VV. J. Ford will preach at 10.30 a. in. aud 7.30 p. m. Calvlnlatia Methodists. Calvinistic Methodist Chuhch Belle vue. Pastor T. J. Morris will preach at 10 a. m. and 0 p. m. Calvinistic Methoiust Church South Main avenue. Pastor Hugh Davies will preach at 10 u. in. and at U p. in. Sun day school at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at ll.Uti a. m. Calvinistic Methodist Church Wayue avenue. Service It) a. m. and U p. m. Sermons by the pastor, W. R Edward Congregational. First Welsh Chuhch South Main avenue Pastor D. Jones will preach at 10 u. in. aud an Euglinh sermon at il p. m. Church Wast Market street. Pastor It. S. Jones, D D.. will preach at IU a. m , and at U p. in. PLTHOCTH Conureuational Cnuncii Jackson stroet. Services 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in Suunoiis by Rev. Hurris, of Pitts- Baptists. Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rov Warren U. Partridge, pastor. Service at 10.30 a. ni. and at 7. 80 p. in. Tho Lord' supper will be celebrated fh the morning and In the evening there will be a song service. Ail welcome. Jackson Street Baptist Church Pastor D. '. Hughes, D.D., will 1 reach at 10. SO. n. ni. and 6 p. m. Prayer meeting at and l.l.' Munday school at2p.ra. A cordial welcome to all. Sent free to all. First Baptist Church - Rev. A. Reynold will preach Sabbath nt 10.30 a. m., "Ulfts of i ii ace," aud at 7 p. m. Seat free. All welcome. North Main Avenue Baptist Church Pastor W. (i. watkiiiB will preach 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Welsh Baptist Church West Market strvet. Pastor W. F. Davl will preach at 10 a. in , ami p. ni. First Welsh Baitist Churcb, South Main avenue. Paitor W. S. Jones will preach a Welsh sermon at 10 a. m, and an English sermon at 0 p. m. Hickory Street German Baptist uurg. PdkTTaN Church Wuyno avenue. Pas tor, D. A. Evans. Services, 10.311 s. m., communion; ut 7 p. in , "Abraham." Sun day school at 9 p. ra. Tahernaci.k Church South Hyde Park avenue. Pastor. 1). P. Jones will preach at 10.30 a. m. aud at 0 p. m. EplRcopalan. tJiucE Church (BlFOBsMO Episcopal) Wyoming avenue. Pastor, Rev. 0, L. Alricb. Service 10.30 a. ui., "The Moot ing Place,'' Exod. xxv, 22. "The Three fold Call." Young People's so ciety at 0.30p.m. Union Bible class ou Thursday evening at 7.35. Prayur meet ting, Wednesday 7.46 p, m. Saint l.uke's Church Kev. Rogers Israel rector, yuinquugesitua. Holy Com munion, s a.m. service and sermon, a. Suuday school, 12m.: evening prayer and sermon, 7.30 p. in.: Kindergarten open at 10 a. in , nt 32. Washington avenue, where children will bb kindly Cared for while parents attend service. Saint Luke's Dunmore Mission-Rev. Samuel S. Marquis In charge. Uiiimiua- BSims, Sunday school 3 p. in.; evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. m. St. David's Church Jackson street. Rector M H. Mill will officiate at 10.30 n, . and 7.30 p. in. Mii.o school ut 2.30 Church ok theUooo Shepherd urean Ridge street. Services at 8, 10.80, 2.30, 0.45 and 7.3U. Lutheran. Holy Trinity Church (Evangelical Lu theran) Adams avenue and Mulberry street. Service conducted by the pastor. Rev. E. L. Miller, at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. . Free pews. All welcome. St. Mark's CnuRcii Washburn street. Pastor, (i M. Schuidy. Services, 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p.m. Zion's Herman Lutheran Church Miflliu avenue. Pastor. P. F. Zizleiuau. Sorvices ut 10.30 a. ni., Sunday Echool at 2 m. Christ's German Lutheran Church Cedar avenue. Pastor Fred Holtor will preach ut 10.30 a. in. aud 7.30 p. in, Mathodlata. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Church W. H. Pearce. pastor. At 10.80 o'clock, subi-'Ct, "An Uuufluished Life. Moiling service at i 30 p. m.. suhiect. I.ikeu Lebanon Bedar." Suudav school atz p. m. epworth league at 0.30 p. m Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Morning prayer at 0.80. Preaching by the pastor, Key. L. C. Floyd at 10.80 and at 7 p. in. Rev. George Core will preach. Sabbath school at 12 in. Ep worth and Junior leagues at 0 p. m. All welcome. Green Ridok Methodist Episcopal Church Pastor George A. Cure will preach at 10.30 a. in., and Rev. L. C. Floyd nt 7.30 p. m. Providence Methodist Episcopal Church North Main avenue. Service 10 30 a. m "The Lord of tho Spirit." and 10 p. in., "Am I My Brother's Keeper? by pastor, M. D. Fullor. Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Pator A. W. Cuopar will conduct love least at a. m. Address to Pro bationcrs at 10.30 n. m. Sermon al 7.30 u m. r.pworiu league ut o p. m. Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church Pastor E. L. iSuntee will preach at. 10.30 a. m. aud at 7.30 p. m. The Kings Daughters will celebrate th ur an niversary. Suuday school at 2 p. m. Ep wortu league, o.-i.i p. in. Park Place Church Pastor. J. F. Jones, l.ove least at a. in.; sermon at 10.30 a m. At 7.30 p.m. Presiding Elder a. u. i-.ckinau win preacn. First German Methodist Episcopal Church Adams avenue. Pastor G. Hau ser will preach at 10.30 a. m., "The La Jew;" ut i.JO p.m., "Healing Virtue in Christ. Second Methodist Episcopal German Church Prospect avenue. Pastor 0. Sute will preach at 1O..I0 a. m., "Lay Atid Every Weight,'' and at 7.30 p. m "God' Goodness." German Methodist Episcopal Church, i-ktersih ro-itev. o. m. ficliaiiX will con duct service al 3.30 o'clock and at 7.30 in the evening. Addressee in Gerinuu am Lngllsh. All invited. fresbvterian First Presiiyterian Church Services 10.30 a. m. and r.SO p. ni. Preaching bv the pastor, Dr. James McLeoil, Sunday scuool, IB. 10 noon; lonng rsopirl No ciety of Christian Endeavor, 0.30 p. m. enurcn prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7 45. WASHBURN Street Preshy.tkria Church The pastor will preacn at both services. Morning, at, evening, at 7.30, "Three Relics of Eden " Bible school IS tO.j Christian Endeavor, junior, nt4 and senior nt 0 30 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Providence Presbyterian Church North Main avenue. Pastor George Guild will preach at 10.30 a. ra., "A Losson from the Life of Beniah;" and 7.30 p. m, Christian Endeavor Day. Second Presbyterian Chi rch K,.y. Charles E. Robinsoii, D. I)., pastor. Ser vice 10.80 a. m., sermon to children fol lowed by a talk "Hlory's Crowu." 7.80 p. ni., Christian Endeavor celebration. In teresting addresses All are welcome. Sumner Avenue Church-Sumner ave nue Pastor R. G. Joues will preach at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p. in. Hickory Street German Church Act ing pastOf. A. Weber. Services 10:30 n. m., Luke xviii, 31-42; 7.30 p.m., Luke xxiii, 83-34. Dunmore Presiiyterian Church J, W. Williams, pastor. Morning service at 10.30, subject, "All for Christ;" evening ut 7 80, suhjoct, "Couiocratlon." Tho large '"pel cbolr will uing at both services. Sabbath school at noon. Young People's Society Christian Endoavor at 0.30 p. m. All are welcome. Basket Ball Hulurduy night.Nnnticoke Champions vs. Young Men's Christian as sociation. Chairs can bo reserved for this game. i DtWrn givp a Crayon free of chnrgo to every tuuth pernon ordering one dozeu Photos. You will be the lucky persou. Parlors 810 Lackawanna avenue. Pocks! Books I Books 1 I luring the coming week we shall offer to the subscribers of The Tribune rare bargains iu books. We have a large line of bright and pop lar volumes, elegantly bound, that we intend to give to tho patrons of the paper at about one-fourth of thu usual price. The following list will give you an iden of the inducements and the uuuuial op portunities to secure valuable additions to your library. Regular 1 l inane s Prh-o. Price. The World's Fair (Now) 2.50 t .85 Pictorial History of tuelJreat Civil War 3 00 .80 PilgrliuB' Progress (Illust'od) 2.S0 .so Lartu, Sea and Sky 2 75 ,To Marvelous Wondera 2.76 .M Lite and Works of Spurgeon 1.60 .tin Pictorial History of the Bible 2.75 ' .85 Museum of Woudera 2.75 ,80 From Pole tb Pole 2.75 .80 Pictorial History of the Uni ted State 8 00 . 90 Bcieuce of Life 2.75 1.00 Lifeof Bam n m 1.50 .60 Indian Horrors 1.60 .60 sephus 3.00 1.00 Shepu's Photographs 3.50 1.25 Columbus, tho Navigator,.. .60 Rear Column (Stanleys Travels) .80 Webster Dictionary iu one- half ttnssia .K1 (CUT YOUR COUPONS.) On presentation of two of ttiee Coupons, Subscribers of THE TRIB UNE muy purchase any book iu the above list. Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? PRICES on brand -new Suits and Over coats in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue Delany i'. A New Departure. COR One Week, commenc ' ing Monday, February 5, we will have a CHINA CUP AND SAUCER Sale, when we will sell Cups and Saucers for less than ONE-HALF Their value. Remember this sale will be for one week ONLY, as we posi tively will not sell a cup at the sale price after next week. CHINA! HALL weicbel & Millar 116 Wyoming Avenue. TIE LOI S I HOUSE Is the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn sylvania The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sohmer Pianos, Everett Pianos, Vuse & Sons' Pianos, Mehlin Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RE NO Will ED tstey Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Cottage Organs, Palace Organs, And all kinds uf Musical Merohanilis constantly on hand. The Hobdays are here, and this is the place to buy Pianos for a Christmas resent. Prices are lower than any other music store in Scranton. 6peclal Attention Remember always when von start out to search for a Piano or Or gan that Christopher Columbus points with his right hand to the exact plaoe you want to go. Nowhere It is: OPPOSITE COLUMBUS MONUMENT, SCRANTON, PA 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, J. W. Guernsey, Prop. THEY FILL THE BILL. We havo the most complete assortment of Men's Furnishing Goods that eer appealed to the eye or to the taato. Borne of our Iiuiv shades and designs in Ties re epeililv at tractive. Thoy ore sollinit at tlituros wUeb give you no eteoae for being without all sorts of aizos and style Christian, THE HATTER 205 Lockawanna Avenua. Do Do You You Need Need an Ulster? an Overcoat? l F YOU do, now is the time to buy one, and our store is the place to get it. Because we are going to sell every one which we have in ourstore this winter. Price is no object, profits peared, and you can buy one Try it. lave now very disap-cheap. P. terinfj. THE CLOTHIERS FOR THE PEOPLE, 220 Lackawanna Ave. S. Look for our name before the door before en Make no mistake. c ause AT The Grout Marvel of Dental Science Anassthene A recent discovery and property of the sole HeniYood.ii Wardell, itrvi ists, 316 Lackawanna Ave. "Kosuth," Cuursen. a 10 cent citjnr, now 5 cont. Th Rag. droves' photo, mii Spruce street. Book by Ezpraa. Any person ordering ton or more books at one time may have them sent by ex pross prepaid. De Witt's fino position iug with great favor. photos are meet- "Special low price sale at Battin & Co's this month. Don't fail to see advertise By the use of this romnrkiihl s diBeovery teeth are a tnally removed without pain lii ' ' ni ni .-1 t '. .ii ...1 eaaos l ocal in its up pihation, vegetable m its composition and absolutely hvn:. mid sfflolenl in every ease AN.sEHTHlCNE has the iiiuU.illfled en dorsement of the most reputable pht'sii'l.ins. as well as thousand who have been relieved by its wonderful power. lbs Henwood nd " ardoll are tho ejelu slve owneri of this InValn ibis diseovory and are uainir it In their practice with heretofore inihe ird-of results. All the higher grades or nsehanioal and op I'ratlve dentistry pra.i iei'il in till oOoe, in cluding CROWN AM) BRIUOE WOHK, I'latos iiiinle successfully from all kinds of materials An immense stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers ami Rubber Goods that we must sell before our Spring Goods arrive, in about three weeks. We simply must get rid of them. $5.98 Effect: The very beat grade of of Toot wear to be found In the entire city ;it e tremely cheap prices, We have the goods and you have the money. Will give you lull Millie for your money, AT $9.00 A Rich ( LOTH JACKET, Full Skirt, Balloon Sieeve,navy,black and tan. Cost to make, $16. Now $5.98. We will give you the choice of 40 Jackets, all this season's make. Not one in the lot that cost less than 12 to $20. AT SCHAK'S $12.00 JACKETS, CIA TH ( A PES FUR CAPES and WRAPS. It will pay you to see this offering of Tailor made Garments. Arcade Shoe Store. a-psspspW w $'$ SLEDS AT COST FLOREY & 408 SPRUCE ST. Scranton, Pa. 1 HOLT WYOMINU AVK Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tho Eye lluadnohes and Nervousness relievo I. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eyo (llasse and 8po. tacle at tho l.oweat l'ii. ... Dest Artltloiul Eye ineortod for $'. 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. We need room for new Spring Stock, Yisit us, G. W. OWENS & Co. 1 .ttdios 508 Tailor . C'.oak Makar9 and Furrier, sl R1 rOB ST., COURT HOUMK SQUARB IJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIg CUT THIS OUT. "TRIP .ROUND THE WORLD " I Portfolio of Photograph I COUPON. I February 3,1804 Send or bring in 2 Coupons of different dates, together with 5 cents, and receive Ibis Album of rare Photographs. THE TRIBUNE. Cor. Penn Ave. snd Sprnce St. CUT THIS OUT. iiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiniuuii