8 TIIE 8CII ANTON TIlTBTJNE FIUDAY MOTINTNG-. FEBRUATIY 2. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Hamburg and kiss Embroideries, WK ll A v K wow opon and on sale the newest and most desirable tilings in the ever popular Embroideries, Oar stock of last season's goods had been reduced to a very low point previous to openiug our new and beautiful collection for the spring of 1884. The goods come direct frost tte makers on the other side to the wearers on this side, with only our on q moderate profit us tlis tributors. c.iut'riJi; Ragtags, it.' II loeheii from t to SO Mats Cambric assrUoas, I to 8 tuoh,fr,m tQ to BO cents. A!'.-ovr Embroidery (Cambric), 80 lueuea wi.le, from SO cui to 1. SO, Kiiasook Bmbrot4orit, l to 10 laches, from IH to 19 ctata N taoook lastrtioae, to 8 loco .from from tQ to SO crate X ;':'. ' A", v iac'.'W wile-, front so cent to $i : Nitnsook Floaacinta, 43 laeheswide, tri.ui 90 erati t. $1 SO Fu'l Iin- of Colored Embroideries, Cbl o.-ed Ground wi:h White Embroid HJ and White Grooada vr.t'a Colored Erui'roiJery. AH the newest tiiisj is Point J-.' Venice. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS We have re-marked twenty lines o: last season's goods in no way unfashionable at prices to satisfy the most exacting Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 04 T H BRE H ltS. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS An fotSSJaattsg 3it..h .i Hfwt Fr:m i Lit17 T3-n. V " II Ml, Pa , Feb. 1. L..t, strayed H tea-".-. apsoiatrmae of Dem ocrat for tee foarroe poet office W F. L. Hani? is serlotulv ill at his aooaoin tha Odd Fallows' hall bail I in. Mrs. John Howeil, of Cheuiojro street, U danztronsly til. Anaon W. Blrehard, general insnr ar.c aj;eii5. wiTiai:or here vester- dav. E. G-J7, proprietor of the Montrose house, retaraed on Wednesday from Enarhamton. Dna Merrill, watchman, at lbs Lc' awanaa ani Montroao station, hid his hair and whisksr badly burned dt the gas exploding in the furnace nnder the loecrnonve boiler. Harry Lyons is row able to walic withont cratches afur BOfllhl of inf fsrisg fram a fall from a waon. Herb Wilbnr, driver of tae baa for Popedfc Stroud, i dangerously ill. Thar- are very few men living tolay that snffar more from ganehot wound than 0, T. Spencer, of Montrose, and yef he hear, it with grat oatienca A. W. C lay la visiting his family here The people hare, rgrdle of de nomination, desire the return of Ur P. R flawxhant to the Mstholist ennro'n for another year He ha built no a Urge congregation and ne ll OM of the best sermonizes in the Wyom ir.g conftjrence. fell. Bill Hamlin lift MostTOM for BermbM) on Wednesday, waera she will rende. Miss N'ellia Freeman, ef Horanton, is the cuoat of Mr. and Mrs (. W. Ilaker. Word was rsssffSd here yesterday of tha death of H I Ksynor at his homo in Cirbondala Ha was here on a visit m':inn he was stricken with tho disease Dial has, after monthi of suffering, cnsd his death. liongh and ltady Fire company No 1 hld thar reception in the armory last, night. Miss Nellie Freeman, of Scranton, Is tbi goaot of Mr. and Hn. Q vv l!akr A large hon.se will gr-"'t tha I'amirov feinily in the Methodist Kpiscopal chtircli P'riday avenlng. Mrs, Uiniel UoOfl is visiting friends In York state F. 0, 0irt0f lirooklyn I'a., ii apand IDS tha woek in Montrose. Wl are now enjoying pretty good sleighing. Thern were but few wagons on the Htreeta yesterday. Dr. Wilson, Who rofiently name here from Scranton Is building np quite a good practice. Tha Auburn adage was obliged to abandon tho afternoon trip on Tnesdny owing to the mow drifta. Tne trains on both the railroad were in pretty nearly on time. C. E. Uptegrovo & Hop in painting tho iualde of A. W. Lyons' new atore. - -An Exrlnelve Privilege. iittffniit Qbamciajf oi, Jt wr the privilege of QroTW Cleveland to be the first Democrat that had been elected lo the presidency for a great many years. The Indications nre that it will alto be hisprivllcgo to tie tho laat. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Huts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kbeum, Fever Boras, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no p4y required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Priifc 25 centu per box. For sale by Matthews liroa. Outer town ivrrM'iii.l.iM or TUU Tutu Oaa abouta alga thatf ttaiaea la full aa cell noMsiotter.net for paatUMttoa wl tosaaN aaalaal deception. I VU OF Dt'ACON STARK. other Taplai of latareat DUcawiS by Our Kstfulrtr OorreapoaOasl, Nivc.ii fe rt Sefaahai rwaaaa, Cud Fosoa Pa, Feb I In en inter view Deaaoa Stark, who i always in tamtlng, states that he Bods' his OhargM, having regird to the nualitv of hit gOOdl IN lower than some of the so-called Mlh itorea "who are jolt out ot the article that tlw OOltOUir would reap a bOOlfll from " I lie views rogirdlni Ihi daprenioo are that it has lowered price, and with economy the people should not uttr so much it u laid they do Waaragladto loarothit Proftaior Wmte is able to .rsutas his usual 00- euj stioo. tha celebrated Silver LOtl qairtlttil will le at the Urick church ou Moudav cveiiitig next. TtM objeol being iu.n deaervins ooa will, witti the abvv at iractloo, prove ik most ittoomfql and i ioyabla one. 1 hrte large sleighs coataiuing many marry rulers from 8crantoo, Olyphant ad Wilkes Barra.apent a tow plaaiaat ours with K J Fallon last ui,;ht at ll e Old Forga hotel. M.tx Roaasblalh was a visitor t. Scraatoo todiy. The coal wor's all around ns ar a .v irktns (XOttdiogty abort tim, but i: la hoped that tin state of of atf.iirs will bat of short dotation. R.V LYNOTT'S SCHOOL. A Well Kiowa Couple WeJdsd Ri vtvslvat ths Church's. SpeetOI to the XTuatea Tr.buiM. Jekmvn. Pa.. Fan 1 The D-"ma cra".s uf tae Fits-, ward are having I caucus iu the Windsor House for the . urpose of Dominating a wrd ticket. Mr-. Uury Myers, of Fourth street, is daag-roasly ill and recovery is goahttoL Tas revival at th First Baptist church i cl doriog i ate a nutausr of convert. Tua mee:iag are held Digotly. Krv. M. E Lynott will start a night school la the oil church building on sioath Main street, for the benefit of the young ma who have but a limited education and those who have to work during the day He haa aagagod competent teacher who will see that the boy get r-p u 1 for their attendance . Tne marriaae of William Farrell. of May&eid, and Eliza Gilmartin, of C'ar bondaie, w,i solemnized on WodDM il ty at tne latter place. J. J. Farreil, of Jermyn, a cousin of the groom, was best man, and Julia Kdhullen, of Car bon laU. was bridesmud. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell will commence house keeping at once at Mayfield. i SLATE COMPiNY ORGANIZED. Tee Corpora-.ln Will Becsivj a Charter la a Few Ws. Ft'sia1 tn tK Scranton Tribnn. BTB00MBUS0, Pa , Feb. 1 On Sat urday, Jaa. li. the gentleman inter ested in the quarry on the faniM sor tract, in timhskill townehip, about two rail-s wet of Win I Oap, met at Strontsbnrg for organ Mtion, It was decided to name I he company the Btw Ridge Slate o nn pany. The following were elected directors- Isaac S. Cs, Henry L. 'iaige, Wilbur F Clements, John Gardner aod Joaeph if. Kinney. Usorge H Rhode, of TobybaODS MilMt ' treaturor of the company Tne company will receive a charter in a few weeks, after which they will at or.c begin work taking off top and getting ready for operations. An open ing 40 by 195 feet has already ban r.'.al-- ty JoMph G Kinney, I, H Selple and R M Jones, of Wind flp, the original iMMaWOi the property, an I bds 30, 20 and 13 feet wide re spectively have be-n PfpOSed, THE SONS OF Vt f IRAN3. fnspeit .r Elirr Will Mneter in a Camp at StfoaaabiifaTi Sjpasfat to " ffftntim Trtbmti BraovossosO) i'. . Ft. i -a ssmp of the Sons of Veterans will bf nun trd in on Saturday evening at Grind Army of the Republic hall. Kltner B Bdlngtr, of Allratowo, Inipootor of PanuylTloll dlftlion, will muster In the 0mp lie will be accornp'iin" I Of Post OOlOfMl -iini'.h, of ailaqtOWOi and Senior Vice I)ivilo,i ('ommandor Bamool S. Horn, of B utoa 'I on OITOp will start fut with ibOOt thirty five members, and will moot twico month at flrand Army of t.h Reprihlirt hall. Tills la the second Bofll of Veteran OSmp to be OfMOlSSd in this county, the Kflt tieiug at Suiota, which was organised MVOTa years ago ' Ouarah'enil r.'ure. We aflthofilf our idfSTtlSad druggist to sell Dt, King'e New DtlOOVory for COD nmptlOS, GoSghl mid Colds, upon t tit t condition. It yon nn nnii'lel with a COSgh, 1 old. or any LOBJL Tbfoal OT CbMt trouble, and will use this remedy as ill reeled, giving it a fair trial, anil aSParlailOl no benefit, yon may return the bottle and have your money ref uudsd. We could not make this offer did we lot kriow thai, l)r King's New IhM-overy could be rolled on. It Deftf dllippolntl. Trial bottles free at Matthew Droi' drug store. Large size .Vic. and II. FOREST CITY NEWS. Hettrrs nt General Interest Rscnrdsd by Our Correspondent Up to Date. SOSffal to thr Sriailtnn ! i Forest ClTV, Pa., Feb. I - Coal ship ment for month of January, IH!U The following uro the gbipm mts from this pine modi by the Hillside t'oal and Inn company r From tho tlllfford col liery, coal, 0,989.00 tone; Sttlm,9,4M 1 tons; worked days. The Forest City colliery worked day ind shipped 9 1111.04 tona "of coal, and 2, 20 09 tons of culm. Ur. Diniel Uwyer bus been called to Willinmsporton account of the Bick ness of his uncle. Perhaps the doctor' dog will return during his nbtence. A slight snow etorm bat beau raging duri" lay. T, Fuller, of Ijetu , spent Tnesday with hia daughter, MtH BUS Fuller, one of 'ur tohool tasoherii Tho fanner living in our violnity ire taking advantage of tha tSOOllant llllghlng mid are rapliollhlsg their coal blm for the nmaindii of the w inter John Itfasay, of the (frm of John A Mxy, Hnt yaiterdsy with his par inti in i llynbinl Mrs V VV Cowles, Mi -. I II I mi Bkeali, Mlu Josanhlm Hkaali, Mr Uhirloi Johnion and Mn ' H-Oowlae, of OirbondllO, are spending I he day plaauntlT so too gnaita of Mr Honry Box, on Railroad atrial - 4 mm IN NIWSV ITROUOSBURO, Hiaaulnx- In in tin id, .mil Capital of Damaoratio Konpoa, .ee-cnW la 1 1 Nt uietoa fWlaae, Btroupssoso, Ph., Feb. I JL J. Millar and wife, of Philadelphia, are spending this week with Mrs Miller'a father, A U Shafer, at Saydorsv till. Not much money ohingod hands In Btrondiborg nn the Oorb tt an I Mitch rll Bghl Neiuiy irerybody wsi s Oorbett man. M.s llauiiah iCeeler bin returned h is returned after Spending n week with bar sister at BsrintoQ Arthur Ureher ha raoently pur chased two lot through the iganoy o( Palmar r Ooolbaugh on Columbia eve one ot tho Load Improvominl oom pany, Mr. Drohsr will erect houses on the property, l'r. Gregory was in attendance at itneatiogol t ie state board of host tb ari l at Bsrriibnrg ou Thursday, Fri day and Saturday of last woek Ha was thirl to represent the Stroudsburg board of health It was a very intei esting and instructive moating, over 800 local boards of health oiau' repre sent id, A pleasant party wis held nt the house of Joseph ll Metlgor, Mountain Home, last Friday evening. Thou present were : MlsiesOlire Price, Ma bel Price, Nell Metzgar, Lillie Chris man, Lillie Whittaker, Sarah Wtutu ker, Jetinie Decker, Myrtle Dowliug, Flora Poffea, Anns Case, Grace Clark, N ma Freelaud and Burlington Ciiris msn, Warren Depuv. Frad Baodalli, Aoracs Depuy, ileorg Cise, William Caw, Evertou Clark, t).veu Metzgar, John Mttsgar, Prioo L' it and Alouso Pries. Charles Boih, of West Bay City, Mich., is slitting bis parents in towa The Knights of Pythias will hold their animal banquet at the Indian LJ. i-en hotel Friday night P H. Fetheruian, of Bethlehem, a fotmer resident of this county, Iwa critically ill at his home with pueu- moai i. Register and Recorder Warner has move I from Tanuersvilln to Jerom Fetherman's house on Monroe street, recently vactted by John B Williams, who moved to his pulatial residence ou Academy hill. A new slate factory will b operated in Portland soon. Henry Fuliner has purchased tho machinery uf the Gard ner factory of East Strati lsbnrg and will place it in tho old tannery boild ine. William Roberts will ba foreman DURYEA DOINGS. Ex:Plng Runaway -A L-ctur on th-t Jihn'towi Fl-)d Persona! Topics. Sttritl to hr Scntnton Ti'ihuait. DCSYKA, Feb. L Tni coining elec tion promises to be a lively ou. Mis. Charles Murray is on the sick list. Ll grippe having left town, the chil dren ar- now having a visit with mumps. Tno street corner topic for the day is sleigh ri le partios. A n umber of people nttendel the lectnre nn I stereoptican views of the Johnstown tl eel, at Glen school house Wednesday evening, by Henry E Rees, a survivor of the 11 md An exciting runaway occurred ou thl bask road at the (tore of H. L BdlSd, The storo loam, while waiting f OT I load of gOOdl, became frightened and ran down the main road into a telephone post, wli"re they loosened tbamallfM and managed to demolish theegh. rortuuateiy tiire was no one In the lleigh at tho tune and Do 001 was injured Tuo taiim camo out with a few slight si r itches. mm hs WILL BL R EOF i M FO. A Yenna Han from Vanillin; Will Ex chana Damaa?ed r.Urrenoy. Hffriot to th'1 Sbraafoa rrleaas, Foitim Crrv, Pa, Feb i a ymmg man living at our growing suburb, Vandlliig, bad the misfortune n few diys ago, of havitir one of llncln Sain' crisp "lODg griMl" partially de- itroyid bv Bri H broaght tha mil -It! baton our pootmaitir, who for war le I the burnt ami worthless look lug money to the assistant treasurer oi the United Stat a iii. Phtlgdstpbla Mr. i nnninifbsffl rieilTM rapiv today with instriK lions to forward the ii "ii r ly destroyed mnoiy I" the treat iirer of Hulled States ill Washington and that it would pi y In re daomed if an alii lavil Is li,l I by Ihu loser. my. W;OOEU A HAI F CENTURY. Mr and Mr". Nslsnn tlawlsy del brale Thslr Fiftlo'h Aniilvr.r. Hi rrtai to thr lefaaton rWbsaei MoXTSOIB, Pa.. Fell. I Mr. anr Mr Nelson niwloy, of Bcranton, bad been married lifly yeata I, no Wed lies. ley thlir Ohlldrin nutherml at i hoi i pleasant liome on Scenery Hill mid formed a happy family group Tim children prsient wera Mine Joiin mid Mi Tilly B(awlsjr,of BorantosiChsrlsi llswloy, of ToWandl, and Chaliniiy mid I ran llawloy. of MoulroS". Mr, and Mr llawley are among tlio most respected of our people, all of whom will wish them many more year of life and happiness -m Tiik essential lung healing principle nf the pine tree lias Ilii. illy been IQOMMfolly Hepniateil unit li ft I mlu u perfect cough I in 1 1 1 ) nr. Dr. Wood's Norway Pluo Syrup. Sold by all uealors on a guaranieo of satistactuiii. a my CAUCUS AT OURVEA. The Damooratlo Host Heleat a Ticket for Spring Klictlona. Strcitil to tn- ,s'rr-iiatea YV-iiuur. DtiRVEA, Ps , Fob 1. At the Demo critic caucus Tuesday afternoon the following officers were nominated: For justice of the peace, Michael Haley and Paul