The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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The SrnAXTON Trihi'nk's Tittston de-
partmuiit i in charge of J. il. Faby, to
whom u.-.vrt items aud couiplalut may bo
referred . 1
Burgess Dewy R noininatd and a
Strong Borough Tlckt Namd.
The Uepublicaus of WeBt Pittston
held an etitbuiiuttic ami harmonious
convention in tlm town lull laatuveu
iuff and placed in nnrnnmtion a strong
and populur ticket. Attorney J. N
Anderson praaided and Churlau Shep
lier.l acted as secretary.
This was the ticket elected: Fur
burgess, U.'orte 0 Dewey, renomina
ttd; for couuciliuen, Joiepb Stack
liouse nud (Jnarles llowitz, er. ; for
school directors, Charles Bepp and S.
M. Parke; for tax collector. Johu
Soaretnan; for auditor, John II Iiiok
etta; for blgh constable, John E.Bondj
and for overseer of the p jr, Harvey E
Events of 1 tr,t BrUflv Rslatod in
ReadubU Nw.i Note.
The Christian E'ide;vor Union so
cial will oecnr this evening in the
Broad Street Presbyterian church.
A slight fall of inowaarly yesterday
morning ban made the gUwhinit all
thatconldbe desired. Lirerymen are and everybody enjjys the iport
nfl" iraod.
Dr. K. II. Gililmtis an 1 Dr Lewis II.
Fry, of Scr.iutoii.wer. in Avoc yaster
lav iu coi'iult itiou upon important
nrgionl cases.
Joseph Andrews Si Co., took pisno-i-lion
of the Wyoming News yesterday
and will btnoefortb ilavoto its colauius
to the local newn of that town.
Aus;nstiuia Boas, better know as
''Frenoy," wai admitted to the hospi
tal yesterday. He is inSarlng from tno
grip and several bruise sustained by
falling on the ico.
Fran!; Braonigan, eraploy 'd nt No.
4 shaft of the Pennsylvania c il com
pany in the capacity of laborer, h id
lis arm caught and badly bruised be
wen a car and prop Wfl Inesdiiy.
Therev:val lervloei which bara been
n InMTSiting feature iu thi) Broad
Street Methoilist Episcopal church the
present week, coutiuue to attract large
congregations nightly,
Father M. F. Craue gave supper to
the children who participated iu the
contest for thi barrel of candy in the
basement of the ohurch last evening
Thomas E. S Ilea and his company of
recoguiz-d artists presented ''Mi.tod
Up" at Music Hall last evening to a
large audience Tne play was greatly
enjoyed, and liberally applauded.
Riilroad patrons would do well to
note that a slight change to k place
yesterday in the time of train No, 7, on
the Central Railroad of New Jersey.
It now leaves New York at !) 10 a. m.,
instead of 8 4 ), but arrives in PlttSton
nt the same time as before, 2 IS p m,,
the difference being made up between
New York and Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nolan, of Rail
road street, entertained the following
persons Wednesday evening at thoi r
pleas int home with a social supper:
J mea Walsh, Dr J. J. Walsh and
children, Miss M. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs
Hi Conwav, Mrs E Keating, Mr. an 1
Mrs. P. McElhenny, 0. Donnelly, W.
Fryer, and Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Loftus.
The case of Dr. J. B Mali an vs. Ger
hard Snyder ol the Eagle hotel, for the
recovery of a revolver, was called in
court yesterday for trial. The jury
found a verdict for Mr. Snyder. The
facts of the case are no doubt familiar
to The Tribune readers au account of
which appeared in these columns at
the time.
At attempt was made to bnrgl.irizs
T. J. Benedict's store Wednesday
night, but the sudden appearance of
Mr. Benedict scared the thieves away.
William 3. Neville, formerly princi
pal of our public schools, but who for
the past dozn years has made his home
at Tacoina, Wash., wbere he bus been
phenomenally successful in l i. . -.
enterprises, and Miss Katie Fitzmir
tin, of Little Maadows, Susquehanna
:onnty, Pa., who ha many acquaint
ances here, havinir been a frequent
visitor of the Mises Maloney, of
Upper Pittston, were married at
the Little Meadows' Catholic
chnrch yesterday by the pastor,
Rv, Father Colligan. M. N. Djii
nelly, esq., of this place, was grooms
man, and Mis Mary Neville, of Little
Meadows, was bridesmaid. Mr. Ne
ville is a brother of Mrs. Thomas Ma
loney, of Upper Pittston. lie and .his
bride will arrive here Saturday and
will be the guests of the Malonev fam
ily for a tew day?, afler which they
will leave on an xt'inled wedding
tour. Their numerous Pittston iriends
join in wishing them a prosperous and
happy journey through life Gazette.
Crit cUlna- a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty Kirl for but one
'"What's that?-' asked Charley.
George Her (aoa is always covorod with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Deed to b- the same way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no time.
George What was M
( harl9y Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short Bonne of P. P. P. I tell yon, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
hoar him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. Ho tried it. and
you know what an athletic old lent he is-
now. II somebody would give .Miss Dny
a pointer, stao would thank them after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
The Nomination of Graorge Kshr as Tax
Collector Gives Satisfao'ion.
I i 1 ' 1 to the Scranton Tribune.
Old Fokqic, Pa., Feb 1. Considera
ble satisfaction is felt in the nomina
tion at the Republican caucus held on
Saturday night for the township, of
George Kehr as t;ix collector: hold
ing different offices since (884, when
he was elected one of the snpervisors,
afterward judge of election, Inspector
of election, clerk of election, then
township clerk.
He has during the past ten yenrs
served his fellow citizens faithfully aud
efficiently, and it is through his past
excellent record that he ha obtained
sucb a bold upon the respect aud
esteem of his fellow citizens.
compelled to go to Carbondale for
these orders.
The offices are established at the be
ginning of each quarter, so the office
here will Degiu issuing about tbe nrst
of April.
How an Investment of 10 Cent! Per
Day May Purchase a Whole Library.
The poor man or woman should
understand that the oditiost of the En
cyclopedia Britannica which we are
tiering is au - -silent work, and is an
exact reproduction of the original
Mltiburgh edition, and that it is of
fered at the exceedingly favorable
terms of only 10 cent per day. This
is so low that almost any person miy
procure the work, which is, in fact, au
entire library within itself. But one
condition is imposod upon the pur
chaser, and that is that he shall be a
subscriber for The Titutt'NE
A good idea id' the completeness of
the encyclopedia may be obtained from
the following recital of it salient fea
tures: Twenty-five lariro quarto volumes
comprise the set. It numbers a total
ol' over 32 01)0 pairos, or an averaire of
almost 1,(MI() pages to each volume
There are 18,404 articles, each averag
ing in lengtu one and one-fourth pages.
An average of 149 specially written
aud signed articles lire found in each
volume, a total of 8, 899 Four fifths of
tbe entire work consists of 16,888 pagCI
of articles prepared by person specially
lit ted l or i he work iu hand. Over 9,000
separate illustrations tire to be fotin I
embodied in I lie work, 1388 engraved
plates, beside 071 maps and plans, in
cluding i!U7 colored maps, making a
grand total of nearly 10,000 illustra
tions. All of this vast amount of Informa
tion is brought up to date and i tlie
only form in which such an iinmenst
imonut of knowledge ia presented to
the pnblio at mob a low price aud at
such ridiculous reasonable term.
Remember tiiis otl'er cannot run iu
definitely. Iii fact it must soon be
withdrawn having run longer than was
at first anticipated Get your set from
the front of the heap
A Pleasant Social. Event Tsrpsichorean
Exerclsu at Whits Mill.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
HotlBSDILI Pa., Feb. 1. Rev. and
Mrs. George O Hall bade farewell to
Bonesdale and its people this morniiu
mid left for New York, from which
place they will proceed to Wilmington
tomorrow. A reception will be tender
ed them on the 3rd and Mr. Hall will
conduct his first service as rector of St.
John's church on Sunday.
A number of young p-ripl from here
will attend Professor Frank R-icheu-baknr's
dancing class finale at White
Mills tomorrow evening, making au en
joyable sleigh ride party besides.
J. W. Hale returned trom histon
yesterday, aud today loft for that city
with his family, where they will reside.
Nw Feature nf the Postoffioo at
Forest City.
filarial to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Pa., Feb. 1, Through
the untiring efforts of our hustling
postmaster, Frank Cunningham, jr.,
information was received at this post
office from the postofHco department at
Washington, placing this office upon the
list of international money order offices.
An office of this kind means tbe issuing
of money orders for foreign countries.
Heretofore, parties in this place ware
Ztra Hatch and M igx.- Mack Joined in
Bouds of Matrimony.
Special to the Scrantoti Tribune.
FOBBST City, Pa,, Feb. 1 Tu wd
ding of Z ira Hitch to Maggie Mick
took place yesterday at noon at taa
home of the bride's parents on Hudson
The crmony which united these
two young people iu holy wellock was
performed by Rev. D P. Lappins, ps
tor of the First Baptist church iu this
place. Only t he ttnmediato friends
and relatives of both pirties Ware pre
sent. They dispensed of a wedding
trip, and will resid- in this place,
The Tobyhtnna Establishment Disposed
of on Mord ly Last.
Special tn the Scranton Tribune.
Stroudsbcru, Pa., Feb. 1. i'na silk
mill at Tobvhanna owned by the Stand
ard Silk mill of Phillipsbnrg, N. J.,
was sold at private sale on Monday to
Frank Frizero and Alfred Renovia.
The mill is what is known as a throw
ing mill ami employs fifty hands.
When the addition was bnilt to the
mill at Phillips'ourg a department sufifl
cient to do all the throwing was pro
vided and tbe company has no use for
its Tobyhanna plant.
A Utile Ulrl's Oowth
The New York Tribune calls attention
to n particularly trim little dress for a
young girl.
It has a plaited skirt and n blouse bod
ice trimmed With embroidery in jacket
TO r
She Talks Vary Frankly and
Earnestly to the Writer.
One of the Most Serious of Condi
tions and How Light Came
Out of Darkness.
Bhnpo. The collar, tilt) belt and thn
aleeve trimming nro of the same em
broidery. It is to bo hoped that plaited
skirts will long bo worn by children, for
hardly any Other is M graceful and BoW
erliko iu effect.
vteaktaat (lake.
Take two cups of buckwheat, and of wheaten
fluur take one,
Two tableapoonfals baking powder; thin, this
boinjt done.
Of unit take one-half bNspoonfaL, sift well to-
ntbcr make
Into thin batter, then at once on a hot griddle
tUd OBIDDLI rsur.s.
Take twoeeus, also usti a cupful of Isiilod rice,
On pint of milk, -utt tuiupoonfut salt to
make It idee.
One heaping teaspoon bakiiiK powder use, and
tMa you'll tnkn
Flour to make thin batter. Stir well and
quickly buke.
Twocupfolsof oooked hominy rubbed smooth,
out- teaspoon ialti
Two teaspoon baklbg powder, and tla-u to
have no fault
Au "in cup iiour, Miir wi-u iiiifiunr, iioiiiiik
by decree
Ono Quart of milk, three wall whipped pbss,
and huku thin, If you picnic.
' i I Housekeeping.
Do not put off takliiR medicine. Numer
ous little ailments, if m-piected, will noon
break up the syrtetn. Tako Hood's Hnrsa
parilla now, to expol disease, giving
strength and appetlto.
Hood's Pill cures constipation by restor
ing the peristaltic action of tbe alimentary
On the afternoon of Sunday, Jin. 7,
the writer gave interested attention to
the narration which follows It is here
reproduced almost exactly in the
words of the lady from whme lips it
fell Mrs, & B. Cook, of !"0 Tompkins
Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. Her hus
band, Mr. S. IJ. Cook, has for many
years held a responsible position in the
Registered Letter Department of the
NVw York Post-office,
Wb three sat at tbe front windows of
their home overlooking the park, nt
Mrs. Cook gave this leaflet of her life,
one of her little children nestling
against her knee.
Should confirmation of our report be
desired Mr. Cook will respond to any
inquiries that may be addressed to
"To make my story plain," snid the
lady, "1 shall bate to go back jtiHt a
year to January, 1S9;1 It was then I
began so feel bedly. There was noth
ing like what is commonly called an
'attack' of uuy practical disease. No,
my trouble came on very much as
summer chanties into autumn. The
trees were green, now they nro brown ;
it was like that; no sharp symptoms, no
sudden collaspe It was failing and
sinking down. All women will under
stand what that means.
''I felt tired, week and exhausted
No, it was not from overwork or worry.
The life and strength seemed to be
passing from mo, I couldn't tell why.
To get up an 1 down stairs was a hard
task for me. I became so weak that on
any exertion I would almost faint
away. All my hopes of gaining
strength by eating wero failures. My
appetite WSI fitful, and food distressed
"Perh ops I really ought to date my
illness fuituer back than last January.
I will Kive you the facts, aud people
can judge for themselves.
'My husband and I have been mar
ried nine years. Before my marriage
I was troubled a grat deal with indr
geilion und dyspepsia, und 8omtlmos
siuco. I would be well two or three
months and sick two or threo months,
olf and on. That was the history of
several years indeed, of many years.
Four years ago I bad a serious time
with that complaint, sleeping bally
and suffering all the isymptoms that
are so much written about I oouldn't
eat any solid food. I lived on boiled
milk, taken hot, right off the stove.
That was my diet, and I got very tired
of it ; but I was afraid to tottoli any
thing else. 1 say I h:ul years of thi
sort of thing, and possibly it may make
what I am going to tell yon easier to
understand, or it may not, However
it is part of the truth.
'Now to get back to the year 181)3,
last year, a long ami sad one for me
As the warm weather cnine on I hoped
to got better, but did not. The open
ing buds on the trees out there in the
park found me as weak, low and miser
able as 1 had been in the winter I was
losing flesh and strength, slowly but
surely, all the time. My nerves were
feeble and shaken so that my sleep
was habitually bad, Dnrintr the warm
nights of June I often left my bed and
sat by the window and looked out
When one can't sleep, almost any di
veruion is better than to lie in bed wait
ing for the clock to let you know that
another hour has dragged by.
"Well there is no need to dwell on
this part of my experience. I was run
nine; down, and nothing that could be
done here in Brooklyn appeared likely
to help ine. My relatives live in Peeks
kill on tbe Hudson, and to them 1
went early in July, taking our thro
children end leaving my husband to
attend to his work in New York aud to
take care of our homo here.
"Peekskill lies on the hills, and, oh
how fresh the air is 1 It was in hope
of benefit from that, and from tne
chaugu of scene, that i wont there, But
I whs destined to be dissappoiuted.
The country, even with all the beauty
and glory of rammer upon it. was no
bel er forme than the city. In tbe
midst of it all I was th same weak
and weary woman. The slightott ex
ertivn tired me, and any continued
effort msde mo taint. Abont the first
of August I broke down altogether and
took to iny bed. When I outered my
room I little thought it would be three
long mouths before I should come out
of it. Yet that was my fate. It was a
dreary imprisonment, lightened only
by what kind friends and tho best of
medical attention could effect Now
und then they got m op to have the
bed made, and to rest me;but I couldn't
lit up long.
' Yes, 1 took nourishment, of course,
broths, Roups, etc , und kept alive on
them; but lost II nil just thn same and
got weaker that is, if I could be any
"My friends saw I was growing thin
ner, and expressed the opinion to one
another that I was in n decline.
' The doctor sugste i tUal I take
cod liver oil, but 1 told him I couldn't
bear the looks or the taste of it, either
in its natural state or iib an emulsion.
He looked grave nt this but said no
more abont it. So I laved there and
lingered aud sank ; that is all there is
to say of the result of my trip to the
"Every time I went up to visit my
wife," said Mr. Cook, "1 could see she
was much thinner and more feeble
thsti before, although she didn't In.
to admit it,"
"XV ell," continued the lady, ''I must
gt home, and so on the 3rd of Novem
ber, they wrapped me up and brought
tne home, what was left of me; and
what their was of me wtighted just DM
pounds, 117 pounds loss than I weighed
in my girlhood. Here 1 could do noth
ing, eat nothing ; only wait for what
might happen, 1 hail tried doctqrs and
drugs often useful to others but of
no use to tne.
"On the next day after tny return
my husband brought me bottle of
something culled Paskola, a pro digest
ed food, and said a friend of tils recom
mended it and hopod 1 would try it. I
tinted it and it tasted . good, nothing
like cod liver oil. I began takliu; it ac
cording to the directions without feel
ing the least confidence in it or indulg
ing any hope from it. lint it did have
a good (fleet, and that quickly. It me all appetite,
"I could cat the old kinds of food,
and they didn't distress mo. Then I
began to got some strength At the
end of a week, to my surprise and do -light,
I found I hud gained two pound.
At the end of the second week, two
more. And so on gaining two pounds
every week.
"It is eight weeks now, and I weigh
11 1 ponn is, just 10 more than when I
cam home. I can eat anything, have
no pain, no cough, no headache, can
run up aud dowu itaira like a girl, and
if there is any more disease about m
I am not aware of it.''
"And you think Paakola did all this
for you, Mrs. Cook?"
"Certainly, if it didn't what did?" I
have taken nothing els for over two
months, and I am well, as you can see.
1 never felt o well, and like living, in
ten years as 1 do now. I have just got
back from a visit to Peekskill friends
aud they had no trouble to see the dif
ference. "
"It isn't ray wife's increase in weight
alone," remarked Mr. Cook; "but look
at her I her strength! her enjoyment of
herself I her bright spirits! She hud
none of those things till Paskola gav
them to her. If it can do as much for
other people, through her tatment be
ing published, why it ought to be pub
lished." "What my husband says," I ay add
ed Mrs. Cook; "anything less would be
ingratitude on my part and culpable
indifference of the suffering of others."
Has this esse any lesson for you?
Are you thin? Ato you famishing for
food which the palate refines and the
stomach cannot digest? Are you pale
from want of red blood? Are you cold
because you have riot flesh to feel th
vital firb? Are vou weak because your
food is not assimil itnd? Aro you slow
ly sinking like a scuttled ship? Mil
lion are. Abandon the nse of drugs
and medicines, aud test the successful
modern scientific treatment. Paskola
H a food, an 1 n ibles the system to
ue all other L 1 1, It arrests emacia
tion, re-establishes nutrition, tills up
the hollow cheeks, and out of weakness
develop! power.
A pamphlet giving all particulars re
specting Paskola will be sent on appli
cation to the Pre-Digested Food Co.,
269 Duane St. New York City.
' m
Piece bag Method.
The piecebag bulges nt tho sides, and
tho piecebox is tilled to overflowing.
Silk und wool, cotton and satin scraps
have become mixed in a way that is sim
ply exasperating. "Only theother day,"
sighs the worried housewife, "they wero
all put to rights. Suppose I do straighten
them out again, how long will they stay
so? The very next time I want a bit for
mending Jack's troupers or Mollie'sgown
I shall have to rummage over tho whole
collection in order to .ec if tho clipping
is Hn-re."
Along comes a handy woman, one of
the sort bless her! who contrives to
entangle the most perplexing of life's
skeins without fretting or fuming. She
says in Golden Days, "Try my piecebag
methods." And settles down to busi
ness. Carefully she snips from each cut
ting tiny samples, which she tacks one
to another until she has secured a per
fect list of what the bag, box or trunk
contains. When the call comes for a
certain piece of goods fur mending pur
poses, all she has to do is to take her
samples from the big envelope lying on
the very top of tho neatly rolled scraps,
and running her eye over them deter
mine without great trouble or delay
whether the material she requires is at
hand. If not, neither parcel nor roll need
be disturbed. In this way the belter
skelter treatment of the average collec
tion may bo avoided.
Closing out the bal
ance of our
A Handsome liantibug.
A showy and nt the same time con
venient and durable handbag is illustrat
ed uud described as follows by The
Housewife: This bug has u dark velvet
top. joined to silk and wool antique bro
cado. The principal outlines are worked
over in cording and satin stitch in shades
of the same color as the velvet
at following prices:
Russian Lynx Circular Cap, 'U Inches, J4.9S
Bleotrie Seal Circular Oapa it in s.DS
A" i .-il, I: in Circular Capos, H in 0.8S
Wool .-ii ai Circular Cap s. 'H In 14.00
Btone Marten Circular Capes, ,4 in 40.00
Brown Marten circular capes, M in 4S.oo
uttur Circular Cap, i'4 in W.w
Sal Sacques
Peal Bacquet, :is incl es long 81.7l.0n
Seui Jacket, i laehea
sei Jacket, M niches kmg 99.00
Astrakhan Jaoketa 81 tneha lou r 33.00
Circular Capes
Sent Circular Cape,, 110 Inches long, with
Butterfly cpo iss.oo
Uttur Circular Capo, :W inches loutf.wltli
Butterfly Cape I0UXI
Sable Circular Cape, :I0 inches lone HI "0
Axtrukhnn Circular Cape, 30 inches limn tt 00
Kloetrio Meal Circular Cape, 30 in. long.. 'M 00
Gray ('rimmer Circular Cupe, 30 in. long 30 W
40 down American B ni Muff tt....$l.!S onch
1 lot 1 f children', sots at OSc. each
1 lot of blclgli Holies, pluih liu jil S3 uach
Ladies' Plush and Cloth
Coats at Your Own
10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A.N.
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Remnants of Dry Goocls. clonks and Pur Capes during
sale al less tluui cost of material.
Every iucli of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles 10s. e.ich.
Uoys' Winter Waists 0o each
M"ff,9 30c. each.
Cloaks 5Q eilcU-
Great Clearing Sale.
Creamed I'liun.
Boil hard a dozen eggs and put them
in cold water; then jieel them mid
dice them with one. Grease with hat
ter tho shies ami bottom of a baking
djsh. Put in alternate layers of eggs,
but tor, bread crumbs, pepper and unit
until tho dish is QUed, the bread orumbs
being on top with Imiter. Pour in a cup
of cream just before you put on the top
layer of orumbs and bake until the top
ii brown. U baked too much, they will
not be good.
In Holland, .iich., . J, Uoetbnry pub-
li'hos the New", nnit in (wlUSMU Strongly
reoommendi Dr, Thomas' Boleotrio oil
for coinjhs, colds, sor throat, catarrh and
When r.:iliy was I Id;, we envo tier rostorls,
When she was a I I11M, nIio cried fur t'astorl.
When she became "IIhk, she. chine; In i 'nstorla.
When she had 0hlMfsa,Sha gat them Custorla,
A Trip Through the Colum
bian Exposition,
72 leaves, printed on one sido
only. Showing all the places of
Interest on main grounds and
Midway IMaisancc. Size, 5x7.
Ehnbossed paper cover or full
TwoCoupnns and 25 CENTS takes
embosss cover.
Tw) Coupans nrd 40 CENTS takes
c. nth oover.
Add 1 cents for mstagu If ordered by mail.
The Scranton Tribune.
138 Wyoming Ave.
The only Practical Furrier in the city.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Best in the market
Brandt Clay Product Co
OFFICE: Blnghamton, N.Y
FACTORY : Brandt, Pa.
Had at the MOOSIO and BUSH
LafRin & Kami Powder Go 's
Electric Batterlea, Fusoi for pxplol
iu biHHti, Hafety (fata and
RepaunoChcmical Co. 's High Explosives
IS THE BFST. (lot prices and
ve the tnrnnco and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT-
KllS, Appello and QaoM Door
What Is More Attractive
Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright
complexion? For it, mo Pououl's Powdur-
133 Penn Avenue,
yYCHANCE to buy at your own price
Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware,
Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy
and Other Goods.
Sign Reel Flag.
Valuable ns aSouyenir of the Fair.
Xrt "': .JY? -.iVi V.w H,.0f.TirT Wil
brapp you unin ft WMI
Defuiu bJ auks Ikiug
0011 with WRITTEN
, I . M of Hfxual i"ivr m pitlii u.
involtiQUfy EmtiitoM fron My cmm If ntf loettd aneb IronblM loud tr
ciiit.utiitiiu'n i r lutmrilr. H.fl0 Mf Ux i inn I, A hw for . With cv. m fcV
OMt-r cy' a writu-n ifYiainut. e i. enrcir u-luuU ib muiuy. Aildr, m
1 i. a i. MMik lNL CO-- I'liju.
For tali by JOHN II. PHBLP9L, Plutmaclst, cor. Wyoming At nud Spruce St.,
Rcmntou, .
TMaai'ixtrrful rvmi-li Rnt
tin'red torurf all MtttM It"
MettBUuli iis WtNilt Meinon. l,o.j-if Hinln IWrr, Hnut;u,li W:ikcfnlMM
Lofli Manhood, Nightly Bmlislont, NerruuinM,alldriniand Ipuol power
In CtoueraUveOntani of either iox cftUabyoftroxort!on.ettnilewr
rxc'!tvp life of touiu'oo. opium or stlmulMiit", litt-ii lemi t. 1 Minn it v. t on
"isiimi'tionorinmnltv. can M OflTlNIB fell poeiee pproni.ii ioi .
: 4 ,i w'ii U n mn. . , t.-n ,.- M rill f M v l-if rittw o ' t rt.
tw Mltasd ih ntnu.-v. nmilnrfrviv Holt! hv till ff.rut'kixte. A for It, take
oEFOREflNOilFTtKUSINfi noothr, Addr. u NKRTE IGEUCO., Hiuonlc Temple Cuu-aao. iu.
For Sole in Scranton, Pn.,byH. C. SANDKHSON, Drun-ffist, ca-- WahlngtOQ
ui() Soruoe Htreotn.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Atlantic trail and Pranoh zine.
Para Llaicod oil,
1 u. in hi liu' and Vitrnlaliel.
Beadynliad Palata in nil colors
Olldera' uiiitiug,
Pari tviiit, and KiiiHomink
Oil' Vltrol. Marble
Du.t anil Wimlow (IIiik.
m ids.
InFertcd in THE TRimjiNli nt the
rate of ONE CENT A WORD.