Urban; for school directors, Thomus Joyce and Tlnuuus Cnsgrove; for supervisor, Edward King and James Moniilinn ; for treasurer, Ur. W. Ii Pier. For tux collector. Jamas Jackson and Dennis tru ly received a tie vote, Put afterward it was decided to give the nomination to Jackson. The light for the justice of I Us puaoo will b a hur l one. as thara will be an independent candidate ill the hold. JERMYN JOTTINGS. A Republican Cluli to Ha Ora-anlatd Gaiiou-i Result, and Oilier Now. Siesta! fa lis flanataa TWoaae, Jeruyn, Pa., Feb, l Uri Mary Doughar, of the Bast Blda, will oou move to Winion bir f atari boms. C S. Woodruir. of BoraatOS, called on Jirmyn h landa reiterdiiy. I lie funeral of Ituci'll, lufanl, son of Mr. and Mis John M tyuunl, took place sterdiy it 9 p m. Owing to the na ture ot the dtleSII,IOII let leysr.tba lu lei mini was pi ivale i i oi-- a liiru pui ty hud inula ar- rsngemioti lo go to Poyntelli with the Hjiecial IXOttrilon, but owing to the aeverii Hloriii, a, uiliuoii' gave it up at the last minute I lia Democratic OM SI nominate) I Colvlu Veil for Iiiiii'Si . i I endorsed Wiiiiuiii Jaoklui, tin Ripnhlloan can lldale for jOStlOe Of lbs DOIOI, The following romniiltaa are to take staps toward orgaiii.iiig a Reiiu hi n so lub birai Fust ward, T. M niiitii, Second ward. Tliiuiian lluutei . '1'lilid ward, a. o WiHinuii. Cliailes Mitynurd, who has been ill with scarlet fev.-r, Is mil) SI lug f mm a rolipia Mis OondltlOn Is vary critical. Mil ll'iliv Uyiri, of I'ollltll ntrnet, is net lonely ill. Invitations Ii ive been issue I for the Wadding Ot K levar i Diwe and BIISI bath A Gresnsladi, which will take place ou Fab, '.Id I he only m hi of I liuiuas Jones i ill wilh scarlet lever. 'There will be a bllklt sooial in En terprln ball Fob u for the benefit o( 3t, James Bplsoopil church. Pfepira to tit ip tha kooiI cioie. T W. Cook, who bus been contiuod to th house from the sBeotl Ol an in -jury to bis eye, Is still nnibli to ut- tond to bnslnesi, a PRICE BU RG BPIEFS. Fuutral Of J dm Mulbarn - Publlo Uplnted Oltlain Minor Topic. 8p$ciol to t!r ficfdafoa 't'tiii'tm'. PRICI in 'in Pa., Fen. 1. Tne fu neral of Joan Milllieuru, who wan killed by a t ill of root in Richmond! mines on Wednesday, will tukl place troin In lids home on the 1! uilevard DO Friday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. All ineiuliers of the Richmond Accidental tun i are r quested to be present. Mr. mil Mrs Charles McCjOUllI, of Dickson, are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Our young folk an taking advant age of the excellent sleighing. Two big loads of them went to Archibald ou Wadnei lay evening A great bleuing to the traveling pub lic is the large arc light in front of J D. Lloyd's place of business It was plaoad thre nnder tne direction of Mr. L'oyd, and serves a double pur posefor himself an 1 thoss who lire accustomed to going to and from the depots. J. D. is a progressive cltilen and a fow more like him would give our town a healthy boom St. Thomas fair will reopen on Fri day evening and will continue open until Tuesday. The fall ol snow nnd thl jinglo of sit igu balls has given this place a lively appearance, duspite the n ird tunes. . i THE SNOW CITY. Honttdale Would E jy a Carnival Suiru-asttont of Ou Corrcsp-uident. SiH'ciut to the .Sroottou TViteine. HONBSDALl, Pa., Feb. 1 Prohiblv no place in .northeastern Pennsylvania is mora blessed with snow and sleigh ing than tins locality. The editorial in to lav's TBIBUNS Oil ins upon the people of Bcranton to m ike ready and enj iy a snow car.iival while the white mantle is yet on tuo ground, Should touch a vein of Hoies dalo's people that should make them crv out ' A Snow Carnival." Unliko our neighboring city, we would not ba o hard pressed for tini". It is fair to say that, debarring in 1 deu and rising chan.; In th tempera ture, wo shall have sleighing for some time to come. Is tiiere en nigh enterprise In H mas lain to have sucii a jolly c iruival, or would it be safer to depend upon i Borintonlsn carnival being ndj turned to BoneidlllOn account of the failing of valley snow. a . Y-tv Dlflenlt t " orp. BnfllaUMSI Amri iron. Plying old debt by now loans is n mode of Bnaorlerlng that taxpayers will Bud haul iii noderstand. - my mm Is Bos Btarphy'i r.tRtut. BOsfea ' rol t. Benator Uurpby Is tolerably otssrsasa 'd ".Me, 100," a -- And Bo Has Oivr ior MltcbnU's. Nem Fori ObmsMroAil itldvirtlser, Ooi idea of tha inpsrlor olvllliatlon of Plot let inivo umbo gone main ii obange, 11 1 . r ,i.i Mr. ,r". JohllSQW ol PhllidslpbU Good and Reliablo Hood'a Curorl Mnlnrln and Loaa of Appetite, The following litter ii from giaticmsn Ulilclv 1. iii. v I, hi tho Kcclioll ol I'lill.ulol phia win-in be llvei, being mbif ol the I.O.O, P.. Rod Mi ii, Order ot Tontl, and the Ripubllcan Club, and a populsi i , rr in public maitlngs! " I dlTS say that I sin mure (Jsil In Liklnn Rood's linipirllti than Its proprlstors r in sciihiit it. i iiiuk ii tor malaria and less ot appetite, and the fact iimi ne have continued in use ii ii - family 1 1 suitii-iout svldsnso et eur coiiiiiiencai lu iu enoacy Mv food lastes better nl rellslies mine iiHlnriilty. My wile unit Hood's s Cures ftaiiBhter ssy tlnod's Hinsapiirllla has also veiy Dllli'll lllipreveil my cnliiiiloxluli. We regard II tnmi iimi reliable, mni ii oonunend ittoaiLnf our BrienUS." Jamks .IoiinhoN, ri51 H. Imllana Ave, roilladstphla, Pa Babies ought to be fat. They are sh-kly when thin and thin when their food doos not nourish them. Scott's Iho croam of Cod-liver OU .uid bypophosphltes, mskei bibles f;il and well, Btrengl li ons growing children .and nourishes mothers, Phyficiatui, the world over, endorse it. Pon't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared bj Hmai a Berne, K v. an UrssjgUsia HOW TO MAKE MONEY T here nre hrmdredl of young men and young women in thii country who have Splendid ability, but they have never beOl wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Hits been an inspiration to hundreds of young people, If yon are tited of Inactivity and want to do boiuethiug langihio, OOme to I he College. common tSNOLIBH COUB8BL III sini-.hs ot itsi;. BHOHTHAW, OOUMtt f j, M W VKAIt OPENS JANUARY L FUR RUGS Combination Goat and Sheepskin Rugs. J:iiiL- Angora Wool, all sizes. Real Leopard, with lull head- Baby Carriage Robes Sheepskin and Goat Robes, wilh felt or Satin lining. Large line to select from. Dr. K. Grower Hie Philadelphia Speeiilist, Aad Ms asaoelatad itaii ul Jinn-ii tni ;, Baa rP7UTistis,ars uow parmaaeatv waated Temple Court Building ,'Ji I BPftVOR sr. SCRANTON Wbere tbey muy i consulted DAILY aku KUMIIAY, n Poo tor is n graduate a ids university til 1 i niisylvunl i, rormerly di-mniistrator ot pbysloliHty end sorip iv at the Mwllco-Chlr-rrvir-nl College, of Pliila.fl,il.-i 11a Is also inbonorarr member ol tin, Mi-iln-o ( inrur tlcal Aasoi-latlnn, uinl waa tiliysteiaa and Surgeon In oblal of the maet in.t-d Americjin (ml ( li-riiian boapibUe, comes highly liiilorswl by tM leading profeesors of PbOadelpbla and hrs- i irk. Ills uiHiiy vi-ars of hmoltal t-zirerienoa en-bli-s thl (unlni-nt pbndetaa ana turgaon to correctly dlagsoea and "oat i I delorm ties and iliw-ases with the misit Urit-torinif succem, ami ins i,ik-D standing m the state will nut all w him to ac-'-eia anv :nciirable case LOI'I HAMUlfUli RKTOUKU WKAKM ss UF HUM, MINI CBBD Ifyoutmvu iss'ii civon up ny your jibysl r'an call :iion tho doctor nnd lia i-samined. Ho cures til worst cases of NorvousLrohilitV, Scrofula, Old Borea I atsrrh. I 'lie. Fema.a Weakneea Affections of tin. Ear. Bjra M res snd Throat Astrms, Deafimss. Tnmori, Can cers and Crijitilos of every di-scrlption. Con nltatlou In Eiu-lisb and (Tcrmsii Kree, which rliall lie coiieideri.-d sucrad ana htrictly conU dontial (Iflloe Hours: n A. M. tu 0 1'. M. lo.,;.. Banditv, 0 n.m. to 11 i DS. Moquette Rugs (Three sizes.; At Special Cut Prices. SMYRNA RUG3, 30 inches wide, at $3; worth $4. SMYRNA MATS, 50c. each. These are bargains. COCOA MATS fall sizes;, for out-door use, 50a and upward. UMBRELLA STANDS, EASELS, SCREENS, fe KERR h SIEBECKER CABPKTS AMi DUAPEBT, 4C6 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF" THE RiGHARBS LUMBER CO. r.n T" t r v T ca - M. JL . A J. . JX 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. ClaiA.M.KU ls.u CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. BAWJBti lIINr,S.trr.-i,loiit. W.W WATSON. Vicorrrs'.dent a ii wii.i.iams. oasblai rbHRt'Tona. BAMuSti BrRH, .iamcs M BvBM 11T. iRTIMO A Kim it. PISRCaB, KiM.i IT, JoKK.I-U . I JlllMVN, M S Kl'.MKRFIk. I HAH, 1'. llAHIIKWS. .lollS T I'oltlKIV W, W Watsok. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONStRVAllYE and LIBERAL This imnv Invitee tbe patronsgs of tuinuoss lio n and llrnu, . i ...i JtTHlLE nutnT mannfactnrers an J deal- r ire masting extravagant stall rncuts concerniag the merits and durability of m?d:uai or Lav trail pianos, latondiag riurchasers 6hould not fail u examine the famooi -STECK PIANOS. Dlnitrstod lxok containing valua Lde inforaation on piaaoi on spj'acsti3V E.C.Ricker h Co. 123 AdAmi Ave, Third National Bank of Scranton. Klalemenl Doc IB, isna. . 01, a for by tha uett pvtssller of i he Cai renejs in SOI HI) KB, I onus Bl.fOS.St.a SO Oeertlran ; io vta Untied Mill,-, n, nds 100,000,00 Ulhei MnnSs ssn. Ill M llaMklng House 11,074.40 Pretntanis mttl, lionsla,.., 17,44a ?a baa it, -in Its B iKoisi,,,! 10,000.00 I mi ol,. on 1 g 1 in no I Midi I S,BBB.BS '''i' 1111 n,ll nl !! I' I il . , I'll, II, Oil ,1 I 1 I'll I . I I,, III', III 1,1 11111 is 1 iipaM Ilepo.lla. lino ,0 DauBSi , 8 1, : i.-i , 1 11 a no 001) no ,'.40011000 ao.icia n ,., 101,000.00 I.MN'J go I, TH 108 ho Ntl.tlV4.01 Hood's Pills euro liter lib, Jaundice, bit louauess, skk headache and cuuntlputlon. 2oo. mv. Kia.itim mi W1LMAM CONNHt.t, Freslili at .i 0 11 1 t 1 1 is. ira I'rvaldeali WILLIAM 11 11 1 it, aahler lllHKVTOItS vtiiiiiM,, Connell, Oeoree m. Catlln, Alfred Hand, Henrj DelTn, ft, James a 1. iii.ni. 1. William T IiuHIi, Luther Keller litis itiHiu nfTers t, ,1,. hMlllt) u 111 1 mils il thtto pjUBMl! ItHnl M mni kMMttHtsiilblllji HHt-tiil RlMlltloM u It nil to luietliinsia mv iMHinU ItttVrfttl ptkn OH lliui slrMiMlt. T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, QIC LACK AM ni 1 i 1 . m It ANTON, V v. $ TT fAVrHQ M a 1 ik n eoatrael itti & If e iranM taotory to tarn oal 1000 & F rrsmi between now nnd t'hr st a inns. 1 wish toaanonnee tothe nub '--'--. In Hint I will innko n liKN U1N K CllAYoN I'olM'HAIl' epnted ran nnv small one ABSOLUTELY FRBI ok Oil A RGB. LATKaT sim in or PRAMBS FIlOM SI SO I IWA HI). Workiiiiitislili K'lnr.intooiL Frann m per seal, ios than roautar tirtoc. I III Tl It ll,, Ai ' let. NOT MANY Pays left of out Odds. Ends and Remnant S.ile. but still a few choice things, maybe just your selection, aic here. We Are House Fnrnisbers That statement will never become threadbare; and we don't have simply a spatter mg ol everything only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Crockery, Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frigerators. Lamps, Clocks, &C, Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses.